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Logic Design lab EE325 Electrical and Electronic Department

Mr. Hassan Ali Ekour

St name ………...............
St no…………………………..

Introduction to Logic gates and Boolean Expression

Task 1… The Basic logic gates and advanced gate:-

1. Test the truth table for AND, OR, and NOT gates.
2. Test the truth table for NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates and
implement them by using the basic logic gates.
3. From the following expressions:-
a. (𝑥𝑦 ′ + 𝑧 )𝑥 ′
b. [(𝑥 ⨁ 𝑦)(𝑥 +)′ ]′

Draw the circuits and test its truth table experimentally.

Task 2… Simplification by using Boolean algebra:-

1. Implement the given Boolean function using basic logic gates in

both SOP and POS forms (show the logic circuits and truth table )
a. Two input SOP 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐴′𝐵′
b. Two input POS (𝐴 + 𝐵)(𝐵 + 𝐶)(𝐴 + 𝐶 ′ ) test its truth table for
a ) and b ) experimentally

2. a. Given the following truth table, show the Boolean combinations

that would give a result of 1.
Logic Design lab EE325 Electrical and Electronic Department
Mr. Hassan Ali Ekour

St name ………...............
St no…………………………..

b. Write the results in a) in a Boolean equation.

c. Simplify the Boolean equation in b).
Test the result experimentally…

3. In the following Boolean equation

a. Draw the circuit

b. Simplify the Boolean expression by algebraic manipulation
c. Implement the simplified expression in (b) by using logic gates
and test its truth table experimentally.

Comment on the observations….

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