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++ Coc test specification

us United stated pharmacopeia

od Every day
p.c.m. Annul pyretic
metronidazole Disaffirm effect
codeine Opioid
amoxicillin Clavonic acid

After meal Pc
b/n meal Ic
Opportunity infection Helps simplex
Non horror Tuned
Anaphylactic shock Adrenalin
didonosine Ddr
A lphal1 selective antagonist Terazosin
A lphal2 selective agonist Clonidine
B alpha selective antagonist Atenolol
Before meal Ac
mefloquine Antimalarial agent
Sparing diuretic Spiro lactone
Hydrochlorothiazide Thiazide diuretics
Loop diuretics Furosemide
Osmatic diuretics Manitol
guardian Flow property

flocculation Revers able aggregation

Cacao better Non toxity and none irritant
Sweeting agent Manito
ttc Teeth discoloration
Glary baby syndrome Cafs
Water miscible base Poyethleneglycol
leviathan Lipid lowering agent
burst Titration
Autoclave Stylizer
Benzodiazepines, anxiolytic Alprazolam
Levatidine Antihistamine
Fluoxetine Antidepressant
nifedipine Calcium channel block
macrolides Erythromycin
organophosphate Atropine
Local anesthetic Lidocane
General anesthetic Ketamine
herpes zoster Acyclovn
stavudine Peripheral neurology
metronidazole Ant amoebic protozoa
Anesthetic agent Ketamine
Angiotensin conversion enzyme inhibiter drug Captopril
diuretic Furosemide
niclosomeid Chew able tablet
Sugar coated tablet Highly grossly and apprise
Tablet spoonful 15ml
potency Dose/amount
efficacy Safety measurement
Half life T1/2
Beta blocker Propranolol
Azole antifungal Ketoconazole
gentamycin Aminoglycoside
Viscosity enhance Methylcellulose
antihistamine Chlorpromazine
pethidine Control substance
rifampicin Oeng stool
Side effect Pharmacological effect
pilocarpin Glycemic
propanol Anti-hypertension
Neoplastic agent Tamacffin
aminoglycoside Neomycin
aura Ear
gtt Drop
Cake formation Improve of suspicion reason
hs At bed times
od Right eyes
Efavirenz NNRTI
cimetidine H2histamine antagonist
niclosacide Tag worm
coartum Falciparum
neverapine NNRT
Bone marrow depletion CAF
Ethambutol Retinopathy
doxycycline Typhus
Only injection form Ceftriaxone
Enzyme inducer Rifampicin
Mycosis acid inhibitor Isoniazid
Strongly iodeosin Thiabendzole
Anti-diabetics Glibenclamide
Antiasmatic B agonist
tindazole giardiasis
physiology How much of the dose
Both ear Au
suppository glycerinesupp
Anti-fungal safe for children griseoflvin
Both anti fugal and antibiotic amphotericin
Family planning condom
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory diclofenac
Laxative of children castreoil
Drug for diabetic melatis metformin
preservative Benzoic acid
Plasmodium vavax relapse
Plasmodium falciparum Not relapse
Long acting sulfonamide sulfadoxeic
Intermediate acting sulfonamide sufamehazlole
Rickets tisalifection Typhus fever
B. blocker propranolol
None steroidal anti-inflammation drug/NNSAID/ piroxicam
Antihistamine chloriphernamine
ACEIS captopril
Frist generation cephalosporin cephalexin
Antifungal ketoconazole
antihelimetic mebendazole
Anti-asthmatic drug ketamine
Ointment base Hard paraffin
Aleah of which dilate pupil
malaria cinehonabarc
Long acting TTC group doxycycline
Minimum dose 5ml
D3T stavudine
Take much of water Co-trymoxozole
Chaw able drug niclosomide
Control drug pethidine
spinning Rotated
striping removed
flocculate Aggregated loading
deflocculated Exist asseparetetites
Ideal of suspetion Good puorabblity
HLBvalve3-7 Produce W/O solution
HLBvalve8-15 Produce O/W
W/O Cannot remove water
O/W Can be washed by water
Hypertetion for pregnancy methlydopa
Anemia for pregnant Ferres sulphet
Antidote of pcm acetyl cysteine

Antidote of atropine physostigmine

Selective COx2 inhibitor celecoxib
Preferential COX2 inhibitor meloxicam
appetizer Increase appetite
anorixant Reduce appetite
Organ phase atropine
gentamicin aminoglycoside
Hard paraffin paraffin
grisofulvine Safe for children
loratidine Antimere lip emic
fluoxetine Anti-depressant
lopinavir Protease inhibits
benzodiazepa psychotropic
Inditerminan terror Local anesthetic
probencide uric agent
NSIO meloxicam
hematinic Increase the no of RBC
Unison Ampiciline+salbutamol
augumentine Amox+clavounicacid
W/O More difficult to handle
Chew able tablet Vitamin produce
Divided powder Single dose preparation
Bulky powder Multiple dose preparation
Primary source journal research
Secondary source bulletins
Tertiary source National formulary
sublingual Under the tough
buccal b/n gum and check
Dispersed phase Internal phase
Continuous phase External phase
globule droplet
Guidant flowered
preservative Prevent MOS
Organ analeptic colorant
Direct procurement and comparative and For small item
Morbidity method The incidence of the common disease
Consumption method Rescored past consumption
Special prescription Kept for 5 years
Normal prescription Kept for 3 years
elixir Shelf life 2 years
Dry heat sterilization 2hour
syrup Sugar content
Drinking water Port able water

Nebulous atomizer
Sterilization by filtration 0.2 micro bacteria
Steam sterilization 120 for 20 minutes

Absobation lanoline
Emulsifying agent Methylcellulose
Protease inhibitor ritonavir
Preservative methalyparaffin
Definition of prose rabittest
Lepromatous lipersy For last 2 month wdithd dapsonerita picilline
T.t. for hypertation Levodopa and methadoba
Used to privative micro organism preservative
Rabid sedimentation rate Flocculated suspicion
Non disposal medication setesecope
Sours of drug information chemical
To the left eye o.s.
vaginals douch
Sweeting agent saccharin
DTC Monitoring the drug quality
Traditional common practice acupuncture
Mixing pharmacological CPD trituration
To identify good products from each other Batch number
TTC Teeth dicleration
CAFS Gray baby sydrem
aspirnse Raye sydirom
rifampicine Pheripheral nerurophathy
Chronic gout Alluprinol probencid
Acute gout NSAID cholchine
Effervescent tablet Uncoated tablet
Soft capsule Used for susped oil
Hard capsule Used for dry powder
antioxidant Vitamin E
Wet gum method /gum+H2O/+Oil
Dry gum method /gum+oil/+H2O
Lubiricant laxative paraffin
Osmetic laxative magnsium
Cimitidine800mgbid gard
Cimitidine bid pud
Stereptimycine and gentamicine visibulartooccit
Kanamicine and amicasine cochwartocity
Narrow spectrum Sulphamide and penicillin
Broad spectrum Cafs and ttc
eritromycin Macrolide group
isonized goutattac

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