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Sustainable Pavements

Environmental, Economic, and Social Benefits

of In Situ Pavement Recycling

Andrew E. Alkins, Becca Lane, and Tom Kazmierowski

The Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Canada, is committed to using method that typically processes up to 125 mm of an existing HMA
technologies to help build a more sustainable transportation system that pavement, sizes it, mixes in additional asphalt emulsion, and lays it
supports today’s needs while protecting the environment for future gen- back down without off-site hauling and processing.
erations. Cold in-place recycling (CIR) is an established pavement reha- A recent innovation in CIR technology is the use of expanded
bilitation technology that processes an existing asphalt pavement, sizes (foamed) asphalt, rather than emulsified asphalt, to bind the mix.
it, mixes in additional asphalt cement, and lays it back down without off- In this new process, hot asphalt cement is pumped through an
site hauling and processing. The added asphalt cement is typically emul- expansion chamber on the cold recycling unit, where a small amount
sified asphalt. A recent development in CIR technology is the use of (1%) of cold water is injected and immediately vaporizes. This
expanded (foamed) asphalt, rather than emulsified asphalt, to bind the creates thousands of tiny bubbles within the hot asphalt cement
mix. This combination of CIR and expanded asphalt technologies is causing it to rapidly expand (foam). The expanded asphalt is then
termed cold in-place recycled expanded asphalt mix (CIREAM). Both mixed with the reclaimed asphalt pavement. As with conventional
CIR and CIREAM technologies support the philosophy of a sustainable CIR, the material is then profiled and compacted to form a binder
transportation system. More specifically, CIR and CIREAM meet the course layer. This combination of CIR and expanded asphalt tech-
criteria for a sustainable pavement: safe, efficient, economic, environ- nologies is termed cold in-place recycled expanded asphalt mix
mentally friendly pavement that meets the needs of present-day users (CIREAM) (1).
without compromising those of future generations.

The Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO), Canada, has imple-
mented an innovative in situ pavement recycling program to provide To date, MTO has completed 40 CIR and three CIREAM contracts
a sustainable rehabilitation option that is safe, efficient, environmen- that equate to over 3,500,000 m2 or approximately 500 lane-km of
tally friendly, cost-effective, and that meets the needs of present-day pavement recycling.
users without compromising those of future generations. This paper In an attempt to quantify the environmental, social, and economic
outlines how MTO is achieving sustainable pavements through an
benefits of recycling, this paper compares the aggregate consumption,
innovative in situ pavement recycling program.
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, per-lane kilometer life-cycle cost
(LCC), long-term performance, mobility, and safety of CIR and
CIREAM to a conventional pavement rehabilitation technique.
The placement of CIR and CIREAM consists of milling the exist-
With the increasing cost of fuel and environmental awareness, pave- ing pavement surface to a depth of 100 mm, processing the material
ment recycling has become a popular design alternative when select- through an in situ screening/crushing machine, and either infusing the
ing rehabilitation strategies for Ontario’s highways and is frequently reclaimed asphalt pavement with asphalt emulsion (CIR) or expanded
replacing traditional paving techniques. MTO has an active pavement asphalt cement (CIREAM). The material is placed to the desired
recycling program that is strongly promoted and monitored for per- profile with a hot-mix paver, compacted to the desired density,
formance and cost-effectiveness. Over the past 17 years, MTO has and overlaid with a single lift of HMA.
successfully, in situ, recycled approximately 3,500,000 m2 of hot-mix The traditional rehabilitation technique that is being compared
asphalt (HMA) pavement. with CIR and CIREAM consists of milling the existing asphalt sur-
One of the most successful recycling techniques used by MTO is face to a depth of 100 mm, paving 130 mm of HMA in three lifts,
cold in-place recycling (CIR), an innovative pavement rehabilitation and compacting to the desired density.

A. E. Alkins and B. Lane, Pavements and Foundations Section, and T. Kazmierowski,

Materials Engineering and Research Office, Ministry of Transportation Ontario, SUSTAINABLE PAVEMENTS
Building C, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8, Canada.
Corresponding author: B. Lane, The Kyoto Protocol was adopted by Canada in late 1997 to address
the problem of global warming by reducing the world’s GHG emis-
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2084, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
sions. As part of this, Canada committed to reducing its GHG emis-
D.C., 2008, pp. 100–103. sions by 6% below 1990 levels by the time its first commitment
DOI: 10.3141/2084-11 period ends in 2012 (2). In situ pavement recycling technologies

Alkins, Lane, and Kazmierowski 101

such as CIR and CIREAM are well positioned to assist in achieving 250
these goals. 200
These recycled pavements are sometimes referred to as sustain-

able pavements. A sustainable pavement can be defined as a safe, 150
CO2 Emissions
efficient, economic, environmentally friendly pavement that meets 100
the needs of present-day users without compromising those of
future generations. The main criteria established for a sustainable
pavement are 0
• Optimizing the use of natural resources,
• Reducing energy consumption, FIGURE 1 Carbon dioxide emissions according to rehabilitation
• Reducing GHG emissions,
• Limiting pollution,
• Improving health, safety, and risk prevention, and
• Ensuring a high level of user comfort and safety.
Results indicate that CIR and CIREAM emit significantly fewer
GHGs compared with traditional rehabilitation techniques. When
CIR and CIREAM address all of these criteria. These technolo- the quantity is multiplied by the amount of CIR and CIREAM com-
gies support a “zero waste” approach to pavement rehabilitation pleted since 1990, MTO has reduced emissions of carbon dioxide by
where the existing road material is reprocessed and reused in 54,000 tonnes (52%), nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide by 440 tonnes
place, without off-site transportation. Essentially, no resources (54%), and sulfur dioxide by 9,400 tonnes (61%) when compared
are wasted, and the need for additional pavement materials is with a traditional rehabilitation technique (Figures 1 and 2). By pro-
minimized. moting and using CIR and CIREAM, MTO is striving toward its
own environmental goals and assisting Canada to attain its Kyoto
Protocol commitments.

Aggregate Conservation ECONOMIC BENEFITS

Aggregate is a nonrenewable natural resource. Aggregate extraction, When analyzing the cost-effectiveness of CIR and CIREAM com-
production, and transportation generate GHGs, consume energy, pared with a traditional rehabilitation technique, identical 1-km sec-
and have a negative environmental impact. To calculate the aggre- tions were evaluated. MTO costs for CIR and CIREAM have been
gate resource consumption of CIR and CIREAM compared with a similar (Table 1).
traditional rehabilitation technique, MTO compared the new aggre- In addition to environmental benefits, CIR and CIREAM cost 42%
gate quantities required by CIR and CIREAM with the new aggre- less than a traditional rehabilitation technique in terms of initial cost.
gate quantities required to mill 100 mm and place 130 mm HMA. Over a 50-year period, using a discount rate of 5%, life-cycle costing
The analysis was based on 1-km sections with a pavement cross shows that CIR and CIREAM is still the most cost-effective.
section of 7.5-m width and existing 150-mm HMA depth.
New aggregate quantities for CIR and CIREAM were based on
a 50-mm HMA overlay versus a 130-mm overlay for the tradi- PERFORMANCE
tional treatment. For a 1-km section, CIR and CIREAM consumed
920 tonnes of aggregate compared with 2,400 tonnes for mill and three- MTO assesses pavement performance by using three different eval-
lift overlay, a 62% savings in aggregate consumption. When the quan- uation indices: (a) a riding comfort index (RCI) based on the inter-
tity is multiplied by the 3,500,000 m2 of CIR and CIREAM completed national roughness index (IRI) as a measure of pavement roughness,
since 1990, aggregate savings are in the order of 740,000 tonnes. which reflects riding quality and safety of a pavement; (b) a distress

GHG Emissions
To analyze the GHG emissions of CIR and CIREAM compared with
a traditional rehabilitation technique (mill 100- and 130-mm HMA),
the computer model PaLATE (Pavement Life-Cycle Assessment Tool
20000 NOX Emissions

for Environmental and Economic Effects) created by Arpad Horvath

15000 SO2 Emissions
of the University of California, Berkeley, was used (3). One of the
functions of the PaLATE model is to calculate the energy required
to perform specific rehabilitation techniques and the associated GHG
emissions that result from the process. 0
The PaLATE model was used to compare the GHG emissions
from CIR, CIREAM, and a traditional rehabilitation technique. The
analysis is based on 1-km sections with a pavement cross section of FIGURE 2 Nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions according to
7.5-m width and existing 150-mm HMA depth. rehabilitation strategy.
102 Transportation Research Record 2084

TABLE 1 Cost Comparison: CIR and CIREAM Versus Mill and Overlay

CIR and CIREAM Mill and Overlay

Depth: milling — 100 mm

Depth: CIR 100 mm —
Width 7.5 m 7.5 m
Surface course 50 mm 40 mm
Binder course — 90 mm
Initial construction cost $100,000/km $173,000/km
50-year life-cycle cost (LCC) Yr 15 $100,000 → $48,101.71 Yr 18 $173,000 → $71,885.07
Yr 30 $100,000 → $23,137.74 Yr 36 $173,000 → $29,869.73
Yr 45 $100,000 → $11,129.65 Yr 50 (salvage) → −$3,352.50
Yr 50 (salvage) → −$5,813.52
Total LCC $76,555.58/km Total LCC $98,402.31/km

manifestation index (DMI) to measure the severity and extent of cat- SOCIAL BENEFITS
egorized pavement surface distresses, which reflects structural per-
formance of a pavement; and (c) a pavement condition index (PCI), Since 1990, the MTO has actively promoted in situ recycling technolo-
a composite index used to measure overall pavement serviceability, gies such as CIR, and more recently CIREAM, as viable rehabilitation
which combines components of RCI and DMI (4). options that fulfill the requirements of a sustainable pavement and are
consistent with the social desire to use technology that reduces, re-
PCI = 100 − (10 − DMI ) × WDMI − ( IRI − IRI 0 ) × WIRI (1) cycles, and reuses. Technology transfer at technical forums and sym-
posiums has occurred both on a national and international level
through technical papers and presentations.
where W is a weighting assigned based on severity. There are other social benefits of in situ recycling:
The performance of CIR and CIREAM contracts are continually
monitored and compared with traditional rehabilitation methods.
Data are collected, stored, and analyzed in MTO’s pavement man- • High production rates for CIR and CIREAM (twice the pro-
agement system. This system includes prediction models for var- duction rate for placing HMA) improve safety by reducing traffic
ious reconstruction and rehabilitation strategies. Figures 3 and 4 disruptions and user inconvenience. Traffic can be reinstated
illustrate the performance trends of CIR and CIREAM compared immediately following compaction.
with a traditional rehabilitation technique (mill and overlay). • While the process is under way, there are no exposed edges or
The performance of the two rehabilitation techniques is similar; drop-offs for motorists to avoid.
however, the traditional mill and overlay technique is marginally • Because the process is cold, paving can continue through
smoother to start, resulting in a marginally better performance. periods of uncertain weather; the recycling process can be tem-
Service life for the mill and overlay treatment is estimated to be porarily stopped for rainfall and quickly started once the rain has
18 years compared with 15 years for CIR and CIREAM. However, the passed. Unlike HMA, there are no temperature restrictions for
LCC analysis over a 50-year period shows that the CIR and CIREAM CIR and CIREAM.
is the more cost-effective solution in terms of LCCs, which include • Because the work is done in place, reusing existing materi-
initial construction, maintenance, and future rehabilitation treatments als, there is less noise and disruption from aggregate and hot-mix
(Table 1). production, transportation, and construction traffic.

Avg. PCI (Mill & Overlay) Prediction

Avg. PCI (CIR/CIREAM) Prediction
100.0 92.9 92.4
93.0 91.3 89.7 87.9
90.0 86.0
83.7 81.5
87.3 87.2 87.0 86.3 79.2
80.0 85.2 83.6 81.8 79.8 77.6

70.0 75.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

FIGURE 3 PCI comparison.

Alkins, Lane, and Kazmierowski 103

Avg. IRI (Mill & Overlay) Prediction

Avg. IRI (CIR/CIREAM) Prediction





1.50 1.24
1.00 1.01 1.05 1.09 1.17
1.00 1.00 1.13
1.00 1.18
0.97 1.03 1.10
0.84 0.84 0.85 0.88 0.92 0.94

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

FIGURE 4 IRI comparison.

CONCLUSIONS • Minimizing disruption to motorists and residences, and

• Reducing transportation of construction materials.
The MTO Environmental Bill of Rights has a mission statement to
support its mandate of being a provincial leader in cost-effective The MTO has contributed and continues to contribute to the protec-
transportation, supporting the province’s broader economic, social, tion and enhancement of the environment though implementation and
and environmental objectives: “We will facilitate the mobility of promotion of innovative, sustainable pavement recycling techniques
people and goods, and promote the development of industries that such as CIR and CIREAM.
provide transportation systems, services, and products, in ways
that reflect the needs of Ontario’s diverse population and support
the broader economic, social and environmental objectives of the REFERENCES
One of the main environmental commitments of the MTO is to 1. Lane, B., and T. Kazmierowski. Implementation of Cold In-Place
protect air, water, and land resources for future generations and the Recycling with Expanded Asphalt Technology in Canada. In Transporta-
tion Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
long-term survival of plants, animals, and aquatic life (5). As part of No. 1905, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
putting this environmental commitment into action, the MTO is Washington, D.C., 2005, pp. 17–24.
reducing construction-related GHG emissions by promoting, mon- 2. Environment Canada. Canada’s Fourth National Report on Climate
itoring, and encouraging innovative pavement recycling techniques Change: Actions to Meet Commitments Under the United Nations Frame-
such as CIR and CIREAM. work Convention on Climate Change. Government of Canada, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada, 2006.
This commitment to recycling is helping to address Canada’s Kyoto 3. Horvath, A. A Life-Cycle Analysis Model and Decision-Support Tool for
Protocol commitments and refining highway rehabilitation to achieve Selecting Recycled Versus Virgin Materials for Highway Applications.
a zero-waste and environmentally conscious rehabilitation contract. Final report for RMRC Research Project No. 23. University of California
To date, CIR and CIREAM are the most cost-effective, socially con- at Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif., 2004.
4. Ministry of Transportation Ontario. Pavement Design and Rehabilitation
scious, and environmentally friendly pavement rehabilitation options Manual. SDO-90-01. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto, Ontario,
in terms of Canada, 1990.
5. Ministry of Transportation Ontario. Environmental Bill of Rights, State-
• Lowering GHG emissions, ment of Environmental Value. Government of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario,
• Reusing existing nonrenewable resources, Canada, 1994.
• Minimizing use of new material,
• Reducing costs, The Pavement Rehabilitation Committee sponsored publication of this paper.

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