Mandela Washington Fellowship Application - Dolly LANTOARINALA

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MG122878 - Dolly LANTOARINALA: Mandela Washington

Fellowship for Young African Leaders Participant Application

Status: Submitted
General Information
First Name(s)/Given Name(s) Dolly Middle Name (Other Name) Seheno Arson
Last Name(s)/Family Name(s) LANTOARINALA Date of Birth 12/04/1991
or Surname(s)
Biological sex as it appears Female Country of Citizenship Madagascar
on your passport and/or
official government-issued
Second Country of Country of Residence Madagascar
City of Birth Antsirabe Country of Birth Madagascar
Are either or both of your No Do you currently live in a Yes
parents U.S. Citizens or U.S. national capital city?
Permanent Residents (green
card holders)?
What location type best Major city Do you live in the same Yes
describes where you currently location in which you
live? currently work?
Did you grow up in a national Yes What location type best Major city
capital city? describes where you grew
Do you have a passport? Yes What is the expiration date? 07/12/2021

Contact Information
Primary Phone 261347192418 Work Phone
Mobile Phone 261347192418 Email Address
Alternate Email Address
Current Address
Street, Building, and/or Tombontsoa B.P 203 City Antsirabe
Apartment Number
Region/Province Antananarivo Country Madagascar
Permanent Address
Street, Building, and/or Tombontsoa B.P 203 City Antsirabe
Apartment Number
Region/Province Antananarivo Country Madagascar

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What is your country of Madagascar Do you have a second country No
citizenship? of citizenship?
What is your country of Madagascar Will you be permanently Yes
residence? residing in Madagascar as of
May 1, 2024?
What is your date of birth as 12/04/1991 Are you a U.S. Citizen or a No
listed on your passport or U.S. Permanent Resident?
other government-issued
Are you, or is any member of No Have you previously No
your immediate family participated in the Mandela
(parents, siblings, spouse, or Washington Fellowship?
children) or household,
employed by the U.S.

Demographic Information
Do you identify as a person I do not identify as a person with What best describes your Female
with a disability and/or a disability or chronic health gender identity or
chronic health condition? condition. expression?
Do you identify as LGBTQI+? No What are your pronouns? She/her/hers
Do any of the following apply I am the first person in my family
to you? to travel abroad.

Current Professional and/or Educational Experience

Educational Experience
What is your highest level of Master’s or similar degree

Professional Experience
Select up to five sectors from Agriculture/Rural Development
the list below in which you Business & Entrepreneurship
have expertise and/or interest. Community Development
Doing so will help us better Education
understand your professional Youth
area of focus.
Are you currently or were you No
ever an elected or appointed
public/government official?
How many years of 3-5 years
professional work experience
do you have?
Please indicate if any of the I currently own an existing business.
following apply to you.

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At which level is your current Executive
position or was your most
recent professional position?
What best describes your Employed by a company, organization, or government
employment status?
Do you work full-time or part- Full-time
What best describes your Executive
current title?
What best describes your Private (National)
If your organization is best
described as an international
governmental organization,
please select your
What best describes the field Agriculture/Rural Development
in which you currently work?

YALI Engagement
How did you first learn about Social media site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) (Facebook)
the Mandela Washington
Have you applied for the Yes
Mandela Washington
Fellowship in the past?
Have you been selected as an No
Alternate candidate for the
Mandela Washington
Fellowship in the past?
Have you previously No
participated in other YALI
programs through the YALI
Regional Leadership Centers?
Have you previously No
participated in other YALI
programs through the YALI
Have you organized a No
YALIServes event or
YALILearns session in your

U.S. Government Program Experience

U.S. Travel

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Have you traveled to the No
United States before or do
you have upcoming travel to
the United States planned?

English Language
Is English your native No Assess your interpersonal Advanced
language? communication English
Assess your presentational Advanced Assess your writing English Advanced
speaking English proficiency. proficiency.
Assess your listening English Intermediate Assess your reading English Advanced
proficiency. proficiency.

Institute Track
Preferred Track (First Choice) Leadership in Business
Second Choice Leadership in Civic Engagement
Third Choice Leadership in Public Management

Personal Statements
Provide an overview of your major professional accomplishments from the past year, as well as your long-term goals and
aspirations. What motivates you to work in the field that you do?
Coming from a developing country, I believe agricultural sector deserves a lot of attention as malnutrition remains a major issue in the
country. I feel that we import more than we produce, even though we have all the necessary resources to produce more in
Madagascar. These are all the reasons that led me to focus my studies on agriculture and agribusiness. Fortunately, at the moment, I
have the opportunity to work in an institution that trains young people to become agricultural technicians or entrepreneurs in agriculture
and livestock.

Actually, I have the chance to share my experiences with them and learn more about the agricultural practices already in use, as well
as the new innovations in the field through documentation. Last year, we noticed a strong demand from young people to train at our
center. Mindsets are changing, and young people are becoming increasingly interested in careers related to livestock and agriculture.
Moreover, more and more agricultural companies, NGOs, or other government organizations are coming directly to us to recruit
agricultural technicians.

In parallel with this work, I manage a poultry and pig farm with my husband, and we provide opportunities for young people who want
to do internships to gain practical experience on our farm. This year, we were able to welcome nearly 50 young people. In the long
term, I hope to continue on this path to develop my agricultural and livestock business and to continue training young people from rural
Based on your understanding of your preferred Institute track of study, what skills and knowledge do you hope to gain from
the Fellowship that you would not be able to develop through other opportunities? How will you use those skills and that
knowledge to enhance your activities in your community within the next three to five years?

This internship is a unique opportunity to gain skills and acquire new knowledge to advance my career and so that I can flourish a little
more in my passion for agriculture.

I personnally think that this is a unique chance to discover and understand the latest trends, practices and innovations in the
agricultural world. The USA is rich of experts and specialists in this field. It is then a unique chance to meet practitioners and

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academics, to attend workshops, conferences and to exchange with them. They have done researches, they have years of
experiences that I can surely learn from.

Then, I hope to develop my technical and analytical skills, to be more open-minded about new trends. I believe that it is important to
stay open to discoveries because the world is changing constantly and we can't hold the same agricultural practice as 100 years ago.

Finally, I hope to improve my personal skills, particularly in communication, leadership, decision-making, risk-taking, collaboration and
project management. I also hope to expand my professional network, develop relationships with industry leaders and be part of a
community that shares my passion for agriculture. But this networking will also involve other fellows and mentors who will be able to
make comments, criticize, share their ideas and give advice to develop my career.

In the next three or five years, I hope that this experience will help me to develop more my business in local level first and to be a
better reference for my students.
Nelson Mandela said, “A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in
making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.” Public and community service are essential
responsibilities for leaders. What needs do you believe are most evident in your community? How are you working to
address these needs?
As Madagascar is still categorized as one of the world's poorest countries and its population is struggling to have proper nutrition, I
believe that placing special emphasis on agriculture is importance. Nowadays, young people tend to perceive farming as a career
option for the less fortunate, those who don't have the opportunity to pursue other activities. It's this mindset that I aspire to change. I
want to serve as an example for young individuals in my community and beyond, demonstrating that there is everything to gain by
venturing into agricultural and livestock businesses.

In order,for a country, to develop more effectively, its population needs to be adequately nourished. Subsequently, the nation could
potentially become a significant exporter of agricultural products. The most effective way to achieve this goal is by leading by example
in my community and continuing to share my knowledge through education and practical experience.
The Mandela Washington Fellowship values diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) and strives to include and
support diverse identities and ideas in all program design and implementation. How do you approach working with people
who have identities and ideas that are different from your own? How have you used inclusive leadership to resolve conflict
and achieve progress despite differences?
In my work, I have the privilege of working with young people from all corners of Madagascar, each with varying living standards. It
goes without saying that our school boasts a rich cultural diversity. It's not uncommon to witness conflicts arise due to a lack of
understanding of each other's backgrounds, languages, and cultures. I often find myself resolving issues in classrooms and
dormitories, which was not easy in the beginning. These are the reasons why I decided to incorporate civics and ethics courses into
the curriculum. Additionally, from time to time, we organize cultural presentations to introduce students to the country's cultural
richness, which has contributed to improving relationships among students in recent years.
Resilience—especially in the face of sudden change—is a critical quality in effective leaders. Provide an example of how you
have demonstrated resiliency during challenging times. How has this experience influenced your current work?
Resilience is a quality that a good leader must possess, especially in times of crisis or sudden change. In 2015, my husband and I
decided to start our livestock farm. After few months, we were hit by swine fever, which wiped out our entire livestock. The
disappointment was overwhelming, we felt discouraged. However, I realized that this is not a risk-free industry; diseases and
unpredictable weather events are part of the equation. So, we bounced back by taking more precautions in terms of biosecurity. I also
learned that maintaining a positive attitude is essential for better coping with difficult situations. I didn't seek to blame our farm workers;
the important thing was to find a long-term solution to prevent such event in the future. Through this experience, I continuously strive to
create an environment in which team members feel responsible and motivated at work, working together towards a common goal.

Optional Professional Development Experience (PDE)

Would you like to apply to the Yes

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Mandela Washington
Fellowship Professional
Development Experience
Provide a brief description of your current work, both professionally and in your community (if applicable), and your long-
term goals and aspirations. If you are selected for a PDE, this will be used as a short profile to share with U.S. organizations.
I am currently employed at an institution that trains young individuals in the field of agriculture and livestock. It's an exciting job that
allows me to share knowledge with my students. Our goal is to equip these young individuals with the skills they need to be
immediately employable after their training and also to empower them to develop their own businesses in the future.

Simultaneously, I am in the process of establishing my own agricultural farm, which serves as a demonstration site for sustainable
agricultural practices, prioritizing environmental consciousness and animal welfare. This initiative also aims to enhance
competitiveness in the local and national markets. In the long term, I aspire to scale up agriculture production (crops, rice, etc.) to
better meet local market demands. Additionally, I hope to continue teaching to ensure that young individuals remain passionate about
this field.
What are your goals for the Professional Development Experience, including the specific transferable skills and knowledge
you hope to gain? How would you apply an experience working with a U.S. organization to your work after returning to your
home country?
Academic knowledge is not enough to be a successful leader and to develop a good business. I need to develop more personal skills
to be able to face challenges and to dare taking risk. Through the Professional Development Program (PDE), I aim to cultivate a fresh
set of professional skills to enhance my interactions with others. I want to bolster my workplace competencies, including verbal and
non-verbal communication, empathy, self-awareness, and leadership. This is also an opportunity to expand my professional network.
Broadening my professional network can assist me in discovering new ideas, boosting my profile, and staying well-informed about
emerging trends. The PDE will allow me to enhance my professional profile, opening doors to new opportunities. Collaborating with a
US organization will also elevate my credibility among my students, within my circle, and with future clients.

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Antsirabe, Madagascar


SEFAFI Tombontsoa Antsirabe Feb 2020-Present

(3 years, 8 months)
Head of Training Department
Antsirabe, Madagascar
I have been working at SEFAFI Tombontsoa since 2020 in the role of Training Manager. My primary responsibilities involve
overseeing the smooth progress of the academic year for both students and adjunct/internal instructors. Additionally, I also conduct
classes for students in the fields of agriculture and agribusiness. We offer training across three branches, comprising the Agricultural
University, Agricultural High School, and Professional Training in agriculture and livestock, specifically aimed at underprivileged youth
who lack the financial means to pursue higher education.

CNFA (Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriclture) Dec 2020

(1 month)
Volunteer Expert
Manakara, Madagascar
As a volunteer, my assignement was designed for the period when COVID restricts travel. It consist of a U.S volunteer working
virtually with local volunteer. We planned together the content of the assignement and develop the trainingmaterials for a Vanilla
Federation of Bas Faraony (in Manakara). As the expert couldn't travel to Madagascar, I was conducting on-site training for the
farmers. However, when internet connectivity allowed, the US volunteer also joined the sessions. Our mission was to enhance their
farming practices and gain a better understanding of the market for sales."

Association Coeur de Foret Madagascar Nov 2019-Feb 2020

(4 months)
Agricultural Entrepreneurship Assistant
Antsirabe, Madagascar
I worked under the supervision of the Agriculture Branch Manager at the Coeur de Foret Association. The association collaborated
with geranium-producing farmers with the aim of organizing them into an independent cooperative. My role involved assisting them
with administrative and social preparations to facilitate their consolidation and joint sales. Additionally, I was responsible for the
decantation of essential oils, which the association sold both locally and internationally.

Gjennestad Vidergoende Skole Aug 2012-Sep 2013

(1 year, 2 months)
Mandal, Norway
Through the Green Network Program, I had the opportunity to participate in a year-long internship in Norway, split between two
Agricultural High Schools (Gjennestad and Val). At Gjennestad, I worked in a greenhouse that cultivated ornamental plants and herbs
(such as basil and thyme). In Val, I worked on a farm where they had dairy cows, pigs, and fish."


Univesritas Sebelas Maret Aug 2015-Sep 2018

(3 years, 2 months)
Surakarta, Indonesia
M.S., Agribusiness

Universitas Sebelas Maret Aug 2016-Dec 2016

(5 months)
Surakarta, Indonesia
Certificate, English

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English courses for academic purpose

Universitas Sebelas Maret Aug 2015-Aug 2016

(1 year, 1 month)
Surakarta, Indonesia
Certificate, Indonesian Language

IPSATTA University (Institut Professionnel en Agronomie et en Technologies de Sep 2010-Jan 2015

(4 years, 5 months)
Tombontsoa Antsirabe)
Antsirabe, Madagascar
B.S., Agriculture


Leadership and Managament | Antsirabe, Madagascar Aug 2022

(1 month)

Documentalist Training | Antsirabe, Madagascar Jun 2022

(1 month)
This training was provided by the Head Librarian of the Agricultural High School of La Reunion. The aim of the training is to provide
our institution's students with the best bibliographic and webographic references.

IN-Herit Indonesian Heritage Course | Surabaya, Indonesia Feb 2018

(1 month)
Training about the cultural diversity of Indonesia

ASEAN Youth Interfaith | Surakarta, Indonesia Mar 2017

(1 month)
Training about Tolerance in Diversity and World Harmony

Milk Transformation | Antsirabe, Madagascar Nov 2014

(1 month)


Manazava Association Feb 2021-Present

(2 years, 8 months)
Antsirabe, Madagascar
Volunteer for an association that periodically provides food and warm clothing to the homeless, collected from households


Cumlaude Graduate Sep 2018
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Appreciation "Cumlaud Graduate" for the obtention of GPA 3.81
Javanese Speech Oct 2017
DIKTI Indonesia
Awarded at third position in Javanese Speech contest
Scholarship to Indonesia Jun 2015

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DIKTI Indonesia
3 years fully funded scholarship in Indonesia
Valedictorian (Agriculture Track) Jan 2015
IPSATTA University

Scholarship for one year training in Norway Aug 2012

Fredkorpset (Green Network)
Scholarship awarded to the best students of Lutheran agricultural School in Madagascar

• English
• French
• Indonesian
• Malagasy
• Google features
• MS Office
• Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc;)


LANTOARINALA Seheno Arson Dolly, Minar Ferichani, Heru Irianto. "Potential Feasability Analysis of Soybean Tempe Production in
Madagascar based on Indonesian Soybean Tempe Home Industry"; Pascasarjana Program Study Agribusiness, University
Sebelas Maret, Faculty of Agriculture, 2018

2022 : Updated framework for Agricultural and Rural Training in Madagascar (Antananarivo)
2018 : Agrotech’s Fair International Seminar of Agriculture, Strategies to Confront the Global Threat Climate Change on World Food
Security” (Surakarta)
2018 : Exploring and Identifying the Dynamics and its Challenges of Cultural Transformation (Yogjakarta)
2017 : Create the Taste of Authentic Coffee for Sustainability and Quality in Indonesia Coffee Farming by Modern Coffee Processing
» (Central Java)
2017 : “Kebijakan Ketersediaan Pangan di JawaTengah” (Surakarta)
2016 : “Be A Creative Entrepreneur By Processed Fermented Food To Fight Poverty And Hunger
For The Sake of Healthy Indonesia” (Surakarta)
2016 : ASIAN-AFRICAN Graduate Students Conference” (Surakarta)


- Alliance Française Antsirabe : member since Mars 2023
- Manazava Association (member and volunteer for social work), since 2021
- Alumni Student from Indonesia: help the Embassy of Indonesia to conduct Seminar, Workshop and any other needed activities, since
- Church choir, from 2005 to 2008

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