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NAME- ________________ DATE-___________________

➢ Change the following sentences into passive voice. 1x30=30

1.Why did you tear the paper?
a) Why did he tear the paper?
b) Why he was torn by the paper?
c) Why have you tear the paper?
d) Why was the paper torn by you?
2.Where have you left the car?
a) Where you had left the car?
b) Where was the car left by you?
c) Where has been the car left by you?
d) None of the above.
3.The noise of the car kept me awake.
a) I was kept awake by the noise of the traffic.
b) The traffic kept me awake by the noise.
c) I remained awake by the noise of the traffic.
d) I kept myself awake due to the noise of the traffic.
4. I don’t like people keeping me awaiting.
a) I don’t like being kept awaiting.
b) I don’t like people are kept me awaiting.
c) I don’t like people were kept me awaiting.
d) None of the above.

➢ Convert the following sentences into indirect speech.

5. Rahul said, “you are an idiot”.
a) Rahul asked you are an idiot.
b) Rahul said that I am an idiot.
c) Rahul said that I was an idiot.
d) Rahul asked that he was an idiot.
6. The cricketer said, “They will play together”.
a) The cricketer said that we will play together.
b) The cricketer said that we would played together.
c) The cricketer said that we would play together.
d) None of the above.
7. Mr. Nath said, “What do you do in free time”?
a) Mr. Nath asked what should I do in my free time.
b) Mr. Nath asked what would I do in my free time.
c) Mr. Nath asked what did I do in my free time.
d) Mr. Nath asked what did I did in my free time.
8. Teacher said,“ You should follow the rules”.
a) Teacher requested to follow the rules.
b) Teacher said to follow the rules.
c) Teacher advised to follow the rules.
d) Teacher said not to follow the rules.
9. Naman said to Rajesh, “It was a tragedy in itself”.
a) Naman said to Rajesh that it was a tragedy in itself.
b) Naman told to Rajesh that it is a tragedy in itself.
c) Naman told to Rajesh that it was a tragedy in itself.
d) None of the above.
10. Use the suitable verb for the sentence.
They didn’t _________their food.
a) Had
b) Have
c) Has
d) Was
11. The World cup________ place every four years.
a) take
b) takes
c) taking
d) took
12. There is less possibility of raining.
Use the proper word for the sentence.
It _________ rain today.
a) May
b) Must
c) Might
d) Should
13. What do you call a baby deer?
a) Foal
b) Puppy
c) Fawn
d) Lamb
14. Which among the following is the sound of birds.
a) Jingle
b) Chirp
c) Ripple
d) Whistle
15. A medicine that cures every disease is known as _______.
a) Paracetamol
b) Antibiotic
c) Panacea
d) Utopia
16. Synonym of Awkward.
a) Clever
b) Skillful
c) Ponderous
d) Dexterous
17. Synonym of Scanty.
a) Lavish
b) Luxuriant
c) Several
d) scarce
18. Antonym of Molest.
a) harass
b) misbehave
c) cheer
d) none of the above
19. Antonym of Prodigy.
a) miracle
b) wonder
c) marvel
d) mediocre
20. Choose the right question tag for the statement.
Do as I say, _________?
a) Shall we
b) Should we
c) Could we
d) Would we
➢ Spot the error and rewrite the sentence by rectifying it.
21. Although I was in Delhi last month, I never met him.
22. I never did not try that dish.
➢ Put the correct preposition.
23. My father ordered me to complete the work _______ two days.
a) At
b) For
c) Within
d) By
24. The cloud is _________ my head.
a) Above
b) Over
c) Under
d) Below
25. He was in a hurry and just glanced __________ the letter.
a) With
b) Over
c) At
d) Through
26. Which among the following sentence is rightly punctuated?
a) “The queen cried” Help! Help!
b) The queen cried Help! Help!
c) The queen cried, “Help! Help!”
d) None of the above.
27. The teacher along with the students__________ reading the novel.
a) Is
b) Are
c) Were
d) Had
28. Fifty rupees________ an excessive price to pay for a pen.
a) Are
b) Were
c) Have
d) Is

➢ Select the most appropriate meaning of following pair of words.

29. ‘Enquiry’ and ‘Inquiry’
a) Enquiry means to seek information and inquiry means to investigate.
b) Enquiry means to investigate and inquiry means to seek information.
c) Enquiry means to seek information and inquiry means act of investiture.
d) Enquiry means act of investiture and inquiry means to investigate.
30. ‘Compliment’ and ‘Complement’
a) Compliment means to synthesize and complement means to praise.
b) Compliment means to go well with and complement means to blend well
c) Compliment means to praise and complement means to blend well with.
d) Compliment means to blend well with and complement means to praise.


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