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Mission LiFE:

Relevance: GS 1/3/4

Intro :
India-led global mass movement that will nudge individual and collective action to protect
and preserve the environment.

As per UNEP,if 1 out of 8 billion people worldwide adopt environment friendly
behaviour global carbon emission could drop to 20%.

Objectives of Mission LiFE:

 Mobilise at least 1 billion Indians and
other global citizens to take individual
and collective action for protecting
and preserving the environment in the
period 2022 to 2027.
 At least 80% of all villages and urban
local bodies are aimed to become
environment friendly by 2028
 Focus on Individual Behaviours:
“Jan Andolan” by focusing on
behaviours and attitudes of
individuals and communities.
 Mindful choices such as cycling and using public transport, eating more plant-
based foods and wasting less.
 Co-create Globally: Crowdsource empirical and scalable ideas from the best
minds of the world, through top universities, think tanks etc.
 Leverage Local Cultures: Leverage climate-friendly social norms, beliefs
and daily household practices of different cultures.
 Replaces the ‘use-and-dispose’ economy with a circular economy.
 Global network of individuals: create a global network of individuals,
namely ‘Pro-Planet People’ (P3), who will have a shared commitment to adopt
and promote environmentally friendly lifestyles.

IAS Exam Congress Mains-2023

Significance/how Mission LiFE would be
 LiFE can trigger a huge boost for the
sustainability market. Several green industries
and a large number of jobs are likely to be
initiated as a positive externality of LiFE.
 Net zero carbon footprint: This will help India
and many countries of the world to achieve
their goal of net zero carbon footprint.
 A circular economy: The LiFE Mission further
the adoption of the concept of ‘Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle’ which will help in striking a
balance between the development, economic
growth and sustainability.
 Mindless consumption of resources: human
race is plundering Planet Earth at a pace that far outstrips its capacity and
ability to support life.
 Small efforts, huge impact:
demonstrates the ability of tiny actions
to have a large influence. It believes in
the power of the person to alter the
 Leverage social networks: It aims to use
the power of social networks to impact
societal norms and behaviours in order to propel the campaign.

Steps taken by India in line with the objectives of LiFE:

 Individual-led programs such as Swachh Bharat Mission, GOBARdhan Scheme,

Ujjwala Scheme etc.
 Ban on single use plastic, right to repair framework etc
 India has revised its INDCs and Mission LiFE is made part of it to combat climate
 Agni Tattva - Energy for LiFE campaign, to create awareness of the core concept of Agni
Tattva, an element that is synonymous with energy.
 Meri LiFE" (My Life) mobile application to empower young people and encourage their
participation in tackling climate change.
 Multiple global initiatives: The International Solar Alliance, the One Sun One World
One Grid initiative, and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure.
 National Hydrogen Mission: India has advanced toward a more environmentally
friendly energy source through the National Hydrogen Mission.

IAS Exam Congress Mains-2023


Case Studies:
 Denmark: Denmark promotes the use of bicycles by limiting parking within the city
Centre and providing exclusive bike lanes.
 Japan: Japan has its unique “walk-to-school” mandate, which has been in practice
since the early 1950s.

Way forward:
 Emboldening the spirit of the P3 model, i.e. Pro Planet People.
 Governments and multilateral institutions have to ensure that regulations, laws
mandates pro-planet business practices and citizen behaviours.
 Making planet orientation personal value can instantly drive seemingly small but
highly impactful behaviour changes.
 Overconsumption needs to be controlled --cause of the triple world emergency of
pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change.
 The triple bottom line strategy to be adopted to achieve environmental governance.

Conclusion: Through mission LiFE India is trying to portray climate crisis from
individual perspective. Mission LiFE has a potential to transform climate change
movement into the mass movement.

IAS Exam Congress Mains-2023

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