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Q.2: Read The following Passage and answer the questions.

What do you know about jungles and the animals that live there?

Lots of different animals live in jungles. Jungles are beautiful, but people are making the jungles polluted
and dangerous. They are cutting down the trees. The animals are not safe. They need help. This is
Sepilok Park in Malaysia. It’s a big park for orangutans . They are safe here. There are lots of big, tall
trees. People can’t cut these trees down. Eighty orangutans are living free in this park.

Look! Can you see the orangutans in this picture?

They are climbing and playing!

They’re funny! The rangers give them food. These orangutans
are eating watermelon. Visitors can go to the park to see the
They watch them and take photographs.

There are other animals here too. Rhinos and bears are not safe in the jungle . They are living free in
Sepilok Park, too. It’s a safe and beautiful place.

Come to visit!

Read and write True or False.
1. Animals are safe in the jungle.
2. Animals are safe in the park.
3. There are one hundred orangutans living in the park
4. The rangers give them toys.
5. Visitors can look at the orangutans.
6. There are bears and rhinos at Sepilok park.

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