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What is Software Engineering? ‘Aliygxoress — StopNow> Thesftmare is callin of regated programs Software subs of efllcrganized insctions ndcae witen by developers on any cf vrus pared comeater anges. Compute roams and ete docanetnton sich as egutements. design model ad wer mans Engineering ithe apt of exec ond pected knowledge to invent. design, ul, itn, od ingrove msec press, te. Software Engineering & 0 engineemng branch related to the evolution of sofware product ung welldefined scent pincpes,techriques, and procedures. The rerut of sofware engineering facie andrei oars product. Why is Software Engineering required? ‘otare Engineering's equted due tote flowing reasons Tomanage age sftaxe For more Salaity ost Management Toranage the dna ature of software For ater quality Management Need of Software Engineering Huge Programming: t's simpler to manufacture awa than to a house orbuldng sila asthe measure of programming become extensive enginering hasta step og ia scenic proce Adaptablihe sofa procedre were rote on cet and engineering ea would be sper or-reste ne afte tanto Fale an tng one. Cost A the hardvare ndusy has demonstrated sls nd huge manutctring hast down the os of computer and electronic hada But the cos of programing remains igh the pr process nt adapted ‘Dynamic Nature: Te conta rowing and adapting nature of rogranming hugely depends upon the enrnment in which the cent wos he qulty ofthe stare contin chan new upgrades net be done nthe eting oe Quality Management: Better procedure of software development provides a better and quality sofware product. What image comes to your mind when you think “Software Engineer?” A super-genius-type who creates things out of thin air ~ like Bill Gates or Alan Turing? Or someone in a dark room, listening to techno music and typing furiously on the computer — like in The Matrix? Maybe you envision a corporate-style engineer ~ wearing headphones and going to scrum meetings in an office. Or a freelance “digital nomad” engineer who codes from a cafe on the beach. A software engineer uses computer science principles to develop software solutions that will satisfy the wants and needs of businesses and consumers. Software engineers create many types of solutions such as desktop and web applications, mobile apps, games, robots, operating systems, network systems, etc. They do so using programming languages, frameworks, databases, servers and other technologies to turn an idea into a final product. Because software engineers work on many types of projects, they also take on varying job roles, responsibilities, and even personas - like all the images we described above. Software engineering is a fully layered technology, to develop software we need to go from one layer to another. All the layers are connected and each layer demands the fulfillment of the previous layer. Tr eres ENT a co ‘ar The diagram shows the layers of software development Layered technology is divided into four parts: 1. A quality focus: It defines the continuous process improvement principles of software. It provides integrity that means providing security to the software so that data can be accessed by only an authorized person, no outsider can access the data. It also focuses on maintainability and usability. 2. Process: It is the foundation or base layer of software engineering, It is key that binds all the layers together which enables the development of software before the deadline or on time. Process defines a Process activi sare listed below:- ‘* Communication: It is the first and foremost thing for the development of software. Communication is necessary to know the actual demand of the client + Planning: It basically means drawing a map for reduced the complication of development. + Modeling: In this process, a model is created according to the client for better understanding, * Construction: It includes the coding and testing of the problem, + Deployment:- It includes the delivery of software to the client for evaluation and feedback, 3, Method: During the process of software development the answers to all "how-to-do” questions are given by method. It has the information of all the tasks which includes communication, requirement analysis, design modeling, program construction, testing, and support. 4. Tools: Software engineering tools provide a self-operating system for processes and methods. Tools are integrated which means information created by one tool can be used by another. Software Engineering | Software Characteristics Read Discuss o ae Software is defined as a collection of computer programs, procedures, rules, and data. Software Characteristics are classified into six major components: Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software. The characteristics of software include: It is intangible, meaning it cannot be seen or touched, . It is non-perishable, meaning it does not degrade over time. It is easy to replicate, meaning it can be copied and distributed easily. It can be complex, meaning it can have many interrelated parts and features. It can be difficult to understand and modify, especially for large and complex systems. It can be affected by changing requirements, meaning it may need to be updated or modified as the oR RwNe needs of users change. 7. It can be affected by bugs and other issues, meaning it may need to be tested and debugged to ensure it works as intended. 5. It can be difficult to understand and modify, especially for large and complex systems. 6. It can be affected by changing requirements, meaning it may need to be updated or modified as the needs of users change. 7. It can be affected by bugs and other issues, meaning it may need to be tested and debugged to ensure it works as intended. Reliability Usability. \ Functionality: It refers to the degree of performance of the software ageinst its intended purpose. Functionality refers to the set of features and capabilities that a software program or systen provides to its users. It 1s one of the most important characteristics of software, as it deterrines the usefulness of the software for the intended purpose. Examples of Functionality in software include: Reliability: A set of attributes that bears on the capability of software to aaintain its level of performance under the given condition for a stated period of Cine Reliability is a characteristic of software that refers to its ability to perform its intended functions correctly and consistently over tine. Reliability is an important aspect of software quality, as it helps ensure that the software will work correctly and not fall unexpectedly. Efficiency: Te refers to the ability of the software fo use system resources in the most effective and efficient manner The software should make effective use of storage space and executive command as per desired timing requirenents, Efficiency 1s a characteristic of software that refers to ts ability to use resources such as memory, processing poxer, and network bandwidth in an optimal way. High efficiency means that a software progam fan perform its intended functions quickly and with mininal use of resources, while low efficiency means that 2 software prograa ay be Slow or consue excessive resources. aintainability: Tt refers to the ease with which the modifications can be made in a software systen to extend its functionality, improve its performance, or correct errors Portability: A set of attributes that bears on the ability of software to be transferred from one environment to another, without er einioun changes. What is a process model? A process model describes the flow of work or activities, usually in a graphic format, that contribute to accomplishing a specific goal. Process models are typically used to represent and analyze a series of activities that occur repeatedly and on a regular basis. Process models can be used to model the flow of work in or between people and departments in an organization, or the flow of activities in a computer system or application. Process models have a clear beginning and end, intended outcome, order of activities, and different results based on the decisions that you make through the course of the process. The intent of the model is to provide a representation of the process that allows understanding, analysis, and decisions. 6 types of software process models 1. Waterfall - The waterfall software process model is one of the simplest and most effective software process models 2. Prototyping Prototyping is another conmon type of software process model. 3. Incremental Incremental development is the process of dividing the development phases into various sections based on user feedback 4, Spiral The spiral model is similar to the waterfall model but includes risk assessment. 5. Iterative The iterative model is similar to the incremental model, except that individual components of the software receive feedback and testing before the team develops the other components. 6. RAD model The RAD model, or rapid application development model, combines rapid prototyping with incremental development. Requirements Analysis gc» ecient aay i slgicat and esr atity ae elcaton We aa reine, and cis the pateres rare to make consistent and unbigaus requirements. Ths cy reve i eqcement and may poi 2 tabi vew of the ene stm After he competion of he ana Ri expected that he understand of he project may improve ica ate, a sleuth tactonwth the strato aly pai of onion an to undestan ie equtemens ae mete inpectant tan he “The various steps ofrequiement nai are shown nig: ‘Steps of Requirements Analysis A requirements analysis process involves the following steps: ° Step 1: Identify Key Stakeholders and End-Users. ... ¢ Step 2: Capture Requirements. ... ¢ Step 3: Categorize Requirements. ... ° Step 4: Interpret and Record Requirements. ... © Step 5: Sign off. 1. Flow Oriented Modeling It shows how data objects are transformed by processing the function. The Flow oriented elements are: i. Data flow model * It is a graphical technique. It is used to represent information flow. * The data objects are flowing within the software and transformed by processing the elements. + The data objects are represented by labeled arrows. Transformation are represented by circles called as bubbles. + DFD shown in a hierarchical fashion. The DFO is split into different levels. It also called as ‘context level diagram’. Components of an Software Requirements Specification Introduction:-Completeness of specifications is difficult to achieve and even more difficult to verify. Having guidelines about what different things an SRS should specify will help in completely specifying the requirements. ‘SRS must address are: + Functionality + Performance + Design constraints imposed on an implementation + External interfaces Conceptually, any SRS should have these components. If the traditional approach to requirement analysis is being followed, then the SRS might even have portions corresponding to these. However, functional requirements might be specified indirectly by specifying the services on the objects or by specifying the use cases. Requirements engineering is the process of identifying, eliciting, analyzing, specifying, validating, and managing the needs and expectations of stakeholders for a software system. The requirements engineering process is an iterative process that involves several steps, including: + Requirements Elicitation: This is the process of gathering information about the needs and expectations of stakeholders for the software system. This step involves interviews, surveys, focus groups, and other techniques to gather information from stakeholders. * Requirements Analysis: This step involves analyzing the information gathered in the requirements elicitation step to identify the high-level goals and objectives of the software system. It also involves identifying any constraints or limitations that may affect the development of the software system, ‘+ Requirements Specification: This step involves documenting the requirements identified in the analysis step in a clear, consistent, and unambiguous manner. This step also involves prioritizing and grouping the requirements into manageable chunks. + Requirements Validation: This step involves checking that the requirements are complete, consistent, and accurate. It also involves checking that the requirements are testable and that they meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders. + Requirements Management: This step involves managing the requirements throughout the software development life ‘cycle, including tracking and controlling changes, and ensuring that the requirements are still valid and relevant. What is risk identification? Risk identification is the process of documenting any risks that could keep an organization or program from reaching its objective. It's the first step in the risk management process, which is designed to help companies understand and plan for potential risks. Examples of risks include theft, business downturns, accidents, lawsuits or data breaches. When you identify risks, look for events that may prevent a project from achieving its goal. The risk's origin can be the project itself or external sources. There are several situations for which you might need to identify risks, including: Software Engineering-Risk Projection fm SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Risk projection, also called risk estimation, attempts to rate each risk in two ways—the likelihood or probability that the risk is real and the consequences of the problems associated with the risk, should it occur. The project, planner, along with other managers and technical staff, performs four risk projection activities: (1) establish a scale that reflects the perceived likelihood of a risk, (2) delineate the consequences of the risk, (3) estimate the impact of the risk on the project and the product, and (4)note the overall accuracy of the risk projection so that there will be no misunderstandings. RMMM Plan ; A risk management technique is usually seen in the software Project plan. This can be divided into Risk Mitigation, ‘Monitoring, and Management Plan (RMMM). In this plan, all works are done as part of risk analysis. As part of the overal project plan project manager generally uses this RMMM plan. In some software teams, risk is documented with the help of a Risk Information Sheet (RIS). This RIS is controlled by usi a database system for easier management of information i creation, priority ordering, searching, and other analysis. Aft documentation of RMMM and start of a project, risk mitigation and monitoring steps will start. Risk Mitigation : It is an activity used to avoid problems (Risk Avoidance) Steps for mitigating the risks as follows. 1. Finding out the risk. 2. Removing causes that are the reason for risk creation 3. Controlling the corresponding documents from time to time. 4. Conducting timely reviews to speed up the work, Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is simply a way to assure quality in the software. It is the set of activities which ensure processes, procedures as well as standards are suitable for the project and implemented correctly. Software Quality Assurance is a process which works parallel to development of software. It focuses on improving the process of development of software so that problems can be prevented before they become a major issue. Software Quality Assurance is a kind of Umbrella activity that is applied throughout the software process. Generally the quality of the software is verified by the third party organization like international standard organizations. Software quality assurance focuses on: ‘+ software's portability ‘+ software's usability + software's reusability ‘= software's correctness ‘* software's maintainability ‘+ software's error control Software Quality Assurance has: 1. Aquality management approach 2. Formal technical reviews 3, Multi testing strategy 4. Effective software engineering technology 5. Measurement and reporting mechanism CREATING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Architectural design represents the structure of data and program components that are required to build a computer-based system. It considers the architectural style that the system will take, the structure and properties of the components that constitutes the system, and the interclationship that occurs among al architectural components of a system. Data Design ‘The data design action translates data defined as part ofthe analysis model into data structures atthe software component level and. When necessary into a database architecture at the application level. a) Data Design at the Architectural Level ‘The challenge in data design isto extract useful information fiom this data environment, particularly when the information desired is cross-functional. ‘To solve this challenge, the business IT community has developed data mining techniques, also called knowledge discovery in. database (KDD) that navigate through existing databases in an attempt to extract appropriate business-level information. An eee eeeeee Renner ence alternative sOmuon, Called 2 data Watenouse, adds an additional tayer to the data arcnitecture. A data warehouse is a separate data environment that is not directly integrated with day -to-day application but encompasses all data used by a business. b) Data Design at the Component Level Data design at the component level focuses on the representation of the data structures that are directly accessed by one or more software components. We consider the following set of principles (adapted from for data specification): 1. The systematic analysis principles applied to function and behavior should also be applied to data. 2. All data structure and the operations to be performed on each should be identified. 3,A mechanism for defining the content of each data object should be established and used to define both data and the operation applied it. 4. Low-level design decision should be known only to those modules that must make direct use of the data contained within the structure, 5. The representation of a data structure should be known only to those modules that must make direct use of the data contained ‘within the structure. 6. A library of useful data structures and the operations that may be applied to them should be developed. 7. Asoftware design and programming language should support the specification and realization of abstract data types. SERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that modularizes information systems into services. You then orchestrate collections of these services to bring business processes to life. In a successful processes. The Service- oriented architecture allows us to manage the usage (delivery, acquisition, consumption, and so on) in terms of, and in sets of, related services. SOAs a logical evolutionary descendant of the software modulatization techniques that began more than 50 years ago with the introduction of structured programming. SOA's novelty is thatit gives you increased flexibility in the choice of implementation technologies and locations for the service providers and consumers. The abstracted service interfaces also enable providers and consumers to evolve independently -as long as the interfaces remain stable. ‘The benefits of an SOA derive primarily from a single characteristic: the stability of the service interface. This stability, relative to the overall rate of systems changes and thus reduces the cost of subsequent changes. You derive a much larger benefit when you are able to reuse services exactly as they are, Reuse avoids the cost of re- implementing or modifying the functionality encapsulated in the service. Here we will identify the characteristics of a well formed service, and provide guidance on how to deliver service oriented applications. Here we will identify the characteristics of a well formed service, and provide guidance on how to deliver service oriented applications. Principles and Definitions ‘We'll begin by looking at definitions of basic Service concepts, Service AComponent capable of performing atask. A WSDL service: A collection of end points (W3C). + Atype of capability described using WSDL (CBD)). A Service Definition + Avehicle by which a consumer's need o wantis satisfied according toa negotiated contract (implied or explicit) which includes Service Agreement, Function Offered and so on (CBDI). A Service Fulfillment + An instance ofa capability execution (CBD. What is software testing? Software testing is the process of assessing the functionality of a software program. The process checks for errors and gaps and whether the outcome of the application matches desired expectations before the software is installed and goes live Why is software testing important? Software testing is the culmination of application development through which software testers evaluate code by questioning it. This evaluation can be brief or proceed until all stakeholders are satisfied. Software testing identifies bugs and issues in the development process so they're fixed prior to product launch. This approach ensures that only quality products are distributed to consumers, which in turn elevates customer satisfaction and trust. Software testing plays a predominant role in the Software Development Life Cycle. User Experience (UX), being the king of any product, requires a consistent and minuscule view in bringing precision to it. Any software developed is prone to hackers’ penetration and loopholes leading to vulnerability. To make successful software that customers accept needs consistent testing, software adaptability, impeccable errors logs, elimination of risks and extra costs, and optimization in business. All these imperious necessities put the software testers in demand all the time. Let's read further to know more about the tech skills required, salary, roles, and responsibilities of a software tester. sekbos tering tect of ata testing whch earns he ncbonsty of sofas witout psig noite intern nate o cdi The rma source of ack box ting ition eerie tht sited by the cre, Black box testing tnt mathd tester elt futon nl input lef sain is ancora an chck wheter the funcon ging expat opto a. the fron pods cect up thn ti Bee Generic steps of black box testing © Thebac oe ets bn on the spseionofraquement 2s aninedin he begining © Inthe second step, th tr sts pote est senso an adver et ana slecingvl and i ipa also eck th he stare plein them eect oie © Inthe hid step the ester develops various test cass sch as debion able pastes ual vsion enor stint. coset rah et © Te fou paseincues the exceton of al est cases. © Inthe ft tp th tear compares the ape oust oan the ac ouput © tthe sith an ial tep if there ay fl inthe soa then itis cared and tested again. White Box Testing eg[Eep The bo sting approach face eng const of ck bo ting a wie oe eng We te dicing here hte Box eng whch ato known a lie oi tein. tact esting. lear box testing, open tos testing and transparent ox testing iss ira cong and intucture of omar oss on checing of preinednpute aga eget nd dened us based onion workings fa pi sce eng, nt ype etn programing ils re equi to dsgn et ce. The privy gol of ite box ttn i to foie conten fips ad tpt ugh he care and sengtheing the set of teste, ‘The tm whits bor is wad Beau ofthe intra perpetne of the stan, The bo or white box or tana oxrame dent he abity to ee ough the sft Oral nos nae tenga whee they wil prem the lack bo ts ad ey the appation long wth the vaquemens nd Hen he gs and send tt the developer ‘The deeape fis the bgt and dose ound of white box tng an end to he etiam He, hing the gels hat the bug dete ad he pri fst is working in on the ere the test engineers lot ince infin th dec forthe ling estos +> Fong te bug might inept the othe fester. Thefts engine shuld away fin the ag and eles shoud tl be ding he Bog as. ‘2 tthe text engineers spare met of he tn fg the defects then they ena be unabie to find the ther bugs in the apple, \Validation testing Nolan testing i tesng where tester porn fiona and nan-nctnal esting. Hee functional eating ices Unt Teng (UD, Integration eting and Sytem Testing (ST) and nom funtion esting ncudes User aceptanee ting UA, Te « ‘AllYHDReSs Stop How \oluston esngi ae noun a damien, hr ete ensringtht "we ave developed the produc ight ft checks a the este est th buses eed theclant Validation Pea ne) Difference between verification and validation testing We check whether we re devloing thea prt ont. \Verfton i ale known a tale ting. eration nudes erent methods ike nspetons, Reviews and Waltroughs. "tis a proces of checking the wosk products (pt the ral radut ofa development ace to lee whether he roduc meets the pected raquements ‘Quaty essurance comes uncer vesitstin testing “The excition of ee doesnt happen nthe weiicaton esting. Inverfcation esting. we an re the bugs ety inthe development paseo the product eration testing Is enced by the Guaty assurance team to mate sue thatthe post avloped acorsing to customers requrements. \erfton is one before the alton esting. In this type of testing, me can verity that the inputs oo the outputs not We check whether the developed product sgh ‘alton sao known 2 dynam testing. \alidton includes testing he functional testing stem testing. integration and User acceptance testing, Tei 0 proces of checking the softaae dng ora the end ofthe deelopmert ce to deci Uhether the sofware flow the specfed buses requerments uty conto ome under vadstonteting, Invalitin testing he execution of code happens neva testing we can fn thos bugs which aero caught inthe verifeation process. ‘alton esting excted by he esting team to test the application. ‘Aer verification testing, aidaton esting takes place In this typeof testing, we can vat that the user accepts the product or not Umbrella activities in Software Engineering Qo orcs Read Discuss oa e Software engineering is a collection of interconnected phases. These steps are expressed or available in different ways in Gifferent software process models. Umbrella activities are a series of stops or procedures followed by a software evelopment team to maintain the progress, quality, changes, and risks of complete development tasks. These steps of umbrella activities will evolve through the phases of the generic view of software development. The activities in the software development process are supplemented by many general activities, Generally, common activities apply to the entire software project and help the software development team manage and track progress, quality, changes, and risks, Umbrella activities consist of different tasks: *# Software Project Tracking and Control » Formal Technical Reviews * Software Quality Assurance * SCM or Software configuration management + Document Preparation and Production Re-usability Management » Measurement and Metrics Risk Management ‘Software Process Framework is an abstraction of the software development process. It details the steps and chronological order of a process. Since it serves as a foundation for them, itis utilized in most applications. Task sets. umbrella activities, and process framework activities all define the characteristics of the software development process, Software process includes: ‘* Tasks ~ focus ona small, specific objective. ‘+ Action ~ set of tasks that produce a major work product. ‘+ Activities ~ group of related tasks and actions for a major objective. ‘Software Architecture : Software Architecture defines fundamental organization of a system and more simply defines a structured solution. It defines how components of a software system are assembled, their relationship and communication between them. It serves as a blueprint for software application and development basis for developer team. Ads by Google Wihy this ad? Software architecture defines a list of things which results in making many things easier in the software development process, + A software architecture defines structure of a system. ‘+ A software architecture defines behavior of a system ‘© A software architecture defines component relationship, ‘* A software architecture defines communication structure. ‘A software architecture balances stakeholder's needs. * A software architecture influences team structure. ‘A software architecture focuses on significant elements. ‘+ A software architecture captures early design decisions. © A softwere erchhectare coptires serty design dactions. Characteristics of Software Architecture : Architects separate architecture characteristics into broad catego ss depending upon operation, rarely appearing requirements, structure etc. Below some important characteristics which are commonly considered are explained. + Operational Architecture Characteristics = 1. Availability 2. Performance 3, Reliability 4, Low fault tolerance 5, Scalability + Structural Architecture Characteristics: 1, Configurabitity 2. Extensibility 3. Supportability 4, Portability 5, Maintainability + Cross-Cutting Architecture Characteristics: 1. Accessibility 2. Security 3. Usability 4, Privacy 5, Feasibility Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a successor of CMM and is a more evolved model that incorporates best components of individual disciplines of CMM like Software CMM, Systems Engineering CMM, People CMM, etc. Since CMM is a reference model of matured practices in a specific discipline, so it becomes difficult to integrate these disciplines as per the requirements. This is why CMMI is used as it allows the integration of multiple disciplines as and when needed. Objectives of CMMI: 1. Fulfilling customer needs and expectations. 2. Value creation for investors/stockholders. 3. Market growth is increased. 4. Improved quality of products and services. 5, Enhanced reputation in Industry. CMMI Representation - Staged and Continuous : A representation allows an organization to pursue a different set of improvement objectives. There are two representations for CMMI : * Staged Representation : uses a pre-defined set of process areas to define improvement path, provides a sequence of improvements, where each part in the sequence serves as a foundation for the next. an improved path is defined by maturity level. maturity level describes the maturity of processes in organization. Staged CMMI representation allows comparison between different organizations for multiple maturity levels. * Continuous Representation : allows selection of specific process areas. uses capability levels that measures improvement of an individual process area, Continuous CMMI representation allows comparison between different organizations on a process-area-by-process-area basis. allows organizations to select processes which require more improvement. In this representation, order of improvement of various processes can be selected which allows the organizations to meet their objectives and eliminate risks. What is risk analysis? 6 by Linda Rosenerance Risk analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing potential issues that could negatively impact key business initiatives or projects. This process is done in order to help organizations avoid or mitigate those risks. Performing a risk analysis includes considering the possibility of adverse events caused by either natural processes, like severe storms, earthquakes or floods, or adverse events caused by malicious or inadvertent human activities. An important part of risk analysis is identifying the potential for harm from these events, as well as the likelihood that they will occur. Why is risk analysis important? Enterprises and other organizations use risk analysis to: + anticipate and reduce the effect of harmful results from adverse events; + evaluate whether the potential risks of a project are balanced by its benefits to aid in the decision process when evaluating whether to move forward with the project; + plan responses for technology or equipment failure or loss from adverse events, both natural and human-caused; and « identify the impact of and prepare for changes in the enterprise environment, including the likelihood of new competitors entering the market or changes to government regulatory policy. What is Risk? All investments involve some degree of risk. In finance, risk refers to the degree of uncertainty and/or potential financial loss inherent in an investment decision. In general, as investment risks rise, investors seek higher returns to compensate themselves for taking such risks. Every saving and investment product has different risks and returns. Differences include: how readily investors can get their money when they need it, how fast their money will grow, and how safe their money will be. In this section, we are going to talk about a number of risks investors face. They include: Spiral Model Gis Ga ‘The spa mode nitty proposed by Boehm ian evlionary software process mode hat coupes the teatve feature of petting wih the conta and systematic aspects fhe ner sequel ‘mode iplemens the potent for rapid development fnew veins ofthe sf Using he pial model he sofware is developed ina eves of rr relate. Ong he ety erations the dion lease may be a pape mode or potty. Dug ler tertins, mote and mote carglete versns ofthe engineered stem ae produced The Spiral Model shown in fig ig. Spiral Model ah ye nthe opel dvd int four prt “Objective setting: Each cycle o the spiral starts with the leentifeation of purpose for ghat cycle: the varus sbewatives that ave poseble for aching the tayeete, and the constraints that ests. ‘isk Assessment and reduction: The nest phase inthe cle it eset thesevnrius atematves based o the gal and consis. Te foc of evluntion in his tage i lcated onthe tk perception forthe peje. Development and valdation: The net phasis to dvlop satis ht ee Uncertain nd ik Thi proces may inde ata sich ae benching simultin, and prototyping Planning: Fay te net ep planned. Te procs ews and 3 hace made wheter to contine wih a futher paod of he spit. itis etrmined to keep, pln awn up othe not apo the project, ‘The development phate depends onthe remring rk. or expe H romance or se-nertce rks a Ueted mote ete han the progam development rks the nat phe maybe an oltionay devlopment ht ino developing a mare detaled prototype for song thik ‘The isk driven feat of spl model allows accommodate any mitre ota speciaion-oeted, prota oirgsmuston ante o anche pe of proach An ean len of the mod that ach prod ofthe spas completed by a vow tat incest produ developed ding tat ncuding pan forthe nest ce. The spl model wos for dvlopment a wea When to use Spiral Model? © When deliverance isaguited oe fequent © When rqiements ar uncer an complex © Wham changes may requ 3 ay time © Lage and high budget proce Advantages © High amount of kana © Uae forage and mason ial pete Disadvantages © kana needed igh partclt expeise © Does wok wl for sae prj.

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