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How to write a Research Proposal?

Front page explaining what type of document is this? (Title, Name, Department)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1
1 Introduction

1.1 Background

 It may be 1 - 2 pages explaining the general introduction of the topic.

1.2 Statement of Problem

 It may from 0.5 - 1.5 pages explains what is the problem being investigated
1.3 Rationale of the study
 Why it is necessary to conduct this research?
 What is the research gap in the literature reviewed?
 What are the academic benefits of the research conducted?
 How this research can help decision/ policy makers in the process of

1.4 Research Questions/ Hypothesis

 These are questions you want to find out the solution for. 2-4 questions. Not
more than that.
1.5 Research Objectives
 2 - 5 objectives based on the nature and requirement of the topic. With very
clear and specific wordings so that every aspect of the objective is clear and

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

 What this study will cover and what not.
 What may be the limitations of study (shortcomings).
Chapter 2

Literature Review

 Based on your topic you can organize. It should be like an essay on specific topic
which starts from somewhere and is being supported by specific arguments and ends
with some conclusion.
 Stat with the development of the theoretical framework of the topic and narrow it
 Develop the conceptual framework that will guides you to review the relevant
literature and stay within the scopes of your study.
 As said earlier it must have connection of ideas like in an essay. It should NOT be
just copying and referring that XYZ said this and WDF said that and GBT says this
etc. etc.
 It should not be done merely for reviewing the available literature instead it must be
covering the critical review of the specific and related literature in order to find out
the gaps, weak areas, and debatable aspect of the studies done already.
 NO page limitation depending upon the topic and requirement of the study.

Chapter 3
Research Design

3.1 Type of Research

 Explain what type of research.
 E.g. basic or applied? Or any other.

3.2 Research Design

 Explain what type of design will be used for data collection? Survey Design or Case
Study design, experimental or mixed approach?
 Explain which way this design works?
 Explain why you are choosing this design?

3.3 3.5 Selection of Study Area (if any)

 Briefly introduce the study area.
 Why you have selected this study area?

3.6 Unit of Analysis

 What is your unit of analysis? May be a village or district or 2 districts or, province or
any other.

Data Collection
 Primary Data
 What type of data will be used?
 What are the sources of the data?
 What time period will be used for the data?
 What are the indicators of primary data?
 Secondary Data
 What type of data will be used?
 What are the sources of the data? Clearly point out the names of institutions
and departments you will collect data from.
 What time period will be used for the data?
 What are the indicators of secondary data?

3.4 Sampling

 Explain what type of sampling design will be used?

 Why it is necessary to use this type of sampling?
 What would be the sample size? If required?

3.7 Data Processing and Statistical Analysis

 Descriptive Analysis
 What type of descriptive analysis will be used?
 On which type of data these tools such as %age, mean average, mode or any other
will be applied?
 Inferential Analysis
 Clearly mention what type of tests will be applied? T-Test, F-test, Chi square
test etc.
 Further may be regression, simple correlation, multiple correlations etc.
 Explain and justify why the specific test will be applied and how it will
accomplish your requirements framed in the objectives.

Chapter 4
Expected Outcome

What are you expecting from your research i.e. what kind solutions you are going to


 May be on chronological order or alphabetical order.

 Name, (Year), Title, Volume, Issue, Publisher, City.
 Any style of referencing

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