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Excel (B1S2)

1. Which of the following is the expression to be entered into cell D4 in order to calculate the after-tax
prices of the products shown in cells A4 and A5 by using the two tentative sales tax rates that are set in
cells D2 and E2? Here, the expression to be entered into cell D4 is copied to cells D5, E4, and E5.

a) $B4 * (1.0 +D$2) b) B$4 * (1.0 +D$2) c) B4 * (1.0 +D2) d) $B$4 * (1.0 +$D2)

2. A survey into the amount of pocket money is conducted at three (3) schools. When the consolidated
results of the survey are used to calculate the average pocket money per student for all the students of
the three (3) schools, which of the following is the expression that is entered into cell C5?

a) (B2*B3*B4)/(C2*C3*C4) b) AVERAGE(C2:C4)

c) SUM(C2:C4)/SUM(B2:B4) d) (B2*C2+B3*C3+B4*C4)/SUM(B2:B4)

3. In order to calculate the ratio of the gross profit for each item to the total gross profit (hereinafter,
the gross profit ratio), the expression is entered in cell G2 of the worksheet shown below, and then
copied to cells G3 through G5. Which of the following is the expression that is entered in cell G2? Here,
the cells used to calculate the gross profit ratio are displayed in percentage.
a) F2/E2 b) F2/F$6 c) F2/F6 d) F2/SUM(E$2:E$5)

4. A spreadsheet program is used to create a quick reference chart for the compound interest per a
principal of 1,000 dollars. Which of the following is the expression that should be entered in cell B4?
Here, the expression in cell B4 is copied to each of cells B4 through F13.

a) $B$1* ((1 +$B2) ^ $A4 − 1) b) $B$1*((1 +$B2) ^ A$4 − 1)

c) $B$1*((1+B$2) ^ A$4 − 1) d) $B$1*((1+B$2) ^ $A4 − 1)


In order to aggregate and analyze the questionnaires that are filled in by 200 respondents, spreadsheet
software is used to create the worksheet in Figure 1. Here, the response table is a list where each line is
the evaluation of a customer, and cells B204 through F204 calculate and display correlation coefficients
that show the relationship between the evaluation for the category in each column and the overall
evaluation. The evaluation aggregation table displays the occurrence for each level of satisfaction (1
through 5) in each category.

In cell B208 of the evaluation aggregation table in Figure 1, an expression that displays the relevant
occurrence is entered. Which of the following is the expression that is entered in cell B208? Here, the
expression in cell B208 is copied into cells B208 through G212.
a) COUNTIF(B$3:B$202, = $A208) b) COUNTIF($B3:$G3, = $A3)

c) COUNTIF($B3:$B202, = A$208) d) COUNTIF(B$3:G$3, = A$3)

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