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The School's theme for 2024 is "I Am the Change I Want to See."

This theme emphasises individual transformation as the catalyst for a more compassionate world. It
encourages students to reflect on their role in making positive changes within themselves and their
communities, fostering a mindset of growth and empathy for a better society.

Inclusivity is not just a part of our theme for this year, it is the heart and soul of our School. By integrating
inclusivity into all areas of study, we are equipping our students for a varied and interconnected world where
everyone is valued and respected.

Our mission is to create an environment where diversity is accepted and celebrated.

We aim to encourage students to explore a variety of cultural, social, and historical contexts and embrace
inclusivity in all their endeavours. This will not only enhance their academic learning but also contribute to
their personal growth and their ability to make meaningful contributions to society.

In the words of Terri Marshall “ The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out
ways to make life better for those around us.”

Happy Holidays!


Create a class XI CBSE ALS Project file aligned with the School's theme for the year 2024, "I am the Change I Want
to See", which encapsulates the powerful idea that personal transformation is the driving force of a better world.

Task: Investigating Local Community Issues and Proposing Solutions

You are required to conduct a thorough investigation of your local area to identify and analyse pressing issues within
your community (You can talk to people in your community to get a better picture). These issues can range from
inclusivity of the differently abled, sanitation problems, water scarcity, lack of street lighting, inadequate parking
facilities, to the absence of recreational spaces like parks, etc. Document your observations through written notes
and photographs.

Choose at least two issues, ensuring that inclusivity of the differently abled is recognised as one of the pressing issues
and analyse their root causes and impact on the community. Prioritise the issues based on their severity. Brainstorm
innovative solutions to address the identified issues effectively. Develop a detailed plan outlining the implementation
of your proposed solutions. Consider how you can contribute to bringing about change in your community.
The project should be handwritten and must have the following.

Cover page with the title of the project and student’s details (name, class & section, roll number and subject.)
1. Statement of Purpose or Objectives
2. Certificate of Completion
3. Table of Content
4. Action Plan of the Project
5. Project Report
6. Photographs
7. Bibliography

Empathy is a complex phenomenon influenced by both biology and social factors!
Attempt any one of the assignments given below.

1. Evolutionary History of Empathy:

Evidence suggests that empathy has deep evolutionary roots. Examples of empathy in other animals indicate its
long history and importance for social bonds.

Prepare a project with a model to elaborate how different animals show empathy and social bonds that give them
an advantage for survival. Give concrete facts/examples to reinforce your points. Explain how their lives would
be without social bonds. How do they help/ complement each other to create better survival conditions for all?
Compare the impact in both the cases.

2. Ecosystems are based on the concept of inclusion where every single member has a unique and essential role
to play (niche). With the help of any two plants/ microbes, explain the ‘niche’. Find out their unique roles in their
natural habitats. Prepare a comprehensive project report highlighting their importance and the impact of their
absence due to extinction/ low numbers. Use pictures, case studies and models to depict your results. Draw
conclusions from your research.


Attempt any one of the assignments given below.

1. Hearing aids are a vital tool that significantly enhance the ability of individuals with hearing impairments to
participate fully in all aspects of life, thereby promoting a more inclusive and equitable society. Modern hearing
aids can connect to various devices, such as smartphones, televisions and public address systems, enhancing
accessibility to information and communication.

These involve the concept of sound waves, their amplification and electronics. Make a model of a hearing aid
using microphones, speakers and amplifiers.

2. Multisensory experiences involve engaging multiple senses simultaneously, which help in a deeper
understanding of the concepts.

Design 3D models (that can be touched and manipulated), depicting various physical phenomena like friction,
magnetism, buoyancy using simple materials.

Roll Numbers 1-15

1. Chemistry of Traditional Medicine: Investigate the chemical compounds present in traditional herbal
medicines from different cultures. Explore how these compounds interact with the body and compare their efficacy
and safety with modern pharmaceuticals. Discuss the importance of recognizing and respecting diverse medical
Roll Numbers 15-last roll number

2. Innovations in Food Preservation

Project: Explore chemical methods for food preservation to enhance food security and reduce waste, making
nutritious food more accessible to everyone.
• Preservation Techniques: Experiment with chemical preservatives, natural antioxidants, and other
preservation methods to extend the shelf life of foods.
• Effectiveness Testing: Test the effectiveness of different preservation methods on various foods by
measuring spoilage rates and nutrient retention.
• Sustainable Practices: Research and present sustainable and eco-friendly preservation methods that can be
used in different communities.


1. Design a product or solution that addresses a specific inclusivity issue in one of the following scenarios:
classroom environment, workplace setting, community spaces, or recreational activities. For example, an
accessible item of classroom furniture, a communication tool for neurodiverse teams, public seating for individuals
with disabilities or a certain adaptive sports equipment. Create a video to describe your product or solution,
highlighting the key features that promote inclusivity.
2. Create a web application dedicated to fostering inclusion in the workplace. Implement features that promote
diversity and equity, such as job postings that emphasise inclusivity, resources for diversity training and education,
and forums for employees to share their experiences and insights. Ensure the design prioritises accessibility, user-
friendliness, and confidentiality to accommodate diverse employee needs. Consider incorporating features for
mentorship programs, affinity groups, and feedback mechanisms to empower all employees and unlock
opportunities for professional growth.


The purpose of disability inclusion is to ensure that people with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory
disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as those with no disabilities. This includes all areas of education,
work, social engagement and community activities. Mathematics can serve as a therapeutic tool to support people
with diverse disabilities.
Attempt any one of the two projects

1. Utilizing Tactile Graphics for Visual Impairment: Create a tactile graph and make a project detailing the
utilization of tactile graphics like Swell-Form Graphics and 3D printing as therapeutic tools to enhance the
learning experience of Math for students with visual impairment. Discuss the therapeutic benefits of tactile
exploration in mathematical education, outline specific ways these tools can support cognitive and sensory
development and address challenges in effectively implementing them in an educational setting.

2. Leveraging Software Tools for Cognitive Disabilities: Prepare a powerpoint presentation highlighting
the role of software tools such as Desmos and Geogebra with illustrations , in using mathematics as a
therapeutic tool for students with cognitive disabilities like dyslexia and dysgraphia. Provide a detailed
analysis of specific features that contribute to cognitive development and emotional well-being, and
examine the potential benefits and challenges of integrating these tools into a therapeutic educational
(Complete any one of the assignments given below.)

Various organisations, like Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Walmart, and Facebook, have hired people or
formed roles committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity within their company.

1. Visit a few organisations (like Costa Coffee , KFC, Cafe Coffee Day etc)

a. Conduct interviews through questionnaires asking about the experiences of employees regarding the
policy of inclusivity.
b. Make a project/scrolls/scrap book on what these companies are doing to promote inclusivity in their
c. Is the adoption of inclusivity adding to the organisation's costs? If yes, conduct a comparative survey
of the differences.

2. Movie : Srikanth Bolla/Poorna

Watch and review the movie only based on its underlying inclusivity, business aspects of a disabled
person's life, relationships, startups, and general assumptions about a disabled person. Disabilities don’t
keep a person from creating a business.

a. Use various techniques like collage, comic strips, ppt presentations etc. to present your
b. Create a short film to express your unique perspectives or ideas for inclusiveness as an entrepreneur.

3. Conduct a detailed study about government policies on disability rights and inclusivity, both
nationally and globally.

a. Explain the policies and analyse the effectiveness of such government policies in the light of
economic inclusiveness. Present the above in the form of a project or ppt presentation.
b. Create a plan or strategy for raising awareness and bringing about change.
c. Create a model of a startup that can be run by disabled people.


Research and Report:

Task: Write a report on common types of posture deformities such as scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis.

Content: Include diagrams to illustrate these conditions and explain their causes.

Inclusivity: Think of ways in which you can help a person with a deformity to feel included in a school setting.
Describe specific actions or strategies that your peers and you can take to support and include them in various
THEME: Indian folk art inspired from braille script

Combining Indian folk art with Braille script is a unique and fascinating idea that could potentially create inclusive
and accessible artwork. It will raise awareness about the importance of making art accessible to everyone,
regardless of their abilities.
Indian folk art forms like Madhubani paintings, Warli art, Pattachitra, and others often depict scenes from
mythology, nature, and daily life using vibrant colours and intricate patterns. Introducing Braille into these art
forms could involve incorporating tactile elements or embossing Braille characters onto the artwork, making it
accessible to visually impaired individuals.
Draw a composition on A2 size sheet on Indian folk art integrating Braille dot patterns. You may choose a theme
or subject inspired by Indian folk art (e.g., nature, mythology, daily life) and embossing Braille dot patterns onto
their artwork, spelling out words or phrases related to their chosen theme.




Work on any one disability with a detailed description, innovative learning tools for classroom teaching, and some
changes you would like to incorporate in your thinking and behaviour to make the environment more inclusive for
these individuals inside and outside the classroom. The lesson plan should be multidisciplinary. (PSYCHOLOGY)

1. Barfi
2. Hichki
3. Taare Zameen Par
4. Forrest Gump
5. The Road Within
6. Atypical
7. A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)
8. Please Stand by Me.
9. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Analyse any one of the above movies based on the underlying disability, costumes, music, direction, set-up, props,
editing, relations, acting, and stereotypes. Examine government policies related to disability rights and inclusion,
both domestically and internationally. Analyse the effectiveness of disability policies in promoting equality,
accessibility, and empowerment for individuals. Draft a plan/strategy you can use to raise awareness and effect a
change or make a model depicting your vision of change. (POLITICAL SCIENCE)


In the context of the school theme, meet adult individuals—at least two, if not more. Compose a questionnaire
before meeting them. Seek their own and their carer’s consent for the entire interaction, photographs, and outputs
that you receive in writing before you proceed. (SOCIOLOGY)

Keep this personal journal with all the interactions that explore the relationship between you and the people with
special skills that you have spoken to, through responses in questionnaires, photographs, conversations, audio, and

The journal (whether compiled in physical or digital form) can be considered for display at the School annual

The physical form is a file with printouts. The digital form can be a PowerPoint presentation or a short video.
Students should try and work around the concept of ‘adaptive clothing’ i.e. design or style them which is tailoring
to their needs (for your design collection you may include features such as magnetic closures, velcro
fastenings, adjustable waistbands, and accessible zippers to make dressing easier for people with limited
mobility). (FASHION STUDIES)
The output must reflect the student’s understanding of people with special skills, the changes they see in
themselves through this process, and how they can create a more inclusive environment in society.



“By and large, our mythological texts have shown disabled people either as powerful, cunning, and mischievous
characters or as beggars or in a state of extreme pain and poverty.”

In the light of the statement, prepare a review of literature that discusses the representation of disabled people in
mythological texts through the period between the 14th and 20th centuries.

Book recommendations on the theme:

1. The Girl Who Speaks Through Pictures: Autism Through Art by Eileen Miller

2. Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau

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