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I / He / She / It / “Name” WAS

You / We / They / “Names” WERE

I enjoyED you enjoy? I enjoy

She SAW DID she see? She didn’t see

They WENT they go? They go

Change the following verbs into the past simple

1. Add 6. Find 11. Make 16. Stand

2. Bake 7. Go 12. Nag 17. Train

3. Chew 8. Hear 13. Open 18. Vote

4. Do 9. Jump 14. Punch 19. Wave

5. Eat 10. Learn 15. Run 20. Yell

Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the verb above

1. Mom a cake for my birthday.

2. We to the cinema last night.
3. Johnny his mom for a new BlackBerry.
4. Sam every day for the big game.
5. We to the airport and at the planes.
6. Tyson the bag before his big fight.
7. P’On off the table.
8. Tawan her homework before school.
9. Fah at her naughty brother.
10. She her eyes and the man of her dreams in front of her.

Complete the sentences below. Put the verbs into the correct form. Positive or negative.

1. It was warm, so I off my coat (take)

2. The film wasn’t very good. I it very much. (enjoy)
3. I knew mom was very busy, so I her. (nag)
4. I was very tired, so I the party early.
5. The window was open, so a bird into the room. (fly)
6. I wasn’t busy, so I time to phone him. (have)
7. I was busy, so I time to phone hm. (have)
8. The bags heavy. (be) I it all by myself.

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