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5:57PM OB Os OG © @) 22 Hl ul GS} Treat alt is nat fair in love and war. Tat 43, 1 feel you snoutd give someone Your best and that you shold exereise respect and Honesty. T appreciate. genulne Companionship and soul ansparea relataonsnip. You the one in which you can Teel the Geren wove beneatn your eet with Just one kiss. OF, ona an wnuch you spend sale homens. Just thinkang about the otier person. Tran honest, dopendable, Loving, ‘gentle, aFfoctionate and have good Friendship Tom searching for ny Life long partner to ahare a Great Life of Love with, romance, long stow kasses, reeling very Special, antanacy, sparatuality, pteasurapie communsestion, dancing, meetang ot tne ands, openang s door or'you, Tuowers, Eraveting and’ other excating interests and adventures, A CREAT LIFE OF LOVE!! T aw fone who strony believes 1n respoct and that without respect, you cave t experience true" tova and. generate a healthy relationship... I believe. in’asmalver “wow when itis first a Friendship ana then'a larger "Wow" Tater as 1t evolves into’ Boautaful Loving committed relationshap.=. I believe lies not Just what you are Like on the outside, but more about wha you are like an the inside. sem” seeking Friendship rirst, (no gane playing please) with soneane Who appreciates. some of the ‘lane Cenperanents and interests T enjoy 1 Foot that a rolationship should always be based upon honesty and acceptance. When you can fulty accept yourseit, honesty mitt come naturally. This in roturn wail {have your partner Feeling confortable with you, knowing there is nothing. to hide. If two people can ace each other in full view with complete acceptance, ‘they ean Busta a successful relationship from this-T do want you to kow that aw not here For gane.-T do want to be with you and snow you how T’Go care Tor you, spend forever with you. Oe ey Secret to a successtul retationsnap 1s compromse. Meeting naltway on hinge shoes your partner that you realty do care about thear vieupoant and YoU are willing’ to work on making each other happy. Love 15 the most eautirut song, with its sweet melody coming fron the bottow of ‘the neart. Friendsndp as 4 pslgranage of love trom one heart to. another, 00 you Know wnat’ iove feels’ Lake? That feeling that makes your Reart so warn You WeULd ever ness the sumer to cone agein ivan aman who WiLL accept ne Like his wife. We help each other financially and we support each obner very mich’ couression 4 need to telt you this and 1 guess 1 should catt tt my confession, Just when 1 got ofr here yesterday , 1 just cant stop thinking of You, and 1 kept asking ay Setr sone questions since then but 1 have no-one fo help out and antwer me. the questions are Gauls ae be that 4am fatling an tove? ang a2 wnat 4 m testing cattee tover® wet 2 Featiy dont unoy shat fo sett thas but 2 must conress to you this as just tne way Shave been feeling and 3 nese to let u know about 4¢.4 just cant stop thanking to ny self and hoping 4 am not going ansane because 4 dont know wry this" ds happanany [So fact and se strong. could it be becmise i have not been ana relationship. for Yong? dos it nean thai 1 Weed to Tearn this again? 1 Just dont khow nny this 1s happening too fast and too'strong but 1 m feeling this and It "1a "really making me tnini 4 going crazy because this 12 too fast to be reat and i'm realty falling 20 Geep an love wath you Nere Gaay decause 1 dont wanna give doubt any Toot here an ay Download

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