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What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source centralized platform designed to create,

deploy, and run applications. Docker uses container on the host's
operating system to run applications. It allows applications to use the
same Linux kernel as a system on the host computer, rather than
creating a whole virtual operating system. Containers ensure that our
application works in any environment like development, test, or

Docker Containers

Docker containers are the lightweight alternatives of the virtual

machine. It allows developers to package up the application with all its
libraries and dependencies, and ship it as a single package. The
advantage of using a docker container is that you don't need to allocate
any RAM and disk space for the applications. It automatically generates
storage and space according to the application requirement.

Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is a software that allows us to install and use other

operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Debian) simultaneously on our
machine. The operating system in which virtual machine runs are called
virtualized operating systems. These virtualized operating systems can
run programs and preforms tasks that we perform in a real operating

Why Docker?

Docker is designed to bene t both the Developer and System

Administrator. There are the following reasons to use Docker -

◦ Docker allows us to easily install and run software without

worrying about setup or dependencies.
◦ Developers use Docker to eliminate machine problems, i.e. "but
code is worked on my laptop." when working on code together
with co-workers.
◦ Operators use Docker to run and manage apps in isolated
containers for better compute density.
◦ Enterprises use Docker to securely built agile software delivery
pipelines to ship new application features faster and more
◦ Since docker is not only used for the deployment, but it is also a
great platform for development, that's why we can e ciently
increase our customer's satisfaction.

Docker Engine

It is a client server application that contains the following major


◦ A server which is a type of long-running program called a daemon

◦ The REST API is used to specify interfaces that programs can use
to talk to the daemon and instruct it what to do.
◦ A command line interface client.

Docker Architecture

Before learning the Docker architecture, rst, you should know about
the Docker Daemon.
What is Docker daemon?

Docker daemon runs on the host operating system. It is responsible for

running containers to manage docker services. Docker daemon
communicates with other daemons. It o ers various Docker objects
such as images, containers, networking, and storage. s

Docker architecture

Docker follows Client-Server architecture, which includes the three

main components that are Docker Client, Docker Host, and Docker

1. Docker Client

Docker client uses commands and REST APIs to communicate with

the Docker Daemon (Server). When a client runs any docker command
on the docker client terminal, the client terminal sends these docker
commands to the Docker daemon. Docker daemon receives these
commands from the docker client in the form of command and REST
API's request.

Docker Client uses Command Line Interface (CLI) to run the following
commands -
docker build

docker pull

docker run

2. Docker Host

Docker Host is used to provide an environment to execute and run

applications. It contains the docker daemon, images, containers,
networks, and storage.

3. Docker Registry

Docker Registry manages and stores the Docker images.

There are two types of registries in the Docker -

Pubic Registry - Public Registry is also called as Docker hub.

Private Registry - It is used to share images within the enterprise.

Docker Objects

There are the following Docker Objects -

Docker Images

Docker images are the read-only binary templates used to create

Docker Containers. It uses a private container registry to share
container images within the enterprise and also uses public container
registry to share container images within the whole world. Metadata is
also used by docket images to describe the container's abilities.

Docker Containers

Containers are the structural units of Docker, which is used to hold the
entire package that is needed to run the application. The advantage of
containers is that it requires very less resources.
In other words, we can say that the image is a template, and the
container is a copy of that template.

Docker Networking

Using Docker Networking, an isolated package can be communicated.

Docker contains the following network drivers -

◦ Bridge - Bridge is a default network driver for the container. It is

used when multiple docker communicates with the same docker
◦ Host - It is used when we don't need for network isolation
between the container and the host.
◦ None - It disables all the networking.
◦ Overlay - Overlay o ers Swarm services to communicate with
each other. It enables containers to run on the di erent docker
◦ Macvlan - Macvlan is used when we want to assign MAC
addresses to the containers.
Docker Storage

Docker Storage is used to store data on the container. Docker o ers the
following options for the Storage -

◦ Data Volume - Data Volume provides the ability to create

persistence storage. It also allows us to name volumes, list
volumes, and containers associates with the volumes.
◦ Directory Mounts - It is one of the best options for docker
storage. It mounts a host's directory into a container.
◦ Storage Plugins - It provides an ability to connect to external
storage platforms.
How to install docker on Windows

We can install docker on any operating system like Windows, Linux, or

Mac. Here, we are going to install docker-engine on Windows. The
main advantage of using Docker on Windows is that it provides an
ability to run natively on Windows without any kind of virtualization. To
install docker on windows, we need to download and install the Docker

Follow the below steps to install docker on windows -

Step 1: Click on the below link to download DockerToolbox.exe.

Step 2: Once the DockerToolbox.exe le is downloaded, double click

on that le. The following window appears on the screen, in which click
on the Next.

Step 3: Browse the location where you want to install the Docker
Toolbox and click on the Next.
Step 4: Select the components according to your requirement and
click on the Next.

Step 5: Select Additional Tasks and click on the Next.

Step 6: The Docker Toolbox is ready to install. Click on Install.

Step 7: Once the installation is completed, the following Wizard

appears on the screen, in which click on the Finish.
Step 8: After the successful installation, three icons will appear on the
screen that are: Docker Quickstart Terminal, Kitematic (Alpha), and
OracleVM VirtualBox. Double click on the Docker Quickstart Terminal.

Step 9: A Docker Quickstart Terminal window appears on the screen.

To verify that the docker is successfully installed, type the below
command and press enter key.

1. docker run hello-world

The following output will be visible on the screen, otherwise not.

You can check the Docker version using the following command.
1. docker -version

Docker Container and Image

Docker container is a running instance of an image. You can use

Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to run, start, stop, move, or
delete a container. You can also provide con guration for the network
and environment variables. Docker container is an isolated and secure
application platform, but it can share and access to resources running
in a di erent host or container.

An image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker

container. A docker image is described in text le called a Docker le,
which has a simple, well-de ned syntax. An image does not have states
and never changes. Docker Engine provides the core Docker
technology that enables images and containers.

You can understand container and image with the help of the following

1. $ docker run hello-world

The above command docker run hello-world has three parts.

1) docker: It is docker engine and used to run docker program. It tells

to the operating system that you are running docker program.

2) run: This subcommand is used to create and run a docker container.

3) hello-world: It is a name of an image. You need to specify the name

of an image which is to load into the container.

Docker Container
Docker Docker le

A Docker le is a text document that contains commands that are used

to assemble an image. We can use any command that call on the
command line. Docker builds images automatically by reading the
instructions from the Docker le.

The docker build command is used to build an image from the

Docker le. You can use the -f ag with docker build to point to a
Docker le anywhere in your le system.

1. $ docker build -f /path/to/a/Docker le .

Docker le Instructions

The instructions are not case-sensitive but you must follow conventions
which recommend to use uppercase.

Docker runs instructions of Docker le in top to bottom order. The rst

instruction must be FROM in order to specify the Base Image.
Deploying Spring Boot Microservice to Docker
In this example we will -
• Create a Spring Boot Web Application.
• Create image for starting this application.
• Run the above image as container to start the jar.

The project we will as follows-

Run maven command - clean install, and a jar le gets created in the target
folder. Next we will start docker and deploy this jar using docker.

Create the docker le. Docker le is a list of commands that we want the
docker engine to execute. Go to the spring boot project folder and create a
docker le as follows-
From openjdk:8
copy ./target/employee-producer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
CMD ["java","-jar","employee-producer-0.0.1-
Open the terminal and start the docker
systemctl start docker

Now open the terminal and go to the Spring Boot project folder.
Next we will build an image with the name producer.
docker image build -t employee-producer .
Next we will run the above image as a container. Also we will be publishing
the docker port 8080 to centos port 8080.

This command is same as the previous examples only difference is we will be

using an additional command parameter name.
Until now we made use of the unique container id when we created a new
container. Instead now we can give an name to the container and use it for
referring the container.
docker container run --name producer -p 8080:8080 -d

Here we have started the container with name as producer. Now using the
following command check the logs
docker container logs producer
The application has started successfully. Go to localhost:8080/employee, we
will see that our application is deployed successfully.

• Employee Producer -
• The project we will as follows-

• The docker le is as follows- From openjdk:8
• copy ./target/employee-producer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
• CMD ["java","-jar","employee-producer-0.0.1-


Open the terminal and start the docker systemctl start docker

Now open the terminal and go to the Spring Boot employee-producer project
Next we will build an image with the name producer.
docker image build -t employee-producer .
Next we will run the above image as a container named producer. Also we will
be publishing the docker port 8080 to centos port 8080.
docker container run --name producer -p 8080:8080 -d
So our employee container has started. We can test this by going to
localhost:8080/employee, we will see that our application is deployed

Employee Consumer -

We have created and started a container named producer where we have

deployed the employee-producer service.
So the only change we will be making is while consuming the employee
producer service we will be using this container named producer instead of
So in the ConsumerControllerClient class we will be having the base url as
http://producer:8080/employee instead of http://localhost:8080/employee.
package com.javainuse.controllers;

import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

public class ConsumerControllerClient {

public void getEmployee() throws

RestClientException, IOException {

String baseUrl = "http://producer:8080/

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response=null;
}catch (Exception ex)

private static HttpEntity<?> getHeaders() throws

IOException {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
return new HttpEntity<>(headers);
The docker le is as follows-
From openjdk:8
copy ./target/employee-consumer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
CMD ["java","-jar","employee-consumer-0.0.1-

Open the terminal and go to the Spring Boot employee consumer project
Next we will build an image with the name consumer.
docker image build -t employee-consumer .

Next we will run the above image as a container named consumer.

docker container run --name consumer -d employee-consumer

Next check the logs using

docker container logs consumer

Here we can see that the container named consumer is not able to
communicate with the container named producer.

So we are getting a null pointer exception.

Inter Docker Container Communication Using Docker Networking

We will be using Docker Networking to allow multiple containers to interact
with each other.
We will need to create our own network and add both the employee-producer
and employee-consumer services to it. We will stop and remove the existing
docker containers named consumer and producer.

Lets rst check the available networks

docker network ls

Next we will create our own network will be of type bridge

docker network create consumer-producer
Lets start the employee producer container on the newly created network.
docker container run --network consumer-producer --name
producer -p 8080:8080 -d employee-producer

Lets start the employee consumer+ container on the newly created network.
docker container run --network consumer-producer --name
consumer -d employee-consumer

Lets check the consumer container logs-

docker container logs consumer

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