Portal to English Pre-Intermed_3_Gram Test 3

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Portal to English Pre-Intermediate (3) – Grammar Test 3

Test: Module 3 (Units 8-10)

Α. Circle the correct options.

1. Catherine has lived in this house before / since she was three years old.
2. Have you yet / ever read that book?
3. Alan has been / gone to Peru twice.
4. Julia and Mandy have just / yet finished eating.
5. He looks really tired. He has been worked / working all day.
6. He went to the art gallery yesterday / last weekend.
7. I took up karate eight months before / ago.
8. Peter’s had this car since / for 2015.
9. Richard bought his house since / in 2014.
10. I’ve been waiting for Kelly since / for over an hour. score 10

B. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs
in brackets.

1. A: you (ever /
visit) China?
B: Yes, I (go) there last year.
2. A: There you are! I (call) you five times so far today.
B: I’m sorry. I (not hear) the phone ring. I was
3. A: Hey! What you (do)
last night? you (go)
over to John’s house?
B: No. I (be) really busy at work since last Thursday,
so I don’t go out much.
4. A: How long you (know)
B: We (be) friends for many years.
We first (meet) at school.
5. A: Alice (sit)
forher exam yet?
B: Yes. She (sit) for it yesterday morning.

score 12
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Portal to English Pre-Intermediate (3) – Grammar Test 3

C. Expand the prompts into sentences. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect

1. Emily / already / borrow / three books / library /.

2. Kevin and his sister / study / two hours /.

3. Martin / drive / children / school / yet / ?

4. Scott / never / travel / abroad /.

5. John / paint / the house / all week / ?

6. Alan / not train / all morning /.

7. Penny / already / take / two maths tests /.

8. your parents / ever / visit / Germany / ?

score 8

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Portal to English Pre-Intermediate (3) – Grammar Test 3

D. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. I’ve known George since 2015. met

2. He began taking computer lessons eight months ago. for


3. Alice started doing her homework at 6 o’clock and she hasn’t finished yet. since


4. Gary has been to Japan before. already


5. Brenda went to that restaurant last Saturday and she went there again yesterday. twice



E . Circle the correct options.

1. Fred hurt him / himself while he was climbing a tree.

2. On Saturday mornings, Scott wakes up, makes himself / him breakfast and reads the


3. Diane didn’t invite me / myself to her house last weekend.

4. My friend and I enjoyed myself / ourselves very much at the amusement park.

5. People who buy the furniture can easily put it together by them / themselves.

6. Did you and Ian make these model planes by yourself / yourselves?

7. I don’t need your help. I can do this by me / myself.

8. The teacher gave us / ourselves lots of homework for tomorrow.

9. Carol bought her / herself a new computer and she’s really happy with it.

10. This tablet is Jenny’s. Can you give it to her / herself?

score 10


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