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TASK: Week 13 - Task: Assignment - The best Birthday present


Fajardo Romero Valeria Sandon Caldas Ricardo

Bentura Choque Joaquin Ronaldo

J: Hey, guys! I'm at the electronics store and I need your help. We need to choose a gift for Alex.
Should I get a laptop, a TV, or a cellphone?

R: Hi, Joaquin! What are the options like?

J: Well, the laptop here is the newest model, the TV is the largest one they have, and the cellphone
is the most advanced one in the store.

V: Hey, Joaquin! Let's think about what Alex needs the most. He already has a pretty good TV,

J: Yes, his TV is bigger than mine. So, maybe a TV isn't the best option.

R: Agreed. How about the laptop? Is it better than the one he currently has?

J: Definitely. This laptop is much faster and lighter than his current one.

V: But wait, he travels a lot. Wouldn't a new cellphone be more useful? It sounds like the cellphone
is the most advanced of all the options.

R: That's a good point. Joaquin, is the cellphone significantly more expensive than the laptop?

J: Actually, the cellphone is a bit cheaper than the laptop, but it's more expensive than the TV.

V: Alright, let’s focus on what's most practical. Since Alex is always on the move, I think the
cellphone is the best choice. It's more convenient for him than a laptop.

R: I agree. Plus, a cellphone is something he'll use every day. Joaquin, go with the cellphone. It's
the best option for Alex.

J: Got it! Thanks, guys. I'm buying the cellphone right now. You two have the best advice!

V: You're welcome! Can't wait to see his reaction.

R: Yeah, he’s going to love it. See you later, Joaquin!

J: Bye, guys!

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