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Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Bhopal Graduated: May 2023
Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) MAX Semester SGPA: 9.45 /10, CGPA: 8.83 /10

GOLDMAN SACHS - Analyst | Compliance - Models (Spoofing) July 2023 - June 2024
JAVA | Hadoop | Spark | Scala | Python | AB testing | YARN | Zeppelin| Linux | Gitlab | Hbase | MapReduce | PACT
● Created a fresh job in the Hadoop distributed file system to generate below-the-line(BTL) alerts using a complex config-driven
manner, calculating top-scoring BTL alerts using selection/sampling of different signal scores.
● Helped improve the spoofing model to catch 25% more below-the-line alerts based on marketability using sensitivity analysis
on different mean and standard deviation combinations and A-B testing, thus reducing noise and increasing precision and
accuracy of the model by 20% and 15% respectively.
● Included distance from the best bid and ask in model signal calculation, reducing 40% of the False Negative alerts generated.
AMAZON - Software Development Engineer (SDE) Intern | Pricing Systems Jan 2023 - June 2023
BACK-END JAVA | Spring | Neptune DB | Gremlin | Jupiter Notebook | Coral | JSON | JUnit | Cloud Watch
● Created a Policy Trail and Recovery System portal for audit and rollback of faulty policies reducing dependency on policy tech
team and efficiently tracking the history of policy changes along with metadata for previous policy records in self-serve manner.
● Deep-dived into pricing simulation architecture which simulates change of policies across classifiers of retail products.
● 10x improvement in the gremlin query when operating with Neptune DB (graph-based db) to fetch historical policy data
● Created a High-level Design (HLD) and Low-Level Design (LLD) of the Policy Trail & Recovery System, covering IMR, Worst case
traffic scenario, TPS, client and server-side Pagination, choice of DB, Latency analysis, and different methods of auditing
● Requirement Closure via collaborating closely with End users & key stakeholders capturing functional and non-functional req
● Created a backend coral API to fetch historical policy values and Wrote Unit test with 100% code coverage
FRONT-END Selenium | JavaScript | React | CSS | Git
● Designed and deployed, a frontend user interface (UI) architecture for Ops to generate the report in real-time, thus increasing
performance, accessibility, and usability and reducing dependency by 100%
● Implemented additional functionalities such as filtering records based on multiple records, sorting the records enhancing data
exploration capabilities along with Client side pagination support and integration testing
GOLDMAN SACHS - Summer Analyst (Software Engineer) Intern | Asset Management Division May 2022 - July 2022
BACK-END JAVA | Spring Boot | Sybase | SQL | CI/CD | JSON | Postman | Linux | Velocity
● Reduced the manual efforts of the Ops team by 90% by automating the generation of Quarterly reports using REST API
● Reduced the execution time by 96% from 1 hour to 2 minutes using batching of API calls and added Permit Entitlement setup
● Automated Report email generation and Integrated Velocity engine Email template in it, increasing efficiency by 80%
FRONT-END JavaScript | React.js | CSS
● Designed and deployed, a frontend user interface (UI) architecture for Ops to generate the report in real-time, thus increasing
performance, accessibility, and usability and reducing dependency by 100%

● 5 STAR CODER @CODECHEF (Current Rating: 2104)
● GLOBAL RANK 1 out of 6401 Competitive Programmers in CodeChef May long challenge 2021 in division 2
● ACM ICPC Regionalist 2021-2022 (AIR 61 in Kanpur Regionals and AIR 77 in Amritapuri Regionals out of 4992 teams)
● GLOBAL RANK 64 out of 20156 Competitive Programmers in CodeChef September long challenge 2020 in division 3
● Ranked among the Top 677 Competitive Programmers in India and Top 1112 out of 4,00,000+ Coders across globe on CodeChef
● 2 times Google Code Jam Qualified 2020 and 2022 (solved 4/5 questions)

● Strongest Area: Data Structures and Algorithms Design | Complexity analysis | Competitive Programming (C++)
● Web Development: HTML | Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) | JavaScript | Scalable Full Stack
● Tools & Framework: React | Node | Redux | Spring Boot | SQL | CI/CD | Microservices | JSON | IntelliJ | Postman | Git
● CS Fundamentals: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) | Relational Database
● Soft Skills (non-technical): Problem Solving | Analytical & Quantitative Skills | Leadership Skills | Communication Skills

PRESIDENT (former Executive member) May 2021 - June 2022
CodeChef IIIT Bhopal Campus Chapter & CODAME, Coding Club of IIIT Bhopal
● Problem Setter, Tester, Mentored 300+ and Increased participation by 900 % from 20 to 200 participants in 6M on CodeChef

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