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A report is a presentation of factual information in a very structured format. It is not meant to be entertaining
or easy to read.


A report needs a title, and this title should explain the purpose of the report and the subject matter that will
be covered.


Each paragraph in a report is given a sub-heading, which informs the reader what information each
paragraph will cover. The first pargraph usually has the sub-heading INTRODUCTION, and the final
paragraph usually carries the sub-heading SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.


The opening paragraph clearly informs the reader that the document is a report, and lays out the information
that will be covered. It should also inform the reader that suggestions and recommendations will be offered
in the conclusion.


The final paragraph should consider the ideas discussed in the main body of the report and offer some
suggestions and recommendations as to what needs to be done.


The language in a report is impersonal and formal, for which reason there is a heavy reliance on the passive.
Ideas are clearly explained, but there is no need to be entertaining.


Linking is used to explainn how the ideas presented are connected, and as with all documents, linking within
sentences, between sentences and between paragraphs plays an important role in the coherence of the

Before writing a report, you need to consider the following:

• What is the purpose of a report?

To inform the reader about a subject in an clear way, leading to evaluations, suggestions and

• What information should I include?

Only the information required by the question should be given, without the need to make the material
entertaining. Personal suggestions and recommendations should be given at the end.

• What style is best for a report?

Reports are usually written in an impersonal formal style, without the use of personal pronouns.

• Who will read it?

Reports are usually read by people who need the information contained in the report.


Here are some useful phrases that can be used for reports:

• Stating aims:

This report will look at...

This report in intended to ...

The aim of this report is to ...

• Giving reasons:

For this reason.....

Consequently ...

• Giving suggestions and making recommendations:

In view of this, I would suggest that.....

Considering this situation, I would suggest that ...


Introduction (1)

The purpose of this report (2) is to analyze the service being provided in the school canteen. The report will
comment on specific observations and focus on the weaknesses affecting students with regards to this. It will
then consider steps by which any problems identified might be alleviated. (3)

Identifying the main drawbacks

There is widespread agreement amongst students (4) that the canteen provides a regular service with a
substantial choice of food on offer. However, it is the waiting time and slow service (5) that affects the
success of the canteen negatively. In order to function competently, (6) there is a need for the service to be
improved in terms of tardiness. After having spoken to many students using the canteen on a regular basis,
this (7) aspect is the main stumbling block identified. Students often find themselves wasting valuable time
waiting in queues to choose their food or pay for it, resulting in food getting cold and allowing them little
time to eat it. They rely upon (8) a speedy service in order to be able to organise themselves and carry out
(9) their timetables efficiently.

Solutions to be implemented

In a college environment (10), efficiency is of utmost importance (11) if set timetables are to be met. (12) In
light of this, the following measures could be taken:

• Additional staff recruitment - by taking on (13) two new members of staff, the pressure on those
already working will be eased.

• Alterations in infrastructure (14) - the infrastructure of the canteen should offer four clear areas hot
food, cold food and snacks, drinks and payment area. On a practical level, this will allow a better
organisation of the space, creating (15) an orderly environment for all and reducing waiting times.


In light of the aforementioned drawbacks, (16) it is believed that the suggested measures would result in a
great improvement in the service provided. This would ensure a more efficient working atmosphere for all,
leaving no doubt that the new canteen would be a resounding success. (17)

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