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Faculty of medical tecnology _ Benghazi

Biomedical Engineering department

Upper limb prosthetic control training system

based on vertual reailty
A project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment OF the Requirements For The Degree
OF Bachelor's in Biomedical Engineering

: Prepared by
Ali Abdullah Ali 262191154

Omar Ali Moftah 262192096

Mokhtar Abdullah 262182074

Amir Jihad Jimah 262191034

Supervised by : Mrs.Marwa Belkher

Chapter one

A Dive into Prosthetic Limbs and the Fascinating World of the Prosthetic Hand
Imagine a world where the absence of a limb becomes not a limitation, but a
gateway to possibility. A world where technology and human ingenuity intertwine
to restore not just function, but confidence and a sense of wholeness. This is the
world of prosthetic limbs, and at the heart of it lies the prosthetic hand, a marvel of
engineering and a testament to the human spirit's unyielding drive to overcome

From rudimentary hooks to bionic marvels, the evolution of the prosthetic hand is
a captivating saga. Early prostheses, crafted from wood or iron, focused on basic
functionality, offering amputees a means to grasp and hold objects. But with each
advancement, the hand has shed its purely utilitarian role, transforming into a
.sophisticated interface between the human body and the world

Modern prosthetics blur the lines between machine and man. Sensors embedded in
the socket capture the faintest muscle twitches, translating them into precise
movements of the prosthetic fingers. Myoelectric technology allows for intuitive
control, while advances in materials science have yielded hands that are not only
functional, but aesthetically pleasing, mimicking the natural look and feel of a
.human hand

But the journey is far from over. Researchers are pushing the boundaries, exploring
the frontiers of neural interfaces and artificial intelligence to create prostheses that
are not just extensions of the body, but true partners in movement and sensation.
The dream of a hand that feels, that truly integrates with the wearer's nervous
.system, is no longer a futuristic fantasy, but a tantalizing possibility within reach
Literature Review\ Background

The use of virtual reality (VR) technology in physical rehabilitation and motor
control research is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, there is ongoing
discussion regarding whether VR can truly improve our capacity to impact the
nervous system or if simply navigating a virtual environment is sufficient to inspire
individuals to engage in physical activity.

The development of prosthetics is necessary in order to address the unsatisfactory

state of current mechanical prosthetic hands and to improve user satisfaction. This
project aimed to enhance user satisfaction, as there are numerous individuals in the
Western world who are dissatisfied with their prosthetic hands or cannot afford
functional ones, as well as numerous individuals in third world countries who
cannot afford prosthetics at all.

The advancements in upper-limb prosthetic technology have greatly increased the

potential for powered movement. The DEKA Arm system, for example, provides
users with 10 degrees of powered movement. However, learning to control these
movements can be challenging for users, as the motions required to operate the
DEKA Arm may differ from those used prior to amputation. To address this issue,
a Virtual Reality Enhanced (VRE) program has been developed that allows users
to practice controlling an avatar using the same controls that are used to operate the
DEKA Arm in the real world.

Rehabilitation of amputees is crucial for the fitting of prosthetics. To this end, we

have developed V-Rehab, a virtual reality-based rehabilitation software that
utilizes electromyography (EMG) signals for muscle rehabilitation and prosthetic
control training. This software was tested on an amputee to determine the optimal
placement of sensors for both rehabilitation and prosthetic control. The program
displays real-time EMG signals, which can be used for further analysis and the
setting of control parameters. Additionally, V-Rehab features a robotic virtual hand
that mimics the control of a prosthetic arm. This virtual hand was particularly
beneficial for the amputee, as it allowed them to experience controlling a
prosthetic before being fitted with a real one.

Aim of study

This research endeavors to create and assess a novel virtual reality (VR) training
program intended to support upper limb amputees in their rehabilitation and
prosthetic manipulation. The ultimate objective is to improve practical results,
heighten user involvement, and augment the general experience associated with
prosthetic limb usage.

Specific aims include:

To develop a VR training system

To evaluate the efficacy of the VR training system

Functional improvement: Changes in grasping strength, dexterity, and performance

of daily living activities.

Prosthetic control: Accuracy, efficiency, and ease of controlling the prosthetic limb
within the VR environment.
Motivation of the study

The field of prosthetics is a hotbed of innovation, constantly pushing the

boundaries of what's possible. From biomimetic designs that mimic the natural
hand's intricate movements to advancements in sensory feedback and intuitive
control interfaces, the sheer potential to improve lives through technology is
exhilarating. I'm driven by the desire to contribute to this exciting field and be
part of the solution in making a real difference for amputees.

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