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Geography Class 7, Summer vacation Homework

1. a) Fill in the blanks.

i. _____________________________ is the state of atmosphere at a particular place and at a

particular time.

ii. A ________________________________ is an instrument used to measure the temperature of

the air.

iii. _____________ percent world’s water is fresh.

iv. The water that is stored in the soil and rocks, under the surface of the Earth, is known as

v. The place where a river enters the sea or ocean is called its _______________________.

vi. A smaller river or stream that flows into the main river is called a

vii. A ____________________________ is an instrument used to measure air pressure.

viii. Bends in the course of a river are called _____________________________.

ix. ____________________ percentage of water on the Earth is salty water in the seas and oceans.

x. __________________________________ is an instrument used to measure the speed of wind.

xi. _____________________________ was discovered at Sui in 1952.

xii. Canals that flow throughout the year are called


xiii. The Indus Water Treaty was signed in ________________________ between Pakistan and
India to solve water dispute.

xiv.The movement of the water downstream or downhill over the land, is due to

xv. ______________________________ is the flow of goods from producers to consumers.

xvi.The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights appear in the sky north of about latitude
________________________ degree north.
b) Identify if the following sentence is an example of a “weather” or “climate”.

i. We expect heavy snowfall at Murree in winter. ………………………………

ii. I hope the sun shines tomorrow. ………………………………

iii. The wind has blown our trees down. ………………………………

iv. Sibi experiences high temperature during summer ..……………………………..

v. State two of Pakistan’s main exports and two of its main imports.

2. a) State three characteristics of Equatorial Climate.




b) What is meant by the term monsoon?



c) Study Fig. 1 below which shows a temperature graph for Lahore.

Fig. 1
Describe the pattern of temperature through the year at Lahore.








d) Complete the passage below about monsoon rainfall in Pakistan. Choose the correct words from the
list and place them in the spaces provided.
e) Study Fig. 2 showing rainfall in KPK, Pakistan.

Fig. 2
i. What is the maximum and minimum rainfall, and when does it occur?

• Maximum rainfall ..................................... Month …..........................................

• Minimum rainfall ..................................... Month ..............................................

ii. For how many months is the rainfall above 100 mm?


3. a) Describe the effects of cyclones on cities such as Thatta.






b) Study Fig. 3, a climate graph showing rainfall and temperature for Multan.

Fig. 3

Complete Fig. 3, using the information below

c) Explain how the following factors affect temperature conditions of Pakistan.










4. a) Explain the following processes of transportation of sediments/load by river:

i. Traction



ii. Saltation



iii. Suspension



iv. Solution



b) Describe briefly how waterfall is formed?




c) State any three uses of water.



d) i. Which three statements about water pollution in Pakistan are correct?

Tick (✓) three boxes below.

Water pollution is most likely to occur due to: Tick (✓)

Shortage of monsoon rainfall

Oil spills from motorboats

Disposal of untreated municipal liquid waste

Smoke from motor vehicles

Failure to make dams and canals

Leaking of sewage lines

ii. For one of these ways, explain how the problem caused by water pollution can be solved.




e) What is hydrological cycle?





5. a) What does fresh water mean?



b) State three disadvantages of desalination process.



c) i. State any two reasons for the increase in volume of water in a river.



ii. State any three reasons for the water crisis in many areas of Pakistan.







d) What is meant by the following terms,

i. transpiration


ii. desalination


e) Explain the causes of the monsoon rainfall in Pakistan.







) Study Fig. 1, a diagram showing oil prospecting and drilling.

Fig. 1

Complete the labels on Fig. 1 by choosing the correct words from the list below.

Derrick Drill Pipe Refinery Valves

d) Study Fig. 2 which ranks Pakistan’s main trading partners for imports and exports in 2013.

Fig. 2
Name a country which is a main trading partner for both imports and exports.


6. a) Define ‘tertiary industry’.



b) Study Fig. 3, which gives information for the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan in 1992 and

Fig. 3

i. What is meant by the term Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?



ii. What percentage of GDP came from agriculture in 2012?


c) Name three different job types in the primary sector.

1 ………………………………………………………….

2 ………………………………………………………….

3 ………………………………………………………….

d) What is meant by the following terms:








e) Name two main seaports in Pakistan.



7. a) What does fresh water mean?



b) Describe two ways in which water supplies can be polluted.



c) State any two reasons for the increase in volume of water in a river.




d) Study Fig. 4 which shows the location of a Faisalabad.

Fig. 4
State three factors shown on Fig. 4, which influences the cotton textile industry in Faisalabad. For each
factor explain its importance to the development of this industry.






8. a) What is meant by the following terms,





b) What is meant by the term ‘cottage industry’?




c) State any three characteristics of formal sector industry.




d) What is meant by the term ‘raw material’?




e) Name two raw materials used in Iron and Steel Industry of Pakistan.



f) Describe the difference between internal trade and international trade?




g) Define ‘primary industry’.




9. a) What is an Export Processing Zone?




b) What is meant by the term balance of trade?




c) Suggest two effects of a negative balance of trade on the national economy.





d) State two main functions of the Export Promotion Bureau.


e) Name two countries in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) which are trading
partners of Pakistan.

1 ……………………………………………………………….

2 ……………………………………………………………….

10. a) The table below shows the maximum and minimum temperatures in °C recorded at Karachi for
four days.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Max 27 °C 29 °C 30 °C 32 °C

Min 16 °C 18 °C 20 °C 24 °C

Daily Temperature Range

Average Daily Temperature

Table 1

i. Calculate the daily temperature range and write answers on Table 1.

ii. Calculate the average daily temperature and write answers on Table 1.

iii. Calculate the average temperature for the four days.


iv. What weather instrument is used to measure the temperature?


b) Study Fig. 5 which shows the distribution of monthly rainfall in Karachi.

Fig. 5

i. For how many months does Karachi experience less than 10 mm rainfall?


ii. Estimate the total rainfall in Karachi for the period July to September.


iii. What is the maximum rainfall and when does it occur?



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