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IDENTITIES FOR COMPLETE HOMOGENEOUS SYMMETRIC POLYNOMIALS E. F. CORNELIUS, JR. College of Engineering and Science, University of Detroit Mercy Detroit, MI 48221-3038, USA Email:, Mailing address: 22955 Englehardt Street, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080-2161 Telephone: 478-731-7643 Fax: 586-777-9502 Copyright © E. F. Cornelius, Jr. 2009 All rights reserved Published in the JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, Volume 21, Number 1, 2011, Pages 109-116, by the Pushpa Publishing House. Published Online May 11, 2011. This paper is available online at There is a typographical error in the published Abstract; x,, should be x,, as below. Use of all or any part of the article requires attribution to the author and to the journal and its publisher. On May 22, 2024, the author added a purely algebraic proof of Corollary 3.3, which has been submitted to the Thai Journal of Mathematics for possible publication. Abstract Through use of the S-root basis for polynomials over an integral domain, it is shown that the complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial of degree k inn variables x15...6%q, A(X ys---6%,) = SO Xys%i, can be ex- isn Sisn x! A —. Consequently Ter pressed as the sum of rational functions, )) r . ; ; ae BhGoot) = Gacay > 2ST The article takes a different approach to reach some known results. AMS Subject Classification 1108, 11C20, 13F20, 15A99, 16D40 Keywords complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial, S-root basis, Vandermonde matrix The S-Root Basis of D[x],, and the Evaluation Map from D{x], to D” Let so,...,sn1 be a set of» = 1 distinct elements of an integral domain D. Then the n polynomials, defined as po(x) = 1, p(x) = pp1(e)(x— 5-1) for ..,n= 1, form a basis of D[x],, the free module of polynomials of degree D", defined as eval(Ax)) = (flso)...-fSe-1)) for flr) © D[x]», is a module monomorphism which has a lower-triangular matrix Cy = (ey : ij = 0,....2—1) with 0 ford j21 In [CS08] the authors computed C;' = By = (by : if .n= 1) with 0 ford 1 non-zero elements from an integral domain, and set do = 0. Then -l os Note that the lemma continues to hold when di, ..,dy represent indeterminates over a commutative ring with 1 If the standard basis {x/ ),....m— 1} is used for D[x], instead of the ‘S-root basis, then the mattix for eval is the familiar Vandermonde matrix, V = (8:47 = 0....4n-1), with the convention that 0° = 1, which has inverse IKA67, p. 572] cy > OSky<... 4, and eo(so,....8+) = 1. [M95, pp. 19-20], When j = 0, eo(s-1) = 1. The j column of M, consists of the coefficients of p,(x) with respect to the standard basis of D[x],. To illustrate n = 5, Ms = 1-50 sos =s09182 59815283 0 1 ~Go +51) S081 +5052 +5152 (08182 + s05183 + Sos283 + 818283) 00 I (50 +51 +52) S081 +5082 + S083 +5182 +5183 + 5283 00 0 1 (50 +5) #52 +55) 0} 20) 0 0 1 Mj!, denoted by N, = (vy : i,j = 0,...,2— 1), is known to consist of the complete homogeneous symmetric polynomials, fi(so,... which fy(s0,...48:) = DX 5a*+-5g-, with the conventions that Os St hr(s0, 581) = 0 for r <0 and holsos..- IM95, pp. 21-22; KD73, p. 91]. Like M,, N» is upper-triangular with I's on the diagonal. A straightfor- ward, purely algebraic proof that JY, is in fact Mf," is given infra. The Identities Cy and V,, represent eval with respect to different bases, so that C, = VnMy oF By = Cy! = My!Vq! = NnV;', yielding Ny = B,V,. This relationship is expl cd to prove the results below. Lemma 3.1. With M, and N, defined as above, N, = M;! Proof. Since B,¥y = Ny, it suffices to show that B,ViM, = NnMy = Jn, the nxn identity matrix. Because the upper-triangular matrices form a ring and both M, and, have all 1's on their diagonals, it further suffices to confirm only that all entries of B, VM, NnMy, Which lie above the diagonal, are 0; ie. when 0 < i i, so the expression > bup)(ss) reduces to 7"! bupj(sk) = B Xi. bupy(sx). Now this latter expression reduces further to), bup)(se) = Di, bupy(ss) because pj(s,) = 0 for k 1 and consider the case of n + 1. From [B, Lemma 2.1], aX 2s 0-XneXnst) = Knit 15X25 oe Knee) + Lalit Cy ADs ooo Xn) teat rhs (1). Summing all terms from k = 1 yields Sac, r= ni) = Xt Da Ges ooemkinet) Hn ye Gy oe phn) teat 21 Dy ka (1) i ra 7 Observe that 7 hi = ts, 80 the expression becomes oi = Doha snetnet) = et Dy hues octet) + [tn Dhl nse) tant a1 Doar) we = ea ra Let And = So heGer,...s:tmtmet) 80 that ra Doses nents) = An — hols nenst) = Anat — 1 because fio = 1 [B, p. 113]. With rs this notation and the induction hypothesis, the equation becomes Ta tat +l = aapheay by Lemma A above. Anat — Snide + 5 tot of or 0 a) (1m) This yields Ani = G5; The proof is concluded as in the original above. i Remark 3.4. Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 3.3 hold for polynomials over integral domains. Remark 3.5, Ns = BsVs = 1s 38 3 sé O 1 Sots: B+sositst —— sh+shsr+sos} +s} 00 1 sotsi+s2 sf +5091 +5052 +53 +5189 +53 00 0 1 So+Si +52 +83 00 0 0 1 Exercise 33 [KD73, pp. 34-35] describes the lower-triangular and superdiago- nal portions of the 2, product, without the approach or terminology employ- ed here. Cf. (i), (iii), and (v) in the proof of Theorem 3.2, supra. The proof suggested in [KD73, pp. 471-472] for those limited portions appears far more complicated than that presented here, which covers the entire B,V, matrix. Remark 3.6. The relationship Vy = CyNq can, of course, be exploited to obtain less succinct but perhaps nevertheless useful expressions. Remark 3.7. This paper is based upon a talk entitled Module-Building With Polynomials and Power Series, presented by the author at the ‘st Joint Meeting of the Amercian Mathematical Society and the New Zealand Mathematical So- ciety at Victoria University of Wellington, December 12-15, 2007. References [CS08] Comelius, E. F., Jr. & Schultz, P., “Root bases of polynomials over integral domains’, in Models, Modules, and Abelian Groups, Gébel, R. & Goldsmith, B., eds., W. de Gruyter & Co., Berlin-New York, 2008, 235-248 [M95] Macdonald, |. G., Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials, 2nd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995 [KA67] Klinger, A., The Vandermonde Matrix, Amer. Math. Monthly, 1967, 571-574 [KD73] Knuth, D. E., "Fundamental Algorithms", Vol. 1 of The Art of Com- puter Programming, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1973 [S99] Stanley, Richard, Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol. 2, Cambridge University Press, 1999

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