Role of Museums Around the World

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Research Question

Answered by : Hashini M. Devaraja B.A. Hons

What is the role of museums and how do you envision their potential for
Emmanuel N. Arinze (President, Commonwealth Association of Museums) stated that “The
traditional role of museums is to collect objects and materials of cultural, religious and
historical importance, preserve them, research into them and present them to the public for the
purpose of education and enjoyment”.

Museums have come a long way from the first known museum in Alexandria Egypt in 3 rd
century B.C., to the emergence of “cabinet of curiosities” private collections in sixteenth century
and to modern day institutions. Over the years museum culture had been spread all over the
world and today it is unusual to find a country that does not have a museum. They are the
institutions that collect, safeguard, and make accessible artefacts and specimens, which they hold
in trust for society. Sometimes they act as an educational hotspot for the people who are
constantly looking for educating themselves and sometimes they create a special space for
people to appreciate and to explore collections for inspiration and enjoyment.

According to Micheal Crichton, “If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You
are a leaf that doesn’t know it is a part of a tree”. Therefore the museums can be considered a
cultural wealth that is needed in the society to teach people how the man evolved and humanity
survived over the years. “Education that is devoid of the cultures of the people in the society is
empty and incomplete”- Emmanuel N. Arinze. Cultural education is vital for the development of
the society. The museums are the main cultural hubs that can carry out such task since they
house all the objects and materials needed for an effective execution of cultural education. And
today through integration of museum education to the curriculum, the museums assist the
students to appreciate the history and culture and take pride in the historic achievements.

The concept of early museums was rather different from that of today, where it was reserved
only for the educated elite excluding the general public. Gradually this focus began to deteriorate
and the museums have started to focus more on openness and collective involvement in dealing
with issues that impacts the community. In fact they play a very crucial role in today’s society.
They educate people with the knowledge of history and point out the mistakes from the past so
that such behaviour won’t be repeated and thus reduce violence in the society. Moreover the
local museums bring communities together to celebrate a collective heritage through public
events and exhibitions and thus build bridges and promote peace and unity.

Presently the museums are focusing more on the communities and addressing the social issues
such as drugs, street children, and prostitution through awareness programs. And the visitor
experience has become a priority. For instance, the current pandemic led the museums to digitize
their collections and enable virtual tours. And they are rapidly learning to optimize the new
communication methods to promote content. Thus it is evident that the museums are adapting
well with the changing world and are respected and valued.

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