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Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY
Doç. Dr. Mutlu ERBAY

EDİRN - 2018
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Onursal Başkn
Prof. Dr. Erhan TABAKOGLU

Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY
Doç. Dr. Mutlu ERBAY

Düzenleme Kurulu
Öğr. Gör. Hakan AKINCI
Prof. Dr. Engin BEKSAÇ
Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY
Doç. Dr. Mutlu ERBAY
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nuri Özer ERBAY
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ersan SARIKAHYA

Kapak Tqsanmı

ISBN: 978-975-374-233-7
Trakya Üniversitesi Yayın No : 204


History and culture, aside from being the memory of the past, are
also the description ofa nation today and its ushering of the future.
Civilization can be considered the roof standing on these two pillars.
Turkish nation; with its history and culture reaching back at least 5
thousand years, with its ancient civilization has hosted many nations
and societies under its wings with peace, tranquility, and happiness.
Edirne, one of the most important milestones of our nation, giving
fair treatment to everyone without discriminating religion, language
or race - shoulders the historical mission of hosting many unique
works. Like a flower blooming on its bosom, proud of being Edirne's
university, Trakya University undertakes this historical mission and supports this mission's passing onto
future generations. Trakya University, asa university of culture, proudly features Complex of Sultan Bayezid
il Health Museum, ilhan Koman Sculpture and Art Museum and War of lndependence and Lausanne
Museum. With many styles of presentations and many kinds of emotions it resonates to in its museums,
Trakya University also features many outdoor pieces of art, from paintings to architecture, and visually looks
like an outdoor museum .

in particular, Complex of Sultan il Bayezid Health Museum has achieved great recognition by national and
international visitors for its unique style of an exhibition and being the single museum worldwide regarding
its focus as well as has received many deserved commendations from various institutions. With a nomination
for the most prestigious museum reward "European Council Museum Award" and Best Exhibition and second
place awards from "World Award Winner Museum Meeting", Complex of Sultan il Bayezid Health Museum
has been accepted into "Excellence Club" of European Cultural Heritage Union .

in 2015, after receiving what is regarded as "Oscar Award of Communication", the "Mercury Excellence
Award"; the Complex also had the pleasure of getting in to UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Temporary List
and receiving the "University Museum of the Year" award from National University Museum Union in the
year 2016; the Complex of Sultan Bayezid il Health Museum is the world's first health center and university
museum ever to get in to UNESCO World Heritage List.

Where we display our values of past, both abstract and concrete, using modern techniques ofa museum
exhibition to the pleasure of our visitors, we work our hardest to prepare our museums for the future. Hosted
by our university, the 5th lnternational University Museum Union Platform Congress, with this work featuring
memorandums we believe you will be witnessing the future path of museology.

As Trakya University, we express our happiness for hosting such an event that will influence the future, 1
thank everyone who contributed to this Congress as well as creating such a work, and offers my affection
and respect.

Prof. Dr. Erhan TABAKOGLU

Rector of Trakya University


Tarih ve kültür, dünün hafızs olmasıy birlikte bir milletin bugününün açıklms ve gelcğin
müjdeleyicisidir. Medeniyet ise bu iki ayak üzerinde yükselen çatı nitelğdr. Aziz Türk milleti; 5 bin yıla
dayanan tarihi ve kültürünün üzerinde yükselen kadim medeniyeti ile birçok ulusu ve toplumu çatıs altınd
huzur, barış ve mutluluk içerisinde barındmşt.

Din, dil ve ırk ayrım yapmadan herkese adil bir şekild yaklşn medeniyetimizin önemli mihenk taşlrınd
Edirne, birçok eşsiz esere ev sahiplğ yapmnı tarihsel misyonunu omuzlaış vaziyettedir. Bağrınd bir çiçek
gibi açtığmz Edirne'nin üniversitesi olmakla her zaman gurur duyan Trakya Üniversitesi, bu tarihsel misyonu
yüklenmekte ve onun gelecek nesillere aktrılmsnd destek vermektedir. Bir kültür üniversitesi olan Trakya
Üniversitesi, bünyesinde barındğ Sultan il. Bayezid Külliyesi Sağlık Müzesi, İlhan Koman Heykel ve Resim
Müzesi ile Milli Mücadele ve Lozan Müzesi ile gurur duymaktır . Birçok farklı sunum tekniğ sahip ve farklı
duygulara hitap eden müzeleri ile Trakya Üniversitesi aynı zamanda yerlşkind açık alanlarda sanattan
mimariye kadar birçok alandaki eserleriyle de açık hava müzesini andırmkt.

Bilhassa Sultan il. Bayezid Külliyesi Sağlık Müzesi, dünyada alnıd tek olması ve müze sunum tekniklerindeki
eşsiz yapıs sebebiyle yerli ve yabncı ziyaretçilerin büyük beğnis toplamsın yanı sıra birçok farklı
kurumdan da hak etiğ övgüyü almıştr. Dünyaı en prestijli müzecilik ödüllerinden "Avrupa Konseyi Müze
Ödülü"ne layık görülen, defalarca katıldğ "Dünya Ödüllü Müzeler Bulşması"nd En İyi Sunum ve 2.'lik
ödüllerine sahip olan Sultan il. Bayezid Külliyesi Sağlık Müzesi, Avrupa Kültür Mirası Birlğ tarfınd
"Mükemmellik Kulübü'ne" de kabul edilmştr.

2015 yılnda, iletşmn oscarlı olarak kabul edilen "Mercury Mükemmellik Ödülü"nün ardın, 2016
yılnda UNESCO Dünya Kültür Mirası Geçici Listesi'ne alınm sevincini yaşn ve aynı yıl ülkemizde
Üniversite Müzeler Birlğ tarfınd "Yıln Üniversite Müzesi" seçilen Sultan il. Bayezid Külliyesi Sağlık Müzesi,
ülkemizde UNESCO Dünya Mirası Listesi'ne alın ilk Sağlık Merkezi ve Üniversite Müzesi olma özeliğn

Geçmişzn somut ve soyut tüm eğrlin,d modern teknikleri ile ziyaretçilerimizin beğnis
sundğmz müzelerimizi aynı zamanda gelcğ için var gücümüzle çalışmktyz.
hazırlmk Ev
sahiplğmzde gerçklştin Ulusarı Üniversite Müzeler Birlğ Platformu 5. Kongresi'nde sunulan
bildirilerin yer aldığ bu eserle, müzecilğn gelecekteki seyrine şahitlk edcğinz inaıyoruz .

Trakya Üniversitesi olarak gelcğ yön verecek böyle bir etkinlğ ev sahiplğ yapmış olmaktan duyğm
mutlğ ifade ederken, kongrenin düzenlenmesinde ve bu eserin ortaya çıkmasnd emği geçen herkese
teşkür eder, sevgi ve saygılr sunarım ...

Prof. Dr. Erhan TABAKOGLU

Trakya Ünive rs itesi Rektörü

Message From The Founding President of lnternational
University Association Platform

' ··-- ·
.. " ·.· ' l
University museums have a significant responsibility to share our

scientific, artistic and cultural values with future
generations . University museums are the best sources to be used to
transfer the information to young generations. Studies of University
;~ Museums Association Platform constitute the most valuable inventory
in Turkey which is important to transfer our historical, cultural and
scientific heritage to the next generations . in the next century, rapid
technologic, social and physical changes will transform university museums into new institutions adding
values and creating new brands for universities.

As the Founding Head of the lnternational Museums Association Platform, we held the 5 th lnternational
University Museums Association Conference in 2018. We come together with the purpose of lighting the way
for the development of university museums by analysing their current situations through exhibitions. The
reason why we publish the conference books we publish every year regularly is the ambition of leaving a
legacy of university museums and collections to future generations.

Today, information has gained strategical importance in modern societies. in this regard, as being the bases
of today's lnformation Age, university museums should be evaluated and analyzed in details in Turkey.
lnternational University Museum Association Platform Conferences have been organized each year since
2014 which will redefine managerial level transformation in university museums and create new
opportunities in education and employment at university museums as well. Under the unity of this platform,
we conduct our studies together to institutionalize university museums within the international platforms.
lnternational University Museum Association Platform was held with the participation of 22 university
museums in Naval Museum in 2014 w ith the cooperation of Boğaziç University and İstanbul University. in
2015, 40 university museums from Turkey and abroad attended to the conference and Boğaziç University
hosted the conference. in 2016, Trakya University hosted the conference and over 50 university museums
participated . in 2017, 56 papers from Turkey and abroad have been accepted to the conference which was
held in Anadolu University. 12 museologists and academicians from abroad introduced their own countries'
museums. 17 expert museologists, rectors and vice rectors from USA, Bulgaria, ıran, lndonesia, Azerbaijan,
France, Serbia, Russia, Tatarstan and Kazakhstan have contributed in the international development of
university museums by introducing their own countries' university museums in the 5th lnternational
University Museums Association Conference held in 2018. Receiving 60 notifications from Turkey and abroad
in the 5th lnternational University Museums Association Conference has created added value for the
development of university museums . Also, art works dedicated to museums and cultural heritage have been
done with 3 exhibitions called Soup Kitchen 2018, Transart 2018 and Heritage 2018 that were held in Edirne
and Yambol. Within this five year periocj, the increase in the participation indicates the importance of
university museums given by museum professionals and academicians.
1 would like to thank to all participants of these conferences for their valuable contributions to the future
development of University Museums. These conferences and publications in the field of University museums
are organized to be important sources for researchers in the field of University museums, academicians,
students and museum professionals as well. 1 wish these studies will be leading and helpful for those who
want to investigate current examples of university museums and establish new university museums in
professional level. 1 wish these studies will be leading and helpful for those who want to investigate current
examples of university museums and establish new university museums in professional level.

Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY

IU He ad af Musealagy Department, He ad af Museum Management Oepartment, He ad af Cultural Heritage Areas Management
Oepartment, Head af /nternatiana/ University Museums Assaciatian UNIMUZEM, 0532-365 7574 /

Ulusarı Üniversite Müzeleri Birlğ Platformu Başkm' Mesajı


Sahip olduğmz bilim, sanat ve kültü r değrl r imzn gelecek kuşalr paylşımsnd üniversite
müzelerine büyük görev düşmektir . Üniversite müzeleri, bilginin genç kuşalr aktrılmsnd kulanıc
en iyi kaynak mekanlrdı. Türkiye' nin en büyük envanterini oluştran Üniversite Müzeleri Bi r liğ Platformu
çalışmr, tarihi, kültürel ve bilimsel birikimimizin yeni kuşalr aktrılms açısnd oldukça önemlidir.
Gelecek yüzılda üniversite müzelerinin önemi giderek artan teknolojik, sosyal ve fiziki değişm ile
üniversitelere sürekli değr katan, marka yaratan kurumlara dönüşecktir .

Üniversite Müzeler Birlğ

Ulusarı Platformu' nun Kurucu Başknı olarak 2018 yılnda düzenliğm 5.
Üniversite Müzeleri Birlğ
Ulusarı konferalı ve kongreleri sergileri ile Üniversite müzelerimizin
bugünkü durmlaın analiz ederek, gelişmn ışk tuması amcı ile bir araya gelmiş bulnmaktyız. Her yıl
düzenli olarak çıkardğmz konferans kitaplrın yaın amcı , gelecek kuşalr, üniversite mü zeleri ve
koleksiyonu konusunda kalıc eser bırakm gayretidir.

Bilgi, günümüz toplumarınd stratejik bir kaynak veri haline gelmiştr ve bu bağlmd da bilgi çağın
temelinin oluştran üniversite müzeleri ülkemizde gün geçtikçe daha kapsmlı ve derinlemesine ele alınms
gereken kurmladı .

2014 yılnda bu yana her yıl düzenlenen Ulusarı Üniversite Müzeleri Birlğ Platformu Konferaslı;
üniversite müzelerinin yönetsel düzeyde değişmn yeniden tanımls konusunda yeni eğitm ve iş
fırsatl yartmkdı. Üniversite müzeler birlğ çatıs altınd bulşark, birlikte hareket ederek, ulsarı
platformlarda üniversite müzelerini kurmlaştı amcı ile çalışmrz yürütmekteyiz .

Ulusarı Üniversite Müzeler Birlğ Platformu; 2014 yılnda Deniz Müzesi ev sahiplğnde, Boğaziç ve
İstanbul Üniversitesi ortaklığnd gerçklşmi olup 22 üniversite müzesi katılm ile oluşmtr. 2015 yılnda
Boğaziç Üniversitesi'nin ev sahiplğnde yurtiçi ve dışna 40 üniversite müzesi katılmşr. 2016 yılnda
Trakya Üniversitesi ev sahiplğnde; 50 üniversite müzesinin katılm ile gerçklşmit . 2017 yılnda Anadolu
Üniversitesi ev sahiplğnde gerçklşn konferasımz, Bilim Kurulu'nun değrlnims i sonucunda
ulsarı ve ulusal 55 bildiri kabül edilmştr . 2017 yılnda 55 katılmcdn 11 i Kıbrs,İan Ürdün, Tataristan,
Kazakistan, ABD, Rusya, Bulgaristan' dan gelerek kendi sahip oldukarı Üniversite müzelerini tanımşlrd r .
2018 yılnda düzenlenen 5. UNIMUZED Konferası' Amerika, Bulgaristan, İran, Endonezya, Azerbeycan,
Fransa , Sırbistan, Rusya, Ürdün, Tataristan, Kazakistan' dan katıln 17 uzman müzeci, Rektör ve rektör
yardımcl, kendi ülkelerinin üniversite müzelerini tanırk, üniversite müzelerinin gelişmn ulsarı
katı sağlmışrd . 5. UNIMUZED Konferası ' da yurtdışna ve Türkiye' den 60 tebliğn yapılms üniversite
müzeleri platformunun ulsarı düzeyde gelişmn katma değr yartmış. Ayrıca Edirne düzenlenen
Aşevi 2018, Transart 2018 Bulgaristn'ı Yambol şehrind düzenlenen Heritage 2018 adlı 3 sergi ile müze ve
kültürel mirasa odaklı sanat çalışmr yapılmştr .

Beş yılk süreçte Üniversite Müzeleri Birlğ Platformu - UNIMUZED 'in yurtdış ve Türkiye' den artan üye sayı
üniversite müzelerinin gelişmn verilen önemi yansıtmkdr .

Tü rkiye' de bulunan üniversite müzelerimizin gelişms amcı ile UNIMUZED üyelerine bu konferanslara
katılnr , destek verenlere katılrnd dolayı teşkür borç bilirim. Bu konferans, kongre, sergi ve
yaınlr; üniversite müzeleri alnıd arştım yapanlara, akademisyenlere ve müzecilere kaynak olması
öncelikli amcızdr . Üniversite müzelerindeki örneklerini arştımk isteyenlere, profesyonel düzeyde
üniversite müzeleri kurmak isteyenlere yeni ufuklar açmsı dileklerimle ...

Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY

i.ü. Müzecilik Bölüm Başknı, Müze Yönetimi Bilim Dalı Başkn ı , Kültürel Miras Alanrı Yönetimi Anabilim alıD Başknı,
lusarıU Üniversite Müzeleri Birlğ Platformu Başknı-UNİMZE, Müze ve Müze Yöneticileri Platformu Başknı, lusarıU
Belediye Müzeleri Platformu Başknı, 0532-365 7574 /

UNIMUZED Yayın Hakemleri/Guest Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Şebnm ARIKBOGA Prof. Dr. Mehmet PıSLAN

Prof. Dr. Aysel AZİ Prof. Dr. İsa BAŞLIOGU

Prof. Dr. Engin BEKSAÇ Prof. Dr. Sema BOLKENT

Prof. Dr. Esin CAN Prof. Dr. Ayşenur CELAYİR

Prof. Dr. Ayşe İlhan ÇAKIR Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY

Prof. Dr. Ayla ERSOY Prof. Dr. G. Nizami GAFAROVA

Prof. Dr. Sevil GÜLÇÜR Prof. Dr. Milica JOTOV

Prof. Dr. Sehban KARTAL Prof. Dr. Tatlıgü KARTAYEVE

Prof. Dr. Oya KINIKLI Prof. Dr. Selçuk MÜLAYİ

Prof. Dr. Nurseli UYANIK Prof. Dr. Teodora VALOVA

Doç. Dr. Sadettin AYGÜN Doç. Dr. Sevtap DEMİRC

Doç. Dr. Mutlu ERBAY Doç. Dr. Yüksel GÖGEBAKAN

Doç. Dr. Ahmet GÜLEÇ Doç. Dr. Nuri KORKMAZ

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nuri üzer ERBAY Yrd . Doç. Dr. Ersan SARIKAHYA

Yrd. Doç . Dr. Sibel Avcı TUGAL Yrd . Doç. Dr. Işıl USTA

Dr. Suna TÜKEL Dr. Jelena SERATUC


Öğr . Gör. Hakan AKINCI

Kemal Adel Al-SHİN Elif Lina COOK


Ming Jung KANG Tiwiq MARIA

Magdalena NUNESKA Müslüm ÖZCAN


Temirlan SARLYBEK Shpresa SIQECA


Soy isimlere göre alfabetii< s ı ralnmışt .



Prof. Dr. Engin BEKSAÇ 09

Rehabilitation of Open-air Museums in the World and the Necessity and lmportance of Founding Trak
Village as a Rehabilitation Museum in Edirne
Faculty Member, PhD Sadettin AYGÜN/ Faculty Member, PhD Nurdan KÜÇÜKHASKÖYLÜ ı4
Anadolu University Museum of Contemporary Arts Collection: lstanbul State Fine Arts Academy Artists
and the Traces of 1950s
Prof. Dr. A. Nejat BİLGEN/ Lect. Zerrin ERDİNÇ 29
Dumlpınar University Museum
Marijeta SIDOVSKI 35
The Gallery of Matica Srpska
Assoc. Prof. Alpaslan Hamdi KUZUCUOGLU 43
Kobe University Seishi Yamaguchi Memorial House Museum

Arch . Ümran KÖKSÜZ 50

Mathematics Museum of Buenos Aires University
Assoc . Prof. Mutlu Erbay 60
Facial Reconstruction Projects Which University Museums Carry Out
Dr. Sibel Avcı TUGAL 70
Duke University Nasher Art Museum
Asist. Prof. Nuri Özer ERBAY 90
Changing Architectural Projects of University Museums
Dr. Bekir TULUK 100
Ancient Artifacts and Plaster Cast Replica Collection of the Classical Archaeology lnstitute of Heidelberg
University, which has been developing tor 150 years: "Objects describe our history"
R.A. Gözde TEKİN ı20
lntangible Cultural Heritage Museum at Gazi University
R.A. Zeynep Safiye BAKİ NALCIOGLU 130
Ankara lntangible Cultural Heritage Museum and Etnospor Culture Festival
Asist. Prof. Özlem VARGÜN 138
Bonn University Museum
Aycan ÖZENÇ ıs
The Positive Effect of Trakya University tor Health Museum from the Perspective of City Culture
Prof. Dr. Fethiye Erbay ı6o
Strategic Plans For Sustainable Studies of The Manchester University Museum
Farhad TONCHİ ı7
Tebriz Quran & Manusceript Museum
Müslüm ÖZCAN ı83
İlhan Koman Painting and Sculpture Museum
Faculty Member, PhD Nuri Özer ERBAY ı8
Singapore National University NUS Museum
Asist. Prof. Işıl USTA ı9
University Museums in Health Sciences in Worldwide: A Sample of UMAC
Prof. Dr. Esin CAN/ R.A. Merve URFA 208
The First Universities in the World: Their Museums And lnstitutionalization Studies
Prof.Dr. F. Şebnm ARIKBOGA I Dr. Buket AKDÖL/ R.A. Oğuzhan İRENGÜ 223
University Museums asa Social lntrapreneurship Activity
Prof. Dr. Devrim MEİŞ / R.A. Gökhan TUNÇELİ/ R.A. Merve TINKIR / Assoc . Prof. Özcan GAYGUSUZ 235
First Attent tor Fisheries Museum in Turkey and Examples of lnternational Fisheries Museums

Prof. Dr. Esin CAN/ R.A. Sanem KAPTANOGLU 242
The First Universities in the World: Examining Organizational Culture in Their Museums
Salih DOGAN 251
Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw
Elif Lina COOK 259
USA Montana State University Rockies Museum
Faculty Member, PhD Esin BENİA / R.A. Arif MISIRLI 265
Re-functioning of Historical Buildings: The Case of Edirne Bayezid il. Complex Medical School
Faculty Member, PhD Tülay CANITEZ/ R.A . Tuba Hatipler ÇİBK 292
The Sample Of Adaptive Re-Use On The Context Of Socio - Cultural Sustainability: Edirne City Museum
Assoc. Prof. Yüksel GÖGEBAKAN 306
lnvestigation of the Use of Museums tor Propaganda Purposes upon the Example of İnöü University
Prof. Dr. Tattigül Kartaeva 319
Historical and Cultural Significance of Photographic (From The Collections of Museums By Photo
Assoc . Prof. Mutlu ERBAY 336
Face-Reconstruction For The Museums
lnst. Hakan AKINCI 342
Stories Of Complex Of Sultan Bayezid il Health Museum
Prof. Dr. Fethiye ERBAY 354
Trakya University Bayezid il Social Complex Soup Kitchen Museum Project And Digital Museum Project
Sercan ULUAGAÇ / Faculty Member, PhD Ersan SARI KAHYA 363
Sketchup Presentation Of Complex Of Sultan Bayezid il Health Museum

A General Overview Of The Ancient And Replica/Plaster Artefacts Museum Of The
Heidelberg University And Of University Museums

Dr. Bekir Tuluk 1

1stanbul Archeology Museum


Ancient Artefacts and Plaster Cast Replica Collection of the Classical Archaeology lnstitute of
Heidelberg University, which has been developing far 150 years: "Objects describe our history".

The museum was opened in 1848 to provide support to the university's teaching departments within
the scope of its origin and function . The lnstitute of Classical Archaeology Museum's studies, which began in
1848, continue with a cast made of plaster or collection of replicas of ancient artefacts recently. With its
collection of about 10 thousand artefacts of all sizes which begin with the third millennium B.C., it sheds light
on the oldest cultures of the Mediterranean area far the visitor. The casting collection of antique sculptures
is one of the largest structures in German universities and it serves as an important teaching tool far
archaeological studies since the 19th century. The development of the Greek sculpture from the beginning
to the time of the Roman Empire can be traced on plaster moulds. The originals of sculptures and reliefs in
marble or bronze are located in many important museums. in 1998, because of the 150th anniversary, the
museum and exhibition were renewed. The collection and the museum were reorganized in May 2000 and
infarmation panels which were structured thematically that enable students to meet various areas of the
classical archaeology were added . At the same time, the museum provides easy access to non-academic
visitors (both domestic and foreign tourists) to the historical and material heritage of the ancient
Mediterraneancultures .

in light of the continually changing teaching systems and a digitalising world , there is a discussion
today, about the future and the standing of university museums and coletiıns . The university museums in
Germany evaluate their current situation and there is a discussion, what might be done in the future .

Key words: Heidelberg University Collection of Antiques, Museum, University Museums.

Ein allgemeiner Überblick über die alten und Replica /Plaster Artefacts Museum der
Universitat Heidelberg und der Universitatsmuseen

Dr. Bekir Tuluk 1

Archaolo&ische Museen lstanbul


Die Kollektion von gegossenen Gipsabdruck-Kopien antiker Werke des Klassischen Archaologischen lnstituts
der Universitat Heidelberg, sich seit 150 Jahren entwickelt: 'Objekte erzahlen unsere Geschichte'.

Das Museum, das seine Wurzeln und seine Hauptfunktion in der Unterstützung der Lehre der Fachbereiche
der Universitat hat, wurde 1848 eröffnet. Die Arbeiten des Museums des Klassischen Archaologischen
lnstituts, die 1848 begannen, werden heute in Form eines antiken Museums und einer Kollektion von Guss-
bzw. Gipskopien antiker Werke fortgeführt. Die Kollektion von nahezu 10 Tausend sowohl kleiner als auch
grosser mit dem 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. beginnender Artikel, führt mit ihrer neuen Konzeption den Besuchern
die altestenKulturen des Mittelmeerraumes vor Augen . Die Abgusskollektion antiker Statuen gehört zu den
umfangreichsten Einrichtungen deutscher Universitaten und dient seit dem 19. Jahrhundert als wichtiges
Unterrichtsmittel für archaologische Arbeiten . Die Entwicklungen seit dem Beginn griechischer
Bildhauerkunst bis zu den imperialen Perioden Roms können angesichts der Gipsformen beobachtet werden .
Die Originale der Statuen und Reliefs aus Marmor oder Bronze befinden sich in vielen wichtigen Museen.
Anlasslich der 150-Jahresfeier im Jahre 1998 wurden sowohl das Museum als auch die Ausstellung erneuert.
Kollektion und Museum wurden im Mai 2000 thematisch neugeordnet und mit lnformationsschriften
versehen, die den Studenten die unterschiedlichen Felder der klassischen Archaologie vorstellen . Gleichzeitig
ermöglicht das Museum auch nichtakademischem Publikum (inlandische und auslandische Touristen) einen
leichten Zugang zur Geschichte und der materiellen Hinterlassenschaft der alten Kulturen des

Angesichts sich verandernder Lehrsysteme und in der sich digitalisierenden Welt gibt es heute eine
Diskussion über die Zukunft und den Zustand von Universitatsmuseen und -kollektionen . Wahrend die
Universitatsmuseen Deutschlands ihren Zustand hinterfragen, wird auch darüber diskutiert, was künftig alles
gemacht werden kann.

Schlüssel begriffe : HeidelbergAntikensammlung, Museum, Universitatsmuseen.

A General Overview Of The Ancient And Replica/Plaster Artefacts Museum Of The Heidelberg
University And Of University l\lluseums

This article has the purpose to present the museum of Ancient and Plaster Replica Statues of the University
of Heidelberg, the change in perspectives concerned to it and some developments. The author ofthis article
has stayed for three years in Heidelberg during his doctorate studies between 2010 and 2014 and has had
the opportunity to visit many museums in this city. Apart from this, he has had the opportunity to work (in
return fora scholarship) in the museum which is the subject of this article for one sem ester.

Museums which collect and classify the 'past' of man and nature for the future are the public institutions
hosting the heritage of generations. According to the latest definition by ICOM, which was accepted in 2007
a museum 68 11
is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to
the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible
heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment". What is
meant in this article by 'museum" and 'collection' is defineci in the regulations of ICOM .

The idea, to establish collections at different universities of the world for teaching purposes is as old as the
history of teaching and museums. Since their establishment, universities have fulfilled the function of
general teaching and research in connection with their collected items. Some of these collections which
universities have assembled within themselves evolved into museums and others have remained as
collections. Even in 1904 D. Murrey was explaining this situation in the following way: 11Every professor of
a scientific discipline demand a museum and laboratory, therefore in afi our big universities there are
independent museums of botany, palaeontology, geology, mineralogy and zoofogy, of anatomy, physiology,
pathology and medication, of archaeology-prehistoric and historic, classical and Christian, and each subject
taught having its own appropriate collection 112 •

The groupings of those objects serving as tools for teaching or their collections reach as far back as the 2nd
millennium B.C., but the archives are even older than this 69 • The discovery of one of the most interesting
'teaching collection items' of early ages has been achieved by the archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley at the
beginning of the 20th century in the city of Ur in today's lraq. Woolley discovered a school (dating to 530
BC) that contained a room with several antiquities pre-dating the school by up to 1,600 years. in the
publication WOOLEY& MOOREY from 1982 it is said that "the label 'museum' was found together with
these antique artefacts 70 .

After about 1300 and starting with the Renaissance universities have stopped the analysis of unicorns and
mermaids and the other extraordinary beings like in the middle ages and instead have developed instruments
based on application and research 71 . 'Anatomical Theaters' played the most active role in the development
of university collections 72 .

"Museum Definition". ICOM The World Museum Community, accessed 22.06.2018-00.14, 2 Murray 1904, p. 275.
M . C. Lourenço, 11 Contributions to the history of university museums and collections in Europe" MUSEOLOGIA 3, 2003,
p. 17.
ibid p. 17.
Lourenço, 2003, p.20.
The dissection ofa cadaver and the examination of its muscle structure and skeleton on a dissection table by a
professor in front of his students and in public. Compare : https ://rijksmuse
tedoen/anatomisch-theater/ Ol.05.2018, 21 .00.
The basis of university collections was established by bringing together collections with objects useful for
educational purposes to the direct benefit of students 73 . in the 18th and 19th century museums were the
indicators of scientific curiosity and the spirit of academic research 74 . The collections of disciplines like
med icine, mining, chemistry, pharmacology, dentistry, history of nature and the history of art and biology
were utilised as the basic too ls of teaching. But the development of university museums and collections has
not always been with the purpose of teaching. Some universities have also assembled rich and expensive art
collections for reasons of publicity and power 75 . For instance, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford 76 , the
Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, the university museums in Harvard or California have huge budgets,
special structures and are ona scale which is much beyond being a university museum 77 .

Most of the university museums of Europe and America which developed or disappeared in the last two
centuries have basically tried to survive mainly by having a patron (a supporting person or institution) .
Changing teaching methods in the 1980s have distanced the system from teaching based on collections and
therefore the question of what will happen to the collections has arisen 78 . These collections and museums
found in the universities do not provide uniformity and similarity; in line with the location and the economic
background of the university they are located within the university cam pus or within locations that are part
of the faculties. Especially in Europe but also in our country the real figures about collections in universities
and their diversities is not well known and most of the collections are closed to the third parti es.

in our country many universities which have been established and multiplied with the foundation of the
republic have collections but they do not have museums. in t he establishing years of the republic the first
Painting and Sculpture Museum of Turkey has been opened at the Academy of Fine Arts in 1937 with the
participation of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 79 • As collecting, museums and the management of museums
are regarded as of 'rising value' ora 'trend', many universities have started to compose new collections or
to establish t hei r museums. it is declared that the oldest university in our country the lstanbul University
today encompasses 21 museums 80 • The most bu reaucratic and supervising system among the global
university-museum entity is found in our country. Each private museum 81 to be established in our country

This especially on cadavers or the dead bodies of animals at medicine and pharmacology; for disciplines like
mining and geology this has begun with the assembly of different ores as collections . At the end of the 18th century
and with the proliferation of archaeological departments, the gathering of archaeological and art historical objects
the accumulation of collections stemming from excavations of classical philological, archaeological and prehistoric
faculties, collections at almost all faculties of universities have mult iplied and have served as models for other
faculties .
F. Erbay, " Üniversite Müzelerinin Önemi" Anadolu Üniversitesi, Anadolu Sanat Dergisi, Number 10, 1999 pp.44-
Stanbury 2000, 4.; Erbay, 2009, 313.
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is regarded to be the first museum in Europe: , 01.07.2018, 00.18.; MacGregor 2001,125.
P. Boylan mentions the perfection of the collections of these institutes : P. J. Boylan, 'Universities and Museums :
Past, Present and Future', Jouradas de Museos Universitarios (Universitat d'Alacant, Spain), No. 1/2, 1999, pp . 11-
21.; Erbay 1999, s.49 .
A main character of articles published in the 1980' ies and 1990' ies about this matter is that they deal with
reduced government subsidies, the state of collections and museums and new solutions. Germany has set up a
'science commission' after 1965, the Un ited Kingdom after 1986. See : Merrimann 2001, (about to HEMGCs and
UCL) s. 57 .; Wissenschaftsrat : Empfehlungen zu wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen als Forschungsinfrastrukturen),
Berlin Januar 2011, (Dsr. 10464-11),
Detailed information for the first years of the Republic see Erbay 2009, pp .398 .; Erbay 2011, p.69.
G. Özkan, "En çok müze İstanbul Üniversitesi' nde" Hürriyet, 08.10.2010 in : http://www : 12.07.2018, 00:18.
lncludes all persons and entities, other than the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that are private and corporate :
they include municipalities, universities and other governmental organizations (eg TCDD) .
is centralised and supervised by the general instruction about 'the Regulation s for Private Museums and
their Supervision, The Right to Establish Private Museum' 82 •
Despite the fact that it is not easy to group or classify the collections and museums in our country it is stili
possible to partition them into groups like art and science museums. The collections of universities can be
grouped as collections for:

and research. in Germany this variety is classified in six groups 83 .

aufgelöste, verlorene, Anteil der

Anteil erhaltener
unbekannt Sammlungsart am
Sammlungsarti Sammlungen Summe Sammlungen (in
verbliebene Gesamtspektrum
Sammlungen (in%)

Ethnologie & Kulturantropololgie 20 6 26 2% 77%

Geschichte & Archaologie 104 5 109 10% 95%
Kulturgeschichte & Kunst 137 34 171 16% 80%
Medizin 123 45 168 16% 73%
Naturgeschichte/Naturkunde 251 73 324 31% 77%
Naturwissenschaft & Technik 124 129 253 24% 49%
Gesamt 759 292 1.051 100% 72%
Ta ble 1 Types of Collections at Universities.

The archaeological and plaster replica artefacts museum of the Heidelberg University

The Heidelberg University which has been important and effective in Germany since 1386 84 has about
40.000 students and 28 different collections and museums today. The addresses of these 28 collections
and museums, their opening and closing hours and their curators can be easily found on the website ofthe
university 85 •

The first idea for the HD University archaeological and plaster replica artefacts museum arose and the first ·
donations were made by the Heidelberg philologist Prof. Georg Friedrich Creuzer between the years of
1810 to 1846 86 . The idea first which started as a small teaching collection was given further dynamics by
the appointment of Prof. Kari Bernhard Stark as head of the institute in 1855. in these times archaeology
was regarded to be a part of classical philology and antique history. it was only in 1866 that Prof. Stark
managed to establish an independent archaeological collection and correspondingly establishment of an
independent archaeological institute 87 .

http://teftis .kulturturizm, 14444/ozel-muzeler-ve-deneti m le ri-ha kki nda yonetmel ik.htm I} 05 .06.2018
Wissenschaftsrat : Empfehlungen zu wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen als Forschungsinfrast rukturen), Berlin January
2011, (Dsr. 10464-11), p.23, Tab. 1.
For the history of the University of Heidelberg see :
https ://www ichte/geschichte.html; and tor chronology : .html 4/24/18, 11:10 AM
85 4/24/18, 12:26 AM.
E. Suchezky, " Die Gipsabguss-Samm lung nach Antiken an der Universitat Heidelberg" in (Hrgs.) Nicolas Zenzen,
Objekte erzahlen Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre lnstitut tür klassische Archaologie, 2016, Heidelberg, s.78. The name of this
small collection tor teaching purposes is "Antiquarium Creuzerairum".
The th ree-toundation page of the lnstitute is presented to the Ministry in 1866: in Zensen s.16, Abb .2.
Fig. 1. Kari Bernhard STARK Fig. 2: Fredri ch von DUHN

(1824-1879) (1880-1920)

Several years later, the original collection gained importance by a donation of the philologist Friedrich
Tiersch, who owned many vases, terra cotta figurines and bronzes and the first 'archaeological museum'
was established in 1870 in the old school building on the east side of the university square at
Augustinergasse 7. This museum was the first public museum of Heidelberg and served far almost 10 years
by accepting the visitors at certain hours.88 •

The most important aggrandizement in the collection took place in the time of Friedrich von Duhn (1880-
1920) who led the institute and the collection far 40 years. With new purchases Duhn realised the growth
of what today is Germany's biggest university museum and it' s most important teaching collection 89 . Until
today the collections whose updated catalogue was published six times even in the period of 1887 to 1913
were presented at 500 different exhibitions (/ use the word of collection in plural form because it is consist
of several collections such as the coin cabinet, plaster and rep/ica statutes)9°. Prof. Duhn succeeded in
utilising the 500th anniversary celebrations of the university in 1886 to extend the collection and continued
to purchase items far the original collection until his retirement in the spring of 1919.

Prof. Ludwig Curtius, who came to Heidelberg from Freiburg in 1920, was a very charismatic personality
alsa with the highest degree of self-confidence 9 1 • Famous archaeologists like Otta Brendel, Reinhardt
Herbig, Hermine Speier and Werner Technau and Bernhard Schweitzer who received his associate
professor degree owing to Curtius or Ernst Langlotz and Kari LehmannHartleben who worked at the
institute as assistants or associate professor left their impressive marks . ~ith this circle a new perspective
on antiquity and especially on the Roman art developed. it is remarkable that the careers of these scientist
belonging to the same school later took very different paths under the 'Third Reich'. Alongside the
immigrant Brendel and Lehmann-Hartleben, there are those who succeeded in carrying aut their scientific

N. Zensen, "Das Archaologische lnstitut im Rahmen der Universitatsgeschichte" in: (Hrgs .) Nicolas Zenzen, Objekte
erzahlen Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre lnstitut für klassische Archaologie, 2016, Heidelberg, pp.17-18.
Suchezky, 2016, pp.80-81.
Duhn, Friedrich, KurzesVerzeichnis der Abgüssenachantiken Bildwerken im archaeologischen lnstitut der
Universitat Heidelberg, Heidelberg 1887.; and last Duhn, Friedrich, KurzesVerzeichnis der Abgüssenachantiken
Bildwerken im archaologischen lnstitut der Universitat Heidelberg, 6th ed. Heidelberg 1913.
Caroline Rödel-Braune, "Posten und Personalien" (Hrsg .) Nicolas Zenzen, Objekte erzahlen Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre
lnstitut für Klassische Archaologie, 2016, Heidelberg, pp .39-40.
work within the National Social ist system, such as Schweitzer, Langlotz, Herbig, or Technau, who died in
the Eastern Front in 1941, besides Speier, who was employed in the Vatican and survived the Holocaust 92 •

in 1929 Prof. von Salis took over and the institute moved to its current location at Marstallhof to the
building today called asa Wienbrenner. The cast statue collection remained in the old building and suffered
huge damages in the National Socialist peri od when it was kept in many different storehouses to the benefit
of the ethnological museum. Due to the inventories kept and regulations introduced by Dr. Anna Bahmann
and the technical assistant Anton Heppeler, the institute was able to overcome the huge destructive effects
of the war and could celebrate its lOOth year in 1948 with the exhibition 'World of Greeks'. After the
demolition and reconstruction of the building at Marstallhof the exhibition of the Ancient Museum and
Plaster Replicas were first reopened to the students and to the public in 1969 and 1974 93 •

Roland Hampe, who became the president of the institute in (1957-1975) and Hildegund GropengiefSer
(conservator 1962-1993) primarily tried to extend the original collection in a didactical way. The war had
led to the destruction of many cast collections in Germany therefore revealing the documentary value of
the cast collection that was protected in Heidelberg. After the war many museums did not allow replicas
to be made from original artefacts, due to this, the plaster replicas of many artefacts like the Parthenon
friezes, Gölbaşı-Trys or the Acropolis in Athens became important collections within the universities of
Germany 94
. Using a very controversial method - purchases - Hampe closed the gaps in artefacts and
collections which existed at the beginning of the 1900s and thereby turned a teaching collection into an
antiquity's museum.

However, the 1960s and 1970s can be called as the golden ages. it has been seen that developing
economies and universities are transformed from educational institutions to mass universities, leading to
a growth that no one ever expected 95 • in 1975, the Heidelberg institute becomes the most prestigious place
for classical archaeology in the time of Prof. T. HÖLSCHER who becomes the president of the institute.
Hölscher becomes one of the most important leaders of the paradigm shift in Classical Archaeology and its
field and directed the focus of science and art to the society. in 2002, due to economic reasons, in a very
controversial way, the Mannheim lnstitute and the professorship were closed and moved to Heidelberg,
and Prof. Reinhard Stupperich took over duties like the Roman provinces and the commission for antique
purchases. Today the presidency of the institute changes between two persons in a two-year rotation eyde.

The bronze cabinet (1987) and the Schliemann exhibition (1990) which were located on the ground floor
were moved to the foyer on the terrace floor in recent years and the ground floor reserved solely for the
plaster replicas. There also is a small restoration and conservation workshop on the ground floor. Because
of its 150th anniversary the archaeological artefacts museum was renewed in 1998 and has received a place
of its own on the terrace floor of the same building. The museum was restructured due to a thematic
exhibition in May 2000 and since its opening it has taken a prominent place among the German university
museums. New information panels serve in introducing the different areas of classical archaeology to the
students . in the same time the museum and the cast plaster statues collection provide an easier access to
the history and the material heritage of the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean for the non-academic
visitors . As of today, the antique artefacts museum and the cast plaster collection of the Heidelberg
university includes 1200 plaster replica statues (busts - reliefs- portrait heads); 14.500 small objects (gems

ibid. p.40.
ibidem . p.41.
Suchhzky 2016, p.87 .
95 Zensen 2016, p.27.
and coins); 12.000 seals and 7.900 original (ceramics -metal - fibulas -architectural fragments - figurines)

Self Criticism
it is an important question that these objects in university collections and museums, which are acquired
through donations or purchases, are obtained whether in ethical methods in terms of archaeological and
art history or not. This especially is a basic problem far the university collections in Europe and America 96 •

Fig. 3: The Boeotia Fibulas, Fig. 4: Prof. Roland Hampe {1957-1975)

lf an object (or artefact) which is part ofa museum ora collection has no inventory entry, no provenance
data is present and infarmation such as by whom it was provided it is not recorded in a regular way or
even it's not available, said object or artefact has no identity. Therefare, a situation which is in direct
contrast to the reason of existence of the collection or the museum arises.

in 1965, during the period of Roland Hampe who served between 1957 and 1975, nine bronze fibulas were
purchased far the lnstitute' s museum 97 • it became clear later that these objects were items far ritual
perfarmances which were not produced far utilisation at cemeteries orfar daily use . Their lengths varies
between 19 cm and 25 cm . in this case, the PROBLEM is not about the dating or the typology of the fibulas.
The problem is about where these objects came from , how they were faund and how they were acquired .
in an important article which is part of a publication from 2016 the institute does self-criticism 98 • The
UNESCO lllicit Trafficking of Cultural Property Convention was agreed upon in 1970 99 but Germany

Merriman, N., (2001) . University museums: problems, policy and progress. Archaeology lnternational. 5, pp.57-59 .
DOi : http ://doi .org/10.5334/ai .0517
F. Fritzsche-V. Klein, " Prachtige Fibelnund der Handel mit antiker Kunst" in: (Hrsg.) Nicolas Zenzen, Objekte erzahlen
Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre lnstitut für Klassische Archaologie, 2016, Heidelberg, p. 241 andpictures 92-95.
ibid . p.244-250.
Du ring the 26th UNESCO General Conference which took place between Octobe r 12th and November 14th 1970
the agreement dated 1970 concerning the Measures to be taken for the Prevention and lnterdiction of the lllicit
lmport, Export and Property Transfer of Cultural Property Convention was accepted with the purpose to prevent the
illegal trade of cultural assets. The 1970 Convention was adopted by 137 member states including the countries which
are rich in terms of cultural assets and which were formerly exposed to illegal trafficking.
controversially signed this agreement only in 2007 100 • Another contradictory question is how objects that
are currently part of collections like the Boeotia fibulas collection in Heidelberg will be dealt with. On one
side there is the fact that that like the other major parts of the original collection in Heidelberg these were
brought to Heidelberg by disregarding the legal provisions . The elaborately deco rated Boeotia fibulas
rep resent on one hand a very valuable item of the antique collection of Heidelberg but on the other hand
they openly reveal the et hical responsibil ities which arise in respect to such a collection .

The changes in the legislation of many countries and t he international regulations in the last 20 years, the
protective cover of the institutions like ICOM have limited the transfer of artefacts from their original places
to the collections in other countries or to the private collections of the individuals to a great extent.

The Benefit Of University Collections, The Change And The Search

At the beginning of the 19th and 20th century's collections of objects and sample collections were a basic
teaching tool and research necessity for many universities . What David Murray said in 1904101 remained
valid for nearly one century. in the 19th and 20th century the own collections of universities played a major
role and were a basic for their educational activities .

Scientific collections and objects are irreplaceable research tool for many scientific disciplines, many
disciplines came into existence only because of these collections 102 • During researches partly through
collections or by means of collections, important research results are obtained, especially in the case of
evolution, climate, biodiversity, ethnology and archaeology, art and culture, as well as technical and
scientific historical researches that require great attention to the public perception 103 • As far as benefits of
the University Museums are concerned, st udents can access objects directly and benefit from their
internships; it responds to practical needs by integrating the students directly into the subject in the design
and implementation of public exhibitions. The Frei University and the Prussian State Museum have been
cooperating on this matter since 1970 and have reached positive results since 1988 104 . According to
Stanbury another benefits university museums stand for is the following "Whatever their field of education,
once university students understand the importance of.visiting university museums they wil/ encourage
other people ta visit those museums as well. Their wish ta protect their heritage is enhanced and this wish
maybe stays with them far the rest of their lives. This might influence the decisions they take on their later
jobs and hobbies" 105 .

See : ULTIMEDIA/HQ/CLT/pdf/lnfokit_en_final_May_2015.pdf 10.04.2018

AM 02.21.
° Fo r the legislation dated 14.10.1970 adopted by Turkey:
http://teftis.kultu rtu rizm .gov .tr/TR, 14271/kulturva rlikla ri nin-kan unsu z-itha 1-ihrac-ve-mu 1kiyet-t-.htm 1 , 10.06. 2018,
23.48.; for
Germa ny:http ://www .kulturgutsch utzdeutsch la nd .de/DE/Al lesZu m Ku lturgutschutz/Ku lturgutsch utzgesetz/Zentra le
Punkte/Einfuhr/Einfuhr_node.html 10.06.2018, 23.48.
See above, in this Article footnote 2.
For instance, the Heidelberg Archaeological lnstitute and Museum; Developed within the philological department
and received its own charter in 1866: in Zensen 2016, p.19.
WR-2011, s.7 .
Astrid Fendt - Lorenz Winkler-Horacek, "Berline r Skulpturennetzwerk und Abgus s-Sammlung Antiker Plastik:
Ein aktuelles Projekt im Spannungsfeld von Universitat, Museum und Öffentlichkeit" in : (Hrsg.) Florian M. Müller,
Archaologische Universitatsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit,
international meetingbetweenThursday March 18th untilSaturday Ma rch 20th 2010 at the Leopold-
FranzensUniversitat lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsb ruck, 2010, p.9.
P. Stanbury, "Universty museum and collections" in Museum lnternational, ' Unive rst iy Musu em' UNESCO, (Vol Lll,
n°2, April 2000), p.6.; Erbay 2009, pp .313-314.
But global change has accelerated especially after the first half of the 20th century. The possibility to have
easy access in terms of travel but also regarding the fast change in computer technologies has rendered
the transfer and the exhibition of objects unnecessary. Whereas previously teaching was done in
universities at the places where the artefacts or the collections actually were located, now with a click ofa
key it is possible to get the same collections on big screens and at any place desired. The developing İnter
has also made it possible to have access to objects or matters which are or which are not part of the
collections and brought in wider perspectives: Digital collections - digital museums 106 • But what is more
important is that fast changing DIGITALISM has an effect on research and teaching collections, and all
museums, especially the university museums. Now, we have the whole world at the tip of our fingers . And
this is why many major museums have changed their strategies in the last ten years and have developed
'digital strategy' plans, with which they have opened new pages.

The Heidelberg University too has quickly undertaken such necessary steps. it is possible for everybody to
have access to the Heidelberg antique artefacts museum and the plaster replicas collection via
ARACHNE 107 or HeidlCON 108 and apart from this, it is intensively used by the academic personnel in the
digital environment 43 •

Until the enci of the 1980s university museums and the research and teaching collections have finalised
their development and have had their important impact on society and academic teaching. The cutting of
government subsidies, the changing of teaching methods and generally lessened interest for collections
and the curators being left alone, lead to EUPHORIA as well as disappointment at European University
museums in the 2000s. This has many reasons.

The collections that are presented to society and students are not regarded to be sufficient anymore by
the receiving societies and student groups. AND universities have started to question their museums and
collections . As the collections primarily exist for teaching and learning reasons problems are encountered
due to preserving the artefacts in the places which offer favourable conditions and also for failing to ensure
the continuous maintenance of them . This situation is the same be it for Turkish universities or universities
ali around the world . Additionally, it is not possible to visit and observe the artefacts in university museums

in the last 15 years many articles on the digitalisation of collections were written. Especially the Dijila Strategy
articles are important in this matter. Most of the big museums have almost finalised their digitalisation efforts.
What is important is that the university museums and collections are digitalised and can be united ona common
platform. James Devine and Ray Welland, "Cultural Computing: Exploiting lnteractive Digital Media" , Museum
lnternational, No. 205 (Vol. 52, No. 1, 2000); Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Digitalisierungsstrategie der
Stiftung PreuBischer Kulturbesitz- inhaltliche Prioritaten der Einrichtungen der SPK 2011-2015 (Stand: 13.10.2010);
WR-2011, s.8, 29, 39 ete.; Fendt-Winkler-Horacek 2000, s.8.; Sandra Heinsch, "Virtuelles Museum anhand des
Fallbeispiels der Vorderasiatischen Sammlung lnnsbruck. 30 Vermessungleichtgemacht in : (Hrsg .) Florian M.

Müller, Archaologische Universitatsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und
Öffentlichkeit, international meeting betweenThursday March 18th until Saturday March 20th 2010 at the
Leopold-Franzens-Universitat lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsbruck,2010, p.18.
Gina Frenz, "lmmerknappbeiKasse ... ?! DieFinanzendeslnstitutsfürKlassischeArchaologievongesternbisheute" in :
(Hrsg.) Nicolas Zenzen, Objekte erzahlen Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre lnstitut für Klassische Archaologie, 2016,
Heidelberg, p.73; far ARACHNE : O. Stratouli - N.Zenzen, "Siegelunddie Agaisalsarchaologische Landschaft in :

(Hrsg .) N. Zenzen, Objekte erzahlen Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre lnstitut für Klassische Archaologie, 2016,
10s https://heidicon .ub.uni-
heidel n ?logi n_error=&easyd b=38m815cuao6n8qrecg8 refh p63&ts=1533564 706 43
Sara h Herzog,
"Van Vorlegeblattern und satellitengestützter Vermessung -die Digitalisierung einer Altertumswissenschaft 11 in:
(Hrgs.) N. Zenzen, Objekte erzahlen Geschichte(n), 150 Jahre lnstitut für Klassische Archaologie, 2016, Heidelberg,
and collections without prior notification . And also, such artefacts serving for teaching purposes can not be
found quickly as they are constantly moved and there is no corresponding data base 109 •

lf we regard all the problems which after the 1980s and continuing in the 2000s have had an important
effect on university collections and museums, we can see items which are intertwined and which we can
list as below:

Bureaucracy 110
Structural problems
and above all the problem of finance.
None of the environments in which the objects originally assembled for the research collections and which
were later on brought together and presented-exhibited within museums are presented today, are places
or buildings which are constructed with the purpose of serving as a museum. During a symposium which
was held in Germany in 2010 the Friedrich Schiller university in Jena has offered solutions to problems
arising from those buildings until the year 2012 like humidity or moulds on the artefacts 46 •

The collection of Heidelberg Egyptology lnstitute which has existed for nearly 110 years has been utilized
only for teaching purposes until 1970s without having a dedicated budget for it and the collection has been
closed for the public access. Despite the fact that the artefacts are part of the curriculum now, another
important problem is the critical view that artefacts which have been lent out to big private exhibitions
suffer damagesm.

Some of the university collections stored in the dark, dusty and unprotected rooms which were formerly
only accessible by the selected specialists either transformed into big museums or disappeared in the light
of the mentioned above. For those that haven't disappeared and those who have succeeded to maintain
their situation new questions and realities arose in the last twenty years: Visitors' or students' competition
and the number of visitors, press, protective pressures by the institutions such as ICOM and UMAC.

Actually, from the perspective of visitors there is no difference at all between a museum with TRADITIONAL
meaning and a university museum 112 . The orientation of the visitors, services, the clearness and

Frederike Albers, "Die Lehrsammlung am Kölner lnstitut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte in: (ed.) Florian M. Müller,

Archaologische Universitatsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit
lnternationale meeting betweenThursday March 18th until Saturday March 20th 2010 at the Leopold-
FranzensUniversitat lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsbruck,2010, p.5.
lf the university administration (rector, dean or department chairperson ete.) does not have the grasp of the
subject, the sustainability of the museum collection results in failure. see .: Erbay 2009, pp.51-54-113 .; Lourenço
2005, pp .3-4. 46 P. Ettel -1. PrzemulS, "Die ur- und frühgeschichtliche Sammlung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat
Jena im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit11 in : (Hrsg.) Florian M. Müller, Archaologische
Universitatsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit international
meeting betweenThursday March 18th untilSaturday March 20th 2010 at the Leopold-Franzens-Universitat
lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsbruck,2010, p.6.
ı Dina A. Faltings, "Pro und Contra -Zur Ausleihe von Objekten aus der Sammlung des Agyptologischen lnstituts
der UniversitatHeidelberg11 in: (Hrsg.) Florian M. Müller, Archaologische Universitatsmuseen und -sammlungen im
Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit international meeting betweenThursday March 18th until
Saturday March 20th 2010 at the Leopold-Franzens-Universitat lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsbruck,2010, p.7.
M.Höveler-Müller, "Universitatsmuseum und Öffentlichkeit - wie viel Popularitatdarf/musssein? 11 in : (Hrsg.) Florian
M. Müller, archaologische Universitatsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und
comprehensibility in the presentation of artefacts and of the location are not to be measured by museum
professionals but by the visitor, and the visitors do measure this. But should a university museum has to be
open for workshops for kids, special days and special events for grown-ups or the shooting ofa spot film
like traditional museums are? The question by Michael Höveler-Müller "How popular can (or has) a
university museum (to) be?"113 looks for answers to questions which German university museums or
collections are facing and will be facing in the future. But how can and should a university museum be open
to the public without losing its special character and its relation to the other museums ofa region? On the
basis of the original objects and findings at university collections and museums the 'intermediary role ofa
university museum between science and society in general' has to be underlined precisely.

The university museums of today have to fulfil important functions of 'cultural intermediation' 114 with
interactive and interdisciplinary cooperation.

German university museums have started to gather under the same roof of UMAC (ICOM) in 2001 and the
'German University Collections Database' established with the support of DFG came into service in the year
of 2004. 51 . Alongside the general information about each collection, a broadspectrum database such as
indexing, object groups, history and publications, production and assembly, information about persons
who are involved in the support processes and other information are presented.

Consequently, the Classical Archaeological lnstitute of Heidelberg University Museum has been a beacon
for hundreds of graduates and doctorate students with its 150 years old history which originally started
with a small collection . it has been serving at its address of Marstallhof 4 since 1970. The cast replica
artefacts which are located in the ground floor now has gained a historical importance, as today in many
museums it is not allowed to make replicas from the original artefacts 115 . This enhances the importance of
plaster replicas even more. it has an important position among the German universities with the other
items in the terrace floor like numismatic items and bronze and terracotta artefacts. Figures (S to 12)

Öffentlichkeit lnternationale Tagung von Donnerstag, 18. Marz bis Samstag, 20. Marz 2010 an der Leopold-
FranzensUniversitat lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsbruck,2010, p.16
ibid. P.16
Nina Mayer, "Antike modern verpackt" in: (Hrsg.) Florian M. Müller, Archaologische Universitatsmuseen und
sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeit lnternationale Tagung von Donnerstag, 18.
Marz bis Samstag, 20. Marz 2010 an der Leopold-Franzens-Universitat lnnsbruck 'Abstracts', lnnsbruck,2010, s.24. 51
Two network have been made operational concerning these activities: This is the virtual network of university
collections which are set up like l.Wiki. ; 2. The other is the lnternational University Museums and
Collections (UMAC) established in 2001.
in our country it has been banned to have moulages, replicas by using silicone or other materials from original
artefacts especially beginning from the year 2000. This decision was taken as the original pati na of the artefact which
is copied is destroyed or paints or other materials on the original are impaired .
Fig. 5: Archaeological lnstitute and Museum in Marstallhof in today's location.

Fig. 6: Museum of Plaster Replicas, The Eastern Hali.

Fig. 7: Prof. Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, while guiding guests in a show at the museum .

Fig. 8: Birthday party for Professor Reinhard Stupperich and the recita l.

Fig. 9: Heidelberg Archaeological lnstitute, Museum of Antiquities on the terrace floor.

Fig. 10: Museum of Plaster Replicas, The Eastern Hail general view.

Fig. 11 : A replica prepared far the exhib ition "Gods in Color"; Plaster Replicas Museum .

Fig. 12: A view from a conference presented in the museum .

Acknowledgements. I would tike to thank afi colleagues/persons who organised and had efforts for
this symposium and who gave me an opportunity for this speech. Alsa, I wou/d like to thank my dear mentor
Prof. Fethiye Erbay who called me personally to hold this speech and supported me. I thank to my old friends
Dr. Nikolas Zensen and Karl-Heinz Ha/bedi for their assistance in providing photographs and sources.

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DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation

ICOM lnternational Council of Museums

SciColl Scientific Collections lnternational

UMAC lnternational Council of Museums Committee for University Museums and


List of Figures
Figure 1 Prof. Kari Bernard Stark.
Figure 2 Prof. Friedrich von DUHN .
Figur 3 The Boeotia Fibulas.
Figur 4 Prof. Roland Hampe.
Figur S Archaeological lnstitute and Museum in Marstallhof in today's location
Figur 6 Museum of Plaster Replicas, The Eastern Hall
Figur 7 Prof. Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, while guiding guests in a show at the museum.
Figur 8 Birthday party far Proffessor Reinhard Stupperich and the recital.
Figur 9 Heidelberg Archaeological lnstitute, Museum of Antiquities on the terrace floor.
Figur 10 Museum of Plaster Replicas, The Eastern Hail general view.
Figur 11 A replica prepared far the exhibition "Gods in Color"; Plaster Replicas Museum.
Figur 12 A view from a conference presented in the museum .


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