عبد الرحمن حامد عمر محمد

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

University of kassala
Faculty Of Medicine & Health Science
Department of Microbiology & Pharmacology
Assignment No”1”

Prepared By:
Abdulrahman Hamid Omer.
Supervised By:
Dr. Rayan Abdallah.
Individualized Dose:
This refers to a medication plan tailored to an
individual patient’s needs, considering factors like
age, weight, organ function, and concurrent

Fixed Dose Combination (FDC):

This involves combining two or more active
pharmaceutical ingredients in a single dosage form,
such as a tablet or capsule, to simplify treatment
regimens and improve patient adherence.

Examples include:
- Atripla: Combines efavirenz, emtricitabine, and
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for HIV treatment.
- Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid: An antibiotic
combination effective against a broad spectrum of
bacterial infections.
Management of organophosphorus poisoning is
critical and involves several steps:
1.Immediate Care: firstly Remove the patient from
the exposure area,then Decontaminate skin by
removing clothes and washing with soap and water
and If eyes are exposed,irrigate with lukewarm water.
2.Diagnosis:Symptoms can include pinpoint pupils,
blurred vision,headache,muscle weakness,&more
severe signs like convulsions and coma in high
-Resuscitation: Ensure open airways and breathing;
administer oxygen if needed.
-Antidotes: Administer atropine to counteract
muscarinic effects and pralidoxime (or other oximes)
to reactivate cholinesterase.
-Supportive Care: Provide fluids, electrolytes, and
treat seizures with benzodiazepines if necessary.
-Monitoring: Continuous observation for respiratory
distress and other complications.
4.Prevention:Use protective gear when handling
pesticides & Educate those at risk about the dangers
and proper handling of organophosphates.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM):

- Purpose: TDM ensures drug dosages are within a

therapeutic range that’s both effective and safe.
- Drugs Monitored: Commonly includes antibiotics,
heart medications, anti-seizure drugs,
immunosuppressants, and psychiatric medications.
- Process: Involves blood sampling, laboratory
analysis, and interpretation of drug levels.
- Factors Affecting Levels: Genetic makeup, age,
weight, organ function, drug interactions, and
adherence to the regimen.
- Benefits: Personalizes medication dosages, prevents
adverse reactions, and optimizes drug efficacy.
- Challenges: Requires precise timing for blood
samples and complex interpretation due to individual

TDM is a critical component of personalized

medicine, helping to adjust drug treatments to
individual patient needs.
Model Prescription Design:
Patient: xxxxxxxxxx. Date of Birth: xx.xx.xxxx.
Address: xxxxxx. Date: 10.3.2024

1. Isoniazid (INH) 300 mg
Take 1 tablet by mouth - omne in die (o.i.d.) for 6 months
2. Rifampin (RIF) 600 mg
Take 1 tablet by mouth - omne in die (o.i.d.) for 6 months
3. Pyrazinamide (PZA) 1.5 g
Take 2 tablets by mouth-bis in die (b.i.d.)for the first 2 months
4. Ethambutol (EMB) 800 mg
Take1tablet by mouth-omne in die(o.i.d.)for the first2months

- Take the medications on an empty stomach, either 1 hour
before or 2 hours after a meal. Do not skip any doses. If you
miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. Avoid alcohol
while on these medications. Report any side effects such as
jaundice, vision changes, or numbness in your hands or feet to
your doctor immediately.
Refills: 0
Prescriber: xxxxxxxxxxxz
License No.: [xxxxxxxxx]
Signature: [xx]
Contact No.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Common Latin abbreviations used in prescriptions include:

a.c. Ante cibum Before meals
p.c Post cibum After meals
b.i.d Bis in die Twice a day
t.i.d Ter in die Three times a day
q.i.d Quater in die Four times a day
q.d Quaque die Every day
q.h Quaque hora Every hour
q.o.d Quaque altera die Every other day
p.r.n Pro re nata As needed
Stat Statim Immediately


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