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TEACHER’S NAME: Sara Barbancho & Crystal England


Ss improve their oral comprehension skills while gaining cultural awareness.
Ss practice and improve plurilingual competency.


Motivate Ss by using authentic audiovisual material.

Introduce Ss to some aspects of living abroad in a given culture.

Ss get to know an English-speaking culture better and to contrast and compare it to their own, with the personal experience of a native
speaker as input.

Ss are aware of certain cultural differences but not of many of them.

Ss acquire language knowledge and cultural awareness through real audiovisual content.

Internet access.
Youtube video:


Cultural differences proposed by students at Stage 1.

Video projection.
Comprehension questions and answers.

Lesson Plan Procedure

Stage, Timing Substag Interacti Procedure (What? How?) Anticipated

Aim es on Problems &
(Why?) Students’ activity & Teacher’s activity Solutions
Stage 1: T>Ss T explains the concept of cultural differences and introduces Students might go
Before the topic by giving examples. off-topic. Teacher
Serves as a task monitors groups
topic 15 min T makes sure students are aware that these are and makes sure
introduction. generalisations and different cities/towns in every country they are discussing
might have differences. the question.
Warm up their T>Ss T divides the class in groups of 4 students.
brains and get During Students might get
them thinking task Ss<>Ss Ss brainstorm and discuss in each group and agree on 3 stuck or lack ideas.
about the topic cultural differences between the USA and Spain. Teacher asks them
before they questions to
listen to/watch T>St/Ss T goes around and listens to discussion and gives input/ideas indirectly provide
the video. This and asks questions when/if necessary. them with ideas.
strategy has Ss>Ss/T OCFB: Ss share the 3 ideas they have agreed upon with the
been shown to After rest of the class.
improve task
comprehension. T<Ss/St T writes down on the blackboard ideas provided by each
group, noting down each time an idea gets repeated so Ss
see what are the most common thoughts.

T corrects mistakes if necessary.

Stage, Timing Substag Interacti Procedure (What? How?) Anticipated

Aim es on Problems &
(Why?) Students’ activity & Teacher’s activity Solutions
Stage 2: T>Ss T presents a video where someone explains 10 cultural Students might get
Before shocks they have experienced in Spain coming from the distracted during the
Culture shock task USA. video as it is 9 min
Youtube video. 25 min long. Teacher allows
them to share ideas
in between the two
Introduce B>Ss Ss watch the Youtube video and answer comprehension viewings.
authentic During HO>Ss questions throughout.
audiovisual task Students have not
material whose T< > Ss Ss turn in comprehension questions for assessment. understood most of
content matter After the video because
is relatable. Ss task T answers any questions that Ss may have while turning in they do not have the
have a context comprehension questions. expected level.
for the Teacher turns on
situations being automatically
described and generated subtitles
for this reason, for the second
their viewing.
The video is 9
should be minutes long which
higher than may be too long to

some other watch in a single
content options. viewing. If this is a
problem, it is solved
Exposure to by dividing the video
native American into two segments
done consecutively in
speaker in
one session or
semi-formal separately in
context. consecutive sessions.

Stage, Timing Sub-sta Inter-act Procedure (What? How?) Anticipated

Aim ges ion Problems &
(Why?) Students’ activity & Teacher’s activity Solutions
Stage 3: T>Ss Immediate feedback given by T regarding comprehension Some students may
Before questions via open in-class correction. Questions and not remember their
T provides task answers are projected to the entire class. answers. If this
immediate FB 15 min occurs, they will have
regarding to confirm any doubts
when the task is
comprehension Ss<>Ss T opens a debate. Were any questions difficult for the class in
returned. If the
questions. This During general? Do Ss agree with all of the provided answers? problem seems
is done at this task serious for the
time in order to T <> Ss OCFB: Debate in which students talk about the given topics. student, they could
maximise After resolve any issues
comprehension. task Did Ss’ preconceived ideas match the experience of the one-on-one with the
person in the video? Opinions: Are the affirmations made in teacher at the end of
If FB is given the video accurate? Elaborate on other differences that were the session.
the next day or not mentioned.
days later, Ss Students might go
will not off-topic. Teacher
remember as moderates the
much and, debate and asks
therefore, will relevant questions
connect fewer to stay on topic.


In-class, written responses to comprehension questions T P S O

as they pertain to the video. A A A T


Written task which can be done in class

if time allows or at home if it does not.
(90-120 words)
(Optional TL: present perfect)

Have you ever experienced a culture


If not, are there any cultural

differences that have been discussed
which you feel might be especially
difficult for you to deal with given the
situation? Why?

Have you ever met anyone who had

gone abroad and experienced culture

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