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7/1/24 43m

Live to 120 With This Cellular

Regeneration Diet
The Dr. Josh Axe Show

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Longevity Mind-body connection

Personal experience Disease Reversal

Cellular Energy

In this podcast episode, Dr. Josh Axe discusses the
principles of cellular regeneration and how the body
can heal itself and regrow new organs and tissues.
He shares his personal experience of overcoming a
near-fatal spinal infection by utilizing regenerative
therapies and explains the three key factors for
unlocking cellular regeneration - cellular energy,
eliminating cellular toxins, and providing cellular

Dr. Axe delves into the importance of

macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and adaptogens
for maintaining cellular energy and promoting
mitochondrial function. He also highlights the role
of toxins like pesticides, heavy metals, and food
additives in damaging cells and causing cellular
aging, emphasizing the need to eliminate them.

The episode further explores the essential nutrients,

including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin D,
B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc, required for
rebuilding and regenerating healthy cellular tissue.
Dr. Axe provides insights on the regenerative
capacity of different organs, emphasizing that the
body is almost completely new every year, enabling
disease reversal and longevity through cellular

Key Episodes Takeaways

1. The body has an innate ability to

regenerate and heal itself at the cellular
level, reversing diseases and promoting

2. Maintaining cellular energy through proper

nutrition, sleep, stress management, and
purpose is crucial for cellular regeneration.

3. Eliminating cellular toxins from sources

like pesticides, heavy metals, and food
additives is vital for preventing cellular
damage and aging.

4. Providing essential nutrients like omega-3

fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and amino
acids is necessary for rebuilding and
regenerating healthy cellular tissue.

5. Different organs have varying regenerative

capacities, with some like the liver and skin
being highly regenerative, while others like
the brain and heart are more limited.

6. Incorporating practices like prayer,

meditation, and social connections can
support cellular energy and promote
positive emotions, contributing to overall
cellular health.

7. Identifying and addressing the organ

system that is aging faster than others is
crucial for targeted cellular regeneration
and longevity.

8. Cellular regeneration holds the potential

for reversing conditions like autoimmune
diseases, cancer, chronic pain, and
hypothyroidism, and extending healthspan.

Top Episodes Quotes

1. “If you have autoimmune disease, if you

have a viral infection, if you've got major
fatigue, hypothyroidism, if you have almost
any condition, your body can regenerate and
heal.“ by Dr. Josh Axe

2. “If you do all the right things together and

address all these things I just shared with
you, your body can heal and regenerate. You
can reverse disease. You can get 5, 10,
maybe even 20 years younger if you start
doing all of these things right now.“ by Dr.
Josh Axe

3. “Did you know according to ancient chinese

medicine, they used the word for cell? When
I talk about cellular energy or ATP, they
would use the term chi. Ayurvedic.
Ayurvedic medicine used a word, they called
it life force.“ by Dr. Josh Axe

Chapter Details
Chapter 1: Introduction to
Cellular Regeneration
Dr. Axe introduces the topic of cellular
regeneration and its importance for healing
and longevity. He shares his personal
experience with a spinal infection and how
cellular regeneration helped him recover. He
also hints at the potential to extend lifespan
by decades through proper cellular
regeneration techniques.

Cellular regeneration techniques can help

reverse chronic diseases and promote
Dr. Axe was able to recover from a severe
spinal infection through cellular
regeneration methods.

1. “On today's show, I'll be talking about

how to reverse chronic disease and how to
get younger, supporting longevity using
cellular regeneration.“ by Dr. Josh Axe

Chapter 2: Cellular Energy and

Dr. Axe discusses the importance of cellular
energy for healing and regeneration. He
highlights the role of adaptogenic herbs,
sleep, stress management, and having a
strong life purpose in supporting cellular
energy levels. He also explains the concept
of 'chi' or 'life force' in Traditional Chinese

Chapter 3: Eliminating Cellular

Dr. Axe discusses the various toxins that can
damage cells and impair cellular
regeneration. He highlights the importance
of avoiding environmental pollutants, heavy
metals, food additives, and lifestyle-related
toxins like alcohol and smoking. He also
emphasizes the need to eliminate these
toxins for effective cellular regeneration.

Chapter 4: Cellular Nutrients

for Regeneration
Dr. Axe discusses the essential nutrients
required for cellular regeneration, including
essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and
amino acids. He emphasizes the importance
of a balanced diet with a variety of protein
sources to obtain all the necessary amino
acids for different organ systems.

Chapter 5: Closing Remarks and

In the closing remarks, Dr. Axe reiterates the
potential of cellular regeneration for healing
and longevity. He invites listeners to learn
more about his personalized cellular
regeneration program and to share the
episode with others.


Jardiance // Oura Ring // Lipitor

Neuroplasticity // Ayurvedic medicine //
Traditional Chinese Medicine // Cellular Energy

The Bible

Moses // Dr. Josh Axe

Ancient Nutrition // Leaders Media

Episode Information

Podcast Title
The Dr. Josh Axe Show

Host Publish Date

Dr. Josh Axe 7/1/24

Education, Health & Fitness


Episode Notes
Did you know the human body can regenerate new
organs? Unlock the secrets of cellular regeneration
with Dr. Josh Axe. On this groundbreaking episode,
Dr. Axe dives deep into the remarkable world of
cellular regeneration - your body's innate ability to
heal itself and even regrow new organs and
tissues. Discover life-changing strategies to
activate your cells' powerful regenerative capacity
for a revitalized mind, body and spirit. Tune in to
learn: 3 keys to unlocking cellular regeneration for
increased longevity and total body healing How Dr.
Axe overcame a near-fatal spinal infection by
tapping into regenerative therapies Cutting-edge
cellular nutrition for abundant energy production
and toxin elimination Science-backed visualization
techniques to promote neuroplasticity and organ
regeneration Top superfoods, adaptogens and
supplements to recharge your cells on a
mitochondrial level Simple lifestyle shifts like
improved sleep and stress management to thrive
at a cellular level Don't miss this opportunity to
reclaim your health from the inside out. Subscribe
now and learn Dr. Axe's revolutionary system to
regenerate your cells for a revitalized, more vibrant
life. Want more of The Dr. Josh Axe Show?
Subscribe to the YouTube channel. Follow Dr. Josh
Axe Instagram Twitter Facebook Tik-Tok ------
Links: Head over to to get your
personalized plan for cellular regeneration
1x 00:00:00 - 00:43:50
On This
Key Takeaway
Top Quotes
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1. Introd…
2. Cellul…
3. Elimin…
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4. Cellul…
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Full Transcript

Dr. Josh Axe

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Doctor Josh Axe

Show. I am your host, Doctor Axe, and each and
every week on this podcast, we explore the
science and principles behind how to grow in
body, mind, spirit, and take your health and your
life to the next level. On today's show, I'll be
talking about how to reverse chronic disease and
how to get younger, supporting longevity using
cellular regeneration. And oftentimes, people go
to their doctors today and they get put on a plan,
whether it be a conventional doctor or a natural
doctor, and they might get 20% better, 50% better
and see an improvement, but they don't see
complete healing and restoration.

Today I'll be going into how to get to the actual

root cause of diseases based on both western
and eastern medicine and how to heal at the
cellular level. Are you excited to hear how to do
that? How to heal at a cellular level? Well, I'm
excited to share that with you today. Before I
dive in, though, make sure to subscribe to this
channel and hit the notification bell so you don't
miss an episode.

One of the great things about subscribing is now

you're going to make sure that you don't miss
some of our premier guests coming on, some of
the great content coming out. If you don't
subscribe, you're going to miss a lot. So thanks
so much for subscribing. It's going to help you
grow in wisdom, grow in your understanding of
how to heal. And today we're going to be talking
about how to heal at a cellular level.

So first thing I want to share with you is how this

information saved my own life. Now, for years
I've talked about how cellular medicine saved the
life of my mom from cancer. Now, a couple years
ago, it actually, over the past, even couple years,
it saved my own life. Via, I was diagnosed with a
spinal infection. That's where an infection
actually got into my disc and my bone and by my
spinal cord.

I was told that I might never be able to walk

again. I was told that I might be permanently
disabled. And I was able to get back to now I'm
probably one year out from that. I'm about 85%
better in the next few months or by the end of
the year, I should be back to 100%. And I learned
so much going through that process because I
had to learn how to heal myself.

I'd been helping patients heal for years. I had to

literally help saved my own life. And via, God
gave me so much wisdom and resources and
connections to the top researchers and
physicians in the entire world. And I was able to
regenerate and heal my disc and my bone by my
spinal cord. And those are more difficult areas to
regenerate and heal.

And I spent over. I had over $500,000 in medical

bills from all of this. And so you're going to get
today, over $500,000 worth of research that
you're going to get for free, an entire books,
book's worth on today, today's episode. And I'm
gonna share with you some of what I did to heal.
But let me just say that I.

It took me. I didn't walk for an entire year, okay?

Or I didn't walk for ten months, and then two
months I was on a walker. So I didn't walk on my
own for an entire year. And I learned about the
foods that have the greatest healing capacity.

I learned about the treatments that help with

cellular regeneration and healing. I learned about
things like hyperbaric chamber, infrared light
therapy, stem stem cell therapy, prayer, the
power of neuroplasticity, and healing. And I'm
going to share some of that research with you
today and how you can heal at a cellular level. So
if you're watching this and you're struggling with
the chronic health condition, maybe it's
autoimmune disease. Here's the reality.

You can reverse autoimmune disease. Maybe it's

cancer. I believe through the power of prayer and
God and natural treatments, that your body can
experience a breakthrough, like my mom
experienced a breakthrough and complete
healing. I believe that if you are struggling with
an issue like chronic pain, you hurt every single
day. Your body can regenerate and heal new and
healthy tissue, so you don't have that chronic
pain every day.

Maybe it's hypothyroidism, maybe it's adrenal

fatigue. Maybe it's chronic fatigue. Maybe it's
fibromyalgia. Maybe you have a chronic infection
like Lyme or mold or Epstein Barr, and it just
feels crippling still. Well, I'll go through how to
regenerate and heal your body today.

Here's the first thing you need to know, is that we

want to focus. One of my big, big areas of focus
here, moving forward to help you be as healthy
as possible, is focusing on longevity. So it's
regeneration and longevity of your cells, because
if you can focus on healing one of your 35 trillion
cells, then your organs can heal and regenerate.
You know, when I look at the longest living
people, there's a woman who, it's documented
that she lived to be 117 years old. There's
another woman who.

It's undocumented, but they think she might have

lived to be 122. We know that Moses lived to be
120 years old, and so we know that 120 years is
possible. Now, here's the thing about Moses and
about even that woman that was 117, is that
they still had good health. They were still active,
they were still moving. It said Moses still had his
eyes bright and open, and generally he was

He was still walking. I posted not that long ago

on my social media page, on Instagram, the top
longevity foods for extending your lifespan. And
90% of people were really positive, saying, hey, I
love this. Thank you so much. I had a few people
that said, I don't want to live to be 100 years old.

Now, here's the thing. If I were to ask you, well,

hey, at 100 years old, it'd be like you were 60
years old. You're still cycling, you're still walking,
you're swimming, you're carrying your grandkids.
Then would you want to live to be 100 years old?
Well, most people then will say, yes.

It's a different story. Many of us have seen our

relatives and family members suffer and be, uh,
basically bedridden or have dementia or unable
to move the last few years of our life. Of course,
nobody wants that. But I'm going to go through
today. How?

Through the power of cellular regeneration, you

can keep your cells younger. Here's the reality.
Your body is constantly regenerating. I mean,
your blood is new every four months. Many of
your organs are new every single year.

In fact, I'm going to get into how long it takes to

regenerate each organ, on average. And what I
want to do is not only help you add years to your
life, which I'm going to do, I also want to help you
add life to your years, to where you say, this year
and every year after. This was the best year of
your life, even when you're in your nineties,
saying, wow, I am so grateful and happy to be
alive because I'm thriving. I am healthy. I am
well, I am active now.

One other thing I want to mention. This is really

important to know. There's a great study out of
Stanford recently, and they found that for most
people, what gets us is that we have one organ
that ages faster than your other organs. Okay?
And it's different for everybody.

For you. Your kryptonite could be that your heart

is aging too fast. Maybe your liver is young,
maybe your skin is young, but your heart is aging
faster than it should. For some of you, maybe it's
your pancreas. For others, maybe it's your
reproductive organs and your hormones.

For others, maybe it's your brain and

neurological system. So what happens is most
of us have a vice or a kryptonite of one area, and
it ages faster than others. And thats ultimately
what leads to an early death in our demise. But
the reality is, if you can find out which organ
system you are most susceptible with, the one
thats aging faster, you can do things to actually
keep that organ system younger, which is one of
the things you want to do for extending your
lifespan. Now im going to dive into really the
three primary root causes of what causes
cellular, uh, what ill call cellular aging.

Right. Where youre where your cells age too

quickly, they dont function properly. So you cant
heal and regenerate. There are three root causes
we need to focus on. One is cellular energy.

Are your cells, do they have enough energy and

are they producing enough energy? This typically
is connected to stress, sleep, sunshine. Its really
connected to your soul and spiritual health and
certain nutrients like vitamin B. Twelve. So
cellular energy is critical to healing.

In fact, cellular energy is the most important one

ill talk about because your cellular energy then it
sort of like gives your bodys workers, it gives
them energy to where then they can go and clear
out toxins. They can then go and rebuild your
cells in your body. But cellular energy is key. The
second thing is cellular toxicity. If your cells are
toxic, then your organs are toxic, then they will
age more quickly and that will cause them to not
function properly.

And it will keep your cells from actually creating

and regenerating the right type of new tissue. Of
course, forever chemicals glyphosate, the toxins,
the traumas, even negative toxic thoughts.
These all start to create toxicity in our body. And
the third root cause is cellular deficiency. Does
your body have the right peptides or amino

Does it have the right vitamins, nutrients,

essential fatty acids? Does it also have its
psychological needs? Im going to dive into the
biggest needs you need for cellular health and
longevity today to heal your body. So imagine
your body like this. Imagine it is a building, okay?

And were trying to build a new, healthy building.

Well, when it comes to the workers that are
building your house, building your new cells,
thats cellular energy. And so if you dont have
workers, you cant rebuild a home. Imagine a
home that has a lot of destruction and needs. It
needs remodeling.

Okay. Certain walls have termite infestation and

its rotted in certain areas. And you need to
rebuild your home. Thats what its like right now.
If youre sitting here and you have autoimmune
disease, you have hypothyroidism, you have
cancer, you have some sort of medical condition,
you have parts of your cells and body that have
been, that have some level of destruction.

So what we need to do is we need to get a lot of

good workers there, okay, that are then going to
help do the remodeling project. Imagine toxins
are those termites and those things in your body
we need to get rid of. And we need to tear down
the walls that or damaged. And then we need
cellular nutrients that are going to be the
building blocks of creating new tissues within
your body for those workers to work with. Thats
sort of what this would look like.

Now I want to share with you how long it takes in

general for each system of the body or specific
organs to regenerate. According to medical
research, your liver is new every 150 to 500 days.
Now whats amazing is your liver can actually
regenerate if somebody has part of their liver
removed. It's been shown to be able to
regenerate that new tissue in as little as six to
eight weeks. But on average it takes about 365
days one year for your liver to be completely

Your skin is new around every 28 days to 30

days. So once a month your skin is completely
new. If you ever get a cut or something like that,
typically it takes, if it's a little deeper, about 30 28
days to 30 days to heal. Now it's much deeper or
more serious. Sometimes it can take a little bit

But generally speaking it's about, it's about one

month. Which by the way, if you ever have a skin
injury to prevent scarring, you want to be very,
very focused on putting things on there like uh,
like, like manuka honey and silver and aloe and
calendula and helichrysum oil, uh, and forms of
silicone in order for it to heal completely. That
first month is the most important if you ever
have an injury and you want to prevent scoring.
But skin is new every 28 days. Your intestinal
lining is due is new every three to five days its

Okay. So it is constantly turning over. So you can

really transform your digestive health very
quickly. Fasting is one of the fastest ways to do
that. Or consuming a diet thats mostly bone
broth because thats what your intestinal cells
are made up of.

But you can regenerate a lot of your intestinal

lining which can help heal leaky gut in three to
five days, that quickly, you can start turning that
around. Now, your intestinal, the other areas of
your intestines may take an entire year to heal,
but the lining itself only takes three to five days.
Your bones can repair itself through a process
called bone remodeling, modeling, and, for
instance, a minor fracturing fracture, can heal in
six to eight weeks. That's about how long it
takes bones to heal, about six weeks to eight
weeks. Looking at your other organs, your
muscles take typically about four weeks to heal
under optimal, ideal conditions for young people.

However, if you're older, it may take closer to six

to eight weeks for muscles to heal. Uh, and by
the way, something can happen though, is you
might say, well, I tore a muscle years ago and it
hasn't been the same. Well, the problem is it
didn't heal properly. And so maybe it is healing in
the state it's in. And that's where getting
treatments like stem cell can actually be
incredibly healing.

To help bridge that gap of where maybe you're

missing, uh, missing tissues, uh, in an area, uh,
the other one would be the pancreas. The
pancreas. Pancreas, I do want to mention, has
limited healing capacity compared to other
organs. However, it can regenerate at about six
to twelve weeks. However, significant damage
can keep it from fully repairing.
And so the pancreas is a little bit more
susceptible and is not good as healing as other
organs. Now, there's another organ system that's
even harder to heal, but the pancreas is slightly
harder to heal than other organ systems.
However, I do want to say it can heal, and
especially those beta cells of the pancreas. This
is how you can reverse type two diabetes. I have
helped tens of thousands of people reverse type
two diabetes.

And the way we were able to do it was via diet,

mostly. And so what happened is, and many of
them within four weeks, but definitely that six to
twelve weeks, we were able to completely
reverse type two diabetes and regenerate those
receptor sites of insulin and those cells of the
pancreas. And that amount of time, by the way,
that's the only reason you can reverse a
condition, is because your organs, tissues and
cells have the capacity to regenerate and
become new other organs. Here, the kidneys can
typically regenerate the kidneys and adrenal
glands about every three to six months. The
heart can heal typically about every year.

However, the heart, like the pancreas, does have

some limited regenerative capacity. And if you
damage heart tissue, oftentimes it's replaced
with abnormal tissue for it like a scar. And this
can inhibit its normal function. And really, the
scar formation can begin at about 24 to 48
hours after a heart attack, for instance. And so
the heart doesnt necessarily generate as well as
something like the liver.

The liver regenerates very well, as an example,

the intestinal lining, even the skin. However,
again, the heart, like the pancreas, has a little bit
harder time with regeneration. However, it can
regenerate. By the way, this is why its important,
if you ever have a heart attack, if you ever have a
major burn on your body, if you ever have a
stroke where youve damaged your nerve tissue,
you immediately want to do everything you can,
even within the first 48 hours to begin healing, to
get oxygen, blood vitamins and nutrients to the
area. So, for instance, if you have a stroke, you
want to get in a hyperbaric or a burn, you want to
get in a hyperbaric chamber immediately, as
soon as possible, as many days as possible,
because those first hours and days in weeks
after the injury is the most important for
regeneration of some of these more difficult to
regenerate organs.

But again, here's the thing. Much of your heart,

those cells, even now, you may say, well, I had a
heart attack and I do have scar tissue. Well, the
good news is your body can still heal much of
the area. Your brain and nerve tissue takes the
longest and has the most limited ability to
regenerate of all organs. Now, certain areas of
the brain, like the hippocampus, can generate
new neurons via neurogene genesis via your
entire life.

But the overall regenerative capacity of the brain

is less than other tissues. The brain and nerve
tissue can take anywhere from one year to
twelve years to restore. So if you have a certain
type of nerve damage, no, it may take time. It
could take one year, two year, five years, up to
ten to twelve years to fully regenerate. But if you
keep at it and do everything you can to help it
heal, oftentimes you can see amazing results
over time with healing brain and nerve tissue and
then your thyroid.

Your thyroid typically takes about three to six

months to be completely new and to regenerate.
Um, it has a moderate regenerative capacity, um,
and so it can heal greater than other organs.
This is how I've helped so many people reverse
hypothyroidism and hashimoto's thyroiditis. So
the thyroid does have a pretty good capacity to
heal completely. Now, again, it's essential to
remember that based on the circumstance, the
level of healing or the level of injury and your
demographic how much your body can heal.

But generally speaking, here's the principle to

walk away with. Your body is almost completely
new. Outside of your nerve tissue, your body is
almost completely new. Every single year you're
new, your organs are new. And so if you do the
things im going to share with you, you get energy
to the area, like blood flow and oxygen.

So you get energy to the area. If you eliminate

the toxins and if you get the right building blocks
in your body, your body, almost every cell, tissue
and organ of your body will regenerate and heal
itself. You can get younger. You can. If you did all
the right things, your body can get biologically
1020 years younger in some instances.

I want to share with you that this has worked for

me. I recently did a test on glycan age to look at
what my actual age is biologically. And I was
about nine to ten years younger than my actual
age. So I'm 42 right now, so my biological age is
closer to a third. It was a 32 year old according
to the test.

And so you can, via the right things, if you, if you

right now are 40 years old, you can do things
perfectly for the next year. And maybe your, your,
your actual age is 45, you could turn it back ten
years. It is amazing how your body can
regenerate and heal. So just know, if you start
doing the things I share with you, you can heal,
you can regenerate. So lets start off with number
one thing you got to start to do here in order to
support cellular regeneration.

And that is you need to get healthy

macronutrients, carbs, fats and proteins via
amino acids. Now complex carbohydrates. And
so remember this, your cells do like a little bit of
carbohydrates, like sugar. The best sources of
that are going to be vegetables, fruits, beans and
fermented whole grains like a sourdough ancient
grain. That's going to be your best source for
steady state glucose, which allows your body to
produce ATP, which is what your body produces
for cellular energy.

In addition, healthy fats like avocados, nuts like

almonds, and seeds like flax, fatty fish, coconut,
and extra virgin olive oil, they make up the outer
part of your cells, what's called a lipid bilayer.
And so your cells need essential fatty acids in
order to heal, especially omega three s,
monounsaturated fats and some healthy
saturated fats you're going to get from things
like coconut and a little bit of animal products
and then proteins. You know, you're going to get
this from lean organic meat, fermented raw
organic dairy, beans, nuts and even protein
powders. Bone broth are also going to get you
these amino acids you need for cellular energy
and repair. Now the big thing here is you want to
focus on real food thats easy to digest.

If youre eating grains, your body is going to

absorb it much better if its sprouted or
fermented. Okay? So and then again, and you
also dont want to over consume the carbs
because heres what happens if you consume
too many carbohydrates. The excess sugar
actually acts like a toxin on your body. So you
want to get the right macronutrients in the right

And most of us, the biggest thing were deficient

in here are healthy proteins and healthy fats.
Most of us are not getting enough of omega
three s were severely deficient. Most of us are
not getting enough of the monounsaturated
from olive oil and some of the polyphenols,
those antioxidants that accompany it. Most of
us are not getting enough protein via really high
quality organic wild protein sources. If you can
do that, it's going to help with your cellular

The next thing you need for cellular energy are

specific nutrients. B vitamins like b two, b six, b
twelve and folate are critical for mitochondrial
function according to the National Institutes of
Health. And these are also important for
methylation. Have you heard of methylation in
the body? You have to have certain B vitamins
and nutrients in order to support cellular and
mitochondrial function.

The B vitamins are the most important, followed

by magnesium. Magnesium is a cofactor in over
300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including
according to the NIH. And this is also vital for
ATP production again. And then certain nutrients
are essential for certain cells. For instance, the
cells of your heart like coenzyme q ten, that
plays a role in mitochondrial health as well,
especially for blood and for your heart.

Iron is also very important nutrient that supports

oxygen transport in the blood. Iron support
cellular respiration and energy production. And
so those are some of the key nutrients for
cellular energy. In addition, there are
adaptogenic herbs that support cellular energy
and specifically the cells of the adrenal glands
and the thyroid. Some of the best herbs for
supporting cellular energy include, and by the
way, think about your body like this.

Your body has a battery, okay? And your body

does, it has one main battery, which is your
adrenals. But in addition, all of your cells, we
have trillions and trillions of batteries in our
bodies. And if those batteries get low and
depleted, your body doesn't have the energy to
properly detoxify and to properly run your
organs. So that's why your organs get sick.

This is one of the biggest and one of the major

leading causes of why you or someone you
know is ill is that it doesn't have enough cellular
energy when your body, this is why. Did you
know? Not getting quality sleep is deadly. In fact,
one of the great, one of the, one of the greatest
risks of mortality in a temporary time is if
somebody hasn't slept, slept well for several
nights in a row. If you do not sleep well, your risk
of mortality.

So dying goes up tremendously. And so you have

to, because your cellular energy gets so low, your
mitochondrial energy goes so low, so now you
dont have the energy to run all your organs and
so one might stop or something malfunctions
like a heart attack. So those sort of things can
happen. One of the greatest cures and remedies
to support cellular energy are adaptogenic
herbs. Ashwagandha is probably my favorite.

Its known for its ability to reduce stress and

improve energy levels by modulating cortisol
levels. Thats one of the key hormones youre
going to want to pay attention to when it comes
to cellular energy. If your cortisol levels are off,
your cellular energy is off. Thats the big warning
sign. Of course, the other big warning sign is
youre just tired all the time.

Youre tired, youre fatigued. You dont have

energy. Thats linked to cellular energy. And the
hormone most connected to that is cortisol. And
the organ system is the most adrenal glands.

So ashwagandha would be the number one herb

for most people as an adaptogen to support
adrenals, thyroid health and cellular energy. After
that, I also really like Rhodiola Rosea. Rhodiola
enhances physical performance and energy and
adrenal function. Ginseng is another one.
Ginseng is probably one of the top ten most
prescribed herbs and all of ancient asian
medicine and chinese medicine.

Its been shown to boost energy, promote mental

clarity, support adrenal glands, and reduce
fatigue, according to a medical journal. Theres
other great adaptogens, by the way, especially
mushrooms. Reishi and Cordyceps would be
probably the two most prominent for supporting
cellular energy. In addition, other herbals such as
schisandra, licorice root, astragalus, eleuthero,
just to name a few. There's many.

But those adaptogenic herbs have tremendous

benefits at supporting cellular energies. That's
the top thing you can take if you're not feeling
good or you're feeling tired or, you know, this is
an issue for you. You want to make sure you're
taking adaptogenic herbs. Of course, the thing I
mentioned just a moment ago, adequate sleep is
critical for cellular energy. You know, I charge my
phone once a day, you know, when it is, when Im
sleeping at night.

You know, when your body regenerates, repairs,

and restores. When youre sleeping at night, its
the time when your bodys the most active at
creating new cells and new tissues. So if you
want good cellular energy, youve got to
essentially plug yourself in early and you want to
make sure youre plugged in for a whole eight
plus hours. Also, you can see your quality of
sleep based on ive got this ring I wear called an
oura ring oura. And it tracks my sleep.

I get a sleep score at night. So last night I had an

86 score and then I had about a 90 readiness.
Today. That's good. I go for at least a b, but
ideally an a every single night in sleep and

And so I literally have something on my phone

that tells me what my cellular energy or what my
sleep is, which is that 86 score. And then
essentially my readiness score is very similar to
my cellular energy. Where am I at there for the
day? And it's amazing that we have technology
today that can track things like that. But again,
adequate sleep is critical for cellular energy and
repair and restoration.

If you have any condition, one of the greatest

things you can do is get eight to 10 hours of
sleep a night, have your room dark, have it cold.
And if youre waking up constantly at 03:00 a.m.
or youre not falling asleep, well get in the habit.
Part of that is reducing stress, that cortisol is
off. We need to get it back balanced.

And so thats a warning sign that you need to

start doing things to calm down your nervous
system. So start reading a book, take walks in
nature, spend more time in prayer, read spiritual
growth books, do more things you love to do, get
outside more because that supports balancing
those cortisol and melatonin levels. But quality
sleep is essential for cellular energy. The other
big one is reducing stress or how you deal with
stress. Listen, we all have stress in our lives, but
what stress does is that takes away what
normally would cause our battery to go down a
little bit.

It starts depleting it more and more. Whenever

im driving ill, oftentimes use my phones, gps, Ive
got a few apps. And one of the things that
actually really brings my battery down of my
phone is if I am using my gps, that causes it to
go down faster. Or if Im doing a 4k video, if Im
doing a lot of video, that also drains my battery
faster on my phone. Very similar way when
you're emotionally stressed with fear, worry,
anger, or you're overworking for something,
you're obsessing about something, or you got a
deadline and you're feeling that sort of stress in
your life, relational stress, that in a very similar
way to your phone going down, if you're using
your gps or using 4k video, your battery goes
down faster.

Okay. So it's okay for that to happen a little bit.

Stress is normal, but too much of it will get your
battery too low. Practices like prayer, meditation,
certain forms of exercise where you're doing
maybe things for mobility, flexibility, deep
breathing, these can reduce stress and support
cellular healing. But what I mentioned earlier,
going on walks in nature, prayer, reading your
bible, those things are very, very regenerative of
your cellular energy.

Social connections are also very good for your

cellular energy. Part of what happens hormonally
is you can combat fear, which I mentioned,
remember, fear, worry, anxiety, those drive your
energy down. Well, social connection helps your
body release more serotonin, dopamine, and
especially oxytocin. Okay, oxytocin. And when
those are happening, when you're experiencing
that joy, that emotional, true connection with
somebody, that happiness, and when thats
happening now, its like your body is getting a
little boost of energy.

Its actually recharging your battery even when

youre not sleeping, when youre experiencing
positive emotions. And so you want to do as
much as you can in community with others to
experience those positive emotions. Medical
studies have shown it lowers inflammation and
actually boosts that energy. Were talking about.
And then the last thing is this, when it comes to
cellular energy, then were going to get into

Nutrients having a purpose in life. Did you know

according to ancient chinese medicine, they
used the word for cell? When I talk about cellular
energy or ATP, they would use the term chi.
Ayurvedic. Ayurvedic medicine used a word, they
called it life force.

Okay, but Chi spelled qi, basically is the energy of

your cells combined with your adrenal glands.
But it's this thing. But they believe that if you had
a strong purpose in life, you had something you
were excited about, you knew that God had
called you to do something significant in your life
that was energizing? Have you ever met
somebody that has a really big purpose in life
and you notice, wow, that person's energetic,
they're making calls, they're meeting people,
they're taking action. And then have you ever
met anybody who's just kind of like, ho hum, sit
around all day, not motivated, not energized?

There's a very, very big difference between those

two people. And it has to do with one has a
purpose and one doesn't. When you have a
purpose, it's actually good for your health. In
fact, there was a study that found that when
somebody retires from work and if they don't
find something else to fill their life with some
sort of purpose or way to contribute to society,
they die early. If you don't have a purpose, it
takes years off your life and also takes life from
your years.

If you're not fulfilling a purpose in life, what is

your why do you exist? What's your why? And so
it's so important that you know what is your
purpose? Do you know? According to studies,
only 25% of people are clear on what their
purpose is in life.

Having a purpose actually lengthens your

lifespan, adds years to your life, allows you to
contribute in a meaningful way. Lower stress,
gives you overall better all well being as well.
And so again, but again, the bottom line here is,
is having a purpose is essential to cellular
function and healing. If you have a purpose,
you're better at healing your thyroid, you're better
at reversing autoimmune disease. You have a
greater chance of beating cancer.

My mom, one of the biggest things we did to

help her heal cancer was to tap into her purpose
in life, her vision. She wanted to be a
grandmother. That was one big thing she knew
that was part of her purpose in life. And sewing
into her grandkids and helping other cancer
survivors beat cancer, helping other people grow
spiritually. These were things that were tied to
her purpose.

So if you want to boost cellular energy, start to

discover and tap into what is your purpose in life.
Itll help you heal the next thing. Point number
two, when were talking about getting to the root
of healing at a cellular level is eliminating cellular
toxins. Listen, we are bombarded and exposed
to so many chemicals on a regular basis.
Environmental pollutants, industrial chemicals,
heavy metals, food additives, forever chemicals,
lifestyle related toxins from sunscreen.

These all damage our cells. They're like termites.

They're breaking down tissues within our body.
They're breaking down your gut, they're breaking
down your liver. They're breaking down your
mitochondria in your cell.

They're damaging your body. Here are some of

the biggest culprits that are poisoning your cells,
pesticides, herbicides, air pollutants, and forever
chemicals, okay, that are found in things like our
cookware, like Teflon pans. These chemicals
cause inflammation. They've also been shown to
cause oxidative stress to our cells and DNA
damage to our cells. And so we want to do
everything we can.

This is why buying organic food is so beneficial.

This is also why using glass instead of plastic.
It's why using stainless steel or cast iron instead
of, you know. So as I mentioned, Teflon pans that
have what are called PFAS, that's
polyfluoroalkylose substances. These damage
the environment, but also your cells in your body.

They increase your. This is why they increase

your risk of cancer. Cancer is a cellular condition
where your cells now are not replicating properly
and they're taking over your healthy cells and
your immune system. And so you want to get rid
of those environmental and household
pollutants. Also, of course, industrial chemicals
from our cleaning products.

I mentioned plastics like bisphenol A is an

example of one you want to get out. Heavy
metals, lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium. These
are found in our foods. Sometimes arsenic, of
course, and a lot of foods that come over from
China. These inhibit enzymatic reactions.

They take the place of receptor sites for

minerals. Remember this, iron is a mineral that
you need to be healthy. So is magnesium, so is
zinc. These are metals. And if you have heavy
metals in your body, they will take the place of
the receptor sites.

So your body can't absorb certain minerals that

you need. And also they will then just pollute and
cause toxicity throughout your entire body. Food
additives, artificial colors, preservatives, artificial
sweeteners like aspartame. And I would even
throw in there sugar, added sugar or high
fructose corn syrup. I'd also throw in genetically
modified organisms.

These are things that are hard on your body.

They can cause inflammation and damage to
our systems. And of course, there's lifestyle
related toxins in alcohol, smoking, tobacco, drug
abuse. But alcohol itself actually is a toxin to our
body that can damage our cells. Now, having,
you know, a half a glass once a week, you'll
probably get away with or one glass once a

But if you're drinking every day, it becomes toxic

to your liver and to yourselves. This is what
happens. You get fatty liver, where your liver now
starts producing fat to try and protect itself. And
so again, there are so many toxins that were
exposed to on a regular day, regular basis that
damage ourselves, causing oxidative stress,
inflammation, and so we want to stay away from
those. Now I want to talk about cellular

So remember what we have to do. One, we have

to get the workers there to remodel your home,
your body. Thats cellular energy. Then we need
to tear down the walls and eliminate the pests.
We got to get rid of the termites, and we got to
tear down this drywall that has a hole in it thats
rotted, this wood.

We got to eliminate it, okay? The last thing we

need to do now is rebuild your body. We need to
rebuild your cells. We need to rebuild your
organs. Here are the essential things you need in
order to rebuild healthy cellular tissue.

Number one, you need essential fatty acids,

starting with omega three fatty acids. You want
to make sure youre getting wild, caught fish in
your diet, or flax, chia and walnuts on a regular
basis, okay? You want to get those omega three
fatty acids as much as possible. If youre not
getting them, supplement with a good omega
three supplement, okay? Whether its cod liver oil
or its caviar oil or whatever it is, but get those
good omega three s in your diet.

In addition, you want to get healthy fats from

animal sources that are organic and wild. From
grass fed beef, from chicken, from eggs like egg
yolks, from healthy dairy thats raw, inorganic, like
sheep smoke yogurt or raw cheeses. So you
want to get a little bit of those fats. And by the
way, you cant have too much of a good thing, but
you do want to get some of those good fats. In
addition, you want some monounsaturated fats
like that from olive oil and some other saturated
fat from that, from coconut, okay?

Now listen, you can have too much saturated fat.

You can have too much animal fat, especially,
listen, and I'm only talking about the only good
fat from animals is if the animal is, if they're
completely grass fed and if they're completely
wild and they are organic, okay? If not, those
tissues are going to be imbalanced and they're
going to cause inflammation and cellular
disease. So again, number one nutrient, though,
you need, and this, the reason is every cell in
your body is made of fat. So fats are essential.

So you need some essential fats in your diet. I

remember I had a patient, one of my first patient
that I ever had in my life was in my student,
student clinic. A man came in. I still remember
his name. His name was Ron.

And Ron came in to see me. His hair was

thinning. And he said he was having nerve
degeneration. His muscles had wasted and I
said, what happened, Ronnie? And he said, my
doctor put me on a no fat diet and on a statin
drug called lipitor.

Well, if you look at the clinical research, youll

realize that lipitor, these statin drugs cause nerve
degeneration, liver degeneration. They cause
your hair to thin, they damage your 25% of your
brain, is made up of cholesterol and that he was
eating no fat. Well, I put him on a diet that was
higher in fat supplement supplemented with this
omega three fats. Coenzyme q ten completely
reversed the condition. He said he felt like he
was 15 years younger, got off his medication.

He had cellular regeneration because he did the

right things for his body. Here's some other
things you have to have for cellular regeneration.
Vitamin C vitamin C acts as an antioxidant for
oxidative stress. It also is what makes up the
majority of the collagen cells in your body. Or it's
part of what makes up your skin, hair, nails,
bones, ligaments, tendons, gut lining, arterial

So you need vitamin C for cellular function, for

healing, vitamin D is crucial. B vitamins. I
mentioned these earlier. B six. B twelve.

Folate. These are not only critical for cellular

energy, they're also critical for the building
blocks and building up of your body. Minerals of
course, magnesium and zinc. Zinc is one of the
most important minerals for regeneration. In
fact, zinc is critical for regenerating your gut
lining and tissue, for healing your skin.

But almost every organ in your body needs zinc

in order to regenerate properly. And magnesium
and zinc are probably magnesium, zinc and iron
are probably three of the top five minerals were
deficient in that cause our body to not be able to
regenerate properly. So if there are two minerals
you probably need, it's most likely magnesium
and zinc. And of course, uh, you know, there are,
there, there are many others. Listen, you need a,
you know, fats, carbs and protein, you need every
vitamin, you need every mineral to function

But the ones I mentioned are the ones that are

the most important. By the way, you can see
here if you're watching on YouTube, this therapy
chart, this amino acid therapy chart to where
there are certain amino acids that are critical to
certain cells of different organs. For instance,
the brain has to have l tyrosine and tryptophan
and taurine and gaba and l histidine. In order to
function properly. Your liver needs carnitine and
arginine and citronine.

Your muscles need leucine, isoleucine, valine

and glutamine. Your connective tissue needs
proline, hydroxyproline, glycine, and lysine. So
you can see your different organs need different
tissues. Your heart needs taurine, your thyroid
needs tyrosine. So different organs need
different amino acids.

This is also why I do want to mention you want

to make sure you're rounding out your protein
consumption. You want to make sure you're
getting protein from your meat, real animal
tissue. And you also want to make sure you're
getting it from organ meat. So you want muscle
meat from animals, organ meats from animals,
some plant based protein, and you want to be
getting connective tissue protein from bone
broth. If you're missing any one of those areas,
you're probably going to be deficient in certain
amino acids for certain organs.

So remember that muscle meat, organ meat,

bone broth, and getting some good plants in
your diet and that's going to get you your ideal
vitamins, minerals and amino acids there in
order to help regenerate your body at a cellular
level. Remember this, almost all of your organs
are new every single year. Your body is
constantly regenerating and know if you have
autoimmune disease, if you have a viral
infection, if you've got major fatigue,
hypothyroidism, if you have almost any
condition, your body can regenerate and heal. If
you do all the right things together and address
all these things I just shared with you, your body
can heal and regenerate. You can reverse

You can get 510, maybe even 20 years younger if

you start doing all of these things right now. By
the way, if you want some help, I actually have
practitioners I've trained that can walk you
through and help you identify exactly what you
need. You can visit dot. I've got
an advanced training there where you can learn
more about cellular regeneration. At the end,
have an opportunity to meet with a practitioner
I've trained who can then give you some
guidance on exactly what you need.

Because listen, listen, everybody is a unique

individual. I mentioned this earlier based on this
Stanford study. Everyone has one organ system
thats typically aging faster than other organs.
We need to identify that and create a specific
plan of the amino acids, the peptides, the
essential fatty acids, the vitamins, the nutrients,
the antioxidants that you need in order to get
that organ younger and regenerate and reverse
either the disease you have now or one thats
developing that you want to prevent in the future.
Again, go to for that.

Also, hey, if you enjoyed this podcast and you

want to continue to learn more about cellular
energy, longevity, reversion, disease and healing,
make sure to subscribe here to the channel like
and share. Also listen more people need to know
this information on cellular regeneration. This is
the future of medicine, of getting the root cause.
Hey, please share this on Instagram, on
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By the way, I want to let you know this show

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you that are subscribed. Thanks so much for
tuning in here to the doctor Josh Axe show.

Remember, each and every week we're diving

deep into how you could heal your body, your
mind and your spirit. I'll see you on the next

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