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top workplaces June 2024

Cybersecurity fuels a hot job market

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Visit careers.aarp.org to work happy @AARP.

2018 2020 2021 2023


Cybersecurity fuels a hot job
Gen Z and mid-career jobseekers enroll in

university programs to get certified. 4

How to rally your staff, and

other fun stories
Secrets from four leaders recognized for
great work. 16

How data from the annual survey is analyzed
to create this year’s list. 28

The List
Top Workplaces: Largest 29
Top Workplaces: Large 34
Top Workplaces: Midsize 40
Top Workplaces: Small 50

Editor and Photo Editor: Bronwen Latimer

Designer, print: Talia Trackim
Designer, digital: Shikha Subramaniam
Design Editors: Brian Gross, Matt Callahan, Chloe
Writers: Fredrick Kunkle, Julie Hoban,
Jeffrey Tomik
Copy editors: Jordan Melendrez, Jeremy Hester,
Brian Malasics, Phil Lueck, Melissa Ngo, Vanessa
Production Coordinator: Mark Giaimo
News Logistics: Danielle Newman
Program Director: Katherine Kohls
Client Solutions Production Team: LaShanda
Swancy, Jamie Richardson
Events Team: Nathan Boone, Grace Lancaster-
Director, Recruitment Solutions:
Eric Martin
Client Partner: Trish Ward
For more information, please e-mail

Illustrations by Gustaf Öhrnell Hjalmars

By BrOnWen LaTimer to improve their cybersecurity practices,
and schools are training people to fill those
Do you ever think about why one word has positions. We asked Fredrick Kunkle to
so many different meanings? Consider the visit some classes and attend a cybersecu-
word “second.” rity conference to help us make sense of the
It is 1/60th of a minute. job marketplace. For the second feature
It is also a chance to support another story, we asked Julie Hoban and photogra-
person’s opinion. pher Lexey Swall to meet with the four
And, as a standing, second can lead to people who received leadership awards
disappointment for competitive types who this year, and I am so glad we did. They are
wanted to be first even though it is still a truly inspirational people.
high rank. And then there is the list, which has
Business, and life inside a business, can Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post grown to 250 companies. We chose to do
be just as confusing— and rich with possi- this because the DMV has been a consis-
bility. Many of the companies on this list or last, they are on the list and recognized tent top market out of 65 markets surveyed
have figured there are no absolutes, only in this magazine. by Energage, and it was a great opportunity
different ways of looking at a problem. A This is the second year I have edited this to recognize more organizations that meet
lot of these companies compete against magazine. Last year, we changed things the high standards of a top workplace.
one another for contracts, especially in the quite a lot — a new format, more photogra- Please take a second, or two, to look
world of information technology solutions, phy, longer stories. This year, we relied on through these pages and find something
and yet here they are, succeeding. All of the framework we built and filled it with helpful to you.
them are game to compete. We know this stories that, hopefully, are helpful to busi- As always, we welcome your feedback.
because they returned the Top Workplaces ness owners. Many federal agencies and My email is bronwen.latimer@wash-
survey to see where they rank. First, second companies in the DMV region are looking post.com. n

THANK To our Sponsors, who made the 2024 Top

Workplaces recognition program possible,

our deepest thanks.To the employees and
company representatives who told us
which organizations deserved this
spotlight, thank you for your nominations.
And to all of the companies recognized in
these pages, thank you for everything you
do to create and maintain a Top Workplace.


Georgetown Cupcake a Top Workplace?
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Nomad Event Systems Nominations for 2025
SUPPORTING SPONSOR Premium Distributors of VA are being accepted now.
Ridgewells Catering
Sygyzy Events International topworkplaces.com
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EOE, including disability/vet
fuels a hot
job market
story by FredricK KunKle
photography by measu bellay

hen Nana Pokuaah isn’t working at a pharmacy, she’s in
school — though it might not look like it.
Eight hours a day, three days a week, Pokuaah, 31, sits in a
French cafe in Chantilly, Va., with her laptop, taking an online
class that could put her on the front lines of a battle in cyberspace that begins
every time a person logs into a computer. Pokuaah is studying to become a
cybersecurity analyst trained in identifying and defeating cyberattacks.
The number of cyberattacks has almost doubled in the past five years —
averaging 758,000 annually — according to the FBI’s Internet Criminal
Complaint Center, also known as IC3. Those are the cases we know of. When
the FBI infiltrated the Hive ransomware network in 2023, they discovered
that only one in five victims had filed complaints with law enforcement.
The growing threat has created a booming job market for cybersecurity
specialists. The Labor Department forecasts steady growth, and a widely
circulated report by Cybersecurity Ventures says unfilled jobs in the industry
more than tripled worldwide since 2013. Though the pace has leveled off —
and the U.S. tech industry shed jobs last year — there are many vacant
positions in the United States.

illustration by Gustaf ÖHrnell Hjalmars

The need has been especially keen in the
nation’s capital, as government agencies
and private corporations compete for qual-
ified people. Several local colleges, univer-
sities and private companies have expand-
ed their computer science programs, add-
ing continuing education courses and cy-
bersecurity boot camps to their offerings.
Students can learn the technical aspects,
including hardware and software inside
computer networks, as well as the manage-
rial “soft skills” and fast-growing legal and
regulatory demands of cybersecurity. Peo-
ple from all sorts of backgrounds have
plunged in, often with little more than
curiosity, a knack for solving puzzles and
an interest in outsmarting the bad guys.
“You have to be the kind of person who
stands in the shower and thinks, ‘Well, I
know how it’s supposed to work, but if I
were a bad guy, what would I do that
nobody expected me to do that would get
me in?’” said John R. Levine, a computer
expert who wrote “The Internet for Dum-
mies.” “Would it be a technical attack or
would it be some sort of social engineering
attack where I call up and say, ‘Gee, I lost
my password. Can you reset it for me?’ —
which works astonishingly well. Or some
combination of those.”
Pokuaah, whose family moved to
Northern Virginia from Ghana when she
was young, chose to learn about cybersecu-
rity after seeing firsthand the importance
of securing sensitive data while working as
a pharmacy tech for Kaiser Permanente.
She enrolled in classes designed by a com- Nana Pokuaah studies for her
pany called Springboard for the University cybersecurity classes inside a cafe in
of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). Chantilly, Va.
Clocking 25 hours per week — more than
the minimum to finish within six months

— she reads their texts, watches their
videos and completes their exercises.
Though the material at times seems over-
whelming, chatting on Slack with other
students and steady guidance from her
assigned mentor helps.
Now comes the next step, she says:
passing the test to obtain the basic certifi-
cation that will help her find work in a job
market that seems to be growing as fast as
the cyberthreats around us.

Recent cyberattacks and the digital

economy highlight the need
In May 2021, millions of Americans on the
Eastern Seaboard awoke to long lines at
gas stations that looked eerily similar to
photographs from the fuel crisis during the
1970s. Service stations began rationing
gas. Panic-buying sent fuel prices rocket-
ing higher. The ensuing shutdown lasted
for five days. Long lines and gas shortages disrupted travel along the eastern seaboard during may 2021 after a cybercrimin
The cause? A cybercriminal gang nation’s biggest fuel operators.
known as DarkSide had successfully
launched a ransomware attack on Colonial One and Yahoo — which has been hit twice
Pipeline, one of the nation’s biggest fuel “What really scares by huge attacks — to name a few. A hack of
pipeline operators that supplies almost the Office of Personnel Management, the
half the gasoline, diesel and other fuels to
me is the ease with federal agency responsible for government
customers on the East Coast. It was just which your personal employee payments and benefits, compro-
one of several high-profile attacks in recent mised the personal data of millions of
years, albeit one of the largest, and it
information can be people, a congressional report says. Even
transformed the way we do business. The compromised and the Department of Homeland Security’s
White House designated the breach as a Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
national security threat and Congress accessed and stolen. Agency (CISA), which is charged with
moved to enact stricter cybersecurity laws We’re living in an age defending against cyberthreats, suffered
governing infrastructure. the indignity of a hack, though a minor
Cyberattacks have successfully pene- of complete digital one.
trated and disrupted other large U.S. gov- transparency.” “The days of our data being in a drawer
ernment or industrial targets. Their names or a filing cabinet or in a computer in the
read like a Fortune 500 list of top corpora- greg mesniaeff, cybersecurity student basement are over,” says Kai Degner, sen-
tions: Facebook, Target, Equifax, Capital and former Wall street analyst ior director of certificate programs at the

8 DusTin Chambers for The WashingTon PosT

Universities and colleges expand the num-
ber of classes
Many people begin their cybersecurity ca-
reers with a basic certification such as
CompTIA’s Security+ certification. More
advanced certifications include a Certified
Information Systems Security Profession-
al (CISSP).
George Washington University, which
is one of the Department of Homeland
Security’s certified Centers of Excellence in
the field, expanded its class offerings in
cybersecurity, including a partnership
with Northern Virginia Community Col-
lege that awards degrees or helps students
work toward basic certification. The pro-
gram includes cybersecurity boot camps
that compress a lot of information into a
short period of time.
“It is really a great way to put your toe in
the water in the industry because it gives
nal group known as Darkside successfully launched a ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, one of the you a broader understanding of what this
field is and what it involves and what the
opportunities are, but also some initial
University of Virginia’s school of continu- ping, filing tax returns — almost every skills so that you can try that on for size,”
ing and professional studies. aspect of American life has moved online said Liesl Riddle, an associate business
“The real force driving the increase in or into the cloud. But the same technology professor and dean of George Washington
demand for security professionals starts at that allows consumers to apply for credit University’s college of professional studies.
the basis of the incredible acceleration in cards or buy a pair of shoes from Sweden Legal liability for breaches and govern-
the digitalization of not just the economy, has opened up new vistas for state-spon- ment regulations has also driven demand
but every aspect of society at this point,” sored hackers, organized crime and other for cybersecurity professionals, especially
says CISA deputy assistant director Trent criminals to exploit. regulations issued by the Securities and
Frazier. From hospitals to educational Their aims are as varied as the criminals Exchange Commission that require pub-
institutions, multinational corporations and spies behind them. They seek ways to licly owned companies to disclose any
to small business, whole libraries of data steal corporate or government secrets, cyberattack that might have a material
have been computerized and stored with conduct surveillance or empty someone’s impact on the business. The SEC’s direc-
electrons instead of paper. “And I don’t bank account. They steal personal infor- tive has caused some confusion about
think most people realize the pace at mation like Social Security numbers or what must be disclosed but also led to a
which we’re digitalizing our everyday piggyback on an unsuspecting person’s surge in hiring for cybersecurity profes-
lives.” computer access to penetrate a govern- sionals who specialize in compliance. The
Texting, emails, online banking, shop- ment or commercial organization. Bureau of Labor Statistics now estimates

Angel J. Jones, a professor at the
University of Virginia, prepares a
cybersecurity class called Ethical Hacking
in his home office. Companies hire
ethical hackers to find vulnerabilities in
their networks before criminals do.

that demand for cybersecurity specialists

will grow by nearly a third within a decade,
increasing by about 16,800 openings a
year. The jobs often pay more than
$120,000 a year.
“Cybersecurity now is really touching
every single sector, every single domain in
industry that we have,” said Angel J. Jones,
an instructor at the University of Virginia’s
school of continuing and professional
studies. “These organizations must under-
stand that they have their fiduciary duties
to protect their shareholders and their
Virginia is the top state with the highest
employment level, not only in overall num-
bers but in the ratio of jobs to others, with
4.64 such jobs per thousand. The Wash-
ington, D.C. metropolitan area also has the
top three rankings in the highest employ-
ment level and concentration of jobs for
information security analysts. (The state of
Washington, which is home to Amazon,
Microsoft, Google, Meta and others, is the
top paying state according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics.)
The Biden administration views the
hundreds of thousands of cyber job vacan-
cies not just as an economic opportunity,
but a national security issue. The White
House updated its plan this month on a
variety of programs that aim to give all
Americans a basic level of cyber literacy,
announcing a host of cybersecurity incen-
tives and setting aside funding for educa-
tion and training. Version two of the
National Cybersecurity Strategy Imple-
mentation Plan involves several agencies
and seeks to address medium and long-
term cyber workforce needs, focusing es-
pecially on underserved communities, and

Gemma Mills is a cybersecurity
compliance professional at theNational
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
expanding both the private sector and else is getting cut.”
federal cybersecurity workforces. “... if I were a More than a few cybersecurity profes-
The initiative, which builds on the Na- sionals have edged into the field after
tional Cybersecurity Strategy, calls for
bad guy, what careers in the telecom industry or other
teaching all Americans basic cyber skills would I do that tech companies in the early days of com-
and supporting educational programs puting, often having been self-taught. “It
through scholarships and grants, includ-
nobody expected was the wild, wild West,” said Gregg Earn-
ing K-12, community colleges, vocational me to do that hart, a senior cybersecurity sales engineer
schools and universities. This includes ef- for Next DLP. “‘Cybersecurity manager’ —
forts by the National Security Agency’s would get me in?” that wasn’t even a position. Somebody
National Centers of Academic Excellence John R. Levine, computer expert and asked me, ‘Hey, what do you know about
in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) to add addi- author of “The Internet for Dummies” firewall technology?’ So I had just read the
tional clinics at higher educational institu- O’Reilly’s book on firewall technology, so
tions around the country, including grants I’m now your expert.”
to set up clinics in Nevada, Minnesota, Like Earnhart, who was an Army med-
Louisiana and Virginia, with a goal of 460 Several themes emerged. No business is ic, many attendees were former military or
by the end of 2024. And there are various too small to be a target. Data is the current government employees. Gemma
partnerships between federal agencies and lifeblood of any modern company. People Mills, 47, who entered the cybersecurity
the tech industry to provide additional cannot be too paranoid — or too prepared. field midcareer, was in the Army until her
training. Attacks come from all over, including discharge in 2002. Her first job after the
“We are very focused on fostering the Russia, Iran, China and inside the U.S. Army was at a military base working as a
development of the cybersecurity work- “You need very smart people to counter sonogram technician. But after years —
force,” CISA’s Frazier said. the very smart people in China who are and relatively stagnant pay — she was
hacking our systems. They’re not dumb ready for something new.
Cybersecurity jobs attract people from all bunnies over there that are doing this,” “I was, like, ‘I’m not a geek; I’m not a
walks of life said David C. Flynn, a cybersecurity archi- nerd.’ I know about IT but I’m just not
At a cybersecurity conference organized by tect who lives in Laurel and works at there with coding and all that extra stuff,”
FutureCon Events at a Baltimore hotel Cambridge Cloudworks. He said that even Mills said. She enrolled in the computer
earlier this year, nearly 150 people — though there’s demand, the job market is studies program at Montgomery College,
mostly men — milled around display tables competitive. Besides certification in cyber- using Veterans Affairs benefits to pay tu-
with corporate swag bearing futuristic lo- security, Flynn said obtaining security ition, and eventually found a job at the
gos and names: Veritas Alta, Magna5, clearances boosts one’s career prospects, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
ThreatLocker and Proofpoint. Attendees too, and offers some security of its own. ministration in cybersecurity compliance.
watched live presentations with titles such “Most of the people who are employed With on-the-job training and another cy-
as “You Will Be Breached: Contain the now in the Biden administration are in the bersecurity course, Mills aimed toward
Inevitable Breach which was not Detected” ‘cleared’ world,” said Flynn who uses his becoming certified.
and many presenters used jargon that spare time to write religion-inspired sci- It wasn’t easy. Mills failed the certifica-
seemed to mix bureaucratic or militaristic ence fiction, submit papers to scientific tion test twice, doing well with the theoret-
acronyms with robotic science fiction: journals on his theory of Dark Matter or ical questions but stumbling with hands-
script kiddies; cyberattack kill chains; and travel with his wife in an RV outfitted with on problem sets. On the third try, she
API stacks (Application Programming In- solar panels, an audiovisual system and passed. Once certified, she was promoted.
terfaces). other modern conveniences. “Everything She is the first woman and the first person

Nana Pokuaah’s notes include common
cybersecurity terms such as “logic bomb”
and “distributed denial-of-service.”

of color on her team. students were federal employees, including

Greg Mesniaeff, a veteran Wall Street The White House someone from the FBI, and the class was
analyst, made a sideways jump into cyber- diverse in age, ethnicity, race and gender.
security. Feeling cooped up during the
has created “You're basically in class once a week in
pandemic, Mesniaeff, who is in his 60s, initiatives so that the evening on Zoom with the professor,
started taking online education classes and with a lot of Q&A and a lot of class
cybersecurity seemed like a good fit. He
everyone can discussion,” Mesniaeff said. “And then you
had seen how companies like Sony had achieve a basic write papers and you submit them. There
data stolen or were victimized through are take-home exams, but they're not easy.
careless online business practices that re- level of cyber So it's like going to any graduate course in
sulted in government fines or private law- literacy. person, except you're doing it through
suits. Zoom.”
“What really scares me is the ease with Brandy Lynn Smith, 41, enrolled in
which your personal information can be UVA’s program for cybersecurity analysts
compromised and accessed and stolen,” to advance in her field. She had chosen
Mesniaeff said. “We’re living in an age of information technology in high school be-
complete digital transparency.” He also cause there were very few girls interested
knew that cybersecurity concerns, once a in the classes and she knew colleges were
side issue in IT, had become a top priority keen to enroll women in STEM programs.
in the C-suite. After college she worked for Longwood
Mesniaeff, who lives in Sharon, Conn., University and later UVA in IT.
chose UVA’s school of continuing and “It had the ring of something out of
professional studies where he could attend CSI,” Smith said about the reason she
classes remotely. He also liked that UVA chose cybersecurity. She likes the talk
didn’t distinguish between in-state or out- about “threat actors” and cyberforensics. “I
of-state tuition for the classes. Several wanted something different.” n

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How to rally your
staff, and other
fun stories
story by Julie hoban
photography by lexey swall

17 17
T hese days, trust might be hard to come by. How can you trust whether that picture on Instagram is
real? Or that your kid’s homework wasn’t finished by ChatGPT? Or that the delivery driver hasn’t
taken a bite of your food? ¶ Our hybrid work environment has also introduced a host of trust issues.
When employees are at home, managers doubt their productivity, going so far as to install software that tracks
what they type into their computers. ¶ But when you sit down with four Washington-area leaders, the word
“trust” emerges in each conversation — and in many different ways. One believes when employees feel trusted,
they also feel safe and confident. Another person believes she is a CEO because a mentor trusted her early in her
career. ¶ Thanks to the trust nurtured within each of their organizations, it’s no surprise that these leaders were
ranked as exemplary in their respective categories based on votes from their employees. The rankings were
determined through surveys conducted by Energage. ¶ And no matter how small or large the organization they
manage, each would agree that it’s not their title that defines true leadership; it’s the trust.

company has increased by 88 percent since

Sylvia Megret 2016; and the number of minority hires
increased by 67 percent from 2016 to 2023.
President and CEO of ACDI/VOCA Megret values open and honest com-
Midsize companies munication with her staff. She encourages
(150-499 employees) her employees to come and talk to her
about why certain tough decisions were
You don’t have to be Superman to be a made. “Not everybody is going to agree
good leader. You just have to be yourself. with the decisions that we and the leader-
Long gone are the days when leaders ship team makes, but they can hopefully
had to pretend to have all of the solutions, With the help and trust and have more confidence in those
says Sylvia Megret, the CEO of a nonprofit decisions if we can articulate why we made
global development organization called
feedback of her staff, those decisions,” Megret says.
ACDI/VOCA. Megret considers authen- Megret intuited a set With the help and feedback of her staff,
ticity and transparency as the cornerstones Megret intuited a set of six values that
of modern leadership.
of six values that define the organization: passion, insight,
“You have to be willing to know that you define the respect, resilience, impact and integrity.
don’t know the answers. You have to be The values are not just a bunch of nice
curious,” Megret says. “I think the feminist organization: passion, words written by somebody on a commu-
style of leadership, which men can have as insight, respect, nications team. “These guide everything
well, is about being vulnerable. It’s a that we do,” Megret says.
different style than the 1950s.” resilience, impact and And while some of them might be
Megret is the first female CEO in the integrity. aspirational, Megret admits, there’s only
organization’s 60-year history. When she one that requires absolute excellence: in-
first joined the organization as the chief “These guide tegrity.
operating officer in 2016, the C-suite was everything we do.” Much of the work that ACDI/VOCA
all men. Now, three out of the five leaders does is located in dangerous and harsh
are women. “In the past, I don’t think there environments around the world where
was a deliberate attempt to not allow resilience is key. Megret says she trusts her
women into the C-suite,” Megret says. “If leadership and staff to find the best possi-
we want to change that, we have to be ble solutions for challenges that may arise
deliberate.” while directing her efforts toward areas
Megret says that it’s “absolutely crucial” within her control.
to build a pipeline for women and minori- “When staff are trusted, they feel safe
ties to ascend to leadership positions and and they feel confident, and I think they
that the organization is taking steps to can do their job better. I think that’s really
increase its diversity among junior em- what’s important, particularly in the chal-
ployees, too. The number of women in the lenging work that we do,” Megret says.

Previous spread: Sylvia Megret cheers on
staff members during a 5k road race on a
rainy Saturday morning in Washington, D.C.

CEO of Cavan Solutions
Small companies (fewer than
150 employees)

Mary Pritchard visits the FAA command

center in Warrenton, Va. where every
active flight is being tracked electronically.

The next time you board a flight, consider Solutions, knows this system intimately. services companies like ours help the FAA
this: You’ll be one of about 2.5 million Her company provides the Federal Avia- oversee development of these complex
people flying that day. At peak times, more tion Administration the technical exper- systems and evolve the national airspace
than 5,000 planes are in the sky. By the tise needed to ensure the nation’s air system to meet ever-increasing demands.”
time the day ends, about 50,000 flights traffic systems stay ready to handle the Pritchard realized the value of connect-
have taken place. complexity and volume of what’s flying ing research and real-life application early
To organize this chaos, air traffic con- above. in her career while working on a NASA
trollers rely on a powerful management While bigger companies may develop research project to develop technology
tool called the traffic flow management these systems, Cavan Solutions helps the that helped air traffic controllers optimize
system. This system displays not just the FAA conceptualize, integrate and adapt arrivals based on factors like wind speed,
navigation paths of each aircraft but bad them. “Cavan’s blend of engineers, analysts route, airport capacity and more. Realizing
weather patterns, too, often hours in ad- and air traffic controllers ensures we un- her research colleagues would transfer the
vance. It’s also sophisticated enough to derstand how these systems work internal- tools to the FAA and move on to the next
track rocket launches and landings. ly and how they are supposed to work research initiative, Pritchard saw an op-
Mary Pritchard, the CEO of Cavan operationally,” Pritchard says. “Technical portunity to close the loop.

“I made a pitch to the FAA that we’re “With a small business, you write your “We had a downturn with the budgets
your researchers over here, and you’re own story and you control your own desti- last year, and we carried people. That
struggling to get it in the field — and we ny to a great degree,” says Pritchard, who would not happen at a big company,”
know everything about that system be- created and sold another company before Pritchard continues. “To me, that’s me.
cause we built it with NASA,” Pritchard launching Cavan Solutions in 2017, this That’s what I want to do, and I’m able to
says. “The FAA agreed, and that’s what time with her youngest brother. She named control that because it’s a small business,
launched my business focus on delivering it after the ancestral home of her mother’s and people appreciate that.”
expertise in research, automation systems family — County Cavan in Ireland. Pritchard’s experience working for
and operations.” Some of its employees have followed larger companies has led her to one funda-
After two decades working at the same Pritchard from company to company for mental truth: Small teams can accomplish
company — first as a summer intern and several decades. Pritchard says the bond big dreams.
eventually as one of its executives — between her and her staff comes from “The advantage to me of a small busi-
Pritchard launched her first company in knowing that they will always be working ness is the nimbleness,” Pritchard says.
2002 with her oldest brother and called it on projects that are engaging and techni- "There’s nothing that’s out of the realm of
Flatirons Solutions. cally challenging. possibility.”

Partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss,
Hauer & Feld
Large companies (500-999 Left: Anthony Pierce in his office. Above: Pierce greets summer interns on their first day at Akin in
employees) May 2024.

Decades before Anthony Pierce became He also sets an example to his staff by Washington. Additionally, Akin has
the partner who manages the D.C. office of being involved in organizations that pro- pledged $1 million to support the Vernon
Akin, he was a young associate lawyer. mote the local business community and E. Jordan Jr. Law Library.
On assignment, he spent his nights in a the law firm. “We did that because Vernon was a
mouse-infested warehouse in New Jersey “If you are in a community, as a busi- legend. Not just at Akin, but in the country
searching among paper documents for ness, and you are benefiting from your and in the world,” Pierce said. “He loved
evidence that Crazy Eddie, a consumer location, you need to give back to it,” Pierce Howard University with a deep passion.”
electronics chain in the ’70s and ’80s says. He serves on the board of trustees for Jordan was one of the reasons Pierce
whose commercials promised “insaaane” the Legal Aid Society of the District of decided to join the firm. “I knew there was
discounts on products, had defrauded the Columbia, a nonprofit that provides free a partner in the firm that looked like me,
securities market. The firm had discovered legal services to low-income individuals that had a lot of stroke,” Pierce says about
a $60 million shortfall in Crazy Eddie’s and families in the District. He’s also on the influence Jordan had. “I followed in his
inventory when its client took over the the board of the Greater Washington footsteps a little bit. So one of the things I
company and now had to prove it. Despite Partnership, a coalition of business leaders try to do is be a role model for kids who are
the tedious work, Pierce says, he and the dedicated to finding solutions for eco- interested in it.”
other young lawyers and paralegals loved nomic growth and enhancing the quality Pierce advises young associates who
it. of life in the Washington area. aspire to leadership positions to think
Since then, Crazy Eddie is no more, and “A lot of the business we do is uniquely about how they can grow and improve the
technology has made sorting through doc- set in Washington, and representing cli- business. Above all, he stresses the impor-
uments exponentially easier, but one thing ents who have an issue that involves the tance of taking ownership of their projects.
remains constant: The people you work intersection of business and government is “Giving back to the community, helping
with shape your experience. Pierce has one of the main things we do here in the clients find partner relationships, main-
been with Akin for 35 years and head of the Washington office.” taining client relationships — all of that is
D.C. office since 2008. In 2021, in collaboration with Howard called taking ownership,” Pierce says.
Central to his leadership philosophy is University School of Law, Akin created the “Nobody gets successful alone. Nobody
the notion of being a role model, both Vernon E. Jordan Jr. Fellowship to honor gets ahead by themselves. Everybody has
within the organization and the surround- the late prominent civil rights leader and had help,” Pierce says, acknowledging that
ing D.C. area. Despite his numerous re- former Akin partner who attended How- success does not happen in a vacuum. “And
sponsibilities as head of the firm, Pierce ard Law School. The fellowship offers paid certainly, no matter the award I’m getting
still practices law, a task that provides him internships to two third-year Howard law or any endeavor I’m in, there are going to
insight into the experiences of partners, students, allowing them to work with the be people that help. I’m not going to be
associates and other lawyers in the office. firm’s public law and policy practice in doing it all on my own.”

Mile Corrigan
President and CEO of Noblis
Largest companies
(More than 1,000 employees)

Mile Corrigan’s journey to become the

leader of Noblis began during the dot-com
“I was able to get a lot of experience in a
very short amount of time,” Corrigan says.
“I developed a lot of technology for various
publicly traded companies, for General
Motors, e-wallet technology, totally in the
realm of web development at the time.”
Corrigan joined Noblis, a nonprofit
that specializes in science, technology and
strategy services for the federal govern-
ment, in 2001. “Most people think I was
born at Noblis,” Corrigan says, laughing.
She started as a technologist but then
progressed through roles in systems archi-
tecture, systems engineering, business de-
velopment and program management.
This diverse experience eventually led to
her appointment as president and CEO in
As a leader, Corrigan looks for new
collaborations with academia or industry
partners while ensuring the company stays
at the forefront of technology. She encour-
ages the scientists and engineers at Noblis
to stay current with the latest research. She
also looks for good people.
“Regardless of function or role in the
company, I look for three things: attitude,

“Regardless of function or role in the company,
I look for three things: attitude, motivation
and commitment.”

motivation and commitment,” Corrigan frequently with the home office. in a company that is inclusive, diverse and
says. “Because if you’re someone who has “It really allows both the mentee and collaborative. From the moment that em-
the right attitude, a positive mindset that’s mentor to both benefit from the relation- ployees interview, and throughout their
always seeking continuous learning, con- ship,” says Corrigan, who credits a former time at Noblis, Corrigan says, she’s always
tinuous improvement — that’s half the mentor with instilling trust in her at an thinking about how to create exceptional
battle.” early stage by assigning her autonomy with experiences for them.
Mentorship is an important part of the a client. “That’s something I always took to “They’re what makes it all possible, and
culture. The company’s formal mentorship heart as I developed other leaders in the I view my job as working for them,”
program pairs less experienced staffers business. They’ll make mistakes, but that’s Corrigan says. “When I get up every day, I
with more senior individuals, allowing okay. … Building that trust and letting think not only about the employees that
them to learn from each other. The pro- your teams learn along the way — that’s work for Noblis but … it’s their families as
gram has been especially beneficial to part of leadership.” well. It’s a big weight of responsibility, and
remote employees who may not interact as Corrigan says she feels blessed to work I don’t take that for granted.” n

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The Top Workplaces List

Top Workplaces selection ognition if their aggregated employee

feedback score exceeds national bench-
marks. Employers are grouped into simi-
methodology explained lar sizes to best compare similar employee
experiences. Energage has established
By BoB helBiG chase any product or service. For 2024, those benchmarks based on feedback from
8,816 organizations were invited to survey about 30 million employees over 18 years.
How do you judge the quality of a work- their employees, and 430 did so. Based on Employers are ranked within those groups
place? Ask the experts: the employees. the survey feedback, 250 have earned based on the strength of the survey feed-
For the 11th year, employee survey recognition as Washington Top Work- back.
firm Energage has partnered with The places. There are a few reasons why you might
Washington Post to determine the best “Being honored with a Top Workplaces not find a particular company on the list.
places to work in the D.C. region. It’s not a award is a distinctive mark of excellence, Perhaps the organization chose not to
popularity contest, and not everyone gets setting companies apart in a recognizable participate, or the employee survey feed-
a blue ribbon. A select few are honored way,” said Eric Rubino, CEO of Energage. back might not have been strong enough
based on a scientific survey process. “Top Workplaces embody the highest to merit recognition. A company might not
Energage administers an employee standards, and this award, rooted in au- have been large enough to meet participa-
survey that covers 24 factors and takes thentic employee feedback, is a point of tion standards, or too few employees re-
just a few minutes to complete. The immense pride for company leaders.” sponded.
survey asks employees to offer feedback The award is open to any employer Energage runs tests on survey feedback
about such things as pay and benefits, with 50 or more employees in the D.C. and in some cases may choose to disqualify
direction, leadership, meaningfulness area. Survey results are valid only if 35 organizations, for example, if a high num-
and appreciation. Energage crunches the percent or more employees respond; em- ber of employees said they felt pressured
feedback data and ranks the companies ployers with fewer than 85 employees have into answering positively.
based on the responses. a higher response threshold, requiring To participate next year, or for more
There is no cost to participate in Top responses from at least 30 employees. information, go to the nomination page at
Workplaces and no obligation to pur- Employers earn Top Workplaces rec- https://www.washingtonpost.com/nominate. n

28 illustration By Gustaf Öhrnell hjalmars

Largest employers

Priscilla almodovar is the president and Ceo of fannie Mae.

1. Federal National 2. Goodwin Living 3. Aledade Inc.

Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) founded: 1955 founded: 2014
founded: 1938 employees: 1,200 local employees: 1,355 local
employees: 5,488 local; 7,600 worldwide sector: senior living and sector: Population health management
sector: financial services health-care services aledade.com
fanniemae.com goodwinliving.org
Based in Bethesda, Md., Aledade
The mortgage finance giant plays a A nonprofit organization based in creates and manages accountable care
central role in America’s housing Alexandria, Va., Goodwin Living serves organizations (ACOs), networks of
system, and it’s been busy in recent more than 3,000 senior citizens in the health-care professionals that link
years. It kicked into high gear in 2020 D.C. region, including home care, and financial success to the quality of care
to process around 1.3 million mortgage the management of two senior living they provide and the health of their
forbearance plans that allowed families facilities that offer both independent patients. To accomplish this mission,
to pause their payments, while another and assisted living. Members of the Aledade employs a dizzying array of
3.4 million refinanced home loans. In staff, who come from a multitude of specialized professionals: business and
2022 it helped another 2.6 million different countries, can participate in policy analysts; data specialists; nurses
households buy, refinance or rent a career development programs as well and social workers responsible for
home. With such a large workforce, as receive cash grants in times of health-care planning; financial
employees can find a wide array of hardship. Since launching in 2018, the managers, and others. Many of its
technical and administrative roles, Goodwin Living citizenship program employees work remotely or inside
contributing to “real impacts for has supported nearly 100 staff clinics around the country. The
improving intergenerational wealth,” members on their way to citizenship. company offers employees stock
as one employee put it in a options, education assistance and 12
companywide survey. weeks of paid leave for new parents.

andré Chung for the Washington Post 29

Largest employers

4. Noblis
founded: 1996
employees: 620 local; 1,938 worldwide
sector: science and technology

5. Systems Planning and Analysis

founded: 1972
employees: 1,024 local; 1,447 nationwide
sector: professional services

6. ECS
founded: 2001
employees: 1,878 local; 2,924 nationwide
sector: information technology

founded: 1999
employees: 7,200 local; 27,583 worldwide
sector: information technology

8. Great American Restaurants

founded: 1974
employees: 1,995 local
sector: restaurant

9. CGI
founded: 1976
employees: 3,280 local; 77,000 worldwide
sector: it consulting

10. Long & Foster Real Estate

founded: 1968
employees: 2,783 local; 9,000 worldwide
sector: real estate

11. Navy Federal Credit Union

founded: 1933
employees: 4,700 local; 24,300 worldwide
sector: financial services

12. Bozzuto
founded: 1988
employees: 1,725 local; 3,050 nationwide
top: War gaming exercises are educational tools for systems planning analysis staff members sector: real estate
in alexandria. aboVe: the navy federal credit Union in laurel, Md. bozzuto.com

(top) toM brenner for the Washington post

30 (bottoM) Michael s. WilliaMson/the Washington post
Largest employers

a silver diner location is seen in arlington. this is the first time the company appears on the list.

13. AARP 17. Cvent 21. Adventist HealthCare

founded: 1958 founded: 1999 founded: 1907
employees: 1,721 local; 2,525 nationwide employees: 1,599 local; 4,900 worldwide employees: 6,000 local; 7,000 nationwide
sector: advocacy sector: enterprise software sector: health care
aarp.org cvent.com adventisthealthcare.com

14. Chemonics 18. Capital One Financial Group 22. Appian

founded: 1975 founded: 1994 founded: 1999
employees: 1,149 local; 6,054 worldwide employees: 10,470 local; employees: 1,518 local; 1,838 worldwide
sector: international consulting 53,321 worldwide sector: enterprise software
chemonics.com sector: financial services appian.com
15. CACI International 23. Jim Koons Automotive
founded: 1962 19. Sheehy Auto Stores founded: 1964
employees: 5,979 local; 23,000 global founded: 1966 employees: 1,462 local;
sector: information technology employees: 1,421 local; 2,100 nationwide 2,450 nationwide
caci.com sector: automotive sector: auto dealership
sheehy.com koons.com
16. Maximus
founded: 1975 20. Silver Diner
employees: 2,665 local; founded: 1989
17,000 worldwide employees: 1,700 local; 2,100 nationwide
sector: government contractor sector: restaurant
maximus.com silverbrands.com

32 Craig hudson for the Washington Post

Large employers

The partners of The nakupuna Companies include (L-r) Cariann ah Loo, Lindsay ah Loo, Jason greenawalt, Mike fogle, and suzanne McDonald.

1. The Nakupuna Companies 2. Century 21 New Millennium 3. TekSynap

founded: 2003 founded: 1999 founded: 2008
employees: 607 local; 800 worldwide employees: 932 local; 1,136 worldwide employees: 788 local; 986 nationwide
sector: Consulting sector: real estate sector: information technology
nakupuna.com c21nm.com teksynap.com

The Native Hawaiian Organization- President Mary Lynn Stone and CEO For more than a decade, TekSynap has
owned family of companies has eight Todd Hetherington both helped provided information technology and
offices, including one in Arlington, Va., military families relocate before they other technical services to customers
that provide innovative and impactful merged their two companies to create ranging from small departmental
solutions while supporting the Native Century 21 New Millennium. Besides operations to leading large federal
Hawaiian community. The companies placing in the top 10 in Top agencies such as the Department of
specialize in management consulting, Workplaces for the seventh year, this Veterans Affairs. In 2022, The
information technology, facilities and franchise has also been the No. 1 Business Fame magazine named
infrastructure, logistics and Century 21 franchise in the Mid- TekSynap the most valuable cloud
environmental services. Employees say Atlantic region for the past 22 years. solutions provider. Employees value
they feel supported and motivated by The company offers its agents access to the company’s flexibility, growth
management and enjoy a healthy work- group medical insurance, a benefit not potential and supportive management
life balance. typically available to independent team.

34 MaTT roTh for The WashingTon PosT

Proud to be named a
Washington Post
Top Workplace
six years in a row!

Large employers

4. ASM Research
founded: 1978
employees: 565 local; 1,672 nationwide
sector: consulting

5. ATS
founded: 2000
employees: 580 local
sector: government contractor

6. American Systems
founded: 1975
employees: 515 local; 1,530 worldwide
sector: government contractor

7. WilmerHale
founded: 2004
employees: 539 local; 2,042 worldwide
sector: law
wilmerhale.com streamlining the paperwork for a doctor’s office is the main goal for employees of Privia health.

8. Akin
founded: 1945 13. Steampunk 18. Service Coordination
employees: 527 local; 1,826 worldwide founded: 2019 founded: 2004
sector: law employees: 500 employees: 536 local; 870 nationwide
akingump.com sector: information technology sector: health nonprofit
steampunk.com servicecoord.org
9. Tenable
founded: 2002 14. HITT Contracting 19. JLG Industries
employees: 528 local; 1,900 worldwide founded: 1937 founded: 2004
sector: software engineering employees: 961 local; 1,668 worldwide employees: 536 local; 870 nationwide
tenable.com sector: general contracting sector: health nonprofit
hitt.com jlg.com/en
10. Intralox
founded: 1971 15. Privia Health 20. Koniag Government Services
employees: 508 local; 3,800 worldwide founded: 2007 founded: 1975
sector: Manufacturing employees: 642 local; 943 worldwide employees: 661 local; 2,400 worldwide
intralox.com sector: health care sector: information technology
priviahealth.com koniag-gs.com
11. VTG
founded: 1866 16. Deltek 21. IntelliBridge
employees: 700 local; 1,200 worldwide founded: 1983 founded: 2006
sector: engineering employees: 506 local; 4,200 worldwide employees: 507 local; 1,017 worldwide
VTGdefense.com sector: software/technology sector: information technology
deltek.com intellibridge.us
12. The MIL Corporation
founded: 1980 17. Apple Federal Credit Union 22. REI Systems Inc.
employees: 605 local; 740 worldwide founded: 1956 founded: 1989
sector: government contractor employees: 530 local employees: 805 local
milcorp.com sector: financial services sector: government consulting
applefcu.org reisystems.com

36 Jackie Molloy for the Washington Post

Large employers

23. Credence Management Solutions

Founded: 2005
employees: 885 local; 1,400 nationwide
sector: government contractor

24. Chenega MIOS

Founded: 2010
employees: 744 local; 1,747 worldwide
sector: Professional services

25. Northwest Federal Credit Union

Founded: 1947
employees: 551 local
sector: Financial services

26. Panda Restaurant

Founded: 1973
employees: 552 local; 50,699 worldwide
sector: restaurant
pandarg.com staff members of credence management solutions.
credence mgmt solutions



Large employers

27. MHG 30. Nestlé USA 33. Science Systems

Founded: 2005 Founded: 1866 and Applications Inc.
Employees: 550 local Employees: 903 local; Founded: 1977
Sector: Restaurant 270,000 worldwide Employees: 683 local
eatmhg.com Sector: Food/beverage Sector: Government consulting
nestleusa.com ssaihq.com
28. EAB
Founded: 2007 31. DMI 34. GAP Solutions Inc.
Employees: 622 local; 1,865 nationwide Founded: 2002 Founded: 1999
Sector: Education Employees: 695 local; 2,101 worldwide Employees: 685 local
eab.com Sector: Information technology Sector: Professional services
and design management gapsi.com
29. Teleworld Solutions dminc.com
Founded: 2002 35. Ad Hoc
Employees: 608 local 32. Maryland Environmental Service Founded: 2013
Sector: Telecommunications Founded: 1970 Employees: 515 local
teleworldsolutions.com Employees: 725 local Sector: Digital services
Sector: Government adhocteam.us

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ssai’s work with weather satellites helps agencies such as nasa. Marlena sloss for the Washington Post

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Midsize employers

Fts International Ceo John Fitzgerald at the company offices in sterling, Va.

1. FTS International 2. Tekla Research 3. IntraFi Network LLC

Founded: 2005 Founded: 1995 Founded: 2015
employees: 268 local employees: 261 local employees: 219 local; 295 nationwide
sector: Federal contractor sector: Defense technology sector: Financial technology
fts-intl.com teklaresearch.com intrafi.com

Supporting the U.S. government and The service-disabled-veteran-owned IntraFi Network specializes in buying
intelligence community, FTS is small business — which has grown and selling bank assets and managing
dedicated to hiring elite subject matter from a two-person operation to more liquidity. Across the country,
experts to tackle some of the biggest than 260 employees — provides community banks of all sizes are using
national security challenges. The technical and engineering support and its innovative products to keep
government contractor, which has management expertise to federal customers’ money secure, manage cash
been ranked by The Washington Post agencies. Tekla contributes to several balances and increase profitability. The
as a top workplace for nine straight charitable foundations and participates firm offers meditation programs as well
years, has a high retention rate (94 in the SkillBridge program, which as a rooftop deck with lounge seating
percent) and employee referral rate (75 provides transitioning military and views of the National Mall. Giving
percent). Workers value their high- personnel an opportunity to gain back to the community is a cornerstone
level and supportive teammates, valuable civilian work experience of the company’s culture, with multiple
inclusive and engaging leadership, and through internships and on-the-job charity drives and employee and
important mission to protect the training. Employees boast about a corporate donations topping $300,000
country. supportive leadership team and work in 2022. “The CEO is a visionary with
that gives them a feeling of making a the biggest heart,” one employee said.

40 stephen Voss
Midsize employers

4. The Flagship Group 8. Procentrix 12. TCG Inc.

Founded: 2015 Founded: 2006 Founded: 1994
Employees: 226 local Employees: 225 local; 370 nationwide Employees: 190 local; 157 nationwide
Sector: Real estate Sector: Software development Sector: Government IT contractor
ourdmvhomesearch.com procentrix.com tcg.com

5. VAE 9. MarginEdge 13. Acuity

Founded: 2006 Founded: 2015 Founded: 2002
Employees: 186 local; 200 nationwide Employees: 247 local Employees: 300 local; 356 nationwide
Sector: Information technology Sector: Software/restaurant Sector: Information technology
vaeit.com marginedge.com myacuity.com

6. Intact Technology 10. Dev Technology Group 14. Bates White Economic Consulting
Founded: 1994 Founded: 1998 Founded: 1999
Employees: 175 local; 228 nationwide Employees: 231 local; 275 nationwide Employees: 315 local; 330 nationwide
Sector: Information Technology Sector: Software development Sector: Management consulting
intact-tech.com devtechnology.com bateswhite.com

7. ACDI/VOCA 11. Edgewater Federal Solutions 15. Kelley, Drye & Warren
Founded: 1963 Founded: 2002 Founded: 1836
Employees: 174 local; 900 worldwide Employees: 160 local; 563 nationwide Employees: 162 local; 500 nationwide
Sector: Global development Sector: Information technology Sector: Law
acdivoca.org edgewaterit.com kelleydrye.com

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Midsize employers

16. U.S. Senate Federal Credit Union

founded: 1935
employees: 150 local
sector: finance

17. New York Life-Greater Washington

founded: 1845
employees: 148 local;
22,000 nationwide
sector: finance

18. HealthWell Foundation

founded: 2003
employees: 204 local
sector: health nonprofit

19. ValidaTek
founded: 2006
employees: 171 local; 285 nationwide team members from sterne, Kessler, goldstein & fox analyze products from a client.
sector: information technology
25. RavenTek Companies 30. MetaPhase
20. SMS Data Product Group founded: 2015 founded: 2013
founded: 1976 employees: 215 local employees: 287 local
employees: 219 local; 645 nationwide sector: information technology sector: information technology
sector: information technology raventek.com metaphaseconsulting.com
26. Excella 31. MicroHealth
21. Fors Marsh founded: 2002 founded: 2011
founded: 2002 employees: 292 local; 300 nationwide employees: 220 local
employees: 472 local sector: software development sector: health information technology
sector: research & development excella.com microhealthllc.com
27. Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox 25. Naval Systems
22. Forbright Bank founded: 1978 founded: 2004
founded: 2003 employees: 460 local employees: 337 local
employees: 288 local; 416 nationwide sector: Law sector: Consulting
sector: finance sternekessler.com n-s-i.us
28. IT Concepts 33. Navitas Business Consulting
23. Eagle Hill Consulting founded: 2003 founded: 2006
founded: 2003 employees: 375 local employees: 170 local
employees: 307 local; 325 worldwide sector: information technology sector: technology
sector: Management consulting useitc.com navitastech.com
29. cBEYONData 34. Rand Construction
24. Electrosoft Services founded: 2010 founded: 1989
founded: 2001 employees: 420 local employees: 152 local; 282 nationwide
employees: 172 local; 185 nationwide sector: information technology sector: Building construction
sector: information technology cbeyonddata.com randcc.com

42 andre Chung for the Washington Post

Midsize employers

35. The Federal Agricultural

Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac)
Founded: 1987
Employees: 184 local; 190 nationwide
Sector: Finance

36. Dignari
Founded: 2013
Employees: 245 local; 369 nationwide
Sector: Consulting

37. Federal Realty

Founded: 1962
Employees: 166 local; 323 nationwide
Sector: real estate investment trust

38. Smith Group

Founded: 1853
Employees: 205 local; 1,376 nationwide
the longer days at Smith Group allow employees to take more days off during the year. Sector: Architecture
SmithGroup smithgroup.com



Midsize employers

People visit the View of D.c. in arlington, Va.

39. Tax Analysts 42. Enlighten, an HII Company 45. Teaching Strategies
Founded: 1970 Founded: 2007 Founded: 1988
employees: 174 local employees: 150 local; 200 nationwide employees: 400 local; 437 worldwide
sector: nonprofit publisher sector: information technology sector: education technology
taxnotes.com eitccorp.com teachingstrategies.com

40. T-Rex Solutions 43. Agile Defense 46. System High Corporation
Founded: 1999 Founded: 1998 Founded: 2005
employees: 263 local employees: 405 local; 1,100 worldwide employees: 278 local; 384 worldwide
sector: information technology sector: information technology sector: security protection/engineering
trexsolutionsllc.com agile-defense.com systemhigh.com

41. McDermott Will & Emery 44. CBG Building Company 47. Amyx
Founded: 1934 Founded: 1993 Founded: 1999
employees: 292 local; 2,197 worldwide employees: 186 local; 400 nationwide employees: 241 local; 512 worldwide
sector: law sector: construction sector: information technology
mwe.com cbgbuildingcompany.com amyx.com

44 Matt Mcclain/the Washington Post

Midsize employers

48. ASHA 52. CLA 56. Earth Resources Technology

Founded: 1925 Founded: 1983 Founded: 1993
Employees: 310 local; 319 nationwide Employees: 165 local; 8,500 nationwide Employees: 423 local; 540 nationwide
Sector: Trade association Sector: Accounting Sector: Government contractor
asha.org claconnect.com ertcorp.com

49. Alston & Bird 53. Freedom Technology 57. Atlantic Coast Mortgage
Founded: 1893 Solutions Group Founded: 2011
Employees: 170 local; 1, 715 worldwide Founded: 2004 Employees: 217 local; 282 nationwide
Sector: Law Employees: 163 local Sector: Mortgage Lending
alston.com Sector: Information technology atlanticcoastmortgage.com
50. A. Morton, Thomas and Associates 58. Comstock Holding Companies
Founded: 1955 54. FedWriters Founded: 1985
Employees: 171 local; 484 worldwide Founded: 2010 Employees: 180 local
Sector: Engineering and Design Employees: 252 local Sector: Real estate
amtengineering.com Sector: Communications comstockcompanies.com
51. Gunnison Consulting Group 59. Groom Law Group
Founded: 1994 55. Peterson Companies Founded: 1975
Employees: 250 local; 300 nationwide Founded: 1965 Employees: 150 local
Sector: Information technology Employees: 167 local Sector: Law
gunnison.biz Sector: Real estate groom.com

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financial management, engineering, IT, and cyber services
Midsize employers

60. Van Metre Companies

Founded: 1955
employees: 410 local; 510 nationwide
sector: construction

61. Imagine One

Founded: 1998
employees: 263 local
sector: information technology

62. Intelligent Waves

Founded: 2006
employees: 263 local
sector: information technology

63. CIS Secure

Founded: 2004
employees: 200 local; 405 nationwide
sector: information technology

64. Carfax
Founded: 1984
employees: 448 local; 1,350 worldwide
sector: automobiles

65. IntelliDyne
Founded: 1999
employees: 160 local; 231 nationwide
sector: information technology

66. Alpha Omega Integration

Founded: 2014
employees: 280 local; 405 nationwide
sector: information technology

67. Homefix
Founded: 1990
employees: 151 local; 614 nationwide
sector: home remodeling

68. Brightspot
Founded: 2008
employees: 185 local; 259 nationwide
Top: This is the first year carfax has appeared on the list in the DmV region. sector: information technology
bottom: meLe associates offers technical and program support for many federal agencies. brightspot.com

46 (ToP) aP PhoTo/mark J. TerriLL (boTTom) meLe associaTes

Midsize employers

69. Karsun Solutions 73. Unanet 77. American Signature

Founded: 2009 Founded: 1988 Founded: 1909
Employees: 262 local; 444 nationwide Employees: 435 local Employees: 169 local; 3,000 nationwide
Sector: Information technology Sector: Software engineering Sector: Home furnishings
karsun-llc.com unanet.com valuecityfurniture.com

70. PotomacWave Consulting 74. Community of Hope 78. NFM Lending

Founded: 2007 Founded: 1980 Founded: 1998
Employees: 151 local; 160 nationwide Employees: 450 local Employees: 343 local; 1,050 nationwide
Sector: Management consulting Sector: Nonprofit Sector: Mortgage lending
potomacwave.com communityofhopedc.org nfmlending.com

71. Walker & Dunlop 75. MindPoint Group 79. ARServices

Founded: 1937 Founded: 2009 Founded: 2003
Employees: 208 local; 1,447 worldwide Employees: 261 local; 518 nationwide Employees: 164 local
Sector: Real estate finance Sector: Cybersecurity consulting Sector: Federal contractor
walkerdunlop.com mindpointgroup.com arslimited.com

72. MELE Associates 76. ENSCO 80. Markon

Founded: 1993 Founded: 1969 Founded: 2007
Employees: 165 local; 267 nationwide Employees: 177 local; 761 worldwide Employees: 250 local; 430 nationwide
Sector: Consulting Sector: Information technology Sector: Federal contractor
meleassociates.com ensco.com markonsolutions.com

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Midsize employers

employees of reconCraft, a company owned by the Copper river Family of Companies, make boats for the U.s. Coast guard and other government

81. Aprio 84. Lafayette Federal 87. National Cooperative Bank

Founded: 1952 Founded: 1935 Founded: 1978
employees: 199 local; 2,100 worldwide employees: 184 local employees: 175 local; 350 nationwide
sector: accounting sector: Finance sector: Finance
aprio.com lfcu.org ncb.coop

82. Aptive 85. DKW Communications 88. Power Design

Founded: 2012 Founded: 2001 Founded: 1989
employees: 450 local employees: 152 local employees: 229 local; 2,848 worldwide
sector: Federal contractor sector: information technology sector: Construction
aptiveresources.com dkwcommunications.com powerdesigninc.us

83. Pyramid Systems 86. Premium Distributors of VA 89. Copper River Family
Founded: 1995 Founded: 1976 of Companies
employees: 205 local employees: 400 local; 30,000 worldwide Founded: 2006
sector: information technology sector: Beer distributor employees: 320 local; 569 nationwide
pyramidsystems.com premiumdistributorsofdc.com sector: infrastructure and information
technology management

48 Leah nash For the Washington Post

Midsize employers

90. Fairmont Hotel, Georgetown 94. Slalom Consulting 98. United Educators
Founded: 2002 Founded: 2001 Founded: 1987
Employees: 169 local; 45,000 worldwide Employees: 165 local; 12,000 worldwide Employees: 198 local; 217 nationwide
Sector: Hospitality Sector: Consulting Sector: Insurance
fairmont.com/washington slalom.com ue.org

91. ActioNet 95. Softrams 99. NuAxis Innovations

Founded: 1998 Founded: 2015 Founded: 2002
Employees: 243 local; 279 nationwide Employees: 270 local; 465 nationwide Employees: 220 local; 450 worldwide
Sector: Information technology Sector: Information technology Sector: Information technology
actionet.com softrams.com nuaxis.com

92. Thomson Reuters Special Services 96. ITC Federal 100. OPEXUS
Founded: 2008 Founded: 2006 Founded: 1996
Employees: 219 local; 319 worldwide Employees: 394 local; 464 nationwide Employees: 217 local
Sector: Data analysis Sector: Information technology Sector: Software
trssllc.com itcfederal.com opexustech.com

93. Advanced Behavioral Health 97. Greystar

Founded: 2008 Founded: 1993
Employees: 154 local; 185 nationwide Employees: 217 local; 23,800 worldwide
Sector: Behavioral and mental health Sector: Property management
abhmaryland.com greystar.com


Systems Engineers
with TS/SCI Poly

Small employers

Brett DiPerna, founder and President of Yudrio, in his office. This is the first time Yudrio has participated in the annual survey.

1. Yudrio 2. Stratos Solutions 3. JRC Integrated Systems

founded: 2004 founded: 2003 founded: 2003
employees: 63 local; 80 nationwide employees: 51 local; 86 worldwide employees: 83 local; 210 worldwide
sector: information technology sector: information technology/ sector: government contractor
yudrio.com engineering jrcisi.com
The Leesburg, Va. business provides IT JRC Integrated Systems is a service-
services to the federal government, Stratos Solutions, headquartered in disabled veteran-owned defense
with clients including the EPA, IRS Chantilly, Va., is a technical services contractor founded by Tony Jimenez, a
and Department of Defense. Yudrio company that supports the U.S. graduate of the U.S. Military Academy
offers remote work options and invests intelligence community. Stratos offers who served 23 years in the Army and
in professional growth through generous salaries and benefits earned a doctorate in high-energy
continuous education programs, packages, which includes a retirement electromagnetic physics. JRC’s first
certification opportunities and career contribution of 25 percent of an major contract had it handling
advancement paths. Benefits include employee’s compensation and an advanced engineering services for the
wellness programs, employee Individual Benefits Account that Missile Defense Agency. It later
recognition awards and community provides financial flexibility in picking branched out to the Navy’s Strategic
service initiatives. The company plans. Systems Programs, which support
believes in fostering a workplace where submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
every employee feels valued, heard and Both are still clients, but the work has
motivated. evolved and JRC was awarded a
contract to support hypersonic test

50 MaTT roTh for The WashingTon PosT

Small employers

4. Northstrat 8. TSPi 12. CTIA

Founded: 2006 Founded: 1996 Founded: 1984
Employees: 146 local Employees: 70 local; 218 nationwide Employees: 100 local
Sector: Information technology Sector: Software development Sector: Association
northstrat.com tspi.net ctia.org

5. OneGlobe 9. Dupont Circle Solutions 13. Jovian Concepts

Founded: 2005 Founded: 2015 Founded: 2009
Employees: 63 local; 74 nationwide Employees: 52 local; 70 nationwide Employees: 80 local
Sector: Information technology Sector: Salesforce consulting Sector: Information technology
oneglobeit.com dupontcirclesolutions.com jovianconcepts.com

6. Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz 10. TEC Solutions 14. Prime Time Consulting
& Gilday Founded: 2013 Founded: 2019
Founded: 1979 Employees: 55 local; 75 worldwide Employees: 68 local
Employees: 50 local Sector: Government contractor Sector: Information technology
Sector: Law tecsolutionsva.com primetime-consulting.com
11. ThunderCat Technology 15. Cavan Solutions
7. Actualize Consulting Founded: 2008 Founded: 2016
Founded: 2003 Employees: 126 local Employees: 52 local; 66 nationwide
Employees: 56 local; 73 worldwide Sector: Information technology Sector: Aviation
Sector: Information technology thundercattech.com cavansolutions.com

Mission Driven.
Technology Innovator
Aerospace Facilities Engineerin
We’re thrilled to receive recognition as a Nuclear Modernization
Top Workplace by The Washington Post
Artificial Intelligence
for the third consecutive year. Thank you
to our exceptional team, whose dedication
made this achievement possible. Let’s keep
A trusted provider to the DoD and its
forging ahead, crafting innovative solutions,
and delivering mission-driven results. strategic deterrence mission for over
twenty years

Small employers

Jenny stone, ceo of Partner Forces, at right. this is the second year her company has participated in the annual survey.

16. Moyer Move Management 19. Partner Forces 22. Cassaday & Company
Founded: 2020 Founded: 2016 Founded: 1997
employees: 54 local employees: 88 local employees: 86 local
sector: Moving and storage sector: consulting sector: Finance
moyermovemanagement.com partnerforces.com cassaday.com

17. IntelliGenesis 20. BK Consulting 23. Bookoff McAndrews

Founded: 2007 Founded: 2011 Founded: 2012
employees: 125 local; 158 nationwide employees: 58 local employees: 91 local
sector: cybersecurity sector: Information technology sector: Law
intelligenesisllc.com bkconsults.com bomcip.com

18. ClearFocus Technologies 21. CoreSphere 24. iTech AG

Founded: 2012 Founded: 2003 Founded: 2008
employees: 73 local; 90 nationwide employees: 70 local employees: 77 local; 210 nationwide
sector: Information technology sector: Information technology sector: Information technology
clearfocustech.com coresphere.com itechag.com

52 Partner Forces
Small employers

25. Delta Consulting

Founded: 2000
Employees: 70 local; 102 nationwide
Sector: consulting

26. LexisNexis Special Services

Founded: 2003
Employees: 75 local; 8,700 worldwide
Sector: Information services
for government

27. Thompson Greenspon

Founded: 1956
Employees: 55 local
Sector: accounting

28. Potomac Law Group

Founded: 2011
Employees: 123 local; 180 nationwide
Sector: Law
potomaclaw.com the management team at potomac Law Group.

potomac Law Group


United States Senate Federal Credit Union recognized as
a 2024 Top Workplaces USA Winner by USA TODAY
& The Washington Post.
Small employers

29. Plex Solutions

Founded: 2015
employees: 109 local
Sector: information technology

30. SeKON
Founded: 1996
employees: 60 local; 127 nationwide
Sector: information technology

31. Royce Geospatial Consultants

Founded: 2015
employees: 76 local; 135 nationwide
Sector: government contractor

32. FitzGerald Financial

Founded: 2004
employees: 106 local; 542 worldwide
Sector: Mortgage lending
fitzgeraldfinancial.net From left, Jessica trombley-Owens, Paul Weidow and Stan Nolen of Plex Solutions.

33. Decision Lens

Founded: 2005 38. JCS Solutions 42. Onyx Point
employees: 52 local Founded: 2014 Founded: 2009
Sector: enterprise software employees: 88 local employees: 77 local; 85 nationwide
decisionlens.com Sector: information technology Sector: information technology
jcssolutions.com onyxpoint.com
34. Northramp
Founded: 2012 39. ARG 43. Watermark Risk
employees: 84 local Founded: 1991 Management International
Sector: information technology employees: 77 local; 91 nationwide Founded: 2007
northramp.com Sector: technology consulting employees: 51 local; 75 nationwide
myarg.com Sector: Security and risk management
35. Institute for Justice wrmi-llc.com
Founded: 1991 40. D&G Support Services
employees: 132 local; 164 nationwide Founded: 2007 44. Fuse Engineering
Sector: Public interest law employees: 144 local Founded: 2014
ij.org Sector: data analysis employees: 79 local; 85 nationwide
dngspt.com Sector: government contractor
36. Cobec Consulting fuseeng.com
Founded: 2007 41. Kalani Consulting
employees: 60 local; 110 nationwide Founded: 2009 45. New Editions Consulting
Sector: Consulting employees: 50 local Founded: 2001
cobec.com Sector: Management consulting and employees: 50 local; 65 nationwide
information technology Sector: government consulting
14. Synergist Computing kalani-consulting.com neweditions.net
Founded: 2012
employees: 90 local
Sector: Software development

54 Bright Light Media

Small employers

Founded: 2013
Employees: 65 local
Sector: Data analysis

47. Blackwood We are immensely grateful to our dedicated

Founded: 1977 J29 team. Your passion and hard work have
Employees: 75 local earned us the Top Workplace 2024 title and set
Sector: Information technology us apart with your creativity and commitment to
blackwood.ai our mission. This recognition reflects the envi-
ronment we’ve built together, where every voice
48. Employee Navigator is valued. Thank you for proving that prioritizing
Founded: 2008
employee well-being leads to success.
Employees: 134 local; 313 nationwide
Sector: Human resources software

49. American Health Care Association

Founded: 1956
Employees: 97 local
Sector: Association
50. Macro Solutions
Founded: 2000
Employees: 58 local; 167 nationwide
Sector: Information technology

51. Harrity & Harrity

Founded: 1999
Employees: 74 local Let's make life better
Sector: Law

52. The Alliance Group

Founded: 2012
Employees: 113 local
Sector: Recruiting

53. Solar Energy Entrepreneurship Morals

Industries Association
Founded: 1974
Teamwork Agility
Employees: 74 local
Sector: Association Who we
seia.org are and
what we do

54. Discover Technologies

Founded: 2010
Employees: 87 local; 90 nationwide
Sector: Information technology

www.rigil.com / rigil-corporation @theRigilway

Small employers

employees of Discover Technologies, an iT company in Mclean.

55. MarketBridge 59. Crosby Marketing 63. Advanced Management

Founded: 1992 Communications Strategies Group
employees: 69 local Founded: 1973 Founded: 2008
sector: Management consultants employees: 115 local employees: 57 local; 125 nationwide
market-bridge.com sector: Marketing sector: consulting
crosbymarketing.com amsgcorp.net
56. Arcellx
Founded: 2014 60. Obsidian Global 64. Educe Group
employees: 70 local; 138 nationwide Founded: 2013 Founded: 2003
sector: Biotechnology employees: 110 local employees: 94 local; 102 worldwide
arcellx.com sector: information technology sector: consulting
obsidian.global educegroup.com
57. Basic Commerce & Industries
Founded: 1995 61. Integrity Management Services 65. Rigil
employees: 124 local; 177 worldwide Founded: 2009 Founded: 2005
sector: engineering employees: 106 local employees: 58 local; 99 nationwide
teambci.com sector: Data analysis sector: information technology
integritym.com rigil.com
58. Direct Mortgage Loans
Founded: 2011 62. CTAC
employees: 50 local; 234 nationwide Founded: 1993
sector: Mortgage lending employees: 52 local
directmortgageloans.com sector: information technology

56 Discover Technologies
Small employers

66. Steel Cloud

Founded: 2014
Employees: 50 local
Sector: Software engineering

67. HWG
Founded: 1998
Employees: 71 local; 81 worldwide
When people
Sector: Law
hwglaw.com come first,
68. VPD Government Solutions
Founded: 2011
everyone wins.
Employees: 54 local
Sector: Consulting Learn more at servicecoord.org.

69. Hager Sharp

2024 2024 2024
2024 2024

Founded: 1973
Employees: 59 local
Sector: Public relations and marketing

70. ERP International

Founded: 2006
Employees: 67 local; 700 nationwide
Sector: Health-care technology

71. RBR Technologies

Founded: 2011
Employees: 105 local; 135 nationwide
Sector: Information technology

72. Assured Consulting Solutions

Founded: 2011 We’re honored to be recognized as a
Employees: 70 local; 88 nationwide
Sector: Consulting Top Workplace by the Washington Post.

73. JMA Solutions

Founded: 2005
Employees: 62 local; 158 worldwide
Sector: Management consulting

74. Changeis
Founded: 2008
Employees: 64 local; 175 nationwide
Sector: Management consulting
and information technology

Small employers

75. Fairway Independent Mortgage

founded: 1996
employees: 100 local; 5,563 nationwide
sector: mortgage lending

76. Ventera Corp.

founded: 1996
employees: 123 local; 260 nationwide
sector: consulting

77. Arlington Partnership

for Affordable Housing
founded: 1989
employees: 53 local
sector: consulting

78. Alliance Info Systems

founded: 2004
employees: 52 local
sector: information technology

79. EYA
founded: 1992
employees: 93 local
sector: Urban design

80. Expedition Technology

founded: 2013
employees: 96 local; 108 nationwide
sector: information technology

81. Mass Mutual Greater Washington

founded: 1904
employees: 67 local
sector: insurance

82. DelCor Technology Solutions

founded: 1984
employees: 86 local; 95 worldwide
sector: information technology

83. Centuria
founded: 2002
top: team members collaborate at expedition technology in herndon, Va. employees: 66 local; 196 nationwide
bottom from left: aruna bala, chris barr, Keith michelle, rani naidu, ramana mullapudi, gopal sector: information technology
bethi and Krishna adumala at the canopy one offices in chantilly, Va. centuria.com

58 (toP) exPedition technology (bottom) matt roth for the Washington Post
Small employers

84. Personnel Decisions

Research Institute
Founded: 1975
Employees: 85 local
Sector: Talent management services

Thank You!

85. Terrestris
Founded: 2019
Employees: 50 local; 105 nationwide
Sector: Information technology
terrestrisllc.com to our dedicated team for
making us a Top Workplace
86. EGlobalTech
two years in a row!
Founded: 2004
Employees: 101 local; 120 nationwide
Join Our Team
Sector: Information Technology

87. Quevera
Founded: 2013
Employees: 66 local
Sector: Software development CopperRiverMC.com/careers

88. DFS Construction

Founded: 2009
Employees: 63 local
Sector: Construction

89. PBG Consulting

Founded: 2011
Employees: 120 local; 186 nationwide
Sector: Management consulting

90. J29
Founded: 2017
Employees: 97 local Thank you to all of our
Sector: Management consulting team members for upholding
j29inc.com our values and making
Forging Solutions for the
Missions that Matter AMSG a Top Workplace!
91. Canopy One Solutions
Founded: 2009
Employees: 65 local; 90 worldwide Empowering Government, Serving People
Sector: Information technology
AMSG invests in passion-driven teams providing
affordable, innovative, and tailored solutions
to our customers through unwavering dedication
92. HRCI
to our values.
Founded: 1971
Employees: 50 local
Sector: Human Resources
Together, we serve
and inspire to
transform lives.


for making us a Top Workplace!

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