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 Evidence Based

25 Best High-Fiber Foods for Digestive &

Heart Health
By Rachael Link, MS, RD
May 20, 2024

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Types of Fiber Benefits of Fiber Best High-Fiber Foods

How Much Fiber Per Day How to Get More Fiber
Fiber Supplements Risks and Side Effects
Fiber — we know we need it, but even with all the high-fiber foods out there, most
people are still deficient. Are you getting enough fiber?

Due to today’s lacking Western diet, it is estimated that the average American
consumes about half of the recommended amount of dietary fiber each day. This is a
big deal, because high-fiber foods may help support a healthy digestive tract and
guard against cancer, heart disease, diverticulosis, kidney stones, PMS and obesity.

That’s why eating a high-fiber diet full of fiber-rich foods is so important. The
macrobiotic diet and the South Beach diet are two such diets that emphasize a lot of
fibrous foods.

What foods are high in fiber, and how can you be sure that you’re getting enough?
Keep reading for the complete list of foods high in fiber, plus some easy ways to
include high-fiber foods in your daily diet.

Types of Fiber
Along with adequate fluid intakes, fiber is responsible for quickly moving foods
through the digestive tract, helping it function optimally. Fiber works by drawing fluids
from the body to add bulk to the stool.

What are high-fiber foods? It’s important to note that fiber only occurs in fruits,
vegetables and grains, as it’s part of the cellular wall of these foods.

Fiber helps regulate bowel functions, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and
strengthen the colon walls.

In addition, research shows that it supports blood sugar control and may prevent
insulin resistance and associated diseases. What’s more, another study found that
women who eat a high-fiber diet (38–77 grams per day) may be at a lower risk for
developing ovarian cancer.

There are two main types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber’s job is to provide bulk in the intestines, while helping balance the pH
levels in the intestines. It promotes regular bowel movements and helps prevent and
relieve constipation.

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Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and doesn’t ferment with bacteria in the
colon. Nuts, seeds, potatoes, fruit with skin and green vegetables are a few examples of
nutritious foods high in this beneficial fiber.

The job of soluble fiber is much the same — however it creates a gel in the system by
binding with fatty acids. Studies show that it prolongs stomach emptying to allow for
better absorption of nutrients.

Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels for individuals
with diabetes.

Some of the best soluble fiber foods include beans, legumes, oats, barley, berries and
some vegetables.

It does ferment in the stomach, which can lead to bloating and gas. Increase these
high-fiber foods gradually, and drink plenty of water.

Benefits of Fiber
1. Aids digestion and relieves constipation
While both types of fiber have their roles in digestion, insoluble fiber is especially
important since it provides bulk to the stool. Insoluble fiber helps speed up the time it
takes waste to pass quickly through the digestive tract, helping prevent constipation,
bloating and indigestion.

Soluble fiber absorbs water to become a gelatinous, viscous substance and is

fermented by bacteria in the digestive tract, which also improves digestion.

At the same time, fiber needs to absorb water to have these effects, so when you begin
eating high-fiber foods, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day for the best digestive

2. Helps boost heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol and

Research shows there’s an inverse association between insoluble fiber intake and
systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol levels and triglycerides. In
addition, soluble fibers also help lower LDL (“bad”) blood cholesterol by interfering with
the absorption of dietary cholesterol.

According to studies, following a high-fiber diet makes it less likely that a person will
experience hypertension and other risk factors of heart disease and metabolic

For example, historically, because the Mediterranean diet is naturally a high-fiber diet
due to a high consumption of vegetables, fruit, beans and whole grains, this population
has been at a much lower risk for heart disease than many Americans are today.

3. Can assist with weight loss

Epidemiologic evidence from numerous studies shows that a high-fiber diet helps
prevent obesity. Fiber intake is inversely associated with body weight and body fat, so
the more consistent you are with your high-fiber diet, the likelier you are to stay at a
healthy weight or lose weight if you need to.

If your goal is to reduce to your weight, fiber can help since it makes you feel fuller after
eating and can prevent snacking or overeating at your next meal.

Results from intervention studies show that the addition of a high-fiber diet generally
decreases food intake overall and, therefore, over time can contribute to a lower body

4. Can control blood sugar and help prevent diabetes

According to studies, within the body there’s an inverse association between levels of
glucose in the blood and dietary fiber, so increasing fiber by following a high-fiber diet
can prevent insulin resistance that forms from elevated glucose levels over time.

The effects that soluble fiber have on the rate at which the stomach empties helps slow
down digestion and keeps blood sugar levels stable. This improves insulin sensitivity
and can help control the blood sugar spikes and conditions like diabetes.

5. Helps prevent diseases and problems of the digestive tract

How does eating a high-fiber diet protect you from disease?

There is increasing evidence that fermentable dietary fiber (prebiotics) modulate

various properties of the immune system, including those of the gut (specifically the
lymphoid tissues or GALT). Changes in the intestinal microflora that occur with the
consumption of prebiotic fiber can potentially increase immunity by changing the way
the body responds to acids or bacterias.
A high-fiber diet helps prevent digestive disorders and diseases like diverticulitis, colon
cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. This is because prebiotic fiber helps improve
immune function and maintains better colon and intestinal health, while also clearing
away harmful waste from the digestive organs.

Two food groups that are high in insoluble fiber, whole cereal grains and whole pieces
of fruit, have been shown to be especially protective against colon cancer formation.

Researchers believe that increased fiber intake may have cancer-fighting

effects because it leads to a reduction in fecal carcinogens, reduced transit time and
bacterial fermentation of fiber to short-chain fatty acids that have anticarcinogenic

High-fiber foods may also help prevent gastrointestinal blockages and straining that
accompanies constipation, which can lead to problems like hemorrhoids.

Additionally, insoluble fiber helps absorb and sweep out byproducts and carcinogens
from the gut, lowering the chances of developing problems like SIBO, diverticulosis,

Best High-Fiber Foods

In order to create the optimal high-fiber foods list, the serving size for each food will be
100 grams, as provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

1. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are true superfoods that are easily incorporated into your diet. High in fiber
and essential nutrients, chia seeds benefits help increase energy, support digestive
health and have many more health advantages.

Amount of fiber: 34.4 grams per 100 grams of chia seeds or 9.8 grams per 1 ounce (28.4

Other notable nutrients: protein, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, omega-3 fatty

acids, omega-6 fatty acids

How to eat them: Like beans and legumes, some people may experience gas and
bloating when consuming them. Increase water intake to help minimize these

For some individuals, soaking chia seeds may help prevent these symptoms and aid in
absorption of nutrients.

2. Flaxseeds
Tons of nutrients are packed in flaxseeds. They’re one of the richest sources of plant-
based omega-3 fatty acids, called alpha-linolenic acid (or ALA), and the No. 1 source of
lignans (a potent antioxidant) in the human diet.

Amount of fiber: 27.3 grams per 100 grams of flaxseeds or 3 grams per 1 tablespoon
(10.3 grams)

Other notable nutrients: protein, thiamine, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium,

copper, omega-3 fatty acids

How to eat them: Grind in a small coffee grinder, and add to smoothies, salads and

3. Almonds
While relatively small in comparison to some of the foods mentioned above, nuts are a
healthy way to quickly increase your fiber intake. Almonds nutrition is also lower in
calories and fats than most other nuts.

Amount of fiber: 12.5 grams per 100 grams of almonds or 11.5 grams per 1 cup, sliced (92

Other notable nutrients: protein, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, riboflavin,

omega-6 fatty acids

How to eat them: Most commonly, you can eat them as a snack. To increase the
nutrient content of almonds, consider soaking and sprouting them. Soak them
overnight for 12–24 hours in a big bowl, covering them with water and rinsing them the
next morning.

4. Oats
Not only are oats one of the best sources of fiber, but they’re also a superstar ingredient
when it comes to heart health. This is because oats contain a special type of fiber called
beta-glucan, which can help lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol to prevent fatty plaque
buildup in the arteries.

Amount of fiber: 10.4 grams per 100 grams of rolled, old fashioned, whole grain oats or
8.2 grams per 1 cup (81 grams)

Other notable nutrients: manganese, thiamine, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium,

iron, zinc

How to eat them: It’s important to look out for steel-cut, rolled or old-fashioned oats
that are made without added sweeteners or flavors. They’re also more versatile in
baking and recipes since they’re less processed and hold their texture.
5. Coconut
Coconut has low glycemic index and is easy to incorporate into your diet. With four to
six times the amount of fiber as oat bran, coconut flour and grated coconut are great
ways to add a healthy, natural fiber to your diet.

Amount of fiber: 9 grams per 100 grams of raw coconut meat or 7.2 grams per 1 cup
(80 grams) of shredded coconut meat

Other notable nutrients: manganese, omega-6 fatty acids, folate, selenium

How to eat them: Add shredded coconut to your cereal, dessert, etc. For most baking
recipes, you can substitute up to 20 percent coconut flour for other flours.

6. Black beans
Black beans nutrition provides great protein and fiber to your diet. The high content of
flavonoids and antioxidants helps fight free radicals, reducing your risk of some cancers
and inflammatory diseases.

Amount of fiber: 8.7 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled mature black beans
(without salt) or 15 grams per 1 cup (172 grams)

Other notable nutrients: protein, thiamine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,


How to eat them: Most people tend to use precooked, canned beans because the
cooking time for dried beans can be a bit long. Cooking black beans from scratch
requires you to plan a day ahead in order to soak the beans. However, many people feel
that beans made from scratch taste the best and hold their texture more than
precooked kinds.

7. Split peas
One serving of split peas contains one-third of the folate recommended daily, in
addition to over half of the recommended intake of dietary fiber.

Amount of fiber: 8.3 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled mature split peas (without
salt) or 16.3 grams per 1 cup (196 grams)

Other notable nutrients: protein, thiamine, folate, manganese, omega-3 fatty acids,
omega-6 fatty acids

How to eat them: Split pea soup may be an “old school” soup, but it should definitely
make a comeback given this pea’s outstanding nutrition.

8. Lentils
As one of the healthiest, cheapest high-fiber foods, lentils are a great option if you’re on
a budget. In addition to providing fiber, lentils nutrition is packed with folate, and
lentils are one of the top 10 high-folate foods.

Amount of fiber: 7.9 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled mature lentils (without
salt) or 15.6 grams per 1 cup (198 grams)

Other notable nutrients: protein, iron, folate, manganese, phosphorous

How to eat them: Lentil pilafs and soups are great ways to incorporate this high-fiber
food into your diet.

9. Chickpeas
Chickpeas are one of the best foods high in dietary fiber and have been enjoyed across
the globe for thousands of years. They are rich in essential nutrients, including
manganese. In fact, chickpeas nutrition provides for 84 percent of your daily
recommended amount of manganese per cup.

Amount of fiber: 7.6 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled mature chickpeas
(garbanzo beans, without salt) or 12.5 grams per 1 cup (164 grams)

Other notable nutrients: protein, copper, folate, manganese, omega-6 fatty acids,
omega-3 fatty acids

How to eat them: Chickpeas can be found in dried, precooked/canned or

precooked/frozen varieties. Many people feel that beans made from scratch (from dried
form) taste the best and hold their texture more so than precooked kinds.

10. Lima beans

In addition to the outstanding fiber per serving, lima beans offer nearly 25 percent of
the daily recommended iron for women. The high manganese content helps with
energy production, and the antioxidants help fight free radicals.

Amount of fiber: 7 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled large mature lima beans
(without salt) or 13.2 grams per 1 cup (188 grams)

Other notable nutrients: copper, manganese, folate, phosphorous, protein, vitamin B2,
vitamin B6

How to eat them: There are many different options for how to cook lima beans. Beans
that are still in their pods should be shucked prior to cooking. Although soaking isn’t
required, it can help speed up the cooking process and promote proper digestion.

The most common way to cook butter beans is to cover in water, bring to a boil and
then reduce heat to gently simmer until softened and completely done.
11. Avocados
In addition to the fiber, avocados are packed with healthy fats that can help lower
cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, among other avocado benefits.

Amount of fiber: 6.8 grams per 100 grams of California raw avocados or 15.6 grams per
1 cup (230 grams), pureed

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin K, potassium

How to eat them: Make a guacamole dip, add sliced to a salad or have an avocado
toast lunch.

12. Raspberries
Raspberry nutrition contains high amounts of manganese to help support healthy
bones, skin and blood sugar levels. Because they’re so easy to eat, sweet and delicious,
raspberries (as well as blackberries) also rank as one of the top high-fiber foods for kids
and high-fiber foods for toddlers as well.

Amount of fiber: 6.5 grams per 100 grams of raw raspberries or 8 grams per 1 cup (123

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K

How to eat them: To make the most of your raspberries, make sure you select berries
that are plump, a bit firm and vibrant in color. If the berries are green, contain mold or
appear to be bruised, skip those.

Eat them raw, with your morning cereal or granola, or make a sorbet for dessert.

13. Peas
The humble green pea is packed with fiber and powerful antioxidants, anti-
inflammatory properties and phytonutrients that support wellness. Plus, peas are one
of the few foods high in protein and fiber, which makes them an awesome addition to
a well-rounded diet for maintaining a healthy weight.

Amount of fiber: 5.7 grams per 100 grams of raw green peas or 8.3 grams per 1 cup (145

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, thiamine, manganese,

folate, vitamin A, protein

How to eat them: Frozen peas are available year-round, making them ideal to
incorporate into your diet. Lightly steam peas, and add to soups and salads.

14. Artichokes
Low in calories and rich in fiber and essential nutrients, artichokes are a great addition
to your diet. Just one medium artichoke accounts for nearly half of the recommend
fiber intake for women and a third for men.

Amount of fiber: 5.4 grams per 100 grams of raw artichokes (globe or French) or 8.8
grams per 1 large artichoke (162 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamins A, C, E, B and K; potassium; calcium; magnesium;


How to eat them: The most complementary ingredients for an artichoke include olive
oil, lemon, parsley, rosemary, high-quality cheeses, red onion, arugula, salt and pepper.

Artichokes can be steamed, boiled and baked. When cooked perfectly, artichokes will
be silky and creamy and should hold together well.

15. Acorn squash

Winter squashes, including pumpkins, butternut squash, spaghetti squash and acorn
squash nutrition, are packed with nutrients and fiber. The nutrient-dense and brightly
colored flesh is high in soluble fiber, which slows the rate at which food is digested,
allowing for the absorption of nutrients.

Amount of fiber: 4.4 grams per 100 grams of winter, acorn, cooked, baked squash
(without salt) or 9 grams per 1 cup, cubed (205 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, thiamine, potassium, manganese, vitamin A,

vitamin B6, folate, magnesium

How to eat them: Acorn squash and other squash can be roasted in the oven and used
as a substitute for white potatoes and other starches. They also make great soups.

16. Durian fruit

Durian is considered by experts to be a very nutrient-dense fruit. Unusually, it’s a fruit
that contains fat. As a result, it’s higher in calories than most fruits, similar to avocado.

Amount of fiber: 3.8 grams per 100 grams of durian or 9.2 grams per 1 cup (243 grams)
of diced, chopped durian

Other notable nutrients: manganese, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium

How to eat them: Not only can you eat the flesh of the fruit raw, but you can also cook
with it, especially when it’s a bit overripe.

It’s sometimes used to make candies, baked goods, sweet drinks and desserts. You can
also use it in savory dishes, just like you would jackfruit, such in sauces and curries.
17. Asian pears
Crisp, sweet and delicious, Asian pear nutrition contains high levels of fiber, but pears
are also is rich in omega-6 fatty acids associated with healthy cells, brain and nerve

Amount of fiber: 3.6 grams per 100 grams of an Asian pear or 9.9 grams per one large
Asian pear (275 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, vitamin K, omega-6 fatty acids, potassium

How to eat them: Asian pears are enjoyed raw, as long as they’re ripe. Unripe Asian
pears can be difficult to eat because the flesh isn’t remotely soft. They can also be used
in a pear salad or with granola and yogurt.

18. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes strike the balance between vibrant, versatile and delicious. Loaded
with nutrients compared to white potatoes, they also fit most diet plans.

Amount of fiber: 3.3 grams per 100 grams of baked in skin, without salt, sweet potato
flesh or 5.9 grams per 1 large (180 grams) sweet potato

Other notable nutrients: vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6

How to eat them: Sweet potato fries, soups and casseroles are some of the most
popular ways to prepare sweet potatoes, but there are many other options available as
well. Roasted sweet potatoes make an excellent addition to meals, too.

19. Turnips
In the U.S., turnips and turnip greens are often unappreciated and underutilized.
Turnips are low in calories but high in fiber and a host of other important

Benefits of turnips include improved immunity, better heart health, enhanced weight
loss and increased regularity.

Amount of fiber: 3.1 grams per 100 grams of frozen, cooked, boiled, drained turnip
greens and turnips (without salt) or 5 grams per 1 cup (163 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium

How to eat them: They can be eaten raw or pickled, boiled, grilled, roasted or sautéed
and enjoyed as a nutritious and flavorful side dish. The turnip taste is often described as
mild yet bitter, and turnips are used much like potatoes in many turnips recipes.

Turnip greens can be consumed in place of other leafy greens, like spinach or kale.
20. Figs
Dried figs and fresh figs are a great high-fiber foods. Unlike many other foods, figs
nutrition provides a near perfect balance of soluble and insoluble fiber, and figs are
even associated with lower blood pressure and protection against macular

Amount of fiber: 2.9 grams per 100 grams of raw figs or 4.4 grams per 1 cup (150 grams)

Other notable nutrients: pantothenic acid, potassium, manganese, copper, vitamin B6

How to eat them: Even if you don’t like dried figs, fresh figs are delicious and can be
enjoyed on top of cereals, in salads, and even stuffed with goat cheese and honey for a
special dessert.

21. Quinoa
Although it’s technically considered a seed, quinoa is often used in cooking as a
nutritious and delicious high-fiber cereal grain. All grains are high in fiber, but not all of
them are packed with nutrition.

Quinoa nutrition’s amazing profile and the fact that it is easier to digest and gluten-
free push it over the ultimate fiber food edge.

Amount of fiber: 2.8 grams per 100 grams of cooked quinoa or 5.2 grams per 1 cup (185

Other notable nutrients: iron, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium

How to eat them: If you’re looking for a simple method for how to make quinoa taste
good and some easy ways to deepen the flavor, you can try boiling it in beef, chicken or
vegetable broth instead of water.

It makes a great substitute for other grains in quinoa recipes like pilaf, porridge, soups
and stews. You can also incorporate quinoa into salads, burrito bowls, casseroles and

22. Brussels sprouts

As one of the power-packed cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts are one of the
best high-fiber foods. Rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties,
Brussels sprouts nutrition supports healthy detox.

Amount of fiber: 2.6 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled, drained Brussels sprouts
(without salt) or 4 grams per 1 cup (156 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamins C, K, B1, B2 and B6; folate; manganese

How to eat them: Sprouts can be sautéed, steamed, roasted, boiled and braised, but
Brussels sprouts are usually most loved when roasted or sautéed, which highlights
their flavor.

23. Bananas
Besides the high amount of fiber in banana nutrition, this delicious fruit also packs a
punch by providing a host of other important nutrients as well. In fact, just one
medium banana can knock out over one-fifth of the vitamin B6 you need for the entire

Amount of fiber: 2.6 grams per 100 grams of raw bananas or 3.5 grams per 1 large
banana (136 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese

How to eat them: Eaten fresh by themselves or thrown into a smoothie are go-to ways
to eat bananas. Freeze them, and use in a smoothie bowl with another fruit, such as

Bananas can also be cooked in numerous ways depending on the type of cuisine. They
are commonly fried, boiled, baked, blended, or sliced and “chipped” before being

24. Okra
Is okra a fruit or vegetable? It’s technically a fruit because it contains seeds, but it’s
most commonly considered a vegetable, especially when it comes to culinary uses.

Okra nutrition is loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as calcium.

Amount of fiber: 2.5 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled, drained okra (without salt)
or 4 grams per 1 cup (160 grams)

Other notable nutrients: vitamins A, C and K; riboflavin; thiamine; niacin; calcium; iron;
phosphorous; zinc; protein

How to eat them: Okra can be boiled, fried, steamed, grilled, battered or eaten raw. The
fruits of the okra plant are preserved by pickling or drying and grinding into powder.
They’re used to make things like soups, sauces and salads.

25. Beets
Beets definitely deserve a spot on the list of low-calorie, high-fiber foods thanks to their
impressive nutrient profile and vibrant color. Beets are also loaded with dietary nitrates,
which are beneficial compounds that can help treat hypertension to stabilize blood
pressure levels.
Amount of fiber: 2 grams per 100 grams of cooked, boiled beets or 3.4 grams per 1 cup
of sliced beets (170 grams)

Other notable nutrients: folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C

How to eat them: When eaten raw, they are firm, crunchy and mildly sweet-tasting.
They can be used to make beet juice or added to smoothies and salads.

When you cook beets (roasted, boiled, steamed or sautéed), they become softer and
slightly sweeter. They are often paired with goat cheese or balsamic vinegar to balance
their sweetness, as well as arugula, which adds a nice peppery flavor to the earthy and
sweet taste of beets.

How Much Fiber Per Day

When increasing dietary fiber, it is essential to start slowly and increase gradually.

How much fiber per day do you actually need? The American Heart Association
recommends getting at least 25 grams of fiber on an average 2,000-calorie diet.

However, the vast majority of Americans get less than half of the recommended daily
fiber intake. Without fiber, the digestive tract suffers, and people may develop high
cholesterol that could lead to heart disease — plus inflammation may increase in the

For individuals with digestive tract conditions, dietary fiber may help relieve symptoms.
High fiber intake helps shift the balance of bacteria, increasing healthy bacteria, while
decreasing the unhealthy bacteria that can be the root of some digestive problems.

It’s also possible to consume too much fiber, though it’s far less common than a fiber

How to Get More Fiber

With a little creativity, there are limitless ways to add fiber to your diet. To get started,
set your day off on the right foot by enjoying a heart-healthy, high-fiber breakfast.

In addition to whole grains like oats, brown rice or sprouted bread, other delicious
options for breakfast foods with fiber include avocados, leafy greens or broccoli, all of
which make great additions to scrambled eggs or breakfast casseroles. You can also
use high-fiber fruits like berries to top off your yogurt, cereal or oatmeal to help dial up
the health perks even more.
Alternatively, try whipping up some fibrous side dishes to accompany your favorite
meals, including some of the high-fiber foods above. Steamed broccoli, roasted
Brussels sprouts or stewed okra are all tasty options that can complement any main

Enjoying high-fiber snacks throughout the day is another simple way to boost your
intake. Kale chips, sweet potato fries, homemade trail mix or roasted chickpeas are a
few ideas for healthy snacks that feature foods that are high in fiber.

Fiber Supplements
The supermarket and drug store shelves are packed with fiber supplements, so the
natural question is: Why not just take those supplements instead?

Even the best fiber supplements typically only contain a small fraction of necessary
fiber, and the sources of fiber are often suspect.

Beware of any supplements that contain methylcellulose (synthetic cellulose), calcium

polycarbophil or wheat dextrin, as they provide no food value or nutrients.

Furthermore, people taking some medications — including those for diabetes,

cholesterol-lowering drugs, seizure medications and some antidepressants — are often
advised not to take any fiber supplement. This is because even the best fiber
supplement could potentially interfere with the absorption of these medications and
some minerals.

Adding a few of the best high-fiber foods to your diet is the best way to get the fiber
you need. Incorporate high-fiber foods slowly, and drink plenty of water and non-
caffeinated beverages to help the fiber do its job.

Risks and Side Effects

Although it’s important to include a good array of heart-healthy, fibrous foods in your
daily diet, increasing your intake too quickly can cause adverse side effects like
bloating, gas and stomach pain. Therefore, it’s best to slowly add more foods
containing fiber to your diet, and be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent negative

Additionally, be sure to get the majority of your fiber from high-fiber foods like
vegetables, whole grains and fruits rather than over-the-counter supplements. Not
only can these supplements interfere with the absorption of certain medications, but
they may also come from questionable sources and contain unhealthy additives or

When it comes to the ketogenic diet, there’s a lot of confusion about fiber. Many
people wonder: Can you eat fiber on the keto diet?

Fiber is an important part of any diet, but going keto does require a bit more planning
to include plenty of best keto fiber foods in your daily meal plan while still staying
within your allotment for carbs.

Fortunately, there are lots of high-fiber, low-carb foods available that can help you
meet your needs for this incredibly important nutrient. Some of the top keto foods
with fiber include non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, coconut, broccoli and

Nuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds are a few other low-sugar, high-fiber foods available as

Final Thoughts

Fiber is an important nutrient that helps move food through the intestines to
improve digestive health and protect against disease.
What foods are highest in fiber? Some of the top high-fiber foods include nuts,
seeds, legumes, berries, pears and avocados, which are all ingredients that are
especially rich in this essential nutrient.
Research shows that including a good mix of high-fiber foods for adults could
potentially help promote regularity, support healthy weight maintenance, improve
heart health and enhance digestive health.
Keep in mind that you should increase your intake of high-fiber foods slowly to
prevent negative digestive symptoms like stomach pain, gas and bloating. Be sure
to also drink plenty of water to keep things moving through the gastrointestinal


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