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Good morning to the honored teachers, and my friends.

My name is ……..
I’m from class ……..
To the horableble teachers and my friends

First of all I would like to thank The Almighty for His never-ending blessings so we can gather
here in this important event. Today, August 1st 2022 marks the day of our school 63th
anniversary. I would be delivering a speech in this very special day today. Today is a legendary
day for us because this school was established 63 years ago. Let us pray that our school will be
a school which produced qualified leaders who can make family, society, nation, and the
country proud.

To the honorable teachers and my friends

I am standing here to represent my friends, we would like to thank the teachers here for your
hard work in nurturing us to be a good human not only for myself but family, nation, and
country. Thank you for being our light to lead us walks through the darkness. We will always
remember the love that you give as well as the messages that you told us. Please pray for us,
pray for your children that we can be valuable persons in the future to make you proud. In his
very moment, I sincerely wishing you happiness in life, health, and I hope the Almighty will
always bless your way.

As for my friends, let us use this moment to reflect upon ourselves. We had been given a
chance to study here, now ask yourself, what you have done well for our school. The children in
the past had no opportunity to study at school like us. They live under stupidity and never-
ending pressure. We should not waste this blessing, as a student we need to have motivation in
studying. This motivation will acts as a supporting factor which will help us to boost
achievement, spirit, and the willingness to achieve success in the future. Actually studying hard
is not enough if we did not have motivation to do better in study. Therefore I will recommend
you several ways to boost your motivation in study. The details are as follows,

1. Choose the right friends: you can mingle with friends who like to study or find a role
model. Finding a role model means be acquainted with your seniors who succeed at
studying, you will get motivated when you look at their flowery paths.
2. Learn anything! Studying is not merely about learning in formal institution like school,
you can learn so many things from writing, making a film, learn entrepreneurship,
computer, etc.
3. Learn from internet
4. Mingle with people who have positive vibes and optimistic will affect your motivation in

Those are only several suggestions, I believe that you can find another reason to motivate you
in studying. Once again happy birthday my school! Thank you for the attention and I am terribly
sorry if I am lacking a lot in conveying my speech. Good morning and have a great day ahead!

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