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Prevention and Control

of Lost Circulation

May 2011

We thank the management of M-I SWACO for its support and permission to use the information
included in this manual. We also recognize members of the Technical Services team for their
contributions to the development of this manual, including Stan Alford, Mario Bouguetta, Kerati
Charnvit, Daryl Cullum, Richard Flesher, Mike Freeman, Shawn French, Fred Growcock, Quan Guo,
Janie Irvin, Esmeraldo Jimbi, Ole lacob Prebensen, Vernon Rajoo, Andrev Reznichenko, Steve Smith
and Valentin Visinescu. Special thanks also to Nelson Alfonzo, Gabe Manescu and Mary Dimataris.
Chapter 1 – Fundamentals of Lost Circulation 1-1
Consequences of Lost Circulation...................................................................................................................1-1
Losses in Fractures .................................................................................................................................................1-2
Mathematical Model for Lost Circulation in Fractures.......................................................................1-3

Chapter 2 - Classification of the Severity of Losses 2-1

Seepage Losses (0.2-15 m3/hr) ..........................................................................................................................2-1
Partial Losses (15-150 m3/hr) ...........................................................................................................................2-1
Severe & Total Losses (> 150 m3/hr) ..............................................................................................................2-1
Types of Rock Formations ..................................................................................................................................2-1

Chapter 3 - Detection and Analysis of Losses 3-1

Causes of Lost Circulation ..................................................................................................................................3-1
Location of the Loss Zone ...................................................................................................................................3-4
Nature of the Loss Zone ......................................................................................................................................3-7

Chapter 4 - Classification of Lost Circulation Materials 4-1

Particulates ...............................................................................................................................................................4-2
Cross-Linkable Polymer Pills .............................................................................................................................4-3
Soft and Hard Plugs ..............................................................................................................................................4-4
Miscellaneous Materials ....................................................................................................................................4-5

Chapter 5 - Remedial Treatments 5-1

Matrix (Seepage) Losses ......................................................................................................................................5-1
Partial Losses ............................................................................................................................................................5-3
Severe or Total Losses ...........................................................................................................................................5-3
Alternative Treatments for Severe Losses...................................................................................................5-5
VERSAPAC* chemical sealant for NAF ..............................................................................................................5-5
Reinforcing Plugs ...................................................................................................................................................5-8
Soft Plugs ...................................................................................................................................................................5-9
Other Non-Crosslinkable Solutions ........................................................................................................... 5-12
Hard (Cross-Linkable) Pills ............................................................................................................................. 5-17

Chapter 6 - Prevention 6-1

Drilling Practices ....................................................................................................................................................6-1
Drilling Fluid Selection ..................................................................................................................................... 6-10
Drilling Fluid Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 6-12
Additives for Preventing losses..................................................................................................................... 6-12
Chapter 7 - Wellbore Strengthening Solutions 7-1
Fracture Propagation Resistance (FPR)........................................................................................................7-1
Stress Cage ................................................................................................................................................................7-1
Fracture Closure Stress (FCS) .............................................................................................................................7-4
Opti-Stress .................................................................................................................................................................7-5
Wellbore Strengthening Materials (WSM) ................................................................................................7-6
Classification and Use .........................................................................................................................................7-6
All-Purpose Pills......................................................................................................................................................7-7

Chapter 8 - Producing Zones 8-1

Effect of Lost Circulation on Formation Damage Potential ..............................................................8-1

Chapter 9 - Carbonate Formations 9-1

General Characteristics.......................................................................................................................................9-1
Preventive Measures ............................................................................................................................................9-1
Treatments ...............................................................................................................................................................9-3
“Mud Cap” Drilling (MCD) Methods.............................................................................................................9-3
Drilling Blind............................................................................................................................................................9-6
Recommendations ................................................................................................................................................9-6
Techniques and Procedures ...............................................................................................................................9-7
Reasons for Failure ................................................................................................................................................9-7

Chapter 10 - Deep Water 10-1

Causes and Effects .............................................................................................................................................. 10-2
Preventive Measures ......................................................................................................................................... 10-2
Controlling Deep Water Losses .................................................................................................................... 10-2

Chapter 11 - Ballooning 11-1

Managing Wellbore Ballooning .................................................................................................................. 11-4

Chapter 12 - Planning and Preparation 12-1

Preparing for Lost Circulation ...................................................................................................................... 12-1
Drilling Fluid Design ......................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Chemical Load-Out Listing ............................................................................................................................. 12-3
Chemical Procurement .................................................................................................................................... 12-3
Standing Instructions ....................................................................................................................................... 12-3
Notifying Relevant Personnel ....................................................................................................................... 12-3
LCM Logistics......................................................................................................................................................... 12-3
Reporting System ................................................................................................................................................ 12-4
Glossary/Nomenclature G1-1

Unit Conversion Factors G1-3

References R1-1

Appendix 1: LCM Products by Name A1-1

Appendix 2: Nominal* Particle Sizes of LCM A2-1

Appendix 3: OPTIBRIDGE – Design of Particulate Blends to Stop Lost

Circulation A3-1
What is OptiBRIDGE?.............................................................................................................................................A3-1

Appendix 4: OPTI-STRESS Design of Particulate Blends for Wellbore

Strengthening A4-1
What is Opti-STRESS ..............................................................................................................................................A4-1

Appendix 5: FASware – Design of FORM-A Pills A5-1

Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................A5-1
Running the Program .......................................................................................................................................A5-1
Summary of “FORM-A” product components ..........................................................................................A5-4

Appendix 6: LCM Guidelines for Downhole Tools A6-1

Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................A6-1

Appendix 7: Lost Circulation Rigsite Tests A7-1

Granulometry....................................................................................................................................................... A7-1
LCM Performance Tests.................................................................................................................................... A7-5
Thickening Rate of Crosslinkable LCM......................................................................................................A7- 7

Appendix 8: Product Bulletins A8-1

Chapter 1 – Fundamentals of Lost Circulation
A James K. Dodson Co. study suggested lost circulation attests to the limited success
problems related to wellbore instability account of this approach and indicates that this costly,
for 44% of non-productive time (NPT) during pervasive problem needs to be addressed
the drilling of oil and gas wells. These problems comprehensively and proactively. While
include lost circulation, stuck pipe, flows, proactive measures emphasize prevention,
kicks, sloughing shales and wellbore collapse. they also recommend lost circulation materials
Of these, lost circulation is one of the biggest be held in reserve as contingency treatments
contributors to NPT. should the preventive techniques fail.

With the advent of extended reach drilling Consequences of Lost Circulation

(ERD) and the increased emphasis on deep
Lost circulation can occur while drilling,
water over the past few years, lost circulation
running casing/liner, completing or cementing
now accounts for an even larger share of NPT
the well. Although the drilling fluid lost is costly,
than that determined in the Dodson 1993-
loss circulation also generates consequences
2002 analysis. Further, the issue of drilling into
that are not only even more expensive, but can
depleted zones is increasing in importance
lead to overall failure of the drilling program.
as fields mature, thereby exacerbating the
Possible scenarios and the capital-intensive
instances and associated risks of lost circulation.
remediation/preventive measures include:
These producing reservoirs often are overlaid
and interbedded with relatively impermeable * When fluid loss occurs in depleted zones,
shale layers. Mud densities sufficiently high reducing wellbore pressure to mitigate or
to stabilize the shales can generate very high prevent those losses may drop the pressure
overbalances in the accompanying depleted below the pore pressure in the underlying
sands. Pressure overbalances have been and normally pressured zones, thereby
reported as high as 90 MPa in the Gulf of destabilizing those zones and raising the risk
Mexico, but more typically, such as in the North of wellbore collapse;
Sea, are on the order of a few thousand psi. Such
* Cuttings often settle around the BHA during
high overbalances increase the likelihood and
lost circulation events and can result in
severity of lost circulation.
the pipe becoming mechanically stuck. As
cuttings settle, they behave similar to a packer
In addition to the costs associated with lost
and intensify losses below them, thus making
drilling time, the loss of drilling fluid itself to
it prudent to always keep the pipe moving;
the formation contributes a large – and perhaps
underappreciated – cost to the operation. This * As loss zones may be low pressured,
is particularly true for operations using non- differential sticking is also possible.
aqueous fluids (NAF). Consequently, it is important that the filter
cake be as thin and firm as possible;
In the past, methods used commonly to curtail
lost circulation focused primarily on mitigating * Reactive clays that overlay the loss
the problem by incorporating materials in the formation may become unstable if exposed
fluid or in pills to bridge permeable or fractured to uninhibited fluids. Accordingly, it is
formations and create a filter cake over these important to ensure the clays are chemically
bridges to seal the loss zone. Indeed, drilling stabilized at all times;
fluid service companies have emphasized the
* A blow-out can transpire if losses occur in
remediative aspects of the technology, i.e.
a highly permeable gas-bearing formation.
curing lost circulation after it has occurred.
In such a scenario, the likelihood of gas
The persistence and continued costliness of
invasion into the drilling fluid is high,

May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation 1-1

even if the annulus is closed. This invasion losses may be sudden, partial or complete.
causes gas to migrate up the wellbore, thus The drill string may actually drop several
displacing the mud. If bull-heading is used, meters.
the rate must never be less than 2.27 cubic
meter per minute and it is essential to be 3. Natural and Induced Fractures, which
able to calculate the hydrostatic pressure usually are associated with shales or, in
in the well at all times. Therefore, if it is the case of the latter, when some critical
necessary to pump a fluid into the well, fluid or other pressure exceeds the fracture
the number of strokes pumped should be gradient of the rock, causing the formation
recorded to determine the fluid column to break down.
height and the hydrostatic pressure. The following is a more detailed discussion on
As discussed, the costs of drilling fluid identifying and remediating lost circulation in
remediation treatments and the other both natural and induced fractures
consequences of lost circulation combine to
make this prevailing problem and the NPT it
Losses in Fractures
generates one of the most expensive challenges Fractures typically create the costliest lost
in drilling operations. circulation problems. They may be classified
as either naturally occurring or pressure
To a large extent, the severity and persistence (hydraulically) induced. Usually, induced
of lost circulation problems are determined fractures pose the most challenges for
by the type of formation the fluid is invading. managing lost circulation problems. At the
Generally, lost circulation can occur in three onset, it is crucial to distinguish drilling-induced
distinct types of formations: from natural fractures so the drilling program
1. Highly permeable, where a gradual can be modified to minimize the impact.
lowering of the mud level in the tanks
indicates whole mud loss. Naturally occurring fractures and faults can
occur in any type of formation, but most
2. Cavernous or vugular, which usually commonly are found in tectonically disturbed
are found in limestone and dolomite areas, such as those surrounding salt domes.
formations where, upon penetration, mud Accordingly, an integral part of the drilling

Leak -Off
Pressure Formation Breakdown Pressure (FBP)
(LOP) Fracture Propagation Pressure (FPP)

Fracture Gradient (FG)


Fracture Closure Pressure (FCP)

(= Minimum Horizontal Stress , Shmin)

Time or Volume Pumped (constant pump rate)

Fig. 1-1. Idealized Extended Leak-Off Test

1-2 May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation

program should entail preparations to remediate During a XLOT, two other parameters commonly
the potential problems that may occur. are measured, namely the Minimum Principal
or Horizontal Stress, Shmin, and the Fracture
Analytical models have been developed to Closure Pressure (FCP). Normally the latter is
describe drilling fluid losses in natural fractures. the lowest of the geomechanical parameters
However, major losses often occur in fractures measured and traditionally is the point usually
that are induced during the drilling process taken as the “Fracture Gradient” or “Fracture
and subsequently widen and elongate. The Pressure.” However, FCP and Shmin often are
fracturing process is related to tensile failure, similar; this is particularly true for vertical wells
which occurs when the stress exceeds the through formations with little stress anisotropy.
tensile strength of the rock. Typically, tensile For instance, in this environment, Shmin and Shmax
failure is a consequence of the mud weight or (Maximum Horizontal Stress) are the same.
wellbore pressure being too high. Consequently, Shmin often is taken as the Fracture
Gradient. To complicate matters further, in
Fractures are induced when the wellbore many cases only standard Leak-Off Tests are
pressure exceeds the Fracture Initiation Pressure run, meaning neither Shmin nor FCP is measured.
(FIP) which, in turn, is associated closely with This usually results in LOP being taken as the
the Leak-Off Pressure (LOP) as determined in an Fracture Gradient.
Extended Leak-Off Test, or XLOT (see Fig. 1-1).
Induced fractures will develop and propagate in Mathematical Model for Lost
the direction in which they most easily can be Circulation in Fractures
opened and extended. Normally, this means the
fracture will develop in directions perpendicular The Tulsa University Drilling Research Projects
to the lowest principal in-situ stress, and is held initiative recently developed a model for lost
open by the fluid pressure acting against the circulation in drilling-induced fractures. The
formation stresses. Thus, a reduction in well purpose was to model the rate of drilling fluid
pressure serves to close an induced fracture. invasion into induced and natural (existing)
fractures. This model permits quantification
Induced fractures propagate in an uncontrolled of the volume and rate of losses in terms of
fashion when the wellbore pressure exceeds operational conditions, fracture parameters and
the Formation Breakdown Pressure (FBP), which fluid properties.
is always higher than the LOP. However, they
also can proliferate at a wellbore or Fracture Assumptions used to develop the model include:
Propagation (extension) Pressure (FPP) that is * For induced fractures, a single radial fracture
lower than FBP and close to the LOP. The FBP is created and is associated with radial flow.
is considered the pressure at which losses
essentially become uncontrollable or total. * With regard to its properties that influence
On the other hand, the FPP is considered the fracture propagation process,
the pressure at which fracture propagation the formation can be characterized
occurs in a more controlled fashion, and as homogeneous and isotropic. The
the losses that occur typically are lower deformations of the formation during
(partial) and controllable. In either case, fracture propagation can be derived from
generally it is believed whole mud loss can linear elastic stress-strain relations.
occur when wellbore pressure exceeds FPP.
* Fluid flow in the fracture is laminar
Consequently, it is prudent to maintain the
throughout and a Power-Law model is used
Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) below
to describe the viscosity of the fluid.
FPP. Interestingly, wellbore deviation does not
appear to affect FPP, though it can affect FBP * Fracture extension occurs in a simple
considerably. geometric pattern from a point source.

May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation 1-3

Flow Equation Rate of Mud Loss
For a slot of local width w(r) through which The rate of mud loss is expressed as a function
a Power-Law fluid (of flow behavior index, m of fracture extension, which ultimately yields
and consistency index, k) flows at the flow the following expressions:
rate q under laminar conditions, the elemental
frictional pressure is: For Induced Fractures

where r is distance from the wellbore.

For Natural (existing) Fractures
Fracture Geometry
The geometry of induced fractures depends
on the properties and stresses of the different
layers into which the fracture may propagate.
Thus, induced fractures are very sensitive to the
Since the vertical stress often is the major
compliance, kn (particularly Young’s Modulus,
principal stress, the two other principal
E), the fracture pressure, pn, and the viscosity
directions are in a horizontal plane. A fracture
parameters, k and m. The flow equation for
expanding from a point source in an isotropic
natural fractures is not affected by changes in
rock in a homogeneous stress field will expand
the fracture width and, consequently, does not
equally in all directions in the fracture plane,
contain the compliance term, kn. It is affected
thereby forming a circular or penny shape
by ∆p and the k and m terms, though not as
fracture. Fracturing of sufficient depth in highly
strongly as induced fractures; note that ∆p =
deviated wells is widely recognized as having
(pw – pf ). For Newtonian fluids, where m = 1,
the potential to generate transverse fractures,
q for induced fractures is proportional to pn4
since the wellbore axis is not being contained
and inversely proportional to E3, whereas q for
in the fracture plane. The model assumes
natural fractures is proportional to ∆p.
radial fracture geometry and flow to simulate
transverse fracturing treatments.
The rate of mud loss in induced fractures is
related to the net fracture pressure, while the
Fracture width
rate of loss in natural fractures depends on the
Under the assumption of plane strain, for a overbalance pressure ∆p = (pw – pf). Moreover,
pressurized circular crack opened by a constant the rate of loss in induced fractures is much more
net pressure pn the average width is related to sensitive to overpressure; for example, the loss
the net pressure as: rate of a Newtonian fluid varies with the fourth
power of net fracture pressure. Thus, any small
change in pressure could alter the propagation or
closure of induced fractures considerably.
where the fracture width is proportional to the
net fracture pressure, which is defined as the Identification of Loss Mechanism
difference between the wellbore pressure (pw)
Since the different loss mechanisms may
and the fracture closure pressure (FCP) or Shmin,
require different treatments, during drilling it
i.e. pn = pw - FCP. Here, v is Poisson’s Ratio and E is
is important to differentiate between losses in
Young’s Modulus. The proportionality constant
natural as opposed to induced fractures. The
kn is introduced here for the other parameters
characteristic responses of the two types of
to represent the normal fracture deformation
fractures with respect to the rate of loss and
modulus or fracture stiffness.
pressure measurement can be used to identify
the type of fracture.

1-4 May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation

Unlike natural losses, which are observed to the identification of the loss zone and the
occur at the bit when it encounters a natural placement of material designed to combat the
fracture, induced fractures occur in the weakest problem.
formation. Fractures may be induced when
the wellbore pressure or ECD is increased. Induced fractures are extended easily and are
Procedures such as increasing mud density, difficult to seal without reducing the hydrostatic
tripping, drilling too fast, the formation of pressure. And once initiated, they are difficult
mud rings or any other situation that causes a to control, because as the fractures widen and
temporary pressure surge can raise the wellbore elongate, any seal that may have been formed
pressure above Shmin or even LOP. Excessive surge is destroyed. Thus, lost circulation quickly can
pressure is the most common cause of fracture spiral out of control.
opening and propagation. Such fractures often
occur at depths much shallower than the bit; Dyke et al. (1995) provided a qualitative way
indeed, it is common for them to occur just of characterizing losses through the pit level
below the casing shoe of the previous interval. change with time, as illustrated in Fig. 1-2.
This attribute of induced fractures complicates

Fig. 1-2. Losses from Pit Level

The figure shows the change of pit level against of natural and induced fractures in borehole
time for losses into pores, natural fractures and image data, e.g. FMI (Formation Micro Imager)
induced fractures. Losses through pores start and OBMI (Oil-Based Mud Micro Imager) logs.
slowly and gradually increase, whereas losses
into natural fractures are associated with a Both resistivity and annular pressure
rapid initiation followed by gradual decline with measurements can be used to ascertain the
time. Owing to the high sensitivity of the width location of the loss zone. Bratton presents a
of induced fractures to fluid pressure, induced methodology for diagnosing drilling-induced
fractures exhibit a very different profile. Thus, fractures from real-time measurements, thereby
with changes in wellbore pressure, such as facilitating the prompt initiation of remedial
when the pumps are turned off and on, the pit actions. Using Annular Pressure while Drilling
level may change dramatically. (APWD), ballooning can be identified from the
shape of the pressure response to the cycling of
Acoustic, electrical, and optical wellbore the mud pumps. However, exponential tails will
images also provide a means of detecting and be observed on the pressure response when the
characterizing natural fracture systems and additional volume of fractures is considered.
to distinguish them from induced wellbore
failures. Barton et al present techniques and The flow of drilling fluid from the fracture and
criteria to measure and characterize attributes back into the borehole delays the drop in ECD

May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation 1-5

when the pumps are turned off. When the the rate of loss can be used to interpret fracture
pumps are turned on, it takes additional time to characteristics.
re-fill the fractures. From the pressure analysis,
a marked change in slope at different ECDs is Unlike log-based methods, mud loss analysis
interpreted as the fracture gradient or fracture techniques allow fracture flow properties to
reopening and extension pressure. A “square” be measured directly by monitoring fluid flow.
response in the annular pressure when the Moreover, logging techniques are more localized
mud pumps are cycled on or off indicates no around the wellbore, whereas mud loss analysis
fractures. When fractures exist, an ‘exponential measures the fracture properties within a large
tails’ is observed when the pump pressure opens volume of rock and is more representative of
and extends the fracture and removal of pump real scale.
pressure closes the fracture.
Minimizing Risk of Induced Fractures
Adachi et al. noted that, in contrast to
The following guidelines can help minimize
hydraulic fracturing models, which normally
the risk of inducing fractures and distinguish
assume constant flow rate in contrast to
between the losses in natural and induced
hydraulic fracturing models (which normally
assume constant flow rate), the problem of
lost circulation in fractures is derived from * Determine the loss rate and record the
a hydrostatic overbalance, and therefore a characteristics of the loss whether the
constant pressure boundary condition is more losses associated with an increase in ECD,
realistic. The authors applied a numerical model sensitivity to ECD or pump rate, increase/
for flow into an expanding fracture under decrease in ROP, crossing a fault.
constant wellbore pressure boundary (PBC)
* Reduce mud weight and ECD if possible.
to a number of lost circulation scenarios. This
approach has come to be accepted as current * Reduce circulation rate / viscosity.
industry practice.
* Reduce ROP.
In attempting to manage lost returns and
* Trip in hole more slowly and break (stop)
well control problems, Dupriest exploited the
circulation while rotating.
new concept of using hydrostatic packers in
propagating fractures. Employing hydrostatic
packers requires a solid understanding of the Lost Circulation Materials
fracture propagation mechanism through A number of techniques available to “cure” and
which the major lost returns events occur, in even prevent losses are discussed throughout
particular the role of fracture closure pressure this Manual, especially in Chapters 6 and 8.
(FCP). The idea promotes that the fracture is Many of the solutions that help prevent and
open when wellbore pressure is sufficient to remediate lost circulation involve treatment
overcome the sum of the stress holding the rock of the mud with particulates or chemicals
closed (Fracture Closure Stress) and the tensile that engage the loss zone in some fashion
strength of the rock. Hydrostatic packers were so as to isolate or patch the wellbore. While
used to control the placement of Lost Circulation LCM generally denotes the particulates, in
Material (LCM), cement and cross-linked some cases, chemical solutions also carry that
polymers. designation. Other terms recently coming into
vogue are Loss Prevention Materials (LPM) and
The measurement of pressure and flow rate Wellbore Strengthening Materials (WSM), which
while drilling can be used as an indication of the are identical and constitute a sub-set of LCM, as
type of the fracture. High-resolution flow meters shown in Fig. 1-3. These materials are usually
can measure the rate of fluid flow into and out granular and have relatively high fracture
of the wellbore. The characteristic response for toughness, i.e. they do not crush easily. Both

1-6 May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation

WSM and LPM refer to the LCM used specifically
to prevent, rather than remediate, losses.
The characteristics of LCM and how they
function to cure or prevent lost circulation
will be described in subsequent chapters. In
addition, other aspects of lost circulation, such
as best practices in drilling and solids control,
are detailed to provide input on all of the latest
tools engineered to deliver a quality wellbore.

Most Salts


Reactive Materials
Most Fibers
Marble Graphite

Hard, Granular

Soft Granules

Fig. 1-3. Lost Circulation and

Wellbore Strengthening Materials

May 2011 Fundamentals of Lost Circulation 1-7

Chapter 2 - Classification of the Severity of Losses
Lost circulation is often classified according Severe & Total Losses (> 15 m3/hr)
to the rate of loss as seepage, partial or severe
(including total). In almost all circumstances when losses of this
type are encountered, regaining full circulation
Seepage Losses (0.2 - 1.5 m3/hr) is required. Accordingly, the first step is to pump
a fluid of lower density down the annulus while
Seepage, or matrix, losses take the form of very monitoring the volume required to fill the well.
slow losses that can appear as filtration to a
highly permeable formation. Seepage losses If the well becomes stable, calculate the
also can be confused with cuttings removal and hydrostatic head required to fill the wellbore.
evaporation of the water phase at the surface. If losses persist, begin controlling same by
It is important not to confuse these completely spotting conventional LCM pills, and later
different events. progress to using plugs ging agents if that
standard treatment is unsuccessful. Because of
If seepage losses are suspected, the bit must be the reduced hydrostatic head, the well must be
pulled off bottom and the mud volumes checked monitored closely at all times for fluid influx.
with and without circulation. All mixing In some areas it may be possible to continue
equipment and non-essential solids removal drilling if the fluid cost is low and pressures are
equipment should be turned off and base line manageable.
values recorded.
Types of Rock Formations
Once it is established that whole drilling fluid
is indeed being lost, a decision must be made The nature of the drilled rock formations plays
on whether to cure the losses or merely tolerate a significant role in the risk and severity of lost
the situation. Depending on the economics circulation. Formations may be classified as:
of the drilling fluid and/or rig time, it may be
preferable to continue drilling with seepage Unconsolidated Formations
looses. However, if pressure constraints are While these formations typically are at shallow
tight, a good cement job is required. If formation depths and normally consist of sands or gravel,
damage or stuck pipe are the primary concerns, they can occur in shell beds or reef deposits.
an attempt should be made to cure the losses Coarse unconsolidated formations can possess
before proceeding with drilling. permeability sufficiently high to allow whole
mud to invade the formation matrix (10 - 100
Partial Losses (1.5 - 15 m3/hr) Darcies). For whole mud to be lost, the average
Since partial losses are greater than seepage particle found in the mud must be 1/3 or less of
losses, the cost of the fluid becomes more crucial the formation opening. Normally, these losses
in deciding whether to drill ahead or take are confined to shallow wells or surface hole.
remedial action. The rate of loss can vary from seepage to total
losses. In the event losses are total, a common
Once again, all the factors discussed previously practice is to drill blind, providing a sufficient
must be taken into consideration to decide if supply of water is available and environmental
drilling with partial losses can be tolerated or well control considerations do not pose
economically. Drilling with partial losses can be concerns. One justification for preventing
considered if the fluid is relatively inexpensive shallow mud losses is that these unconsolidated
and the pressures are within operating limits. formations may wash out, forming a large
cavity that is less stable and which could
cave in from overburden and rig weight. In

May 2011 Classification of the Severity of Losses 2-1

mountainous areas, preventing losses may be extended by hydraulically imposed pressures.
accomplished by drilling with air, mist, foam or In many cases, natural fractures exist that
aerated drilling fluids. may be impermeable under balanced pressure
conditions. Losses also may occur at unsealed
Highly Permeable / Low Pressure (Depleted fault boundaries.
Zones) Formations
Natural Fractures
These mainly are depleted sand reservoirs
and can occur at any depth. The extraction of This type of mud loss occurs mainly in shales
formation fluids from producing formations where fractures or fissures exist naturally. These
in the same field or general vicinity may cause intrinsic fractures require only that the mud
subnormal (depleted) formation pressure. The pressure exceed the fluid pressure within the
loss of mud to these formations require the rock. This can happen at overbalances as low as
passages be of sufficient size and intergranular 350 Pa. Initial loss rates can vary from seepage
connectivity and that the mud pressure exceeds to severe, but are more likely to be the latter.
the formation pressure, thus allowing the entry This type of loss rate can be troublesome to cure
of whole mud. This type of mud loss can range as they tend not to be localized, but rather exist
from seepage to severe and often can lead to through the geological interval being drilled.
differentially stuck pipe.
Induced Fractures
Caverns, Vugs and Faults Induced fractures occur when the wellbore
Cavernous or vugular formations usually pressure or some other critical pressure exceeds
are associated with low-pressure carbonate the fracture gradient of the rock, causing the
(limestone and dolomite) or volcanic formations. formation to break down. Once a fracture is
In limestone, vugs are created by the earlier created or opened by an imposed pressure, it
and continuous flow of mildly acidic water that may either be difficult to heal or never regain
dissolved part of the rock matrix (leaching), the original formation strength. These losses
thereby creating a void space that often is filled are much harder to cure with NAFs than with
later with oil or gas. When these formations are their water-based counterparts, especially in
drilled, the drill string may fall freely through formations that contain clay. Another oft-cited
the void zone, precipitating a sudden loss of reason is that NAFs generate thin filter cakes,
returns. The volume of losses will depend on the which produce poor pressure isolation at the
degree to which the vugs are interconnected. In fracture tip compared to the thicker filter cakes
more mature areas with a drilling history these generated by water-based drilling fluids It has
losses usually are predictable. been suggested that induced losses account
for up to 90% of all lost circulation incidents
Faults are another type of irregularity that recorded. Accordingly, it is prudent to plan or
ultimately can lead to catastrophic losses. pre-treat to prevent lost circulation.
Accordingly, it usually is best to avoid them,
if possible, but if not most well plans call for These losses often occur from intermediate
traversing faults in a normal or perpendicular casing being set in the wrong place or by
orientation to minimize instability-related excessive downhole circulating and surge
problems. pressures.

Mud loss also occurs to fissures or fractures in
wells where no coarsely permeable or cavernous
formations exist. These fissures or fractures
may occur naturally, or may be initiated or

2-2 May 2011 Classification of the Severity of Losses

Conditions that can lead to excessive downhole • Washouts can lead to cuttings
pressure include: accumulations in the enlarged hole
* Improper Hydraulics section. Afterwards, these accumulations
can fall back into the hole, resulting in a
• Excessive flow rates and fluid rheological pack off condition or create bridges in the
properties resulting in high ECD absence of drill pipe.
• Cuttings beds or barite sag in deviated
* Poor Drilling Practices wells may result in a localized density
• Pump surges caused by increasing the
pump rate too rapidly after connections • Kicks and well control procedures.
and trips. This is extremely important
when dealing with invert emulsions. * Poor Drilling Fluid Properties
Since inverts tend to have higher • Excessive viscosities and gel strengths.
viscosities when cooled, failure to bring
the pumps up to speed slowly can result • Build-up of drilled solids.
in much higher circulating pressures on
• Thick filter cakes that reduce the hydraulic
the formation. This condition occurs after
diameter of the wellbore.
trips and is exacerbated when drilling in
deep water. • Excessive mud density or increasing the
mud weight too rapidly.
• Raising and lowering the pipe too quickly
on connections or during trips (surge/ • Unbalanced mud columns.
• Barite sag.
• Excessive cuttings in the annular flow
stream from excessive ROP will result in a • Excessive low gravity solids (LGS) and
high ECD. high MBT values.

* Poor Hole Quality

• Sloughing or caving shales will increase

solids loading in the annulus, resulting
in high ECD. This condition may also
result in a pack off. Packing off, if even
temporary, can result in extremely
high pressures being imparted to the

May 2011 Classification of the Severity of Losses 2-3

Chapter 3 - Detection and Analysis of Losses
Effective treatment of lost circulation comprises In addition, it is necessary to identify the type of
a series of steps that include: formation being drilled and practices that may
increase the risks of losses in pre-existing as
1. Assessing the cause(s) of lost circulation well as induced openings in the rock:

2. Establishing the location of the loss zone Unconsolidated and Highly Permeable
3. Identifying the nature of the loss zone Formations

4. Selecting the proper remedial action Usually, extremely permeable formations

with high inter-granular porosity are found at
shallow depths and rarely are over-pressured.
The rate of success depends heavily on In these zones, the pores typically are too large
addressing these steps in a sequential and to accommodate the creation of a competent
coordinated fashion. Planning should identify filter cake. Consequently, when hydrostatic
formations that are potentially troublesome pressure exceeds the formation pore pressure,
or prone to losses and afterwards outline the mud will be forced into the rock. As a result,
procedures and actions to be taken prior to lost circulation may be initiated while drilling,
entering those zones. For exploratory drilling tripping or while circulating to condition the
and/ or when encountering unexpected events, hole prior to running casing.
the 4-step strategy outlined above can deliver
an effective and timely solution. The loss usually starts with a gradual reduction
in the pit level, and, if no remedial action is taken,
Causes of Lost Circulation the loss may exceed rig pumping capacity. This
When a drop in the mud volume is noted, it type of mud loss can range from seepage to severe
frequently is assumed the losses are occurring loss and often leads to differentially stuck pipe.
down hole. However, this may not always be
the case. The first response to a reduction in the Natural Fissures and Fractures
mud volume should be to pick the bit off bottom This type of lost circulation can occur in a
and observe the well for fluid movement. Once number of rock types and requires only that the
losses have been confirmed, the following mud pressure exceeds the fluid pressure within
verification steps are recommended: the rock. Overbalances as low as 350 Pa may be
* Establish the loss rate sufficient to initiate losses in fissures or fractures.
Older, harder and more consolidated formations
* Check the solids control equipment to are the more likely locations for natural fractures.
ensure no new equipment has been placed They are created by geological movements after
on-line and the discharge rates are normal sedimentation and compaction and have a
* Check to ensure no mud has been dumped, higher frequency of occurrence near faults and
transferred or otherwise removed from the areas that have been subjected to tectonic forces
system and stresses, such as those occurring with the
movement of salt domes or diapirs.
* Check all joints, pipe connections and valves
for leaks While the initial loss rate can be minor (seepage)
it quickly can approach severe if drilling
* Assess casing wear potential for each type
proceeds. This type of loss has caused some of
of operation as a function of hole trajectory,
the most troublesome lost circulation incidents
wellbore structure, drillpipe configuration
and mud system

May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses 3-1

Cavernous and Vugular Formations * Hold back formation pressures

These normally are found in carbonate and * Allow tripping (trip margin)
limestone formations. Losses during drilling
* Stabilize the wellbore (note that with
often are characterized by sudden and complete
respect to the in-situ stresses weak
losses with the bit often dropping several feet.
formations require an effective mud
Often, the loss rates will exceed rig pumping
overbalance for stability, which is dependent
capabilities. The caverns are caused by water
on well inclination and direction).
percolating through the formations over
geological periods of time creating channels.
Caverns can be localized or form part of a more During drilling a transition from an abnormally
extensive system where the voids may range in pressured zone to a normal or sub-pressured
size from pinhole to tunnels. Pressures in these zone may be encountered. This pressure
formations usually are sub-normal, meaning differential may be sufficient to cause induced
they are below that of a fresh water gradient. losses, which occur in the form of hydraulically
fracturing the formation or either the pressure
Caverns are the most difficult lost circulation may be sufficient to cause whole mud invasion
zones in which to re-establish circulation and into a permeable formation. During well
in many cases the well must be drilled “blind”, control situations lost circulation can occur
i.e., with no returns. Air, foam or aerated mud when the well is shut-in. The shut-in pressure
drilling may be effective in these circumstances. is transmitted down the wellbore, breaking the
If the caverns occur close to surface, there is a formation at its weakest point. This not only
risk of location collapse. results in lost circulation, but also losing control
of the well.
Hole in the Casing or Riser
Proper planning and execution will minimize
A hole in the casing or a leak in a liner hanger the possibility and severity of the kick.
can lead to lost circulation by subjecting the Personnel responsible for the operation at the
formation, previously protected by the casing or well site should be aware of the maximum
liner, to a mud weight that exceeds its fracture allowable casing shut-in pressure (MACSP) and
gradient. A leak in an offshore drilling riser also volume. The volume of the intruding fluid or gas
will lead to drilling mud being lost from that is related directly to the MACSP and should be
section of pipe. minimized.

Induced Fractures If a well has been shut-in, proper kill procedures

Induced fractures occur when the wellbore should be used to maintain the proper constant
pressure exceeds the fracture pressure of the bottom hole pressure to kill the well. If proper
rock, causing the formation to break down. procedures are not followed, an underground
Conditions leading to this type of loss are blowout can occur. Proper planning and
included in the VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS* software execution is the key to avoiding mud losses due
package and could be predicted and minimized to excessive mud weight. Always maintain as
through thorough planning and monitoring. low a mud weight as practical.
Conditions that cause excessive wellbore
pressure include: Excessive ECD
Circulation of the drilling fluid generally
Excessive Mud Weight increases the effective mud weight, or ECD, and
Mud weight is the major source of pressure it may reach a level that exceeds the fracture
in the well. The density of the fluid should be gradient, thus resulting in mud losses. Where
maintained at a safe minimum to: conditions allow, these losses may be cured by
reducing the base mud weight, the rheology, the

3-2 May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses

cuttings concentration in the annulus, slowing Poor Filtration Control
down the pump rate or a combination thereof.
Proper attention, however, should be given to A high filtration rate generally equates to a thick
hole cleaning and wellbore stability when these filter cake building against the formation. This
remedies are considered. reduces the annular clearance. For instance, a
½-in filter cake reduces an 216 mm hole to
ECD is calculated by the following equation: 190 mm or a 165 mm hole to 140 mm. Smaller
diameter annuli lead to higher velocities for
ECD (kg/m3) = ρ (kg/m3) + pa (Pa) / [0.052 x TVD (m)] a given flow rate and, hence, a higher ECD. In
severe cases, the mud cake can reach a level
where ρ = fluid density in kg/m3 where the hole packs off around the drill string.
pa = pressure loss in annulus in Pa On the other hand, the filter cake quality itself
can provoke cutting agglomeration due to
If a high mud weight is required to control stickance.
abnormal formation pressures in another
part of the hole, losses may occur in a weak Cuttings-Related Losses
zone. If the mud density cannot be reduced Cuttings can affect lost circulation in a number
without destabilizing the well or inducing a of ways. When hole cleaning is inadequate,
kick, consideration should be given to reducing cuttings may accumulate in the annulus,
the ECD through alteration of either the pump loading up the mud weight locally until losses
rates or the flow properties of the fluid. If either are induced.
of these options is considered, close attention
should be paid to hole cleaning so as not to stick Hole washouts can reduce the annular
the pipe, overload the annulus with cuttings, or in velocity to the point where cuttings are no
high-angle wells, induce weighting material sag. longer transported out of the well. When this
occurs, the drill solids may accumulate, slough
Excessive Pump Rate/Fluid Viscosity downwards and bridge off where the hole size is
Flow properties and circulating rate should normal, thereby resulting in pressure surges.
be balanced to deliver the minimum pressure
losses consistent with cuttings removal. High In deviated wells, cutting beds that are not
rates of circulation, while improving hole properly eroded and left to build-up may slump
cleaning, may expose the formation to excessive in the hole, packing off and pressurizing the
pressure. formation to the point that it breaks down. One
common practice when drilling deviated wells
Conversely, high yield point and gel strengths is to pump pills to assist with hole cleaning.
also may result in the formation being subject Warning: Once these beds are disturbed, it
to high pressures for a given pump rate. When is possible that the cuttings will slump and
these types of losses are of seepage in nature, pack off, thereby increasing pressure to the
simply reducing the pump rate for a given formation perhaps to the breakdown point.
period of time may actually cure the losses. Slumping typically occurs in the angle-building
Once the losses are cured, the pump strokes can sections of deviated wells.
be brought up gradually until the desired pump
rate is achieved. Pressure Surges
Pressure surges that derive from pump surging
while breaking circulation or a rapid lowering
of drill pipe or casing can result in a pressure
peak high enough to break down the formation.
Consequently, the induced fracture(s) may
propagate rapidly at the fracture propagation

May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses 3-3

pressure, which can be significantly lower than Pack offs subsequently increase the pressure
the formation breakdown pressure, resulting resulting in a breakdown of the formation.
in losses. VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS is a powerful tool
to model achievable maximum pressure in all Circulating Casing
the aforementioned situations; therefore, it is
Owing to the higher pressures resulting from
highly recommended that VH be employed in
a smaller annular clearance, losses often occur
the planning and execution stages to identify
while circulating the casing. During this stage
high-risk situations.
of the operation, the fluid often cools. This
leads to an increase in the static density of the
In addition, a number of drilling practices can
fluid. In addition, viscosity usually rises with
induce downhole drilling fluid losses by creating
a decrease in temperature. The combination of
surge pressures that will increase the pressure
these phenomena has the effect of causing a
on the formations:
significant increase in the ECD. Applying proper
operational practices and using circulating
* Running in with the drill string or casing casing tools help minimize pressures surges.
inevitably will create a piston effect and
surge pressure. This problem will be Open-Hole Displacements
aggravated by packed hole assemblies
and when the mud is cold with high gel Open hole displacements can create conditions
strengths. Circulating and filling casing of abnormal pressures. The increased pressure
tools allow continuous homogenizing of the may arise from frictional losses while displacing
fluid column, thus circulating out any loose fluids of significantly different weight, an
obstruction. Not all operations have access unbalanced hydrostatic column, or chemical
to this hardware so it may be necessary to interactions between fluids in the hole or
break circulation at several stages during the formation-fluids. Careful planning and design
trip into the hole. It is important to establish criteria should be sufficient to minimize or
and adhere to maximum allowable pipe mitigate these situations. With its capacity to
handling speeds. generate comprehensive pressure and volume
displacement profiles, the proprietary VIRTUAL
* Pump surge. If the pump speed is increased COMPLETIONS FLUIDS* software package can help
rapidly, this will generate a surge pressure. adjust planned execution conditions for open
Therefore, it is essential to bring the pump and cased hole displacements.
on line slowly and carefully.
* Excessive penetration rate. It is always
necessary to control penetration rates In cementing, the drilling fluid is displaced in an
to ensure the annulus is being cleaned. open hole with cement slurry. The intrinsically
Controlled drilling will be required if a high density of the cement slurry contributes
formation with a low fracture gradient is to very high pressure surges in the exposed
exposed in the open hole section. open hole intervals. Hence, this type of losses
occurs most often and is considered a ‘necessary
Hole Enlargement evil’. However, careful simulation of the
displacement using VIRTUAL COMPLETIONS FLUIDS may
Hole enlargement will drop annular velocity in help in selecting the proper pumping regime to
the portion of the wellbore where it occurs. An minimize the probability of the losses.
increase in the wellbore size allows depositional
build up of the cuttings in the enlarged section. Location of the Loss Zone
Once cuttings accumulate in the washout Identifying the position of the loss zone
section they may begin to slump in and bridge is paramount in rectifying lost circulation
the wellbore, resulting in a packed off situation. problems. Correctly identifying the position

3-4 May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses

of the theft zone is critical for the proper * Losses are normally “off bottom” if:
placement of the lost circulation material. The
theft zone may be located from previous drilling • They first occur while tripping, drilling
records, drilling rates, drilling breaks, formation fast or increasing mud weight
changes and various logging techniques. For • They obviously are the result of an
known areas, pore pressure/fracture pressure induced fracture
gradients or trends provide important guidance
in narrowing down the location of the weakest • They result from shutting in and killing
zone or the formation most prone to lost the well
• The annular loading is sufficient to
increase a return apparent mud weight
* If the losses are experienced while drilling, to the extent that it is higher than the last
the loss zone likely is on bottom and caused casing shoe fracture gradient
by natural fractures, caverns or highly
permeable formations.
Onsite fluid engineers must be alert for any
* If losses are experienced while either indication of a potential loss, which will
tripping or increasing mud weight, it is facilitate expedient identification of the root
likely the loss zone is not on bottom and is cause. While pit monitors and PVTs offer
the result of induced fractures. Recognizing drilling crews a reliable detection system, more
a loss while tripping back into the hole rudimentary methods, such as strapping pits
requires attention to the volume of fluid with physical marks wherever the surface
being displaced by the pipe. This volume system permits, are a good backup practice.
can be determined by observation or from
regular examination of the pit level record. Several logging methods also are available for
locating the point of loss.
* Drilling into a sub-normally pressured,
naturally fractured formation usually is Spinner Survey
indicated by a sudden high loss of returns
accompanied by an increase in rotary A spinner survey tool acts as a down hole flow
torque. When no previous problems meter to identify the fluid flow into the lost
have been encountered, this is a reliable circulation zone. The spinner survey is made
indication that the lost circulation zone is at by running a small spinner attachment into
bit depth. Losses are normally “on bottom” the well on a single conductor cable and is
if: configured so the rotor spins or turns if any
horizontal movement of the mud occurs. The
• They first occur while drilling ahead rpm of the rotor is recorded on film as a series
of dashes or spaces. The rpm will be very slow
• The loss is accompanied by a notable
initially, but will speed up considerably when
change in ROP, torque, or drilling
the loss zone is encountered. However, this
method poses a couple of limitations:
• Induced fractures on bottom can be * It requires deliberate loss of large volumes of
caused when the BHA or bit balls up, mud
thereby restricting the annulus
* It is not effective when sealing particles are
• The loss is due to natural fractures, faults, already present in the mud
caverns, vugs or high permeability sands
and gravels. An increase in torque follows
Temperature Survey
a drilling break or the kelly free falls while
drilling and is coupled with an instant The temperature survey depends on a
loss in circulation subsurface thermometer for measuring

May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses 3-5

the difference in the mud and formation circuit, thus indicating the rate of flow and
temperatures. This survey involves running where the mud becomes static.
a sensitive element in the well that changes
its resistance as the temperature changes. This method appears to have certain
Two surveys are run. One is to establish the advantages:
temperature gradient of the well after the mud * It is simple to construct and operate
has come to equilibrium with the formation.
The second survey is run immediately * It is not easily clogged by lost circulation
after adding cool mud to the well. A sharp material
temperature discrepancy will occur at the point
* It is workable in almost any type of mud
of loss. As with the previous survey, this also
one requires a large volume of fluid. * It can be used to locate a hole in the casing

Radioactive Tracer Survey

The disadvantages are:
Radioactive surveys for the point of loss consist * Considerable mud flow is required
of making two gamma ray surveys. A base log is
run before radioactive materials are introduced. * The equipment may not be readily available
Afterwards, a slug of mud containing radioactive
material is pumped down the hole. A new log Open Hole Logs – Wireline
is run and high concentrations of radioactive
material will be noted at the point of loss. This Open-hole logs can be used to indicate zones
method provides accurate data for locating the of high mud invasion, which may be linked
point of loss, but requires expensive equipment to induced fractures. Logs also can provide
and additional deliberate loss of mud to obtain information regarding the mechanical
the desired data. properties of the formation in the wellbore and
the directions of the minimum and maximum
Hot Wire Survey stresses. While they do not give exact formation
strength, these logs offer a comparison among
The hot wire essentially is a calibrated the various formations. Thus, a formation
resistance wire that is sensitive to temperature properties log can be qualitatively used to
changes. It is run to a desired point in the well identify weak zones quickly.
where the resistance is noted before mud
pumped into the hole. If the tool is above the The sonic logs are particularly useful. The UBI
point of loss, the mud flow will indicate a Ultrasonic Borehole Imager tool provides a
change in resistance. If the resistance remains high-resolution image of the borehole, identifies
constant, the tool is below the point of loss. the orientation of any breakouts (washouts),
Although the tool can be used in any type of and shows any fractures that may be present.
mud, a large volume of fluid is required while Breakouts usually appear in the direction of the
making the survey. minimum stress, whereas induced fractures
are perpendicular to the minimum stress
Pressure Transducer Survey direction. The DSI Dipole Shear Sonic Imager
This type of survey involves using a short tool uses shear wave anisotropy in the rock to
cylinder that is open at the top and swaged determine the stress orientation. Since it does
at the bottom to restrict flow of mud through not rely on wellbore failure, it therefore is more
the tube. The survey involves a window fitted reliable than other logs. Fluid invasion also can
with a neoprene diaphragm on one side of the be inferred from differences in the transit time
tube. An electrode on the diaphragm moves between LWD and wireline logs. If invasion
back and forth between two fixed electrodes. occurs, the previously slow sonic exhibits an
As the pressure differential varies across the increase (i.e., wireline logs will indicate a slower
diaphragm, the potential varies in the electric formation than the LWD log).

3-6 May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses

In addition, the Compensated Dual Resistivity in deciding whether any changes in the mud
(CDR) tool can be used for fracture detection, properties are warranted.
but only if an invert emulsion mud is used.
This tool is unreliable in water-based drilling Nature of the Loss Zone
fluids, because they have insufficient resistivity
It is very important to characterize the loss
contrast. The CDR measures deep and shallow
zone(s) comprehensively. If done improperly,
resistivities. This log can be run as part of the
chances are treatments will not be successful
LWD tool. A comparison with logs run later
in overcoming lost circulation. Knowing what
on wireline can identify both post-drilling
type of losses are occurring makes it possible to
fracturing or fracture healing.
determine the type of lost circulation material,
the probable position of the loss zone(s), and
Another useful logging tool in identifying losses
whether any changes in the density and
and fractures is FMI. With this tool, arrays of
properties of the mud or drilling practices are
electrodes are deployed on pads mounted on
four or six caliper arms and pushed against the
side of the well. The current measured at each
Downhole Tools
electrode indicates the contact resistance with
the well. FMI logs are unwrapped images of the Downhole tools can provide significant
wellbore wall. Their position around the well information and control. For example, the
is shown in the abscissa while depth is shown drilling team might have access to real-time
on the ordinate. For example, breakouts, vugs annular pressure sensors, such as APWD
or caverns appear as out-of-focus areas in FMI tools, to detect losses and identify the relative
logs, because of the poor contact of the electrode location. Discontinuities in pressure trends
arrays on the pads of the tool. Fractures or directly indicate a disturbance on normal
bedding planes are shown as sinusoids on the drilling parameters and potential loss zones.
FMI images. Further, resistivity measurements (LWD tools)
use comparisons of offset wells or historical
While locating the thief zone is good practice, measurements to help indicate fluid migration
there are several reasons why surveys are not to the formation.
run more often:
* Considerable time is spent in getting the An example would be a “square” response from
necessary equipment to the rig, and a APWD measurements (Fig. 3-1) when the mud
deliberate loss of mud is required for these pumps are turned on and off, indicating no
surveys. losses through fractures. When the pumps are
off, the ECD drops immediately and conversely
* The survey results sometimes are difficult to increase instantly when the pumps are on and
interpret. the system is “closed”. On the other hand, if a
non-square response is observed from APWD
* Conditions may not allow these tools to
data, as shown in Fig. 3-2, losses through
be run because of abnormal subsurface
fractures are taking place. This non-immediate
response in pressure with the pumps on or off
results from the additional volume taken by the
Mud Loggers Chart fractures when the pumps are turned on, or else
These data can provide an accurate record of by the closing of fractures when the pumps are
how and when the losses occurred. Offset well turned off, thus returning fluids to the wellbore.
log data also is very useful in this identification
process. The rig geologist often has offset log A separation between the shallow resistivity
data of the formation from adjacent wells, and the deep resistivity from LWD tools
which can help identify the cause and potential indicates fluid migration to the formation, either
location of the loss. The mud engineer can help through fracture or matrix leak-off, as illustrated

May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses 3-7

in Fig. 3-3. Since oil-based mud was used in this * Loss rate while tripping is similar to
example, a higher shallow resistivity than deep circulating
resistivity indicates where the loss occurs.
* Loss rate somewhat sensitive to pump rate
Formation Characteristics * With additional penetration, loss rate is
The characteristics of fractured impermeable highly variable
rock contrasts with those of permeable zones. * Loss may be associated with a drilling break
Typically, fractures are found in permeable rock
formations within a depleted sand or carbonate.
These fractures normally are more easily
Losses Through Caverns
“Sealed” or “closed” than those induced in tight
* Mud weight below fracture gradient
sands, siltstones, and shales. This is due in large
part to permeable formations having a higher * Losses are instantaneous
potential for filtrate loss and fracture plugging.
Field data compiled from lost-circulation events * Loss may be associated with a drilling break
within permeable formations show them or immediately preceding the loss the bit may
having a higher potential for filtrate loss and drop from a few milimeters to a few meters.
fracture plugging.
* Excessive torque may be experienced before
Before initiating any preventive or remedial
treatment, it is important to identify the exact * Rock may have been subjected to
nature of the losses. dolomitization or karstification

Losses Through Pores * Loss rate while tripping is similar to circulating

* With additional penetration, loss rate is highly

* Occur in unconsolidated or high-matrix
permeability formations

* Occur when the solids content of the mud is Losses Through Induced Fractures
* Mud weight approximately equal to or
* Losses starts gradually and, with additional
greater than fracture gradient
penetration, build up to a maximum rate.
* Formation may be impermeable (such
* A loss rate that is not appreciably higher
a shale) and without a high matrix
while tripping in
• A loss rate that is relatively insensitive to
* Likely to occur when encountering a change
pump rate
in lithology, such as going from shale to
• Mud weight substantially below fracture sandstone
* Losses start suddenly with a maximum
Losses Through Natural Fractures initial rate

* Loss rate is considerably higher when

* Mud weight substantially below fracture
tripping pipe
* Loss rate is very sensitive to pump rate
* Formation is not of high matrix permeability
* Loss rate not associated with a drilling break
* Losses start suddenly

* Loss rate may increase exponentially with

3-8 May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses
Fig.3-1. PWD – No Fractures Fig. 3-2. PWD - Fractures

Fig. 3-3. LWD – Higher Resistivity Indicates OBM Losses

May 2011 Detection and Analysis of Losses 3-9

Chapter 4 - Classification of Lost Circulation Materials
A number of approaches are employed to By far the most common criterion for classifying
classify lost circulation materials (LCM). LCM is size. Some LCM are supplied in three
Most methods are based on some physical or grades related to size - Fine, Medium and Coarse.
mechanical characteristic, such as: Others are supplied in grades related to the
median particle size or D50. For easy reference,
• Particle Size and Size Distribution Table 1 shows the approximate particle sizes for
• Particle Shape and Texture some very common M-I SWACO LCM products.
• Aspect Ratio
• Compressive Strength Besides providing good fluid-loss control in
• Bulk Density moderate-to-high-permeability formations, the
• Resiliency four OPTISEAL blends are designed to plug fracture
• Deformability apertures up to 1,200 μm.
• Destructibility

Table 4-1. Median Particle Size of M-I SWACO Granular LCMs

Product Name D50 (m) Product Name D50 (m)

C-SEAL 100 - 50 SAFE-CARB 2 1-4

C-SEAL Fine 20 - 40 SAFE-CARB 10 60 - 15
G-SEAL 300 - 350 SAFE-CARB 20 16 - 29
G-SEAL HRG 450 - 550 SAFE-CARB 40 31 - 48
G-SEAL HRG Fine 25 - 55 SAFE-CARB 250 225 - 300
G-SEAL PLUS 200 - 500 SAFE-CARB 500 430 - 520
G-SEAL PLUS Coarse 400 - 500 SAFE-CARB 600 550 - 650
NUT PLUG Fine 1400 - 1600 SAFE-CARB 750 655 - 800
NUT PLUG MEDIUM 500 - 600 SAFE-CARB 1400 1200 - 1550
OPTISEAL I 500 - 600 SAFE-CARB 2500 2300 - 2700
OPTISEAL II 500 - 600 VINSEAL Fine 50 - 90
OPTISEAL III 500 - 600 VINSEAL Medium 250 - 350
OPTISEAL IV 500 - 600 VINSEAL Coarse 600-800

** Median Particle Size (D50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and grinding
process. Generally, particle size distributions are measured using laser light scattering if D50 < 100 µm and
dry sieve analysis if D50 ≥ 100 µm (as measured by dry sieve analysis). If a precise size distribution of a
product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be measured with the appropriate test procedure using
samples that are representative of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal D10 and D90 values
are available from Houston Technical Services upon request.

* OPTISEAL I and II are designed as fracture * OPTISEAL III has been optimized specifically
sealing and Wellbore Strengthening for non-aqueous fluid (NAF) applications.
Materials (WSM) in porous and fractured
formations while drilling with aqueous * OPTISEAL IV is composed of acid-soluble
fluids. marble for use in reservoir drilling

May 2011 Classification of Lost Circulation Materials 4-1

Another way to classify LCM is by its physical ground limestone or ground marble used
form and/or the manner in which it performs to prevent seepage/partial losses. Since it is
downhole. To this end, LCM are classified as acid soluble, calcium carbonate often is used
either Particulates or Chemicals, and beneath to reduce losses in producing zones.
these there may be subcategories, such as:
* Sized Salt: This LCM encompasses various
Particulates grades of salt, suspended in salt-saturated
solutions. They are used in pill form or as a
• Fibers complete system, especially when drilling or
• Granules working over producing zones. The blocking
• Flakes or platelets effect can be removed by the application of
• Mixed fresh water and acid to dissolve the pill.
• High fluid loss squeezes
* G-SEAL: This graphite material comes in
Cross-Linkable Polymer Pills Coarse grind size and may be used in both
water-based and invert emulsions. This
material has been applied successfully for
Soft and Hard Plugs both natural and induced losses. Laboratory
and field studies indicate that G-SEAL
• Gunk Squeeze
promotes fracture healing properties with
• Reverse Gunk Squeeze
invert emulsions. Normally 28.5 kg/m3 is
• Barite/Hematite Plugs
carried in the active mud system to limit
losses to induced fractures. G-SEAL also has
Miscellaneous proven beneficial for blocking permeable
formations and reducing the differential
• POLYSWELL sticking potential of the fluid. G-SEAL PLUS and
• Sodium Silicate G-SEAL PLUS Coarse are graphite/coke blends
with bimodal particle size distributions.
* NUTPLUG: Three grades of these pecan or
Fibers: walnut shells (location specific) are available
- Fine, Medium and Coarse.
These materials have a relatively small degree of
Novel Materials: These LCM include high-
rigidity and are thought to mat or entangle on
resiliency graphites - G-SEAL HRG, G-SEAL HRG
the surface or within a formation that is taking
Flakes or Platelets:
Examples: M-I-X II, M-I CEDAR FIBER, Sawdust and
Drilling Paper. Most of these materials are provided in Materials with a flat, layer-like appearance and
grades of Fine, Medium, and Coarse.
may have limited or no rigidity.
Examples: Mica, Phenoseal and Cellophane.
These are particulate materials of various * Mica: Can be one of several silicates of
degrees of rigidity, rugosity and size. These varying chemical composition, but with
materials are able to bridge and wedge either similar physical characteristics. All micas
at the face of or within formations capable or tend to cleave into thin sheets that are
taking mud. flexible and elastic. This material comes in
Fine, Medium and Coarse grades.
Examples: Calcium Carbonate, Sized Salt, G-SEAL and
NUTPLUG. * Phenoseal: A thermoset, laminated, flaked
* Calcium Carbonate: Different grades of material, it comes in three grades: Fine

4-2 May 2011 Classification of Lost Circulation Materials

(1190μ - 177μ), Medium (2000μ - 250μ) and With these slurries, hydrostatic pressure often
Coarse (4750μ - 850μ). This is a very rigid is sufficient to seal the loss zone. A light squeeze
material and will not degrade as fast as pressure (700 - 2000 Pa) may be applied to open
mica. up and then seal fractures, which otherwise
would cause problems later. The basic slurry or
* Cellophane: Flakes measuring on average a slurry containing low concentrations of fiber
3/8-in. and manufactured from pure, can be pumped through bit jets.
precipitated cellulose. The flakes are inert
and do not react with other mud products Examples: Diatomaceous Earth (DE), DiaSeal M, DE/
and are not affected by crude oil and brines. Attapulgite or Sepiolite Pills, FORM-A-SQUEEZE,
Novel Material: High-shear-strength EMI-1820
Materials, which are mixes of fibrous, granular
and flaked material in one sack. These materials Cross-Linkable Polymer Pills
offer the benefits of mixing all three materials
In polymer chemistry, when the polymer chains
with regards to proper sizing.
are linked together by cross-links (bonds linking
Examples: M-I SEAL* (Fine, Medium and Coarse) and one polymer chain to another) they lose some
Kwikseal (Fine, Medium and Coarse). of their ability to move individually. M-I SWACO
uses liquid or dry polymer chains that are
* M-I SEAL is a combination of granular, fibrous
rehydrated and can be formed into a gel or solid
and flaked in one sack. It is one of the most
mass. Some types include sized particles that
widely used LCM, especially in water-based
will help reduce fluid loss to the formation.
muds. Although Kwikseal can reduce the
emulsion stability of oil-based muds, it has
been used primarily to cure losses in partial * FORM-A-SET* and FORM-A-SET AK* are
or severe situations. polymer plugs that are cross-linked with
Cr+3, in which cross-links develop with time
and temperature. These plugs are designed
High-Fluid-Loss Squeezes:
with a retarder for formation temperatures
The composition of this type of slurry is over 25°C. The FORM-A-SET plug can be
engineered to dehydrate readily when squeezed weighted up to 2.16 sg, while the FORM-A-SET
into the loss zone. The solids pack the fractures AK plug can be weighted up to 1.92 sg. Both
forming a seal. A typical high fluid loss slurry plugs are thermally stable to 150°C. Care
contains a mixture of diatomaceous earth, should be exercised in or near the producing
bridging agents and barite suspended in either interval as they cannot be degraded and
water or oil. produced back.

* FORM-A-PLUG II* lost circulation plug is a

These slurries are ideal for induced fractures
blend of cross-linkable polymers and borate
where external bridging is not paramount and
minerals designed for suspension and fluid
it is important to get a high pressure drop into
loss control. Cross-links develop with time
the fracture. Mud solids should provide the
and temperature and can be designed with
necessary fines for bridging. In fractured, low
varying concentrations of accelerators and
porosity formations, 30 kg/m3 of Fine fibrous
retarders to provide the optimal setting
LCM usually is added. Coarse or granular LCM
time. In laboratory testing, the FORM-A-PLUG
should not be added as they may prevent
II material was shown to be 95% dissolvable
ingress of the diatomaceous earth into the
when contacted with 15% HCl solution.
fracture or, if they do invade, may act as a

May 2011 Classification of Lost Circulation Materials 4-3

Novel Materials: OBC is a hydration-type plug with a high
concentration of bentonite and cement mixed
Cross-linkable reversible or breakable polymer with diesel where it hydrates when mixed with
squeezes. water or brine to form a hard plug. The cement
allows the pill to develop compressive strength
* EMS-8320 is a urethane-based system that over time. The ratio of bentonite and cement
is effective as both a lost circulation and can be varied to alter the final compressive
a wellbore strengthening material. It is a strength.
seven- component system that forms an The final strength of OBC is determined by the
oil-soluble gel and is well suited for both bentonite to cement ratio, the pumping ratio
permeable and non-permeable formations. of OBC down the drill string and the drilling
Typical setting time for the gel is 2-3 hours, fluid pumped concurrently down the annulus.
which is determined by the temperature Usually, the starting ratio of the fluid to OBC is
and the ratio of the components (a 4 to 1 and produces progressively firmer plugs
chemical accelerant and retardant). This as the ratio of fluid to OBC decreases to 1:3. The
system has an operational temperature 4:1 ratio mix will produce a highly viscous fluid,
range of 20°-120°C. However, at higher while the 1:3 mix produces a semi-soft to hard
temperatures, more retardant is necessary, plug.
is which decreases compressive strength.
It is compatible with both lost circulation/ OBC is applicable for lost returns where more
prevention material and barite. Increasing conventional lost circulation materials have
the density of the pill results in higher failed. OBC can be used with freshwater
compressive strengths. and saltwater fluid systems (chlorides less
than 50,000 ppm). If the chloride content of
* EMS-8420 is a HTHP water-based lost the drilling fluid exceeds 50,000 ppm, it is
circulation pill. It is a breakable pill recommended to use a 1:1 blend of attapulgite
that consists of a gelling agent, a cross- and bentonite to reduce chloride sensitivity.
linker, a retarding agent and acid soluble
weighting material (calcium carbonate or Reverse Gunk Squeezes:
ferrous carbonate). It has an operational
temperature range of 65-230°C and, likewise, Reverse Gunk Squeeze is another example of a
can be mixed in densities up to 2.16 sg. bentonitic squeeze. This treatment employs the
same method as the Gunk Squeeze. Unlike the
Soft and Hard Plugs Gunk Squeeze, which can be used with water-
based muds, the Reverse Gunk Squeeze is used
Gunk Squeezes: only with NAF.

Oil/Bentonite (OB) or Conventional Gunk The treatment is applied by pumping the Gunk
Squeeze is a hydration-type plug with a high fluid down the drill pipe or tubing to the end
concentration of un-hydrated clay material of the string. With the annulus closed, the
(bentonite). This plug gels/thickens rapidly treatment is pumped simultaneously down
when intermixed with the downhole fluid the drill pipe and the annulus. Intermixing of
or mud. Usually, these fluids are a mixture of the Gunk fluid and the mud occurs at the end
diesel and bentonite, which gel quickly when and below the drill pipe, forming a gelatinous/
intermixed with water-base mud or some highly-viscous/thick mass that is squeezed
type of brine. Cement often is added to the into the loss circulation zone. A Reverse Gunk
conventional Gunk mixture to add additional Squeeze fluid is a mixture of organophilic clay
strength to the final Gunk-mud material, thus (clay that is treated to swell in the presence
forming Oil/Bentonite/Cement (OBC). of NAF) and water, which rapidly gels when,
intermixed with a NAF downhole.

4-4 May 2011 Classification of Lost Circulation Materials

The clay/water mixture is squeezed into VERSAPAC:
the formation, while the NAF is pumped
simultaneously down the annulus. The two VERSAPAC organic thixotrope is thermally
mix and cause the clay to swell and form an activated and sets up under static conditions. In
impermeable zone. Although the slurry can be combination with ECOTROL* RD fluid-loss control
weighted with barite, this is not recommended additive and LCM/WSM, it forms an effective
since the effective concentration of clay will lost circulation pill when mixed in NAF systems.
be reduced with the volume of barite added. When activated, VERSAPAC* produces a soft-set
Cement is not added to Reverse Gunk fluids ductile plug in the temperature interval 50°-
since it will not hydrate when contacted by an 115°C. VERSAPAC has an advantage in that it can
NAF mud. be combined with LCM/WSM or WSM blends
available at the rig-site. Thus, it can be used as
Barite/Hematite Plugs: a settable, reinforcing plug should conventional
remedial pill treatments fail.
Barite/Hematite Plugs are another effective
means of sealing off active borehole sections Cement:
in extreme or emergency situations. They can
be inserted to provide an immovable sealing Cement is an inexpensive lost circulation
column through either settling or dehydration, material, but can be very effective in sealing
thereby preventing further formation fluid lost circulation zones. It is critical, however, that
from intruding into the wellbore. Hereafter, the treatment be performed properly to avoid
barite and hematite plugs will be referred to as contaminating the cement. Cement composition
“wellbore plugs”. A wellbore plug is defined as can be neat or with different additives to
a slurry composed of either barite, hematite or vary properties, such as density, setting time,
both and uses water or an NAF as the carrying filtration loss, bridging capabilities, gel strength
agent. The slurry is designed for the rapid and compressive strength.
settlement of the weight material, thereby
forming a hard pack. Neat cement slurries, which are effective for
solving all types of losses, have the advantage
The primary application of a wellbore plug of providing high final compressive strength.
is in a well control situation where a kick is Normally, LCM is added for partial or total
occurring in a lower zone and circulation is lost losses. The size of the LCM is increased as
simultaneously to an upper zone. There are the losses become more severe. Low-density
other special circumstances where wellbore cement systems can be used for any type of
plugs may be utilized. The settling rate can be lost circulation problem and have the added
affected by several factors, including density, advantage of reducing the hydrostatic pressure.
contaminants in the makeup water, variations Slurries are formulated normally with a limited
in weight material, pH, type of dispersant, and degree of fluid loss control and may contain a
the addition of surfactants. mixture of clays or diatomaceous earth.

The settling rate of a weight material/ water Pore pressure should govern the choice of
slurry is inversely proportional to the density of the slurry density, especially for circulation
the slurry. Because of their high concentration lost to fractured or cavernous zones. To cure
of solids and gel strengths, high density slurries lost circulation in these zones with cement,
settle more slowly than low density slurries. a lower density slurry, preferably containing
The optimum barite slurry weight is between LCM, should be used for the first attempt. Once
14.0 and 1.9 sg although the barite slurry can be this system has sealed the larger fractures and
weighted up to 2.65 sg. When hematite is used voids, hardened, higher density cement can be
as the weighting agent, the optimum slurry pumped to consolidate the first job and provide
weight is 1.9 to 2.16 sg. additional strength.

May 2011 Classification of Lost Circulation Materials 4-5

Miscellaneous Materials A cement pill can be pumped behind the
sodium silicate gel to act as a permanent seal.
POLYSWELL: Instead of pumping a calcium chloride spacer,
cement slurry is pumped as an alternative.
POLYSWELL* is a copolymer used to fill or seal When the cement contacts the silicate, a flash-
fractures. It expands up to 200 times its original set reaction occurs and the mixture solidifies in
volume when hydrated in freshwater. Full a few minutes. This mixture has more strength
hydration takes 20 to 30 min., and as it fully than a calcium silicate gel and may, but not
hydrates and expands the fracture/void is filled. necessarily, eliminate the need for a follow-up
This product also can be spotted in caving zones cement treatment. An alternative way to handle
to reduce caving problems. After spotting a this strategy is to first pump calcium chloride
POLYSWELL pill the pipe should be picked up above brine, followed by sodium silicate and, finally
the problem zone to prevent sticking. After with cement. A freshwater spacer should be
the copolymer is fully hydrated, mud and lost- placed between all the components.
circulation material (LCM) should be circulated
to fill the bridge. Because of its swelling capacity Upon contact with connate water or the calcium
and variability in size, POLYSWELL additive can chloride pill pumped ahead, the sodium silicate
accumulate in a variety of fracture sizes. It can forms a crystalline insoluble precipitate of
be prehydrated before adding it to the system calcium silicate and sodium chloride. To form
and is an environmentally safe material. this precipitate, a divalent cation must be
POLYSWELL dry polymer beads can be mixed in present, usually in the form of Ca+2 or Mg+2. This
water or in drilling mud with or without LCM. precipitate remains in situ and stops the cement
Formulations of 0.5 to 1.5 kg per 0.02 m3 of from flowing away until it sets. Also occurring
water or mud are suggested, although lesser at the same time is the reaction of the unused
or greater amounts have been used effectively. sodium silicate and the cement, which causes
Once the dry polymer beads are mixed, the the cement to flash set at the point of contact.
mixture should be pumped as soon as possible.
Repeat as necessary to stop fluid loss. To avoid any flash setting inside special care
must be taken to avoid contact between
Sodium Silicate pills the silicate and calcium chloride and/or the
Sodium Silicate pills often can be used to control cement inside the surface lines, drill string or
severe to complete losses in large fractures, vugs casing. Therefore the use of a suitable spacer is
and caverns. They can be paired with cement necessary (freshwater spacers can be used).
pills, or can be used as a stand-alone solution. A
slug of sodium silicate solution can be spotted
into the formation, and followed with a spacer
of calcium chloride brine. When the calcium and
silicate make contact they react to form a stiff,
gelatinous mass that is competent enough to
block fractures.

4-6 May 2011 Classification of Lost Circulation Materials

Chapter 5 - Remedial Treatments
When lost circulation initially is experienced, between wellbore pressure and pore pressure
the drilling fluid density should be reduced, if (Pw-Pp).
possible. The following method can be used
to estimate the maximum fluid density the Large natural fractures or pressure-induced
formation can withstand: (drilling induced) fractures can lead to partial or
* If the fluid level in the annulus falls when severe mud losses. Pressure-induced fractures
the pumps are off, fill the annulus from typically are caused by a mud weight so high
the top with a measured volume of water that it exceeds the minimum principal stress or
or base oil, depending on the drilling fluid fracture gradient and fractures open. However,
system. Afterwards, calculate the new excessive annulus friction pressure or ECD,
gradient. wellbore pressure surges, imposed/trapped
pressure in the annulus or unexpectedly low
* If there are no returns when pumping: formation pressure can all contribute to lost
circulation. Since pressure-induced fractures
• Fill the annulus from the top with water
tend to open with increasing wellbore pressure,
or base oil
the rate of mud loss is an exponential function
• Compare the circulating pressure (in of Pw-Pp, and is proportional to (Pw-Pp)n, where
ksc or psi) prior to the losses occurring n > 1.
(pressure P1) with the pressure at the
same circulating rate after the losses The flow chart and procedures (Fig. 5-1) are
have occurred (pressure P2). Length of the designed to provide drilling fluid treatments
empty hole in meters is calculated from: that should be applied when encountering
losses or when a reduction in drilling fluid
10 (P1 – P2) / d density cannot be achieved or fails to work.
Also, specific conditions may dictate changes
where P1 and P2 are standpipe pressure in over time. Pilot tests should be run with all
psi, and d is drilling fluid specific gravity. treatments to ensure compatibility with mud,
effectiveness, etc.
* If the position of the loss zone is known, a
new drilling fluid gradient can be calculated
Matrix (Seepage) Losses
to balance the weakened formation.
Normally, loss rates lower than 1.5 m3/hr
* Reduce the ECD by lowering the pumping
are considered seepage, occurring usually
rate or conditioning the fluid to deliver lower
in unconsolidated and, highly permeable
gel strength and plastic viscosity.
formations (such as gravel beds) and those with
* The rock may swell and the fractures small natural fractures. They frequently are
possibly seal themselves. If losses stop, observed at shallow depths. Often, this type of
drilling can be resumed, though it is prudent loss is first observed as a gradual decrease in
to reduce mud weight and/or pump rate. pit levels, but can worsen rapidly if no action is
If these measures fail to eliminate loss of whole
mud, treatment of the drilling fluid is indicated.
Seepage losses frequently are cured by simply
Indeed, seepage (matrix) losses may require
reducing or stopping the pump rate and
treatment under all circumstances. Seepage
allowing the formation to heal and become
losses usually occur in normal overbalanced
sealed off by the development of a filter cake.
drilling in a highly permeable formation or
The pump rate can be increased gradually after
one possessing natural fractures. Here, the rate
the losses have stopped.
of mud loss is proportional to the difference

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-1

May 2011

Remedial Lost Circulation Treatment

(For Short Loss Zones)

Matrix (Seepage)

Severe or Seepage
Partial Loss
Total Loss Loss

Water Non Water Non Water Non

Base Aqueous Base Aqueous Base Aqueous
Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid

Spot Pill:
Spot Pill: Spot Pill:
Spot Pill: 30 Kg/m³ M-I-X II (M) Spot Pill:
30 Kg/m³ M-I-X II (F) 30 Kg/m³ Vinseal (F) Spot Pill:
30 Kg/m³ Vinseal (F) 30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (M) 20 Kg/m³ M-I-X II (F)
20 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (C) 30 Kg/m³ Vinseal (M) 30-45 Kg/m³ G-SEAL
30-60 Kg/m³ G-SEAL 30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (C) 20 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (M)
20 Kg/m³ Nut Plug (F) 30-60 Kg/m³ G-SEAL (G-SEAL Plus)
(G-SEAL Plus) 20 Kg/m³ Nut Plug (F) 20 Kg/m³ Nut Plug (F)
20 Kg/m³ Nut Plug (M) (G-SEAL Plus) 30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (F)
30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (M) 20 Kg/m³ Nut Plug (M) 15-30 Kg/m³ G-SEAL
15-30 Kg/m³ G-SEAL 30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (M) 20 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (M)
Remedial Treatments

30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (C) 15-30 Kg/m³ G-SEAL (G-SEAL Plus)

(G-SEAL Plus) 30 Kg/m³ CaCO₃ (C)
(G-SEAL Plus)

No No
Success Success

Cross Linked Chemical Sealant

High Fluid Loss
Polymer Pills Soft Plugs for N.A.F Miscellaneous Large Particulates

Pump Conventional LCM Pill with

FORM-A-SQUEEZE* highest concentration and particle size
allowed by BHA. Pill will contain:
SQUEEZE PLUG* FORM-A-SET AK* Reverse Gunk Squeeze Sodium Silicate-Cement 45-70 Kg/m³ Fiber (M-I-X II for WBM
Attapulgite Squeeze Diesel-Oil-Bentonite and Vinseal for N.A.F ) + 85-140 Kg/m³
CaCO₃ (Medium and Coarse) + 45-70
Diesel Oil-Bentonite-Cement
Kg/m³ Nut Plug Medium

Fig. 5-1. Remedial Lost Circulation Flow Chart

If losses do not heal by themselves and Partial losses may, of course, also occur in
economics or other reasons dictate the rate of naturally occurring fractures or in formations
loss cannot be tolerated, an LCM pill must be with very high permeability, even if the
pumped to return full circulation. wellbore pressure is not excessive. In
these instances, the following LCM pill is
When drilling with a water-based fluid the recommended:
recommended pill to be used and spotted for
seepage losses is: M-I-X II Fine 30 kg/m3
NUT PLUG Fine 20 kg/m3
M-I-X II Fine 20 kg/m3 NUT PLUG Medium 20 kg/m3
Calcium Carbonate Medium 20 kg/m3 Calcium Carbonate (C) 20 kg/m3
NUT PLUG Fine 20 kg/m3 G-SEAL/G-SEAL PLUS 15-30 kg/m3
G-SEAL/G-SEAL PLUS 15-30 kg/m3
However, at the onset of losses, the bit should be
For non-aqueous fluids, the recommended pill pulled off bottom and the pump(s) shut down.
formulation to spot for seepage losses is: After zeroing the stroke counter, the annulus
should be filled with either light mud or water,
Calcium Carbonate Fine 30 kg/m3 after which the number of strokes required to
Calcium Carbonate Medium 20 kg/m3 fill the annulus should be recorded. In addition,
G-SEAL/G-SEAL PLUS 30-45 kg/m3 at this point the well should be monitored for
flow. Although the formation should be given
If seepage losses are expected during drilling, the opportunity to heal by itself, if the LCM
treating the whole drilling fluid system pill does not heal the losses, the pill used for
with LCM before entering the loss zone is severe or total loss of returns should be pumped.
recommended. For the initial treatment of partial losses, the
following formulation is recommended:
Such a treatment will depend on pore/fracture
size distribution in the loss zone, but a general VINSEAL (F) 30 kg/m3
recommendation is to treat the system with: Calcium Carbonate (M) 30 kg/m3
Calcium Carbonate (C) 30 kg/m3
Calcium Carbonate 30-50 kg/m3 G-SEAL/G-SEAL PLUS 30-60 kg/m3
Fiber 20 kg/m3 If this pill does not heal the losses, another pill
with Coarser particles is recommended, or else
While the grade of the fiber (M-I-X II or VINSEAL) the pill described under severe or total loss of
will depend on the losses, both Fine and returns should be pumped.
Medium are acceptable. For invert emulsion
muds, VINSEAL is usually recommended over Severe or Total Losses
M-I-X II because the former does not absorb
Partial or total losses occur at any time or depth
water from the internal water phase.
when whole mud is lost to the formation.
Partial Losses In almost all circumstances when severe to
total losses (> 15 m3/hr) are encountered, it is
Losses from 1.5 m3/hr up to 15 m3/hr often are necessary to regain full circulation. Once well
referred to as partial losses. Typically, these control is established, the most effective method
occur in existing (natural) or pressure-induced for curing the losses can be determined.
fractures. The latter result when the wellbore
pressure exceeds the fracture pressure of the It is important to match the type of LCM to the
formation. This may yield formation of cracks type of loss, but the most successful approach
in the rock and subsequent loss of fluid to the generally is to use a mixture of various LCM
formation. types and grades. A dual pill (Coarse and

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-3

Medium followed by Fine) should be considered. NUTPLUG (F) and (M) may also be added at
concentrations of 20 kg/m3 each.
As well control usually will be the priority, the
annulus must be filled from the top with either Planning – preparation and procedures – are
drilling fluid, water or another lightweight critical for handling severe losses.
liquid. Unless the fracture is induced, losses
normally cannot be stopped by pumping Preparation
conventional LCM pills. The alternative is a
reinforcing plug or cement. In the absence of * When the drilling operation approaches
information about the nature of the fractures, the loss zone, a pit should be dedicated
an LCM pill often is the first choice, because, if for LCM slugs. For severe losses, at least 16
successful, it delivers a quick response and is m3 of usable volume should be built. LCM
easy to apply. material should be mixed to the maximum
concentration that can be agitated safely
For severe and total losses, the LCM and continually as it is essential this mixture
concentration in the pills should be at least be agitated fully at all times.
140 kg/m3. A 10-20 m3 treatment should be
* Large bags of LCM should be available to aid
tried initially. Great care must be taken to avoid
in the rapid mixing of the pills.
plugging the drillstring when using this LCM
concentration. It also is important to keep the * Ensure all restrictions in the BHA and at
pits well agitated. A displacement rate of 1-2 surface have been reduced to a minimum.
m3/min should be used. Never stop pumping
until the LCM is displaced in the well with
particles that should be less than a third of
the nozzle size. Some tools and motors may * On encountering severe losses, pump the
further resitrict particle size and type. In some drilling fluid and LCM down the annulus,
circumstances, increasing the viscosity of the and afterwards pump out the drill pipe. The
pills may be more beneficial than increasing the well should be monitored continuously.
LCM concentration.
* Close the annular preventer if the drilling
A standard recommended formulation for fluid level falls from sight.
water-based muds is:
* Pump and displace 16 m3 of the LCM pill.
M-I-X II (M) 30 kg/m3 Pump out of the hole while displacing the
CaCO3 (M) 30 kg/m3 LCM. The pipe should be kept moving to
CaCO3 (C) 30 kg/m3 prevent packing-off as cuttings descend
NUT PLUG (F) 20 kg/m3 in the annulus. Monitor the pits when
NUT PLUG (M) 20 kg/m3 pumping and displacing LCM. Do not rely on
G-SEAL/G-SEAL PLUS 15-30 kg/m3 pump strokes alone.

* Pull back to a safe location, preferably to the

For NAF, one formulation that has proved casing shoe or at least to a depth where the
successful is the following: bit will be above the top of the LCM pill. This
is providing all the LCM stayed in the hole
VINSEAL (F) 30 kg/m3 (i.e., have a minimum of 16 m3of open hole
VINSEAL (M) 30 kg/m3 beneath the bit or size LCM pill accordingly).
CaCO3 (M) 30 kg/m3
CaCO3 (C) 30 kg/m3 * Monitor the displacement pressure at all
G-SEAL (G-SEAL PLUS) 30-60 kg/m3 times. Attempt to keep the annulus full. Use
water/seawater if necessary. Displace all

5-4 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

LCM from the drillstring. Displace to leave of the material involves a swelling of the
the hole full of LCM across the loss zone. initial “agglomerates” and a gradual release
of the individual oligomer chains (Fig. 5-1
* Circulate across the well head for at least stage 2). The oligomers associate with other
two hours. If the LCM has begun to work, particulate material in the system to produce
close the annular preventer and apply a light the rheological effect. When fully activated, a
squeeze pressure to force the LCM into the type of “micelle” structure is formed involving
fractures. the gelling agent and the other components in
* If the treatment does not work, proceed the system. In the absence of shear and below
with a second particulate pill or consider the temperature of activation, rheological
alternative treatments. These generally take activity is minimal as the particles do not swell.
the form of mud gelling agents, reinforcing As the temperature rises, swelling begins to
plugs or cement. Begin preparing for this take place and eventually a stable system forms
contingency during planning of the well. when equilibrium is achieved. The process takes
place much faster in the presence of shear and
temperature (Fig. 5-2 Stage 3). When the system
Alternative Treatments for Severe is fully activated, it remains stable even if the
Losses temperature drops (Fig. 5-2 Stage 4).

VERSAPAC Formulation
Mud Gelling Agents
VERSAPAC can be formulated in diesel, mineral
If the LCM pills are unable to stop the losses,
and synthetic oil. Laboratory tests showed it
a reinforcing pill should be pumped. If total
possible to engineer a 100% oil-based drilling
losses are expected, always have a pill ready and
fluid system, where both the rheology profile
mixed prior to entering the zone. Since such
and the fluid loss are controllable.
a pill needs to be spotted across the loss zone
to be effective, it is essential to determine the
The VERSAPAC formulation in each fluid system
exact location of the loss zone.
was as follows:
VERSAPAC* chemical sealant for NAF
Base Fluid 0.16 m3
This thermally activated gelling agent that will VERSAPAC 30 kg/m3
generate viscosity and develop gel structure ECOTROL* 20 kg/m3
as soon as the temperature exceeds 60°C. It is M-I-X II/CaCO3 330 kg/m3
important to keep in mind that the melting VERSAMUL 9 kg/m3
point for VERSAPAC is 120°C, at which point
the material becomes ineffective. VERSAPAC is Table 5-1 shows the rheology profile after each
activated by a combination of temperature and drilling fluid system has been sheared to 80°C.
shear (Fig. 5-1 stage 1). The gelling mechanism Table 5-2 shows the static shear test data after

Fig. 5-2. Schematic of Mechanism for VERSAPAC Gelation

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-5

Table 5-1. Typical Viscosity Profiles of OBM and SBM

Rheology Units* Diesel Mineral Synthetic Diesel Mineral Synthetic

Temp Celsius 50 50 50 50 50 50
600 rpm Dial Reading 90 45 69 79 55 59
300 rpm Dial Reading 60 28 40 45 35 44
200 rpm Dial Reading 45 21 30 35 26 35
100 rpm Dial Reading 30 14 21 23 19 22
6 rpm Dial Reading 13 8 10 11 11 13
3 rpm Dial Reading 12 7 9 10 10 11
GELS 10’/10” lb/100 ft2 12/14 8/11 14/16 12/15 8/10 16/20
PV/YP lb/100 ft2 30/30 17/11 29/11 34/11 20/15 15/29
HTHP Fluid
ml/30 min - - - 10 7 3
Loss (120°C)

*Measured units are actually in° Fann: 1° Fann = 1.065 lb/100 ft2,
but in practical applications they are assumed to be equivalent.

Table 5-2. Static Shear Test Results for Mud Products in Non-Aqueous Fluids
Note: Static shear strength > 150 – indicating not pumpable.


Mud System
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) Strength (Pa)
VERSAPORT 29 14.3 14.3 24
VERSAPORT 43 14.3 14.3 56
VERSAPORT 57 14.3 14.3 114
NOVAPLUS 29 14.3 14.3 29
NOVAPLUS 43 14.3 14.3 62
NOVAPLUS 57 14.3 14.3 108
Diesel 29 14.3 14.3 33
Diesel 43 14.3 14.3 63
Diesel 57 14.3 14.3 85

Note: Static shear strength > 150 lb/100 ft2 indicates that the sample
suggests that the sample is not pumpable.

each fluid system had been sheared to 80°C Note: The tests were run in a Chandler
before being static aged for three hours. consistometer with a setting pressure of
Each mud system exhibited higher shear 20,680 kPa and a heating period of 30 min.
strength with increased VERSAPAC concentration. With this test, a reading of 70 Bearden units of
VERSAPAC also was tested in a consistometer to consistency (Bc) was the upper limit that would
more closely examine the effect of temperature still enable pumpability of the fluid, and 100 Bc
on setting behavior. The tests were conducted was the endpoint where the set was considered
with mineral oil, synthetic oil and diesel, the complete.
results of which are displayed in Table 5-3.

5-6 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

Table 5-3. Consistometric Test Results for Mud Products in Non-Aqueous Fluids


Mud System
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (°C) (Hours)
VERSAPORT 57 14.3 14.3 75°C 3.5
VERSAPORT 57 14.3 14.3 120°C No set
NOVAPLUS 57 14.3 14.3 75°C 3.5
NOVAPLUS 57 14.3 14.3 120°C No set
Diesel 57 14.3 14.3 75°C 3.5
Diesel 57 14.3 14.3 120°C No set

The results clearly demonstrate the effect Limitations

of temperature. As shown, so long as the
temperature is in the range of 60 to 100°C The temperature range for this system is
the VERSAPAC will set up. Conversely, when the therefore 60° to 100°C. When the VERSAPAC is
temperature exceeds 100°C and continues totally activated, it remains stable even if the
to increase toward the critical melting point temperature drops below 60°C.
temperature of 120°C, it will not set.
Figure 5-3 shows the thickening time for the It is recommended that the standard VERSAPAC
various LCM plugs tested on the consistometer. formulation be used when mixing the drilling
All samples were tested at 75°C. For comparison, fluid (see Formulation). Of course, a different
the graph also plots a cement plug. As the graph concentration of VERSAPAC will influence the
indicates, the thickening times for drilling fluid rheology profile. The larger the vugs/fractures
and cement is different; but the final endpoint that have to be sealed, the higher the desired
(100 Brabender Consistometer units) eventually rheology/static shear. A small amount of
will be reached for all the samples, and thereby emulsifier should be added to the pill to
form the plug.

Fig. 5-3. Thickening Rate for three NAFs

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-7

emulsify any formation water incorporated, as from the active mud system.
well as help oil-wet solids.
The fluid used to formulate the pill also should
Reinforcing Plugs be used for the spacers and, for practical
purposes, usually are unweighted. Since
Reinforcing Plugs can take on many forms,
bentonite and organophilic clay are not acid
including High-Fluid-Loss pills, Soft Plugs (gunks
soluble, they are regarded as a conventional,
and crosslinked polymers) and Hard Plugs
non-acid soluble treatment.
(usually crosslinkable polymers).
The treatment is applied by pumping the Gunk
High-Fluid-Loss Pills, Soft Plugs
fluid down the drill pipe or tubing to the end of
the string. When the Gunk squeeze reaches the
* Gunk and Reverse Gunk Squeezes
bit, the annular preventer should be closed. The
Gunk fluid should be pumped down the drill
The ready availability of the necessary pipe while simultaneously pumping the drilling
materials is the principle reason for including fluid in the annulus at an equivalent flow rate.
this treatment in the contingency plan. Thus, Intermixing the Gunk fluid and the drilling
in an emergency, these materials invariably fluid occurs at the end and below the drill pipe,
are stocked on the rig. The “Gunk” is simply forming a gelatinous/highly viscous/thick mass
a mixture of clay and a fluid dissimilar to the that is squeezed into the loss-circulation zone.
active drilling fluid system. When mixed with This treatment essentially has no temperature
the fluid lost in the thief zone, the Gunk forms limitation.
an impermeable plug that seals off the borehole.
Normally, the Gunk fluid can be mixed and
Prior to mixing the pill, the mud pit, mixing lines pumped with little difficulty. In water-base
and mud pump suction lines must be flushed drilling fluids, cement often is added to
and cleaned thoroughly and drained and as dry the conventional Gunk mixture to provide
as possible. This is a time consuming job that additional strength to the final Gunk/drilling
requires a substantial amount of effort. fluid combination. To ensure the proper
consistency of the final mixture, the Gunk fluid
A Gunk squeeze to be used with water-base must be tested on location with the drilling fluid
drilling fluid is formulated with bentonite and in the hole. In addition, the ratio of Gunk to
diesel (or base oil). Conversely, when using a drilling fluid needs to be optimized on location
Gunk squeeze in an oil-base drilling fluid, it is using mixing tests to select the proper pump
formulated with organophilic clay and water. rates during the operation.
The bentonite will not yield in diesel (or base
oil) and the oil-wet organophilic clay will not The advantages of utilizing the Gunk Squeeze
yield in water, thus resulting in a high-solids/ technique include:
low-viscosity mixture.
1. Needed materials typically are readily
The dissimilarity of the fluids in the Gunk
squeeze and the active drilling fluid system
is the reason it is essential that the mud pit 2. Technique is not sensitive to temperature.
and mixing system be cleaned thoroughly
beforehand. Contamination of the pill with 3. Effectively seals off severe/total loss
active drilling fluid easily can result in a mixture circulation when applied properly.
that cannot be pumped in the mud pit. This
dissimilarity also means the pill must be
displaced with spacers of at least 1.6 m3, both
before and after, thereby separating the pill

5-8 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

Special Considerations 2. Pump in a 1.59 m3 cushion of water-free
diesel oil ahead of the slurry.
1. Exposure of Entire Loss Zone: The entire
lost circulation zone must be drilled 3. Mix 200 sacks (45.4 kg/sx) of bentonite
and fully exposed before the treatment. with 8 m3 of diesel oil. For smaller volumes,
Otherwise, the treatment is unlikely to use Table 5-4. Generally, mix four sacks
work. of bentonite for each barrel of diesel oil.
Mixing can be carried out continuously
2. Contamination: Extreme care must be with a cementing truck. For severe loss
taken to ensure the Gunk treatment fluid zones, 600 sacks of bentonite in 23.8 m3
is not contaminated with a fluid that of diesel oil mixed continuously should be
would cause premature gelation in either used.
the surface equipment or the drill string. Table 5-4. Mixing Chart for Gunk
Before pumping the Gunk fluid, mixing
and pumping equipment must be drained Final Volume Bentonite
and flushed with appropriate materials (for
example, diesel for a conventional Gunk 3.18 m3 2.54 m3 1140 kg/m3
treatment). A sufficient volume of the flush 3.97 m3 3.18 m3 1140 kg/m3
needs to be pumped ahead of and behind 4.77 m3 3.82 m3 1140 kg/m3
the Gunk fluid. 5.56 m3 4.45 m3 1140 kg/m3
3. Waiting Time: Once the treatment 6.36 m3 5.09 m3 1140 kg/m3
is squeezed into the zone of interest,
circulation of the hole and resumption of The final density of the pill will be ± 1198.26 kg/
drilling operations should not begin for m3. The final viscosity will be ± 40 seconds.
at least three hours. This will allow the
treatment fluid to fully yield and provide 4. Displace the slurry down the drill pipe,
maximum resistance to further losses. followed by 0.8 m3 of diesel oil. When the
front of the 1.6 m3 diesel oil cushion in the
4. Gunk Placement: Although the drill string drill pipe enters the bottom of the open
needs to be placed close to the loss zone, hole, close the rams and, using a second
care must be taken to make sure none of pump, begin pumping drilling fluid into the
the fluid circulates above and around the annulus at a rate of 38 m3/hr.
drill pipe. Gelled fluid around the drill pipe
increases the risk of sticking problems. 5. Control the pumping rates so the ratio of
slurry volume to drilling fluid volume is 1:1.
Diesel – Oil – Bentonite (DOB) Gunk Pump rates of 38 m3/hr down the drill pipe
and 38 m3/hr down the annulus usually
A conventional Gunk Squeeze fluid is a mixture will be satisfactory with 127 mm drill pipe
of bentonite and diesel, which gels rapidly when in 216 mm and larger holes.
mixed with water-base drilling fluid or some
type of brine. 6. Displace one-half the slurry into the
formation at this fast pumping rate or until
The following procedure should be followed for pressure begins to build up on the annulus.
a Diesel – Oil – Bentonite Gunk Squeeze: Once the desired pressure is obtained, start
pulling off-bottom so the drill string does
not get stuck in the Gunk. Slow the pump
1. If possible, before tagging the loss zone,
rates on both the drill pipe and annulus
plan for losses and pull out of the hole,
until the slurry enters the loss zone without
install large nozzles and lay down MWD
exceeding the maximum pressure set (690
and mud motor. This will enable pumping
to 2070 kPa). The drill pipe occasionally may
of the Gunk.

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-9

be reciprocated slowly, which will make 6. Prior to mixing, drain all water and drilling
it possible to observe whether the slurry fluid out of all pumps, lines and tanks.
is moving up the annulus. If the weight Alternatively, use a batch mixing tank and
indicator shows any increased drag, break the cement line and unit to mix and pump
the connections and raise the pipe until it the DOB Gunk.
is free. Afterwards, make connections and
continue displacement. Since the slurry has 7. Use 0.65 m3 of diesel oil to thoroughly flush
no pumping time limitation inside the pipe, the pumps, lines and mixing facilities.
there is no concern over short shutdown
periods. Diesel – Oil – Bentonite – Cement (DOBC)
Slurry Squeeze
7. Displace the next quarter of slurry volume
and drilling fluid at one half the rate used This technique is recommended for complete
in Step 6. losses. The following steps should be used in
applying the DOBC technique:
8. Displace the last quarter of slurry volume
at a rate of one-half the rate used in Step 6. 1. Before tagging the loss zone, plan for losses,
Use a hesitation squeeze to try and build if possible, pull out of the hole, install large
up pressure. When pressure buildup is nozzles and lay down the MWD and mud
achieved, open both rams and stage-up motor to enable pumping of Gunk.
pumps and circulate out long way any
2. Run in hole and position bit 5 m above the
DOB Gunk that might have moved up the
loss zone.
annulus above the bit. Do not reverse out,
as it will set up inside the drill pipe. 3. Pump in a 1.6 m3 cushion of water-free
diesel oil ahead of the slurry.
9. After the squeeze job, dress the Gunk
down to 3 m above the loss zone. If no 4. Mix 100 sacks of regular cement and 100
squeeze pressure develops, use a diesel oil- sacks of bentonite with 8 m3 of diesel oil.
bentonite-cement squeeze. For volumes other than 8 m3, mix 2 sacks of
cement and 2 sacks of bentonite with each
Precautions bbl of diesel oil. For large fractures of long
sections of honeycomb, 300 sacks of each
Avoid contaminating the slurry with fluid material should be used.
or water in the suction lines and pumps. The
following steps will minimize the possibility of 5. For large batches, use a cementing unit
contamination: and mix the dry materials with the diesel
oil continuously; use a suitable tank for
1. Field test for diesel oil suitability.
smaller batches. This mixture will yield
2. Fill a sand content tube with diesel to the 0.22 m3 of slurry for each barrel of diesel oil
20% line. and weigh almost 1400 kg/m3.

3. Add water to the “mud to here” line. 6. Displace the slurry down the drill pipe and
follow it with 0.8 m3 of diesel oil.
4. Shake vigorously for 10 sec, then allow it to
stand for 10 min. 7. Start pumping drilling fluid into the
annulus when the 1.6 m3 cushion of diesel
5. If the oil and water separate into two oil reaches the bit. Close the rams. Control
distinct layers, the diesel is suitable for the pumping rates so the ratio of the slurry
use. However, if the fluid separates into volume to the mud volume is 2 to 1. Pump
three layers with the oil on top, the water rates of 36 m3/hr down the drill pipe and
on bottom, and a white emulsion in the 0.3 m3/min down the annulus will usually
middle, the diesel is unsuitable and should be satisfactory with 12.7 mm drill pipe in
not be used. 21.6 mm and larger hole sizes.

5-10 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

8. Displace one-half of the slurry into the layers, the diesel is suitable for use. However,
formation at this fast pumping rate. The if the fluid separates into three layers with
drill pipe occasionally may be reciprocated the oil on top, the water on bottom and a
slowly to provide an indication if the slurry white emulsion between them, the diesel is
is moving up the annulus. If the weight unsuitable and should not be used.
indicator shows any increased drag, break 2. Prior to mixing, drain all the water and mud
the connections and raise the pipe until it is out of all pumps, lines and tanks. Use a
free; then make connections and continue batch mixing tank and the cement line and
displacement. Since the slurry has no unit to mix and pump the DOBC.
pumping time limitation inside the pipe,
there is no need to be concerned over short 3. Use 0.636 m3 of diesel oil to thoroughly
shutdown periods. flush the pumps, lines and mixing facilities.

9. Displace the next quarter of the slurry

volume and drilling fluid at one-half the
Reverse Gunk Squeeze
rate used in Step 8. A “Reverse Gunk” is simply a mixture of
clay and a dissimilar fluid that, when mixed
10. Displace the remaining quarter volume of
with the fluid lost in the thief zone, forms an
slurry at one-half of the rates used in Step 8.
impermeable plug that seals off the borehole. A
If the hole fills, as indicated by pressure on
Reverse Gunk for use in an oil-base drilling fluid
the annulus, use a hesitation squeeze in an
is formulated with organophilic clay and water.
attempt to obtain a pressure buildup using
The organophilic clay will not yield in water,
rates of 9.6 m3/hr into drill pipe and 4.8 m3/
thus resulting in a high solids low-viscosity
hr into annulus.
11. If pressure builds up, open rams and stage
up pumps and circulate out long way Note: Reverse Gunk treatments usually are not
any DOBC that might have moved up the compatible with MWD tools.
annulus above the bit. Do not reverse out, as
it will set up inside drill pipes. Typical Formulation

12. After the squeeze job, pull the string to 1. Water as required
the shoe and wait on the cement to set a 2. Organophilic Clay 650 kg/m3
minimum of eight hours before dressing 3. Barite as required
it off. If the first attempt is unsuccessful,
repeat the procedure after waiting on the See Table 5-5 for details of a typical Reverse
cement for 8 hrs. Gunk pill.

Table 5-5. Mixing Chart for Reverse Gunk

Avoid contamination of the slurry with mud Diesel
or water in the suction lines and pumps. The Final Volume Bentonite
following steps will minimize the possibility of 3.18 m3 2.54 m3 570 kg/m3
3.97 m3 3.18 m3 570 kg/m3
1. Field test for diesel oil suitability. 4.77 m3 3.82 m3 570 kg/m3
• Fill a sand content tube to the 20% line with 5.56 m3 4.45 m3 570 kg/m3
the diesel. 6.36 m3 5.09 m3 570 kg/m3
• Add water to the “mud to here” line.
• Shake vigorously for 10 sec, then allow to
stand for 10 min
• If the oil and water separate into two distinct

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-11

Mixing Procedure organophilic clays and base oils to determine
the best formulation for the Reverse Gunk.
Following is the mixing procedure for Reverse
Gunk Squeeze treatment: Choosing the Right Organophilic Clay
1. 3.2 to 6.4 m is the optimum pill volume
Optimization tests were conducted with
and usually can be mixed in the slug pit. All
different base oils and organophilic clays,
of the materials are mixed freely through
a standard hopper, although the mixing
will be more difficult as the material • Bentone 128
concentration increases. • Bentone 38 Versagel HT
• Geltone II
2. Flush and clean out the mud pit and mixing • VG-69
system. Ensure the mud pit, mixing lines
and mud pump suction lines are drained With the exception of the base oils, the
and as dry as possible. components were mixed together in a Hamilton
blender. Afterwards, the base oil was stirred in by
3. Add the required volume of water.
hand. The resulting Gunk formed very quickly.
4. Add the required amount of organophilic
clay, as indicated in Table 5-5, and circulate Successful Gunking can be achieved with any
for a homogeneous mixture. of the base oils examined and with the drilling
fluids formulated with these base oils. However,
Operational Procedure it is clear that Gunks derived from Bentone
128 or Geltone II have superior properties for
1. Run in until the bottom of the drill string is successful plugging of lost circulation zones
above the thief zone. than those built with VG-69 or Bentone 38.
Thus, it is recommended that Bentone 128/
2. Pump and displace so the entire pill is Geltone II be employed for all reverse Gunking
outside the bottom of the drill string. Pump applications.
at least 1.6 m3 of water, both before and
after pumping the pill. Other Non-Crosslinkable Solutions
3. Pull out so the bottom of the drill string is Sodium Silicate/Cement, POLYSWELL, SAFELINK,
inside the last casing shoe. Barite/Hematite Plugs
4. If the hole is full, close the annular rams and
squeeze the pill into the thief zone at 2070
Sodium Silicate / Cement Plugs
to 3450 kPa. Squeezing should stop once the For severe lost circulation in which pevious
total pill volume has been squeezed away. treatments have been unsuccessful, a
combination of calcium chloride, sodium silicate
5. If the hole is not full, close the annular rams
and cement can be used.
and pump the pill at 0.16 m3/min down
the drill pipe. The drilling fluid should be
Calcium chloride is pumped first to wet the rock,
pumped at 0.16 m3/min down the annulus.
followed by sodium silicate and the cement.
6. Allow at least 4 hr for the plug to set. A freshwater spacer should be incorporated
between all the components. When the sodium
7. Run in and carefully wash and ream silicate comes in contact with the calcium
through the thief zone. chloride brine it forms a gelatinous mass, thus
Note: Ensure the entire pill is pumped out of the providing a pad for the cement to set up against.
string. Do not attempt to reverse circulate. Any unused sodium silicate will then flash set
Choosing the Right Organophilic Clay with the cement, resulting in either partially or
Several tests were conducted with different fully sealing off the loss zone.

5-12 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

The application of sodium silicate without After the sodium silicate/cement treatment
cement may allow some pressure to be applied been placed, the pipe should be kept well
to the well, but usually not enough to offer any clear of the cement (depending on placement
great advantage. location, always pull back to the casing shoe or
farther). Caution should be exercised to avoid
Calcium Chloride Pre-flush disturbing the treatment.
In formations where the rock is not water- Preparation
wet, the effectiveness of the sodium silicate
treatment may be limited. To overcome these 1. Flush all tanks and lines with drill water
limitations a pill of calcium chloride (about one- ensuring they are all clean. Use a dedicated
half to equal the volume of the sodium silicate) tank to hold the liquid sodium silicate. The
can be pumped ahead of the sodium silicate to cement and sodium silicate must never
wet the rock with calcium ions. Caution must come in contact while pumping. Sodium
be exercised when attempting this procedure silicate must be maintained clear of salt
to ensure no calcium chloride comes in contact water and calcium chloride brine, which
with the sodium silicate in the surface lines or this will generate an undesirable gelatinous
drill string. If this procedure is used, pump the precipitate.
calcium chloride with the rig pumps and use
the cement unit on the annulus to pump the 2. For a visual demonstration of what
sodium silicate and cement. Use a hesitation happens when salt water and calcium
squeeze to try and build up pressure using rates chloride brine are mixed with cement and
of 9.6 m3/hr into the drill pipe and 4.8 m3/hr into sodium silicate, place the solution it in a
the annulus. glass jar and add some cement. The visual
result magnifies the need to segregate
Chemical Mechanism these two chemicals.

Upon contact with connate water or the calcium 3. Prepare the sodium silicate in the dedicated
chloride pill pumped ahead, the sodium silicate cement batch tank. Mix at least 12.72 m3
forms a crystalline insoluble precipitate of dead volume of 50:50 by volume sodium
calcium silicate and sodium chloride. To form silicate and fresh water. This applies to all
this precipitate divalent cation must be present, types of sodium silicate.
usually Ca+2 or Mg+2. This precipitate remains
in place and prevents the cement from flowing 4. Prepare mix water and additives for
away until it sets. Also occurring at the same standard 6.36 m3 “G Neat” slurry at 1.90 sg.
time is a reaction of the unused sodium silicate Final slurry composition is to be advised
with the cement, which causes the cement to after testing in the cement company lab.
flash set at the point of contact. 5. Ensure the BHA has been checked for
restrictions. There should be no nozzles in
Following the recommended operational the bit or floats, motors, or logging tools in
procedures for pumping this treatment are the string.
critical, as it is essential that the cement and
sodium silicate remain separated until they 6. Double check all depth and volume
reach the loss zone. A freshwater spacer is calculations.
used for separation between all the pills to be
pumped. Placement is designed to leave the Procedure
cement in the wellbore across the loss zone to
counteract its tendency to leak away. The spacer 1. Pull back to the casing shoe while filling the
is then squeezed away, providing a bridge has annulus with fresh mud (or fresh water/sea
formed. water, if necessary) as fast as possible.

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-13

2. Space out drill string to above the loss zone. 7. Stop pumping down the kill line and flow-
Place the bottom of the drill string at a check the well. Open the annular preventer
height above the zone that is equal to the and move the pipe back to the casing shoe
pill volume. For example, (A 310 mm hole or 152.4 m above the placement depth.
has a volume of 7.8x10-3 m3/m, and for a Wait on cement and monitor the well. Keep
20.7 m3 pill, enabling the bottom of the drill the hole full of mud or fresh water/sea
string can be placed 271.2 m above the thief water, monitoring volumes of each fluid
zone). Close the annular preventer. pumped into the well.

3. Pump down the annulus to fill the riser. At 8. Repeat the procedure as required until
the same time, pump down the kill line to losses are cured. While use progressively
maintain wellbore hydrostatic and prevent larger treatments may be used, if necessary,
the U-tubing from backing up around the a greater number of small treatments may
drill string when the treatment exits the be more effective.
9. Once surface cement samples are set, RIH
4. Rig up circulating head and pressure test and drill out cement. Continue to drill
line. ahead while observing for losses.

5. Pump the sodium silicate/cement plug as

POLYSWELL* is a copolymer used to fill or seal
Fresh water Pre-flush 6.36 m 3 fractures. It expands up to 200 times its original
10% CaCl2 1.59 m3 volume when hydrated in freshwater. Full
Fresh water 0.79 m3 hydration takes 20 to 30 min, and as it fully
Sodium silicate 3.18 m3 hydrates and expands, the fracture/void is filled.
Fresh water spacer 0.79 m3 This product also can be spotted in caving zones
G-Neat @ 1.90 sg 6.36 m3 to reduce caving problems.
Fresh water 0.79 m3
Mud displacement xx m3 To prevent sticking after a POLYSWELL pill is
spotted, the pipe should be picked up above the
An individual should be assigned to observe problem zone. After the copolymer is hydrated
the batch tanks and continuously check on fully, mud and lost- circulation material (LCM)
the volume of the sodium silicate pumped. should be circulated to fill the bridge. Because
Do not rely solely on the cement pump of its swelling capacity and variability in size,
strokes. the POLYSWELL additive can accumulate in a
6. Displace the treatment. Monitor pressures variety of fracture sizes. It can be pre-hydrated
and be prepared to slow down the injection before being added to the system. Further,
POLYSWELL is an environmentally sound material.
rate as the treatment hits the loss zone.
Continue pumping the treatment out of
For the initial LCM pill design, SUPERSWEEP* (cut
the drill pipe and into the open hole, even
nylon rope) was mixed into the slurry to help
if further losses are induced. Ideally, all the
bind all LCM in the pill. POLYSWELL was added
treatment should be displaced from the
last and immediately before the pill was
drill pipe before it reaches the loss zone.
pumped down the drillstring with the following
As the sodium silicate and cement
start to exit the drill pipe, reduce the
pump rate down the kill line to prevent
M-I GEL 60 kg/m3
cement contamination. At any stage of
Cottonseed Hulls 40 kg/m3
the operation, never attempt to reverse
KWIKSEAL* (C) 30 kg/m3
circulate if the job cannot be completed, as
it is likely to set up inside the drill string.

5-14 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

POLYSWELL 20 kg/m3 water, variations in weight material, pH, type
Mica (C) 15 kg/m3 of dispersant, and the addition of surfactants.
The settling rate of a weighting agent slurry
SAFE-LINK LCM Pill is inversely proportional to the density of the
slurry. As such, high-density slurries settle
Although SAFE-LINK is generally considered a
slower than low-density slurries, because of the
“completion fluid” product, it possesses many
high concentration of solids and gel strengths.
of the attributes of POLYSWELL, i.e. it is a cross-
linked polymer with a gelatinous character that
The optimum Barite slurry weight is between
can serve to plug pores and fractures. It has the
1670 kg/m3 and 1920 kg/m3, although a barite
additional advantage of being breakable with
slurry can be weighted up to 2640 kg/m3. When
Hematite is used as the weighting agent, the
optimum slurry weight is 1920 kg/m3 to 2160
Barite/Hematite Plugs
kg/m3. These slurries should be treated with
Barite/Hematite plugs are effective in sealing thinner (lignosulphonate) to ensure settling
off active borehole sections in extreme or and caustic to control pH. Both the thinner and
emergency situations. They can be administered raised pH will aid settling.
to provide an immovable plug through either
settling or dehydration, thereby preventing Cross-Linkable Pills
any further formation fluid intrusion into the
wellbore. Barite and hematite plugs often FORM-A-SET FAMILY OF PRODUCTS
are referred to as “wellbore plugs”. They are The FORM-A-SET family of chromium-crosslinked
prepared as a slurry composed of barite, products form particulate-laden, rubbery plugs
hematite or both, mixed in water or diesel oil, to stop losses into matrix and fractured zones.
mineral oil, or synthetic as a carrier. It has three members with distinctly different
properties. FORM-A-SET is a one-sack blend of
The slurries are designed for the rapid polymers, cellulose and crosslinker with a
settlement of weight material, forming a hard wide range of particle sizes. It can be used to
pack. The primary application of a wellbore plug solve a wide range of lost circulation problems,
is in well control situations where the well is especially when the size of the downhole
kicking from a lower zone and simultaneously openings is not known. FORM-A-SET AK is a blend
losing circulation to an upper zone. The wellbore of polymers and smaller fibrous materials
plug will allow safe withdrawal of the drill pipe designed to plug fine-to-medium sized deep
before setting a cement plug. The cement plug fractures and faults. DUO-VIS* biopolymer
should normally be 1890 kg/m3 or 10 % above provides suspension. It does not contain
the current mud weight, whichever is higher. crosslinker, and so can be made up in advance as
Cement should not be pumped until no gas a contingency. FORM-A-SET AKX comprises coarse
remains in the wellbore. Otherwise, the gas calcium carbonate and a high polymer loading
migration may compromise the cement plug. to create mechanically stronger plugs. It does
Circumstances other than well control also are not contain crosslinker and can also be made up
candidates for the use of wellbore plugs. in advance.

If the wellbore plug is made up using water, FORM-A-SET

only freshwater should be used, because the
gel strength of the plug increases with salinity FORM-A-SET is a one-sack blend of polymers,
and hardness. It is important the barite in the cross-linkable agents, and fibrous lost
plug is able to settle out at the bottom of the circulation materials designed to plug matrix
wellbore. The settling rate of wellbore plugs also and naturally fractured or vugular zones. When
can be affected by a number of other factors, activated with time and temperature, FORM-A-SET
such as density, contaminants in the make-up produces a rubbery, ductile and spongy soft set

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-15

gel that effectively prevents loss of fluid to the be added to the water before the FORM-A-
formation. SET material. Table 5-7 shows the typical
concentration for the retarder.
Two products are available with the material
to help control the setting times: FORM-A-SET Table 5-7 Retarder
RET* and FORM-A-SET ACC*. FORM-A-SET RET is a Concentration vs. Temperature
retarder designed for situations requiring longer
setting or pumping times and higher squeeze
temperatures. An accelerator, FORM-A-SET ACC is Bottomhole Static FORM-A-SET Ret,
engineered for situations where set conditions Temperature (oC) kg/m³
are faster or lower water temperatures will not 27-38 -
allow the polymers to hydrate.
38-49 11
Application 49-66 17
66-93 29
FORM-A-SET can be used in any applications
93-121 45
where a squeeze plug would be
121-149 51
It particularly is advantageous in areas where 149-177 57
loss of whole drilling fluid is prevalent. FORM-A-
SET also may be employed to shut off water flows It is important to pilot test the formulation
and stabilize gravel sections. Equally effective in to assure that the pill will remain fluid long
vertical and horizontal wellbores, FORM-A-SET can enough to be placed, and yet set within a
be weighted with M-I BAR* or FER-OX. FORM-A-SET reasonable time.
can be used to shut off losses to depleted sands
and isolate gas/water zones. Physical Properties

The following formulation for a Barite/Hematite
Appearance Clear liquid
Plug is recommended:
Specific Gravity 1.323
Water solubility Soluble
Freshwater As many bbl as are
Barite/Hematite Density to 1670-2640
Appearance Dark Green liquid
Specific Gravity 1.4
Lignosulfonate 2.85 kg/m3
Water solubility Soluble
(or a sufficient amount)
Caustic Soda 0.71 kg/m3 (pH 8-10)
FORM-A-SET ACC is used to decrease set times
with the slurry. It is used when ambient
FORM-A-SET may be blended with either fresh
temperatures or make-up water are below 16°C.
water, seawater or salt water up to saturation.
Caution must be exercised when adding the
Seawater and sodium chloride tend to retard the
accelerator to avoid over-treatment.
cross-link set time. FORM-A-SET may be used to
stop losses in wells drilled with any kind of mud.
The FORM-A-SET ACC should be added after the
dry material has been added to the water. Allow
the dry material to blend thoroughly before
The FORM-A-SET RET should be used with all adding the FORM-A-SET ACC to the slurry slowly.
applications above 1°C A retarder is required It is suggested the accelerator be diluted in 0.02
when bottom-hole temperature (BHST) and to 0.03 m3 of water before being added to the
pumping time increase. The retarder should FORM-A-SET slurry.

5-16 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

Advantages A-SET slurries heavier than fresh water, using the
following sequence:
Because FORM-A-SET contains cross-linkable
agents and polymers in a single package, FORM- * Add the retarder before the FORM-A-SET.
A-SET RET is not required at lower temperatures. The retarder concentration should be
However, at increased temperature and proportioned to the water volume.
longer pumping times, it is recommended * Add one-half of the FORM-A-SET material
a minimum concentration of 20 kg/m3 be
used. At temperatures of 93°C to 177°C, it is * Add the barite
recommended to use 30 to 45 kg/m3 of FORM-A-
* Add the remaining FORM-A-SET
SET RET. Pilot testing is suggested before pumping
to obtain an estimate of time needed to create a * Add the accelerator concentration in
firm set plug. proportion to the water volume.

Limitations A clean pit or blending tank should be used to

mix a pill of FORM-A-SET and water. Allow the
The FORM-A-SET plug will not degrade bacterially mixture to stir until the entire pill has been
in the wellbore over a period of time, but should well-dispersed. If the retarder is to be used, add
be used cautiously in or near producing zones. it to the water before mixing the polymer. On
the other hand, if using the accelerator, add it
Mixing/Pumping Instructions after the FORM-A-SET product has been mixed.

A clean pit or blending tank should be used to

Note: Defoamer may be added when any air
mix a pill of FORM-A-SET and water. Allow the
entrapment is observed.
mixture to stir until the entire pill has been
well-dispersed. If the retarder is to be used, add
For unweighted slurries, add one sack (18.1 kg)
it to the water before mixing the polymer. On
to 0.16 m3 of water.
the other hand, if using the accelerator, add it
after the FORM-A-SET product has been mixed.
Typical viscosity is from 125 to 170 sec/L
funnel viscosity directly after initial mixing.
Weighted Slurries
A defoamer, such as DEFOAM A*, should be
Adhere to the schedule in Table 5-6 to mix FORM- available in case any aeration causes foaming.

Table 5-6. Mixing Schedule for Weighted FORM-A-SET Pills

Density Water FORM-A-SET M-I BAR

(kg/m3) (m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1015 0.145 104 0.00
1078 0.142 102 79
1198 0.137 98 237
1318 0.131 94 396
1438 0.126 91 554
1558 0.121 87 712
1678 0.115 83 870
1797 0.110 79 1028
1917 0.104 75 1187
2037 0.99 71 1345
2157 0.93 67 1503

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-17

Avoid using any defoamer containing glycol or crosslinker is added separately. When added to
aluminum stearate as they might cause changes DUO-VIS* and activated with a combination of
in the cross-linkable mechanism. FORM-A-SET XL*, time and temperature, FORM-
A-SET AK produces a firm, rubbery and ductile
Use approximately 3.2 to 4.8 m3 of viscosified plug that prevents loss of fluid to the formation.
water or drilling fluid as a spacer both ahead The lost circulation material in the FORM-A-SET
and behind the pill. AK package comprises a broad size distribution
of fibrous cellulose capable of plugging deep
Pump the pill to the annulus at the depth of loss fractures, faults, and vugular formations
and pull above the loss zone, being careful not
to leave any pill in the pipe even if losses have Typical Physical properties
stopped or slowed. Do not shut down pumping
Physical appearance Light tan powder
while the pill is in the drill string. Watch for any
Actual density 960 kg/m3 ( 0.96 sg)
sign that the pill has reached the loss zone, such
Bulk density 550 kg/m3
as an increase in pressure or improvement in
the return flow.
Pull above pill and close the annular preventer The FORM-A-SET AK plug can be mixed in
to begin squeezing. If pressure is noted, hold freshwater, seawater or saltwater up to
for at least three hours to obtain a firm set saturation, although salt may retard set times.
of the pill. Allow about 4 hr for pill to obtain FORM-A-SET AK can be used in any application
maximum strength. where a squeeze plug is beneficial and a smaller
particle-size distribution of bridging material
Packaging and Handling is desired. This enhances the ability of the
material to penetrate a porous or fractured zone.
FORM-A-SET is packaged in 18.1 kg sacks. It should
It can also be mixed with larger bridging agents
be used in areas with sufficient ventilation
to block larger openings. Often, it is used as the
to remove airborne particulates and should
second half of a dual or ‘tandem pill’, following a
be stored in a dry location. The use of eye and
coarse LCM or a FORM-A-SQUEEZE pill.
respiration protection is recommended.
FORM-A-SET AK is a variation of FORM-A-SET.
Total time for the job, including blending,
The cross-linkable agent for FORM-A-SET AK is
pumping and squeezing, is about 6 hrs.
packaged separately. Thus, the plug without
cross-linkable agent can be mixed and stored on
FORM-A-SET RET is packaged in 20 Qt (18.9 L) cans.
location as a contingency.
Warning: Use in an area that is well ventilated
and care should be used to avoid breathing
Because the cross-linking agent for FORM-A-
vapors. Store in a dry, ventilated place.
SET AK is packaged separately, the plug can be
mixed and stored on location as a contingency.
FORM-A-SET ACC is packaged in 1 Qt (0.95 L)
Once losses are encountered, the plug is
containers. Warning: Use in a well-ventilated
activated by adding the appropriate amount of
area and avoid breathing vapors. Store in clean
and dry location. For more information on the
design of FORM-A-SET pills, see Appendix 5.
FORM-A-SET AK can be used to stop losses
FORM-A-SET AK occurring with any water, oil or synthetic-base
fluid system.
FORM-A-SET AK provides the plug-forming
chemistry of FORM-A-SET in a more flexible
system. Like FORM-A-SET, it is a special blend of
polymers and fibrous materials. However, the

5-18 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

Unweighted slurries mixing & pumping thoroughly for approximately five minutes.
instructions Then add 14 kg/m3 of FORM-A-SET XL to the pill
and mix thoroughly for approximately five
To mix an unweighted pill of FORM-A-SET AK, use a minutes.
clean mud pit or re-circulating mixer. Place the bit across the loss zone. Pump the
• Add 4 kg/m3 DUO-VIS* pill to the bit as fast as possible and continue
• Add 70 kg/m3 FORM-A-SET AK pumping the pill until the whole pill has cleared
• Add 4 kg/m3 DUO-VIS the drill string, even if losses have stopped. DO
Note: The defoamer may be added at any time IS IN THE DRILLSTRING. It is important not to
air entrapment is observed. leave any pill in the pipe. Watch for any sign
of the pill reaching the loss zone, such as a
Defoamers containing aluminum stearate or pressure increase or improved return flow.
glycol might cause changes in the cross-linkable
mechanism. To begin squeezing, pull above the pill height.
Close the annular preventer and begin applying
Use approximately 3 to 5 m3 of viscosified water pressure. If pressure is noted, hold for at least
or drilling fluid as spacers in front of and behind three hours to obtain a firm set of the pill. Allow
the pill. The preferred spacer is 9 kg/m3 DUO-VIS about 4 hr for the pill to obtain maximum
in water. strength.

Once losses are encountered, add the required Total time for the job, including blending,
amount of FORM-A-SET RET to the pill and mix pumping and squeezing is about five hours.

Table 5-8. Mixing Chart for FORM-A-SET AK Pills


(kg/m3) (Liters) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1000 0.148 8.0 66.6 14.2 0
1020 0.147 7.9 66.3 14.2 22
1080 0.144 7.8 65.0 13.5 100
1140 0.142 7.6 63.8 13.5 189
1200 0.139 7.5 62.5 12.8 258
1260 0.136 7.3 61.3 12.8 337
1320 0.133 6.0 60.0 12.1 415
1380 0.130 5.8 58.8 12.1 490
1440 0.128 4.6 57.5 11.4 570
1500 0.125 4.5 56.3 11.4 650
1560 0.122 3.3 55.0 10.7 730
1620 0.119 3.2 53.8 10.7 810
1680 0.117 2.1 52.5 10.0 890
1740 0.114 2.0 51.37 10.0 966
1800 0.111 1.5 50.0 9.3 1040
1860 0.108 1.4 48.8 9.3 1120
1920 0.106 0.9 47.5 8.6 1200

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-19

Weighted slurries mixing & pumping * DUO-VIS: 0.6 kg/m3 (the second half of the
instructions total required concentration)

* FORM-A-SET RET: 29 kg/m3

1. FASWARE should be followed to mix FORM-
A-SET AK slurries heavier than freshwater. * FORM-A-SET XL: 9 kg/m3
If FASWARE is not available, Table 5-8 can
serve as a guide. The recommended mixing Advantages
order is: Add one-half of the DUO-VIS. Add
one-half of the DUO-VIS. * FORM-A-SET AK contains only the polymer
and LCM, therefore it may be mixed on
2. Add one-half of the FORM-A-SET material.
location and stored before the anticipated
3. Add the barite. losses are encountered.

4. Add the remaining FORM-A-SET AK. * Owing to its increased polymer loading and
the smaller size of the fibrous material, the
5. Add the remaining DUO-VIS. FORM-A-SET AK has a much firmer set than
6. If the pill is to be held for more than 24 hr, the conventional FORM-A-SET.
an appropriate biocide should be added at * Because of this firmer set, FORM-A-SET AK
this point. has a wide range of applications, ranging
Once losses are encountered, add the required from partial (1.6 to16 m3/hr) to total losses.
amount of FORM-A-SET RET to the pill and Furthermore, the material can be used
mix thoroughly for approximately five min. for both water and gas shutoff in non-
Then add FORM-A-SET XL to the pill and mix productive zones and may be used for gravel
thoroughly for approximately five minutes. consolidation.
FORM-A-SET AK mixing example
* Extended times in the wellbore will not
Objective: To formulate a FORM-A-SET AK pill for cause a FORM-A-SET AK plug to degrade
195°F (91°C) formation temperature, 1860 kg/
m3 density and pumping time averaging 90 min. Limitations
As always, use approprate Personal Protective
Equipment. * Caution should be exercised when it is used
in or near the production zone.
As detailed in the FORM-A-SET RET table (Table 5.6)
* Pilot testing for thermal stability is
for the formation temperature of 195°F (91°C)
recommended when temperatures exceed
the recommended concentration of FORM-A-SET
RET is 29 kg/m3 so the formulation and mixing
order are: * When premixing the pill, include 0.6 kg/m3
* Water: 0.108 m3 of biocide for all plugs. Pilot tests should be
run with available biocides.
* DUO-VIS: 0.6 kg/m3 (half of the total required
Packaging and Handling
* FORM-A-SET AK: 24 kg/m (half of the total
FORM-A-SET AK is packaged in 25-lb (11.3 kg)
required concentration)
sacks. FORM-A-SET AK should be stored in a dry
* M-I BAR: 1120 kg/m3 location.

* FORM-A-SET AK: 24 kg/m3 (the second half of FORM-A-SET RET is packaged in 5-gal (18.9 L)
the total required concentration) cans. Use in a well-ventilated area and avoid
breathing vapors. Store in a dry, ventilated place.

5-20 May 2011 Remedial Treatments

FORM-A-SET ACC is packaged in 1-qt (0.95 L) Other Crosslinkable Pills
containers. Use in a well-ventilated area and
avoid breathing vapors. Store in a clean, dry FORM-A-PLUG II, EMS-8320 and EMS-8420 are
location. crosslinkable pills which can be broken or
reversed when the well is ready to be put on
FORM-A-SET XL is packaged in 50-lb (22.7 kg) production. Consequently, they are thought to
containers. Use in a well-ventilated area and be suitable for curing severe losses in reservoirs.
avoid breathing vapors. Store in clean dry Because they are primarily intended for
location. producing zones, which is the theme of Chapter
8, these crosslinkable pills will be discussed
FORM-A-SET AK pills refer to the software under that heading. Additional information on
FASWARE, which is detailed in Appendix 5. the design of FORM-A-PLUG II pills can be found in
the discussion on FASWARE in Appendix 5.

May 2011 Remedial Treatments 5-21

Chapter 6 - Prevention

Various techniques are now available that can points and mud weights and quantify the risk
complement and even preclude conventional of hole collapse and lost circulation (hazard
lost circulation remediation practices. These mapping). Doing so requires the use of data and
techniques rely upon a comprehensive approach wellbore stability models that generate locally
for stabilizing the wellbore to prevent lost accurate pressure and stress profiles, rather
circulation, which includes implementation of than average gradients. Much of the necessary
or improvements in: information can be obtained from offset
wells and documented drilling experience. In
* Drilling Practices - locally applicable, more addition, risk and wellbore stability assessment
reliable wellbore stability modeling, and can be updated while drilling using real-time
ECD management practices, including the logging and data processing techniques. This
use of relatively new techniques like MPD, requires real-time monitoring of downhole
CWD, UBD, CTD pressure, condition of the well, the volume of
drilled cuttings and morphology.
* Drilling Fluid Selection and optimization
of Mud Properties - choosing drilling fluids Keep ECD to a Minimum
that provide better control of ECD and fluid
invasion into the formation * Use VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS (VRDH* module) for
estimating equivalent circulating density
* Surface and Downhole Hardware –
Minimize obstructions and ECD surges * Reduce restrictions in the annulus (filter
cake buildup).
* Wellbore Stabilization or Strenghening
Techniques - Hoop stress enhancement * Keep hydraulics at the minimum level
methods, including stress cage and fracture required to clean the hole.
closure stress (see Chapter 7)
* Control ROP to avoid loading the annulus.

This chapter focuses on the first two of these * Reduce the length of the exposed loss zone
four key strategies. and reduce influx size.

Drilling Practices Minimize Annular Loading

The technique used to drill a well plays a major Increase in annular mud weight because of
role in determining and controlling the wellbore drilled cuttings can break down the formation,
hydrostatic pressure throughout the drilling particularly in surface holes. Thus, the effective
operation. Thus, it is important to strongly increase in annular mud weight must be
consider the mechanics of the drilling process. calculated and taken into account. Controlled
To minimize the risk of lost circulation it is drilling may be required. Use VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS
important to consider the following general to predict the cuttings effect for the given ROP at
precepts: the annular loading.

Enhance Precision and Accuracy of Wellbore Minimize Surge and Swab Pressures
Stability Analysis
Obtaining an accurate geomechanical picture software should be used for determining
of the planned wellbore is of paramount trip velocity and acceleration schedule
importance. This will help determine the casing

May 2011 Prevention 6-1

* While tripping in, break circulation at the Optimize Downhole Equipment
shoe and at approximately every 300 m in
open hole. * If hydraulics permit, consider replacing bit
nozzles with larger nozzles or remove them
* Circulate for at least 5 min. altogether.
* Bring the pumps up slowly after * Minimize the BHA. No stabilizers and only
connections. the minimum number of drill collars and
* Rotate the pipe before turning on the heavy weight drill pipe should be run.
pumps. Restrict angle build by maintaining high
rpm and low weight.
* While tripping out, pump out for the first
few stands/singles off bottom. * If using large LCM, employ bypass
circulating valves such as WELL COMMANDER*
* Maintain slow tripping speeds across areas above the BHA to avoid pills being circulated
of potential lost circulation. through tools with limited flow paths or
restrictions. This might include core barrels,
* Consider the use of lubricants to reduce drag.
MWDs, mud motors, floats and survey rings.
* Using sweeps to clear the cuttings from
* Avoid running drill pipe casing protectors,
the wellbore prior to POOH to run casing
which can swell and act like a packer.
should be considered. In addition, circulate
bottoms-up at least 1.5 times the theoretical
stroke count, or until the shaker screens are Reliance on Well-Trained Personnel
clear. This will minimize cuttings beds and
bridges when RIH to set casing and cement. * If severe and prolonged losses are expected,
two drilling fluid engineers should be on
board/at the rig site for 24-hr coverage
Optimize Surface Equipment Doubling up the drilling fluid engineers,
project engineers and supervisors also
* Remove pump strainers, if allowable.
should be considered.
However, contractor safety considerations
may prevent this * Demonstrating the HSE impact of mixing
sodium silicate and calcium chloride mixing
* Line up surface piping so at least one mud
instantaneously form a precipitate is a
pump can be switched quickly to water or
powerful reminder to rig personnel of the
danger of allowing these two reagents to
* All surface equipment should be pressure- mix inside pipe. A similar demonstration
tested in advance. Offshore, have the ROV/ should be made to illustrate the reaction
SSTV check the riser daily for leaks. The between sodium silicate and cement.
normal procedure would be to check for
leaks in the surface equipment before Pull Back to Safety
assuming losses were down hole. Since
there might not be time to do so afterwards, * The string can be pumped out of the well,
constant attention to the surface equipment thereby displacing the treatment while
is essential. pulling out. Continue pulling to the shoe,
maintaining constant pipe movement.
* Ensure no mud transfers, additions, or
dilutions are carried out while drilling * Cement should not be pumped if there are
proceeds toward or in a loss zone. doubts whether the string can be pulled
back safely to the shoe.

6-2 May 2011 Prevention

Observe Warning Signs moving. Where possible, pull to the shoe
before attempting a treatment. As a rule,
* There is a possibility of seepage losses it is recommended to have sufficient open
occurring prior to major losses. hole volume below the bit to accommodate
the whole treatment.
* It is essential to monitor for signs of
increasing overpressure. * More than likely, reactive clays overlying
the loss formation will become unstable if
Attack Losses Immediately exposed to uninhibited fluids.

* As loss zones may be low-pressured, it is

* Losses should be dealt with as they occur.
critical to guard against differential sticking.
While it is possible, though expensive, to
drill ahead with losses, if the open hole * Carry out pilot tests for each treatment.
section is too long, it is difficult to direct
the treatment to the correct location, Practice Good Well Control Procedure
Additionally, penetrating a higher pressure
zone could result in an underground With the annular closed and losses occurring
blowout. into a highly permeable gas- bearing formation,
the likelihood of gas invasion is high. When
* In order to apply/spot a treatment as soon as this happens, gas migrates up the wellbore,
the loss zone is encountered, a slug pit full of effectively displacing the mud.
an LCM pill should be available. A minimum
of 15.9 m3 pumpable volume should be on If employing bull heading, it is very important
location. This should be mixed at the highest to maintain rates of 2.27 cubic meter per
concentration the agitators can handle. minute. If it is necessary to pump water,
Additional LCM to 230 kg/m3 can be added seawater, or any fluids of varying density, it is
by dumping straight into the top of the pits also important to record the number of strokes
or via big bags. pumped. In addition, it is essential to be able
* Have a large volume of reserve mud to calculate the height of water/seawater, and
prepared. therefore the hydrostatic pressure, in the well at
all times.

Identify Location of Loss Zone Unconventional Drilling Techniques

* If losses first occur while drilling ahead, or Various drilling techniques are now available
are accompanied by a change in torque or a that can reduce the risk of lost circulation. These
drilling break (including the bit dropping), include Managed Pressure Drilling, Casing while
the losses likely are on bottom. Drilling, Expandable Tubulars, Underbalanced
Drilling and Coiled Tubing Drilling. The
* If, however, losses occur while tripping following discussion focuses on the three most
or increasing mud weight, they may be relevant techniques used today - MPD, CWD and
off bottom. If necessary, a temperature or Expandable Tubulars.
spinner survey should be run.
Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD)
Avoid Stuck Pipe
MPD should be investigated to determine if it is
* When losses occur, cuttings will settle out economically viable. Unlike underbalanced and
around the BHA and may mechanically stick power drilling, the primary objective of MPD
the pipe. The cuttings will act as a packer is obtaining a stable wellbore within a narrow
and exacerbate underlying losses. That is operating PP/FG window, while avoiding any
why it is critical to always keep the pipe influx of formation fluids. MPD effectively

May 2011 Prevention 6-3

manipulates the pressure window so the fluid have been used successfully include:
“walks the line” between wellbore collapse and * Constant Bottom-Hole Pressure Profile
wellbore failure (fracturing, ballooning) with (BHPP)
greater certainty. An important goal of MPD
technology is to stretch or eliminate casing * Dual Density Gradient
points. In a typical MPD application, the fluid
* Pressurized Mud Cap
system is closed utilizing (a) a Rotating Control
Device (RCD) and a drilling choke to restrict and
control the exposed wellbore pressure profile,
and (b) a casing pump to provide back-pressure
when required. However, other configurations
also are used, thus helping to expand the range
of possibilities for MPD technology.

In conventional drilling, maintaining wellbore

stability is accomplished by manipulating
the static and dynamic pressure profile of
the annular fluid by controlling fluid density
and viscosity. As the wellbore stability (PPG/
FG) window narrows, the risks of fluid influx/ Fig. 6-1. Typical MPD Closed Pressurized Mud System
wellbore collapse and wellbore failure increase.
The traditional response is to set casing and Constant BHPP is used primarily to avoid
reestablish a wider window, but MPD offers exceeding the fracture gradient. Figure 6-2
various alternatives for avoiding or defering the depicts a typical scenario that can be resolved
setting of casing. Most of these methods depend by applying the Constant BHPP technique.
upon keeping the wellbore closed at all times, as When the mud is not flowing, the wellbore is
indicated in Fig. 6-1. Under such conditions, any stable, but when it is circulating, losses occur in
changes in the pressure or volume of the fluid an upper zone.
in the annulus are apparent immediately. As
such, fluid influxes and losses can be detected BHP = Bottom-Hole Pressure; HH = Hydrostatic
almost instantly using advanced model tools Head, given by the mud weight MW; and AFP =
and automated control systems. Annular Friction Pressure.

In addition, MPD may be approached reactively To remedy this problem, the density of the
or proactively. In the reactive mode, wells are fluid is lowered, and back-pressure is imposed
designed conventionally, though equipment only when the fluid is static, i.e. when making
is rigged up to react quickly to unexpected connections. As a result, BHP (Static) > BHP
pressure changes in the well. In the proactive (Dynamic). Imposing a Constant BHPP in this
mode, a well is planned to include equipment manner requires a rotating control head, a
that is rigged up to intervene continuously to surface choke and a drill pipe float. Figure 6-3
alter the annular pressure profile. The proactive demonstrates the effect of this technique, where
approach is preferred because it promises to BP = Back Pressure.
provide better wellbore stability and perhaps
extend or eliminate casing points. An alternative “Constant BHPP” technique
involves circulating continuously, i.e. through
MPD is carried out by manipulating the bit while drilling and through the concentric
backpressure, fluid density, fluid rheology, casing string while making connections (Fig.
circulating friction, hole geometry, and 6-4).
employing active devices to control the mud
pressure gradient. The MPD techniques that Thus, BHP(static)=HH(MW) + AFP(shoe). The

6-4 May 2011 Prevention

Fig. 6-2. Drilling scenario where wellbore is stable Fig. 6-3. Imposing back-pressure when fluid is static.
under static conditions, but failure occurs in a
shallow zone under dynamic conditions.

Fig. 6-4. Circulating the fluid

continuously yields a near-constant BHP

pressure gradient curves are shown in Fig. 6-5. Dual Density Gradient Drilling

The technique includes the following: This is recommended – with or without a riser –
when the pore pressure (PP) gradient increases
* Use lower density and keep the fluid so rapidly with increasing depth that neither
dynamically dead at all times (no RCD a static or dynamic column of a single-density
required) fluid can be managed without fracturing the
* Tailor the friction losses by increasing or shallower formations. While this technique is
decreasing clearances or varying lengths of useful particularly in deep water drilling where
drill string components seawater controls the pore pressure in the
shallower formations, it also could be applied in
* Run a down hole pump in the drill string land jobs.
that adds energy to the annulus return flow

May 2011 Prevention 6-5

Fig. 6-5. When fluid is circulated down the back side under “static” conditions, the pressure gradient is
similar to that for the fluid circulating through the bit.

Conventional drilling usually calls for several - and still perhaps the most common - were
casing strings to be set just below the seabed. onshore.
Applying Dual Density Gradient drilling
offshore requires a lifting mechanism or the The specific Dual Density Gradient method used
introduction of a lighter fluid over the heavier will depend on the particular drilling operation.
fluid. For the latter case, the mud often is One common method specifies the use of a
discharged at the mud line while drilling the lower density gradient at the top of the wellbore
top hole and before running the surface casing, and a higher density gradient at the bottom, as
riser and BOP. Onshore, Dual Density Gradient shown in Fig. 6-6. The lighter fluid is injected
drilling can be carried out by using a parasite through a parasite string or concentric casing.
string, where air or nitrogen is injected into This changes the hydrostatic head in the upper
the annulus at the casing shoe. Indeed, the first part of the wellbore, thereby reducing the BHP
applications of Dual Density Gradient drilling in the upper zones, which in turn, effectively

Fig. 6-6. Dual density gradient drilling can handle rapidly increasing PP

6-6 May 2011 Prevention

avoids the risk of fracturing those formations. • Mud cap
On the other hand, the BHP in the lower zones
remains high enough to keep the wellbore from * Subsea Control
collapsing. • Top hole mud recovery

Dual Density Gradient drilling differs from • Conventional dual gradient

Single Density Gradient drilling in several Several variations of this technique are possible,
respects: depending on the locations and PPG/FG of
the formations in question. For example, if
Single Gradient MPD the formations are further apart or the pore
pressure or fracture gradients not as steep,
* Surface Control the water/mud interface may be created at
• RCD and choke a shallower depth, along with reducing mud
density. By way of another example, drilling a
• Friction management deep water surface hole riserless requires some
density to avoid collapse. In this scenario, “Pump
* Subsea/Sub Surface Control
and Dump” can be tried, although it requires
• Shallow water flow diverter huge volumes and is expensive. Furthermore,
Pump and Dump does not offer dynamic
• RCD and dynamic choke methods of controlling kicks or the formation of
gas hydrates, as it depends heavily on accurate
* Down hole Control
seismic data to avoid shallow hazards.
• ECD reduction tools
Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling
• Friction Control
With MCD it is possible to balance a single point
in the reservoir either statically or dynamically.
Dual Gradient MPD
This is because some very thick reservoirs
contain hydrocarbons with a much different
* Surface Control
hydrostatic gradient than the drilling fluid,
• Fluid density management making it impossible to simultaneously balance

Fig. 6-7. Typical equipment layout for Light Annular Mud Cap Drilling (LAMCD)

May 2011 Prevention 6-7

fractures that are separated by any significant By doing so, control of the well can be
vertical distance. maintained with undesirable substances, like
H2S, left below surface.
Since the formations in question sometimes
are quite sour, allowing the sour gas to come With a single density gradient fluid, Pressurized
to surface is justified. In addition, there is some Mud Cap drilling may require unsatisfactorily
concern when using floating MCD techniques high surface back-pressure to generate a BHPP
in that the fluid level is unknown and kicks that stabilizes the wellbore from top to bottom.
often are sudden and occasionally quite forceful. A combination of Dual Density Gradient and
Acoustic fluid-level guns have been employed Pressurized Mud Cap techniques can be used
to monitor behavior within the wellbore, but effectively to avoid this problem
since the gas migration is transient, the results If a plane of weakness or rubble zone is present,
have had limited value. The pressurized mud the hydrostatic pressure of the mud column
cap technique was developed to continuously sometimes will not support the wellbore wall
monitor pressure at the surface. sufficiently. Mitigating this mode of instability
requires a lower mud weight or less pressure
Also known variously as light annular mud fluctuation. One MPD technique that would
cap, or closed-hole circulation drilling, this help remediate this condition is dual gradient
method places a column of mud in the annulus to reduce the annular pressure across the
that is lighter than that required to balance fractured/fissile zone and continuous circulation
the formation pressure. Figure 6-7 shows the to prevent pressure fluctuations. Therefore, in
surface equipment required for pressurized situations where mud penetrates fractured/
mud cap drilling. With this technique, drilling fissile zones, annular pressure management is
is conducted through a rotating head with paramount.
the well shut in at the surface and the surface
annular pressure used as an indicator of what For riserless drilling, special techniques may
is occurring downhole. Sacrificial drilling fluid prove beneficial, including:
(preferably one that is economical and non-
damaging) is pumped down the drill string, and * A subsea RCD and a ROV-controlled choke,
all fluid and cuttings are pumped back into the with seawater and gelled sweeps.
fractures or vugs. Maintaining a full hole with
a static column of fluid reduces mud losses and * For zero-discharge, riserless MPD, one
maintains constant contact with the reservoir. possible solution is to use a subsea pump
to return mud to the rig. For dual density
The static surface annular pressure is the drilling, the mud/water interface may be
difference between reservoir pressure at the regulated to achieve an acceptable operating
top fracture and the hydrostatic pressure window. Also, back-pressure (BP) may be
exerted by the annular fluid. Typically, the imposed at the mud line.
pumping annular pressure is slightly higher, as
determined by the friction pressure required to Recent MPD innovations allow for more
pump into the fractures. If gas migration occurs, automation to control the BP and choke, along
the annular pressure rises as the gas replaces with smaller equipment footprints and the
the annular fluid. As the gas rises to the surface allowance of larger tubulars in RCDs. This
and expands, the annular pressure increases is enhanced by more precise monitoring,
accordingly. Once the annular pressure rises simulating and predictive software. The RCDs
above a predetermined value, the situation are becoming easier to install on all types of
can be corrected by pumping additional fluid BOPs and have increased pressure ratings.
into the annulus, thus displacing the gas and MPD equipment for floating rigs also has been
contaminated fluid back into the formation developed.
until the previous annular pressure is restored.

6-8 May 2011 Prevention

Where possible, MPD should be considered and In this technique, the casing provides hydraulic
incorporated in the drilling plan as an integral and mechanical energy to a retrievable drilling
part of the well control program, rather than assembly that is suspended from a profile
a contingency. This pro-active approach can nipple located near the bottom of the casing.
realize significant gains, both in continuity The profile nipple has the same drift diameter
of the drilling operations and enhanced as the casing and can be used to land cementing
safety. Also, where possible, the drilling equipment after the drilling assembly is
operation should be designed as an automated removed.
MPD closed-fluid system with redundancy
incorporated to minimize the risk of accidents. With Casing Drilling, the BHA is connected
to the casing with a “drill lock” (DLA) that
Casing While Drilling (CWD) provides a running/retrieval interface, along
with a mechanical attachment to the casing
In CWD, or more simply known as Casing
and a hydraulic seal. The pilot bit is located
Drilling, a well is drilled and cased
at the end of the drilling assembly, which is
simultaneously using standard oilfield casing.
suspended below the DLA and also may include
Figure 6-8 illustrates a typical casing drilling
other conventional drill-string components,
assembly. As shown, the BHA is latched into
including an under-reamer, mud motor, core
the bottom joint of casing where it is run and
barrel, or directional assembly (non-mag. collars,
retrieved through the casing via wireline. For
LWD, MWD, UBHO, motor, etc.). A pilot bit that
directional or horizontal wells, the BHA can be
will drift the drill casing is run with an under-
fitted with conventional directional equipment,
reamer to open the hole to the appropriate size
such as mud motors and measurement-while-
for running the casing. For example, a 159 mm
drilling (MWD) tools. Since these tools are run
pilot bit is used with 3.18 kg/m 17.8 mm casing,
and retrieved inside casing, they are protected
along with an under-reamer to open the hole
from the harsh downhole environment while
to a final diameter of 21.6 mm. The hole may be
in transit. Accordingly, problems that can occur
opened to a larger diameter to reduce the ECD in
typically during tripping operations, such as
critical applications.
kicks, unintentional sidetracks, casing wear,
and wellbore instability due to surge/swab Expandable Tubulars
pressures and formation sloughing/swelling,
are eliminated. Also know as Expandable Liner or Expandable
Casing solutions, the primary application for
this technology is delivery of the proper casing/
liner without losing any hole diameter. This
technology also can be used to isolate downhole
problems (lost circulation, wellbore instability
or damaged casing) after the issues have
arisen. Thus, since the problem is addressed
after the targeted well section has been drilled,
expandable tubular are used essentially as a
remedial treatment.

The method consists of setting a tubular against

the troublesome wellbore zone (up to a few
thousand feet) and afterwards expanding
the tubular, thus sealing off the zone. For this
purpose, an expansion tool exceeding the inner
Fig. 6-8. Casing Drilling Assembly diameter of the tube by a predetermined degree
of expansion is forced through the tubular.

May 2011 Prevention 6-9

This is accomplished either hydraulically (by viscosities at low shear rates. An extreme case
applying mud pressure) or mechanically (by of a Non-Newtonian fluid, DRILPLEX develops a
pulling the conical \ tapered expansion tool). near-to-perfect plug flow. While drilling through
an open fracture, the shear rate decreases
Two types of expandable tubulars are now in from the mouth of the fracture to the tip. At
use: that point, the effective viscosity of DRILPLEX
* For Cased Holes - expandable liner hanger starts to increase. This leads to a rapid rise in
and the cased hole clad. Basically, the fluid viscosity with increasing fracture depth;
expandable liner hanger is an evolution of indeed, at the fracture tip the viscosity is so high
existing equipment currently used, but with that the the rate of invasion drops to near zero.
a better through bore and perceived higher Figure 6-9 illustrates the effect of the DRILPLEX
reliability. The Cased Hole clad provides LSRV on the invasion rate.
a casing patch across a damaged section
of casing, or is used to close off previously
ECD-Friendly Fluids
perforated casing. This product has two Fluids with rheological profiles that deliver
main advantages – minimal through bore less impact on ECD can help to reduce or even
loss [basically two times the wall thickness prevent the inducing or re-opening of fractures.
of tubular being expanded] and high The RHELIANT system, for instance, with its
pressure integrity performance. 3-rpm and 6-rpm dial readings and YP relatively
* For Open Holes – liner and open hole independent of temperature, offers the double
clads. The tools are very similar to the advantage of providing good hole cleaning
conventional liner technologies with the capability and a unique gel strength structure
exception of having no lost internal wellbore that eliminates the pressure spikes typically
diameter after setting and expanding. The seen with other invert emulsion fluids.
open hole diameter in the proposed set zone
The cold environment within the large risers of
might require under-reaming to provide the
deep water wells present unique challenges that
required expansion space.
a fluid such as RHELIANT can help overcome by
drilling with higher pump rates to ensure good
Drilling Fluid Selection hole cleaning while reducing the tendency to gel
Before planning treatment methods and in the riser when the pumps are off. The system
the quantities of LCM needed for a specific has been known to reduce the risks of ECD
well, selecting the right drilling fluid for the spikes considerably when breaking circulation,
application must be the first step of any Lost especially in narrow drilling windows.
Circulation Assessment Plan (LCAP). Fluids with
the inherent capacity to minimize or cure lost Similarly, fluids utilizing micronized weight
circulation exhibit reduced invasion rates into material, such as WARP, requires minimum
fractures. This is a function of having a lower rheology, thus allowing higher pump rates than
impact on ECD’s than other fluids, independent fluids weighted with API barite. This serves
of shear rates, wellbore temperature gradients, to improve hole cleaning considerably, reduce
or mud weight requirements. sag tendencies and lower plastic viscosities.
Especially effective in small-diameter holes,
High-LSRV Fluids these features give the micronized weight
material systems a definite edge on API
When encountering an existing open fracture, barite-weighted fluids when it comes to ECD
the drilling fluid will flow into the formation management and reduced wellbore fracturing
if the hydrostatic pressure is greater than the and lost circulation risks.
formation pressure. By nature, drilling fluids
are all shear thinning, but the mixed metal
oxide DRILPLEX* fluid is one that produces high

6-10 May 2011 Prevention

Fig. 6-9. DRILPLEX fluid flow in a fracture

Fig. 6-10. RHELIANT rheology profile Fig. 6-11. RHELIANT flat gels

Fig. 6-12. WARP vs API Barite Fig. 6-13. WARP vs. Conventional OBM Viscosity

May 2011 Prevention 6-11

Wellbore Isolation Fluids Follow prescribed tripping schedules;

Wellbore isolation (a cased hole being the * Maintain gel strengths, yield point, and
perfect isolated wellbore) can be considered the viscosity at the lowest levels that will clean
ultimate lost circulation cure as it will create a the hole effectively;
barrier to pressure, chemical contaminants and
* Maintain low MBT levels.
fluid transmissions.

Very few fluids have the capacity to create Additives for Preventing losses
such an impenetrable structure around the
A flow diagram for the prevention of losses
wellbore. One that can come close, however, is
is provided in Fig. 6-14. To prevent losses in
the silicate-based SILDRIL* system. The drilling
reservoirs, the choices available are more
industry used silicate chemistry as early as
restrictive; these are summarized in Table 6-1
the 1960’s to overcome troublesome water-
and discussed more fully in Chapter 8 .
sensitive clays. A secondary feature of silicates
was for use as a corrosion inhibitor in many
Treatments with additives to prevent or
industries other than petroleum. The bond
mitigate lost circulation can be classified as
created between the silicate and clay layers is
either low or high-fluid-loss.
such that it can be compared to a covalent bond
in organic chemistry, creating a structural film
Low-Fluid-Loss Treatments
that will seal existing openings and prevent the
development of new fractures. These are effective where the openings in the
formation can be sealed relatively rapidly. These
Various wellbore-isolating techniques may also treatments entail materials such as cement,
be used, including plastering agents, such as resins, cross-linkable materials and particulates
asphaltic and asphaltenic materials and others that pack tightly at the wellbore or within the
that generate very tight filter cakes and, in turn, openings of the loss zone. Sealing the wall of
ultra-low fluid loss. Fluid/pressure isolation the wellbore can be effective if the fraction of
also can be achieved through the formation of larger particles are capable of forming a stable
relatively impermeable plugs using swellable or external barrier (or a plug just inside the mouths
cross-linkable polymers. of the openings) that can be sealed with smaller
materials. If a bridge can be created internally,
Drilling Fluid Maintenance the seal is more permanent, inasmuch as fluid
and mechanical motion will not dislodge it as
Regardless of the type of drilling fluid used,
it also is critical to maintain excellent fluid
properties. To minimize the potential for
Low-fluid-loss treatments generally use
wellbore instability that may lead to lost
LCM, which usually is administered as high-
circulation, it is important to:
concentration pills to cure losses. Conversely,
* Accurately calculate the hydraulics profile of to prevent losses, the whole drilling fluid
the well and monitor it at the rig; may be treated with LCM to provide a
“background” concentration of the material.
* Use good hole-cleaning practices;
Alternatively, though less effective, the LCM
* Optimize the configuration and can be administered as 3.18 – 15.9 m3 pills
performance of solids control equipment; that are added regularly, e.g., every 10 to 30 m,
depending on the drilling operation and the
* Use minimum mud weight while drilling, type of loss zone expected to be encountered.
and any change in density should be For permeable and naturally fractured zones,
performed slowly. general prescriptions typically are based on
blends of sized CaCO3 and synthetic graphite.
* Maintain low fluid loss and a thin filter cake;

6-12 May 2011 Prevention

These blends perhaps can be supplemented is most effective when losses are classified as
with a fiber, but a large number of particulate seepage, where bridging agents are effective
types may satisfy the specific requirements. in controlling the losses. The system should be
For whole mud treatment, a total concentration treated with a low concentration of products
of LCM on the order of 15 to 70 kg/m3 usually like fine mica, or fine nut hulls, to bridge very
is sufficient; for pills to be squeezed or used in narrow fractures or seal off highly porous sands.
sweeps, the concentration may be multiplied by For seepage losses, fine fibrous materials like
3 to 5. For severe losses, gunk squeezes, cement, M-I-X II are very effective. It is critical that the
swellable materials and cross-linkable polymers concentration be kept low to minimize the
may provide some relief. effects on rheology and wettability. Usually, 0
to 20 kg/m3 is effective, but there are instances
The LCM product blend should include very where as much as 150 kg/m3 is necessary.
coarse particles to plug or bridge the largest
openings in the formation, whether they are Depending upon the particle size distribution

Table 6-1. Prevention of Lost Circulation (Continuous Addition)

Seepage Losses Catastrophic Loss

Producing Non-Producing Producing Non-Producing

Drill-In Fluid Cellulosics/Gilsonite/ Drill-In Fluid / Asphaltics / Conventional LCM,
(with CaCO3) CaCO3 Cloud-Point Glycol e.g. walnut hulls
Drill-In Fluid; Cellulosics/Gilsonite or Drill-In Fluid /Soltex or Conventional LCM,
asphaltics Asphaltics/CaCO3 other Asphaltics e.g. walnut hulls

fractures or pores. Bridging is defined as the (PSD) of the material, it may be necessary
structure that is built when the D90 of the LCM is to install larger mesh screens when using
less than half the aperture. Typically, plugging these products in the fluid system. If the
is thought to occur when the D90 of the LCM concentration used is high (0 to 50 kg/m3), it
is greater than the aperture of the formation may be economical to install a separate LCM
openings. Thus, plugging tends to occur at or recovery unit, which would then recycle the
near the mouths of the openings, whereas material back into the circulating system.
bridging occurs internally. The MD-3* multi-deck shaker, which is discussed
in more detail in Chapter 7. is recommended
Whether the formation openings are plugged for LCM recovery. The shaker has three separate
or bridged, finer particles also are necessary to decks: upper deck serves as a scalper for the
fill the voids between the coarse particles. Even coarse cuttings; middle deck screens out the
finer particles are necessary to generate a tight specified size LCM and the third deck removes
filter cake, thus producing a seal to control fluid the finer cuttings. Another option might the
loss. However, with normally weighted fluids, use of the MANAGED PARTICLE SIZE RECOVERY SYSTEM*
the size and shape of the weighting material (MPSRS), which likewise is detailed in the next
is such that it takes on the role played by fine chapter.
LCM. Consequently, in weighted fluids, the
concentration of fine LCM can be reduced or The “/” represents “and/or”, so that CaCO3
even eliminated. / asphaltic products means CaCO3 with or
without asphaltic products. Asphaltic products
Pre-treatment consists of adding certain include materials like Asphasol Supreme (for
types of LCM to the drilling fluid system in OBM/SBM). WBM should use xanthan or welan
preparation for expected losses. Pre-treatment gum polymer as the viscosifier, starch for fluid

May 2011 Prevention 6-13

May 2011

Preventive Lost Circulation Treatment

For Extensive Loss Zones

(Plugging & Sealing) (Stress Enhancement & Sealing)

Size of Openings Size of Openings

Known Unknown

Whole Mud
Treatment Repetitive Pills#

Background LCM
Repetitive Pills# Maintain Background LCM
in Mud or Pills
Non Aqueous
Water Base Fluid

General Use Non

General Use CRI

General Use
General Use N.A.F R.D.F and FORM-A-SQUEEZE*

General Pill#:
Maintain Fluid PSD with:
(30-50) Kg/m³ CaCO₃ + 15 Kg/m³ EMI-1820*
(120-200) Kg/m³ CaCO₃ + (30-60) Kg/m³

# EMS 8420* EMS 8320*

Spotted Pills or Sweeps, repeated every Stand

Fig. 6-14. Lost Circulation Prevention Flow Chart

loss and CaCO3 particles sized to match the High-Fluid-Loss Treatments
pore/fracture size distribution of the formation.
OBM/SBM “Drill-In Fluids” may contain CaCO3, These treatments are especially effective for
non-aqueous viscosifier and fluid-loss reducing sealing exisiting fractures. Thus, the seals are
agent. relatively stable and difficult to dislodge by
normal drilling practices. The seals are even
Coarser screens should be used to prevent more difficult to dislodge if the treatment
excessive loss of the LCM at the shakers. The material can adhere to the walls of the
preferred approach is: openings.

* Install medium-to-coarse screens on the High-fluid-loss treatments generally are

shakers; based on use of particulates. To promote fluid
* Continually add the coarser LCM to the loss, the particle size distribution is relatively
suction to maintain the required Particle narrow (uniform) or the particles have uneven
Size Distribution. shapes or open structures. In relative terms,
the particle size of the LCM should be smaller
than the fracture opening. This is necessary
Bypass Shakers? Not recommended!
to ensure the material enters the fracture
Completely bypassing the shakers for prolonged where it can be deposited by a process of de-
periods is to be used as a last resort and should fluidization as the carrier fluid leaks-off. Since
be undertaken with great caution. This practice the success of the treatment requires high fluid
obviously has a very negative impact on drilling loss, contamination by drilling fluid or other
fluid properties and is not recommended. fines-laden fluid can impair its effectiveness
Bypassing the solids control equipment will: significantly. Therefore, this type of treatment
is better suited to the spotting and squeezing of
* Increase drilled solids content
pill-based LCMs. Nevertheless, several jobs have
* Increase drilling fluid density been run successfully with WBM in which the
whole drilling fluid was treated to provide high
* Increase drilling fluid rheological properties, fluid loss.
including plastic viscosity, yield point and
gel strength High-fluid-loss treatments may not be effective
for sealing very wide fractures (> 2 mm).
* Increase filter cake thickness
Excessive flow rates in such fractures may
* Degrade the filter cake quality prevent the deposited material from completely
All of these effects will aggravate the very lost plugging the fracture opening. In addition, very
circulation problem that is being combated. large volumes of material may be required.
Along with the above, these fluid property Under these circumstances, the high-fluid-loss
changes will increase hydrostatic pressure treatment may be used to slow the rate of loss
downhole, increase ECD, increase the pressure sufficiently, followed by settable materials like
required to break circulation, heighten surge cement or gunk to plug the zone. Generally,
pressures and precipitate stuck pipe. The high-fluid-loss treatments are effective only in
question to be asked is whether the value of high-permeability formations or fractured zones
the LCM to be saved is worth the possibility of that exhibit high fluid loss.
worsening the problem and possibly losing the
hole. Even when using LCM in the whole mud, it
is prudent to have an LCM pill on hand. A
Careful consideration should be given to the minimum of 16 m3 pumpable volume in a slug
addition of LCM if any kicks are to be circulated pit should be made available and mixed at the
out, as this could easily plug the choke. Kicks highest concentration of LCM that the agitators
associated with losses may be bullheaded. can handle. Additional LCM (as much as 230 kg/

May 2011 Prevention 6-15

m3) can be administered by dumping directly 700 kg/m3 LCM have been used successfully
into the top of the pits or via big bags. As a on the Ekofisk development to alleviate the
contingency, it also is critical to have a large logistics problems involved with treating
volume of reserve mud prepared. For instance, large volumes of whole mud with high
concentrated slurries containing as much as concentrations of LCM.

6-16 May 2011 Prevention

Chapter 7 - Wellbore Strengthening Solutions
A variety of methods can be used to enhance particulates and can be implemented either
the integrity of the wellbore and prevent lost by remedial or preventive treatments, usually
circulation. These treatments are loosely labeled involving the administering pills.
“wellbore strengthening”. Examples include:
* Imposing a mechanical barrier such as
Fracture Propagation Resistance
expandable screens, cross-linkable plugs or (FPR)
particulates that seal fractures (Fracture Tip
The FPR concept essentially involves pushing
Isolation, also called Fracture Propagation
LCM into a fracture (incipient or existing) to
bridge, seal and isolate the fracture tip. If the
* Altering downhole stresses, especially formation is sufficiently permeable, leak-off
increasing the hoop stress (Fracture Closure occurs behind the seal and the pressure declines
Stress and Stress Cage) until it quickly falls below the threshold Fracture
Propagation Pressure. Halting the propagation
* Hoop Stress Enchancement or Dehydrating process also arrests the lost circulation.
Water-Sensitive Formation, i.e. using low-
water-activity OBM/SBM Hoop Stress Enhancement
* Increasing Formation Temperature by (Stress Cage)
heating the mud. For example, an increase in
Theoretically, building a Stress Cage entails
formation temperature of 20°C was shown
changing the stress state of the target
to increase the fracture pressure of a South
formation near the wellbore, rather than
Texas well by 827.4 Pa.
altering the physical strength of the rock itself.
All of these techniques have been brought Wellbore Strengthening Material (WSM) is
together under the umbrella of the M-I added continuously at relatively moderate
SWACO package I-BOSS* (Integrated Borehole concentrations while drilling. Pre-treatment of
Strengthening Solutions). This technology the whole mud is preferred, followed by small
comprises a comprehensive suite of drilling fluid maintenance additions during drilling. The
products, environmental solutions hardware drilling fluid is overbalanced with respect to the
and engineering services to design and fracture gradient of a target formation, thereby
implement wellbore strengthening solutions. inducing shallow fractures in the near-wellbore
region. Opening these fractures tightens, or
The emphasis of I-BOSS is on technizues tgar compresses, the wellbore. Sized WSM particles
involve isolation of the wellbore and fractures, are driven into the opening of the emerging
and “tightening” the wellbore to increase the fracture where they prop it open and ultimately
circumferential stress (also called “tangential” or form a hydraulic seal near the mouth of the
“hoop” stress). Fracture Propagation Resistance fracture. As the seal is formed, fluid within
(Fracture Tip Isolation) uses low-fluid-loss the fracture leaks off through the fracture
particulates to bridge and seal existing or walls, thereby limiting further propagation.
developing fractures, thereby halting fracture Furthermore, as pressure in the fracture
propagation and preventing or remediating lost subsides, the WSM wedged within prevents the
circulation. This method usually is administered fracture from closing completely.
as a whole mud treatment. Hoop Stress
Enhancement is designed and implemented The propped fractures generate additional
similarly as a preventive treatment for the compression of the wellbore that increases the
whole mud system, and also utilizes low-fluid- hoop stress in the vicinity of the fracture. Thus,
loss particulates. By contrast, the “Fracture for additional fractures to form, the wellbore
Closure Stress” concept uses high-fluid-loss pressure has to exceed the fracture gradient plus

May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions 7-1

the additional hoop stress. Hence, in theory, it is For stress caging, the WSM also must possess
possible to drill with mud weights that exceed compressive strength sufficient to resist
the original fracture gradient. the fracture closure stresses involved in the
operation. Thus, suitable WSM generally are
A novel approach calls for cooling the mud to large, granular and tough. However, the marble
reduce the hoop stress at the borehole wall and graphite or graphite/coke particles often
before setting the stress cage and allowing the used successfully, do not have the fracture
mud temperature to increase. This has the effect toughness required of typical proppants used in
of creating a more permanent stress cage and stimulation treatments. Furthermore, extended
even higher ECD. Leak-Off Tests before and after stress cage
treatments indicate no significant change in
Although the stress cage concept is somewhat the Leak-Off Pressure normally associated with
controversial, it has been shown that the Fracture Gradient. Rather, the Formation
incorporating moderate concentrations of Breakdown Pressure (FBP) is elevated, as might
large, granular materials into the whole mud be expected from a standard fracture tip screen-
appears to prevent lost circulation in formations out or isolation procedure. Normally, an elevated
and circumstances where often severe losses FBP is associated with increased resistance to
previously had been noted. The technique fracture propagation (widening and elongation).
appears to be effective and well proven for
controlling losses in permeable zones. However, Stress cage treatments usually require
less conclusive evidence suggests it also is treatment of the whole mud with at least 45 kg/
effective in shales and other impermeable m3 WSM. Typical treatments use blends of sized
formations. On the other hand, other studies synthetic graphite and crushed sized marble
suggest sealing microfractures in shales can (CaCO3). Sizing of the WSM is determined first
increase the integrity and apparent strength by calculating the maximum fracture width that
of the formations without increasing the hoop the desired wellbore pressure would generate.
stress. Given that the WSM needs to form a Propping of these fractures to maintain the
propped seal in proximity to the mouth of calculated fracture width and then sealing them
the fracture, the type and size distribution of with an optimized WSM blend would allow the
particles is critical. drilling operation to proceed under the elevated
wellbore pressure.
Various proprietary models describe the
optimum matching of WSM to the fracture One technique for calculating the size
width, which is an area of active research within distribution of the WSM is based on the linear
the industry. Commonly used models share the elastic fracture mechanics theory. This approach
same particle plugging and packing theory as allows the fracture width to be calculated for a
that used for selecting WSM to generate effective given fluid pressure and fixed fracture length.
filter cakes for reservoir drilling fluids. Typically, In many applications, the fracture length is
these models match the D90 of the WSM particle assumed to be 6 in (150 mm), meaning the
size distribution to the maximum size of the fracture lies within the wellbore stress field. The
openings. Success in a Stress Cage operation input for such models includes:
typically requires somewhat larger particles.
Results from Phases I and II of the M-I SWACO- * The elastic properties of the rock (Young’s
led Fracture Testing Joint Industry Project (JIP) Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio)
suggest that a match to the fracture opening
of the D55 to D75 of the WSM blend will provide * The far-field principal stresses (overburden,
optimum sealing. Furthermore, it appears WSM minimum horizontal and maximum
blends with bimodal size distributions provide horizontal stresses)
better seals than monomodal (monodisperse, or
* Hole size
single peak) WSM blends.

7-2 May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions

* The deviation and orientation of the

The WSM concentration is determined from

semi-empirical particle packing models that
describe how the particles distribute within the
fracture. The interface for one stress cage design
software package is shown in Fig. 7-1.

Fig. 7-2. Wet Sieve Particle Size Analyzer

Ideally, managing the required concentration

and distribution of WSM is accomplished by
removing the large cuttings and Fines from
the flow line and returning the middle fraction
to the active mud system. While by-passing
the solids-control equipment usually is not
recommended, if the interval to be stress caged
is relatively short ( <100 meters) it may be
possible to circumvent the shakers equipment
entirely and simply rely on dilution to control
the concentration of drilled Fines. If the interval
is longer than 100 meters, it typically is more
economical to employ shale shakers with very
Coarse screens and use only the top level to
remove the cuttings, along with dilution to
control the concentration of drilled Fines. This
method is likely to be used mostly in the smaller
hole sizes ( 31.1 mm, 21.6 mm and 15.2 mm, etc).

Fig. 7-1. Software used to Design WSM for Stress Cage Perhaps the most effective approach is
Application separating the drilled Fines and cuttings
while simultaneously recovering the majority
When either the FPR or Stress Cage technique is of the WSM for recycling through the active
applied cotinuously, it is essential to maintain pit. As shown in Fig. 7-3, a number of devices
the required PSD of the mud. Monitoring of the configured for this purpose or a single apparatus
PSD or at least the trend in the PSD should be may be used. The three-level shaker shown
done on-site, preferably continuously. An in- in Fig. 7-3 is configured in a series with three
line granulometer based on electrical or optical different screen meshes: cuttings are taken out
techniques can provide this measurement. A at the top level, Fines at the bottom, and WSM is
batch method based on wet sieve analysis (Fig. recovered from the middle level.
7-2) is a good cost-effective alternative that
offers the advantage of removing drilled Fines
and weighting material so that they do not
mask the measurements of the WSM.

May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions 7-3

Fig. 7-3. WSM Recovery Devices

Fracture Closure Stress (FCS) Cage method, whereby fracture propagation

is minimized by sealing the fracture mouth
The FCS process involves using high-fluid-loss quickly with material containing a large, broad
pills to create and subsequently plug short PSD and allowing the pore fluid to bleed off into
radial fractures in a weak formation once losses the surrounding rock, the FCS method entails
have begun. These plugged fractures will act as widening the fracture by squeezing particulate
wedges, increasing the hoop stress around the material that does not pack well, thereby failing
wellbore and enabling higher mud weights to to create a tight filter cake. Large particles
be used without additional fracturing. Unlike of similar size and considerable roughness
the Stress Cage approach (see next section), the are ideal. Diatomaceous earth is one of the
FCS treatment is applied as a pill containing commonly used materials. The high-fluid-loss
relatively high quantities of WSM. plug created in the loss zone near the wellbore
becomes immobile as it “de-waters” i.e. as the
FCS is defined as the stress that holds fracture carrier fluid drains away into the formation. This
faces together, or conversely it may be defined process prevents the transmission of pressure
as the fluid pressure required to open the to the fracture tip, thus halting any further
fracture. If the mud density is decreased to a propagation.
point where circulating pressure is less than the
FCS, the fracture will close and losses should As the fracture width increases, so does its
terminate. On the contrary, a pressure exceeding fracture closure stress. In other words, FCS is
this stress will cause the fracture to re-open enhanced by increasing the fracture width so as
and losses will continue. The rock stress holding to compress adjacent rock, instead of plugging
the fracture closed is composed of two major the tip of the fracture. Losses cannot occur if
elements: FCS is less than the ECD. However, if the ECD
1. minimum principal far-field stress (aka the exceeds the FCS, the fracture will widen, the
minimum horizontal stress, or Shmin) created “immobilized” plug will be bypassed, losses will
by the overburden pressure; and continue and the fracture will spread. Additional
hesitation squeeze treatments likely would
2. compressive stress developed at the near- widen the fractures further to the point that the
wellbore face due to tangential strains as FCS will become greater than the calculated ECD
the wellbore attempts to collapse. The latter of the whole mud while drilling. As a general
is also known as the “hoop stress riser” or rule, multiple hesitation squeezes are required
Stress Cage. in low-permeability rock to maximize fracture
Of these two stresses, the horizontal stress is width; fewer hesitation squeezes are required in
the most difficult to overcome. Unlike the Stress high-permeability formations.

7-4 May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions

Relatively high concentrations of material suitable WSM blends to seal the fracture. The
-- typically 150 to 300 kg/m3-- are used to following input data are required for the model:
implement the FCS concept. The compressive
strength of the material is unimportant, as most Shmin: Far Field Min Horizontal Stress (Pa)
of the compressive strength of the immobilized Shmax: Far Field Max Horizontal Stress (Pa)
plug derives from the squeeze treatment. On Pw: Max Desired Wellbore Pressure (Pa)
the other hand, high fluid loss is more critical, α: Well Inclination (deg), or hole angle
as this accelerates formation of the immobilized E: Young’s Modulus (Pa),
plug. An advantage of the FCS method is that ν: Poisson’s Ratio
no attempt is made to control the length of PO: Overburden Stress (Pa)
the fracture. Since the FCS approach requires φ: Hole Orientation, i.e. azimuth (deg)
less product, some consider it more adaptable θS: Stress Orientation wrt true North (deg)
to larger hole sections than the Stress Cage D: Hole Diameter (mm)
method, which relies on continuous addition
of WSM. With its use of conventional FCS The fracture aperture calculation is most
materials, this approach is limited to permeable sensitive to the first five parameters, all of
formations, as are the bridging materials used in which the operator can provide. Also, with
the Stress Cage method. regards to the Pw, it should be noted precisely
at what point the desired pressure should be
Cross-linkable polymer plugs can be used to seal obtained in relation to the maximum ECD
fractures in impermeable formations, thereby during operations, such as surge while running
helping to isolate and stabilize the wellbore. casing.
While much debate centers on whether this
stabilization actually is a strengthening Furthermore,
mechanism, it has been used successfully * If Shmax is not available, it can be assumed
to stabilize wellbores. In principal, the FCS that Shmax is equal in magnitude to Shmin, and
approach also may be applied to the whole the parameter θS (azimuth of Shmax relative to
mud, but the logistics of maintaining an even north) is set to zero.
higher concentration of FCS material in the mud
as opposed to the WSM used in the Stress Cage * Poisson’s Ratio generally is between 0.1 and
approach prohibits doing so. Furthermore, Ffine 0.35 for sandstone and 0.3 and 0.5 for shale
particulates in the mud tend to lower the fluid and mudstone.
loss and compromise the high fluid loss crucial
* The calculation requires that a fracture
to the successful implementation of the FCS
length is given. For convenience, and also to
account for the wellbore zone of influence,
OPTI-STRESS the fracture length generally is set to 6 in.
(150 mm), unless otherwise indicated.
The proprietary OPTI-STRESS* model is the
preferred method for calculating the apertures * In most cases where the Pw cannot be
of fractures that are induced or re-opened obtained, assume the Pw is 0.06 sg higher
when the wellbore pressure exceeds either than the mud weight, or 0.12 sg higher than
the fracture gradient or fracture re-opening the pore pressure.
pressure. It utilizes conventional hydraulic OPTI-STRESS includes a number of algorithms to
fracture theory and determines the fracture calculate the optimum WSM blend for fracture
aperture caused principally by the overbalance sealing. It is assumed there is a distribution of
between the wellbore pressure and the fracture fracture sizes up to the maximum opening size
gradient. The aperture is further defined by the OPTI-STRESS calculates. One algorithm utilizes the
rock properties and wellbore geometry. Equally D10-D90 range of the largest particles available
important, the software provides guidance on that can fit into the maximum opening size,

May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions 7-5

and afterwards sequentially adds particles of Wellbore Strengthening Materials
decreasing size to cover the entire range of
openings. Another algorithm utilizes the Ideal
Packing Theory incorporated in the companion Certain particulate materials have proved to
OPTIBRIDGE* proprietary software package. The be especially effective for plugging, bridging
Ideal Packing Theory generates a packing and sealing fractures, and thereby enhancing
solution in which the D90 of the particle blend formation integrity and the apparent near
matches the maximum opening size of pores wellbore fracture gradient. These WSM are
or fractures. Alternatively, the D50 (median size) granular with relatively high fracture toughness
of the particles is matched to the average pore/ and form a distinct class of high performance
fracture size. materials within the larger LCM grouping.
Wellbore strengthening and loss prevention
Experimental work by M-I SWACO on fracture treatments preferably (though not exclusively)
filling and sealing suggests larger particles should be based with WSM for increased
will provide a more efficient filling, propping probability of a successful treatment.
and sealing mechanism. The most recent data
suggests matching the D55 to D75 of the particle Classification and Use
blend to the maximum opening size. The
current version of OPTI-STRESS includes a packing Solids Type
algorithm based on this experimental work.
Experience and extensive laboratory testing
indicate that blends of SAFE-CARB* (marble, a
An enhancement in OPTI-STRESS not present
metamorphic calcium carbonate), G-SEAL, G-SEAL
in other industry models is that the fracture
PLUS and G-SEAL Fine (carbon-based materials,
width is reported as a probability distribution,
or CBM), NUT PLUG Fine and VINSEAL Fine and
while the WSM solutions are reported for the
Medium provide very effective fracture seals
P10, P50 and P90 values of the fracture width. This
that can sustain extremely high differential
probability distribution arises from a Monte
pressures, e.g. high overbalance between
Carlo analytical technique utilizing lower and
equivalent mud weight (EMW) and FG while
upper bounds and the most likely values of the
preventing further fracture propagation.
input parameters. Most of the other industry
models are deterministic and use only the
Ratio of Marble/Carbon-Based Materials
mean, median or worst case values for the input
data. Some general observations from modeling Laboratory tests and field experience suggest
work to date are: the marble/CBM ratio can be maintained
between 75:25 and 25:75. The ratio is
* Fracture aperture correlates directly with the determined by the PSD of the available marble
overbalance between the wellbore pressure and how they have to be blended to obtain
and FG; i.e. by the difference between optimum fracture sealing performance. Carbon-
Equivalent Mud Weight (EMW) and FG. based or cellulosic materials are not desirable
for some reservoir applications as they cannot
* In typical applications to date, fracture be removed by conventional acid stimulation
apertures have ranged between 300 and 700 techniques.
Particle Size Distribution (PSD)
* Softer rocks (lower Young’s Modulus) result
in larger fracture apertures. The WSM must be large enough to enter and
bridge near the mouth of the fracture, as well
* Fracture aperture is proportional to the
as bridge any pores in the rock matrix (to
square of the hole diameter.
enable a filter cake to form after the bridge has
been established) and seal the zone. In most

7-6 May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions

situations, the fracture width will exceed the logistics considerably. Product performance has
pore throat size, so the WSM blend usually can been confirmed by extensive laboratory and
be designed around the fracture width. The field testing.
OPTI-STRESS software should be used to determine
the probable maximum fracture aperture The four standard OPTISEAL products are:
and the optimum blend and concentration of * OPTISEAL I*: carbon-based material and
WSM to be used. The software package yields ground nut shells, plug fractures up to 1000
a fracture width window and a range of WSM μm.
formulations based on rock properties and the
desired mud weight (or wellbore pressure). * OPTISEAL II*: carbon-based material and
marble, which plug fractures up to 1200 μm.
* OPTISEAL III: marble, carbon-based and
Effective fracture sealing is very dependent cellulosic material plugs fractures up to 1200
on WSM concentration. Generally, the higher μm.
the concentration, the better the results.
Experimental evidence suggests that high * OPTISEAL IV: marble plugs fractures up to
differential pressures are sustained more 1200 μm.
effectively when high WSM concentrations are
used to seal the fracture. OPTI-STRESS recommends OPTISEAL I is not recommended for use in
lower and upper limits to the WSM operations where WSM recovered from the
concentration. As far as possible, the lower limit shaker screens is later milled and re-injected
should be used as a minimum requirement. with slop and cuttings.
The most limiting factors with respect to
WSM concentration are rig-site logistics, Components of OPTISEAL I can cause clogging
transportation, storage, re-circulation, the low- of the cyclones used to mill/crush the solids.
gravity solids content of the drilling fluid, and Since OPTISEAL IV is composed only of marble, it
disposal challenges. For example, assuming can be removed fully by acid-based treatments.
all the marble is lost over the shaker screens This material is well-suited for reservoir drilling
maintaining 60 kg/m3 of marble translates into where the presence of other WSM may impair
285 tons of marble for drilling 1219 m of hole at productivity. The OPTISEAL blends can be used in
30 m/hr at a flow rate of 1.895 cubic meter per either water- or oil-based fluids. OPTISEAL III has
minute. Accordingly, logistics pose a significant been specifically optimized for NAF.
The OPTISEAL blends are supplied in 25-kg sacks.
All-Purpose Pills Alternatively, they can be pre-mixed at the
supply base in a reasonably high volume, high-
Four standard pre-mixed WSM blends have been
density slurry (2.5 sg) before shipping to the rig.
designed for treating partial and severe losses.
The four blends are engineered to plug fracture
apertures up to 1000 or 1200 μm, along with
providing exceptional fluid loss control in high
to extremely-high permeability formations.
The universal design of the blends is intended
for applications where the apparent induced
fracture size is unknown, such as in exploratory
wells. Consequently, these blends also are very
suitable for wellbore strengthening operations
where geo-mechanical information is very poor
or unreliable. In addition, WSM is provided as
a one- sack product, thereby simplifying rig

May 2011 Wellbore Strengthening Solutions 7-7

Chapter 8 - Producing Zones
Effect of Lost Circulation on general rule if the information necessary
for employing OPTIBRIDGE is unavailable, the
Formation Damage Potential
following recommended guidelines can be
When the loss zone is within or in close followed. These procedures and subsequent
proximity to a potential production horizon, the concentrations are highly dependent on the
use and subsequent removal of lost circulation reservoir formation and the severity of losses.
or prevention materials (LCM or LPM) could
result in formation damage. Therefore, selecting Seepage Losses: Up to 1.5 m3/hr
the suitable LCM/LPM is critical, particularly Background (whole mud) treatment
for open-hole completions, open-hole gravel Add SAFE-CARB Fine to active system at 43 to 71
packing and sand control screens. In these kg/m3
applications, it is best to incorporate LCM that
have a proven history and can be removed Partial Losses: 1.5 to 3 m3/hr
by downhole treatments, such as with acid, LCM Pills
chelant and/or oxidizers. For example, calcium SAFE-CARB 20 14 kg/m3
carbonate LCM can be removed using acid SAFE-CARB 40 100 kg/m3
(typically 15% HCl).
This should bridge pores or fractures up to 150
M-I SWACO also has developed and successfully μm.
applied alternate technologies and wellbore
strengthening materials, such as FORM-A-PLUG Heavy Losses: 3 to 15 m3/hr
II and new reversible/breakable crosslinkable LCM Pills
materials, that have proven to be effective SAFE-CARB 20 6 kg/m3
solutions for severe lost circulation in reservoir SAFE-CARB 40 63 kg/m3
formations. These products yield solid plugs that SAFE-CARB 250 43 kg/m3
are effective for sealing fractures and vugular SAFE-CARB 500 31 kg/m3
formations. At the time of this writing, these
new products are undergoing field testing. This should bridge pores or fractures up to 500
Additional information can be obtained by μm.
contacting Technical Services.
Severe Losses: > 15 m3/hr
Acid-Soluble Conventional LCM LCM Pills
CaCO3 grit 71 kg/m3
Acid-soluble calcium carbonates are the most SAFE-CARB 40 71 kg/m3
common lost circulation materials and should SAFE-CARB 500 142 kg/m3
be the first considered. Calcium carbonates are
found to be particularly effective in curing or This should bridge pores or fractures up to 0.15
reducing lost circulation in permeable sand and in. (4 mm).
sandstone productive formations, as well as in
fractured carbonate and chalk reservoirs. An alternative formulation for heavy and severe
losses has been used successfully to manage
Recipes and Procedures fractured North Sea chalks:
If maximum pore or fracture size or the
permeability is known, the proprietary SAFE-CARB Fine 57 kg/m3
OPTIBRIDGE software package can be used to SAFE-CARB Medium 43 kg/m3
design suitable LCM blending to bridge the SAFE-CARB Coarse 26 kg/m3
target pore or fracture size. However, as a VINSEAL 5 kg/m3

May 2011 Producing Zones 8-1

The approximate ranges of particle sizes are: FORM-A-PLUG II generates a solid plug in
the temperature interval of 4 – 140°C. At
D50 (μm) temperatures between 140 – 150°C the plug
CaCO3 grit 2000 – 4000 will set up, but after a couple of hours it starts
SAFE-CARB 20 17 - 23 to “melt”. In this temperature interval the plug
SAFE-CARB 40 40 - 50 can be used as a temporary cure. Under all
SAFE-CARB 250 240 - 260 circumstances, the pill formulation should be
SAFE-CARB 500 450 - 525 pilot tested on the rig. A reference pill should be
mixed and placed in a heating cabinet under as
Preparation equal conditions as possible to verify the set up
of the pumped FORM-A-PLUG pill.
Prior to entering the fractured formation,
the LCM pill should be made up. To prevent
The primary application of a FORM-A-PLUG II
agitation from mechanically breaking down the
pill is for severe lost circulation in or near the
particle sizes, the medium and coarse grades
production or injection formation. It is effective
should be added just before pumping.
in both water and oil/synthetic-base fluids. The
FORM-A-PLUG II pill is acid soluble, with more than
FORM-A-PLUG II Acid-Soluble Reinforcing Pill
90% dissolved on contact with a solution of 15%
FORM-A-PLUG* II can be used to cure severe losses HCl.
in both water- and oil/synthetic-base fluids. The
plug sets up under static conditions by cross- Table 8-1 details the setting time vs.
linkable polymers and salt. Generally, for the temperature based on laboratory experience
pill to heat and set, the plug should be left for a with the appropriate nomenclature. Table 8-2
minimum of 6 hr to set up. shows a typical formulation.

Table 8-1. Setting Time vs Temperature

Temp.°C Initial 1hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr 5 hr

4 1 2 2-3 3 3-4 4
15 1 2 3 3-4 3-4 4
20 1 2 3 3-4 3-4 4
40 1 3 3-4 4 4 4
45 0 1 3 3-4 4 4-5
70 0 1 3-4 4 4-5 5
75 0 2-3 4 4-5 5 5
100 0 3 4 4-5 5 5
120 0 3 3 4 4 4
140 0 3 3-4 4 4-5 5

Nomenclature: 5. Set soft plug

1. Initial 6. Set plug
2. Viscous, but pumpable. No signs of setting The following amount of chemicals should be
added to make 1 m3 of un-weighted FORM-A-PLUG
3. Intermediate, still pumpable II:
4. Soft middle, edges set, not pumpable

8-2 May 2011 Producing Zones

Table 8-2: Typical FORM-A-PLUG II Formulation

TEMPERATURE,°C 4-20 20-40 40-70 70-100 100-140

FORM-A-PLUG II, kg 280 168 280 179.2 179.2

FORM-A-PLUG ACC, kg 140 84 140 89.6 89.6

FORM-A-PLUG RET, kg --- --- 20 20 20

cacL2, kg 25 --- --- --- ---

Drill Water, kg 795 884 793 864 864

Solution Density, kg 1240 1136 1233 1152 1152

Adding barite to the plug will provide the should be added through the hopper as
desired weight and will not affect the setting quickly as possible, but making sure it is
time. The amount of barite needed can be evenly distributed throughout the mix
calculated by the weight of the un-weighted
formulation. 9. Displace the FORM-A-PLUG II to the well.
Viscous spacers – If the reservoir drilling fluid
Mixing Procedures is high in salinity, a minimum 1.5 m3 are
recommended ahead and behind the FORM-A-
The cross-linkable mechanism is a chemical
PLUG II. The spacer can either be water based or
reaction. Therefore, it is important to control oil based (synthetic/mineral oil), but should not
the ingredients and mixing conditions carefully contain any salt. It should be weighted to the
in order to ensure the reaction proceeds same density as the drilling fluid and the FORM-
as expected. The following procedure is A-PLUG II.
1. Ensure the pit and mixing lines are flushed Placement Procedures
clean and free of salt, brine and/or any
materials that could affect the salinity or The following procedures are recommended for
pH of the pill. spotting the FORM-A-PLUG II in all hole sections.
Generally, it is recommended to leave the pill to
2. Add the appropriate volume of drill water set up for 6 hr.
to the pit; pH should be 6-8.
Partial Losses:
3. If a retarder is required, add it as fast as
practical via the mix hopper. 1. Calculate the volume required to fill 250 m
of open hole. This is the preferred volume to
4. Add the appropriate quantity of plug via pump.
the mix hopper at a rate of 3-4 min. per 25
kg sack (with good mixing equipment). 2. If the drilling fluid is high in salinity,
viscous spacers (minimum 1.5 m3) are
5. Shear to yield the polymers. recommended ahead and behind the FORM-
6. Add barite to desired density.
3. Displace the FORM-A-PLUG II in the hole.
7. Keep the fluid dispersed with mild
Depending on the operator’s preference
and any other well particulars, it is
8. Immediately before pumping add the recommended the FORM-A-PLUG II be set
appropriate quantity of accelerator. This either as a “Balanced Plug” or by “Pump and

May 2011 Producing Zones 8-3

4. Once displaced, the string should be pulled pill is started at surface to the time it takes
clear 50 m above the estimated top of the the entire pill to be out of the string. For
plug. instance, if the drilling fluid pumps failed
prematurely, an alternative means should
5. Squeeze into the formation a volume equal be used to pump the fluid into place, i.e.
to 100 m of open hole and maintain a have the cement unit on stand-by as a
backpressure of 1 – 2 MPa for 6 hr. contingency.
6. Start pumping the pill at surface until the 7. Time spent waiting on plugging, circulating
entire pill is out of the string. A maximum or squeezing, should be performed with the
of 1.5 hr. is recommended. If longer time is string out of the plug. Avoid the ballooning
required it is recommended to bullhead the effect of the plug and any movement of the
pill in place. pill will increase the setting time.
7. Time spent waiting on plug, circulating or
squeezing, should be performed with the Additional Information
string out of the plug. Avoid the ballooning
effect of the plug. Any movement of the pill * Once the accelerator has been added, the
will increase the setting time. fluid should be regarded as cement, as it will
cross link and set.
Total Losses:
1. Calculate the volume required to fill 250 m * The final composition should be pumped
of open hole. This is the preferred volume to immediately down hole.
* FORM-A-PLUG II can be pumped through the
2. Pull 50 m above the loss zone. BHA.

3. Mix up a 5 m3 “Total Loss of Return Pill” * Any fluid left in the string will set-up inside.
(described earlier) and pump in front of The fluid should be displaced properly and
the FORM-A-PLUG II as a viscous spacer (For spotted as required.
practical reasons this type of viscous spacer
* It is recommended that the plug be left static
can also be pumped behind the FORM-A-PLUG
in place for a minimum 6 hr before drilling
II, minimum 1, 5 m3).
out/dressing the plug.
4. Bullhead into the formation a volume equal
* If possible, a sample of the pill should be
to 100 m of open hole.
left static in a heating oven at the same
5. Once displaced, the string should be pulled temperature as the lost circulation point.
clear 50 m above the theoretical top of This will confirm the setting time.
plug (in case losses are further up the hole).
* Surplus FORM-A-PLUG II left in the pit should
Afterwards, another volume equal to 50-
be dumped while it is still in a fluid state.
100 m of open hole should then be bull-
Pit, lines and pumps should be flushed
headed into the formation. (When Total
thoroughly with drill water.
Losses are experienced, the purpose of bull-
heading in two steps is to allow time for the * Treat the fluid with care. The addition of
FORM-A-PLUG II to become more viscous and lime or calcium chloride to the system
not just disappear into the formation) causes rapid setting.
6. If formation integrity allows, maintain a * Low pH will delay (or in extreme cases
backpressure for 6 hr before drilling out. prevent) setting up the FORM-A-PLUG II. Keep
acid out of the fluid. High pH will cause
Note: A maximum of 1.5 hr is rapid setting. Since the set-up rate increases
recommended from the time pumping the with temperature, avoid situations such as

8-4 May 2011 Producing Zones

prolonged shearing of the fluid, which could It works well with wellbore strengthening
cause heating. materials such as G-SEAL PLUS. Since EMS-8320 is
sticky, back-pressure is needed to peel it off.
Other Breakable Reinforcing Plugs
M-I SWACO also is developing other polymer-
based wellbore strengthening materials as EMS-8420 is a high-temperature and high-
effective solutions to severe lost circulation in pressure, water-based breakable reinforcing gel
reservoir formations. Similar to FORM-A-PLUG plug. The working temperature range is from 65
II, these products are cross-linked polymers to 175°C.
and when set create a firm gel that effectively
seals off fractures and vugular formations. These new products are undergoing field
However, they are stronger than FORM-A-PLUG testing. For further information, contact
II. Additionally, EMS-8320 is NAF-based, while M-I SWACO Technical Services.
EMS-8420 and FORM-A-PLUG II are water-based.

EMS-8320 is an NAF-based breakable
reinforcing gel-sealing product. It can seal both
permeable and impermeable formations. The
working temperature range is from 20 to 135°C.
It is a ready-to-use plugging product, and thus
must be pumped as soon as the drum is opened.

May 2011 Producing Zones 8-5

Chapter 9 - Carbonate Formations
Holding nearly 60 per cent of world’s oil and experiences show it will be a time
40 per cent of global gas reserves, carbonate consuming and extremely costly operation.
formations deserve special consideration. These
formations, likewise, pose significant challenges Preventive Measures
to drilling and completion operations. Carbonate
formations tend to be more prone to develop Although lost circulation in carbonates is
fractures and are more chemically active than not easily prevented or remediated, certain
the silica present in sandstone reservoirs. measures can be taken to minimize the severity
of the loss. For more details, refer to Chapter
Much like limestone and dolomite, carbonates 6 “Prevention”. Some of these preventive
often contain fissures, vugs and caverns full measures include:
of normally pressured fluids that cause severe
or total mud losses when penetrated. When Set Casing Seat at the Top of the Formation
highly permeable carbonate formations are
Casing should be set as close as possible to
drilled, sudden and total lost circulation occurs
the top of the fractured limestone formations.
as the higher density drilling fluid displaces the
This not only cases off any other potentially
normally pressured oil or water.
troublesome formations, but also allows the
correct mud weight and other properties to be
Several methods currently are used to combat
selected before entering the limestone.
mud losses and whichever one is selected
should depend on the severity of the losses and Minimize the Mud Weight
other factors such as the fracture gradient and
formation pressure. This is difficult to accomplish when formation
pressures are unknown or only estimated. As
Accordingly, this chapter was prepared as a such, it may be worthwhile to consider running
user’s guide to controlling massive losses in Repeat Formation Tests (RFTs) into the top of
carbonate formations. the carbonate to obtain pressure data, but only
if this can be accomplished before any massive
General Characteristics losses have occurred.
Lost circulation in carbonate formations Minimize Surge/Swab Pressures
generally has the following characteristics:
1. Losses are sudden, can occur at any point in High surge pressures undoubtedly contribute
the highly fractured limestone formation to the lost circulation problems experienced in
and can vary from relatively minor to total highly fractured carbonates. Pressure surges
losses. can generate very high ECD in the smaller
hole sizes. For highly fractured formations, the
2. While generally not dependent on external piston effect and resulting swab pressure can
factors, implementing correct procedures cause severe washout and/or gas/fluid influx.
can, in some cases, control the severity and The VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS software should be used
consequences. for planning the maximum lowering or pulling
speed, acceleration and deceleration.
3. There is no guaranteed single method of
solving the lost circulation.
Some methods of reducing surge/swab
4. Usually, drilling these highly fractured pressures are:
limestone formations can be accomplished * When tripping in the hole, break circulation
with perseverance, but documented frequently (at the shoe and every 1000 ft

May 2011 Carbonate Formations 9-1

(305 m), circulating for 10 to 15 min. recommendation carries strong caveats about
avoiding LCM where well control problems, or
* Exercise extreme care when breaking the risk of plugging the drill string, bit or even
circulation on trips and connections; choke were major issues. Today, it is believed
rotation may assist in breaking gels. these concerns can be overcome by paying close
* Avoid excessive circulation rates; restrict attention to the types of LCM and the limitations
penetration rates, if possible, to avoid of the hardware, especially downhole tools (more
overloading the annulus. information is available in Appendix 6 “LCM
Guidelines for Downhole Tools”).
* Pump and rotate out of hole to the surface
with a pump rate sufficient to prevent Generally, it is thought the mud can be treated
swabbing. Close annular on connections. with up to 150 kg/m3 of granular LCM that has
D90 < 1500 microns with little risk of plugging
Choose Appropriate Drilling Fluid any hardware. These products include marble
like SAFE-CARB (up to SAFE-CARB 1000), G-SEAL
Select a drilling fluid that intrinsically has and G-SEAL PLUS, VINSEAL (up to grade Medium)
properties to minimize the rate of invasion into and NUTPLUG (up to grade Fine). Whole mud
loss zones, particularly crevices and fractures. treatments with blends of these materials
The following guidelines can help in selecting especially can be effective for stabilizing long
an appropriate fluid: loss zones. Particulates of other shapes, such as
* WBM are preferred over non-aqueous fluids fibers (M-I-X II) or blends like M-I SEAL, should
be used only in the whole mud at much lower
* Fluids, such as DRILPLEX, APHRON ICS* and concentrations than the granular materials
FLOPRO* that are highly shear thinning, slow to minimize the risk of plugging hardware.
more rapidly as they invade a loss zone. If very large particles or high concentrations
or non-granular particulates are needed, it is
* Fluids with “flat rheology” (RHELIANT, DRILPLEX).
recommended that these be applied as pills,
with a viscosity profile does not change
although bypass subs, described in the “Drill
significantly either with temperature or
String Design” section are available to minimize
mud weight (OB WARP, EMS 4200) will
the risk of plugging downhole hardware.
minimize ECD variations in the mud column.
Drill String Design
Maintain Good Drilling Mud Properties and
During the design stage, having planned a
control ECD
bypass system in the BHA, such as the WELL
* Maintain low gel strengths. COMMANDER*, ahead of area-restricted tools (mud
motor, MWD tools) would allow for the spotting
* If CO2 is present, treat mud accordingly to of all manner of treatments to fight severe lost
prevent flocculation. circulations without POH to change the BHA.
Refer to the ‘Circulating Tools’ in the Wellbore
* Reduce MBT values. Productivity Section of the M-I SWACO website.
* Consider using lubricants to reduce drag and
coefficient of friction. Develop a Plan

* Use VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS to monitor ECD and It is very important to known when to apply
prevent inducing losses alternative techniques, such as the. Mud Cap
method, if the conventional LCM methods are
unsuccessful. Planning ahead based on offset
Use LCM in the Active Mud System well data is highly recommended and may help
In previous guidelines, the suggested minimize mud losses by optimizing the length
concentration of LCM was 60 kg/m3, but that of the decision-making process in the critical

9-2 May 2011 Carbonate Formations

situation. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more Diesel-Gel (Gunk) and Diesel-Gel-Cement
information Plugs
Treatments While both gunk and gunk/cement plugs have
been used successfully, the use of cement gives
Following is a summary of the more common
the gunk/cement plug the added benefit of
treatments for combating complete losses:
forming compressive strength.
Standard Lost Circulation Materials
When the diesel/gel mixture, which is readily
With its easy and fast application, LCM plugs pumpable, comes into contact with water
normally would be the preferred first stage of or water-based mud, the bentonite hydrates
treatment. However, where losses are severe or rapidly and forms a “gel” plug. Controlling
complete, LCM plugs alone generally have not the ratio of mixing with mud at the bit
been successful without first being combined theoretically can vary the strength of the gel
with other treatments, such as, sodium silicate plug. Where severe or complete losses have
or cement. The size of the pill and proportion occurred, adding cement to the plug develops
of LCM very much depends on the severity compressive strength. This can be squeezed into
of the losses. The most consistently effective the formation to develop sufficient strength to
LCM pills have been found to be mixtures withstand the maximum ECD expected.
of fibrous, granular and flake LCM. Refer to
Chapter 4 “Classification of Lost Circulation Gunk/cement treatments are the “next step”
Materials” and Chapter 5 “Remedial Treatments” after conventional LCM pills and “FORM-A” cross-
for more details on typical formulations and linkable pills have failed to seal off fractures
recommended mixing procedures. or vugs. However, in large vugs or caverns
the “FORM-A” cross-linkable squeeze should be
Cross-linkable Polymer Pills repeated at least a couple of times or until there
is some indication that it is remaining in place.
“FORM-A” cross-linkable pills (FORM-A-SET, FORM-
A-SET AKX) are blends of polymers and fibrous/ One common cause of gunk plug failure is
granular LCM designed to plug matrix, and the presence of surfactants in the diesel oil,
naturally fractured or vugular zones. When which prevents the clay and cement from
activated with time, temperature and cross- becoming water wet, thereby thwarting the
linkable agents, the “FORM-A” products produce desired “gunking up” of the plug. Pilot testing
a rubbery, ductile, spongy soft set gel that is recommended to alleviate any concerns over
effectively prevents fluid loss to the formation. surfactant being present in the diesel oil.

A new generation of engineered systems is “Mud Cap” Drilling (MCD) Methods

available for water base applications (EMS-8420)
and non-aqueous applications (EMS-8320). As explained in Chapter 6, the “Mud Cap”
They offer superior gel strength and formation drilling (MCD) method is part of Managed
adherence and can be removed with specialized Pressure Drilling (MPD) and can be used to
treatment. EMS-8320 has been field-tested and complete a section where massive losses are
even blended with barite and granular LCM to experienced and regaining circulation has
produce a gel that can be broken completely failed continuously. Although a Mud Cap can
when desired. EMS-8420 is a high-temperature be a relatively expensive and complicated
water-based pill with a consistency similar operation, it effectively has allowed drilling into
to FORM-A-SET AKX that requires a minimum formations with total loss zones. Further, it has
temperature of 150°C, but an upper temperature the added benefits of reduced HSE exposure,
limit of 230°C. along and reasonable mud and rig time losses
compared to conventional drilling methods
using LCM.

May 2011 Carbonate Formations 9-3

A Mud Cap is a column of mud on the annulus Theory
side of the drill string designed to completely or
partially hold back the formation pressure. Two To understand how the Mud Cap works, it
MCD types currently are in use: is important to visualize what is happening
downhole. The carbonate reef has one or both of
the following possibilities:
* Floating MCD with the density of the fluid
in the annulus slightly higher than the * High porosity caused by vugs and caverns
formation pressure and the well open on interconnected and capable of holding a
surface. The pressure exerted by formation large amount of drilling fluid offering little
fluid and gases serves to balance the chance of successfully sealing off with LCM
weighted mud column. However, kick to enable full circulation
detection is limited, because the empty top * Fractured formations again interconnected
hole annulus prevents direct communication with possible cavernous networks. These
with the wellbore. formations have a higher success rate
* Pressurized MCD or Closed Hole Circulation of being sealed off primarily with LCM,
Drilling (CHCD) – the mud column in the followed by squeezing away cement to seal
annulus has slightly lighter mud weight off permanently. However, this usually is a
(usually 12 - 36 kg/m3 or 1 - 2 MPa SICP) short lived remedy and losses return when
compared to the formation pressure any new hole is drilled.
requirements. Accordingly, the well is The concept behind MCD is relatively simple.
controlled by maintaining the surface Sacrificial water (sometimes treated with
pressure on the Rotating Control Device corrosion inhibitors) is pumped down the drill
(RCD) or Rotating BOP head. The CHCD string to clean, cool and lubricate the bit. The
allows for the greater degree of well control Mud Cap fluid is added on the annulus side. Well
and kick detection. It is the preferred method control is maintained either by the column of
for thicker zones of total losses and sour the weighted mud (Floating MCD) or surface
formations. The method is also known as a pressure at the RCD (pressurized MCD or CHCD).
Light Annular Mud Cap Drilling or LAMCD. The drilling continues in the ‘blind’ mode with
cuttings being consumed by the fractured
A sacrificial fluid is pumped through the bit. formations above the bit and below the Mud
Usually any available non-damaging fluid Cap fluid.
(seawater, production water, waste water)
will do, though it may need to be treated for Floating Mud Cap Drilling uses a column of mud
corrosion or sour gas inhibition. The drilling in the annulus with density heavier than the
continues in the ‘blind’ mode with no cuttings formation pressure requires. This establishes
returns on surface. If the drilling operation a balance between the mud and formation
allows, it normally is recommended that casing pressure at some point below the BOP. The
be set just above the loss zone, as this simplifies annular at the surface stays empty. When the
MCD applications. formation pressure equals the mud hydrostatic
pressure, the well is in complete equilibrium.
However, when the seawater is pumped down
the drill string it exerts additional pressure
against the mud column, forcing the weighted
mud back out at the top of the column. This, in
turn, reduces the hydrostatic pressure below
that of the formation pressure, causing the
formation fluids to migrate into the annulus,
resulting in a kick.

9-4 May 2011 Carbonate Formations

If weighted drilling fluids migrate into the trained and experienced rig crews be used
formation, the periodical additions required for this method.
as mud is consumed in the loss zone can
be calculated. However, it is the inability to * Operational Economics: The net benefit of
monitor the fluid level in the annulus directly MCD must be demonstrated to the client.
that leads to the difficulties in early kick The economical factor is subdivided into
detection and well control. While the floating three main factors: Mud Loss Rate, Drilling
mud cap was the first method of Mud Cap Time and Drilled Depth. Mud Loss Rate is
drilling, it requires precise volume management the break-even point between the cost of
and the delay in kick detection makes it an losses with both the conventional drilling
unsafe technique. and MCD fluids, including hauling base
fluid, mud cap preparation, kill mud and
Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling any additional MCD equipment. Drilling
Time factors estimates the net gains on
The development of new generation tools drilling time with MCD after eliminating
opened the door for use of the rotating BOP flat-time associated with lost circulation
head, also known as RCD. The RCD allows the incidents. The Drill Depth factor accounts
drill string to be rotated with the BOP closed for any further drilling achievable with MCD
and pressurized. The Mud Cap fluid used in the that otherwise would not allowed with
annulus has a density slightly lower than that conventional drilling.
required for balancing the formation pressure
(by 12 - 36 kg/m3). This column of lighter mud * Logistics: Sufficient resources and labor
maintains well control while creating positive support must be available to maintain the
pressure on the RCD while drilling (about rate of required mud delivery. The drilling rig
200-300 psi). By monitoring the pressure at setup must be able to accommodate enough
RCD, the gas migration in the annulus can be capacity to: a) store fluid at the location
predicted and controlled. When gas migration (typically 300 - 500 m3); b) mixing
and expansion increases the annular pressure or blending capacity of approximately
to a pre-determined limit, the Mud Cap fluid is 16 - 32 m3/hr of fully formulated fluid. In
displaced (bullheaded) through the choke lines addition, an inexpensive and reliable water
until all of the hydrocarbons are squeezed back source capable of supplying 1400 m3/day or
into the formation. Accordingly, reservoirs with more to the rig site is required.
high H2S content can be drilled with no gas * Formation injectivity: Prevailing formation
observed on surface. injectivity pressures should be low enough
to enable injection of the sacrificial fluid and
Before deciding whether to employ MCD, it entrained drill cuttings into the fractures at
is critical the associated safety, economics, an acceptable rate. The formation injectivity
logistical and formation injectivity issues be pressure is the friction involved in pumping
evaluated carefully. a fluid into the fracture—the higher the rate
of injection, the higher the friction pressure.
* Personnel safety: This must be guaranteed Friction losses of 690 Pa are suitable for
when using an intrinsically risky MCD MCD operations, as opposed to pressures
operation. The rig and crew should have exceeding 5.5 MPa, which could exceed
proper tools, resources and training to the circulation pressure of conventional
control a kick, especially when encountering systems. Before executing MCD operations,
sour formations. This is complemented it is advisable to carry out injectivity tests at
with suitable capabilities to control different rates or field characterization.
annular pressure and monitor any sour
gas or hydrocarbons. Because of the safety
implications, it is necessary that well-

May 2011 Carbonate Formations 9-5

Drilling Blind The rheological profile of the APHRON ICS
system is designed to deliver high viscosity at
When caverns are encountered that are too shear rates that are low, yet, high enough to
large to effectively fill with mud to seal off maintain micro-bubbles in solution, which are
losses, drilling blind until competent beds are non-coalescing and can be recirculated. This
encountered before setting casing has become produces an “at-balance” technique and makes
an established practice. However, owing to the aphrons capable of acting as bridging solids in
considerable mud products required, before the invasion mechanism. The aphron micro-
a decision is make to employ this practice, bubbles bridge and pack off at the formation
costs and infrastructure availability must be openings of a permeable zone, but unlike
evaluated carefully. conventional solids, also are capable of adjusting
to bridge a fractured or vugular opening.
Miscellaneous On the other hand, the effectiveness of
the DRILPLEX system is based on its notable
Sodium Silicate and Cement Treatments thixotropic features that provide high gel
Sodium silicate treatments, with or without strengths at static and fully fluid conditions
cement, often can control severe to complete under high shear conditions. By delivering
losses in large fractures, vugs and some caverns. increasing viscosity at low shear rate across
The procedure involves spotting a slug of the fracture or vug at a constant hydrostatic
sodium silicate solution into the formation, pressure, this feature helps lower invasion rates.
followed with a spacer and seawater or, more
usually, a calcium chloride brine pill. The Recommendations
calcium and silicate react on contact to form a Field experience have demonstrated that
stiff gelatinous mass that may be competent overcoming lost circulation encountered while
enough to block fractures and vugs. drilling fractured/vugular carbonate formations
can be extremely time consuming and costly in
With all silicate treatments, great care must terms of both materials and extended rig time.
be taken to avoid contact between the silicate
and calcium chloride or the cement inside the Losses likely are to be instantaneous and can be
surface lines, drill string or casing. The use of a expected anywhere in the carbonate section.
suitable spacer is essential. Consequently, it is considered more prudent to
seal the hole as it is drilled and as losses occur,
Foam and Aerated Mud Systems as opposed to drilling the whole section and
Foam muds and foam cement can be applied attempting to cure losses later. Sealing the hole
successfully in massive loss situations. However, during the drilling process at least may help
since little fluid pressure exists to support the pinpoint any new loss zone encountered while
wellbore wall, using foam is only advised where drilling (i.e., at the bottom of the hole).
formation pressures are low and the rocks
competent. If, the standard LCM pills are unsuccessful, the
next step should be pumping a high-fluid-loss
High-LSRV Fluid Systems pill or a “FORM-A” or other cross-linkable pill. The
sodium silicate/cement or the gunk squeeze
Fluids with inherently superior low shear rate treatment should be used as the third option, if
viscosity (LSRV) prevent fluid from migrating necessary.
through the formation, thereby helping to
control losses. APHRON ICS and DRILPLEX have It is critical to adhere strictly to using drilling
proven to be effective LSRV fluid systems practices that minimize pressure surges and
for preventing fluid migration in carbonate ECD effects on the formation.

9-6 May 2011 Carbonate Formations

Relying solely on LCM in the active mud system is in place may cause the treatment to be
is unlikely to control losses in large vugs disturbed/displaced.
and caverns. Because of the risk of plugging
problems during well control situations, LCM in LCM pills pumped before cement plugs should
the active system is not recommended. exit the bit before the cement is pumped.
Using slick BHA and no bit nozzles helps reduce
If this method is selected, it is essential that the risk of blocking/sticking the string when
a clean dedicated tank be installed on the pumping LCM or cement.
rig for mixing and pumping the sodium
silicate treatment. This is critical to prevent Reasons for Failure
contamination which would have serious
Common reasons for failing to control and cure
operational and economic consequences.
the lost circulation in carbonate formations
Planning carefully and familiarizing all
pertinent personnel with the procedures will go * Spotting the plugging materials at the
a long way to ensure success. wrong place, i.e., not establishing location of
loss zone correctly
Techniques and Procedures
* Materials and technique not matched to the
When drilling carbonate formations, it is type and severity of the losses
essential that detailed procedures and written
* Insufficient volume of the applied treatment
operational instructions for combating lost
circulation are in place. * Excessive squeeze pressure applied to the
plug after spotting
Continue filling the annulus through the kill
line until the pre-flush/spacer or LCM reaches * The reluctance to proceed to the required
the bit. At that point, stop pumping down the technique, as dictated by the type and
annulus to minimize contamination of the severity of the losses

Circulating the drill string after the treatment

May 2011 Carbonate Formations 9-7

Chapter 10 - Deep Water
Lost circulation in deep water operations is fracture gradient is high enough to allow
basically the same problem that occurs on land drilling with a riser and taking returns to the
or in conventional non-riser offshore drilling surface. In addition, the shallower the water, the
and that is the loss of whole mud to subsurface shallower the fracture gradient. For instance,
formations. However, there are conditions assuming a minimum 1.14 sg fracture gradient
inherent to deep water drilling which make the is required before running the riser to drill with
problem more prevalent and potentially more returns to the surface, the graph below indicates
serious. For this discussion, lost circulation after that in 300 m of water, this point is reached
the riser has been installed is considered. Unless at about 270 m below the mud line (BML).
drilling with seawater, a column of mud in the Compare this to 3000 m of water where 1100 m
riser changes the potential for lost circulation of formation BML is required before reaching
dramatically. Even when drilling with seawater, this same 1.14 sg fracture gradient to run the
incorporating solids into the column of fluid riser. Another observation is that at 600 m BML,
in the riser increases the density of the fluid the fracture gradient in 3000 m of water is
and the hydrostatic pressure on the exposed only about 1 sg. In 150 m of water the fracture
formations. gradient is about 1.4 sg.

As the water depth increases, the depth below

the mud line also increases before the formation

A ir ga p = 50 ft
F R A C G R A DIE N T ppg (Estimated)

7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0



4000 WD=1000'
TVD Below Mud Line

6000 WD=4000'
7000 WD=6000'
9000 WD=9000'




Fig. 10-1. Deep water fracture gradients, depicting mud weights that are 90% of the
overburden weight equivalent. In cases, lost returns occur when the mud weight is increased
above 90% of the overburden.

May 2011 Deepwater 10-1

Causes and Effects • Staging in the hole after extended periods of
being out of the hole (especially with SBM)
In addition to low fracture gradients, • Starting pumps slowly after connections
unconsolidated sands, carbonate reefs, salt • Staging pumps up slowly and rotating while
fractures, and sub-salt rubble zones make breaking circulation after a trip
lost circulation more prevalent in deep water. • Control-drilling when ECD tolerances are
Because costs are high, great emphasis is put low.
on maintaining high average ROP, resulting in
imposed or mechanical stresses from tripping Additional recommendations include:
in or out of the hole too fast, circulating
with excessive pump rates, and overloading • Use an APWD tool to monitor ECD values in
the annulus with drilled cuttings. All these the hole
contribute to lost circulation. • Pre-treat with LCM if thief zones are known.
• Use the VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS program to predict
One of the main concerns about lost circulation ECD’s while tripping.
in deep water is the potential for gas hydrate • Keep the mud properties in proper ranges.
formation. A sudden drop in hydrostatic • Maintain the solids content at optimum
pressure due to the losses could allow natural values to control filter cake thickness.
gas to enter the wellbore quickly. The gas could • Drill with minimal mud densities
then migrate up the wellbore where the cold • Keep fluid loss values as low as economically
temperature at the mudline will allow hydrates feasible.
to form in the blowout preventers. Another
concern in deep water is the potential for riser Running casing
collapse due to evacuation of mud in complete Owing to reduced fracture gradients, deep water
loss circulation or an emergency disconnect. wells generally have more casing strings at
shallow depths. VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS should be used
Preventive Measures to determine safe running speeds and break
circulation several times while running casing.
Well Planning
Reduce rheological properties to minimal values
Preventive measures should begin in the prior to running casing.
planning stages of the well. Potential loss
zones should be identified from offset data, Controlling Deep Water Losses
if available. The casing program should
The type and concentration of lost-circulation
be designed to minimize close tolerances
material used is determined by the type of
between ECD and the fracture gradient. A
loss zone, compatibility with the mud system,
seismic evaluation of the drilling site should
and the drilling equipment being used. Most
be studied for potential shallow gas / water
lost circulation materials are compatible with
flows, salt, or any other structural abnormality.
water–based muds, but some materials are not
compatible with oil-based and synthetic fluids.
should be utilized to predict ECD’s and pressure
losses, and determine casing setting depths.
Correspondingly, an appropriate mud, be it
WBM, SBM or a mineral oil-based drilling
fluid (MOBM), should be selected to minimize
potential problems.

It is important to exercise good drilling practices

such as:

10-2 May 2011 Deepwater

May 2011

SWEEP Resume
Seepage Loss 10-15 lb/bbl CaCO3 Seepage
<10 BPH Drilling
Continues NO
10 lb/bbl KWIK SEAL

5-10 lb/bbl MIX II

Stage in Hole
Mud Loss
Mix and Spot

Full Returns
OBM & SBM Lost
Flowchart Partial Returns
Severe Mud Loss

20 – 30 BPH

No Returns
Displace to
Water base mud
If Still No Returns DIASEAL M Squeeze

Fig. 10-2: OBM and SBM Lost Circulation Flow Chart

Chapter 11 - Ballooning
Ballooning, sometimes referred to as breathing, of an interval reaches greater depths, the risk
is characterized by the combination of continual of developing wellbore ballooning increases. If
mud flow from the wellbore when the pumps mud weight is increased to manage wellbore
are turned off and a loss of mud when the pressure, the combined effects of higher density
pumps are turned on. The volume “lost” to and ECD may push the wellbore pressure very
the formation when the pumps are turned on close to the fracture initiation pressure of the
typically is similar to the volume “gained” when weakest point in the interval, which typically
the pumps are turned off. is the casing shoe. If this occurs, the pressure
may be sufficient for a network of fine fractures
The volume gain on pump shutdown can flow to develop, without the fractures opening
for upwards of 30 min and involve volumes in sufficiently to cause severe lost circulation.
excess of 16 m3. Consequently, the flow is often
mistaken as a kick. If the flow is assumed to be Alternatively, the increasing pressure may
a kick, and well control procedures are initiated, be enough to open existing fractures. The
lost circulation becomes a considerable risk. fractures then will open and draw fluid from the
Should ballooning, in fact, be the cause of any wellbore, giving the mistaken impression that
observed flow from the well, increasing the mud lost circulation is occurring. When circulation is
weight should be avoided at all costs. Since the stopped, the pressure in the wellbore decreases
results of misinterpreting a ballooning scenario and the fractures are able to close, displacing
can be severe, it is imperative that ballooning be the “lost” mud back into the wellbore and, again
understood very clearly. wrongly, suggesting the well is flowing.

Typically, ballooning develops because of either Managing to stay within the available pore
in-situ fractures in the formation being drilled pressure-fracture gradient window, without
or induced fractures that have developed while initiating ballooning, lost circulation, or well
drilling. Regardless, ballooning is characterized control, is a major challenge, particularly in
by mud flowing into fractures that are opened deep water. As illustrated in Fig. 11-1, a limit
as a result of the applied pressure of the is approached where the wellbore pressure is
circulating fluid (the apparent loss of mud), and close to the pore pressure at TD and the fracture
the flow back of the same mud into the wellbore gradient at the shoe, thus mandating casing
as the fractures close upon the cessation of must be set.
circulation (mud gain on the surface). As drilling

Casing shoe Breathing initiated

High mud weight

Start drilling

Insufficient mud weight Interval TD

Well flows

Pore pressure Fracture gradient

Fig. 11-1. Limitations of pore pressure/fracture gradient window while drilling

May 2011 Ballooning 11-1

Key criteria for identifying ballooning include: surface, if there is no gas present in the mud,
* Monitoring and recording flow-back it can be assumed the previously recorded
volumes on connections gas is associated with mud entering fractures
(ballooning) and not a kick.
* For a ballooning wellbore, when the pumps
are off, the flow from the well will decrease If gas is still present, the well most likely is
over time until the flow ceases. Flow will underbalanced, and the mud weight should
continue at a constant or increasing rate if be increased. The reduced flow rate should
the well is actually flowing (kick). prevent fractures from opening and instigating
ballooning, while ensuring the mud does not
Ballooning in the Presence of Gas enter and then flow back out of the fractures.

One major issue that occurs with wellbore Table 11-1 provides a guide for low
ballooning, and one that adds tremendously recommended circulation rates. The objective
to the confusion, is the presence of gas in the with the slow flow rates is to pass a minimum
mud that is circulated back to the surface. If the of (152 m) of mud through the annulus without
apparent losses occur in sands or at the interface opening fractures that may be present.
between sand and shale, the fluid that flows
into the fractures may come in contact with Table 11-1. Recommended Slow Circulation Rates for
hydrocarbons, specifically gas. When this occurs, Evaluating Wellbore Ballooning
the entire volume that flows into the fractures
may subsequently contain a significant level Circulating Rate
of gas when circulated back to the surface. Hole Size (mm)
While understandable, it is a mistake to assume
≥ 444 0.95
this gas is the result of a kick arising from an
underbalanced drilling environment. ≥ 311 0.38
≥ 152 0.095
Under normal circumstances the drilling fluid
may absorb some gas from the near wellbore Wellbore Characterization – Fingerprinting
region. Fluid that penetrates the formation techniques
via fractures may adsorb a far greater amount
of gas. When this fluid is forced back into the In attempting to identify ballooning, it is first
wellbore by the closing fractures and circulated important to characterize the behaviour of
to the surface, it may appear the well is flowing. the wellbore prior to the onset of suspected
To ensure the correct response can be initiated, ballooning. To do so, it is necessary to record the
it is important to identify the source of any volume of flow back mud and the time elapsed
gas or other hydrocarbons present in the mud for the flow to decrease to zero in an interval
circulated to the surface. that is not fractured. The best opportunity for
this is while drilling the cement. This provides
To determine if the gas is due to the well flowing a completely sealed well with no chance for
or adsorbed gas associated with ballooning, the mud flow into the formation via fractures. It
following procedure can be applied: is important that the fluid, the flow rate being
applied, and the configuration of any surface
After a connection has been made, circulate the equipment (solids control units, de-gasser, etc)
mud at a reduced flow rate for 30 min. before be identical to that employed in drilling the
resuming full circulation. This will allow gas- open hole section.
free mud to pass through the open-hole section
without entering fractures. Automated systems are available for tracking
flow back on connections (Sperry-Sun
Track the strokes required for the mud to Connection Flow Monitor). Alternatively,
reach the surface. Once the mud reaches the manual recording by the rig crew using a

11-2 May 2011 Ballooning

stop watch and record sheet has proven to be 1. Record total volume returned and time for
effective and reliable on many rigs in the Gulf of flow to decrease to zero.
Mexico. Figure 11-2 illustrates the data that can
be recorded with two approaches possible: 2. Record flow back volume every 15 sec. in
order to build a flow back profile.



40.00 11659.75 ft

11721.66 ft

30.00 11800.65 ft

11842.09 ft

20.00 11874.1 ft

11893.14 ft

10.00 11932.21 ft

11989.05 ft

0:00:00 0:01:26 0:02:53 0:04:19 0:05:46 0:07:12

Fig 11-2. Fluid Flowback Monitoring for Fingerprinting Ballooning

While Method 2 is more time consuming, the and monitor the wellbore for the onset of
ability to differentiate a kick from borehole ballooning:
ballooning is enhanced greatly. The second
method also provides a clearer indication 1. Ensure all surface equipment is configured
that the well is in fact stable (even though for drilling ahead.
ballooning may be occurring) and that drilling
can recommence safely. 2. After displacing to a synthetic-based fluid
(SBM), circulate at a drill-ahead flow rate,
Once ballooning has been initiated, it is shut down the pumps and record the time
important to realize that even though the required for flow to decrease to zero, along
total volume that flows back will increase and with the total volume gained in the active
the time required for flow to reach zero may system from the time the pumps are shut
increase, the shape of the flow back profile will down.
be similar. If a kick is occurring, the flow will
3. Repeat this procedure if an FIT/LOT is
not decrease to zero and may actually increase.
performed after the displacement. If FIT/
LOT was performed prior to displacement,
The following procedure was used on a deep
proceed directly to Step 4. The times and
water Gulf of Mexico well to fingerprint

May 2011 Ballooning 11-3

volumes recorded in Steps 2 or 3 will serve • If no gas is present, the previous gas
as the base-line for a stable, non-ballooning shows are associated with ballooning. If
well. gas is present, the well is underbalanced.

4. On every subsequent connection and flow

check, record the time required for flow to
Managing Wellbore Ballooning
decrease and the total volume gained. LCM pills can serve as an effective remedy
to bridge off ballooning zones and minimize
• Should the time or the volume increase,
the flow, but curing ballooning is a definite
the wellbore may be ballooning. The flow
challenge when drilling with SBM. Laboratory
rate from the well must be decreasing
testing on fractured cores indicates that fracture
with time.
re-opening pressures can be increased when
• Should the flow from the well increase G-SEAL, is placed in the fracture (Fig. 11-3). The
with time or remain constant, the well is resilient nature of G-SEAL is thought to be key to
flowing. Initiate well control procedures. the success of this LCM. If the material is placed
If gas is observed on bottoms-up after a successfully in a fracture, once it closes it is able
connection, and the well appears to be to deform somewhat without breaking down.
ballooning, determine if the well is under- That tendency allows it to maintain its ability
balanced using the following procedure. to stay in place and continue to bridge once
pressure is re-applied to the fracture.
• Note strokes for bottoms up. Alternative methods for reducing or eliminating
• Apply slow circulating rates for 30 min ballooning via reduction in wellbore pressure
and record strokes. include:
1. Reducing mud weight if possible
• Resume normal drill ahead flow rates and
continue circulating until bottoms up 2. Reducing the flow rate in order to lower the
cycle is complete ECD

Initial fracture
Re-opening, no LCM
Re-opening, 25 ppb G-Seal
Pressure (MPa)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Volume (ml)
Fig. 11-3: Increase in fracture re-opening pressure when G-SEAL placed in fracture. Re-opening
pressure is approximately 100% higher.

11-4 May 2011 Ballooning

3. Reducing the fluid rheology to lower the necessary. Doing so will result in lost circulation.
A flow chart for identifying and managing
4. Reducing the rate of penetration ballooning is provided in Fig. 11-4.
For options 2-4, consideration must be given to
the effect that changing these parameters will
have on other aspects of the operation. It may
also be necessary to adjust other parameters if
either of these options is applied.

Ballooning can be a sign of imminent lost

circulation. In a ballooning well, it is critical not
to weight-up the mud system unless absolutely

Does the well give After having first established (while drilling cement)
back fluid on the base-line flow-back volume and time, apply the
connections ? following flow-chart while drilling ahead.


Is the volume
greater than the
baseline volume ?


Is the time for flow

no to go to zero yes
longer than the
baseline time ?

Apply LCM sweeps to

yes Does flow go to
seal ballooning zone no Is gas present
zero within
(review mud weight on bottoms up ?
30 minutes ?
and/or hydraulics)
yes no

Circulate at
Is gas present
reduced flow
on bottoms up ?
for 30 minutes


Implement well
Drill ahead
control procedures

Fig. 11-4. Wellbore Ballooning Flowchart

May 2011 Ballooning 11-5

Chapter 12 - Planning and Preparation
Some industry estimates indicate that up to 50% applied successfully. Early on, drilling fluid
of all lost circulation incidents can be prevented. companies were challenged to improve existing
Consequently, lost circulation contingencies and materials and develop new techniques and
prevention procedures should be considered for engineering strategies that would better fit
all drilling operations. However, it is important Wellbore Strengthening applications. Refer
to remember that these remedial treatments to Chapter 7 for more detail on Wellbore
will be most effective if planning is initiated Strengthening Solutions and specific well
before the well is spudded. planning considerations when programming a
wellbore strengthening procedure.
Wellbore design can have a critical impact on
the risk of lost circulation, especially with regard Consideration also must be given to the stock
to hole cleaning. Some designs of tubulars or levels of LCM, base fluid, chemicals and barite,
implementation of procedures like reaming along with mixing facilities and storage. As a
while drilling create situations where it is minimum, the stock list should include 300-400
dificult to clean the hole properly or adequately sacks each of fine, medium and coarse LCM.
cement the casing. Clearly, the casing plan This should be a mixture of granular, flake and
exerts the single greatest influence in avoiding fibrous materials. There also should be sufficient
lost circulation. In many cases induced fractures material for at least four reinforcing plugs. If
occur because the intermediate casing string there is a potential for severe loses, specialized
was set too high and the mud weight required pills - reactive (crosslink able) and non-reactive
to control deeper, high-pressure zones fractured - should be included in the inventory. A detailed
an exposed low-pressure formation. As a list will depend on the location, the type of mud
general rule, there should be a minimum of and well configuration. As always, personnel
open hole between the casing shoe and the training and awareness is very important, with
expected loss zone. A high-quality casing design, action plans agreed upon in advance, if possible.
using all available tools and information to If severe losses are expected, two drilling fluid
identify potential problem zones, is critical, as engineers should be assigned to the rig full time
are information on fracture gradients and the to manage the monitoring and recording of
existence of depleted zones. Often, however, the volumes and preparation of solutions.
fracture gradient of depleted zones is unknown.
If cavernous formations are expected close A multitude of tools and guidelines are
to surface, which is common in some land available for the Planning and Preparation
locations, every effort must be made to set the phase of addressing lost circulation issues. The
conductor pipe as close to the top of the loss “Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning”
zone as possible. Plans for contingency casing document, which was developed specifically
strings also may be required. If the loss zone as an M-I SWACO training tool, focuses on
bears hydrocarbons, consideration needs to be providing a detailed overview and a step-by-
given to possible bull heading operations. step approach to planning, implementing and
executing an efficient fit-for-purpose and well-
Preparing for Lost Circulation specific loss circulation strategy.
In recent years the industry initiated a Drilling Fluid Design
continuing shift from reactive to more
proactive approaches on dealing with When lost circulation is expected, selecting
prevailing lost circulation problems. Today, a drilling fluid with minimum impact on the
concepts of improving the formation stresses rate of invasion into either existing fractures or
and strengthening the wellbores are widely formation matrix can help mitigate or reduce
distributed, accepted, and in many cases, the volume of fluid lost.

May 2011 Planning and Preparation 12-1

Fundamental differences in fracture to the fracture gradient, which raises the risk
propagation pressures exist between water- of lost circulation, the rheological properties of
based fluids with elevated levels of bentonite, the fluid (i.e., plastic viscosity, yield point, 6 and
low-solids-non-dispersed (LSND) fluids, and 3 rpm dial readings and gel strengths) and the
non-aqueous fluids (NAF). These differences pump rate should be controlled to minimize ECD
are related directly to the nature and thickness, while maintaining adequate solids suspension
or ‘quality,’ of the filter cake deposited by the and hole cleaning.
individual fluid systems. It has been shown that
the pressure applied to a fracture tip generally Solids control is another important aspect of
is related to the thickness of the filter cake drilling fluid maintenance. As drilling progresses,
formed within the fracture. Correspondingly, drilled solids become incorporated into the fluid.
this pressure correlates directly with the risk of A high concentration of drilled solids affects
fracture propagation. The thicker the filter cake, the rheology of the fluid. High rheology leads
the less pressure being applied directly to the to excessive annular pressure losses that can
fracture tip, thus making fracture propagation promote induced fracturing. Every effort should
less likely to occur. be made to control drilled solids to a maximum
of five percent by volume (5% v/v).
Other properties, such as elevated low-shear-
rate-viscosity (LSRV), impart the intrinsic Proper pill placement also is a key to correcting
capability of the drilling fluid to instantaneously lost circulation problems. An out-of-gauge hole
slow invasion into fractures. Fluids that can seriously impact accurate placement of lost
generate ECDs that change little during drilling circulation pills. Placement of such pills usually
can be used in long and even multiple intervals is dependent on measured pumping volumes.
with less risk of exceeding fracture opening Unless logs have been run and an accurate
or propagation pressures. Examples include knowledge of the hole volume is available,
WARP* or EMS-4200* micronized barite systems, the wellbore generally is assumed to be in-
which can be weighted up with little or no gauge. This can lead to significant errors in the
effect on viscosity or ECD. Other examples placement of lost circulation pills, squeezes, and
include the RHELIANT synthetic-based and plugs. Proper drilling fluid selection can help
the DRILPLEX aqueous-based systems, whose maintain a stable and in-gauge wellbore, thus
viscosity profiles are relatively independent of affording the lost circulation material the best
temperature (flat rheology). These fluids can chance to remedy the problem.
provide near-constant ECDs in deep water,
where a very wide temperature range between While NAF usually are much more expensive
the mudline and BHT exists. Thus, these flat- than water-based fluids, they generally provide
rheology systems have advantages over other the best overall drilling results, because of their
drilling fluids in that they generally will produce capacity to:
lower rates of fluid invasion into fractures.
Chapter 6 “Prevention” has a more detailed • Control shales
discussion on other fluids that exhibit similar • Provide lubricity
properties. • Resist contaminants.

Usually, mud programs are determined through During well construction, changes in lithology
an analysis of the formations to be encountered may make it necessary to displace one system
during a drilling operation. Pre-spud planning with another. For instance, an inhibitive system
involves mud selection (water, oil, or synthetic), can be used to drill sensitive formations. Once
as well as the fluid density, chemistry, and these formations are cased, the premium
rheology required for adequate hole cleaning, system can be displaced with a less expensive
optimum penetration rate and superior alternative for drilling the potential lost
wellbore integrity. If the fluid density is close circulation zones. Drilling economically in

12-2 May 2011 Planning and Preparation

known or potentially troublesome areas If the potential for severe loses exist, specialized
requires comprehensive knowledge of the cross-linkable pills, such as FORM-A-SET, FORM-A-
geology and efficient pre-well planning. SET AK, FORM-A-PLUG II, should be included in the
Chapter 6 provides additional details on inventory.
how maintaining proper fluid properties
and carrying out good drilling practices can Standing Instructions
help minimize the risk of induced losses and
Standing instructions should be posted
increase the chances of curing or preventing lost
to ensure the driller is aware of the crew
circulation problems.
responsibilities in the event of losses. Standing
Chemical Load-Out Listing orders also should be prepared for the mud
loggers and the drilling fluids engineer. While
It is critical to ensure chemicals are on hand the instructions will be specific to each rig,
at the rig site or supply base sufficient to they universally must include the line-up of
build large volumes of mud, and multiple lost all surface equipment. This will facilitate rapid
circulation treatments. pumping of mud or water/seawater to the
annulus, along with well shut-in procedures and
Following is an example of the minimum criteria.
suggested levels of LCM which should be
available at most rig locations: Pre-Spud Meetings
A pre-spud meeting must be held with
Product Unit Number all relevant drill-site managers (DSMs),
NUT PLUG (F) 22.7 kg/sack 80 OIMs, rig managers, rig crews, drilling fluid
NUT PLUG (M) 22.7 kg/sack 80 engineers, project engineers, and operator’s
NUT PLUG (C) 22.7 kg/sack 80 representatives. A technical presentation on the
MICA (F) 22.7 kg/sack 120 various problems and potential solutions should
MICA (M) 22.7 kg/sack 120 be given to increase the understanding of all
MICA (C) 22.7 kg/sack 80 personnel.
M-I SEAL (F) 418 kg/sack 100
M-I SEAL (M) 418 kg/sac 100
Notifying Relevant Personnel
M-I SEAL (C) 418 kg/sac 100 Ensure the project engineers, operational
M-I-X II (F) 11.4 kg/sack 150 personnel and supply base coordinators are
M-I-X II (M) 11.4 kg/sack 150 aware the well is approaching a potential loss
M-I-X II (C) 11.4 kg/sack 150 zone.
SAFE-CARB (F) 22.7 kg/sack 200
SAFE-CARB (M) 22.7 kg/sack 200 LCM Logistics
SAFE-CARB (C) 22.7 kg/sack 200
As mentioned, a minimum LCM stock at both
the rig and supply base is highly recommended.
Both the project and rig site drilling fluid
engineers must put a plan in place so they are
fully aware of available stock at all times.

May 2011 Planning and Preparation 12-3

Reporting System circulation event review is available at
“Loss Circulation Review and Study Form”)
Lost circulation reporting and tracking
systems should be developed at three different • Develop and offer project specific
levels with two main objectives: building a solutions to the customer for their lost
quantitative/qualitative offset database and the circulation problems, focusing whenever
identification and implementation of best fit- possible on a preventive approach under
for-purpose cures and solutions. the umbrella of the I-BOSS* integrated
wellbore strengthening package
Following is a hypothetical description of what
• Evaluate the impact and results of the
could be an effective reporting system and
lost circulation strategy. Document the
one aimed at offering the best solutions to
successes and failures, capture lessons
the customer for their lost circulation-related
1. The drilling fluid engineer is responsible for • Re-evaluate the lost circulation plan and
the: “When”, “How” and “How Much” data communicate same to the client.
collection, using the appropriate ONE-TRAX*
3. When applicable, technical service support
modules in the proprietary LOST CIRCULATION
provided by the local Regional Technical
ADVISOR* software. (Comments and Recaps
Service Manager (RTSM) and/or available
sections in Tab#5 of ONE-TRAX, and volume
Technical Services Engineer (TSE) will
accounting section in Tab #8 of ONE-TRAX).
have the task to promote and implement
2. The project engineer will carry out the conventional and/or new lost circulation
following tasks: solutions. Table 12-1 provides a checklist for
lost circulation planning and preparation.
• Produce a detailed summary including
relevant project-related data and a
detailed description of the lost circulation
events (an example form for a lost

12-4 May 2011 Planning and Preparation

Table 12-1. Lost Circulation Planning and Preparation Checklist
(source: “Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning Program)
This checklist should be modified and adapted to be project-specific.

• Drilling and completion data (Drilling/completion program, Pore

Pressure/Fracture Gradient),
Obtain offset • Geology and lithology information (Porosity, Permeability, Core
information and samples),
client’s input • Logging and imaging data (FMI, OBMI)
• Identify potential loss zones
• Review previous lost circulation products and treatments used
• Analyze client’s input and offset data Link to existing M-I SWACO
Develop Lost products and technologies with potential to solve the problems
• Use the I-BOSS package and existing practices to create a well and
situation-specific program
Assessment Plan • Develop and conduct internal and external adapted training and
presentations for the project

• Apply the procedures as per the Lost Circulation Assessment Plan

• Create and manage contingency stocks of conventional and
implementation specialized lost circulation materials
and execution of • Monitor daily operations and ensure proper execution of the
the Lost Circulation recommendations included in the plan
• Report all successes and failures of lost circulation procedures
Assessment Plan • Capture lessons learned and estimate added value to the client

May 2011 Planning and Preparation 12-5


APWD* - Annular Pressure While Drilling. APWD FPR – Fracture Propagation Resistance. Strength
data is used to prevent influx of formation of the wellbore to limit fracture growth.
fluids, stabilize the wellbore, and ensure that
the pressure remains inside the pore pressure / Hoop Stress – Induced tangential force around
fracture gradient window. the wellbore by the wellbore fluid when the
circumference of the wellbore is increased.
CDR* Tool- Compensated Dual Resistivity Tool.
The CRD tool contains sensors operated by mud Hoop Stress Riser – Linear elastic response of
pulses. No data is sent in real time when the the near wellbore region of a formation to a
mud pumps are off; the data is stored and sent fracture. This is often referred to as a “Stress
to the surface once pumping is re-established. Cage.”

Depleted Zone Drilling (DZD) – Drilling reservoir LCAP - Lost Circulation Assessment Plan. Drilling
sections with high pressure differentials plan to assess lost circulation potential and
between formations. These invariably involve control lost circulation occurrances.
large pore pressure differentials between
permeable and impermeable formations. LSRV – Low-Shear-Rate Viscosity, usually
measured at about 0.06 sec-1.
Dxx – The particle size below which xx% of
the particles exist, e.g. for D90 = 200 μm, 90% LCM – Lost Circulation Materials.
of the particles are of a size less than 200 μm
equivalent diameter. LOP – Leak-Off Pressure. The maximum pressure
or mud weight the wellbore can hold without
ECD – Equivalent Circulating Density. The new fractures forming or the mud “leaking off”
effective density of the fluid at downhole into the formation.
conditions: ECD (kg/m3) = 19.2 x Ph+a (Pa) / TVD
(ft), where Ph+a is the hydrostatic head plus the LPM – Loss Prevention Materials, now often
excess annular pressure. The hydrostatic head is called WSM (Wellbore Strengthening Materials).
the static mud density (MW + cuttings acquired Materials used to prevent lost circulation
at the bit); the excess annular pressure at a through strengthening the wellbore or plugging
given mud flow rate or velocity is governed by fractures.
the viscosity at the shear rate of the mud.
PP – Pore Pressure. Pressure exerted by
FG – Fracture Gradient. The pressure required formation fluids in the pore space.
to fracture the rock (Fracture Pressure, Pf),
converted to Equivalent Mud weight at the PSD – Particle Size Distribution. The distribution
depth of interest: FG (kg/m3) = 19.2 x Pf (Pa) / of particle sizes, generally determined using
TVD (m). laser light scattering and reported in μm.

Fracture Closure Stress (FCS) – The total Shmin – Minimum horizontal stress around the
compressive stress holding the mouth of a wellbore.
fracture closed. It is the sum of the combined
overburden and hoop stress riser stresses. It SICP - Shut-In Casing Pressure
has also been defined as the force required to
initiate a fracture.
Stress Cage – The increase in near-wellbore WSM – Wellbore Strengthening Materials.
strength (stress). It has been argued this is Products added to the drilling fluid to
identical to the concept of the “Hoop Stress strengthen the wellbore and increase the
Riser”. apparent fracture gradient, thus avoiding lost
Wellbore Strengthening – A procedure designed
to increase the shear strength of a formation. * Mark of Schlumberger, Ltd.
Examples include using a low-water-activity
OBM/SBM, mechanically increasing formation
hoop stresses, and isolating the wellbore and/or
fracture tips.
Unit Conversion Factors
Multiply This By To Obtain
barrel (bbl) 5.615 cubic ft (ft3)
barrel (bbl) 0.159 cubic meter (m3)
barrel (bbl) 42 gallon, U.S. (gal)
barrel (bbl) 159 liter (L)
cubic feet (ft3) 0.0283 cubic meter (m3)
cubic feet (ft3) 7.48 gallon, U.S. (gal)
gallon, U.S. (gal) 0.00379 cubic meter (m3)
gallon, U.S. (gal) 3.785 liter (L)
cubic meter (m3) 6.289 barrel (bbl)
cubic meter (m3) 1,000 liter (L)
Mass or Weight
pound (lb) 453.6 gram (g)
pound (lb) 0.454 kilogram (kg)
kilogram (kg) 2.204 pound (lb)
metric ton (mt) 1,000 kilogram (kg)
feet (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
inch (in.) 2.54 centimeter (cm)
inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm)
meter (m) 3.281 feet (ft)
miles (mi) 1.609 kilometers (km)
lb/in.2 (psi) 6.895 kiloPascal (kPa)
lb/in. 2 (psi) 0.06895 bar (bar)
lb/in. 2 (psi) 0.0703 kg/cm2
kiloPascal (kPa) 0.145 lb/in.2 (psi)
bar 100 kiloPascal (kPa)
lb/bbl 2.853 kg/m3
kg/m3 0.3505 lb/bbl
lb/gal 119.83 kg/m3 and g/L
kg/m3 0.008345 lb/gal
lb/gal 0.11983 g/cm3, kg/L or SG
lb/ft3 16.02 kg/m3 and g/L
g/cm3, kg/L or SG 8.345 lb/gal
lb/100 ft2 0.48 Pascal (Pa)
degree Fann (° Fann) 1.065 lb/100 ft2
dyne/cm2 4.8 lb/100 ft2
centipoise (cP) 1.0 mPa-sec

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Appendix 1: LCM Products by Name

Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle

Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

As a weighting D50's = #5
agent up to 14.0 Porous and - 9.5; #25
White powder or Ultra fine, Fine,
Baracarb Baroid Sized CaCO3; Acid Soluble Granular ppg. Bridging agent. All mud systems fractured 5-10 ppb for brigding Acid soluble 2.8 - 25; #50 50 lb/sx
granules Medium, Coarse
Temporarily seal lost production zones - 46; #150 -
circulation zones 170.

Micronised Fiber
WBM- need to treat
particulates for seepage Fiberous cellulosic Preventative Regular- brown-
bulk with Algaecide/ Regular 25 lb/
loss control & diff. pressure material used to seal Sands and treatment @ 2-10 powdered material; Regular and
Barofiber Baroid Fiber All mud systems N/A density: 31 5-7 biocide to sx; Coarse 40
sticking preventive for fractured formations fractured zones ppb; Slug treatment Coarse - granulated Coarse
lb/ft4 prevent bacterrial lb/sx
fracture zones and porous and sands @ 30-50 ppb material
contaminaion; OBM-
sands & limestone

Filamentous fibers for Synthetic fiber

(1) 15 pound box/ 50 removed at
Barolift Baroid sweeps or seepabe loss Fiber sweeping agent; does All mud systems Insoluble N/A white fiber N/A N/A removed by shakers N/A 15 lb box
bbls shakers
control not increase viscosity

Do not use in
OBM due to
Blend of particles which Blend of different
Can be removed May water-wet solids water wetting
contains high strength All types of lost Preventative - 5-20 materials; brown Fine, Medium &
Baroseal Baroid Blend Most WBM's All formations by shakers and N/A 1.1 in Invert emulsion of solids; can 40 lb/sx
granules, flakes & fibers circulation ppb; Pill - 30-50 ppb white and gray Coarse
mud cleaner. mud. plug downhole
with a definite PSD particles and fibers
tools with small
safe, Bio-
Boysenblue/ degradable,
Preferentially oil wettable, As slug (15-35 ppb) or Light tan, finely
Celtec Mainly NAF base Under-pressured, effective
Blen-Fyber OM surface modified Fiber Seepage loss control added to the system 1.1 - 1.3 6.5 - 7.5 divided cellulose 40 lb/sx
International muds depleted sands secondary
micronized cellulose fiber (4-10 ppb) fiber
Inc. emulsifier due
to oleophyllic
Pre-treatment & cure
Boysenblue/ Mixed, selected cellulose for Lost Circulation for Highly vugular,
As slug (20-40 ppb) or Dark brown to
Celtec fibers, surface modified to oil base muds - Can dolomite or By-pass shakers
Blen-Plug OM Fiber Oil base muds added to the system 1.3 - 1.5 6.5 - 7.5 tan mixed of sized Coarse 25 lb/sx
International preferentially oil-wet in the be used alone or with limestone when used
(4-12 ppb) cellulose fibers
Inc. presence of oil & water Blen-Fyber OM, Blen- formations
Seal WB, CaCO3,…

Boysenblue/ Micronized cellulose fibers, - Prevent, cure seepage Bio-degradable

As slug (20-40 ppb) or Tan to light brown
Celtec pre-absorbed with a low- losses, differential Under-pressured, & non-polluting,
Blen-Seal WB Fiber All mud systems added to the system 1.3 - 1.5 6.5 - 7.5 Micronized cellulose 50 lb/sx
International aormatic / low-toxicity sticking, high torque depleted sands environmentally
(4-8 ppb) fibers
Inc. lubricant & drag safe
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

High Fluid loss squeeze - High fluid loss squeeze Wide Fine, Medium &
Bor-Plug Tanajiib Blend All formations N/A N/A N/A 50 lb/sx
Blend of sized CaCO3 or as LCM. range Coarse

LCM for drilling,

Blend of polymers, calcium completion and Porous and
Saturated salt 10-50 ppb of bridgesal Water soluble D50 of 18 Mud must be salt
Bridgesal TBC-Brinadd lignosulfonate and sized Granular workover into the pay fractured Free flowing powder 50 lb/sx
mud to the brine salt microns saturated
salt zone, gravel packing or production zones

LCM for drilling,

completion and
workover into the
Porous and functions as
Blend of polymers and pay zone, gravel Saturated salt Water soluble Mud must be salt
Bridgesal-A TBC-Brinadd Granular fractured Free flowing powder a neutral or 50 lb/sx
sized salt packing or perforating mud salt saturated
production zones slightly acidic
with low Ca/Mg for
pH system
formation with calcium

No alkaline
Gravel packing
Blend of polymers and Porous and 60-70 pound per materials are
Bridgesal- applications where Saturated salt Water soluble 1 to 40 Avoid cross-linkers
TBC-Brinadd sized salt of particle size Granular fractured barrel of brine Free flowing powder needed for 50 lb/sx
Superfine plugging of the screens mud salt microns and breakers
range from 1 to 40 microns production zones solution the product to
must be avoided

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or

Porous, vugular
Cello-Flake KMC/SCOMI Shredded cellophane Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A
or fractured
void spaces (5-10 ppb)

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or

Porous, vugular
Cellophane M-I SWACO Shredded cellophane Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A
or fractured
void spaces (5-10 ppb)

Micronized fiber
Will not water
particulates for seepage Fiberous cellulosic
bulk wet; bridging
loss control and differential material used to seal Porous, depleted maintained in system Coarse and
Check-Loss Baker Hughes Fiber All mud systems N/A N/A density: 800 N/A Light brown, solid N/A N/A microfractured N/A
sticking preventative for depleted formations formations or in pills PLUS
kg/m and permeable
fracture zones and porous and sands
sands &/limestone
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

For porous, fractures Better succes

0.5 to 1.0 ppb for
and vugular Porous and in sealing loss
seepage, and higher Will be screened at
Chip Seal Coarsely shredded wood Fiber formations, where All mud systems fractured Not removed zones when 40 lb/sx
concentration for shakers
large particles bridging formations combined with
complete losses
materials are needed smaller fibers

- Cure losses in
depleted sands - optimum
Reduce torque & As slug (20-40 ppb) or performance is
Celtec Graded & sized crustacean Depleted, porous Stable at high White to orange
Cruseal Flake drag, differential All mud systems added to the system Acid soluble 1.73 Fine & Medium obtained when 50 lb/sx
International flakes sands temp. flakes
sticking, bit balling - (5-10 ppb) fine & medium
Plug perforations in blend is used

50% soluble Increase

2 to 8 ppb for whole in 15% HCl, 85% passes Low temp. stability rheology at high
Venture Bridge depleted porous Water mud Porous, depleted Light tan to brown
Delta "P" Polysacharide complex Fiber mud and 10 to 50 ppb biodegradable 6 60 mesh, - will be removed at concentration - 25 lb/sx
Chemicals, Inc. formations systems formations fibrous powder
as pills and low temp. dry basis shakers Pilot test if used
stability in OBM

Mix per tech bulletin,

then pump into
High fluid loss squeeze mix of white/gray
High fluid loss squeeze annulus to the loss
Many (polymers and non acid particles and black 0.5 ppb oil
Diaseal M Blend for WBM or as LCM in All mud systems All formations zone depth; then pull N/A N/A 0.8 N/A N/A 40 lb/sx
Companies soluble LCMs, not requiring and tan granules and wetting agent
WBM and NAF. pipe above plug and
an accelerator or retarder). fibers
"squeeze" the plug
into the loss zone.
Bimodal particle
Mix per tech bulletin,
size distribution
then pump into
mix of white/gray shows efficient
High fluid loss squeeze annulus to the loss
High Fluid loss squeeze - particles and black Wide Fine, Medium & sealing of 190
Duo-Squeeze H Baroid Blend for WBM or as LCM in All mud systems All formations zone depth; then pull N/A N/A 1.8 N/A 50 lb/sx
Blend of sized CaCO3 and tan granules and range Coarse micron pores
WBM and NAF. pipe above plug and
fibers to 1000 micron
"squeeze" the plug
slots; Can be
into the loss zone.
Works at any
91.6% thru
pH, resistant
As slug (25-35 ppb) or 200 mesh
Dynamite Red Drilling Seepage to complete Depleted, porous 28.3% soluble in Stable at high Brownish red Fine, Medium & to attack by
Proprietary Solid Mixture Fiber All mud systems added to the system - Medium: 25 lb/sx
Fiber Specialties Co loss of circulation zones 15% HCl temp. powder Coarse bioorganisms,
(3-8 ppb) 37% -
compatible with
other LCM
Mix per tech bulletin,
then pump into
High fluid loss squeeze
High fluid loss squeeze annulus to the loss
(polymers and non acid mix of white/gray
EZ-Squeeze KMC/SCOMI Blend for WBM or as LCM in All mud systems All formations zone depth; then pull N/A N/A 2.8 12.4 25 lb/sx
soluble LCMs, not requiring particles
WBM and NAF. pipe above plug and
an accelerator or retarder).
"squeeze" the plug
into the loss zone.
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

Micronized fiber
particulates for seepage
Porous and fractured As slug (25-35 ppb) or
loss control and differential Depleted, porous Medium and
Fibro-Seal KMC/SCOMI Fiber formations, depleted All mud systems added to the system
sticking preventative for zones coarse
sands (3-8 ppb)
fracture zones and porous
sands & limestone

Blend of LCM to provide

Chemical Sealant plug; a stress cage for the Wide Fine, Medium &
FlexPlug Baroid Blend All mud systems All formations Preventative or Pills N/A N/A mixed mixed mixture Similar to I-BOSS Mixture
Polymer blend borehole and improve range Coarse
frac gradients

Pumpable lost
Circulation plug is a Mix, then pump into
blend of minerals and annulus to the loss
High Fluid loss squeeze - polymers to create zone depth; then pull 95% Acid soluble White to beige Do not stop pumping Can be adjusted
FORM-A-PLUG II M-I SWACO Blend All mud systems All formations 2 7-8 Fine 55 lb/sx
Blend of sized CaCO3 suspension, fluid-loss pipe above plug and in 15% HCl powder while plug is in pipe. for density.
control and cross- "squeeze" the plug
linking to plug the loss into the loss zone.

Cross-linkable Polymer
Plug with sized LCMs (flake, Fractures, faults Bulk Pilot test for Follow
All types of lost As a pill spotted in
FORM-A-SET (AKX) M-I SWACO fiber, granular, etc.) with Blend All mud systems and vugular N/A 0.96 density Light tan powder Fine temperatures above instuctions from 47 lb/sx
circulation loss zone
accelerator or retarder. formations 34.5 lb/ft3 250 F FAS software.
These are non-acid soluble.

High fluid loss squeeze

Fractures, faults Cures without
(polymers and non acid All types of lost As a pill spotted in somewhat acid Not 100 % Acid
FORM-A-SQUEEZE M-I SWACO Blend All mud systems and vugular 450 F 1.7 Gray powder time or 50 lb/sx
soluble LCMs, not requiring circulation loss zone soluble soluble
formations temperature
and accelerator or retarder).

Micronized fiber
particulates for seepage
Porous and fractured As slug (25-35 ppb) or
loss control and differential Depleted, porous Fine, Medium &
Fracseal Fine Summit Fiber formations, depleted All mud systems added to the system
sticking preventative for zones Coarse
sands (3-8 ppb)
fracture zones and porous
sands & limestone

Blend of particles which

May water-wet solids
contains high strength All types of lost As a pill spotted in Cannot be Blend of different Fine, Medium &
Gel Fib Gumpro Blend All mud systems All formations in Invert emulsion 40 lb/sx
granules, flakes & fibers circulation loss zone removed materials Coarse
with a definite PSD
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

High fluid loss squeeze

(polymers and non acid All types of lost As a pill spotted in
Gel Seal M Gumpro Blend
soluble LCMs, not requiring circulation loss zone
and accelerator or retarder).

LCM for bridging and

G-SEAL/G-SEAL Avg. Can be removed by
Synthetic Graphite; non plugging formations. Can be run in active Can be removed Black powder or Insoluble in
PLUS/G-SEAL M-I SWACO Granular All mud systems 500oF 2.19-2.26 size 250 shakers. Not acid 50 lb/sx
acid soluble Also increases lubricity system or in pill form. at shakers granules water
PLUS C microns soluble.
in fluids.

45 bbls of freshwater
+ 80 50 lb bags
Cavernous 90-120 minute Must be mixed
Hydrating Polymer Blend; All types of lost of Hydroplug, No Cannot be dark gray to black
Hydro-Plug Baroid Blend All mud systems and vugular N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A window is required in freshwater if 50 lb/sx
Hydrating Gel Plug circulation Caustic and ime. Spot removed granules and flakes
formations to mix and pump used with NAF.
pill across zone, and

Added to high density

100 ppb of base Can be used in
Blend of sized salt, CaCl2, CaBr2 and Porous and
Saturated salt fluid, and 150 ppb Water soluble Mud must be salt brines ranging
Hysal-II TBC-Brinadd complexed lignisulfonates Granular ZnBr2 brines to provide fractured 250oF Free flowing powder 50 lb/sx
brines for densities above salt saturated from 12.5 to 19.2
and selected polymers bridging and filtration production zones
17 ppg ppg

Added to high
density CaCl2, CaBr2
100 ppb of base Can be used in
Blend of polymers and and ZnBr2 brines to Porous and
Saturated salt fluid, and 150 ppb Water soluble Avoid cross-linkers brines ranging
Hysal-Superfine TBC-Brinadd sized salt of particle size Granular provide bridging for fractured Free flowing powder 50 lb/sx
brines for densities above salt and breakers from 12.5 to 18.5
range from 1 to 40 microns gravel packing where production zones
17 ppg ppg
plugging the screens
must be avoided

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or

Porous, vugular
Jel Flakes Baroid Shredded cellophane Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A
or fractured
void spaces (5-10 ppb)

Solids free cross-linkable Cavernous

All types of lost as a pill spotted in Cannot be
K-Max Baroid HEC polymer gel for Blend All mud systems and vugular N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
circulation loss zone removed
completions formations
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or White to grey more effective when
Porous, vugular Fine, Medium, &
KMC-Mica KMC/SCOMI Mica flakes Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A Insoluble 2.6-3.2 N/A powder or soft N/A mixed with other N/A 25 lb/sx
or fractured Coarse
void spaces (5-10 ppb) translucent flakes types of LCM

Blend of particles which

May water-wet solids
contains high strength All types of lost Cannot be Blend of different Fine, Medium &
Kwik-Seal Kelco-Rotary Blend All mud systems All formations in Invert emulsion 40 lb/sx
granules, flakes & fibers circulation removed materials Coarse
with a definite PSD

Avg. Can be removed by

Synthetic Graphite; non LCM for bridging and Can be run in active Can be removed Black powder or Insoluble in
LC Lube Baker Hughes Granular All mud systems o
500 F 2.19-2.26 size 250 shakers. Not acid 50 lb/sx
acid soluble plugging formations. system or in pill form. at shakers granules water
microns soluble.

Shear thickening slurry

EDTI or Impact with graded LCMs; Special All types of lost
LCP-2000 Blend
Solutions Polymer + fiber, granules circulation
& flakes

< 234 Requires

35% soluble in microns small addition
Gabriel Blend of fibrous particles Porous and fractured Depleted, porous As slug (25-65 ppb) or
15% HCl, & the upper of NaOH,
Liquid Casing International, integrated with their Fiber formations, depleted All mud systems and fractured added to the system > 400oF < 2.0 7 50 lb/sx
remainder is limit and Non-Toxic &
Inc. distinctive size distribution sands formations (2-8 ppb)
biodegradable 44microns environmentally
lower limit safe
D50 of 19
for liteplug
Sized to temporarily
fine, 300
seal lost circulation Porous and Soluble in acid, Liteplug will seal
Used in Litesal 5 to 65 ppb of varying for liteplug Fine, liteplug,
Liteplug TBC-Brinadd Specially sized borate salt Granular zones in porous and fractured fresh and brine 2.0 Free flowing crystals fractures up to 50 lb/sx
brine systems sizes and 640 liteplug-X
fractured formations, production zones waters one-third inch
depleted sands
Can be used as
Blend of polymer and Bridging materials to circulating fluid,
Sodium or Porous and
specially sized borate salts minimize losses in low Water soluble D50 of 20 lost circulation
Litesal TBC-Brinadd Granular Potassium fractured 20 - 30 ppb Free flowing powder 50 lb/sx
(Ulexite ) hydrated calcium density brine (Na or K ) salt microns pill, perforating
chloride solutions production zones
sodium borate salt application : 8.7-10 ppg or gravel packing
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size
pH-6, a
additive is
Thixotropic system
Blend of XC-Polymer, Sodium or Porous and necessary to
designed for Water soluble
Litesal-XCP TBC-Brinadd derivatized polymer and Granular Potassium fractured 18 - 35 ppb Free flowing powder stabilize the 50 lb/sx
application where max. salt
sized borate salt chloride solutions production zones system and
suspension is required.
avoid cross-
linking of the
Need to pre-
disperse in
Micronized cellulose fibers,
Depleted, diesel oil prior
chemically modidied by As slug (20-150
SUN Drilling Seals depleted sands porous and addition to
Lubra-Seal a reaction with surface Fiber All mud systems ppb) or added to the 450oF 0.4 Light brown powder 30 lb/sx
Products Corp. and micro-fractures micro-fractured WBM. Effective
modifiers. Hydrophobic system (4-10 ppb)
formations secondary
emulsifier in
No asbestos,
Extrusion spun mineral inert, non-
As slug (30-40 ppb) or 98.4% in HCl, Wide
Lost Circulation flexible long fiber, coated Losses in fractures, All types of fermenting,
Magma Fiber Fiber All mud systems added to the system or 60/40 HCl & 1800oF 2.6 <8 Powder range, Fine & Regular 40 lb/sx
Specialists, Inc with a mono nuclear film permeable formations formations non-corrosive,
(5-15 ppb). Acetic Acid Coarse
of surfactant environmentally

Acid soluble (95%)

All types of lost Acid soluble
Magne-Set Baker Hughes Crosslink Polymer Gel with Blend
circulation (95%)
Retarder and accelerator

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or

Porous, vugular
M-I Flake Baker Hughes Shredded cellophane Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A
or fractured
void spaces (5-10 ppb)

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or White to grey more effective when
Porous, vugular Fine, Medium, &
MICA M-I SWACO Mica flakes Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A Insoluble 2.6-3.2 N/A powder or soft N/A mixed with other N/A 40 lb/sx
or fractured Coarse
void spaces (5-10 ppb) translucent flakes types of LCM

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or White to grey more effective when
Porous, vugular Fine, Medium, &
MicaTex Baroid Mica flakes Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A Insoluble 2.6-3.2 N/A powder or soft N/A mixed with other N/A N/A
or fractured Coarse
void spaces (5-10 ppb) translucent flakes types of LCM
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

Porous and 50 lb/sx, 55
Temporarily seal lost Acid soluble range of
Milcarb Baker Hughes Sized CaCO3; Acid Soluble Granular All mud systems fractured 2.8 lb/sx, 110
circulation zones CaCO3 particle
production zones lb/sx

Prevent mud loss by As slug (20-30 ppb) or White to grey more effective when
Porous, vugular Fine, Medium, &
MIL-Mica Baker Hughes Mica flakes Flake plugging channels and All mud systems added to the system N/A Insoluble 2.6-3.2 N/A powder or soft N/A mixed with other N/A
or fractured Coarse
void spaces (5-10 ppb) translucent flakes types of LCM

Blend of particles which Use as a pill spotted

fractures, vugs, May water-wet solids
contains high strength All types of lost in loss zone or Cannot be Blend of different Fine, Medium &
Mil-Seal Baker Hughes Blend All mud systems and extremely N/A N/A N/A graded in Invert emulsion N/A 40 lb/sx
granules, flakes & fibers circulation maintained in the removed materials Coarse
porous zones. mud.
with a definite PSD system.

Mixed LCM designed

for the bridging of
Micronised cellulose fiber highly porous and
Mix in hopper;
particulates for seepage fractured formations; Can be removed by
Porous and Maintain desired bulk At high
loss control & diff. pressure Each grind size Tan to light brown Wide Fine, Medium & solids control equip.
M-I-X II M-I SWACO Blend All mud systems fractured concentrations screen up N/A density: 22- 5-7 concentrations it 25 lb/sx
sticking preventive for has a specially powder range Coarse Subject to bacterial
formations throughout system 32 lb/ft3 will absorb some
fracture zones and porous selected particle size degradation
sands & limestone distribution optimized
to seal a wide range of

Can be added
Seepage control, through the hopper.
Spun Mineral Fibers; Mineral
N-Seal Baroid bridging, plugging All mud systems All formations Recommend 5-8 ppb Acid soluble N/A 2.6 N/A gray white fiber N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 lb/sx
Partially acid soluble (95%) Blend
voids, fractures in system, 15-30 ppb

High fluid loss squeeze non-damaging
Used as a pill to cure bulk density Beige to brown
(polymers and non acid All types of lost to producing
N-Squeeze Baroid Blend Water base muds All formations lost circ or a sweep to N/A N/A 20 - 25 lb/ 7.5 - 8.5 mixture, mixed mixed N/A N/A 25 lb/sx
soluble LCMs, not requiring circulation foramtions, will
clean the hole ft4 cellulose fibers
an accelerator or retarder). not flash set in
the drill string

Cross-linkable Polymer
Plug with sized LCMs (flake, bulk density Beige to brown
N-Squeeze with All types of lost Used as a pill to cure N-Plex is a liquid
Baroid fiber, granular, etc.) with Blend Water base muds All formations N/A N/A 20 - 25 lb/ 7.5 - 8.6 mixture, mixed mixed N/A N/A
N-Plex circulation lost circ alkaline salt
accelerator or retarder. ft5 cellulose fibers
These are non-acid soluble.
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

preventative in the
All types of lost active, pills across
All formation Fine, medium, Coarser grades can
Nut Plug SCOMI Nut Shell Particles Nut shells circulation, and high All mud systems loss zones, sweeps screen up Granular material N/A 50 lb/sx
types coarse be screened out
filtration squeezes to help clean bit and

preventative in the
All types of lost active, pills across
All formation Fine, medium, Coarser grades can
Nut Plug M-I SWACO Nut Shell Particles Nut shells circulation, and high All mud systems loss zones, sweeps screen up Granular material N/A 50 lb/sx
types coarse be screened out
filtration squeezes to help clean bit and

preventative in the
All types of lost active, pills across
All formation Fine, medium, Coarser grades can
Nutshells Gumpro Nut Shell Particles Nut shells circulation, and high All mud systems loss zones, sweeps screen up Granular material N/A 50 lb/sx
types coarse be screened out
filtration squeezes to help clean bit and

< 2000 Requires

Partly acid microns small addition
Gabriel Blend of fibrous particles Porous and fractured Depleted, porous As slug (15-100
soluble, & the upper of NaOH,
OM-Seal International, integrated with their Fiber formations, depleted All mud systems and fractured ppb) or added to the > 400oF < 2.0 7 25 & 40 lb/sx
remainder is limit and Non-Toxic &
Inc. distinctive size distribution sands formations system (2-8 ppb)
biodegradable 74microns environmentally
lower limit safe

Porous and 50 lb/sx, 55
Temporarily seal lost Acid soluble range of
Opta-Carb KMC/SCOMI Sized CaCO3; Acid Soluble Granular All mud systems fractured 2.8 lb/sx, 110
circulation zones CaCO3 particle
production zones lb/sx

Has extrememly
Wide high
International Porous and 2 ppb for seepage and range from compressive
Chemically inert, inorganic Forms a seal and Check Environmental
Perfect Seal Drilling Granular All mud systems fractured 10-15 ppb for partial Not removed 1000oF 1.5 #6 mesh to stength & 40 lb/sx
granular material prevent lost circulation regulations
Products, Inc. formations to complete losses #120 mesh cannot be
screens squeezed into
the formation
Perfsal is
spotted ahead
Gelled brine
of Bridgesal to
In gravel packing where Porous and wash is
Blend of polymer and sized Used in Bridgesal 3 sx / barrel of fresh fill perfs. The
Perfsal TBC-Brinadd Granular perforations need to be fractured circulated to Free flowing powder 50 lb/sx
salt systems water or brine. volume should
temporarily sealed. production zones clean & open the
be limited to
minimize the
coarse salt.
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

Prevent or overcome 3 to 30 ppb to be

Porous Fine, medium, Can be screened at
Plug-git Baroid Shredded hardwood fiber Fiber lost circulation in All mud systems added to the whole Not removed N/A 1.1 N/A wood shavings N/A 40 lb/sx
formations coarse the shakers
porous formation mud

D50 for
: Plugsal
of 75,
Sized and treated salt. It Porous and Plugsal-X
Temporarily seal lost Saturated salt 25-50 ppb tobe added Water soluble Mud must be salt
Plugsal TBC-Brinadd has a wide distribution of Granular fractured 2.18 Free flowing crystals of 450 and Plugsal, X, X-C 50 lb/sx
circulation zones mud to a bridgesal system salt saturated
finely divided particles production zones plugsal-
X-C of

Cross-linkable Polymer
Plug with sized LCMs (flake,
Polymesh KMC/SCOMI fiber, granular, etc.) with Blend
accelerator or retarder.
These are non-acid soluble.

-20 >
Fine > 60
Angular material produced Effective in
mesh 14 > May water-wet solids Resists physical
by grinding, sizing and All types of lost fractured and 50% soluble in Blend of different Fine, medium,
Ruf-Plug Kelco-Rotary Blend All mud systems Medium > in Invert emulsion breakdown upon 50 lb/sx
blending the hard woody circulation unconsolidated 15% HCl materials coarse
40mesh 4 mud. impact.
ring portion of corn cobs formations.
> Coarse >
40 mesh

Porous and 50 lb/sx, 55
Temporarily seal lost Acid soluble range of
SAFE-CARB M-I SWACO Sized CaCO3; Acid Soluble Granular All mud systems fractured 2.8 lb/sx, 110
circulation zones CaCO3 particle
production zones lb/sx

Solids free cross-

SAFE-LINK M-I SWACO linkable polymer gel for Blend

100% red alder wood Fine :

Small shredder/
fiber, chemically treated D90 of
To cure seepage losses Porous 2 to 4 ppb to be added Will be screened at feeder is
Silvanite Weyerhaeuser to produce an oleophilic, Fiber Oil mud systems Not removed 350oF 0.4 - 0.8 Compressed form 200 mesh Fine and Medium 40 lb/sx
in porous formation formations to the whole mud the shakers recommended
hydrophobic product for Medium:
for mixing
use in OBM D90 of 150
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

Avg. Can be removed by

Synthetic Graphite; non LCM for bridging and Can be run in active Can be removed Black powder or Insoluble in
Slicke-n-Side KMC/SCOMI Granular All mud systems o
500 F 2.19-2.26 size 250 shakers. Not acid 50 lb/sx
acid soluble plugging formations. system or in pill form. at shakers granules water
microns soluble.

Prevent and reduce Depleted, porous As slug (20-30 ppb) or

Super Fine, fine,
Solu-Flakes Baker Hughes CaCO3; Acid soluble flakes Flake losses from seepage to All mud systems sands, vugular or added to the system Acid soluble N/A 2.8 8.4 - 10.2 Solid, white, powder varied N/A N/A N/A
medium, coarse
total fractured (5-10 ppb)

vugular and
High Fluid loss squeeze - moderate to severe squeeze across a thief granular white
Solu-Squeeze Baker Hughes Blend All mud systems fractured N/A N/A 2.5 - 2.8 N/A mixed mixed N/A N/A N/A
Blend of sized CaCO3 losses zone material

100% < 40
Loss circulation
Resilient, angular, dual- prevention in porous Porous, depleted As slug (15-100
Black, angular 56% > 85 Fine, medium,
Steel Seal Baroid composition carbon & Angular and fractured zones. All mud systems and fractured ppb) or added to the N/A N/A 1.75 N/A N/A N/A 50 lb/sx
material mesh (300) coarse
graphite material Also for torque & drag formations system (2-8 ppb)
95% > 200
reduction in WBM
mesh (127)

Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbon/ Porous and fractured Porous and
D50 of 250 Check Environmental
Stop-Loss Conoco carboneceous material of Blend formations, depleted All mud systems fractured 40-100 ppb pills 2.2 Black porous powder 50 lb/sx
microns regulations
both granular & fibrous sands formations

Porous and fractured
Interlocking mineral wool non-fermenting,
formations, depleted Porous and 90% soluble in
Rockwool fiber that provides a strong non-polluting,
StrataWool Fiber sands; General lost All mud systems fractured 1 to 5 ppb to be added 10% HCl in 80 1800oF 2.6 7-8 Powder
Industries framework for a durable non-toxic,
circularion cases, formations min.
mud cake non-corrosive,
drilling and workovers

Porous and fractured

Filamentous fibers for formations, depleted Porous and
Gumpro and synthetic
Super Sweep sweeps or seepage loss Fiber sands; General lost All mud systems fractured 0.25 ppb at Shakers 315oF 1 13 mm in length 15 lb boxes
Sun monofilament fiber
control circularion cases, formations
drilling and workovers
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

Solids free cross-

TekPlug (BJ) Baker Hughes linkable polymer gel for Blend

This is a
Acid soluble (95%) Porous and fractured Porous and Acid soluble
15-25 ppb treatments, systematic
Thermatek Baroid Crosslink Polymer Gel with Blend formations, depleted All mud systems fractured (95%) in 15-28% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
mixes below the BHA approach to lost
Retarder and accelerator sands formations hydrochloric acid

Micronized fiber
Porous and fractured
particulates for seepage
formations, depleted Porous and
loss control and differential Fine, medium,
Truseal Petrochem Fiber sands; General lost All mud systems fractured
sticking preventative for coarse
circularion cases, formations
fracture zones and porous
drilling and workovers
sands & limestone

95% wet
Micronized, surface 6 to 10 ppb for whole Light tan to brown Supplement
Venture Porous, depleted washes
Ven-Fyber 201 modified, cellulose Fiber Prevent seepage losses Oil mud mainly mud and up to 150 1.54 3-7 finely divided emulsifier in 40 lb/sx
Chemicals, Inc. formations through
derivative ppb as pills powder OBM
100 mesh

Dark brown to
Blend of organic fibers of Porous and fractured Porous and As slug (20-50 ppb) or
Venture Water mud light tan fluffy, 5/16" Will be screened
Ven-Pak wide variety of types and Fiber formations, depleted fractured added to the system 0.41 25 lb/sx
Chemicals, Inc. systems voluminous fibrous grind out at shakers.
sizes of particles sands formations (3-20 ppb)

Fibrous LCM designed - Should be fully

to expand up to 5 desintegrated
Severely Diameter :
times its volume when before pumped
Blend of both long & short fractured As slug (20-50 ppb) or 5/16 inch,
Venture brought in contact Water mud Not used in OBM or to prevent bit
Ven-Pel cellulose base organic Fiber formations, added to the system Not removed 0.74 Dark brown pellets Length : 40 lb/sx
Chemicals, Inc. with water, which will systems in production zones plugging - Non
fibers except the (5-40 ppb) less than
provide high water loss fermenting
production zones 0.5"
bridging properties in products
large voids spaces included

Highly viscous, Ven-Plex

Blend of water soluble Porous and
Venture temporary plugging Water mud Light brown fibrous Avoid mixing with cross-link and
Ven-Plug polymers & fibrous Fiber fractured 20 - 40 ppb 0.4 5-7 25 lb/sx
Chemicals, Inc. agent in severe cases of systems material Aluminum strengthen Ven-
cellulose bridging agents. formations
lost circulation Plug pill
Formation Recommended Removal Temperature Specific pH in Particle
Name Company Description Type Applications Mud Systems Product Form Grades Limitations Remarks Packaging
Used Treatment Techniques Limit Gravity water Size

preventative in the
All types of lost active, pills across
Baroid and All formation Fine, medium, Coarser grades can
Walnut Nut Shell Particles Nut shells circulation, and high All mud systems loss zones, sweeps screen up N/A N/A Granular material N/A N/A 50 lb/sx
Baker Hughes types coarse be screened out
filtration squeezes to help clean bit and

Cross-linkable Polymer
Plug with sized LCMs (flake,
X-Link Baker Hughes fiber, granular, etc.) with Blend
accelerator or retarder.
These are non-acid soluble.
Appendix 2: Nominal* Particle Sizes of LCM

Product Name D10 (mm) D50 (mm) D90 (mm) Notes

CELL-U-SEAL Fine < 900 b

BLOK-R-750 500 700 1000
C-SEAL F 5 30 100
C-SEAL 70 130 190
FED-SEAL < 900
FORM-A-PLUG II 50 150 a
FORM-A-SET 300 1200 a
FORM-A-SET AK 200 400 a
FORM-A-SET AKX 200 400 a
G-SEAL Fine 10 30 100
G-SEAL 200 400 700
G-SEAL HRG Fine 10 40 90
G-SEAL HRG 300 500 850
G-SEAL PLUS 40 200 800
G-SEAL PLUS Coarse 60 500 900
MICA 600 1000
MIX II Fine 20 90 200 b
MIX II Medium 30 200 450 b
MIX II Coarse 450 1500 b
NUTPLUG Fine 300 600 1000
NUTPLUG Medium 1100 1500 1900
NUTPLUG Coarse 2400
OPTISEAL I 60 500 1000
OPTISEAL II 50 500 1100
OPTISEAL III 50 450 1000
OPTISEAL IV 20 550 1050
SAFE-CARB 2 (Very Fine) 1 2 10
SAFE-CARB 10 (Fine) 1 10 25
SAFE-CARB 20 1 20 100
SAFE-CARB 40 (Medium) 2 40 200
SAFE-CARB 250 (Coarse) 60 250 450
SAFE-CARB 500 (Extra Coarse) 240 500 750
SAFE-CARB 1000 (Extra Coarse) 650 1000 1500
SAFE-CARB 2000 1700 2000 3000
VINSEAL Fine 10 70 300
VINSEAL Medium 40 300 650
VINSEAL Coarse 400 950

a Cross-Linkable Product

b Fiber or Composite with variable Aspect Ratio

c Cross-Linked Swellable Product

* The values of these parameters are not specifications and should not be used for design purposes.
Uncertainty in these values is at least +/- 20% due to variations in manufacturing and grinding processes.
These parameters were measured using laser light-scattering and/or dry sieve analyses of representative
samples of the product. Nevertheless, if the PSD of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
determined on a representative sample from the drilling location.
Appendix 3: OPTIBRIDGE – Design of Particulate Blends to
Stop Lost Circulation
What is OPTIBRIDGE? pore size in microns can be obtained from
thin section analysis, a scanning electron
The proprietary OPTIBRIDGE* software, which microscope (SEM) or the maximum threshold
is used in the design of fluid loss control pills, entry radius that is determined from capillary
delivers formulations for the optimum blends of pressure measurement. If no pore size data is
particulate bridging agents. Once engineered, available, the permeability option can be used
these blends form a tighter and less invading by inputting the maximum permeability in
filter cake to seal pores, fractures, or completion millidarcies (mD). The average pore size (in
screens. The software is based on the Ideal microns) can be estimated from permeability
Packing Theory or D1/2-rule, which states ideal by taking the square root of the permeability
packing, occurs when the percent of cumulative (in millidarcies). However, permeability should
volume vs. the D1/2 forms a straight-line only be selected as the last resort.
relationship, where D is the particle diameter.
The output from OPTIBRIDGE are the optimum The second step is to select possible bridging
blends or portions of the selected bridging agents and their particle size distribution
agents that result in a tighter and less invading (PSD) data from the bridging products PSD file.
or damaging filter cake to seal the given pore Products that do not appear in your PSD data
size or fracture width. file, can be found either in the “Product Service
Offering” link on the M-I SWACO Intranet,
This software tool is particularly useful for drill- or, can be requested from an M-I SWACO
in fluids and other systems used to drill and seal Technical Service Engineer or the RDF Product
producing formations that require optimum Line Manager in Houston. Another option is to
Sealing and minimal reservoir damage. Figure 1 analyze the bridging agent sample and create
is a screen shot of the OPTIBRIDGE output. an individual PSD file.

OPTIBRIDGE User Guide and Applications After the optimum blend option is selected, the
The primary application of OPTIBRIDGE is output provides the optimum portions of the
designing a tighter and less damaging seal recommended bridging agents for the given
over a formation or screen. The first step in pore size, fracture width or screen.
the process of forming an optimum seal is The secondary application of OPTIBRIDGE is
defining the pore size, fracture width or screen generating the PSD data for a blend of selected
type from a screen-type dropdown to be bridging agents or fluids. Again, these blends
sealed with a tight filter cake with minimum are based on the PSD and concentration of each
invasion damage. The maximum or average selected bridging agent or fluid.
A3-1 - Screen capture of the OPTIBRIDGE software
Appendix 4: OPTI-STRESS Design of Particulate Blends for
Wellbore Strengthening
What is OPTI-STRESS based on information from offset wells. Among
the many sources of uncertainties are data
OPTI-STRESS* is a practical software tool for use obtained from logging and well testing analyses
in designing effective wellbore strengthening. of offsets. For example, it may be impossible
The proprietary software comprises two to determine exactly the maximum horizontal
basic building blocks: a reasonably accurate stress in the well. It could range, for example.,
prediction of fracture width; the appropriate from 5,400 to 5,600 psi, but an exact value
blending of granular wellbore strengthening within this range is unknown. The uncertainty
materials (WSM) to plug the predicted fracture in the input variables is shown in the top left
width. The primary challenges in predicting corner (section I-1) of Fig. A-4-1.
fracture width surround the uncertainties of
rock properties and down-hole conditions, along One method of addressing these uncertainties
with difficulties in modeling. Once the fracture is to employ a Monte Carlo simulation, which
width is predicted, the wide variety of both is a computational method that repeatedly and
standard and locally-sourced WSM requires the randomly samples possible input values and
blending algorithms and design software is computes results based on these samplings. The
flexible and adaptive. output provides a broader spectrum of possible
outcomes and can rank the inputs that most
The software is built on a spreadsheet affect the output, also known as a sensitivity
framework that promotes usability and analysis. Each input with uncertainty is
simplicity. The closed-form solution for quantified by transforming it into a statistical
predicting fracture aperture allows Monte Carlo distribution that relates to the possible range
simulations to be implemented, permitting and distribution of values. The larger the
more than 10,000 simulations in less than a samplings, the more accurate the prediction.
minute. Users can customize choices for WSM Generally, a typical simulation consists of
loss by uploading PSD and other properties into several thousand iterations. Each input value
the program database. can be modeled by a “most likely,” which reflects
a minimum and a maximum value with an
OPTI-STRESS User Guide appropriate distribution. These can be based on
Figure A-4-1 is a snapshot of the software, the results of logging analysis, laboratory or well
illustrating the two basic building blocks. testing, or other databases. The Monte Carlo
simulation samples each of these distributions,
Fracture Width Prediction performs fracture-width calculations, and
generates a fracture width distribution.
This discussion addresses fracture aperture for a
wellbore of any deviation and orientation under The primary output from the simulation is the
anisotropic stress conditions. The closed-form probability or risk of results, such as the P10,
solution for the fracture aperture is based on P50 and P90 values of fracture aperture (plot I-2
linear fracture mechanics. The model depends in Fig. A-4-1), thus indicating the probability of
on well deviation and orientation, fracture having apertures less than the corresponding
length, wellbore radius, in-situ stresses (SV, SH values. The sensitivity analysis fills a
and Sh), bottom hole pressure and rock elastic complementary role by ranking the importance
properties (Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio). and relevance of the inputs in determining the
variation in the output. The sensitivity graph in
However, the inputs required for fracture Fig. A-4-1 (Section I-3) highlights the importance
aperture prediction can include considerable of minimizing the uncertainty in the minimum
uncertainties, especially when the inputs are
horizontal stress inherent from leak-off or other the optimum P90 blend. A seal formed at the
tests. In this example, uncertainty in the rock entrance of the aperture, along with fracture
properties of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s filling and Sealing with the finer fractions,
ratio is shown to have little impact on final provide the ideal fracture sealing. Section II of
results. the figure also shows the bridging quality of the
final blend and product coverage.
Formulation of WSM
The three plots marked as Section III in the
Conventional WSM blends based on the Ideal
figure illustrate the cumulative PSD of a WSM
Packing Theory (IPT) often ignore the presence
blend that provides an effective sealing pressure
of barite in the drilling fluid. Barite particles
for a sample fracture width distribution P10,
can fill the voids between larger WSM and form
P50, and P90 values of 361, 583, and 731
an effective seal behind the plug and close to
microns, respectively. By switching PSD files and
the wellbore wall. Experimental data suggest
WSM choices, the tool can be used to objectively
the PSD of the finer fractions of the WSM affect
compare concentration requirements for various
fluid-loss characteristics and seal pressure
types of WSM, such as Calcium Carbonate, sized
integrity (Kaageson-Loe et al. 2008). This data
synthetic graphite, or crushed nutshells.
highlights the importance of optimizing the
WSM blend design by utilizing the barite
Finally, an inversion technique is used to
already present in the mud. Barite loading in
generate the gain in net fracture pressure as a
weighted mud is much higher than the WSM
result of a successful wellbore-strengthening
concentration used in wellbore-strengthening
application. Assuming a fracture can be
applications. More information can be found in
bridged and sealed as perfectly as possible, the
the OPTIBRIDGE discussion (Appendix 3).
tool generates the net fracture pressure for the
P10, P50, and P90 fracture widths as shown in
Typical wellbore-strengthening applications
Fig. A-4-1 Section III.
use some combination of (a) sized synthetic
graphite, (b) crushed, sized marble (CaCO3) OPTI-STRESS Benefits
and (c) crushed nutshells (Growcock et al.
2009). The choice of WSM blend for a given This practical software is a fast and user-friendly
fracture width strongly depends on the PSD tool for wellbore strengthening applications.
of the WSM. Providing the PSD for the given The incorporated Monte Carlo simulation also
WSM are available, the software tool is flexible permits the user to estimate the probability of
enough to use locally-sourced products. Figure a certain-sized fracture given the uncertainties
A-4-1 (Section II) shows the available WSM of the various parameters that affect fracture
used for this example simulation, along with growth. It helps to comparatively evaluate the
the inputs required to specify the presence and effect of each input parameter on the final
type of barite in the drilling fluid. The user can result.
select from a collection of PSD files that can be
customized to suit individual needs and WSM The tool generates results that allow for either
availability. a conservative P10 or more aggressive P90
value. In addition, it considers the variety of
Monte Carlo simulation generates P10, P50, local WSM sources and is flexible, adaptive
and P90 fracture widths that indicate the and incorporates barite and drilling solids into
probabilities of fracture widths less than those the blending algorithm. Doing so provides an
calculated values. The blending algorithm (Fig. accurate estimation for both weighted and
A-4-1- Section II) generates the optimum WSM non-weighted fluids. Moreover, the successful
blend required to plug and seal a fracture width application of this wellbore strengthening
for each probabilistic value. The choice of WSM technique also generates a probabilistic
for P10 and P50 fracture widths are a sub-set of estimation of the net fracture pressure gain.
Fig A-4-1. Screen capture of the wellbore strengthening design software. (Colored rectangles
are superimposed for demonstration purposes only and distinguish software sections based on
discussions in text: orange for Section I, blue for Section II, and green for Section III).
Appendix 5: FASware – Design of FORM-A Pills
1. The proprietary Excel-based FASware* software is integrated in the ECCP software suite under
System Toolbox module.

2. The software representes the package of programs covering the formulation, mixing, spotting
and squeezing procedures for different cross linking pills i.e. FORM-A-SET, FORM-A-SET AK, FORM-A-

Running the Program

1. From the main page (file FASware.xls) run the Decision Worksheet or directly choose the desired
“FORM-A” product to run.

2. If the Decision Electronic Form is run, answer each question by clicking Yes or No.

Decision Worksheet

“FORM-A” products
mixing tables

PDF files for

Product Bulletins
and MSDS
This Decision Worksheet
Form shows the score of “YES”
and “NO” answer for each

For Decision Worksheet Form,

the score for each question
has to be added manually in
the TOTAL column.

3. From either the Main Page or the Decision Electronic Form (if it was run) click on the
appropriate field for the chosen “FORM-A” product.

4. The program will hyper-link to the Mixing Chart (Excel file).

Note: FORM-A-SET, FORM-A-SET AK and FORM-A-SET AKX have the same mixing table format. However,
FORM-A-PLUG II has a different mixing table format and requires an additional set up.

Example: If the FORM-A-SET AK is the recommended product for that particular application, click
on the either FORM-A-SET AK (only for 47 lb/sx) or FORM-A-SET AK (only for 25 lb/sx) Check first with
the warehouse or the inventory to see whether 47 lb/sx or 25 lb/sx is available. After clicking the
“Mixing Formulation,” the following page will be displayed.
The program comes with the
standard products packing.
Do not change this numbers
unless necessary. The most
likely number to be changed
is Weight Material (the pre-set
value is 100 lb/sx).

The green-colored fields are

displaying calculated data,
either the products (as sacks
or pails) for mixing the desired
volume or the products (as
grams or ml) for mixing one
bbl equivalent (pilot test).
Components of FORM-A-Product Pilot test formulation

Summary of “FORM-A” product components

Product Polymer Mix-II CaCO3

FORM-A-SET 22.5% 77.5% -
FORM-A-SET-AK 74.5% 25.5% -
FORM-A-SET-AKX 94.6% - 5.4%
Check the TOOLS pull-down menu to
see if SOLVER function is displayed
and active. If not, on the same menu
(TOOLS) click on the ADD-INS and
scroll through the menu to the
SOLVER function. Click install! The
computer will prompt for inserting
the Microsoft Office installation CD.

Step 1: Click on Office


Step 2: Click on Excel


5. In order to run the FORM-A-PLUG II Mixing Formulation, make sure the Excel version running on
your computer has the SOLVER function installed and active.
Step 3: Click on Add-ins

Step 4: Click on Manage

Excel Add-ins and then
click Go.
For Excel 2003
For Excel 2007

Step 5: Check on
Solver Add-ins and
then click OK.
The Solver Add-
Ins will be on

When the SOLVER function has been installed, from the Main Page (FAS-ware.xls) click on FORM-A-
PLUG II Mixing Formulation (orange-colored field). The page below will be displayed.

Choose the appropriate density

range for the FORM-A-PLUG II pill by
clicking on the grey-colored field
that displays the density range

After selecting the appropriate density range, the page below will be displayed.
The green-colored fields represent
Input the required data in the calculated values for mixing either 1
orange-colored fields: bbl, the desired volume as defined on
• FORM-A-PLUG II slurry weight the step 5, or 1 bbl equivalent (350 ml
• Weight Material SG – Pilot Test Formulation).

Input the desired volume to be The FAP RET concentration is

mixed in the orange-colored field. “recommended” only and it is not
considered among the products
The next step will be to run the SOLVER function. shown on the Mixing Formulation.
For Excel 2003, pull-down the TOOLS menu, click on If it is decided to use the retarder
SOLVER, click on SOLVE and OK the solver solution. (see the Product Bulletin and
No data input in required during this sequence Mixing & Squeezing Procedures) the
recommended concentration from the
The Solver is required to calculate the concentration green field has to be considered for
of Fresh Water and other chemicals to get the the final mixing formulation.
following concentration of FORM-A-PLUG ACC
The same rule applies for the Pilot Test
Density FORM-A-PLUG ACC Formulation.
For 10.21-12.25 ppg 50 lb/bbl
For 12.5 – 14.5 ppg 45 lb/bbl
For 14.5 - 15.5 ppg 40 lb/bbl
For 15.5 – 16.5 ppg 30 lb/bbl
For 16.5 – 18.0 ppg 25 lb/bbl
STEP 4 for Excel 2007

Step 1: Click
on Solver

Step 2: Click
Step 2: Click ononSolve

Step 3: Click OK

Step 3: Click OK
Troubleshooting Guide for Solver add-ins

Sometime the Solver

Add-ins disappear.

Step 1: Click on Excel

Step 2: Click on Excel
Add-ins and Go

Step 3: Un-Check
Solver Add-Ins and
click OK
Step 4: Repeat Step 1
and 2 then Check Solver
Add-Ins and click OK

Solver Add-Ins will

6. Volume calculation and pumping schedule.

This work sheet can be used to calculate volume and pumping schedule for all type of pills and is
not limited to only the “FORM-A” product.

7. After running the Mixing Chart and Volume Calculation and Pumping Schedule, click on
Spotting & Squeezing Procedures (at the bottom of the Mixing Formulation sequence of the
chart). The program will hyper-link a template word document for each individual “FORM-A”
8. Fill in the blanks the Spotting & Squeezing Procedures with the information provided by the
Mixing Chart. The document should be tailored in order to match each specific application (rig
mixing equipment details and pits lay-out, operator company logo, etc.)

Fill in the blanks with the

appropriate information
(as used in the input
sequence of the Mixing
Formulation or provided by
the program – calculated

The document provides

all the necessary data as
mixing order, surfactant
sweeps for either WBM
or OBM, high-viscosity
spacers formulation
and pumping/spotting/
squeezing procedures.

9. Input the required data in the Price List before running the Total Cost Evaluation.
Input the unit cost
(USD) in the orange-
colored fields. The
program comes
with the standard
packaging for the
FORM-A and all the
related products.

Click on the Total Cost Evaluation tab and the screen below will be displayed.

Use the values generated

by Mixing Formulation
chart to input the number
of units required for
mixing the FORM-A pill and
all the additional sweeps/
spacers (in the orange-
colored fields).

Use the pull-down menu for The green-colored field will display
selecting the appropriate products the Total Cost (USD) for the FORM-A
for each pill (i.e., FORM-A pill, pill and associated sweeps/spacers.
surfactant sweep, high-viscosity
Saving the files

1. At the end of each work session, save the file (Excel or Word) with the “save as” function and
choose a file name different than the original template file name; these individual files can be
saved in the computer hard drive.

2. It is recommended to create a folder in the computer hard drive where to save all the work
sessions related to different runs/wells.
Appendix 6: LCM Guidelines for Downhole Tools
Introduction on 10.0 lb/gal NaCl brine mixed with different
concentrations of either NUTPLUG Fine or NUTPLUG
High-concentration LCM drilling fluid systems Medium. The exact concentrations are based on
are considered harsh drilling environments for the size of the tool being tested.
MWD and steerable tools. Accordingly, nearly all
of the MWD suppliers provide a maximum LCM The MWD tested can be either a collar or probe-
concentration in their specification bulletins based tool. Collar- based tools have proven less
for each tool. Most MWD manufacturers have susceptible to blockage or turbine jams, as they
designed a test method for specifying the have been modified with filter screens over
maximum amount of LCM allowed to pass the turbine power section of the transmitter
through a tool. immediately above mud SEAL. Also, the rotor
blades have been cut back to allow for more
For these tests, NUTPLUG is the commonly clearance between the rotor and the inside
accepted standard for measuring the capacity of the turbine housing. With Schlumberger’s
of an LCM to pass through a particular MWD PowerSteering and similar steerable tools, the
tool. NUTPLUG is ground walnut or pecan hulls internal components are isolated from the
used for treatment of lost circulation or as a drilling fluid and, as such, the use of LCM is not a
granular type lubricant to reduce torque and limiting factor in their performance.
drag. NUTPLUG is available in Fine (D90 = 880 μm),
medium (D90 = 1800 μm) and Coarse (D90 = 3700 At the time of this writing, a brief search of
μm) particle sizes. Typical treatments are from 5 MWD and steerable tool bulletins revealed
to 15 kg/m3 for preventative measures and from all major MWD service companies report
15 to 75 kg/m3 for more severe losses. the maximum LCM concentration for their
respective tools as 100 kg/m3 NUTPLUG Fine
The testing system consists of a test tool of to 180 kg/m3 NUTPLUG Medium. Table A-6-1
a pre-determined size incorporated in a flow presents examples of the LCM limitations of
loop where a triplex pump provides different MWD and steerable tools.
flow rates. The standard tests are performed
Table A-6-1 - Example of MWD and steerable tool specification

Manufacturer System LCM Limitation

Schlumberger SlimPulse 150 kg/m3 NUTPLUG Medium
Schlumberger PowerDrive X5 475 100 kg/m3 NUTPLUG Fine
Baker Hughes AutoTrak 120 kg/m3 NUTPLUG Fine
Weatherford TrendSET 180 kg/m3 NUTPLUG Medium

While NUTPLUG is being used as a quick LCM Particle Size

reference, this appendix is intended to provide
general guidelines on using LCM through the Traditionally, LCM treatments are formulated
MWD and steerable downhole tools. The proper based on particle size. On the basis of the
selection of the LCM allowable for passing particle sizes making up a pill, the LCM is
through the MWD and steerable downhole tools graded as Fine, medium, Coarse and extra-
should be based on: Coarse. However, this scale is very misleading.
• Particle Size For example, a Fine Calcium CARBonate has the
• Type consistency of talcum powder, while a Fine
• Concentration pecan shell LCM has texture similar to ground
coffee. To complicate matters further, a Fine-
blended LCM will incorporate paper, CELLophane opening through a downhole tool that can
and wood splinters as large as the Coarse- be plugged. It suggests there is a reasonable
graded pecan shell LCM. In order to address the concentration (10% of the particles) large
variances in definitions of sizes used by the enough to plug that opening, thus increasing
industry, the standard detailed in Table A-6-2 the chance for tool failure.
has been adopted.
Abrams’ Rule “the median particle size, or D50,
Table A-6-2 - Size classification of LCM of the bridging material should be equal to or
slightly greater than 1/3 the median pore size
LCM Size (μm) Mesh Size of the formation.” To avoid plugging of pores or
Grade openings in downhole tools, the corollary to this
Fine D90 < 75 At least 90% rule is that the median particle size should be
passes through smaller than 1/3 of any opening size within the
200-mesh screen tool. An alternative theory and one espoused by
M-I SWACO and incorporated into OPTIBRIDGE, is
Medium D90 = 75 -250 At least 90% is
the Ideal Packing Theory. It concludes that the
retained by 200
D90 of bridging materials should approximate
mesh screen and
the largest pores or openings in a formation.
passes through
60- mesh screen
By way of illustration, it may be appropriate to
Coarse D90 = 250 -1000 At least 90% is work through an example using both of these
retained by 60- theories. For this exercise, the information
mesh screen and provided by the MWD company is that the
passes through smallest passage (opening) inside the BHA is
18- mesh screen 10/32-in, or 7.94 mm. Applying Abrams’ Rule,
Extra D90 > 1000 At least 90% is this value is divided by three, yielding 2.65 mm.
Coarse retained by 18- To ensure that LCM blends designed for this
mesh screen application do not plug the tool, the LCM blend
must have D50 < 2.65 mm. In the Ideal Packing
**Note that particle sizes are best measured Theory, the LCM blend must have D90 < 7.94 mm.
using sieve analysis, especially for the larger The two theories effectively predict the same
particles, and wet sieve analysis probably result, providing D90 ~ 3 x D50, which is often
simulates downhole conditions better than the case, as show in Fig. A-6-1. Regardless of
dry sieve analysis. This will better reflect their the theory chosen, it is imperative that all LCM
plugging ability and to some extent allow for be inspected before they are added to the mud
different particle shapes (aspect ratio). Laser- system.
light scattering particle sizes tend to give an
average spherical diameter even for needle- Plugging is as much a function of concentration
shaped particles, which may inaccurately reflect as it is of particle shape and size. The theory of
their Sealing ability. Abrams goes on to state that the concentration
of bridging particle size solids must be at least
The D90 is a measure of the large particles 5 vol% to produce an effective SEAL. On the
present and is defined as follows: other hand, Ideal Packing Theory suggests
3 vol% is sufficient. Although the effects of
D90 value = 90% of the particles are less than this particulates on standard mud properties depend
size on the nature and size of the particulates, most
bridging particulates begin to significantly
For example, in Table A-6-2 a material with a D90 impact viscosity and fluid loss when the
of 300 microns would be classified as “Coarse.” concentration exceeds 3 to 5 vol%. In addition,
The D90 would approximate the minimum the size requirement for bridging begins to
decrease at concentrations above this range. this concentration several fold, it is imperative
Thus, in the field, full mud treatment generally such treatments be investigated thoroughly and,
is restricted below this concentration range. if necessary, tested to minimize the potential of
Since pills and sweep treatments can exceed plugging downhole tools.

Fig. A-6-1 – OPTIBRIDGE Output, showing D90 ~ 3 x D50 of Recommended LCM Blend

LCM Type granular LCM are:

Generally, LCM can be classified as Fibrous or • High concentrations of granular LCM

CELLulosic, Granular, Flaked or Platelet, Blended, materials should preferably be finer than
High Fluid-Loss SQUEEZEs, and Reinforcing Plugs. D90= 250 µm (typical bridging- or seepage-
Table 3 summarizes the range of M-I SWACO loss-control LCM).
LCM products that can be used with MWD • Concentrations should start at 9 kg/m3 with
probes. good mixing, increasing the concentration of
the LCM as needed.
Fibrous and CELLulosic LCM
• Calcium CARBonate tends to form a hard
• M-I-X II, M-I CEDAR FIBER, Saw Dust, Drilling filter cake on the main valve inlet screen
paper, VINSEAL, and MAGMA Fiber effectively blocking flow through the main
valve. This problem can be remedied by
MWD companies recommend that most long- removing the inlet screen on the main valve.
fiber or string-like materials be avoided. These
materials will plug the inlet ports of the main • For the probe tools, the MWD mud pulse
valve assembly and the restrictor area on the signal should be monitored carefully during
outside of the main valve, interrupting real-time this process. If the tool starts to skip pulses
mud pulse telemetry. or pulses increase in size, concentrations of
LCM should not be increased without further
Granular LCM discussions with the operator and MWD-tool
supplier. As a rule of thumb, if the tool starts
• NUT PLUG, G-SEAL, G-SEAL PLUS, C-SEAL, C-SEAL F, to skip pulses, the main valve is plugging. If
SAFE-CARB and sized salt. the pulses increase in size, the restrictor area
MWD companies’ recommendations for is plugging, causing a greater than normal
pressure drop across the pulser.
• Avoid any slugging of the LCM. Flaked LCM
• For 4 ¾-in. tools where restrictor to probe • Mica, PHENOSEAL and CELLophane.
barrel clearances become very small in
deeper holes, the amount and size of LCM It is NOT recommended practice to use flaked
that will pass by the tool will decrease. material as LCM.

• Always run the inlet screen on the main Blended LCM

MWD-tool valve.
• OPTISEAL I - IV product range, KWIKSEAL, and
• Always visually inspect the LCM. If it doesn’t M-I SEAL.
look like it will pass by the tool, it probably
will not do so. Blends containing particles sized greater
than 1500 µm (D90 or D95) should be avoided
A general recommendation that comes from operators
when using MWD tools and the concentration
and service companies is that for granular materials
the total concentration of LCM in the whole mud should be limited to 50 lb/bbl, similar to the
should be limited to 50 lb/bbl, and maximum particle recommendation for granular materials.
size should be on the order of what is obtained for
100% VINSEAL Med (D90 ~ 750 µm), NUTPLUG Fine (D90 ~ Reinforcing plugs
950 µm), or NUTPLUG Med (D90 ~ 1900 µm), depending
on the client. Note that these size parameters are These are classified as either soft or hard plugs:
not specifications and were obtained for individual
samples (see Chap 4). Thus, maximum D90 for the LCM
• Soft plugs have a solid mass, but tend to have
blend should not exceed 750 to 1900 µm. little, if any, compressive strength and form a
rubbery consistency; Examples are: FORM-A-

Table A-6-3 - Summary of M-I SWACO products that can be used with MWD tools
Product Name Product Description
< 1500 μm
OPTISEAL I Graphitic material & ground nut shells Yes
OPTISEAL II Graphitic material & calcium carbonate Yes
OPTISEAL III CaCO3, graphitic & cellulosic material Yes
OPTISEAL IV Calcium carbonate Yes
NUT PLUG Ground Pecan or Walnut shells Yes
SAFE-CARB (CaCO3) Sized calcium carbonate Yes
Blends of graphite, industrial carbons Yes
M-I SEAL Blended LCM Yes
Cellulosic fibers
FORM-A-SQUEEZE High solids, high fluid loss squeeze Uncrosslinked,
Cross-linked polymer plug
FORM-A-PLUG II Borate salt cross-linked polymer plug
VERSAPAC Oil-based shear activated plug

Note: Always visually inspect the LCM and check it with MWD operators; if in doubt, discuss it with the
M-I SWACO project engineer and MWD-tool supplier.
SET, FORM-A-PLUG II, VERSAPAC, and Gunk. Operational Guidelines
• Hard plugs have a much higher compressive Pre-planning can reduce any MWD tool
strength. Examples are barite plugs, cement. problems significantly at the wellsite. It is
important to determine ahead of time the
• Since their mechanism of plugging is
compatibility between the MWD tool and
different than that for conventional LCM
LCM or mud additives to be used. .As such, it is
materials that rely on both bridging and
recommended that the Drilling Fluids Project
plugging, most of these plugs do not contain
Engineer review planned services with MWD
large particles.
personnel before tools or chemicals are delivered
However; for a Diesel Oil-Bentonite and/or to the wellsite.
Cement Gunk SQUEEZE, it is advisable to plan to
POH and install large nozzles and lay down the The following procedures should be reviewed
MWD/mud motor prior to tagging the loss zone. and followed prior to and during all MWD jobs:
This will enable pumping of the Gunk. Also, it is
important to note that a Reverse Gunk Pill is not
• Visually inspect the LCM to determine its
compatible with MWD tools.
compatibility i.e. size and length of particles,
stringiness, and determine the likelihood of
LCM Concentration
the “balling-up” when mixing.
The amount of the LCM added to a mud system
• Ensure the LCM is being added to the hopper
is a function of the material type. Calculating
properly. At least one hour circulation
the amount of LCM by volume rather than
through the hopper may be required to
by weight is more efficient for preventing
provide homogeneous slurry.
MWD plugging, as the lower the density of the
material the more time required to SETtle as the • The use of oil-wetting agents will aid mixing
slurry is pumped through the tool. Typically, of LCM when used with OBM/ SBM and
all MWD tools successfully can handle 5 vol% should minimize the chances of the LCM
of LCM (i.e. up to 150 kg/m3 each of SAFE-CARB “balling-up”.
or G-SEAL) in the whole mud. Actually, most
MWD tools can handle as much as 10 vol % • Always run uphole filter screens. These
intermittently. Hence, the recommended screens will prevent any large particles from
maximum combined concentration for a single being pumped downhole and will plug off
pill is 10 to 12 vol% granular LCM.. if LCM is not being mixed properly into the

Fig. A-6-4: Reporting form for effect of LCM on MWD/steerable tools

• Visually inspect the drillpipe for pipe scale or those approved for MWD tools, though the
cement. Make provision to clean the pipe if upper concentration limit might be 120 kg/m3
any scale or cement is present. for the Fine and medium grades and only 60 kg/
m3 for the Coarse grades. Fibers are a mixed bag.
• If pipe scale is prevalent and loose, run It appears that Fine fibers are ok, but Coarse
downhole screens to immobilize it. fibers are not allowed. So M-I-X II is acceptable,
but M-I CEDAR FIBER is not. Finally, products like
Other Downhole Hardware NUTPLUG, though granular, are not recommended
at all, though VINSEAL is ok. If a drilling operation
While the Guidelines presented in this Appendix
is expected to use a TURBODRILL, it is prudent
provide general prescriptions for avoiding
to consult Smith Technologies or the Neyrfor
plugging of downhole MWD and other BHA
engineer for specific recommendations.
tools, there may be additional limitations
imposed by other hardware. Turbo-Drill motors, WELL COMMANDER
in particular, have very tight clearances and
low tolerances to solids. These mud-driven When drilling into a loss circulation zone with
turbines, which are designed to rotate the LCM that is considered incompatible with
bit independent of the rest of the drill string, downhole tools, the WELL COMMANDER should
can have somewhat different sensitivities be included in the BHA. This by-pass tool can
to particulates than we might see in other perform many functions, including spotting LCM
downhole tools. Indeed, the guidelines for pills, boosting annular flow velocities, pulling
particle sizing when using Turbo-Drill motors dry pipe, and flow-splitting during drilling.
really apply only to pills; it is not recommended
to pass any particulate material continuously When spotting Coarse LCM, a lower ball seat is
through the motors. installed in the tool, which enables shutting off
the flow to the bit by dropping a special “shut-
Regarding the sizing guidelines for Turbo-Drill off” ball to this seat after opening the tool. This
motors, most granular but fragile materials are process can prevent Coarse LCM from entering
acceptable, even grades that are Coarser than sensitive BHA elements, such as MWD and LWD.
Appendix 7: Lost Circulation Rigsite Tests
Several rigsite procedures are described here for providing the median particle size (D50) along
the testing of lost circulation materials (LCMs). with the breadth of the PSD (D10/D90).
These include
PSD can be measured many different ways. The
• Granulometry, or Particle Size Distribution two most common techniques in the drilling
(PSD) measurements fluid industry are light -based measurement
• Performance - Sealing or Plugging techniques and sieve analysis. Laboratory PSD
Effectiveness measurements are generally made using a laser
• Thickening Rate of Crosslinkable LCM, e.g. light scattering device of the diluted drilling
FORM-A-SET AK fluid or of the product diluted in a carrier fluid
(oil or water), whereas suppliers of the LCM
To determine how efficiently a particulate-based typically use dry sieve analysis of the individual
wellbore stabilization is being implemented, it products to size them for delivery. In the field,
is important to monitor both the particle size it is necessary to measure the PSD of the mud
distribution (PSD) of particles in the mud and itself, and it is not very practical to use laser
the ability of the LCM to SEAL simulated pores or light scattering.
fractures. To verify how rapidly a crosslinkable
LCM sets, it is important to measure how rapidly Each particle size analytical method has
it thickens at bottomhole temperature. advantages and disadvantages:

Laboratory procedures are available that Light-Based Analysis

can provide more accurate and precise
• Requires only a small sample (a few grams)
measurements of these measurements, but
to perform an analysis and analysis is
generally they require more sophisticated
performed quickly (usually about 2 to 5
equipment, training and time:
• Method generally uses a laboratory-based
Granulometry - laser light-scattering or
instrument, common types: Malvern
reflectance, dry air jet sieve analysis and
Mastersizer 2000, Beckman Coulter LS-series
microscopic image analysis
and Beckman Coulter Multisizer Coulter
Performance – Simulated Fracture Sealing
Counter - not all mud laboratories are
equipped with these instruments;
Thickening Rate – Consistometry
• Due to the small sample size and rapidity
of test many repeat measurements can be
Additional laboratory tests are available,
taken on sub-samples from a larger sample;
including particle hardness using oedometry
• Particles in the range < 1µm to 2000µm can
and particle shape analysis using microscopic
be measured by most machines and there
image analysis.
is generally a very high resolution in the
Granulometry results;
• Results are generally given as volume % of
A primary objective of PSD measurements is material analyzed;
to identify the D10, D50 and D90 of the particles • Instruments come with software that
or particulate fraction in a drilling fluid. These analyses and presents the data in an easy-to-
parameters are obtained from a cumulative read hard copy or as digital files;
PSD curve. The subscript represents the % of • Method can be performed on dry samples of
particles that are less than this diameter, e.g. LCM (LCM is suspended in air or clear fluid
90% of the particles are less than D90. The three for analysis) or on whole mud samples (LCM
parameters characterize the PSD fairly well by and mud including weighting material)
• Extreme care is required when sampling • Wet sieving requires flushing of sample with
weighted fluids containing LCM – the very base fluid;
high number of barite particles can easily • Care is required to ensure particles retained
mask the LCM particles such that the LCM is on sieves are individual particles and not
underrepresented in the analysis; conglomerates held together for example by
• This masking problem can give the false polymers.
impression that the method is inaccurate;
• Problem can be avoided by wet sieving The M-I SWACO procedure is based on the sieve
whole mud over a 100-µm sieve and testing analysis procedure described in ASTM D6913-04
the retained material – majority of barite for PSD of soils.
and Fine LGS will be removed;
• Care is required to ensure that particles are Given the above, the method of choice for
properly separated – may require use of PSD determination at the rigsite is Wet Sieve
dispersing agents. Analysis.

In-line laser light-based instruments are Wet Sieve Analysis

available that can measure the particle size
In a typical Wet Sieve Analysis, a volatile organic
distribution, in real-time, of whole mud passing
solvent is used to wash the particulates on each
in a flow line. M-I SWACO uses the Mettler-
screen, the particles retained on each sieve are
Toledo FBRM (Focused Beam Reflectance
washed onto a watch glass with the solvent,
Measurement) instrument for this purpose with
and the amount of solid is weighed after
good success.
evaporation of the solvent.
Sieve Analysis
An example of a 4-sieve apparatus is shown in
• Requires minimum of 4 sieves that span the Fig. A-7-1.
size range of the material to be analyzed;
• Particles in the range 75 µm - >> 2 mm can
be easily measured, depending on selected
sieve size;
• Relatively large, representative samples can
be analyzed;
• Method is simple and robust but can be time
• Requires weighing of material retained on
individual sieves, which is then entered in to
a spreadsheet for analysis;
• The results are generally given as weight %
of material retained or passing sieve sizes;
• Method allows analysis of dry samples of
LCM – whole LCM blend can be measured as
a base-line; Fig. A-7-1. Photograph of Wet Sieve Analysis
• Method allows analysis of whole mud apparatus used on BP Tubular Bells #3
sample (wet sieving): LCM and mud
including weighting material; The sieve sizes used should span the PSD of the
• Method allows clear separation of barite, LCM in order to give good resolution; e.g. for
Fine LGS and LCM G-SEAL PLUS or G-SEAL the following sieves sizes
• Wet sieving is more demanding than dry can be used: 75, 250, 500 and 710μm (200, 60,
sieving owing to the liquid nature of the 35 and 25 mesh, respectively). The sieve size
sample; range specified by ASTM D6913-04 is as follows:
75, 106, 150, 250, 425 and 850 μm (200, 140, 100,
60, 40 and 20 mesh, respectively). standard Wet Sieve Analysis procedure with
base fluid as the washing agent is unacceptable,
It is assumed that primary shakers remove all because of the fluid’s extremely low rate of
large solids > 1000μm in size, and that solids evaporation. Consequently, a method has been
which drop through the 75-μm sieve are barite devised for NAFs that can be used with base
and other Fines, which are not counted. fluid as the washing agent for the cuttings and
which does not require evaporation. With this
The following procedure is very simple and technique, the wet, clean solids are washed into
flexible: volumetric tubes using the base oil or synthetic
• Identify the maximum particle size (D90) of fluid, the volume of the sediment is measured
LCM that needs to be in the mud, e.g. 600µm. and, through an estimate of the bulk density of
• Select a set of at least 4 sieves with a wide the wet sediment, the quantity of sediment is
range of openings – including a 75µm sieve converted to kg/m3.
as the smallest – and stack them from
Coarsest on top to Finest on the bottom, and Equipment Required
arrange the stack to discharge the effluent
• Set of stackable sieves of various sizes
from the 75µm sieve. If sieves are not
covering micron range from 75 to 1000.
available to generate a full PSD, monitor the
• Hand crank centrifuge with glass measuring
trend in the concentration of the material
tubes scribed to 100 mL in 1 mL units.
that possesses the largest average particle
• Funnel to assist washing material retained
on sieve into glass measuring tube
• Pour a known volume of mud from the
active system or underflow from the shakers,
Test Procedure
i.e. without cuttings, over the top sieve; care
should be taken not to overload the top sieve • Select sieve sizes required in the stack to
– a layer of no more than 2 mm. qualify the specific LCM material applied for
• Observe the particles retained on the sieve this project (recommend five or six sieves).
(usually graphite and marble) • Fill one measuring tube with a known
• Wash with solvent, e.g. toluene/acetone amount of drilling fluid being tested
mixture. (recommend 100 mL).
• Allow to air-dry, and weigh the amount of • Pour the fluid thru the stack of sieves and
LCM retained on each sieve. If flammable wash with base NAF.
solvents are not permissible, follow
the procedure below to estimate the For each sieve:
concentrations of solids recovered on each
sieve. • Flush retained material from each sieve
separately to a glass tube, and after
Wet Sieve Analysis Without Solvents balancing the centrifuge with another
similar tube, hand crank for one minute at
On many rigs, volatile organic solvents are one revolution per second.
discouraged because of safety concerns. If the • Visually observe mL of retained material
drilling fluid is a WBM, the standard Wet Sieve and report as v/v % (mL observed after
Analysis procedure described above can still be centrifuging / initial mL of sample = % v/v to
used but with water as the washing agent. This, be recorded).
of course, requires a longer evaporation time for • Convert v/v% to lb/bbl: 3.85* x % v/v = lb/
the wet fractions captured by each sieve, but bbl. Fig. A-7-2 is an example spreadsheet of
elevated temperature can be used to drive the the results.
water off in a reasonable amount of time. *Assumes bulk density = 1.1. See following pages
for methods you can employ to verify or correct this
If the drilling fluid is a NAF, however, using the number.
Recommended but OPTIonal: Retain a limited density in the fluid is 1.1 g/cc, we would expect
set of samples to be dried and weighed. Use to measure 2.6 % v/v recovered. If this is not the
these data to re-calibrate the bulk density. case, the PSD of the product may be different, or
Make sure the project database retains all % v/v the bulk density may need adjustment.
information so that retroactive adjustments can
be made to lb/bbl calculations if required. Adjusting The Bulk Density Factor

Validation Of Test Procedure Our procedure for determining LCM

concentration employs wet-sieve equipment
The measurement technique is validated by and adds accelerated G’s in the form of a hand-

Well Name & Operator Tubular Bells #3 / Ocean Confidence / BP

Engineer Names Clay Brecheen 1 2 3 4

Cumulative PSD




(of material > smallest sieve in stack)
Enter Bulk Density Factor to
be used in the cell Above.
Enter sample size in the
90% header (blue lettering) for
each sample analysed. Enter
experimental data (visual ml)
80% in the Green-shaded cells at
right. Depress the red macro
button to update that data set.






100.0 ml

100.0 ml

100.0 ml

100.0 ml
50% (µm)Sieve Opening
Sieve Size No. (US Mesh) Theoretical Sieve Opening ASTME II
18 1000 1000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
40% 20 841 850 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 ActivePit2/120107/0115hrs 707 710 0.0 1.2 4.6 0.0 1 3.9
30 595 600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30% 35 500 500 0.0 1.2 4.6 0.0 2.6 10.0
40 420 425 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
45 354 355 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
20% 50 ActivePit2/120107/2030hrs 297 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
60 250 250 0.0 3.2 12.3 0.0 4 15.4
70 210 212 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
10% 80 ActivePit2/120107/2030hrs 177 180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
100 149 150 0.0 3 11.6 0.0 4.9 18.9
120 125 125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0% 140 5 105 106 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Microns 88 90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
100 1000
200 74 75 13 50.1 0.0 13.5 52.0 0.0

Daily Activity December 1, 2007 This fluid contains LPM 50.1 ppb 33.1 ppb 52.0 ppb 48.1 ppb
Larger than 75 microns 150 microns 75 microns 150 microns
microns ppb microns ppb microns ppb microns ppb
Conc of material larger than 75 50.1 710 4.6 75 52.0 710 3.9
Conc of material larger than 0 0.0 500 9.2 0 0.0 500 13.9
Text autowraps, centers vertically, and aligns to the left…just keep typing Conc of material larger than 0 0.0 250 21.6 0 0.0 250 29.3
Conc of material larger than 0 0.0 150 33.1 0 0.0 150 48.1
Conc of material larger than 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Conc of material larger than 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Fig. A-7-2. Example of Wet Sieve Analysis output from BP Tubular Bells #3
analyzing 60 kg/m3 G-SEAL PLUS in a clean NAF. crank centrifuge to “compact” the material
recovered by the screen before visually
G-SEAL PLUS has been measured to have a bulk estimating volume on the scribed tube.
density of 1.1 g/cc in the RHELIANT base Previous estimates of the bulk density of the
fluid after compaction with the hand crank material recovered by Wet Sieve Analysis
centrifuge. We can verify that number during suggested it have a mean value of 1.1 g/cc.
this test. However, most of this work was done with
G-SEAL and G-SEAL PLUS, which have an SG of
First we must determine how much product we about 2.0. Not all of the LCM used in wellbore
should expect to recover with a given sieve size. strengthening applications is G-SEAL or G-SEAL
PLUS. Most likely it will be a blend of materials
If the sample of G-SEAL PLUS has a D50 ~ 200 with SG that varies from as low as 1.4 (NUTPLUG)
μm, 50% of the product in the treated fluid is to as high as 2.6 (SAFE-CARB). Consequently, the
expected to be larger than a 200-micron sieve; average bulk density obtained for a particular
therefore, 30 kg/m3 of the 60 kg/m3 dosage wellbore strengthening application may be
should be retained on the screen. If the bulk significantly different from 1.1 g/cc.
In addition, not only can the LCM blend vary, but LCM Performance Tests
also each screen cut is likely to have a different
proportion of each LCM. Consequently, the bulk Permeability Plugging Tests are the only
density obtained from each screen cut may be standard performance tests recommended
significantly different from 1.1 g/cc. Although for LCM, and these are only applicable for
an average bulk density usually suffices for simulating Sealing or plugging of formations
the purpose of trend analysis, if there is some that are not fractured. These tests are run using
issue about the absolute concentrations of LCM one of three types of Permeability Plugging
obtained from the Wet Sieve Analysis, it may Apparatus (PPA), and all employ as the filter
be necessary to measure a bulk density of the medium permeable Aloxite (Al2O3) disks that
material coming off each screen and use each possess fixed average pore entry diameters. For
of those values in the calculation of the LCM performance tests designed to simulate Sealing
concentrations. and/or plugging of fractured formations, Slot
Tests are a popular choice. Common apparati
In the example with 60 kg/m3 G-SEAL PLUS, we used for Slot Tests include Production Screen
expected to recover 2.6% v/v using a 200-μm Testers, modified HTHP Fluid Loss cells and
sieve. If however, the measured value was 2% modified PPA.
v/v, the Bulk Density that should be used in the
calculations is: Trends in the results will demonstrate not only
how well the treated fluid or pill can SEAL or
10 / (0.02 x 350) = 1.43 plug openings similar to those encountered
downhole, but also provide some guidance
To adjust the factor used in the calculation about the character of the filter cake that is
provided in this Procedure to convert the formed atop the bridging plug. These trends
observed volume % to kg/m3: can also indicate the extent of LCM depletion or
degradation during a drilling operation.
New factor = (1.43 x 350) / 100 = 5.0
Equipment Specifications
Thus, instead of % v/v x 3.85 = lb/bbl, the The Permeability Plugging Apparatus (PPA) is
conversion to be used is % v/v x 5.0 = lb/bbl, the preferred apparatus for running Slot Tests. It
which in this case gives 2 x 5.0 = 10 lb/bbl, the was originally designed for use with permeable
expected amount of recovered G-SEAL PLUS. In Aloxite disks, and, by inference, particles no
terms of kg/m3, the conversion is % v/v x 14.25 larger than a couple hundred microns. For
instead of % v/v x 11.0. testing of slotted media, several modifications
to the apparatus are required. First, the exit
An even better method is to mix a sample of the valve must be replaced to allow particles several
LCM blend into base fluid. Calculate the D50 of hundred microns in size to pass through; for this
the blend with OPTIBRIDGE and run the 200-mesh purpose, the connecting tube must be replaced
screen test as described above and compare the with one that is 5 to 12 mm ID and the needle
amount recovered with what is expected. This valve replaced with a ball valve having an orifice
will provide a fairly median bulk density figure of several mm.
to use in the Wet Sieve Analysis calculations.
The filter medium consists of a ¼” to 1” thick
Finally, the client may request use of bulk stainless steel disk through which a 1” long slot
densities for material captured by each screen. with a width approximating the maximum
This is best done by running calibration natural or induced fracture width that might be
tests using the standard dry weight method expected, e.g. 500 μm. It is also possible to use a
described earlier, wherein the material captured permeable filter medium like Aloxite and carve
by each screen is washed with a powerful a slot into it with a Dremmel tool or other device
volatile solvent and then air dried. that can produce a slot of the required width.
It is helpful to add a Catch Vessel to the outlet temperature and very little by pressure, though
of the ball valve to accommodate sudden surges viscosity (which is affected by temperature and
of flow through the exit of the PPA cell; this can pressure) can be expected to affect Spurt Loss.
be a low-pressure steel cell, baffled to minimize However, the role of the Performance Tests is
splashing and vented away from the operator to trend analysis. Since this test procedure needs
permit operation at ambient pressure. Finally, to be simple, quick and minimally disruptive of
it is helpful to replace the PPA hand pump with other tasks, it is recommended that the PPT be
a syringe pump capable of providing the high run at ambient temperature with 1000 psi inlet
flow rate of mud that often accompanies such pressure and no back pressure.
tests. An advantage of this modification is
that the pump provides digital output of the If a PPA is not available, an HTHP Fluid Loss
pressure, total flow and flow rate. Tester can be used, using a cell that can
accommodate the slotted disks and modifying
Fig. A-7-3. Schematic of Modified PPA Slot Tester Fig. A-7-4. Photograph of Modified PPA Slot Tester

Plugging Cell in
Heater Jacket



A schematic and photograph of the modified the Tester in the manner described above for the
PPA are shown in Figs. A-7-3 and A-7-4. PPA. In both types of test cells, the fluid is static,
Permeability Plugging Tests (PPTs) can be carried but the PPA can be run at higher pressure and
out as described in the API Recommended temperature than the modified HTHP fluid loss
Procedures 13 A and B, using the procedure test cell. The PPA test cell is used in an inverted
that is appropriate for the type of fluid (WBM configuration, so that flow of fluid is directed
or NAF) and the type of cell. The results should upward and, if particle suspension is not
be reported as described in the API procedure, sufficient, bridging particles will tend to settle
which essentially provides the Spurt Loss when away from the disk. Under these circumstances,
the fluid loss is extrapolated to 0 time: the PPA yields an erroneous high spurt loss,
whereas the HTHP Fluid Loss test cell generates
PPT Value = 2 x EV30 an erroneous low spurt loss. However, if settling
Spurt Loss = 2 x [EV7.5 - (EV30 - EV7.5)] is not an issue, for the same ∆P both devices
Static Filtration Rate, RS = 2 x [(EV30 - EV7.5)] / yield similar trends in bridging results. See API
2.739 RP 13l, 6th edition, May 2000.

Where volumes are in mL and Test Specifications

EV is the filtrate vol using a 3.5 in2 disk.
The slotted disks to be used should reflect the
EV7.5 is the filtrate vol after 7.5 min
expected size of the fracture aperture. Useful
EV30 is the filtrate vol after 30 min
slot sizes range from 100 to 1500 μm (0.1 to 1.5
mm); sets of steel disks are available from the
Since particle plugging is a physical
Houston and Stavanger technical centers. For
phenomenon, it is not directly affected by
fractures or permeable zones with openings All but FAS-XL are added and mixed with a
less than 200 μm, an Aloxite disk with the same Hamilton Beach or similar mixer at room
average pore opening should be used. Ceramic temperature using the normal mixing
filter disks are available from OFITE with procedure. Then follow this procedure:
nominal pore throat openings of 150 or 190 μm 1. Mix the sample for an additional 20 min
(Part # 170-53-5 and # 170-53-6, respectively). before adding the FAS-XL;
2. Mix the FAS-XL into the sample for 5 min
NOTE: fluid loss values measured on Aloxite while scraping the side of the mixing cup to
disks and slotted steel disks should not be ensure that all the FAS-XL is incorporated in
expected to be equivalent (for equivalent the sample;
nominal opening size). The bridging and Sealing 3. Transfer the sample into the heating
mechanism on a porous surface is different cup, and mount that cup onto a Fann 35
from that through a slot. viscometer;
4. Begin heating the sample to the test
A series of pilot Slot Tests should be run as part temperature (100 °F in this example) while
of the LCM design process, as follows: adjusting the speed to 100 rpm. Do not
• Selected LCM blends should be tested exceed the test temperature, for doing so
for their performance against a series of will invalidate the test;
slot sizes; these should span the range of 5. Check the sample every 30 min. When the
anticipated fracture apertures predicted by Fann dial reading reaches 300 deg, adjust
OPTIBRIDGE or OPTI-STRESS. the speed to 6 rpm. When the dial reading
• New LCM is added to the mud where this again reaches 300 deg, lower the heating
is equivalent to the maintenance LCM to cup and note the thickness of the sample
be used at the rig site (refer to Preventative adhering to the cylinder.
Treatment Design) and the mud and LCM 6. If the sample on the cylinder looks like that
again tested against the same slotted in Fig. A-7-5, note the time and temperature.
disks. The maintenance LCM blend can be If the sample is not sufficiently gelled, raise
OPTImized as necessary. the heating cup immediately and after 1
The results of these tests should be used as min lower it again. Repeat until gelation is
a base line for the monitoring tests to be considered sufficient. This concludes the
performed at the rigsite. experiment.

Thickening Rate of Crosslinkable

To confirm the temperature and time required
for a crosslinkable LCM to set up, it is advisable
to perform a pilot test at the rig. If the
crosslinker is a separate component of the
LCM formulation, all of ingredients except the
crosslinker are mixed first. For example, for an
11.1 ppg FORM-A-SET AK sample designed to set
at 100 °F, the ingredients calculated using the
software FASWare are as follows: Fig. A-7-5. Photograph of Fann 35 Viscometer after a
Thickening Rate Test
Water, bbl 0.83
FAS AK, lb/bbl 9.6 (27.4 kg/m3) If the LCM is a one-sack product, such as FORM-
DUOVIS, lb/bbl 2.1 (6.0 kg/m3) A-SET, all of the ingredients are mixed at once
Barite, lb/bbl 153 (436 kg/m3) and the test procedure is begun with Step 3.
FAS-XL, lb/bbl 4.2 (12 kg/m3)
Appendix 8: Product Bulletins

Please use the PDF bookmarks to navigate to these product bulletins

C-Seal Fine
■■ Effective bridging and sealing agent
The C-SEAL* and the finer grade C-SEAL* FINE
for a wide range of formations and industrial carbon products are sized plugging
loss severity
■■ Reduces the possibility of differential agents used to bridge and seal permeable
sticking by controlling seepage losses formations in water-, oil-, and synthetic-based
■■ Reduces torque and drag in all mud
systems by decreasing the coefficient drilling fluid systems.
of friction (CoF)
When used while drilling depleted zones, C-SEAL and C-SEAL FINE reduce differential-
■■ Inert material with no adverse effects pressure sticking tendencies by bridging and plugging formations with high differential
on mud rheology and compatible with pressures. They also can be used to control seepage-to-partial-to-severe lost
all mud systems circulation zones. C-SEAL and C-SEAL FINE are completely inert and will not affect
■■ One-sack product with no other the rheological properties of drilling fluid systems. They reduce torque and drag by
additive requirements; easily mixed decreasing the coefficient of friction (CoF) and can lower the spurt and total PPT filtrate
and dispersed into the system loss values. Owing to their ability to remain in the entire circulating system using proper
■■ Easily maintained in the entire solids control, C-SEAL and C-SEAL FINE can be cost-effective solutions.
circulating system due to its particle Typical Physical Properties
size distribution Physical appearance ................................................................................. Gray-to-black powder
■■ Temperature stable to >500˚F (260˚C)
Specific gravity................................................................................................................................1.9
LIMITATIONS Solubility in water @ 20˚C.................................................................................................. Insoluble
■■ Requires close monitoring of the shale
shakers if fine-mesh screens are
Median Particle Size
utilized Product Name Recommended Test Procedure
d50 (μm)**
■■ Non-acid soluble material may not be
C-SEAL 100 - 150 Dry sieve analysis
suited for open-hole completions
C-SEAL FINE 20 - 40 Laser light scattering
where acid solubility is required

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and
grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
measured with the appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative
of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
C-SEAL and C-SEAL FINE are designed to bridge and seal permeable formations, reducing
the risks of differential sticking and lost circulation, and decreasing the coefficient of
friction (CoF).

The recommended treatment for seepage losses (< 10 bbl/hr or 1.6 m3/hr) is 15 to 20 lb/
bbl (43 to 57 kg/m3) in spotted pills. Their relatively small size and chemical inertness,
also allows C-SEAL and C-SEAL FINE to be incorporated into the entire system at a total
concentration of 5 to 20 lb/bbl (15 to 58 kg/m3).

The recommended treatment for partial losses (10 to 100 bbl/hr or 1.6 to 16 m3/hr) is 20
to 50 lb/bbl (57 to 143 kg/m3) in spotted pills. Both materials can be used in combination
with other lost circulation materials to control partial-to-severe losses. Fractured
carbonates, conglomerates and other very high-permeability formations may require
additional pills in tandem with lost circulation materials of appropriate particle size
distribution. Alternatively, either or both products can be incorporated into the entire
system at a total concentration of 10 to 30 lb/bbl (29 to 85 kg/m3).

Torque and drag may be reduced by incorporating C-SEAL and/or C-SEAL FINE sweeps
into the active system up to a total concentration of 20 lb/bbl (57 kg/m3). Initial
treatments for the active system may be added at 4 lb/bbl (11.4 kg/m3) increments while
monitoring torque and drag.

C-SEAL/C-SEAL FINE may require additional wetting agent when used in an oil- or
synthetic-based drilling fluid system.

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the

precautions as described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

C-SEAL and C-SEAL FINE are packaged in 50-lb (22.7 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.

Store in a dry location away from sources of heat or ignition, and minimize dust.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0307.1103.R1 (E) Litho in U.S. A.

FORM-A-BLOK* high-performance, high-strength additive is a single-sack

proprietary blend designed for wellbore strengthening applications and
a wide variety of lost circulation scenarios, including, but not limited to,
fractures and matrix permeability.
This product is applied in the form of a squeeze pill which, depending on the application, de-waters or de-oils rapidly to form a high
shear-strength plug.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Gray powder
Specific gravity ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.98
Odor ............................................................................................................................................................................... Odorless or non-characteristic odor

FORM-A-BLOK additive can be used in water-based or non-aqueous drilling fluids (NAF) for wellbore strengthening applications and to
cure losses extending from partial to a wide range of severe lost circulation scenarios, at temperatures up to at least 350°F (177°C).

FORM-A-BLOK product is designed to be used for:

■■ Wellbore strengthening applications

■■ Curing partial to wide ranging severe loss situations
■■ Open hole remedial and/or preventive lost circulation squeeze
■■ Improving casing shoe integrity
■■ Cased-hole squeeze for sealing perforations and casing leaks

The recommended concentration of FORM-A-BLOK additive is 40 lb/bbl (114 kg/m3), for fluid densities up to 16lb/gal (1.92 SG) in freshwater,
seawater or base oil/synthetic (NAF) systems. Fluid densities of 16lb/gal or higher require less FORM-A-BLOK; 30lb/bbl (86 kg/m3) for water-
based pills and 20 lb/bbl (57 kg/m3) for NAF-based pills. While FORM-A-BLOK additive can be mixed with oil or synthetic base fluids, mixing
a water based pill will provide the maximum strength. The slurry can be weighted with barite, calcium carbonate or heavy brine. It is
recommended to continuously agitate the pill until pumped and to pull pump screens prior to pumping.
Density, lb/gal (s.g) Fresh-water, bbl FORM-A-BLOK, lb/bbl M-I BAR*, lb/bbl Thinner, lb/bbl
9 (1.08) 0.94 40 11 -
10 (1.20) 0.90 40 66 -
12 (1.44) 0.82 40 176 -
14 (1.68) 0.75 40 286 -
16 (1.92) 0.67 30 396
As needed
18 (2.16) 0.59 30 506

Density, lb/gal (s.g) NAF, bbl sg 0.8l FORM-A-BLOK, lb/bbl M-I BAR, lb/bbl Thinner, lb/bbll
8 (0.96) 0.91 40 40 -
10 (1.20) 0.84 40 144 -
12 (1.44) 0.77 40 247 -
14 (1.68) 0.70 40 351 -
16 (1.92) 0.65 20 455
As needed
18 (2.16) 0.57 20 558

■■ Quick-acting plug for wellbore strengthening and lost circulation applications
■■ Single-sack system, though higher densities may require the addition of a thinner
■■ Compatible with freshwater, seawater, brines and NAF
■■ Temperature stable to at least 350˚F (~177°C)
■■ High-performance, High-shear strength pill
■■ Can be mixed as a pill at densities of up to 18.0 lb/gal (2.16 SG)
■■ Easy to mix and pump with standard rig equipment
■■ Does not require an activator or retarder
■■ Does not depend on time or temperature to form a rigid plug
■■ Can be pre-mixed well in advance of pumping provided pill is agitated continuously

Approximately 35% acid soluble

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-BLOK product is packaged in 20 lb (9 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices
regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.


This document is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I L.L.C. makes no guarantees or A business unit of M-I. LLC
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product P.O. Box 42842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice. Houston, Texas 77242-2842
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C. E-mail:
FPB.0508.1103.R3 (E)
Form-a-Plug aCC

FORM-A-PLUG* ACC additive is a blend of inorganic compounds designed

for the pH and salinity adjustments necessary to control the crosslinking
reaction in a FORM-A-PLUG lost circulation pill.
Typical Physical Properties
Physical appearance .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Off-white powder
Specific gravity .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2.0
pH (1% solution) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10.5

FORM-A-PLUG ACC accelerator is used together with a FORM-A-PLUG II pill to reduce the set-up time of the lost circulation slurry. It should be
added to the lost circulation slurry immediately before pumping the mixture down the well. The accelerator will create a chemical reaction
with the FORM-A-PLUG pill to form a rigid cross-linked gel structure. It is important to carefully control the product concentrations and mixing
conditions in order to ensure that the reaction proceeds as expected. The formulation can be adjusted for density by adding barite or other
appropriate weighting materials up to 18 lb/gal (2.16 s.g.).

Recommended concentrations are 3.5-10.5 lb/bbl (10-30 kg/m3) depending on the temperature and the desired setting time. Pilot testing is
recommended before use to estimate the time to create a well-set plug. Refer to the FORM-A-PLUG II additive technical bulletin or utilize the M-I
SWACO software, FASWARE, for specific pill design.

■■ Increases the set rate for low-temperature applications
■■ Creates a firmer plug in a shorter time at a given temperature

■■ Pilot testing is essential to obtain optimum formulation

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-PLUG ACC agent is packaged in 50 lb (22.7 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.

Store at moderate temperatures in dry a, well ventilated area.

P.O. Box 42842
This document is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale.
©2004 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0612.1104.R1 (E)
Form-a-Plug II

FORM-A-PLUG* II pumpable lost circulation plug is a blend of borate mineral

and polymers designed for suspension, fluid-loss control and crosslinking
When activated with time and temperature, FORM-A-PLUG II plug develops a rigid crosslinked gel structure that effectively prevents loss of fluid
to the formation. The FORM-A-PLUG II material is acid soluble, more than 95% being dissolved on contact with a solution of 15% HCl.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance .....................................................................................................................................................................................White to beige powder
Solubility in water ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Slightly
Specific gravity .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2.0
pH (1% solution) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-8

FORM-A-PLUG II fluid-loss-control plug is the main additive used to form an acid-soluble, lost-circulation plug, which can be used in any
application where a squeeze plug would be beneficial. It is particularly advantageous in areas where loss of whole mud is prevalent. FORM-A-
PLUG II product can be used to stop losses occurring with any water-base and non-aqueous-base fluid system. FORM-A-PLUG II plug is used for
suspension, fluid-loss control and crosslinking in the lost-circulation plug.

FORM-A-PLUG II material can be used in combination with FORM-A-PLUG ACC accelerator and FORM-A-PLUG RET retarder. Together they will make a
chemical reaction to form a rigid crosslinked gel structure. It is therefore important to carefully control the product concentrations and mixing
conditions in order to ensure that the reaction proceeds as expected.

The formulation can be adjusted for density by adding barite or other appropriate weighting materials up to 18 lb/bbl (2.16 s.g.). Pilot testing is
recommended before use to estimate the time to create a well-set plug. Recommended FORM-A-PLUG II material concentrations are 60 to 100
lb/bbl (170 to 285 kg/m3) depending on the final slurry density.

The plug should be pumped to the annulus at the depth of loss. The drillstring is then pulled above the FORM-A-PLUG II plug. The plug can be
squeezed into the loss zone. Be careful not to leave the plug in the pipe even if the losses have stopped or slowed. Do not shut down pumping
while the plug is in the drillstring.

■■ Provides suspension, fluid-loss control and crosslinking
■■ Forms a rigid gel structure

■■FORM-A-PLUG Ret retarder is a grade of soluble magnesium chloride which delays the crosslinking reaction in the FORM-A-PLUG II lost-
circulation plug to avoid premature setting during the mixing stage
■■ FORM-A-PLUG Ret retarder should be added to the drill water before adding FORM-A-PLUG II material and/or FORM-A-PLUG Acc accelerator
■■ Pilot testing is recommended before use to estimate the time to create a well-set plug
■■ FORM-A-PLUG Acc accelerator is a blend of inorganic compounds designed for pH and salinity adjustment necessary to control the

crosslinking reaction in the lost-circulation plug.

■■ FORM-A-PLUG Acc accelerator should be added to the lost-circulation slurry immediately before pumping the mixture down the well. The
accelerator will make a chemical reaction with the FORM-A-PLUG II material to form a rigid crosslinked gel structure.
■■ Pilot testing is recommended before use to estimate the time to create a well-set plug.

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-PLUG II material is packaged in 55.1 lb (25 kg) multi-wall, paper sacks. Other package units are available upon request.

Store at moderate temperatures in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep in original container.

P.O. Box 42842

This document is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale.
©2004 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0609.1104.R1 (E)
Form-a-Plug reT

FORM-A-PLUG* RET additive is a grade of soluble magnesium chloride

formulated for delaying the cross-linking reaction of the FORM-A-PLUG II
lost circulation pill to avoid premature setting during the mixing stage.
Typical Physical Properties
Physical appearance ...........................................................................................................................................................................White powder/crystals
Specific gravity ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.57

FORM-A-PLUG RET agent is used in FORM-A-PLUG II pills to increase the set-up time of the lost circulation slurry. It should be added to the
drill water before adding Form-A-Plug II and/or FORM-A-PLUG* ACC agent.

FORM-A-PLUG RET retarder will delay chemical reaction which forms a rigid cross-linked gel structure. It is therefore important to carefully
control the product concentrations and mixing conditions in order to ensure that the reaction proceeds as expected. The formulation
can be adjusted for density up to 2.16 s.g. (18 lb/gal) by adding barite or other appropriate weighting materials. Barite may also act as a

Recommended concentrations are 3.5-17.5 lb/bbl (10-50 kg/m3) depending on the temperature and the desired setting time. Pilot testing is
recommended before mixing to estimate the time to create a well-set plug.

■■ Delays cross-linking to avoid premature setting during mixing and displacement

■■ Must be added to the drill water before the FORM-A-PLUG II additive

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-PLUG RET additive is packaged in 50 lb (22.7 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.

Store at moderate temperatures in dry, well ventilated area.

P.O. Box 42842
This document is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale.
©2004 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0613.1104.R1 (E)
Form-a-SeT aCC

FORM-A-SET* ACC additive is a blend of inorganic compounds used to

reduce the setting times of the FORM-A-SET family of products.
FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator is used when lower mixing or application temperatures slow the cross-linking process. FORM-A-SET ACC
should be considered when the temperature of the application is less than 60° F (16 ° C).

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ..............................................................................................................................................................................................Green Liquid

Solubility in water ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Soluble

Specific gravity...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.4

pH (2% solution) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................< 2

Boiling point ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................226° F (108° C)

FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator is used to reduce the setting time of the FORM-A-SET family of products. It is used when ambient
temperatures or make-up water are below 60° F (16° C). To avoid over-treatment, caution must be exercised when adding the
accelerator. The treatment level of FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator is proportional to the volume of water in the slurry. Typically 0.3 lb/bbl of
water (0.9 kg/m3 of water) is used. Pilot testing is recommended.

FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator rapidly reacts with the slurry to form a rigid, cross-linked gel structure. It is important to carefully control
the product concentrations and mixing conditions to ensure the reaction proceeds as expected. To ensure full polymer hydration, the
FORM-A-SET product should be fully mixed into water before adding FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator. It is recommended that the accelerator
be diluted in 5 to 10 gal (20-40 l) of water before adding to guarantee it is well dispersed. Because it reacts quickly, FORM-A-SET ACC
accelerator should be added to the lost circulation slurry immediately before pumping the mixture down the well.

■■ Reduces setting times
■■ Creates a firmer plug in a shorter time at a given temperature

Can cause “flash” setting of the slurry if temperature is greater than 85° F (30° C)

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator is packaged in 1 quart (0.95 l) cans containing 3 lb (1.4 kg) of product.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flames. Store away from incompatibles.
Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2010 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0618.1010.R2 (E)
Form-a-SeT ak

FORM-A-SET* AK lost-circulation-control material is a blend of polymers and

fibrous materials designed to plug matrix and fractured zones.
When combined with Duo-Vis* biopolymer and activated with a combination of FORM-A-SET XL crosslinking agent along with time and
temperature, FORM-A-SET AK produces a firm, rubbery, ductile plug that effectively prevents loss of fluid to the formation. The fibrous material
in the FORM-A-SET AK package is a mixture of particle sizes designed to plug fine-to-medium sized, deep fractures and faults.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Light tan powder
Specific gravity..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.2
Bulk density ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................35 lb/ft3 (550 kg/m3)

FORM-A-SET AK fluid-loss-control plug can be used to stop partial and matrix losses in any water, oil or synthetic-base drilling fluid system.
FORM-A-SET AK can be mixed in freshwater, seawater or saltwater up to saturation, though mixing in saltwater will retard set times. FORM-A-SET
AK can be used in any application where a squeeze plug is beneficial and needs a smaller particle-size distribution of bridging material than
does FORM-A-SET. The smaller particles enhance the ability of the material to penetrate a porous or fractured zone.

FORM-A-SET AK lost-circulation material does not contain a crosslinking agent, thus allowing for more control than the FORM-A-SET product. The
plug can be mixed and stored on location as a contingency, significantly reducing response time.

Once losses are encountered, the plug is activated by adding FORM-A-SET XL crosslinker (see enclosed tables for mixing concentration).
The FORM-A-SET AK plug subsequently is spotted across and above the loss zone, and squeezed into place. Depending on the loss rate and
whether the losses are to fractures, vugs, etc., sufficient FORM-A-SET AK should be applied to completely cover the expected loss zone, along
with a 100% excess to squeeze into the borehole breech.
FORM-A-SET Ret retarder should be used with applications above 105°F (38°C) or when pill temperature exceeds 105 °F (38°C) when mixing.
FORM-A-SET Ret must be added to the plug before adding FORM-A-SET XL crosslinking agent. If the plug is to be used immediately, FORM-A-SET Ret
may be added to the water prior to the addition of FORM-A-SET AK. Otherwise, it should be mixed into the plug just before adding FORM-A-SET XL.
Use FASWARE* to determine the FORM-A-SET RET required. Table 1 provides the typical concentrations. For best results, pilot test for sufficient
retarder concentration.

Table 1 – FORM-A-SET retarder concentration for FORM-A-SET AK

Bottomhole Temperature FORM-A-SET RET
°F °C lb/bbl of water kg/m3 of water
Up to 105 Up to 38 --- ---
105-123 38 - 50 2 6
123-140 50 - 55 4 12
140-155 55 - 68 6 17
155-190 68 - 88 10 29
190-250 88 - 120 16 46
250+ 122+ FASWARE and lab testing recommended

Note: FORM-A-SET RET retarder concentration is proportionate to the water volume.

FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator crosslinks and speeds up the setting of the plug. It is used when placement temperatures are below 60°F (15.6°C).
To avoid over treatment, exercise caution when adding the accelerator. Use 0.3 lb/bbl (0.9 kg/m3) FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator, proportional to
the water volume. FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator should be added after adding FORM-A-SET XL. Diluting the FORM-A-SET ACC in 5 to 10 gal (20-40 L)
of water makes it easier to blend in the FORM-A-SET XL.

Unweighted Slurry Mixing Instructions

To mix an unweighted pill of FORM-A-SET AK plug, use a clean pit or blending tank.

1. Fill the pit with 0.93 bbl (0.93 m3) of fresh water for each barrel (cubic meter) of pill.
2. Add 1.4 lb/bbl (0.7 kg/m3), one-half of the total DUO-VIS
3. Add 23 lb/bbl (11.6 kg/m3) FORM-A-SET AK material
4. Add the remaining DUO-VIS biopolymer
5. If the plug is to be held for more than 1 day, treat with 0.1 gal/bbl (2 L/m3) 25% glutaraldehyde biocide and 0.1 lb/bbl (3 kg/m3) X-Cide 207
or other isothiazalone product. Failure to include biocides can affect performance of the plug. If biocides are unavailable, consider using
6. When ready to pump, add FORM-A-SET Ret if required.
7. Add FORM-A-SET XL and mix 5 min. If needed, add FORM-A-SET ACC after FORM-A-SET XL.

Weighted Slurry Mixing Instructions

Use FASware to determine the optimum formulation of FORM-A-SET AK slurries with barite weighting agent. Table 2 presents the typical blends.
Mixing order should be:

1. Add one-half of the DUO-VIS biopolymer

2. Add one-half the FORM-A-SET AK material
3. Add the M-I Bar barite
4. Add the remaining FORM-A-SET AK material
5. Add the remaining Duo-Vis biopolymer
6. If the plug is to be held for more than one day, treat with 0.1 gal/bbl (2 L/m3) 25% glutaraldehyde biocide and 0.1 lb/bbl (3 kg/m3) X-Cide 207.
Failure to include biocides can affect performance of the plug. If biocides are unavailable, consider using FORM-A-SET AKX.
7. When ready to pump, add FORM-A-SET Ret, if required
8. Add FORM-A-SET XL and mix 5 min. In cold applications, add FORM-A-SET ACC after FORM-A-SET XL.
Note: Use only ester or alcohol-base defoamer such as DEFOAM-A*. Aluminum-stearate based defoamers may interfere with set time.
Pumping Instructions
Once losses are encountered, add FORM-A-SET Ret retarder, if required, and mix thoroughly for 5 min. Add the proper amount of FORM-A-SET XL
crosslinker to the pill, mix thoroughly for 5 min., and pump immediately afterwards.

When used in a non-aqueous drilling fluid, pump approximately 20 to 30 bbl (3 to 5 m3) of viscous water or water-based mud as spacers in front
of and behind the pill. A 2 lb/bbl (5.7 kg/m3) DUO-VIS slurry weighted up to the same density makes a good spacer. Aqueous fluids may require
spacers if they have high pH or are otherwise incompatible.

Depending on loss rate, spot the pill across and above the loss zone while pulling out of the hole to a safe location. Keep the pill below the bit
to avoid it mixing with wellbore fluids. This pill crosslinks and sets up as a flexible plug. Even if losses have stopped, it is important not to leave
any pill in the pipe. Do not stop pumping while the pill is in the drillstring. It is important to pump at least 10 bbl (2 m3) of spacer or water-based
mud to clear the drillstring.

Watch for any sign of the pill reaching the loss zone, such as increased pressure or improved return flow. To begin squeezing, pull above the
pill and close the annular preventer. Typically two-thirds to three-quarters of the pill is squeezed away. If pressure is noted, hold for at least
three hours to obtain a firm set of the pill.

Table 2 – Mixing Concentrations

lb/gal bbl/bbl lb/bbl lb/bbl lb/bbl lb/bbl
8.34 0.93 2.77 23.12 5.0 0
9.0 0.90 2.71 22.55 4.75 37.2
9.5 0.89 2.65 22.11 4.75 64.8
10.0 0.87 2.60 21.68 4.50 92.3
10.5 0.85 2.55 21.25 4.50 119.9
11.0 0.83 2.10 20.85 4.25 147.6
11.5 0.82 1.80 20.40 4.25 175.3
12.0 0.80 1.60 19.97 4.00 202.9
12.5 0.78 1.34 19.55 4.00 230.6
13.0 0.765 1.13 19.12 3.75 258.2
13.5 0.748 0.95 18.69 3.75 285.8
14.0 0.730 0.78 18.26 3.50 313.4
14.5 0.713 0.64 17.83 3.50 341.0
15.0 0.696 0.51 17.40 3.25 368.6
15.5 0.679 0.00 16.97 3.25 396.2
16.0 0.661 0.00 16.54 3.00 423.8
16.5 0.644 0.00 16.10 3.00 451.3
17.0 0.627 0.00 15.67 2.75 478.9
17.5 0.611 0.00 15.24 2.75 506.4
18.0 0.594 0.00 14.80 2.50 534.0
s.g. m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
1.00 0.93 7.89 65.89 14.25 0.0
1.08 0.90 7.72 64.27 13.54 106.0
1.14 0.89 7.55 63.01 13.54 184.7
1.20 0.87 7.41 61.79 12.83 263.1
1.26 0.85 7.27 60.56 12.83 341.7
1.32 0.83 5.99 59.42 12.11 420.7
1.38 0.82 5.13 58.14 12.11 499.6
1.44 0.80 4.56 56.91 11.40 578.3
1.50 0.78 3.82 55.72 11.40 657.2
1.56 0.77 3.22 54.49 10.69 735.9
1.62 0.75 2.71 53.27 10.69 814.5
1.68 0.73 2.22 52.04 9.98 893.2
1.74 0.71 1.82 50.82 9.98 971.9
1.80 0.70 1.45 49.59 9.26 1050.5
1.86 0.68 0.00 48.36 9.26 1129.2
1.92 0.66 0.00 47.14 8.55 1207.8
1.98 0.64 0.00 45.89 8.55 1286.2
2.04 0.63 0.00 44.66 7.84 1364.9
2.10 0.61 0.00 43.43 7.84 1443.2
2.16 0.59 0.00 42.18 7.13 1521.9
NOTE: FASWARE can provide more precise formulations.
FORM-A-SET AK Mixing Example
Two hundred barrels (32 m3) of a 14 lb/gal (1680 kg/m3) FORM-a-SET AK plug is needed to seal a fracture in a 190°F (88° C) formation.

As shown in Table 1, for the formation temperature of 190° F (88° C), the FORM-A-SET RET concentration should be 10 lb/bbl (29 kg/m3). Using
the Mixing Concentrations in Table 2, the formulation and mixing order is as follows:

1. Water: 0.730 barrel/bbl x 200 = 146 bbl (23 m3)

2. DUO-VIS biopolymer: 0.39 lb/bbl (half of the total required) x 200 = 78 lb (35 kg)
3. FORM-A-SET AK material: 9.13 lb/bbl (half of the total required) x 200 = 1826 lb (828 kg)
4. M-I BAR barite: 313.4 lb/bbl x 200 = 62,680 lb (28.4 tonne)
5. FORM-A-SET AK material: (the second half of the total required) = 1826 lb (828 kg)
6. DUO-VIS biopolymer: (the second half of the total required) = 78 lb (35 kg)
7. FORM-A-SET Ret retarder: 10 lb/bbl (29 kg/m3) proportioned to water volume:
(10 lb/bbl of water X 0.73 bbl water/bbl of pill = 7.3 lb/bbl of pill) x 200 = 146 lb (66 kg)
8. FORM-A-SET XL crosslinker: 3.5 lb/bbl x 200 = 70 lb (32 kg)

Note: FASWARE* provides more exact formulations.

• FORM-A-SET AK additive contains only the polymer and lost-circulation material. It can be mixed and stored on location before losses are
encountered to reduce response time. Proper biocidal treatments are required.
• Because of its increased polymer loading and the smaller size of the fibrous material, the FORM-A-SET AK fluid loss control plug has a much
firmer set than the conventional FORM-A-SET plug
• Because of the firmer set, FORM-A-SET AK plug has a wider range of applications. These applications range from matrix to partial losses of
20-100 bbl/hr (3 to 16 m3/hr).
• The material also can be used to shut off water in non-productive zones and in gravel consolidation

• Static conditions are required for the pill to completely set up, so FORM-A-SET AKX is best used to cure matrix and partial losses or as part of
a tandem pill to cure severe losses
• A FORM-A-SET AK plug does not degrade in the well bore even at extended times. It is not acid soluble and caution should be exercised when
it is used in or near the production zone
• Pilot testing is recommended to assure set time/temperature under field conditions, especially when made up in brine. Contact Technical
Services for procedures.
• Lab testing for set time and thermal stability is recommended when temperatures exceed 250° F (120° C)
• Pilot/lab testing is recommended when density exceeds 16.0 lb/gal (1.9 s.g.)
• For all plugs to be held for 24 hours or longer, include 0.1 lb/bbl (0.3 kg/m3) of X-Cide 207 or other isothiazalone biocide and 0.1 gal/bbl (2 l/m3)
25% glutaraldehyde biocide

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-SET AK material is packaged in 47 lb (21.3 kg) sacks or 25 lb (11.3 kg) sacks.

FORM-A-SET Ret retarder is packaged in 5 gal (18.9 l) cans containing 55-lb (24.6 kg) of product.

FORM-A-SET ACC accelerator is packaged in 1 qt (0.946 l) containers containing 3-lb (1.4-kg) of product.

FORM-A-SET XL crosslinker is packaged in a 50-lb (22.7 kg) sack enclosed in a 12 gal (45.4 l) cardboard can.

Store these products in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices
regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2010 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0611.1010.R2 (E)
Form-a-SeT reT

FORM-A-SET* RET retarder should be used in situations when the FORM-A-

SET system is mixed or spotted at temperatures higher than 80° F (27° C).
FORM-A-SET RET retarder often is required by other FORM-A-SET systems, such as FORM-A-SET AK and FORM-A-SET AKX. The concentration
required depends on both mixing and down-hole temperatures. When used with FORM-A-SET, it is essential that FORM-A-SET RET retarder
be added to the water before adding FORM-A-SET. It may be added to the water before or after FORM-A-SET AK or FORM-A-SET AKX, but must
always be added before FORM-A-SET XL.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Clear liquid
Odor .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................None
Solubility in water ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Soluble
Specific gravity................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.31 – 1.34 @ 68° F (20° C)
Flash point ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................>200° F (93° C)

FORM-A-SET RET retarder delays the setting time of the FORM-A-SET family of cross-linked pills. It is used where the pills must be mixed in
hot water or spotted at high downhole temperatures.

Since FORM-A-SET contains a crosslinking additive, it is essential that FORM-A-SET RET retarder be added to the water before adding FORM-
A-SET. When using FORM-A-SET products, such as FORM-A-SET AK and Form-A-SET AKX that do not contain a crosslinker, FORM-A-SET RET
must be added before FORM-A-SET XL.

The following table should be used as a guide to the concentrations needed for higher bottomhole temperatures. It is important to pilot
test the formulation to assure adequate retarder is available.

Table 1 Bottomhole Temperature vs. Concentration of FORM-A-SET Ret Retarder

Bottomhole Temperature lb/bbl of FORM-A-SET RET kg/m3 of FORM-A-SET RET
°F °C Retarder in water Retarder in water
Up to 80 Up to 27 – –
80 – 120 27 – 49 4 11
120 – 150 49 – 66 6 17
150 – 200 66 – 93 10 29
200 – 250 93 – 120 16 46
>250 >120 Contact Technical Services

■■ Allows FORM-A-SET products to set in four hours under a wide range of temperatures
■■ Mixes easily
■■ Required in all applications where bottomhole temperatures exceed 80° F (27° C)
■■ May be required when mixing at temperatures above 80° F (27° C) or when set times must be delayed beyond four hours
■■ May biodegrade when added too far in advance

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.
Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet

Packaging and Storage

FORM-A-SET RET retarder is packaged in 5 gal (18.9 l) cans containing 55-lb (25 kg).
Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flames. Store away from incompatibles. Follow
safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2010 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0616.1010.R2 (E)

FORM-A-SQUEEZE* high-fluid loss/high-solids slurry is a cost-effective

solution to lost circulation in all types of fractures, vugular formations,
matrix and underground blowout events.
When placed in and/or across a loss zone, the liquid phase squeezes from the slurry, rapidly leaving a solid plug behind. This process
can cure losses instantly, without time or temperature dependency.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ............................................................................................................................................................................................Gray powder

Specific gravity.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.70–1.76

Solubility in water ................................................................................................................................................................................................................Slight

Odor .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................None

FORM-A-SQUEEZE lost-circulation (LC) plug can be used to stop losses occurring in any water-base and non-aqueous base fluid and can be
easily mixed in freshwater, seawater or base oil/synthetic. It was designed to be used as:

• Open-hole remedial and/or preventive lost circulation squeeze

• Plug to run in front of cement squeezes

• Plug to improve casing shoe integrity

• Preventive LC material for seepage losses, up to 20 lb/bbl (57 kg/m3) in the whole active system

• Cased-hole squeeze for sealing perforations and casing leaks

The recommended concentration of FORM-A-SQUEEZE slurry is 80 lb/bbl (228 kg/m³) in either water or base oil/synthetic. The slurry can be
weighted to the desired density with barite or calcium carbonate.

The slurry should be pumped to the annulus, covering at least 50% in excess of the loss zone. The drill string is then pulled slowly 90 ft (27 m)
above the pill. The slurry should be gently squeezed in the range of 100-300 psi (6.9 to 20.7 bar) to the maximum of anticipated mud weight
required for the interval, holding the pressure for 10 to 20 min.


■■ Effective bridging and sealing agent
G-SEAL* graphite is a coarse-sized plugging
for a wide range of formations and agent used in water-, oil- or synthetic-based
severity of losses
■■ Controls seepage losses, thereby drilling fluids to bridge and seal permeable and
reducing the possibility of differential
fractured formations.
■■ Decreases the CoF to reduce torque When drilling depleted zones exposed to high differential pressures, the bridging and
and drag in all mud systems plugging capabilities of G-SEAL additive can reduce the potential for stuck pipe. G-SEAL
is chemically inert and thermally stable, and will not affect rheological properties when
Inert material with no adverse effects
used at recommended concentrations. It can lower the potential for lost circulation
on mud rheology and compatible with
and reduce torque and drag in many drilling applications.
all mud systems
■■ Temperature-stable to more than 500° F Typical Physical Properties
(260° C) Physical appearance ........................................................................Dark gray-to-black powder
■■ One-sack product that is easily mixed
Specific gravity..................................................................................................................... 2.19-2.26
and dispersed into any fluid system
■■ May be used in combination with Solubility in water @ 68° F (20° C) ................................................................................... Insoluble

Median Particle Size (d50)**....................................................................................... 300 – 350 µm

other additives, particularly lost
circulation materials.
LIMITATIONS G-SEAL additive is designed to be used in any type of drilling fluid to bridge and seal
■■ Can be removed from the circulating permeable and fractured formations, thus controlling lost circulation and reducing the
system by shale shakers and other possibility of differential sticking. G-SEAL can also be used to decrease the coefficient
solids-control equipment. Requires of friction (CoF) of drilling fluids.
close monitoring of the shale shakers.
The recommended treatment for seepage losses (< 10 bbl/hr or 1.6 m3/hr) is 15 to 20
Non-acid-soluble material may not be
lb/bbl (43 to 57 kg/m3) in spotted pills or sweeps. G-SEAL can be incorporated into the
suited for open-hole completions in
entire system at a total concentration of 5 to 10 lb/bbl (14 to 29 kg/m3). However, this
which acid solubility is required.
may require using coarser shaker screens. If changing screens is impractical, pills
returning to the surface can be diverted to a standby pit, reconditioned and re-used as
spots or sweeps.

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and
grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
measured with the appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative
of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
Applications (Cont)
The recommended treatment for partial losses (10 to 100 bbl/hr or 1.6 to 16 m3/hr) is 20
to 50 lb/bbl (57 to 143 kg/m3) in spotted pills. Very high permeability formations such as
fractured carbonates and conglomerates may require additional pills in combination
with other lost circulation materials of appropriate particle size distribution.

Torque and drag may be reduced by incorporating G-SEAL spots and sweeps into the
active system up to a total concentration of 10 lb/bbl (29 kg/m3). Initial treatments for the
active system may be applied in 2 lb/bbl (5.7 kg/m3) increments while monitoring torque
and drag.

G-SEAL may require additional wetting agent when used in an oil- or synthetic-based
mud system.

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the

precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

G-SEAL additive is packaged in 25 kg (55.1 lb) multi-wall, paper sacks and does not
require special storage.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Follow safe warehousing
practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0765.1103.R4 (E) Litho in U.S. A.
g-Seal PluS
g-Seal PluS CoarSe
■■ Effective bridging and sealing agent
for a wide range of formations and industrial carbon blends are sized plugging
severity of losses
■■ Increases fracture propagation agents used to bridge and seal porous and
pressures of test samples exposed to
non-aqueous fluids
fractured formations in water-, oil-, and
■■ Reduces the possibility of differential synthetic-based drilling fluid systems.
sticking by controlling seepage losses
When used to drill depleted zones with high differential pressures, the products’
■■ Reduces torque and drag in all mud bridging and plugging capabilities reduce differential-pressure sticking tendencies.
systems by decreasing the coefficient Both products also can be used to control seepage, partial and severe lost circulation,
of friction (CoF) as well as reduce torque and drag. G-SEAL PLUS and G-SEAL PLUS COARSE blends are
■■ Inert material with no significant chemically inert and will not affect the rheological properties of drilling fluid systems
effects on mud rheology; compatible when used at the recommended concentrations.
with all mud systems
Typical Physical Properties
■■ One-sack product with no other Physical appearance ................................................................................. Gray-to-black powder
additive requirements; easily mixed
and dispersed into the system Specific gravity....................................................................................................................... 1.9 - 2.1
■■ Its particle size distribution makes it
Solubility in water @ 20°C ................................................................................................. Insoluble
easy to maintain in the entire
circulating system
Median Particle Size
■■ Can be pumped easily through down- Product Name Recommended Test Procedure
d50 (μm)**
hole tools at concentrations up to 100
G-SEAL PLUS 200 - 500 Dry sieve analysis
lb/bbl (285 kg/m3)
G-SEAL PLUS COARSE 600 - 1000 Dry sieve analysis
■■ Temperature-stable to >500° F (260° C)

■■ Can be removed from the circulating
system by shale shakers and solids
control equipment. Requires close
monitoring of the shale shakers.
■■ Non-acid-soluble material may not be
suited for open-hole completions
where acid solubility is required.

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and
grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
measured with the appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative
of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
G-SEAL PLUS and G-SEAL PLUS COARSE are carbon-based blends designed to stop losses
in porous and fractured formations while drilling with non-aqueous fluids. They also
are effective in water-based fluids, reducing the possibility of differential sticking and
lost circulation, as well as minimizing torque and drag by decreasing the coefficient of
friction (CoF).
Both of these products, when used alone or in blends with other lost circulation
materials, facilitate fracture bridging, effectively dissipating fracture energy and
preventing fracture propagation. The products deform under compression, thus
providing resistance to fracture re-opening.
The recommended treatment for seepage losses (up to 10 bbl/hr or 1.6 m3/hr) is 15 to 20
lb/bbl (43 to 57 kg/m3) of G-SEAL PLUS / G-SEAL PLUS COARSE in spotted pills. The pills can be
incorporated into the entire system for a total concentration of 10 to 20 lb/bbl (29 to 58
kg/m3), but close monitoring of the shakers is required.
The recommended treatment for partial losses (10 to 100 bbl/hr or 1.6 to 16 m3/hr) is 20
to 50 lb/bbl (57 to 143 kg/m3) of G-SEAL PLUS / G-SEAL PLUS COARSE in spotted pills. Very
high-permeability formations such as fractured carbonates and conglomerates may
require higher concentrations of G-SEAL PLUS or G-SEAL PLUS COARSE in conjunction with
other lost circulation materials of varied appropriate size distribution.
G-SEAL PLUS / G-SEAL PLUS COARSE can also be used dry-blended with cement to effectively
seal off induced fractures and inhibit further propagation while cementing casing.
Torque and drag may be reduced by incorporating sweeps of G-SEAL PLUS or G-SEAL
PLUS COARSE into the active system up to a total concentration of 20 lb/bbl (57 kg/m3).
Initial treatments for the active system may be added in 4-lb/bbl (11.4-kg/m3) increments
while monitoring torque and drag.
G-SEAL PLUS or G-SEAL PLUS COARSE may require additional wetting agent when used in an
oil- or synthetic-based drilling fluid system.

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.
Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the
precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

G-SEAL PLUS and G-SEAL PLUS COARSE are packaged in 25-lb (11.3-kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.
Store in dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from
Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from
incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding,
shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product P.O. Box 42842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice. Houston, Texas 77242-2842
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C. Email:
FPB.0772.1103.R1 (E) Litho in U.S. A.
g-Seal Hrg
g-Seal Hrg Fine
■■ Effective bridging and sealing agent
G-SEAL*HRG and its finer grade alternative
for a wide range of formations and G-SEAL HRG FINE* are high-resiliency graphites
severity of losses
■■ Improved performance in comparison that provide enhanced bridging and sealing of
to G-SEAL materials induced fractures.
■■ Controls seepage losses, thereby
reducing the possibility of differential Owing to their higher resiliency, G-SEAL HRG and G-SEAL HRG FINE deliver more
sticking deformability than conventional G-SEAL, making them suitable for either replacing or
supplementing G-SEAL. Both grades of the product are compatible with water-, oil- and
Decreases the CoF to reduce torque
synthetic-based drilling fluid systems and are effective bridging and sealing materials
and drag in all mud systems
for natural or induced fractures and for drilling permeable formations. The bridging
■■ Inert material with no adverse effects ability of these products makes them effective additives when drilling depleted zones,
on mud rheology and compatible with where high differential pressure increases sticking tendency. They also can be used
all mud systems to control seepage in partial-to-severe lost circulation zones. G-SEAL HRG additives are
■■ One-sack product with no other completely inert and do not affect the rheological properties of the fluid. They have
additive requirements; easy to mix and the capacity to increase lubricity, thereby reducing torque and drag. Furthermore, in
disperse into the system Permeability Plugging Tests (PPT) and sand bed laboratory studies, G-SEAL HRG has
■■ Temperature-stable to more than 500° F been shown to exhibit lower spurt and total filtrate loss values.
(260° C)
Typical Physical Properties
Physical appearance ........................................................................Dark gray-to-black powder
■■ Can be removed from the circulating Solubility in water @ 20° C (68° F) ................................................................................... Insoluble
system by shale shakers and other
solids-control equipment. Requires Specific gravity (lb/gal) ...............................................................2.19 - 2.26 sg (18.2 - 18.8 lb/gal)
close monitoring of the shale shakers.
■■ Non-acid-soluble material may not be
Median Particle Size
Product Name Recommended Test Procedure
suitable for open hole completions.
d50 (μm)**
G-SEAL HRG 450 - 550 Dry sieve analysis
G-SEAL HRG FINE 25 - 55 Laser light scattering

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and
grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
measured with the appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative
of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
G-SEAL HRG and G-SEAL HRG FINE are designed to bridge and seal fractures, particularly
drilling-induced fractures and permeable formations. This makes them effective for
controlling lost circulation and increasing lubricity while reducing the possibility of
differential sticking.

The recommended treatment for seepage losses (< 10 bbl/hr or 1.6 m3/hr) is 15 to 20
lb/bbl (43 to 57 kg/m3) of G-SEAL HRG/G-SEAL HRG FINE in spotted pills or sweeps. The
pills can be incorporated into the entire system for a total concentration of 5 to 10 lb/
bbl (14 to 29 kg/m3). However, when the pill returns to the surface, the shaker screens
must be monitored for losses and changed if necessary. If changing shaker screens
is impractical, once the pill returns to surface, it can be diverted to a standby pit,
reconditioned and re-used as a spot or sweep.

The recommended treatment for partial losses (10 to 100 bbl/hr or 1.5 to 15 m3/hr) is
20 to 50 lb/bbl (57 to 143 kg/m3) of G-SEAL HRG/G-SEAL HRG FINE in spotted pills. Highly
permeable formations such as fractured carbonates and conglomerates may require
additional pills in conjunction with lost circulation materials of various sizes. The
product(s) also can be incorporated into the entire system for a total concentration of 5
to 25 lb/bbl (29 to 70 kg/m3).

Torque and drag can be reduced by incorporating G-SEAL HRG/G-SEAL HRG FINE spots
and sweeps into the active system up to a total concentration of 10 lb/bbl (29 kg/m3).
Initial treatments for the active system may be applied in 2 lb/bbl (5.7 kg/m3) increments
while monitoring torque and drag.

G-SEAL HRG/G-SEAL HRG FINE may require additional wetting agent when used in an oil-
or synthetic-based drilling fluid system.

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the

precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

G-SEAL HRG AND G-SEAL HRG FINE are packaged in 50 lb(22.7 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks
and do not require special storage.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from
incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding,
shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.0771.1103.R1 (E) Litho in U.S. A.
I-BOSS Strengthening While Drilling
The suite of integrated solutions
that prevents lost circulation

Onsite particle-size LPM recovery
distribution and

LPM blend

Particulate-based LPM

Chemistry-based LPM

Note: This is a very low-quality

image. Is a better version
Fracture, filling, bridging
and plugging tests

Features Benefits
• Flexible solution can be tailored • Reduced downhole fluid loss
for specific wells • Lower NPT
• Computer optimization • Potential to drill difficult plays
• Rigsite testing apparatus • Brown field applications
• Applicable for permeable matrices • Reduced stuck pipe incidences
• Novel solution for shale • Potentially saves one or more
application casing strings
• Ability to recover bridging
• Real-time, in-line particle-size
Going up against fragile formations?
You need the I-BOSS strategy.

Wellbore instability and the resulting While conventional treatments Operators can construct wellbores
lost circulation continue to be the cost- can decrease drilling-fluid losses, in zones with low fracture gradients,
liest problems encountered during increasingly challenging drilling resulting in significantly reduced
wellbore construction. Historically, environments severely limit the rate drilling costs, less non-productive
standard remedial treatments for of success of these measures. This is time and, possibly, the elimination
stemming losses in drilling-induced especially true if losses are inevitable, of an entire casing string.
fractures have not been that successful such as: drilling mature fields,
largely because they are reactionary in extended-reach wells, complex well I-BOSS strategies
nature. Other strengthening methods, configurations, zones with narrow When opting to drill above the fracture-
including casing and cementing, are pore-pressure/fracture-gradient initiation pressure, operators have a
effective but very expensive. drilling windows and deepwater variety of techniques available, and
wells when drilling through fragile I-BOSS solutions draw from the most
or depleted zones above the target. effective of these for your application:

• Increasing the near-wellbore

The I-BOSS solutions strength and the fracture
Now operators have a way of reducing initiation pressure
losses incurred through drilling-
• Isolating the tip of the existing
induced fractures: the I-BOSS* suite
fractures and increasing fracture
of integrated solutions. The I-BOSS
reopening pressure
approach actually uses these fractures
as part of the strengthening strategy • Isolating the wellbore from the well-

and employs services, chemicals and bore fluid and/or pressure with casing

equipment specifically designed to The common element within all of

stabilize and strengthen wellbores these is the use of specifically sized

while drilling. and specially designed particulates

Just as there is no universal cure added to the drilling fluid in a care-

for any given drilling problem, the fully controlled manner, as well as

I-BOSS solutions draw upon a range specialized chemical applications.

of proven tools and integrates the

elements needed for a successful
outcome on a well-by-well basis.
The mechanics of I-BOSS
wellbore strengthening Induced fractures:
during drilling, loss-
There are various theories that prevention material
is driven into
describe the mechanisms for fractures as they
are induced. The
strengthening the wellbore. The
LPM acts similar
methods used overlap one another to a keystone in
an arch.
as well as some of the approaches
used to stop lost circulation.
The fundamental difference
between simple lost-circulation cures Outward compression of
and wellbore-strengthening solutions formation: where the LPM
wedges into the induced
is that lost-circulation remedies deal fractures, it generates
compression in the wellbore
only with mitigating losses of whole wall as it forces aside the formation.
mud. Wellbore strengthening, on the
other hand, focuses on avoiding losses
and increasing the apparent fracture When drilling-fluid pressure induces a
fracture, fluid fills the void, wedging it
gradient through a combination of open until properly sized LPM is forced
into the opening. This wedging process
“stressing” the wellbore and isolating “squeezes” the formation outward,
the fracture tip from further elonga- around the perimeter of the wellbore.

tion and consequent reopening.

This stress environment is created
in much the same way that one would
shore up an arch with a keystone and
thus in a similar fashion, the “wedge”
generated while fracturing is propped Outward compression and
strengthening of the wellbore
open by particulate or by chemical
means and thus creating a “stressed”
or strengthened wellbore. Again, by
isolating the fracture tip or imparting
a degree of “stress” (or both), certain Once the drilling fluid is trapped in the fracture
behind the LPM bridge, the filtrate bleeds off
wellbores can be strengthened, allow- into the porous formations, and the fracture
closes. In impermeable formations where the
ing drilling to continue without costly filtrate cannot bleed off, the LPM bridge must
losses, potential stuck pipe or side- completely seal the fracture.

track incidents.

The drop in fluid pressure

within the fracture transfers
high compressive stress to the
LPM bridge, thus maintaining
wellbore compression.
– Water-setting compressive cost effectiveness of the wellbore-
chemistry for shales and strengthening treatment. The
permeable formations MPSRS savings are two-fold: first,

• Wet Sieve Analysis monitors particle- increased drilling performance

size distribution of the I-BOSS addi- because of lost-circulation avoid-

tives at the rig for maintenance of ance and second, reduced con-

the correct size and concentration sumption of valuable product,

of the materials in the drilling fluid including graphitic materials.

• MD-3*triple-deck shale shaker

Particle recovery provides three decks of auto-
The M-I SWACO I-BOSS approach mated, effective solids control
relies on the presence of precisely in a small-footprint unit
sized and optimally distributed • Focused-Beam-Reflectance
LPM in the drilling-fluid system; Measurement (FBRM) – Real time
this absolutely essential for success. particle-size-distribution data at
To ensure the proper concentration the rigsite of loss-prevention
of LPM, M-I SWACO has developed materials directly at the flowline
and/or incorporated specialized Your M-I SWACO representative
equipment and instrumentation: will be glad to give you more infor-
• The M-I SWACO MANAGED mation about the I-BOSS suite of
(MPSRS) significantly improves the
Wellbore stability viewed by VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS NAVIGATOR

Before beginning an I-BOSS project, the
M-I SWACO* specialist gathers informa-
tion about the proposed well and uses
M-I SWACO laboratory equipment, Stress Field
procedures and software to determine
the exact particulate needed:

• OPTI-STRESS* software for designing Breakout

particulate-based solutions uses
accepted and recognized predictive
approaches to determine the frac-
ture width for various rocks under
various conditions, concentrations
of particulate to effectively bridge
and seal predicted fracture widths
and the recommended particles
suited to plug various fracture
conditions at hand. The solutions inclusive as a single-sack additive
sizes and provide maximum
can include: for use when all the technical
strengthening effect
• VIRTUAL WELLBORE STABILITY* soft- data is not available for the
• Laboratory testing equipment OPTI-STRESS software
ware identifies potential problems
specifically designed for validation
with wellbore stability – BLOK-R-750*— Proprietary mate-
and preplanning include:
• VIRTUAL HYDRAULICS*, featuring the rial designed for use in propping
– High-pressure matrix loss tester open large fractures
NAVIGATOR* downhole visualization
– Low-pressure matrix loss tester software provides a virtual snapshot – Sized CaCO3 — The M-I SWACO
– Fracture tester of downhole fluid behavior, before SAFE-CARB* series of sized, graded,

– Cylindrical fracture cell drilling begins and while the well ground marble for use with
is in progress. OPTI-STRESS software
Drilling and monitoring • Specially formulated loss-prevention • Three types of wellbore-strengthening
Throughout the well-construction materials: pills based on advanced chemical
process, M-I SWACO uses proprietary – G-SEAL PLUS* — Graphitic coke blend design:
software, products, testing equipment – High-compressive-strength
– VINSEAL* — A granular cellulosic
and procedures to identify the most dewatering pill
LPM material that is preferentially
cost-effective solution for your well.
oil wet. For use in invert emulsions – Oil-setting-gel chemistry for
As drilling progresses, real-time sam-
as both a proppant and sealant. shales and permeable formations
pling, monitoring and adjustments
– OPTISEAL — Proprietary blend of
keep the wellbore-strengthening
Loss-Prevention Material (LPM) all
process optimized for the drilling
I-BOSS Technology: Success stories from around the world
Offshore Gulf of Mexico The operating company has adopted The M-I SWACO I-BOSS strategy of
the technique on all wells, having drilled inducing and plugging fractures to
11 to date. There has been an overall strengthen the wellbore got the well
70% reduction in fluid losses, and up through 7,200 ft (2,194.6 m) of treacherous
to 600 psi (41.4 bar) strengthening formations with no major hole problems.
has been measured. Fluid losses were held to about 400 bbl vs.
the 6,000-bbl losses experienced on offset
Offshore Gulf of Mexico wells. Pulling out of and running in the
I-BOSS STRATEGY SAVES hole were trouble free, fluid properties
OPERATOR $1,950,000 and hole cleaning remained consistently
good, and torque and stick-slip remained
ON A SINGLE WELL within limits.
Mud losses and wellbore stability while
drilling offset wells in this area were iden- Offshore Gulf of Mexico
tified as major challenges to drilling a sand
section above the salt in this 30,000+ ft I-BOSS LPM STRATEGY
(9,144+ m) well. This 2,600 ft+ (792+ m),
18- x 21-in. interval was drilled with
no mud losses or downtime related 17,000-BBL FLUID LOSS
to hole stability. After the operator experienced a 14,000-bbl
More than 19,000 ft (5,791 m) were fluid loss while trying to drill through
drilled using 20-mesh screens, which depleted sands on a deepwater injector SPECIALIZED ADDITIVE-
greatly reduced cost in materials and rig well, a sidetrack was the next option.
time. A total cost for the LPM in the sections
Using a single-LPM approach, the sidetrack
that were strengthened was approximately lost an additional 17,000 bbl of fluid; the MONEY, DELIVERS RESULTS
$700,000. Downhole mud losses in those sidetrack was plugged and abandoned. For this operator, it was important to
sections on previous wells had amounted M-I SWACO recommended a blended maintain the proper concentrations of
to approximately $2,650,000, for a net cost LPM (graphite, cellulose and carbonate) M-I SWACO G-SEAL* additive, G-SEAL PLUS
savings of $1,950,000 in materials alone. on a second sidetrack. This hole was graphite/industrial carbon blend and
drilled, cased and cemented, experiencing VINSEAL* fiber in the drilling-fluid system.
North Sea only minimal fluid loss. The operator With an ordinary solids-control system,
reached the objective and was able to >70% of these necessary additives would
inject at the target rates with no problems. be removed, increasing the cost of opera-
tion and drastically reducing the desired
North Sea level of fluid-loss prevention.
M-I SWACO recommended the patented1
(MPSRS) technology to increase the Lost-
I-BOSS STRATEGY ADOPTED Circulation Material (LCM) percentage in
FOR 11 ADDITIONAL WELLS, the drilling fluids. The MPSRS unit was on
location for 40 days and ran continuously
FOLLOWING SUCCESS during the 7 days it took to drill the two
A high-risk zone threatened the success- I-BOSS WELLBORE intervals. The unit recovered 141,907 lb
ful drilling of the 12∏-in. hole section and (64,368 kg) of material. Laboratory analy-
the running and cementing of a 97⁄8-in.
STRENGTHENING sis showed that the recovered material
liner in this well. REDUCES FLUID consisted of 55% G-SEAL, G-SEAL PLUS and
Upon identifying the high-risk zone, LOSSES BY 94% 45% VINSEAL additives and clay. The
drilling stopped and 50 lb/bbl (142.5 kg/m3) recovery unit also allowed for a much
On this well, the operator expected to lose
of LPM was circulated in with only 30-mesh higher continuous concentration of LCM
more than 6,000 bbl of fluid while drilling
top screens. Then 50 tons (54.4 metric tons) in the drilling fluid than would be obtain-
through intermittent overpressured shale
of LPM were added for the 2,000-bbl circu- able without the recovery unit, bringing
and depleted-sand sections. To stabilize
lating system. The well was drilled to TD the added value of drilling troublesome
the shales, a drilling-fluid weight of
of the 12∏-in. hole section with no losses. formations with the optimal amount
11.3 lb/gal (1.36 kg/L) had to be used,
Casing was run and cemented with of LCM.
putting the sand sections at risk.
full returns to surface.
P.O. Box 42842
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
Tel: 281·561·1300
Fax: 281·561·1441
Technology Centers:
Tel: 281·561·1300 · Fax: 281·561·1441
Tel: 44·1224·334634 · Fax: 44·1224·334650
Tel: 47·51·577300 · Fax: 47·51·576503
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no
guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use
of this data. All product warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms
of Sale. Nothing in this document is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.

©2009 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.

1U.S. Patent 7,520,342



LUBE-100* lubricant reduces torque, drag and the potential for differential
sticking by reducing the coefficient of friction of water-base muds.
It can also provide additional wellbore stability and inhibition, reduce bit-balling and improve high-temperature filtration control. LUBE-100
lubricant is only slightly water soluble under most conditions but is readily dispersible in water-base muds. It is acceptable for most
situations specifying a low-toxicity lubricant.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Black liquid
Specific gravity................................................................................................................................................................................................................0.98-1.04
pH .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8-9.5
Solubility in water ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Slight
Flash point .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 430° F (221° C) (PMCC)

LUBE-100 lubricant should be specified for those situations where torque, drag and/or the potential for differential sticking are likely,
such as when drilling highly deviated or high-differential-pressure wells. This additive is especially useful for preventing the "stick-slip”
condition in directional drilling when using the "slide" method without rotation.

Normal concentrations of LUBE-100 lubricant range from 2 to 4% or 7 to 17.5 lb/bbl (20 to 50 kg/m3), depending on the mud density, desired
reduction in coefficient of friction and the mud system. After the initial treatment, periodic treatments should be made to maintain the
desired concentration. Higher concentrations may be needed for pills and special applications. Treatment levels and product usage will
depend on the rate of penetration, solids-control equipment and dilution rates. Due to the potential for an increase in viscosity when
added to lightly-treated, high-bentonite systems or to systems with high solids, heavy treatments of LUBE-100 lubricant should be added
slowly. If high viscosity occurs, circulation time and temperature cycling will restore the fluid to near-original conditions. While LUBE-
100 lubricant does not affect the rheology of most mud systems, pilot testing is recommended as a precautionary measure for all initial
applications and large treatments.

LUBE-100 lubricant should be added slowly, directly to the mud system wherever there is good agitation or through the mixing hopper.
One suggested application method consists of maintaining a small, constant stream, added directly into the suction pit.

LUBE-100 lubricant does not "grease," is resistant to contamination and is compatible with common water-base mud additives. Because
the product has very low foaming potential, it will not cause foaming problems in the mud system. For offshore applications with Lube-
100 lubricant concentrations approaching 4%, the LC50 should be monitored closely.
■■ Highly effective down hole lubricant for reducing torque and drag
■■ Reduces the potential for, and the severity of, differential sticking
■■ Ideal for minimizing the "stick-slip" condition when "sliding" in directional drilling
■■ Resists contamination and is compatible with other water-base additives
■■ Chemically stable down hole under pressure and at temperatures of more than 450° F (232° C)
■■ Reduces the tendency for bit and stabilizer balling when drilling gumbo clays
■■ Can improve wellbore stability and inhibition, and help obtain more gauge holes
■■ Helps improve high-temperature filtration control
■■ Helps maximize rate of penetration
■■ Environmentally acceptable for offshore use
■■ Does not sheen

■■ May cause high viscosity when added to non-dispersed, lightly-treated bentonite or high-solids fluids

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

LUBE-100 lubricant is a low toxicity product. For offshore applications with LUBE-100 lubricant concentrations approaching 4%, the LC50
should be closely monitored.

Packaging and Storage

LUBE-100 additive is packaged in 55 gal (208 l) drums and is available in bulk.

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flames. Store away from incompatibles.
Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

P.O. Box 42842

Houston, Texas 77242-2842
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
Tel: 281·561·1300
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Fax: 281·561·1441
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2010 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.* Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1201.1102.R2 (E)
MD-3 Triple-Deck Shale Shaker
More decks. More options. Less space.

Features and Benefits
• Dual modes of elliptical motion: • Standard spray bar assists con- • Front controls, automation options
progressive and balanced1 veyance of heavy and/or sticky and fume hood for highest degree
• Efficiency operating mode for solids on scalping deck during of discharge regulation
increased fluid recovery, discard various formations • Meets highest standard of
dryness and screen life • Resists damage caused by discard dryness
• High-capacity operating mode generator voltage fluctuations
Screen Technology
for increased capacity and Flexibility/Customization Options • Composite screen technology
conveyance rate
• Modular bolting provisions for increases effective open area,
• VIBRATORY MOTION DRIVE* in installation allow flexible shaker improves process capacity,
two modes (6.3 and 7.2 G’s) configurations (mud cleaners, and maximizes screen life
produces a drier cuttings dual shaker, loss-prevention- • Lightweight screens (<15 lb
discharge and results in material recovery for wellbore- [<6.8 kg]) for easier handling
improved separation efficiency strengthening applications)
• Integral gasket to withstand fluids
• VIBRATORY MOTION DRIVE allows • Inlet and outlet locations can be at elevated temperatures
operating modes to be switched configured to exactly match the
while shaker is in motion • Compatible with all drilling fluids
BEM-650 shaker, BEM-600* shaker
• Fluid distribution designed to and other similar-sized shakers • Self-latching for fast and easy
utilize all available screen area, screen changes with no tools
• Feeder can be easily configured
regardless of drilling conditions into a variety of connection • Pre-tensioned screens allow for
• Modular platform to accom- points for installations with more efficient screen changes
modate a variety of features limited space • Front loading for improved
• Footprint matches the operator safety
Flow Distribution
M-I SWACO* BEM-650* shaker • Integral drip lip for proper solids
• Three effluent ports allow
• Available in common power- discharge without contacting
processed fluid to discharge
supply configurations to shaker basket
through skid rear or sides
meet all applicable global Screen-Clamping System
electrical standards Controls
• Pneumatic actuators rated for
• Deck-adjustment system • Remote starting and
operation at 90 psi (6.2 bar)
capable of adjustment while monitoring features
and compatible at elevated
processing fluid • Easy-to-use pneumohydraulic temperatures for a variety
• Unique feeder assembly that deck-angle adjustment1 for of drilling fluids
presents fluid to the scalping reduced mud loss from screens.
• Patent-pending screen bed
screens as a uniform, low-impact Fluid is a water/low-toxicity
with sloped bottom to prevent
curtain. Feeder can be easily con- antifreeze mixture.
solids buildup and facilitate
figured into a variety of connec- • M-I SWACO can design and supply easy cleanup
tion points for installations with customized automation systems
limited space. to control and monitor multiple
• Fume-extraction hood reduces MD-3 shale shakers and other
operator exposure to vapors asso- related equipment
ciated with drilling fluids and pre- • Stainless steel electrical control
vents fluid splashing outside the box is accessible from the typical
shaker boundaries operator interface and includes a
• Heavy-gauge carbon-steel con- remote starting interface
struction and 316-L stainless steel • The pneumatic control, mounted
on high-wear areas reduces main- on the front of the shaker, pro-
tenance costs and helps to ensure vides an operator interface to
long service life control the deck-adjustment
• State-of-the art motion generators and screen-clamping systems
are oilfield proven and require Environmental Protection
minimal maintenance
• Reduced carbon footprint
• Built to Health/Safety/
Environment (HSE)-driven

1Patent pending
When expectations are high
and space is tight, this is the only
shale shaker that makes sense

ឣ A P P L I C A T I O N S
Changing drilling conditions require The front controls have been
Global drilling projects where more immediate, flexible solids-control designed for operational ease and
effective fluids/solids separation is solutions. Environmental require- safety, while the low operational
required and shaker footprint must ments demand up-to-the-minute noise levels and minimum mainte-
be kept to a minimum. conformance with ever stricter criteria. nance requirements further increase
Rig space, especially offshore but worker safety. The shaker’s footprint
ឣ P R O B L E M S
also onshore, is at an all-time pre- matches the popular M-I SWACO
Even with rig space at a premium, mium as more and more technology BEM-650 shaker to simplify retrofitting
maximum solids control is needed
crowds the working environment. into existing shaker houses.
more than ever, particularly in
The M-I SWACO MD-3 shale shaker Movement of fluid and cuttings
deepwater where shale formations
present a multitude of drilling and lets you meet all of these challenges over all three decks maximizes use
wellbore-stability challenges. — small footprint, the most effective of the screen area for high fluid
solids-control options and the ability capacity. The ability to adjust the
ឣ S O L U T I O N S to adapt quickly to changing drill- deck angle as conditions change is
The M-I SWACO MD-3 shale ing conditions — with a compact, just one of many other features that
shaker provides three decks of high-performance solution. set the MD-3 shale shaker apart.
automated, effective solids control Backing up the powerful capabilities
in a small-footprint unit. A high-spec shaker of the M-I SWACO MD-3 shaker is a
global infrastructure that helps you to
ឣ E C O N O M I C S
for high-spec rigs get the spare parts, screens and other
Solid engineering and more efficient, In addition to meeting the most solids-removal and waste-handling
effective solids removal translates to stringent criteria for discard dryness, technology you require, wherever
lower waste volumes and higher feed the MD-3 shale shaker is designed your project is located.
rates, increasing project upside and with many “standard” features that
reducing downtime for shaker repairs. are considered special-order by
other manufacturers.
Compact shaker, expanded
ឣ E N V I R O N M E N T A L We consider the shaker’s flexibility capability, worldwide solutions
By producing drier cuttings and signif- to meet your project needs the key The modular, multi-deck MD-3 shaker
icantly reduced cuttings volumes, the to reliability and productivity. is just one example of the M-I SWACO
MD-3 triple-deck shaker reduces your Automation and a fume hood are approach to understanding and solv-
project’s environmental footprint and standard for high-spec applications ing your solids-control problems.
the associated coats. but can be removed to accommodate Going far beyond the capabilities
“basic” shaker needs. The MD-3 of an equipment supplier, we are
shaker can be configured to process problem solvers with a group of
high volumes of fluid or to recover specialists dedicated to increasing
Loss-Prevention Material (LPM) in your overall productivity.
wellbore-strengthening operations. For more information about
For unmatched adaptability, stan- the MD-3 shaker or any of the
dard MD-3 shaker versions are avail- other products and services
able to operate with international within our ENVIRONMENTAL
power supplies (230, 400, 460, 575 SOLUTIONS* offerings, contact
and 690 volts) while meeting regional your M-I SWACO representative.
hazardous-area specifications (UL, CE,
Composite, lightweight screen choices with
self-latching mechanism and integrated seal.
Compatible with all drilling fluids.

Two state-of-the-art, oilfield-proven

3.7-HP motion generators with
1,800 rpm maximum speed

Standard configuration has one

scalping deck and two primary
decks. Pre-tensioned, composite
scalping screens have the
following gross screen areas:
• Scalping deck: 25.4 ft2 (2.4 m2)
• Primary decks: 50.8 ft2 (4.7 m2)

Two available modes of operation

with single-switch adjustment:
• 6.3 G’s progressive elliptical
• 7.2 G’s balanced elliptical

Bolting provisions for

installation of multiple-shaker
and mud-cleaner options Standard unit is ATEX, CE,
NORSOK and UL-rated

Fluid is split into four streams

on top flowback pan and is
directed to primary decks
through four rear ducts
Fume-extraction system doubles
as a splash-retention system

Screen-clamping actuators
designed with continuous
toggle to allow installation
from discharge end of shaker

Standard capabilities,
not just options
We’ve designed the standard MD-3 shale
shaker with the following significant
enhancements, but we do offer options
to enhance onsite performance:
• Dual modes of elliptical motion:
progressive and balanced1
• Efficiency operating mode for
increased fluids recovery, discard
dryness and screen life
• High-capacity operating mode for
increased capacity and conveyance rate
• A scalping deck that can be adjusted
for optimum performance and reduced
installation footprint
• Highest level certifications and
multiple voltage/cycle configurations
• Screen-deck angle can be adjusted
while processing fluid to match
changing drilling conditions
• Unique feeder assembly that presents
fluid to the scalping screens as a
Patented deck-
uniform, low-impact curtain
adjustment system • Screen bed with sloped bottom pre-
vents solids buildup and cleans easily1
• Latest lightweight composite
screen design includes a latching
mechanism to minimize time for
full screen changeouts1

Deck angle can be adjusted while

processing fluid. Adjustment range:
• Scalping deck: +3 to –1°
• Primary decks: +8 to +4°
MD-3 Shale Shaker Specifications

25 88.6 (3,205) Inspection covers
(64) (2,249) Recommended 10 (254)
20 12 screen removal 4 places
(51) (32)

C of G
69.6 70.3
(1,768) (1,786)


Ø 11 (27) 101.7
6 places (2,584)

Enclosure, pilot box generators Pneumatic controls,
UL/ATEX rated deck adjustment
and screen clamping

Deck angle
(2 places) Ø 15 (38) Typ

Switch disconnect, Shaker shipping

20A, UL/ATEX rated bracket (4 places)
Lifting lugs
(4 places)

Starter assembly, 2-motor,

explosion-proof, UL/ATEX rated
Fume extraction 30.3
(770) 43.3

(1,720) 60.2
Approx. (1,530)
64.7 51.5
overall 45.4 (1,644) (1,308)
height at (1,154)
0° 32.9 Approx.
(835) Weir inlet
Approx. height
C of G 13.8 (351)

24.4 29.8
(621) (756) Hydraulic 55.8
reservoir (1,416)
33.6 (854) 37.3
Approx. Discharge gate (948)
C of G (4 required) 74.6
56.2 29.8 (1,895)
(1,427) 88.2 (756)
A (2,240) A Optional
rear discharge

These renderings are for information purposes only

and are not actual schematics.
Dimensions • Screen type:
• Length 101.7 in. (2,584 mm) Scalping deck: Pre-tensioned composite
Primary decks: Pre-tensioned composite
• Width 77.4 in. (1,967 mm)
• Screen clamping:
• Height 67.7 in. (1,720 mm) Scalping deck: Pneumatic
• Weight 6,450 lb (2,926 kg) Primary decks: Pneumatic
• Screen Deck and Screens • Vibrating basket: Carbon steel
• Gross screen area: Motion Generator Specifications
Scalping deck: 25.4 ft2 (2.4 m2) • Two (2) vibrator motors
Primary decks: 50.8 ft2 (4.7 m2)
• 460V (220 to 690V available)
• Net (API) surface area:
Scalping deck: 15.8 ft2 (1.5 m2) • ATEX, CE, NORSOK and UL-rated
Primary decks: 31.7 ft2 (2.9 m2) • Motor weight: 550 lb (249 kg) each
• Deck-adjustment system:
Scalping deck: +3° to –1°
Primary decks: +8° to +4°


Motion maps of capacity mode (7.2 G’s, balanced elliptical)

Direction of flow

Motion maps of efficiency mode (6.3 G’s, unbalanced elliptical)

P.O. Box 42842
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
Tel: 281·561·1300
Fax: 281·561·1441
Technology Centers:
Tel: 281·561·1300 · Fax: 281·561·1441
Tel: 44·1224·334634 · Fax: 44·1224·334650
Tel: 47·51·577300 · Fax: 47·51·576503
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no
guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use
of this data. All product warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms
of Sale. Nothing in this document is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.

©2009 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.*Mark of M-I L.L.C.

DBR.1311.0904.R1 (E) 2.5M Litho in U.S.A.
m-i Cedar FiBer

M-I CEDAR FIBER* cellulose is shredded cedar wood used to prevent and/or
regain lost circulation.

M-I CEDAR FIBER additive has a fibrous shape, and is an effective material for regaining circulation when seepage or major loss zones are
encountered. It may be used as a preventative additive if losses are anticipated. M-I CEDAR FIBER material can be used to treat the entire
system or used in concentrated slugs or batches.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Brown fiber

Specific gravity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.60

Solubility (in water) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Insoluble

Bulk density .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18.8 lb/ft3 (301 kg/m3)

Additions of M-I CEDAR FIBER product will help to prevent lost circulation when added before entering a thief zone. If seepage or severe
losses occur, the use of M-I CEDAR FIBER fluid-loss-control product will help to regain full returns.

M-I CEDAR FIBER product should be used with various sizes of granular and flake material to provide a wide variation in particle shape
when loss circulation is M-I CEDAR FIBER lost circulation- control product may be used to treat the whole system or spotted as a pill across
the loss zone. It also can be used in high fluid-loss slurries or squeezes.

Suggested treating levels for minor losses are from 2 to 10 lb/bbl (6.0 to 28.0 kg/m3), and 5 to 25 lb/bbl (8.6 to 71.3 kg/m3) for losses
requiring higher concentrations.

M-I CEDAR FIBER lost-circulation-control material can be added directly through the hopper in situations where good agitation is available.

■■ Effective fibrous lost circulation additive

■■ May be used for seepage or moderate-to-severe losses

■■ Only one size available

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described on the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).
Packaging and Storage
M-I CEDAR FIBER product is packaged in 50 lb (22.7 kg) multiwall, paper sacks.

Store at moderate temperatures in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep in original container

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1307.1104.R1 (E) Litho in U.S. A.
m-i-X II

M-I-X II* cellulose fiber is a superior plugging agent used to bridge and
seal permeable formations in water-, oil- or synthetic-base mud systems.
Bridging and sealing permeable formations reduces the differential-pressure sticking tendencies which can cause high torque and
drag or stuck pipe. The product is particularly useful for preventing differentially-stuck pipe when drilling depleted zones where high
differential pressures exist. For added flexibility, M-I-X II fiber is available in fine (original), medium and coarse grades so that the
optimum particle size can be selected to bridge the pores and pore throats of permeable formations. M-I-X II fiber additions have
minimal effect on mud properties.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ................................................................................................................................................................... Tan to light-brown powder

Bulk density .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22-32 lb/ft3 (352-513 kg/m3)

GrindSize Fine Medium Coarse

Finer than 8 mesh - - >95%
Finer than 50 mesh - > 80% -
Finer than 100 mesh > 90% < 60% < 15%
Median (microns) 44-74 104-149 420-840

M-I-X II fiber is a superior bridging agent, field-proven to be highly effective when drilling high-permeability/ high-porosity zones
with high differential pressures. Each grind size has a specially selected particle size distribution optimized to seal a wide range of

M-I-X II fiber is designed to bridge and seal permeable formations, reducing the possibility of stuck pipe, controlling lost circulation and
providing filtration control. It is compatible with water-, oil- and synthetic-base mud systems.

The recommended treatment is 5 to 10 lb/bbl (14 to 29 kg/m3) to reduce differential sticking tendencies. After initial treatment, periodic
treatments should be used to maintain the desired concentration. Significant quantities of the medium and coarse grades will be
removed by fine- mesh shale shaker screens (100 mesh or finer).

Fine-grade M-I-X II fiber is recommended for most applications due to its special particle size distribution. Very high-permeability
formations, such as fractured carbonates and conglomerate zones, can require the medium or coarse products.

For see page losses, normal treatments are from 10 to 20 lb/bbl (29 to 57 kg/m3). Concentrations in the 20 to 35 lb/bbl (57 to 100 kg/m3)
range are recommended for more severe lost circulation. Pilot testing is recommended before adding high concentrations because the
material absorbs a small quantity of liquid when added to the mud system.
Applications (cont’d)
M-I-X II fiber should be added to the mud system through a mixing hopper into a pit with good agitation, such as the suction pit. It is
a one-sack product and does not require any additional additives. It is most effective when maintained at the desired concentration
throughout the circulating system. However, treatment methods such as frequent periodic additions, sweeps, batch- or slug-treatments
and pills have all been used successfully.

M-I-X II fiber is compatible with all mud systems and can be used in combination with other lost-circulation materials, including NUT
PLUG, mica, sized calcium carbonate, gilsonite, etc.

M-I-X II fiber residue can be partially removed using standard treatments such as hydrochloric acid or alkaline hypochlorite solutions.
M-I-X II fiber is more than 55% acid soluble in 15% HCl at 212° F (100° C).

■■ Effective bridging and sealing agent for a wide range of formations
■■ Offers unique particle sizes smaller than conventional lost-circulation materials yet larger than the solids found in most mud systems
■■ Available in fine (original), medium and coarse grades, allowing the most appropriate particle sizes to be used
■■ Inert material with minimum effect on mud properties
■■ One-sack product with no other additive requirements
■■ Compatible with all mud systems and other lost-circulation materials
■■ Easily mixed and dispersed into the mud system
■■ Easily passes through most shaker screens

■■ Can be removed from the circulating system by shale shakers and solids-control equipment, especially when using the medium and
coarse grades with fine-mesh screens (<100 mesh), which requires close monitoring of shale shakers
■■ Biodegradable and can be subject to bacterial degradation. If fermentation is indicated, a biocide should be used at the recommended
maximum treatment level
■■ Absorbs a small quantity of liquid when added to a mud system and can elevate flow properties when used at very high
■■ Treatments with additional wetting agent may be required in low stability or lightly treated oil-base muds because of the high surface
area of this slightly absorbing material

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Dust can form an explosive mixture in the air. Keep away from open flames or other sources of ignition.

Packaging and Storage

MIX II fiber is packaged in 25 lb (11.4 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks).

Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices
regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2007 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.*Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1312.0701.R1 (E)

MICA* is a soft potassium aluminium silicate mineral graded into fine,

medium and coarse size ranges.
MICA is used for regaining lost circulation. Fine grade is used extensively as a preventative measure against loss of circulation. It will
pass through a 20 mesh shaker screen.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ................................................................................................................................................... Grey - white - silver lustrous flakes

Specific gravity......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2.9

Solubility......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Insoluble in water

Bulk density ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 700 - 900 kg/m3

MICA is chemically inert in any drilling fluid systems and is unaffected by crude oils, acids or brines.


The particle size for each grade are as follows:

Grade Size Fine Medium Coarse

Particle Size < 2.36 mm - 100 % < 3.0 mm -100% < 4.75 mm - 100 %
Particle Size 1.0 mm - 92 % 2.36 mm - 90 % 2.36 mm - 96.6 %
Particle Size 0.5 mm - 49.4% 1 .0 mm - 55 % 1.0 mm - 55.9 %
Particle Size - 0.5 mm - 20 % 0.5 mm - 14.7%

MICA FINE may be added to the drilling fluid system as a preventative measure and will not adversely affect the drilling fluid.

Fine grade can be added up to a rate of 11.0 to 17.0 kg/m3 (3.85 to 6 lb/bbl) when a porous zone is anticipate. Medium and coarse grades
are used singularly or in combination with other lost circulation materials when severe lost circulation occurs.
This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2007 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.*Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1316.1104.R1 (E)
nuT Plug

■■ Inert additive, compatible in all types
NUT PLUG* cellulose comprises ground walnut
and densities of fluids or pecan hulls and is used as a treatment for
■■ Will not ferment
■■ Unaffected by pH or temperature
lost circulation.
■■ Based on particle shape, size, and NUT PLUG material is available in fine, medium, and coarse particle sizes, and may
compressive strength, it is a superior be used in all types and densities of fluid systems. NUT PLUG may be also used as a
lost circulation additive granular-type lubricant to reduce torque and drag

Typical Physical Properties

LIMITATIONS Physical appearance .................................................................................Tan to brown granules
■■ Larger-sized shale-shaker screens are
needed to retain the material in the Specific gravity.......................................................................................................................1.2 – 1.4
Solubility in water ............................................................................................................... Insoluble
When using large concentrations in
non-aqueous fluids, increased Bulk density ......................................................................................36 – 40 lb/ft3 (580 – 640 kg/m3)
amounts of wetting agent may be
needed Median Particle Size
Grade Recommended Test Procedure
d50 (μm)**
Fine 400 - 500 Dry sieve analysis
Medium 1400 - 1600 Dry sieve analysis
Coarse 1500 - 2000 Dry sieve analysis

NUT PLUG cellulose is an effective lost circulation treating material.

NUT PLUG hulls possess high compressive strength. They are available from two
sources: pecan and walnut with walnut hulls being the stronger of the two.

Treatment levels depend on the severity of the losses and type of formation where the
losses occur. Typical preventative treatment levels are 2 to 5 lb/bbl (6 to 14 kg/m3) for
moderate losses and 5 to 25 lb/bbl (14 to 71 kg/m3) for more severe losses. It may be
used to treat the entire system or added as a high-concentration pill. NUT PLUG has a
granular shape, and can be used in a blend of various sizes (fine, medium, and coarse)
to prevent lost circulation or regain returns once losses begin. It also may be mixed
with particulates of other shapes and sizes to provide a wide variation in particle
properties for optimum control.

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and
grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
measured with the appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative
of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
Applications (Cont)
NUT PLUG can be added to other special slurries, such as high-fluid-loss squeezes, to
assist in forming string bridging plugs.

NUT PLUG also can be used to reduce the coefficient of friction (CoF).

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the

precautions as described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

NUT PLUG is packaged in 50-lb (22.7-kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.

Store in a dry location away from sources of heat or ignition, and minimize dust.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1490.1103.R2 (E) Litho in U.S. A.
oPTiSeal i, ii, iii & iV

■■ “One-sack blends” of specifically
THE OPTISEAL* product family consists of four
sized WSM for a wide range of blends of Lost Circulation Materials that can
formations and severity of losses
■■ Consistency of grind size, composition function as Wellbore Strengthening Materials
and physical properties (WSM).
■■ Essentially inert materials, that have a
minimum effect on fluid properties and The four WSM blends are designed to plug fracture apertures up to at least 1,200 μm,
compatible with all mud systems as well as provide fluid-loss control in moderate-to-high-permeability formations.
Laboratory testing has confirmed fracture sealing and fluid-loss-control performance.
Hard, tough granular materials resist
degradation of particle size Typical Physical Properties
Physical appearance ..................................................................................... White to gray or tan
■■ Bypassed shaker screens or screens Specific gravity....................................................................................................................... 1.6 - 2.8
with larger openings allow drill
Solubility in water @ 68° F (20° C) ................................................................................... Insoluble
cuttings to remain in circulation,
resulting in higher fluid rheology, wear Nominal Median Particle Size (d50)** ...................................................................... 500 – 600 µm
on pump liners, and wear on LWD
tools and risk of plugging LWD tools.
Continuous additions can generate
large volumes of waste material and Graphitic Graphitic Graphitic
more inventories required on the material material material
rigsite. Sized Marble
Ground Nut Shells Sized Marble Sized Marble &
■■ Non-acid-soluble material in the Cellulosic Material
OPTISEAL I, II and III blends may not be
suited for openhole completions
where acid treatment is required.
The OPTISEAL blends I, II, III and IV are designed as fracture sealing and Wellbore
■■ The OPTISEAL I blend is not Strengthening Materials (WSM) for porous and fractured formations while drilling
recommended for use in operations with either aqueous or non-aqueous fluids. The OptiSeal I and II blends are designed
where WSM recovered from the specifically for water-based mud applications. The OPTISEAL III blend is designed for
shaker screens is milled and Non-Aqueous Fluid (NAF) applications. The OPTISEAL IV blend comprises acid-soluble
re-injected with slop and cuttings.
maximum openings of at least 1,200 µm and can effectively reduce the potential for
marble for use in reservoir drill-influids. All four blends are designed for loss zones with
Components of the OPTISEAL I blend
can cause clogging of the cyclones differential sticking, lost circulation and torque and drag through improved sealing of
used to mill/crush the solids. problem zones.

** Nominal Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the
manufacturing and grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling
operation, it should be measured via Dry Sieve Analysis using samples that are representative of
those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
Applications (Cont)
OPTISEAL treatments can be applied to stop losses using squeeze treatments, or spot
applications. To prevent losses, OPTISEAL can be added continuously to the circulating
drilling fluid or through regular, repetitive sweeps. The former constitutes the majority
of cases where lost circulation has occurred; the latter can be deployed when drilling
through a formation with a known history of losses.
Remedial Lost Circulation Treatments: The basis of design for the treatment is a low-
fluid-loss Wellbore Strengthening Material (WSM) formulation. The four OPTISEAL
formulations are designed to plug fracture widths up to at least 1,200 μm in addition to
providing good fluid-loss control in moderate-to-high-permeability formations. Particle
Size Distribution (PSD) for the OPTISEAL formulations is based on laboratory fracture
sealing tests. The blends can be slurrified at the rigsite from sacks/big bags. An
alternative is to pre-mix the WSM at a liquid mud plant in a high-volume, high-density
slurry before shipping to a rig. The WSM slurry uses the same base fluid as the drilling
fluid but is unweighted. The slurry provides greater flexibility, improved logistics and
reduced hazards associated with sacked materials. Typical final concentrations
range from 30 – 70 lb/bbl (85 – 200 kg/m3) depending on severity of losses.
Preventative Treatments: The basis of design for the treatment is continuous particle
addition to the circulating drilling fluid when drilling a formation known to have losses.
The main challenge is to maintain a required PSD and concentration in the drilling fluid.
This may be measured at the rigsite using Wet Sieve Analysis or Laser Reflectance.
Typical concentrations range from 12 to 20 lb/bbl (35 – 57 kg/m3). The method of
treatment will depend on length of interval to be drilled:
• When drilling short intervals, the WSM is added to the active pit or spotted at the bit.
When drilling ahead, the shaker screens are either bypassed entirely or all but the
top screens are removed. This allows the WSM to be directly recycled and retained
in the drilling fluid. Another option is to utilize a MANAGED PARTICLE SIZE RECOVERY SYSTEM*
(MPSRS) to recover the WSM while discarding drilled cuttings and fines.
• When drilling extended intervals (> 300 ft or 91.4 m), it is recommended to use a
MPSRS or MD-3 (triple deck) shaker to recover the WSM. By managing the particles
in circulation, the rheology of the fluid is more easily controlled, resulting in improved
Equivalent Circulating Density (ESD) management.
Toxicity and Handling
Bioassay information is available upon request.
Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the
precautions described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Packaging and Storage
The OPTISEAL I, II, III and IV additives are packaged in 55-lb (25-kg) multi-wall, paper sacks.
Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from
incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding,
shrink-wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1502.1103.R3 (E) Litho in U.S. A.

POLYSWELL* copolymer is used in lost circulation and expands to 200 times

its volume in freshwater.

This material is environmentally safe.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance ......................................................................................................................................................................................... White powder

Specific gravity ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................0.8–1.0

Solubility.................................................................................................................................................................................... Swells on contact with water

POLYSWELL copolymer is used to fill or seal fractures. As the material fully hydrates the fracture/void is sealed. This product can also be
spotted in caving zones to reduce caving problems.

Directly after placing the POLYSWELL pill, pull up above the problem zone to prevent sticking. Full hydration occurs in 20 to 30 min. Circulate
with mud and lost-circulation material (LCM) to fill the bridge.

■■ POLYSWELL copolymer can be prehydrated before adding

■■ Because of its swelling capacity and variability in size, POLYSWELL additive can accumulate in a variety of fracture sizes

Method of Addition
POLYSWELL additive can be mixed in water or drilling mud with or without LCM. Add 1 to 3 lb (0.5 to 1.5 kg) per 4 gal (20 L) of water or mud
in a pail. (Lesser and greater amounts have been used.) Pump the mixture as soon as possible once the dry polymer beads are mixed.
When using POLYSWELL additive in core drilling, be sure the core tube has been pulled before pumping the solution downhole. Repeat as
necessary to stop fluid loss.

Improper placement of the POLYSWELL additive can result in stuck drill rods.
Toxicity and Handling
Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

POLYSWELL copolymer is packaged in 5 gal (18.9 l) buckets.

Store in a dry location away from sources of heat or ignition.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
HPB.1605.0706.R3 (E) Litho in U.S. A.
■■ Acid-soluble, product which minimizes
SAFE-CARB* ground marble is a high-purity, acid-
formation damage soluble, calcium carbonate used as a bridging
■■ Effective bridging agent
■■ Numerical suffix provides a simple
and weighting agent in drilling, drill-in and
method of identifying the approximate workover/completion fluids.
d50 of the material
SAFE-CARB usually is preferred over limestone since it generally is harder and purer
■■ High-hardness, ground marble resists
than limestone. Its higher purity provides nearly complete acid solubility. SAFE-CARB is
particle-size degradation
available in eight standard grind sizes: SAFE-CARB 2, 10, 20, 40, 250, 500, 600 and 750, and
■■ Essentially chemically inert and has special grind sizes of 1400 and 2500.
minimum effect on fluid properties
Typical Physical Properties
■■ Finer grades such as SAFE-CARB 2, 10
Physical appearance ................................................................................................White powder
and 20 will pass through most fine-
mesh shaker screens Specific gravity.........................................................................................................................2.7–2.8
Solubility in water @ 212° F (100° C) ....................................................................0.0035 g/100 ml
Solubility in 15% HCl @ 76° F (24.4° C) .................................................................................. ≥ 98%

Median Particle Size

Product Name* Recommended Test Procedure
d50 (μm)**
SAFE-CARB 2 1-4 Laser light scattering
SAFE-CARB 10 6 - 15 Laser light scattering
SAFE-CARB 20 16 - 29 Laser light scattering
SAFE-CARB 40 31 - 48 Laser light scattering
SAFE-CARB 250 225 - 300 Dry sieve analysis
SAFE-CARB 500 430 - 520 Dry sieve analysis
SAFE-CARB 600 550 - 650 Dry sieve analysis
SAFE-CARB 750 655 - 800 Dry sieve analysis
SAFE-CARB 1400 1200 - 1550 Dry sieve analysis
SAFE-CARB 2500 2300 - 2700 Dry sieve analysis

SAFE-CARB additives are acid-soluble calcium carbonate bridging and weighting agents
used to control fluid loss, lost circulation and density. They can be used in almost any
aqueous or non-aqueous drilling fluid, as well as the FLOPRO* NT, FAZEPRO*, VERSAPRO* and
DIPRO* reservoir drilling fluids, and workover and completion fluids. They also are used
in SEAL-N-PEEL* applications to seal the inside of sand-control completion assemblies.
SAFE-CARB 2 to SAFE-CARB 40 are the grind sizes normally used for fluid loss control and to

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and grinding
process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be measured with the
appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative of those expected to be used in
that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston Technical Services upon request.
Applications (Cont)
seepage losses (< 10 bbl/hr or 1.6 m3/hr of whole fluid). Typically, the products are
used as blends to treat the entire drilling fluid at a total concentration of 10 to 50 lb/
bbl (29 to 143 kg/m³). The M-I SWACO OPTIBRIDGE* proprietary engineering software is
recommended for selecting the optimum blend of SAFE-CARB products to minimize lost
circulation in permeable or naturally fractured formations.
The amount of SAFE-CARB required to increase the mud density can be calculated as follows:

980 x (w2 - w1) 2800 x (w2 - w1)

SAFE-CARB, lb/bbl = SAFE-CARB, kg/m3 =
23.3 - w2 2.8 - w2
where: where:
w1 = Initial mud weight in lb/gal w1 = Initial mud weight as specific gravity
w2 = Desired mud weight in lb/gal w2 = Desired mud weight as specific gravity

SAFE-CARB 250 to SAFE-CARB 2500 grind sizes generally are used in lost circulation
situations requiring larger particle sizes. They often are used in lost circulation and
SEAL-N PEEL fluid loss pills at concentrations of 30 to 100 lb/bbl (86 to 285 kg/m³) to bridge
highly permeable zones, fractured zones and completions. In addition they may be used
to treat the entire circulating system to prevent losses; in that case, treatment levels in
the whole mud can range from 5 to 50 lb/bbl. Outside the reservoir, other lost circulation
materials may be used with the SAFE-CARB products to provide tighter seals.
SAFE-CARB products also can be added periodically for seepage control to limit losses
(lost circulation and leak-off) to high-permeability formations. They especially are
effective when drilling with high differential pressures caused by an overbalanced
condition or when drilling depleted zones. Treatments range from 2 to 10 sacks per hour
when used for prevention of lost circulation. For sealing depleted zones or induced
fractures, SAFE-CARB is most effective when used in combination with G-SEAL*, G-SEAL
Additions of SAFE-CARB products to an oil- or synthetic-based drilling fluid system may
also require additional oil-wetting agent.
Toxicity and Handling
Bioassay information is available upon request.
No claim of personal safety is intended nor implied by the use of the name “SAFE” in this
product. Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing
the precautions as described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Packaging and Storage
SAFE-CARB 2, 10, 20, 40, 250, 500, 600, 750, 1400 and 2500 additives are packaged in 50 -lb
(22.7 kg), 25 kg (55 lb) and 50-kg (110-lb) multi-wall, paper sacks.
Store in dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Store away from
incompatibles. Follow safe warehousing practices regarding palletizing, banding, shrink-
wrapping and/or stacking.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.1900.1103.R3 (E) Litho in U.S. A.

SAFE-LINK* fluid-loss-control product comprises a chemically modified,

crosslinked cellulose polymer used primarily to control loss of clear brine
fluid to the formation during completion or workover operations.
SAFE-LINK additive controls fluid loss by applying a very viscous material across the formation face, virtually stopping the flow of brine into
the formation. SAFE-LINK fluid- loss-control additive functions through a crosslinked polymer network that is held in place on the formation
face. The effectiveness of this product is not dependent on bridging solids or on viscous drag within the formation matrix.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance .................................................................................................................................................................................. Viscous, tan liquid
Odor .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Faint solvent
Specific gravity ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.32
pH ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................~10
Pour point ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... < 10° F (–12.2° C)
Viscosity .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................> 10,000 cP

SAFE-LINK fluid-loss-control additive is designed to work in non-zinc, halide brines such as CaCl2, CaBr2, NaCl, seawater, NaBr, and KCl,
ranging from 8.6 to 15.1 lb/gal (1030 to 1809 kg/m3) to control wholesale loss of brine to the formation. Generally, SAFE-LINK fluid-loss-
control additive is stable to 250° F (121° C) for at least 48 hours exposure time. Due to the SAFE-LINK additive’s crosslinking mechanism,
differential pressure greater than 2,000 psi is not advisable.

Based on recommended treatment levels and recommended use, the fluid loss to moderately permeable formations (100 to 1000 mD) can
be reduced to < 2 bbl/day per 30 ft (9.1 m) interval.

Mixing Instructions - For a 60 ft, 7.5 in. (18.3 m, 19 cm) perforated interval, mix a 10 bbl pill as follows:

1. Add 2.5 to 3.5 lb/bbl (7.1 to 10.0 kg/m3) SAFE-VIS additive or 3 to 4 gal/bbl (0.071 to 0.095 m3/m3) SAFE-VIS HDE additive to viscosify 260 gal
of brine.
2. Select the density of the viscosified brine prior to the addition of the SAFE-LINK additive so that the total pill density will be correct for
the target application.
3. Add 32 pails of SAFE-LINK additive (the contents of one standard pallet). Stir gently with a lightning mixer or paddle mixer to slurry the
SAFE-LINK additive into the viscosified brine. Do not over-shear the slurry; the slurry should be lumpy or stringy when pumped.

A 10 bbl pill is the minimum recommended treatment. For shorter intervals, use the same treatment. For longer intervals, use a
treatment of 0.5 pail per perforated foot (0.3 m). For variation in pipe diameter, increase or decrease the number of pails and pill volume
as appropriate.
■■ Premixed liquid
■■ No special mixing equipment requirements
■■ Good to 250° F (121° C)
■■ Can be used at differential pressures up to 2000 psi
■■ Clean up with dilute acid
■■ Not designed for higher temperatures than 250° F (121° C)
■■ For less severe fluid-loss applications, a SAFE-VIS* (i.e., un-crosslinked) pill may suffice
■■ For more severe fluid-loss applications, even a SAFE-LINK pill may not be sufficient, and the user may have to resort to a solids-laden
(sized-carbonate) pill
Toxicity and Handling
Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

SAFE-LINK fluid-loss-control additive is packaged in 5 gal (18.9 l) pails.

Store in dry, well-ventilated area. Keep container closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flames. Store away from incompatibles

P.O. Box 42842

This document is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale.
©2004 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. * Mark of M-I L.L.C.
CPB.1926.1104.R1 (E)
Inter-Office Correspondence

To: Neal Smothers Doc. ID: PA20001016.009WC

From: Wray Curtis Date: 19 October 2000

Copy To: Jim Friedheim Subject: Pelletized lost circulation material

Fred Growcock for use in synthetic-based drilling

In a previous study, preparation of a viable pelletized lost circulation material for water-based
mud was shown to be feasible. The resulting product, manufactured by Grinding and Sizing Co.,
was found to be readily dispersible in the fluid, and it was used sucessfully in the field.
Pelletized LCM was also prepared for use in non-aqueous fluids, but its dispersion in a typical
SBM fell short of expectations. In the study described below, another pelletized LCM for SBM
was created, this time with 5% NOVAWET as binder; this new product was found to be readily
dispersible in an SBM.

Test Objective

To determine how well the pellets disperse in a 14.0 ppg SBM and to monitor any changes in the
Electrical Stability of the mud.


All three of the pellet formulations dispersed well after mixing 10 minutes at 4000 rpm on a
Hamilton Beach mixer. Each formulation exhibited some reduction in Electrical Stabilty.


• NOVAPLUS field mud from well OCS-G-18189 #1: the density was cut-back from 16.35
ppg to 13.94 ppg using a 50/50 blend of IO C16-18 and BIO-BASE 560 base fluids. The

resulting rheological properties follow in the Test Data section.
Three types of LCM pellets in Ziploc bags:
1) Dated 10-4-00; 65% G-SEAL, 30% M-I-X II (Med), 5% NOVAWET
Assigned Lab Master Number – 20003199.
2) Dated 10-5-00; Seepage I – Synthetic, 5% NOVAWET
Assigned Lab Master Number – 20003199-01.
3) Dated 10-10-00; Seepage II – Synthetic, 5% NOVAWET
Assigned Lab Master Number – 20003199-02.

PA20001016.009WC Page 1 of 3
Test Data

Standard Properties of Base Mud:

Rheology Temp., °F
Cut-Back Field Mud

Density, ppg 13.94

600 rpm 35
300 rpm 20
200 rpm 14
100 rpm 9
6 rpm 3
3 rpm 3

PV, cP 15
YP, lb/100ft2 5

10-Sec Gel, lb/100ft2 6

10-MinGel, lb/100ft2 10

Elec. Stability, V 721

Dynamic Dispersion Test:

One barrel equivalent samples of the cut-back field mud were weighed into 1-Qt glass jars. The
initial Electrical Stability of the mud was determined at 69.5°F (room temperature) to be 719
volts. Each sample was stirred at 4000 rpm on a Hamilton Beach mixer. The LCM pellet
concentration was 35 ppb and mixing time was 10 minutes. After mixing was completed, the
Electrical Stability was determined. The mud sample was then poured over a 20-mesh sieve and
Dispersion percentages were estimated by visual observation.

1) G-SEAL / M-I-X II (M); ES = 358 volts. The pellets were 100% dispersed, with the
sample passing completely through the 20-mesh sieve.
2) Seepage I; ES = 648 volts. The pellets were approximately 99% dispersed. The 1%
remaining on the sieve were highly eroded pieces that crumbled easily when probed
with a spatula.

PA20001016.009WC Page 2 of 3
3) Seepage II; ES = 572 volts. The pellets were approximately 98% dispersed. The 2%
remaining on the sieve consisted of half very small, highly eroded pieces and half
very small, but less eroded pieces. All of the pieces crumbled easily when probed
with a spatula.

Another one barrel-equivalent sample of the cut-back field mud was stirred on a Hamilton Beach
mixer at 4000 rpm and treated with 35 ppb conventional LCM consisting of 14 ppb M-I-X II (F),
14 ppb M-I-X II (M) and 7 ppb M-I-X II (C). After mixing 10 minutes the Electrical Stability
was determined to be 638 volts.


The lost circulation material pellets specially prepared for synthetic-based drilling fluid appear to
disperse well under laboratory conditions with only a nominal effect on the Electrical Stability.
It is anticipated that the pellets will perform even better under wellsite conditions, where shear
and mixing energy and significantly greater.

PA20001016.009WC Page 3 of 3

VERSAPAC* rheological additive is a highly efficient thermally activated

organic thixotrope.
A unique 100% active, powdered material, VERSAPAC develops a high level of thixotropy in the VERSADRIL, VERSACLEAN and NOVAPLUS oil- and
synthetic-base fluid systems.

Typical Physical Properties

Physical appearance .............................................................................................................................................Finely divided, cream-colored powder

Bulk density .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 g/cm3

Composition ...........................................................................................................................................................................................100% organic polymer

VERSAPAC is a 100% organic polymer that allows for easy incorporation into an active invert emulsion system without adversely affecting
the rheological properties until thermally activated. Its primary applications are as an annular casing pack and barrier fluid.

VERSAPAC should be introduced to the active mud system through a conventional mixing hopper. Full activation is achieved when the
treated fluid is pumped into the well where downhole temperatures will activate the product on demand.

Alternatively, VERSAPAC-treated fluids can be processed by medium to high shear equipment. Activation temperature is typically in the
120 to 150° F (49 to 66° C) range. This processing temperature range, normally reached by using medium to high- shear equipment, is
sufficient to fully build VERSAPAC’s rheology. For effective thixotropic development, typical levels range from 0.5 to 25 lb/bbl (1.4 to 14 kg/m3).
Pilot testing is suggested to determine the optimum loading level for any given system.

■■ Thermally activated gelling agent that can be added directly to oil and synthetic-base systems
■■ Requires no new fluid and only a small treatment to the existing mud system
■■ Maximum formation stability, using oil-base mud as the annular fluid
■■ Minimal viscosity increases until temperature is applied
■■ Minimum impact on ECD and pumping requirements
■■ Gelled fluid column remains able to transmit hydrostatic pressure

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions described in the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS).

Packaging and Storage

VERSAPAC is packaged in 33-lb (15-kg) sacks.
P.O. Box 42842
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
This document is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
Tel: 281∙561∙1300
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Fax: 281∙561∙1441
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2007 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. * Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.2209.1104.R1 (E)

■■ Minimal effects on mud rheology and
VINSEAL* cellulose fiber is a unique lost
electrical stability when used at circulation material and plugging agent that
normal dosages
■■ Effective bridging and sealing agent can be used in all mud systems to bridge and
for a wide range of formations seal permeable formations.
■■ Available in FINE, MEDIUM, and COARSE
grades for optimal performance VINSEAL has minimal effects on rheology and electrical stability (ES), making it especially
ideal for use in oil- and synthetic-based mud systems. VINSEAL helps reduce fluid loss,
Easily mixed and dispersed into mud
enhance filter cake quality, and minimize differential-pressure sticking tendencies,
particularly when drilling depleted zones. VINSEAL is available in FINE, MEDIUM, and COARSE
■■ Can be used in water-, oil-, and grades for optimal performance in bridging and sealing pores and pore throats of
synthetic-based mud systems permeable formations.
■■ One-sack product with no other
additive requirements Typical Physical Properties
Physical appearance ..................................................................................Brownish red powder
■■ Compatible with all mud systems and
other lost-circulation materials Solubility in water ............................................................................................................... Insoluble
■■ FINE-grade easily passes through most
shaker screens Median Particle Size
Grade Recommended Test Procedure
d50 (μm)**
LIMITATIONS FINE 50 - 90 Laser light scattering
■■ Can be removed from the circulating MEDIUM 250 - 350 Dry sieve analysis
system by shale shakers and solids- COARSE 600 - 800 Dry sieve analysis
control equipment, especially when
using the MEDIUM and COARSE grades Applications
with fine-mesh screens (< 100 mesh); VINSEAL additive is a superior lost-circulation material and bridging agent. It is highly
requires close monitoring of shale effective when used for drilling high-permeability/high-porosity zones. The product is
shakers. available in three different grind sizes: FINE, MEDIUM, and COARSE. Unlike conventional
fibrous lost-circulation materials, VINSEAL does not adversely impact the electrical
stability of invert emulsion drilling fluids.

VINSEAL additive is designed to bridge and seal permeable formations, reducing the
possibility of stuck pipe, controlling lost circulation, and providing filtration control. It
is compatible with water-, oil-, and synthetic-based mud systems. The recommended
whole mud treatment to control seepage loss in permeable formations ranges from 2 to
20 lb/bbl (6 to 57 kg/ m3). Concentrations in the range of 20 to 35 lb/bbl (57 to 100 kg/m3)
are recommended for more severe lost circulation.

** Median Particle Size (d50) is reported as a size range due to variations in the manufacturing and
grinding process. If a precise size distribution of a product is critical to a drilling operation, it should be
measured with the appropriate Recommended Test Procedure using samples that are representative
of those expected to be used in that operation. Nominal d10 and d90 values are available from Houston
Technical Services upon request.
Applications (Cont)
On the basis of its special particle size distribution, VINSEAL FINE is recommended for
most applications. Very-high-permeability formations, such as fractured carbonates
and conglomerates, may require the MEDIUM- or COARSE-grade products.

After the initial treatment, periodic treatments should be carried out to maintain the
desired concentration. Significant quantities of VINSEAL MEDIUM and VINSEAL COARSE
additive will be removed by fine-mesh shale shaker screens (100 mesh or finer).

VINSEAL should be added to the mud system through a mixing hopper in a suction or
other pit suitable for proper agitation. It also can be pumped as a pill to prevent or
control severe lost circulation.

Like any other product, pilot testing to determine compatibility with mud properties and
any resulting impact is recommended before adding high concentrations.

Toxicity and Handling

Bioassay information is available upon request.

Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the

precautions as described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Packaging and Storage

VINSEAL is packaged in 50 lb (22.7 kg), multi-wall, paper sacks.

Store in a dry location away from sources of heat or ignition, and minimize dust.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.
©2011 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. *Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPB.2255.1103.R2 (E) Litho in U.S. A.

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