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Year/Semester & Branch: III / VI & AI&DS Given Date:
Max. Marks: 30 Submission Date:

S.No Questions CO K

1. Consider a scenario where Alice wants to securely communicate with Bob

using symmetric key cryptography. Assume they've agreed upon a
symmetric encryption algorithm and have exchanged the key securely
beforehand. (10 M)
1. Explain the basic principles of symmetric key cryptography and its
significance in secure communication.
CO2 K2
2. Describe the process Alice and Bob would follow to exchange encrypted
messages using this shared symmetric key.
3. Discuss the potential vulnerabilities or attacks that symmetric key
cryptography might face and suggest methods to mitigate these risks.
4. Compare symmetric key cryptography with asymmetric key
cryptography, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Explain the architecture and fundamental workings of DES, including the
2. key size, block size, and the number of rounds in its encryption process. CO2 K2
(10 M)
Compare AES to DES. For each of the following elements of DES, indicate
the com- parable element in AES or explain why it is not needed in AES.
a. XOR of subkey material with the input to the f function
3. b. XOR of the f function output with the left half of the block CO2 K2
c. f function
d. permutation P
e. swapping of halves of the block (10 M)


Implement the Blowfish encryption and decryption processes within the

4. application, providing a step-by-step explanation of how Blowfish will be CO2 K3
used to encrypt and decrypt files. (15 M)
Provide a comprehensive overview of the IDEA encryption algorithm,
5. including its key size, block size, and the fundamental operations involved CO2 K3
in its encryption and decryption processes. (15 M)

Provide a comprehensive overview of AES, detailing its key components

such as key size, block size, and the number of rounds for different key
lengths (128, 192, and 256 bits) and Explain the encryption and decryption
6. CO2 K4
processes in AES, emphasizing the sequence of operations involved in each
round and the overall Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) structure.
(30 M)

Prepared by Approved by
Year/Semester & Branch: III / VI & AI&DS Given Date:
Max. Marks: 30 Submission Date:

S.No Questions CO K

1. a) Find 11 13 mod 53 .
b) Find 321 mod 11 using Fermat’s theorem.
c) Using Euclidean algorithm calculate GCD (21,300) & GCD (125, 20) CO3 K2
d) Find GCD of (1403, 1081)
e) Find gcd(1970, 1066) using Euclid’s algorithm. (10 M)
In a Chinese remainder theorem n=210, n1=5, n2=6 n3=7 and compute j -1
2. (3, 5, 2) i.e. given x1=3, x2=5, x3=3. Compute x. (10 M) CO3 K2

Write the working of RSA and choose an application of your choice for
3. CO3 K2
RSA and show how encryption and decryption is carried out. (10 M)


Apply Chinese Reminder Theorem to find X for the given set of congruent
equations and state CRT.
4. X  2 (mod 3) CO3 K3
X  3 (mod 5)
X  2 (mod 7) (15 M)
a) For the given values p = 19, q = 23 and e = 3. Find n, (n) and d using
RSA algorithm.
b) Using the RSA algorithm, encrypt the following:
5. CO3 K3
a) p = 3, q = 11, e = 7, M = 12
b) p = 7, q = 11, e = 17, M = 25
c) Find the corresponding ds for a) and b) and decrypt the ciphertext(15 M)


6. i) Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q CO3 K4

= 11 and a primitive root = 2.
a. Show that 2 is a primitive root of 11.
b. If user A has public key YA = 9, what is A's private key
c. If user B has public key YB = 3, what is the shared secret
key K, shared with A? (10 M)
ii) Consider an ElGamal scheme with a common prime q =
71 and a primitive root = 7
a.If B has public key YB = 3 and A chose the random integer
k = 2, what is the ciphertext of M = 30?
b.If A now chooses a different value of k, so that the
encoding of M = 30 is C =(59, C2), what is the integer C2?
(10 M)
iii) This problem performs elliptic curve encryption /
decryption using the scheme. The cryptosystem parameters
are E11(1, 6) and G = (2, 7). B's secret key is nB = 7.
a. Find B's public key PB.
b. A wishes to encrypt the message Pm = (10, 9) and
chooses the random value k = 3. Determine the ciphertext
c. Show the calculation by which B recovers Pm from Cm.
(10 M)

Prepared by Approved by
Year/Semester & Branch: III / VI & AI&DS Given Date: 14.05.2024
Max. Marks: 30 Submission Date: 20.05.2024

S.No Questions CO K

1. How is Hash function algorithm designed? Explain their features and

CO4 K2
properties. (10 M)

2. Highlight and explain the steps in Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). (10 M) CO4 K2

Describe the role and significance of HMAC in ensuring message integrity and
3. authenticity in data communication. Highlight its differences from other CO4 K2
authentication methods. (10 M)
Alice Chooses Q = 101 and P = 7879. Assume (q, p, g and y) : Alice’s Public
key. Alice selects h = 3 and calculate g. Alice chooses x = 75 as the private
4. CO4 K3
key and calculates y. Now, Alice can send a message to Bob. Assume that
H(M) = 22 and Alice choose secret no K = 50. Verify the Signature. (15 M)
Describe the algorithmic steps involved in generating a CMAC using a block
cipher. Explain how CMAC handles variable-length messages and the key
5. CO4 K3
derivation process. Compare CMAC with CBC-MAC (Cipher Block
Chaining-MAC). (15 M)
a) Analyze the Core Functions and Key Protocols in Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI). Discuss the Significance, Mechanisms, and Interactions of Functions
such as Certificate Authorities (CAs), Registration Authorities (RAs),
Certificate Revocation, and the Key Protocols employed in PKI. Evaluate the
Impact of these Functions and Protocols on Secure Communication and Trust
6. CO4 K4
Establishment in Digital Environments. (15M)

b) Analyze the X.509 standard, its structure, and its role in defining the format
for public key certificates, including the components and extensions used in
certificates. (15M)

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