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Evolutionary Psychology, The Handbook of

Chapter · December 2016

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_1860-1


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1 author:

David M Buss
University of Texas at Austin


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Evolutionary Psychology, The published in 2005, logged in at more than 1,000

Handbook of printed pages with some 35 chapters (Buss 2005).
The second Handbook of Evolutionary Psychol-
David M. Buss ogy, published in 2016 with more than 52 chapters
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, and essays, highlights how dramatically the field
USA has expanded. Darwin turned out to be right (Buss

What the Handbook Showcases
Handbook; Evolutionary psychology
The Handbook showcases “the best and the
brightest” in the field, although space limitations
Definition required excluding many major players. It reveals
several important developments in the actualiza-
A compilation of 52 chapters and essays, written tion of Darwin’s vision. First, evolutionary psy-
by evolutionary scientists, summarizing theories chology serves as a “metatheory” for the entire
and research in major branches of evolutionary field of psychology (Buss 1995; Tooby and
psychology. Cosmides 1992). It is not a subbranch of psychol-
ogy, but rather a metatheoretical framework
within which all psychology becomes organized
Introduction and integrated. Stated differently, there is no such
“non-evolutionary psychology” in the sense that
Charles Darwin was the first evolutionary psy- no other causal processes, other than evolutionary
chologist. He described his vision for the future ones, are responsible for whatever psychological
of psychology at the end of his classic 1859 trea- machinery humans possess. The evolutionary
tise On the Origin: “In the distant future I see open metatheory currently organizes biology and all
fields for more important researches. Psychology of the life sciences, and there is no reason why
will be based on a new foundation, that of the psychology should be magically exempt.
necessary acquirement of each mental power and Second, evolutionary psychology has pene-
capacity by gradation.” Close to a century and a trated every single branch of the traditionally
half later, his prophecy began to come to fruition. delineated branches of psychology – sensation,
The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, first perception, cognitive, social, personality,
# Springer International Publishing AG 2016
T.K. Shackelford, V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_1860-1
2 Evolutionary Psychology, The Handbook of

developmental, clinical, and neuroscience. Indi- Another development showcased by the Hand-
vidual chapters on these topics showcase the util- book is the fact that competing evolutionary psy-
ity of evolutionary perspectives in discovering chological hypotheses are increasingly being
phenomena previously missed by approaches advanced and pitted against each other in empir-
lacking an evolutionary lens. Examples include ical test. Outsiders sometimes ask what “the” evo-
the vertical descent illusion in vision, cross-sex lutionary hypothesis is about a particular
mind-reading biases in social cognition, the pre- phenomenon. As shown in cases such as the
dictable developmental emergence of phenomena female orgasm, menstrual cycle shifts in women’s
such as stranger anxiety, important psychological mate preferences, and adaptationists versus
sex differences where previous psychologists by-product hypotheses about homicide, compet-
assumed monomorphism, and many others. ing evolutionary hypotheses act as fulcrums,
Third, the Handbook showcases the many catapulting the field forward.
emerging interdisciplinary enterprises, such as Finally, the Handbook reveals that evolution-
evolutionary endocrinology, evolutionary politi- ary psychology has become a sufficiently mature
cal science, evolutionary genetics, and cultural science to generate practical applications or to
evolution. A strong case can be made syllogisti- become “translational” in the current jargon of
cally: All human behavior rests on a foundation of the field. The Handbook provides a sampling of
evolved psychological mechanisms; all such com- these – evolutionary consumer behavior, organi-
plex mechanisms owe their existence to evolution zational leadership, and the law. These develop-
by selection; therefore, all fields that involve ments auger well for future translational
human behavior must have evolutionary psychol- applications of the new science of the mind.
ogy as a foundational explanatory framework.
The expansion of evolutionary psychology into
disciplines such as political science, sociology,
economics, and even literature and the formation
of new hybrid disciplines with evolutionary the-
The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology
ory as their organizing core are hallmarks of the
should be a core reference manual on the shelf or
future and herald a consilience of the sort
computer of every scientist who deals with human
envisioned by E. O. Wilson (1999).
behavior. Evolutionary psychology is no longer
Fourth, the Handbook highlights that massive
an optional exercise. It guides researchers to
and rapidly expanding empirical foundation of the
important domains of inquiry. It reveals facets of
new science of the mind. Early in its inception,
human psychology previously undiscovered. It
evolutionary psychology was viewed as a highly
provides a metatheory that provides a justification
speculative enterprise. Some derided it as “just-so
for why all the different branches of psychology
stories,” with the implication that it more resem-
belong within the covers of the same book. And it
bled cocktail party musings rather than serious,
provides the foundation from which all disciplines
testable, and falsifiable empirical science. The
that deal with human behavior can be enlightened.
Handbook shows that, although evolutionary psy-
Darwin prophesied that psychology would some-
chological hypotheses do span the spectrum of
day be based on a new foundation. That day has
precise and testable to looser and less amenable to
come. The foundation is now firmly in place.
empirical rigor, there is no doubt that evolutionary
Future researchers can now use that foundation
psychology consists largely of sound empirical
to construct the larger edifice – the mature science
science. Every year, the empirical edifice grows.
of the human mind that Darwin envisioned.
New discoveries are made using the theoretical
lenses of the field. And knowledge about the sci-
ence of the mind accumulates within EP’s cogent
metatheoretical framework, each new discovery Cross-References
building on the others in a way that makes the
growth of scientific knowledge truly satisfying. ▶ Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology, The Handbook of 3

References Buss, D. M. (2016). The handbook of evolutionary psy-

chology (2nd edn). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Buss, D. M. (1995). Evolutionary psychology: A new par- Tooby, J., & Cosmides, L. (1992). The psychological foun-
adigm for psychological science. Psychological dations of culture. In The adapted mind: Evolutionary
Inquiry, 6, 1–30. psychology and the generation of culture (pp. 19–136).
Buss, D. M. (Ed.) (2005). The handbook of evolutionary New York: Oxford University Press.
psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Wilson, E. O. (1999). Consilience: The unity of knowledge.
New York: Vintage.

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