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The book has been split into 2 parts.

specifically for the Primal Diet, and one for the
philosophy. The reason for doing this is so that I
have something to present to people who aren’t
on the diet, and who I am not ready to introduce
it to, or try to convince to do, but I want them to
hear the spiritual ideas. At this time I will leave
the social life chapter here the same, but update
it to be fitting for the second book. The
philosophy in this book may not be updated, I
may leave it as it is for now, so for most up to
date philosophy check out the new link. I will
post it here when ready.

Primal Lifestyle Guide

Everything you need to know to succeed with the Primal Diet

What I wish I had when I first started the diet in 2019. This
knowledge could have saved me so much trouble, many
failures, and a lot of suffering. I hope that you apply and
benefit greatly from the value I offer in this guide.
5/4/2024 Update
(Improved intro and Why Be Strict)
5/12/2024 Update
(Cleaned up Social Life/Dating, edited some of the sections)

Added new intro chapter (more to come)

If you see out of date guides going around please provide this
newest version.

Don’t have to read front to back. Just look up anything you

need to know.

To meet Primals near you check out

This material was written solely for educational purposes. The
author is not engaged in rendering medical advice or services.
The author provides this information and the reader accepts
it, with the understanding that each reader will act on it with
full knowledge that, like everything in life, action is at his or
her own risk. The author shall have neither liability nor
responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss,
damage, or injury caused, or alleged to be caused, directly, or
indirectly by the information contained in this document.

The diet advice from Aajonus is not all proven fact (even
though I believe it to be true). Much of this is theoretical,
based on the work of Aajonus Vonderplanitz, which is not
officially proven by modern science. Aajonus claims to have
conducted his own private experiments and he came to all of
his conclusions based on his own experience. Most of the
claims in this document would be considered dangerous by
the medical industry.

Primal Introduction
Course Introduction
Why Be Strict
Foundational Principles
Aajonus Testimonial Stories
Most Common Mistakes
General Routine
Weight Loss And Gaining
Budget Diet
Daily Consumption
Food Storage
Specific Food Info
Advice For Athletes
Easy Ways To Help Loved Ones
Social Life/Dating
Spiritual Advice
Primal Introduction

So, you want to hear about this crazy diet. Well, to me it isn’t
so crazy. At this point it’s completely normal and I would never
consider eating any other way. It has absolutely changed my
life and the lives of many others. Here I will detail part of my
story so you can better understand why this is the case.

When I first discovered the Primal Diet, I immediately knew

that it was what I was supposed to do. There was no thinking
about it. It wasn’t that I was wanting to improve my health. I
started because when I heard about it I intuitively knew that it
was what I was supposed to do. I realized that it was the truth
of how we are supposed to live and to do anything else would
be to live a lie. Even though I realized that, I didn’t take it as
seriously as I do now, and there were many mistakes that I
made that prevented me from making any meaningful
progress for the first 2 years. A year before I started the diet I
was in good health and working very hard. It was after
receiving 2 vaccines and abusing my body with fasting, a vegan
diet, and cold exposure practices that I significantly damaged
my health and lost my ability to be productive. For 2 years I
thought that I was just being lazy and it was all in my mind, for
why I was not able to get anything done. When I realized that
it was my health that was the problem, I also gained the
knowledge from experience and further studying and was able
to make progress. I realized that Aajonus is literally never
wrong when it comes to his diet and I took the diet extremely
seriously and finally made great progress, but it was short
lived. My mom got evicted and I became homeless which
lasted for 2.5 years and that was a journey of trying to
desperately recover my health by following the diet to the best
of my ability while living in a car.

Previous to being on the diet, I was on an intense spiritual

journey. A series of psychedelic experiences opened my eyes
to a whole new perspective on life and what is possible with
our consciousness. I studied eastern spiritual philosophy and
followed the advice of Ram Dass and applied it to a very
diligent meditation routine. These practices completely
changed my life’s perspective and my experience of life. I
gained a deep sense of peace, I was completely free from all
anxiety. I felt complete, I felt whole, and I had a deep sense of
compassion. When I went throughout my life I felt a powerful
energy buzzing in my soul that made me feel hyper aware of
everything in my environment. I had constant intuitive
realizations every day, so much that I was constantly writing
down all these intense epiphanies that I was having. I learned
more about my mothers side of my family and that my mom,
my aunt, and my grandma all have extensive experience with
astral projection. My mom used to astral project and visit her
sister, and then her sister would call my mom and say that she
saw her.

To further progress in my spiritual practices, I adopted the

practice of fasting. Fasting can elevate your consciousness,
your “vibration”, but it comes at a cost. You sacrifice your
health. I became obsessed with fasting and would repeatedly
fast for as long as I could, and then just eat 1 meal and go again
as long as I could. I did all of this after receiving 2 HPV
vaccines which were required to attend my senior year of
school. This combination deteriorated my health and
eventually put me into a very weak and depressed condition.
The spiritual practices were amazing while it lasted but I could
not sustain it.

As time went on, I began craving meat, and that was just a few
weeks before discovering the diet. I ignored the cravings
because I thought it was part of the process of taking my
consciousness to the next level. I had no intention to quit
being vegan or to change my routine in any way. I was starting
to feel fatigued as I decided to give up solid foods and I was on
day 4 of a juice only diet. I was not feeling well at all, but again,
I thought it was part of the process and I would adapt with
time. Though initially I felt great as a vegan and I did have
many transformative spiritual experiences and consistent
powerful meditations.
It was when I was in my senior year of high school in my music
theory class sitting in the back listening to a video about
fasting on my phone. The video was one of Cole Robinson’s
Raw Carnivore Refeed videos. Previously, I always ignored
those videos because I was vegan, but for some reason I just
decided to watch them. In that video he ate his meat raw, and
that was the first time I ever saw someone do that. I was
fascinated, and I watched every one of his videos where he had
“Raw Carnivore” in the title. I looked more into the raw meat
and then I found videos on Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Within
about an hour of finding that video I decided that it was what I
needed to do.

When I got out of school, I went to Steak and Shake and

bought several cooked beef patties, ate them and felt amazing.
When I was at the cash register there was a cute girl who took
my order, and she remarked at how peaceful I seemed. Back
then I did have a great sense of peace due to my diligent and
extensive meditation and my overall lifestyle practices. The
comment that girl made to me marked the end of the monastic
period of my life. During the vegan spiritual practice period of
my life, I renounced all worldly pleasures. I was celibate,
almost always abstaining from my phone, and drug free,
except for some psychedelic usage, but taken with the
intention of spiritual growth, rather than using it to merely
experience pleasure. I didn’t really hang out with anyone, all I
did was stick to my routine and follow my practices all day
every day like a monk. I was actually seriously considering
ordaining as a Buddhist monk and dedicating my life to my
practices. That didn’t happen as when I found the diet, I took a
break from my meditation, but the thing is, that break never
really ended because of what is to come; I became debilitated
and had no energy to stick to any sort of routine and was
miserable for years. The monastic period laid the foundation
for my spiritual knowledge and my belief system. I fell away
from that side of my life for some years, but eventually I came
back to it, but in a different way.

The day after watching those raw carnivore videos I started

eating a lot of raw eggs and sticks of pasteurized butter. I
maybe drank some pasteurized milk. I was feeling great, I was
so excited and had so much energy. I had 1 little bite of raw
ground beef, and only 1 because it was gross. The next day I
had 2 bites. The 3rd day I thought that I was being a pussy so I
made myself eat a quarter of the package. Within a month I
was eating 2.5 pounds of raw beef in one sitting and absolutely
loving it. I didn’t enjoy the raw eggs at first initially either, but I
made myself eat at least a dozen a day and then on the 14th
day, I ate a raw egg that strangely tasted good to me, and since
then, I enjoyed all of the eggs that I ate.

I felt better and better and my life completely changed. I

smelled fragrances in the outdoor air, or more so sensed these
energies that I haven’t felt since I was a child, that I completely
forgot existed. I was so excited and thankful to have
discovered the diet. I felt like I discovered one of the most
powerful, important things there is to ever be discovered, and
I was right. Unfortunately, this great state of being did not last.
I ended up making one of the most common mistakes people
make, forcing strong detox. As you will learn later, disease is
mainly the result of toxins accumulating in the body and
damaging the system. To heal from disease you have to
remove the toxins that cause it. There are ways to do it gently,
and then there are very aggressive ways to detox. Forcing an
aggressive detox can make you very sick as your body is
overwhelmed with the amount of toxins being removed from
the body. I ate one of the most aggressive detox recipes on the
diet, which is the moldy raspberry recipe. It is a recipe that is
supposed to temporarily make you tired due to dissolving lots
of toxins, but then you’ll be a lot cleaner after and then be left
with a new level of energy. Because of the vaccines and fasting,
I was in a very vulnerable state which I was completely
unaware of, and then all of a sudden, all of the abuse I did to
my body, the vaccinations, the veganism, the fasting, the
excessive cold exposure all caught up to me and my life turned
upside down, I had barely any energy, and then I began my
terrible weed smoking addiction. I assume that when I first
started the diet I was on a high of excitement and all of the
new nutrients were allowing me to feel very good initially, but
when I ate that recipe it put me where I actually was without
all of the stimulation, and then I became miserable.
It took 2 years before I gained the knowledge necessary to do
the diet properly to begin to feel good enough to quit smoking,
but then it really took me about 5 years total to actually start
feeling great again. The reason it took so long for me to feel
well again is because the first 2 years of the diet I just couldn’t
stop smoking, and I was so lazy and thought that it was
because of my mindset. In order to strengthen my mindset I
was still fasting occasionally and doing cold exposure to
increase my mental toughness. This was essentially me
abusing my body. Because of this, the first 2 years of me being
on the diet, I made no progress, also because I was making a
lot of other mistakes too. I ate only meat that was previously
frozen, which is terrible, I ate frozen butter, terrible. I didn’t
make the important recipes like milkshakes and lubes, so I
couldn’t gain weight. I mixed lemon with red meat, and I
chugged my milk instead of sipping. I had way too much
cilantro juice, I did all sorts of stuff that looking back now is so
dumb and really messed me up bad, all of which I cover in the
Most Common Mistakes chapter.

After 2 years of being miserable, constantly trying to force

myself to be productive and failing at everything I attempted
to do over and over, I finally realized that it was my health that
was the problem, that Aajonus was never wrong, that I should
never experiment or listen to anyone else about health. I
looked back at my life and all the events that took place and
realized it was the vaccines, veganism, and fasting, combined
with the cold exposure and smoking. At this time I started
making high meat, and I started eating it every day. High meat
in my experience is the best recipe to heal poor mental
conditions, as it feeds the brain like nothing else and can make
you very happy immediately after eating it, like drugs, but it
isn’t actually a drug. After eating high meat every day, I was
finally able to quit smoking, but I switched to edible marijuana
wax. It took me another 1.5 years to realize that the wax was
chemically processed, as after several months of eating it
every day, I began to get sore throats and headaches. I ended
up having to quit that. I didn’t go back to smoking and was
completely sober for a few months. I was very bored all the
time but never had the desire to go back to smoking, because I
truly knew how bad it was and the thought disgusted me. I
ended up finding out that Aajonus says you can chew raw
marijuana, and chewing it activates it and you can get high
from it without cooking, and that you can eat as much as you
want as long as you don’t get anxious. I was in Colorado at the
time that I discovered this and got some really good weed
from the dispensary and from then on I was getting stoned
almost every day, without any guilt that I was harming my
health. Eventually I found out that most dispensaries have low
quality weed, and that also started to lead to headaches, and
also tooth pain. Now I only consume it if it is homegrown, or if
I am in Colorado and I really trust the dispensary. Colorado is
the only place I’ve been that has proper quality dispensary
weed, aside from maybe a shop I went to in DC. Every other
place has been problematic, even some home growers.

So back to right after I quit smoking at the 2 year mark of

being Primal, when I realized it was my health that was the
problem and that the only way I was going to be capable of
being productive again was if I recovered my health. I realized
that Aajonus was never wrong, and when I actually listened to
him, his advice worked every time and my quality of life
increased dramatically and very quickly. When I listened to
someone else, I always suffered and Aajonus was proven right
every single time, always. I vowed to follow Aajonus 100% and
never question him again, and that is when I began to get my
life back. I made great progress for a few months and started
to feel okay again for the first time in over 2 years.

Unfortunately, my mom was evicted and then I became

homeless, living in my car. It then became very difficult to do
the diet, as I didn’t have a kitchen, and I didn’t have a
bathroom for the vital hot baths that we need to take. I didn’t
know how to properly do van life. I didn’t set up the reflectix
on my windows for privacy and darkness, I didn’t know which
parks had electricity where I could make my food, and it took
me over a year to have the idea to use the electricity in a
storage unit. I knew that the only way I was going to get my
life back was if I recovered my health. I decided I’d rather
invest my money into the diet rather than rent, because
sleeping in a house wasn’t going to heal my health. Sure, it’s
more convenient, but I’d rather make progress within myself,
rather than spend every penny on rent and still end up being
broke and in poor health. So, I would doordash about 6 hours
every day, and make my food at the parks with the electricity. I
gradually made some progress, but when it got so cold I
couldn’t bend my fingers outside, I stopped making my
recipes. When I woke up in the morning I’d have a layer of ice
on all my windows which took 20-30 minutes to melt off with
the heat in my car. My food froze in my car, damaging the
nutrients. I slept with several layers of shirts and pants, a
sleeping bag, and several blankets and was still so cold. I didn’t
think to travel somewhere warm for the winter, I just stuck it
out in my home town.

Finally when it started to get warm again, I had the idea to rent
a storage unit so I can more conveniently make and store my
food. I did the diet better than ever and for a few months and
made great progress with my health, and gained 40 pounds. I
got fat, which is another important part of this diet, gaining
extra fat. Because of the necessity of hot baths in order to
fully recover my health, I went to some hot springs, which
ended up not working out, and I lost all my newly gained
weight. There were multiple attempts at me traveling to hot
springs, and also to work on different farms in order to find a
better life for myself, but they all failed and always had to
come back to my hometown.
This homeless journey ended up involving lots of traveling and
a relationship with a girl who lived with me for most of the
time. Because I was not feeling well, I wasn’t able to focus on
the relationship like I would have needed to, so the
relationship eventually ended up falling apart. The relationship
lasted about 2.5 years and we shared a lot of great moments
together, and overall she really helped me to mature. She loved
me very much which made me feel better about myself as a
person. I am very thankful for the experiences we shared
together as it really helped me during a time when I really
needed someone. A lot of what I share in the dating section of
the book is a result of my experiences with her, as I don’t want
others to make the same mistakes I did. That information also
comes from general studying of human nature and
relationships, hearing from the experiences of my friends, lots
of contemplation, and meditation. Having a partner on the diet
with you is very important, as if they aren’t on the diet and you
are serious about it, it will make things difficult.

So after that relationship ended, I had a friend out of state who

let me live with him so that I could get some space and have a
home to get me on my feet. I stayed there over the 3rd winter
since being homeless, just before my 5th year on the diet, and I
did the diet pretty well, not perfect, but pretty well and again,
made great progress. Now at the time of writing this, this is a
few months after the 5th year of me being on the diet, 3 years
after first becoming homeless, my mom now has a home, and I
am at the level of health or beyond what I had previous to the
vaccines I received 6 years ago. Now I am more motivated and
capable than ever to do the diet to make even faster progress.

When I talk about doing the diet strict, what I mean is, first off
not breaking the obvious rules of food combination, but also
making the sports formulas every day, the lubrication
formulas, following the cheese cube schedule, taking the hot
baths, eating the oysters, etc (all covered later in the book). It
is easy to eat meat 2 times a day, suck eggs every few hours,
make juice twice a week, and drink milk all day, but making the
recipes takes an extra about 30 minutes every day, are
extremely filling, you’ll have to focus on eating all day long, and
you’ll be so full you will probably be nauseous, plus it’ll costs an
extra maybe 20 or 30 dollars a day, and also those hot baths
get brutal, very uncomfortable, as you really have to sweat
your ass off in there.
Course Introduction

This course will equip you with all of the knowledge I

have acquired in my last 5 years of experience with the Primal
Diet, along with the mindset necessary to succeed with it. I am
giving you the tools that I believe you need to live your best
life. For me, the diet comes first, but at the same time, we
must take right action in every area of our lives. Success with
this diet is heavily dependent on your self confidence as a
person. If you are not confident, you will be crushed by the
opinions of others, the people who reject you for doing this
diet. You may never commit to the diet out of insecurity,
always eating cooked food to fit in with others. I not only
teach you how to actually do the diet, but I teach you how to
use this diet as an exercise of confidence (in the Social Aspect
chapter). This diet can make you great, not only because it is
the best diet you could possibly follow, but because it will
automatically make you completely unique in your life. You will
be the first person that almost anyone has ever met that has
done this diet, that eats raw meat.

In order to succeed with this diet socially, you need to

understand sales and marketing, and have the confidence to
do what you know is right despite the opinions of others. To
convince someone to do the diet is sales. Finding food sources
involves cold calling. If you have to convince your farmers to
change their practices, you have to sell them on it.
Understanding sales is something that everyone needs in life.
If you can’t sell, you can’t gain people's respect, you cannot
convince anyone of your ideas, you can’t convince anyone to
do anything.

It is very important to be surrounded by like-minded

people. It is very rare to run into someone who is like-minded
when you are on this diet. Because of this, you have to
influence people into your way of living, you have to sell
people on your beliefs. Being friends with people who live a
similar lifestyle as you do is the only way that most of you will
be truly fulfilled.

My journey started with simply wanting to be the highest

performing person I could possibly be. I didn’t start the diet
because of health issues, but because I wanted to be great.
Part of being a high-performing person is surrounding
yourself with other high-performing people. To get on this
diet is one of the highest performing things you could possibly
do, and so because of my desire to be great, I must also be
surrounded by greatness. You are who you hang out with. Like
I said, this diet teaches you sales, so you have to become
influential, or you’ll be socially isolated, unless you cave in and
cheat on the diet to fit in, which would be exercising
insecurity, and living a life of lies; a false sense of balance,
doing something you know is wrong, taking the easy route.
Remember, you get what you put into things. Half assed effort
equals half ass results.

This book will be updated over time and details will be

filled in as I find holes, think of new things to add.

Even with this book, if you want to follow the Primal Diet
you should still take the time to do your own studying of
Aajonus. If you want to know what Aajonus says about
something, just look it up. Go to and look up any
topic you want. Open up every page that has the keyword you
looked up, and if you are on a PC, push CTRL+F and search
your word through the page. If you are on the phone, bring up
the “Find In Page” tool, which is probably designated by a
magnifying glass icon.

Do the same with searching in this course. This course is

essentially a compilation of Aajonus information which makes
it very easy to find your answers. Any health issue you have,
any recipe you need to see, you can look it up here with CTRL
+ F on PC or “Find In Page” on mobile. Diarrhea, Depression,
Acne, Hot Baths, Milkshake, Sauce. Whatever you need to find
just CTRL+F it.

When you first start the diet, there is so much

information that you will not remember everything. Anything
that sounds interesting, is relevant to you or someone you
know, or that you maybe should know in the future, put it in
your notes so that you can look back at it. Every once in a
while, read through your notes again to instill them into your

It is extremely valuable to develop your intuition and get

in tune with your instincts. Many people claim to be listening
to their bodies but at the same time are doing very destructive
things. It is a slippery slope. That is why it is very helpful to
follow the Spiritual Advice in this course. And a note on that, it
often takes feeding yourself properly on a disciplined routine
for extended periods for your intuition to catch up.
Why Be Strict

If you want to produce the best possible results, it is very

important that we follow the Primal Diet exactly the way
Aajonus describes. Sure, if you simply add some raw food to
your diet and apply some of the ideas that Aajonus teaches,
your health will improve, and it can improve a lot, especially in
the beginning, but if you want to have amazing
transformations and consistently over the course of years, you
have to do it right. If you do it casually, you will have great
benefits but then it slows down and then you start to just feel
normal again. When you do it right, the progress can be so
much that you always feel better and better and there is no
slowing down of progress to where you have the chance to just
start feeling “normal” again. It’s like when you are in a car
going from 0-100 MPH, when you are cruising at 100 you don’t
feel it, but when you are accelerating, you feel the increase in
speed. Cruising would be feeling normal. It is a big
commitment but it is more than worth it. The results will
change your life more than you can imagine. If you could
imagine it, you’d do it immediately. I believe that Aajonus fully
and absolutely understood the foundation of how health and
nutrition works. He worked very hard to make sure that we
had all the information we would need before he died. He
knew that he might be killed and in the last few years of his life
he made sure we had everything that we would need to know
to work towards optimal health. The reason he knew he was
going to be killed is because he caused major companies to be
sued for millions of dollars, he was exposing industry secrets,
and changing the laws in the government by constantly taking
them to court. He received many death threats and was
attacked multiple times in ways such as poisoning his food and
kidnapping and forcing vaccines on him in order to try to
make him die from illness to discredit his work, but eventually
he simply fell off his balcony and died from a broken back. It is
my experience and the experience of many others that
Aajonus is never wrong. One reason I can confidently say that
is because I trust him enough that he would not say something
if he wasn’t fully confident in his answer. If he didn’t know, he
would let you know that it is just a guess.

It’s not that you only need this diet if you are in poor
health, it is what will allow you to reach the pinnacle of health.
What I am referring to when I talk about the pinnacle of
health, I mean you will sleep significantly less, have high and
consistent energy all day long, rarely get tired, rarely
experience pain or injuries, always think very clearly, rarely
lose your train of thought or forget things, and almost always
be in an amazing mood. The best day you’ve had of your life so
far would be like how you’d feel every day if you had true
Aajonus will describe more clearly than you have ever
heard before how the human body actually works and it will
hopefully click for you like nothing else, and that is because it's
the first time in your life that you have heard the truth. The
issue is that the hardest people to convert onto the diet are
the people who already have opinions, people who think they
already know something about diet and health. Many people
who are intuitive immediately believe this diet the second they
hear Aajonus talk. I love this type of person. Somebody who
when they hear information about the diet, it just clicks inside
of their brain and they have this spiritual realization and
dedicate themselves to it overnight. That is how I was. The
second I saw someone eat raw meat, I instantly knew it was
what I needed to do and I switched from vegan to raw meat
overnight. I ate 2-3 bites of home cooked egg stir fry 6 months
into the diet and that is the only time I have ever eaten
something not Primal. The first bite was delicious, the second
was weird, and the 3rd one I was like this is actually disgusting
why am I eating this cooked garbage and I spit it out.

I really want you to understand how powerful this diet

really is. It's a shame there are such a small amount of people
who have done it properly and that most of them want to
remain anonymous. You can be healthier than you can ever
imagine, and by healthy, like I said, I mean you can function on
a higher level than you can imagine. You will become much
more emotionally resilient, life will be so much more joyous,
you’ll be so much more focused and full of energy, you will
sleep fewer hours every night, and you will live much longer.
This diet is the best investment you could ever make in your
entire life. It may sound expensive and time consuming, but
the investment will easily be made up for once the results start

Some people are concerned that there isn’t one diet that
works for everyone, but the thing is, everybodies bodies on a
foundational level work the same, we just need different things
as we have different issues, but the rules never change. This
diet isn’t just one rigid protocol that is the same for everyone.
It is a collection of protocols, it is the true science, and
Aajonus explains almost everything we would ever need to
know. For the very rare conditions that he doesn’t speak on, he
points us in the right direction where we can intelligently
experiment. There are rules that apply to everyone, but there
is room for experimenting with people’s individual conditions.
I just believe that we should never break the foundational
principles. I have a rule: If Aajonus doesn’t say to do it, don’t do

Nobody should just assume that they are an exception to

the rules and experiment prematurely. If you haven’t done the
diet, following the ideal routine with all of the details involved
for at least 6 months, you cannot honestly say that you tried
the diet and that it didn’t work. If more people were to do the
diet properly, we would have miracle testimonials everywhere.

There is so much information from Aajonus and it can

take a very large amount of time to internalize and learn it all.
This is where I step in. I have spent thousands of hours of
studying, contemplating, meditating, I have given hundreds of
free consultations, traveled extensively and talked to close to a
hundred different farmers, met as many people as I possibly
could that knew Aajonus, I have made sure to meet my
subscribers in person along the way (no longer teaching Primal
on social media), and I have convinced several friends from my
hometown to start eating this way. By working with me I will
save you so much time and so many mistakes.

If I knew what I knew now, the last 5 years of my life

would have been completely different. I would have had the
energy, clarity, and attitude to succeed at all of the things I
attempt to pursue over the years. I would have saved myself
great amounts of hardship. I would have significantly more
money as a result even if I spent over a thousand dollars on
the diet every month, as the quality and quantity of my work
would overall have outweighed the initial investment.

If you want to do the diet decently it will be an

investment. But you are buying more life for your body, and
you will function at a higher capacity in every area of life. It is
also very important to have a bath tub, preferably having a
home where you can build a Primal Standard Hot Tub. You
may not be able to get one any time soon but you should have
the intention to eventually position yourself to where you can.
Many people live in apartments that only have showers. Those
people would need to get a plastic or inflatable tub and bring it
into their shower to take Hot Baths, but that is very far from
ideal. These small bathtubs that most people have are very
uncomfortable and it causes people to not looking forward to
doing Hot Baths. If you had a nice cozy spacious hot tub, you
would love to get into it every day. Hot tubs are expensive and
you have to have a house, not an apartment. You have to either
own the house or have a landlord that allows you to build it.

The alternative to the Hot Baths is taking naps or sleeping

with Hot Water Bottles. Aajonus talks about sleeping with Hot
Water Bottles but it can be uncomfortable. He says at least do
it as long as you can, even if it's only 60 minutes. What you can
do instead is take naps with Hot Water Bottles. You wear very
warm clothes, get some thick blankets, and have multiple hot
rubber bottles under the blankets with you. You can even
point a heater at you. Sweat your ass off for like an hour, then
take it all out and then after that if you actually want to fall
asleep and have a relaxing nap, take a second nap after. You
probably won’t fall asleep with all that heat. You might fall into
a little bit of a day dream but you are going to be
uncomfortable and want to get out. That is a Hot Bath
substitute. You can also do it laying on the couch on your
phone or watching TV, or working at a desk.

This diet is an exercise of discipline. It is hard work, but it

is not impossible. By following this diet, you will not only
become so much healthier physically, but you will become
stronger mentally. There will be adversity that you will face by
adopting this lifestyle. It is like taking the red pill in the matrix.
You accept the hard truth and you live with it, instead of
consuming the blue pill and living a life of lies (toxic and
deficient but pleasurable like a sedative drug cooked food).
One of the hardest adversities of the diet is social adversity.
This diet may force you to become an articulate speaker and to
develop confidence in order to explain the diet to people, and
successfully have them believe what you say.

To address this issue, I am working to set up meet ups all

over the world. I have helped to create the website, where you can put in your information
and reach out to people who live close to you. Then you can
have like minded friends in real life. It is so much more
convincing to people when you have a group of people
believing the same thing than if you are the first person
they’ve ever met that believes in some crazy diet. See the
Getting People On The Diet section in Social Life.
To sum it all up, the reason to be strict with the Primal
Diet is so that you can be all that you can be everyday of your
life to reach your full potential. Having the highest degree of
health you can attain is one of the most important parts of
Foundational Principles

The most important thing to understand with this diet is

how sickness and disease works. Sickness is the body utilizing
microbes to break down and remove toxins from the system.
When this happens you may experience symptoms. Whether
you experience symptoms or not is based on how deficient
you are and the amount of toxins being removed. If you have
enough nutrients to fully process all of the toxins being
removed, you may not experience many symptoms, but if
there are more toxins being removed than nutrients you have
available, you will experience discomfort . If toxins are being
removed from the body in large amounts, you will absolutely
have symptoms, like if it is vomit, diarrhea, coughing,
sneezing, sweating, eye boogers, eye crust, tongue films, those
are all ways the body removes toxins. If you have extra fat on
your body and eat the right foods, you can reduce the
suffering during these processes.

When the detoxes are over and you fully recover, you will
be healthier than you were before. Remember, this diet does
not cause detox, it allows detox. You will only properly
facilitate a detox if you have the right nutrients and you go
through the entire thing without stopping it early, and if you
heal afterwards by getting adequate rest and eating properly. If
you get sick on a terrible diet and don’t take care of yourself,
sure sickness can be “dangerous”.

Disease results from toxins accumulating in the body and

the body developing deficiencies. If the body doesn’t have the
necessary nutrients to function properly, you will experience
symptoms. When the body detoxes it utilizes lots of nutrients
which can cause certain symptoms due to deficiencies, as all
available nutrients are being spent. When the toxins have
accumulated so much that it has actually damaged the system,
you will have disease. To reverse disease, you have to dissolve
the toxins and then heal/revitalize the tissue.

What is also essential to understand is what foods we

actually need to eat to heal and detoxify our bodies. We need
raw unadulterated nutrients that we are able to fully digest
and utilize. And don’t forget, raw also means food that is never
frozen. It also needs to not be dried. In regards to being able to
digest it, we cannot digest the fiber in vegetables. We cannot
fully digest nuts and seeds, and they also contain
anti-nutrients. Fruit doesn’t have adequate protein. We need
raw meat, raw dairy, and raw eggs. Fruit, vegetable juice, nuts,
seeds, and honey is supplementary. They are absolutely
necessary for most people to heal and feel good, but the
animal products are what really keeps us alive.
You may be excited to detox and improve your health, but
you really have to understand how to do it responsibly. If you
detox too hard, like I mentioned earlier, you will have
symptoms. If you detox too fast you can actually cause more
damage to your system. In the beginning of the diet, the first
1-2 years, you want to focus on gaining weight and becoming
stronger. You should still consume a little bit of detoxifying
food to help dissolve the dead cells that accumulate on a daily
basis, because if you don’t those dead cells will accumulate and
impede your functionality. So having a little bit of detoxifying
food will make you feel better than having none, but having
too much will make you feel worse. When it comes to foods
like vinegar, coconut cream, oils, and fruits, don’t consume
more than the Recommended Amounts or you’ll detox too

You also need to avoid, or be careful with all of the other

highly detoxifying foods. That includes cilantro juice, which
should not be more than 2.5-5% of your juice, it includes what
I just mentioned, it also includes things such as fermented
juice and mold on foods. Hot Baths longer than 40 minutes
should also be avoided unless you are fat. If you are in a
vulnerable condition, even if you are fat, sometimes going
longer than 40 minutes can still cause issues. Some people
should wait 1-2 years before going longer than 40 minutes.
Another thing that is important to understand is how your
blood becomes overly acidic as you detox. See Alkalizing Foods
in the remedies section.

As I said earlier, it is important to gain weight. Having

more fat will put more nutrients on your body, protecting you
from toxicity, and allowing you to heal faster. Being Fat on raw
foods is a game changer. You will feel so much better in just
about every way, except maybe endurance and speed, but you
will be much stronger for example with weights, and combat
sports. When you gain fat, it will absorb toxins from all of the
surrounding tissues. It can be helpful to lose your fat
occasionally to let go of all of the toxins it has absorbed, then
gain it back again after. If you have been underweight for most
of your life, it can be helpful to stay fat for 2 years the first
time you gain weight. After Aajonus discovered the 90 minute
daily baths with cheese trains combination, he recommended
that you just keep all of the fat. Weight gain and loss cycles are
only necessary if you aren’t doing daily Hot Baths combined
with daily cheese trains.

With Being Fat, one thing that isn’t really compatible with
that is fasting. If you are fasting, you will be losing all of your
precious fat. The other issue with fasting is that you will be
detoxing without nutrients available for healing. Body fat does
provide nutrients but not like nutrients from food you eat
every day. You will be dissolving toxins and dead cells with
fasting, but then you will be recycling those toxins throughout
your body without absorbing them, and they can cause more
damage and significantly weaken your system. With all of the
other detoxifying foods like coconut cream and fruit, we don’t
need assistance detoxing with fasting, plus we are consuming
raw dairy fat with it to absorb the toxins that are dissolved.
When you are fasting you aren’t providing anything to absorb
the toxins, and you are losing precious weight. Sure, there are
some good testimonials with fasting, but more often than not I
believe that it causes harm and should strictly be avoided. That
leads me into the next principle.

Never go 5 hours without eating. If you go 5 hours

without eating, the protein in the blood will go to zero, and
you will start breaking down red blood cells for protein. When
you wake up after 8 hours of sleeping, you will have lost 2-4
Tablespoons of blood and be slightly anemic, and you will have
much lower energy levels than if you ate in the middle of the
night. We have to do this because of modern toxicity. It doesn’t
sound natural, but the thing is we require these remedies to
heal from un-natural toxicity. So, in the middle of the night,
you should have at least 1 raw egg, but that usually isn’t
enough because you will probably still wake up hungry. ⅓ of a
Milkshake would be good, or having a few ounces of white
meat, or you could have a few Tablespoons of cheese mixed
with honey. Red meat may give you too much energy to go
back to sleep.
Now, how digestion works. Basically, your stomach breaks
down food and then the food is wrapped in mucus and
digested in layers that do not mix with the other foods. Not
everything mixes together, it is separated by layers of mucus.
Your digestion works in cycles. Protein digests the best first,
then fat, and then your body dumps toxins into the stomach. If
you eat during the toxin dumping phase you will damage your
nutrients. So, to combat this what we do is we eat a cheese
cube to absorb the toxins 10 minutes before every meal, and
we don’t eat for longer than 25 minutes. If you want to eat
longer, you are supposed to wait 15 minutes after that last bite,
eat a cheese cube, wait 10 minutes and then continue eating.
So the food passes through your intestines and the bacteria
and parasites (hopefully you have them) in your intestines
digest the food, and the byproduct of their digestion is the
nutrients that we then absorb. That is why low bacterial levels
in the intestines results in poor digestion, because they are
what digest the food for us.

One thing that is important to know with digestion is

sipping your liquids. It is very important to not drink any of
your liquids more than 1 ounce per minute. If you drink more
than that, you will piss out a lot of the nutrients. If you have
Leaky Gut, you will make your Leaky Gut worse. Ideally, you
close your teeth, put you tongue on the back of your teeth,
and suck the liquid through your teeth. This replicates sucking
a nipple.
Now when it comes to the colon, that is where most of
the e-coli is. E-coli breaks down nutrients to feed the brain
and nervous system. Most depression is due to low e-coli, or
the e-coli isn’t receiving nutrients to digest, whether because
you are eating deficient foods, the body is absorbing
everything before it gets there, or because your intestines are
so toxic its damaging all the nutrients by the time it gets to
your colon. For depression, other than eating fecal matter
from a healthy animal, you can do a Suppository with raw fat
in the colon before you sleep to feed it directly, or you can eat
High Meat. High Meat is broken down basically the same way
e-coli breaks down the nutrients, so then your brain and
nervous system get all these fresh nutrients and you feel
amazing immediately, in only 20-30 minutes.

Now I’d like to mention the importance of solvents to

break down dead cells. The body will accumulate dead cells
every day, and those dead cells need to be broken down or
they can impede function of the body. To break down these
dead cells, we need to consume some oils. We can consume a
little bit of olive oil here and there, we can have coconut oil,
but the only source of coconut oil I know you have to order
online. Homemade coconut cream will also do the job. Fruit
will produce solvent, and water itself is a solvent. So, we
should consume a variety of these solvent recipes on a regular
basis, but only in small amounts. With the oils we want to limit
that to something like 3 servings a week, and by a serving it's a
few Tablespoons. The fruits, no more than 1.5 cups a day in
most cases. Water, we shouldn’t have more than a half cup a
day, maybe a cup if you are sweating a lot, and nowhere near
other foods.

In regards to the fruits, we want to consume all of our

fruit unripe. That is because as fruit ripens, the enzymes will
convert into sugar. We do not want a lot of sugar. We want
enzymes. We also consume our fruit with equal amounts of
dairy fat to absorb the waste product of the sugar and slow the
sugar reaction in the body.

With a lifetime of cooked foods, we have become very

enzyme deficient. Whenever we cook food, we destroy all of
the enzymes, and it also causes the body to deplete its own
enzymes. To address this, we consume vegetable juices. They
not only help alkalize the blood which allows for a strong
appetite, but they supply many enzymes to help facilitate
digestion. When people neglect the vegetable juices on this
diet, they often lose appetite and have a very hard time gaining
weight. You may feel very full, and then drink vegetable juice
an hour after your meal, and then suddenly you start digesting
it all and become hungry again.

As I mentioned earlier, raw food means it is not cooked or

frozen. Freezing significantly damages the nutrients in our
foods and will significantly reduce our healing. Aajonus did an
experiment with dogs, giving half fresh meat and half frozen,
from the same animal that was butchered. The dogs who ate
frozen meat were always thirsty and drinking lots of water, and
they developed dry skin, always were itching, and were
irritable. The fresh meat dogs were fine. Aajonus knew that
butter would heal their issues so he took the frozen meat dogs
and gave half of the dogs fresh butter and half frozen. The
dogs that had the frozen butter took 5 times longer to heal.
This shows that the nutrients are severely damaged when we
freeze them.

In regards to the heavy metal poisoning we have received,

and the heavy metals in our environment, we need a
phenomenal amount of minerals to be able to deal with it. In
order to get those minerals, we need to make sure we stay on
top of the cheese and honey every day, along with eating
oysters regularly.

Now I need to address water. Water is a solvent and is a

supplementary food. It is not our main source of hydration on
this diet. It may be important on a cooked diet, but not on a
raw diet. As you eat this way, you may find that water actually
dries your mouth out and makes you more thirsty. It is not
utilized efficiently in the body because there are no nutrients
in it to make it absorb easily. It will dilute the nutrients of any
cell that tries to absorb it. It also dilutes our digestive juices
and impedes our digestion of raw foods, so we do not have it
anywhere near our meals. On a cooked diet, it can help break
down the foods, but on a raw diet it will impair our digestion.

Next, to dispel an important myth. We do not consume

any supplements. Just about every supplement on the market
is made using toxic solvents, even the natural and organic
ones. We don’t want isolated nutrients anyway. We want
nutrients in food in the proper combinations. If you consumed
an isolated nutrient, you would create imbalances in your cells
because your body would have to work to adjust that. Aajonus
claims if a supplement was actually healthfully produced, it
would cost a thousand dollars a bottle. Just eat raw foods and
you’ll be fine. Forget that deficient soil talk. Supplements will
never give you what you need better than raw food. Aajonus
has even said an isolated nutrient will cause imbalances
because it’ll take nutrients from a bunch of cells to
compensate for the excess of one nutrient. See this quote on
Blood Tests.

Salt should be avoided as it causes high pressure in the

brain which causes headaches, it leads to irritability, it dries
the body, and causes sodium clumping in the blood - where 1
grain can destroy 2 million red blood cells which takes 3 hours
to replace and 24 hours to cleanse the dead cells. During the
process, many nutrients are lost. Salt is helpful for people who
eat cooked food, but not raw. If you crave salt, you have a
Mineral Deficiency. For minerals, eat raw tomatoes, no-salt
raw cheese mixed with 1 ⁄ 5 honey, raw celery juice, and raw
fish. Salt is a rock and it takes a plant to digest it. I believe that
Aajonus has said, if we were meant to eat it, we could live off
of dirt.

Any isolated mineral is a free radical and will damage the

body. They must be bound in food. Virtually all supplements
are made with kerosene or gasoline, or are completely
synthetic and are very toxic. The increase in energy from
supplements comes from an adrenaline response. Get your
nutrients from food.

Aside from all of the food advice, it is also important that

we live a healthy lifestyle. We should avoid pollution, we
should get fresh air and sunlight, we need to be generally
active and many people need to exercise regularly. Grounding
and tanning can make a very big difference in your quality of
life. By grounding I mean direct contact with the earth, with
no rubber between. Rubber cuts off the grounding connection,
like how rubber cuts off the circulation of electricity.

Many unhealthy people confuse unstable hyperactive

energy as health because it is better than being debilitated.
They can get this energy from things such as sugar, fasting,
supplements, and cold exposure. They have never experienced
calm, grounded, stable energy levels. It is good to increase
your energy in the right ways, but taking shortcuts to increase
your energy will only hurt you in the future.

Now, what is arguably most important of all is sleep. Sleep

is where most of our healing happens. If you are tired, it is
good to take a nap. Don’t over stimulate yourself to get more
energy, sleep and heal your body. You might be tired because
of a protein deficiency or you need a vegetable juice, but if it's
not that, you simply need to rest. Feed your body and rest,
don’t stimulate yourself with things like ice baths or taking
drugs. As you become healthier, your body will become
capable of producing more energy.

Something that I missed in the first rendition was talking

about pyruvate in this chapter. Mixing fruit with red meat will
cause the meat to turn into fuel, and then it will not
regenerate the body. Pineapple and papaya is okay with red
meat, but not any other fruit, including acv, lemon, or lime,
unless you mix it with raw fat and you let it sit for 10 minutes
to chemically react.
Aajonus Testimonial Stories

Here I will share a few stories from Aajonus that have

inspired me to be very serious with the Primal Diet.

Couch Potato to International Stem Cell Company

Aajonus quote:

“So he got the book, went on the diet, and this guy, he's a
retired multi, multi millionaire. But he retired because he
couldn’t work any more. He was just a vegetable; all he could
do was eat, sleep and watch TV – a couch potato. So here at 62
years old I get him to start doing the baths. I got a call from
him three months later and he said, ‘I can do nothing after I
get out of the tub the next day. All I feel like doing is eating,
sleeping, and watching TV, nothing has changed’. I said ‘well,
how are you doing the diet?’ And he went over it. ‘That’s pretty
good; not exactly as I stipulated, that’s good, and it shouldn’t
cause you any problems. Maybe make things a little slower and
I said ‘how are you doing the baths?’. He says ‘I do them every
day’. And I said and how much time? He says ‘90 minutes a day,
sometimes two hours a day’. ‘And what’s the temperature?’ And
he said 110. And I said ‘Oh my god, it's supposed to be 101’. ‘No
it says 110 in your book.’ So this is two years after the book was
printed. You know the retype, remake was 2005, this is 2007.
So I looked in the book. And sure enough, misprinted 110 and I
thought Oh, what did I do? You know how many people I have
misled, and all the reports came back good. So then I started
investigating the temperature at which the skin became
damaged and it was at 111. So I thought Ah, good mistake, good
mistake. OK. So it worked. So I said ‘well, just stop doing the
baths for about three weeks and see what happens’. He
probably melted a lot of stuff out of there. And it is so hot for
such long periods, your body just needs to recuperate from
that much heat for that much time of the day up to 2 hours a
day. He said sometimes I’ve fallen asleep and I did that in mine
too, but I thought I’ve been on the diet a long time so I wasn't
worried about me. I slept sometimes 4 hours in a hot tub. It
was 104, 105 degrees. No problems with me. So after that three
weeks he had so much energy that he started an international
stem cell company. He still works, he’s 77 now, no he will be 78
this year and he worked 14, 16 hour days. That’s how much it
can help.”

Man Heals 7 Years In One With Cheese Trains

Aajonus quote:

“The only real problems I have with patients are patients

who've been skinny a long time in their life. And I mean bird
legs and bird thin all their lives. So they didn't have any fat to
store poisons. They went into the cells. So all their cells are
terribly contaminated. Those are my worst patients. They're
always in pain, they're always suffering, they're always in
fatigue. When they reach that straw in their life, it breaks their
back of health. It is sometimes 10 years, 11 years, before they're
at a normal plane. So it's difficult. Now I had one fellow that
came with me 2 years ago that was in that shape. And he was
calling me all the time, as you know, those people do. I only
have 4 of them right now. Well, 2 of them are now pretty well. I
still have 2 of them that call me pretty regularly. And one's
been on 3 years, and one's been on 2 years. This one fellow's
been on 2 years. So he came to see me in Chicago. And he was
gray. He was gray. I mean gray. Not any pink in his skin,
nothing. He was gray. He was dark gray around here, almost
charcoal like a raccoon.”

“So, this fellow came in the door, and I mean, you know,
it's only been 2 years, and he was pink. He was still a little gray
here, but he didn't look like a raccoon anymore. And he was
smiling and happy. And this guy didn't smile any time that I've
seen him in the last few years, on the phone with him, nothing
happy about him. But all of a sudden, after about 4 months, he
stopped calling me. And I saw him 7 months ago when I was in
Chicago. And I just saw him last week. So, I said, OK, you're not
from this planet, right?”
“Because in his intestinal tract, if you look at an iris,
you've got the outer edge, you've got the pupil. Now, around
the pupil, you're going to find this belt that goes around. That's
the intestinal tract. His intestinal tract was completely black.
You could not tell the difference between his intestinal tract
and dark black spokes coming out from that and his pupil,
that's how much mercury and heavy metals he had in his
intestines. He was one of those skinny, skinny individuals,
absorbed all those poisons and couldn't throw them off
because he had no fats to throw them off. So, here he walks
out, photographs his eyes. I can see his entire digestive tract.
90% of the metal has gone. And he looks at it and I said, what
planet are you from? Because this is not natural or normal.
And he said, I'm from here, I'm just doing better, I'm better, I'm
feeling good. And he said, I don't see the difference, but I feel
the difference. I feel happy now, I feel energy. And he was big. I
mean, he went from bone thin, like Jim was and a lot of other
people, several other people who were here, were bone thin.
So, he was big. I mean, his waist, he probably went from, he's
about 6'2". He probably went from a 31 waist to a 40 waist,
maybe 42. But he was strong. He had red skin, not all grey
except around the eyes. It was just like a miracle.”

“I said, okay, I want you to tell me what you eat. Take me

through a day, how much would you eat? He said, well, okay,
I'm going to be honest. I have been eating maybe ten times
more cheese than you asked me to eat. I said, I gave you a
minimum. I don't care if you eat a whole ten pounds a day. I
just want you to eat a minimum of a little cube of cheese, a half
a teaspoon every 15 minutes. He wouldn't stop eating them. He
would just keep eating and eating and eating it, and going
through a pound, a pound and a half a day. And I tell people
that's what vacuums and absorbs the poisons out of the
stomach and intestines. And in seven months, he did that. You
have to understand, when I give you something, it's a
minimum, not a maximum. It's a minimum. So, pig out on the
cheese if you have intestinal poisoning, and you want to get rid
of metal poisoning faster. Get fat for a while on cheese. Cheese
will make you fat. You don't digest it. The raw cheese you
won't digest. But it will allow you to utilize all of your other
foods to completely build and detox and heal, and the cheese
goes through and does the main detoxification. So you're able
to use all those foods that I tell you to eat, and I tell everybody
to eat a lot. There's a lot of butter. So, if you want to move fast
through your poisons, do it. Lots of cheese.”

Heavy Metal Poisoned Lady Heals With Oysters

Aajonus quote:

“The way I first discovered it was - every time I would eat

a lot of oysters - because when I go to Asia, I eat a lot of
oysters. When I was going over there first, I noticed that the
metal that showed up in my irises was remarkably less every
time I went through a time of eating a lot of oysters. I had one
woman who was born and raised in the heart of London and
there are 4 airports. So you've got 4 airports dumping their
benzene all over the place over London. And she looked like a
lathe operator. She had so much metal in her system she was
chronic with fatigue, fibromyalgia, emotionally distraught,
imbalanced, and couldn't stay on and off the diet. Nothing
would satisfy her. So after about 2 years of all that mess, I said
'you need to do something radical, so give this a try'. She
wouldn't eat the High Meat, but High Meat was really not her
problem. She needed to remove the metals. So I said 'take a
half a cup of red meat, ground would be better because I don't
want you to spend a lot of time on digestion, and eat 3 oysters
twice daily, 6 days a week and on the 7th day eat chicken or
whatever you want with that beef or eat no beef and just eat
chicken and some other kind of fish, some other kind of
seafood. So she did that solidly, religiously, for a year. And
when she came back - usually it takes people 3 to 5 years for
metal to remove - she removed it in one year. It changed her
whole life. She became happy, she was solid, she could have a
relationship, she wasn't emotionally moody… She had to have a
half a cup of red meat, and the three oysters and of course at
least a tablespoon of butter.”

Depressed Man Gets 3 Girlfriends From High Meat

Aajonus quote:

“I have one fellow who was chemically sensitive who

hated people. So antisocial - he was homicidal and he was on
medication. He became a landscape artist so he didn't have to
deal with people and he was on and off the diet. After he heard
about the diet, he was on and off the diet for a year and a half.
Of course when you’re having those psychological problems
and you’re eating good food and it's not feeding your brain and
nervous system, not going to help your brain and nervous
system so he’s on and off the diet. So I finally convinced him to
eat the High Meat. It changed his life. He now eats one to two
pounds of the High Meat a day. He won’t eat any fresh meat.
He’s a bear of a guy.”

“He is now the funniest, most congenial person that I've

ever met and this is a person who hated people. The last time I
went there to do a workshop and seminar he had three, '10/10'
girlfriends. How did he get one girlfriend into a situation
where she’s a girlfriend - both of them are girlfriends in the
same room. He had three of them all supporting because he is
so funny and so charming and such a great guy and that’s what
he does. He eats only High Meat because that’s what he needs.
Now maybe in another ten or fifteen years his colon will
cleanse to the point where he can grow and breed and support
the E-coli in his intestines but that isn't the way it is right now.
Some people only need a ping pong ball sized piece through
the whole week and that takes care of it, other people need to
eat a lot.”

Aajonus’ Description of Good Vs Bad Health

From We Want To Live

“I remember wanting to die. It was midsummer on Jekyll

Island, Georgia. My girlfriend, Owanza, and I were walking to
the beach a block away. I spotted a patch of beautiful white
mushrooms in a neighbor’s yard. (I had identified and eaten
mushrooms in the island’s woods from the time I had arrived
six months earlier.) Because these mushrooms resembled a
poisonous amanita, I cleared the ground at the base of one of
them. I searched it for a cup-like lip that the similar-looking
amanita forms. I didn’t find one, so Owanza and I shared a
tasty mushroom the size of my fist. I ate two thirds and she ate
a third. I remember she had breakfast, I hadn’t.“

“...Two hours later and three miles up the beach, Owanza

vomited again and again. She had terminal cancer. Becoming
weak and vomiting was common for her back then. All of the
mushroom and part of her breakfast seeped into the sand or
washed into the ocean.”
“We walked a short distance to the road hoping to see
someone we knew to give us a ride home. Then I began feeling
shaky, dizzy and exhausted. I realized we had eaten a
poisonous mushroom.”

“I wondered why I hadn’t felt nauseous. Why hadn’t my

body rejected it as Owanza’s body had? Of course, the vagus
nerve to my stomach had been severed in the surgery for my
stomach cancer. My body’s ability to defend itself from such a
mistake had been damaged. I felt an ominous sensation, like I
was about to enter the twilight zone.”

“I waved my arms to stop a car and the couple took us

home. At home I began to vomit. Nothing spilled but saliva and
hot acidic gases that burned my throat, sinuses and nostrils.”

“Within another half hour, muscles in my feet and legs

began to cramp. I fell to the bathroom floor. The cramps
traveled to my head. Every muscle, including my facial
muscles, was in a lumpy knot. Pain was excruciating. I twisted
into a fetal position.”

“Owanza tried to help but when she touched me the

cramps worsened. I couldn’t speak. I moaned and tears
streamed from my eyes. Owanza began to weep. My muscles,
locked in knots and started to spasm. The next twenty minutes
seemed an eternity. I fell unconscious from pain and

“I awakened about twenty minutes later, tired and very

thirsty. I got off the floor. Immediately, my feet and legs
cramped. I fell to the floor. I asked Owanza to get me some
water, fast. I guzzled a quart just before the cramps reached
my hands. Again, I laid in a painfully twisted fetal position for
fifteen minutes and passed out.”

“I awakened twenty minutes later thirsty and having to

urinate. Cautiously, I moved my hands and arms to see if
movement would initiate cramps. My limbs felt foreign,
detached, but I had no cramps. I carefully flexed my toes. The
cycle of cramps started again.”

“‘I’ll call your mother,’ Owanza said trembling.”

“‘No! She’ll put me in a hospital and I’ll be dead within

days. People die from mushroom poisoning because they
dehydrate and the poisons in the mushroom dissolve their
livers. Please get me some water, quickly.’”

“I realized that the slightest flex of any muscle from my

toes to my crotch initiated cramps. I crawled on my belly,
using my arms to pull myself around the house. I urinated into
a bottle while lying on the floor. I carefully and slowly hoisted
myself on to the toilet to defecate - as if I were paralyzed from
the waist down - after which I was exhausted. Breathing was

“Unless I accidentally flexed my lower extremities or

grasped either of my hands too tightly, the cycle was every
hour. Like clockwork, twenty minutes conscious taking care of
myself, twenty in excruciating cramps and twenty
unconscious. My liver was in constant pain, sometimes mildly,
other times severely.”

“By the fourth day I had consumed six pounds of unsalted

raw butter, two dozen bananas, two dozen raw eggs and eight
gallons of water. Yet I was twenty pounds lighter. Now I could
move my lower half, slowly, without causing cramps. The cycle
jumped to once every four hours.”

“I went to the neighbor’s yard and dug deep under one of

those mushrooms. I found that it had a cup-like lip one and a
half inches below the dirt’s surface. I wondered what had
caused these mushrooms to deform. I figured it had been a
chemical fertilizer or weed killer.”

“I had eaten the mushroom nicknamed “Death Cap”.

Several books claimed that every person on record who had
eaten a half thumb-sized amount of the mushroom had died. I
had eaten fifteen times that. One book stated, ‘Death usually
comes within ten days and it is welcomed.’”

“I thought that I would get used to the pain, but I didn’t.

On the tenth day, the cramps diminished to as few as four a
day. Now Owanza could touch me. She rubbed my feet often,
gently and kindly for hours at a time. It was the only thing I

“The cramps continued for ten weeks. I had come almost

full circle to where I had been after my cancer therapies:
semi-invalid. I developed chronic fatigue syndrome again. If I
walked two miles, it took me two weeks to recuperate. Many
days, simple tasks like brushing my teeth took an act of God.”

“I lost most of my pleasurable sensations. Before, when I

walked in the woods I had felt a connection to every living
thing, like feelings one has for loved ones. It was comforting,
invigorating. Before, I was moved by colors the way music
evokes feelings. Now, I felt nothing from colors or the woods. I
was dead and in hell. Most everything smelled repulsive. Noise
drove me crazy. I remember a hyperactive mockingbird that
hung around for weeks. It was all I could do to keep from
buying a gun and shooting it. The sound of barking instantly
drove me into panic and fury. I constantly forced myself to be
kind and understanding although I felt destructive and
chaotic. I had to eat every two hours to keep a semblance of
equilibrium but I was never hungry.”

“After being that way for over three years, I feared I might
remain that way for life. I worked hard at being optimistic. But
often I wanted to die. I experimented and learned that a little
cooked starches in combination with raw fat and fresh fruit
could control my depression and rage. (This experience
inspired me to ponder about how much violence is a result of
ill health. I speculated that most is.) Now, almost six years
later, I am mostly happy again. I triumphed over death, against
all odds again. And I healed without being crippled.”

Aajonus has had multiple near death experiences, where

it took years to recover his health. Each time we learned new
things about the diet. He had stomach, blood, bone, and
lymphatic cancer, all sorts of surgeries and radiation. He
recovered from that when he discovered raw meat. He ate this
poisonous mushrooms and went back to hell. He eventually
recovered from that. He was abducted in a hotel and force
vaccinated with 3 swine flu vaccines and barely survived that,
and continued to learn more each time. He also suffered
accidents, poisoning of the food in his home. These only
allowed him to learn more, because he had to learn in order to
truly heal.
Man Body Builds on The Primal Diet

Aajonus quote:

“When I have people who bodybuild, like people know

Lucky, we have a lot of potlucks at his place. When he came to
me at 56 years old, he was on the diet for 2 years and he had
been real skinny and I mean, he was skinny. If anybody knows
what James Stewart looked like before. Very skinny.”

“He’s 6' 3'' and he was 140 pounds, that skinny. Lucky was
the same way. So, after 2 years on the diet, he put on about 35,
40 pounds. It's a pretty good weight, not what I wanted him to
put on. And he came to me and he said, "I've been skinny all my
life. I want to be a bodybuilder. Can I bodybuild?".

“So, I said, ‘Have two pounds of meat a day, one pound at

a time with a whole Lubrication Formula with each meat meal’
And in 2.5 - 3 months, he put 4 inches on his arms, 6 inches on
his chest. Gold’s gym, they accused him of using steroids, and
he says, ‘No, I'm just eating eggs and butter and raw meat’. And
they didn't believe him.”

Drug Abusive Biker Protected With Fat

Aajonus quote:
“All of a sudden during the third year there a guy comes in
and looks like he’s right out of a motorcycle gang. Drug abuse
and everything. Skin was thick and hardened, like he’d used
drugs and alcohol for twenty five, thirty years. So I had a
consultation with him and looking at his irises I said ‘This is
just not possible, you know, are you from this planet?’ You
know because his insides were so clean and his skin showed
me that he had abused himself terribly with drugs and he
admitted thirty years of drug and cocaine and alcohol
addiction and abuse.”

“I said 'well, it doesn’t make any sense. You are maybe

twenty five pounds overweight'. He said “before I went on your
diet four months ago I was three hundred pounds”. Even bad
fat will protect you from toxins. Of course it’s going to make
you sluggish. There’s going to be lots of problems, functioning,
breathing and stuff like that - but at least your cells are
protected. The poisons won’t go intracellularly and damage the
RNA and DNA of your cells and make you diseased.”

Teenage Girl Paralyzed From Vaccines

Aajonus quote:
“Anyway, she was a sophomore in high school and they
lost all of her vaccine records so they told her she had to go
take them all again. [loud groans and ‘Oh No’ from the
audience]. Ten days later she was completely a vegetable with
Guillain-Barré disease, which is total paralysis. She couldn’t
eat; they had to feed her through a tube. She was on oxygen.
She came to me three years after the incident and when she
came in a wheelchair, she had to cross a threshold that was
probably an inch raised. Her mother took five minutes to get
over that threshold and she still cried and moaned in pain –
just to get over a threshold in a wheelchair. If you touched
her… excruciating pain like somebody with MS and basically
she had MS – multiple sclerosis – which is completely drying,
deadening and hardening of the nerves so then there is no
connection to the muscles or anything so they just deteriorate
and go away.“

“Her voice was so soft that her mother had to put her ear
up against her mouth and work hard at understanding her. I
couldn’t understand a word. I gave her about half a cup of my
Kefir while I was talking to her and examining her. She couldn’t
hold her head up; her head was down and she had her arms on
the wheelchair. Her only movement was her lips and crying –
her eyes could move. I fed her through a straw… I blended up
the Kefir so it would be thinner, not so thick, and I let her sip
the Kefir. After half a cup, she smiled for the first time in three
“[Aajonus voice is expressing grief]. [Aajonus is still crying
throughout the next few sentences:] She actually felt a little
bit good. She had a whole cup and a half before she left. And
she was actually able to lift her head a little bit – just from a
cup and half of Kefir. It was Kefir I made with my spit and not
regular Kefir from Amos. I didn’t tell her that I made it with my
spit. This [photo] is her a year later, feeding herself. She can
only do the diet 50% because they live on Antigua island. And
all of these black people… Antigua island… The child Fran
Wilke – her husband - works for a pharmaceutical company
there on Antigua island, making vaccines, and he is still
working for them. I don’t get it. I don’t get it. He could find
another position somewhere; he is a smart man.”

Cats And Dogs Frozen Meat Experiment

Aajonus quote:

“Go back to those tests I did with dogs and cats when I
fed them frozen organic meat. I got a whole side, split it in a
quarter and I took sections of each and put them in two
different categories and I froze one category. Every part of the
animal. I froze one quarter of the animal, and then another
quarter of the beef I did not freeze. I fed it to these animals for
6 weeks and some of them even up to 10. After 6 weeks every
one of them had a skin disorder, who ate it frozen. Plus they
were drinking two to three, four cups of water a day. The dogs
and cats that ate the meat non frozen, same meat unfrozen,
even slightly getting stinky by the time at the end, at the end
of the experiment, they rarely licked any water and they were
in perfect health. Calm and happy. Other dogs were
scratching, the cats were scratching and one even had mange
from it. And it showed me that frozen meat is toxic. So not a
good thing to eat.”

“Now I knew that butter remedies any skin condition. And

I had this argument with a lot of these people who think they
know something and never go into a freakin' laboratory. Sally
Fallon's one of them, says ‘oh, freezing doesn't hurt your meat
or hurt your dairy’ so I took these animals and I fed them from
the same batch of butter, frozen butter and unfrozen butter.
The animals, the sick groups, split them into two and I sent the
frozen butter to one group and the other to the other. Those
who got the frozen butter took five times longer to heal their
skin condition. Five times longer!! If you break that down into a
statistic, that's 80% of the nutrients were destroyed. Or
unutilizable, whatever that was.”
Most Common Mistakes

Going A Long Time Without Eating And Not Bringing Food

With You When You Go Out:

If you go a long time without eating, you are not going to gain
weight. You are not going to be providing your body with the
nutrients it needs to heal and detoxify. It is likely you will
become tired.

If you don’t have food ready when you leave the house, if
something unexpected comes up, you may end up going a
while without eating, and you’ll miss a meal. Always at least
bring milk with you when you leave. Don’t underestimate the
value of a nice lunchbox.

Eating Frozen Food:

Many people out of convenience eat frozen meat. Terrible

idea. You will not get great results doing that. It is so damaged.
I explain this in the Aajonus Testimonial Stories. Eating your
frozen meat so you don’t waste your money is not getting your
money back. It’s already gone. Eating the frozen meat won’t
magically give you value. You are wasting your time when you
could be eating actually good food and improving your health.
If you don’t care to improve your health and are desperate to
survive, go ahead.

Many people, without knowing, eat frozen butter. Almost all

butter is frozen unless you specifically ask for fresh.

Eating Fruit With Red Meat:

Many people will mix fruit with red meat just because they are
being ignorant and don’t care to listen to Aajonus. This is a
terrible mistake to make because your healing will be much

Drinking Milk With Meat:

Just like the previous one, many people do this because they
are being ignorant of Aajonus’ advice. Drinking more than just
a little bit of milk with your meat risks significant indigestion,
just pooping out your meat when you’ll hardly digest any of it.

Water With Meat:

Same as the milk. Will cause indigestion.

Procrastinating Buying a 30 Dollar Oster Blender From

The Oster blender is so incredibly important, and it is found

locally almost anywhere in the United States and is very cheap.
It took me 2 years to buy one. Do not repeat my mistake. Buy it

Not Melting Lubes:

It took me 2 years to actually fully read the instructions of

making Lube drinks in the book. You have to warm it up or else
it won’t mix. You absolutely have to melt it, and you have to
use an Oster blender.


If you chug, you are going to waste a large amount of the

nutrients you are consuming. You are just going to piss them
out. Have some discipline and sip your liquids! If you have
Leaky Gut, you will also make it worse by chugging. Ideally,
you close your teeth, put you tongue on the back of your
teeth, and suck the liquid through your teeth. This replicates
sucking a nipple.
Not Getting Fat:

Many people on the diet know that it is important to get fat

and want to, but can’t, either because they are lazy, can’t
afford the foods for the recipes, or don’t know how to gain
weight. On the other hand, many people don’t want to get fat
out of vanity. Being Fat will improve your life more than you
can imagine. If you could imagine it, you would do it. I
recommend getting fat on the Primal Diet at least once, that
way you can honestly say you tried it. Once you get fat, you
will probably be glad you did and will want to maintain it, or at
least gain some extra fat and lose it on and off.

Not Avoiding EMF:

Some people don’t avoid EMF because they want to “pick their
poison” and they think it is too inconvenient to avoid. Lots of
the EMF we are exposed to on a daily basis can easily be
avoided and it is absolutely worth it.

Not Taking Hot Baths:

Many people avoid Hot Baths because they are lazy. Terrible
mistake. You need to get the toxins that the lymphatic system
is releasing every day or else they will build up and cause
issues. If you do not take regular Hot Baths, your progression
towards better health is very likely to stall, and you’ll just stay
where you are, or if you are very toxic you may even
continually age without taking regular Hot Baths, as the
concentration of toxins is simply too much to process, or the
lymphatic congestion is too great to where you can’t release
your toxins and they just keep building up.

Going Into Saunas:

Saunas are bad for the lungs, thin your mucus (which will make
you susceptible to Airborne Toxicity), and do not heat the
body up enough to melt lymphatic congestion. The sweat will
damage the skin unless you continually wipe it off every 1-2
minutes. It would take like 5 hours to melt the lymphatic
congestion, air does not transfer heat as effectively.

Ordering Small Amounts of Dairy:

Do not order just 3 pounds of butter or cheese, or 1 quart of

cream. You are going to constantly run out and have to wait to
order and pay for more shipping. Order at least 6 weeks worth
at a time. You will save money on shipping, and guarantee
consistency with the diet. My orders look like 15 pounds of
butter, 15 pounds of cheese, 2 gallons of cream. Then I get my
meat, eggs, and milk locally.

Neglecting Cheese And Honey:

Without cheese and honey, it is likely you will not have enough
minerals to handle your heavy metals that need to be detoxed.

Drinking Orange Juice:

Orange juice, fruit juice in general is strictly for remedies, not

regular consumption. It is way too much sugar and will age
you, and make you emotionally unstable.

Making Vegetable Juice Daily:

Making vegetable juice daily will take so much time because

you will have to clean every day. Make your juice every 4 or 5
days and you’ll save a lot of time. Put a little honey into the
juice to help preserve it.
Being Lazy About Juice:

The juice is so incredibly important. If you neglect it it is very

likely you won’t be able to eat enough food to gain weight, and
you may end up being tired also. You also need the juice to
replace the lost enzymes from a lifetime of cooking. Do not be
the person who doesn’t make vegetable juice because they
don’t think it is important. It is extremely important. Do not
neglect it!

Being Lazy About Dairy Fat Recipes:

If you don’t make the Lubes and Milkshakes, you are not going
to get enough fat and will not gain weight, not detoxify
properly, you will be unsatisfied, and will probably be tired due
to a fat deficiency. You will probably also start craving cooked
food if you are still new to the Primal Diet, or have cheated at
all. This is unless you are drinking straight cream or eating a
lot of butter and honey, but the Lubes and Milkshakes, also the
Cheese Cake Filling and Ice Cream just make it so much more
enjoyable to consume, and are more satisfying.

Eating Less Than 16 oz of Meat A Day:

If you don’t eat enough meat, you won’t have enough
resources for regeneration, and you will probably not have
much muscle either. Eat at least 8 ounces of meat twice a day.
It will make a big difference. Don’t forget to eat plenty of
butter with it.

Using Conventional Soap:

Just don’t. It is toxic. Use hot water for your dishes. If you have
a nasty High Meat jar, sure use some soap, but don’t do it
regularly. With your body, see Body Care in the Remedies

Not Verifying If Your Honey Is Unheated:

Almost all raw, unheated honey is actually heated. Speak to the

farmer directly. Don’t trust what someone else says unless you
have undeniable proof. Unheated honey can still be legally
heated. See the Sourcing document.

Forcing Strong Detox:

Forcing Detox too quickly and too strongly can make you very
exhausted and even damage your health. When you first start,
focus on getting strong and fat. Overtime, you can incorporate
more detoxifying recipes. One Fruit Meal every day with
coconut cream and dairy cream is fine, but do not over do it.

Listening To Anyone Except Aajonus For Health Advice:

I believe any answer you need, you can get from Aajonus, and
it is a waste of time to research elsewhere. He gives us
everything we need to produce results immediately. With
anyone else you are gambling. If Aajonus doesn’t talk about it, I
don’t think it matters and is irrelevant.

Procrastinating High Meat:

Eating high meat changed my life overnight. It gave me my life

back. It made it possible for me to enjoy myself again. It also
really helped my digestion, and allowed me to gain more
weight. High meat only gets stronger with time, so even if you
don’t want to eat it now, start a few jars now. That way when
you are ready it’ll be very potent. 3 month old high meat is
pretty strong. 6 month is very strong. 1 year old will be a
complete liquid and a sip will make you high. Start several
batches just in case mold forms, so you have back up jars. If
mold forms, let it ferment a very long time until it dissolves.
Warning, do so at your own risk.
Not Quitting Smoking Weed:

Smoking anything is so harmful. You often won’t realize it until

after you quit for a year and look back. Aajonus says 1 joint will
produce the same tar as 16 cigarettes. That is because it has a
lot more fat. Burnt fat = tar. You will not be capable of
improving your health while also smoking at the same time.
Sure, if you feed yourself better nutrients than you previously
were, you will feel better initially, but you cannot out eat with
nutrients and detox the amount of toxins you ingest in a day of
smoking. Overall, you will still continue to age if you smoke,
even if you are fully raw. Chew your weed instead. See
Chewing Weed.

Glorifying Blood:

People see blood as some magic substance that will instantly

make you really healthy. It is just like the hype behind
supplements. Consume this easy thing and instantly heal.
Improving your health is a long process. So many people ask
about blood before they ask about, for example coconut
cream, which is far more important.
Too Much Red Meat:

95% of people on the diet eat way 100% red meat which is a
big problem. This will result in many unstable minds. Eat
plenty of chicken. Most people should have at least 40%
chicken or more.
General Routine

Half the butter to cheese with every cube if you get constipated.

Cheese cubes are all half teaspoons (same size as a sugar cube).

If you don’t have cheese, you can still do the diet, I am just laying
down what is ideal. Just do the same thing without the cheese.

Why are we eating so much cheese? See the Aajonus Testimonial

Stories document.

Wakeup and immediately eat 2-3 Tablespoons cheese .

Wait 10 minutes, suck 3-7 eggs 5 min apart based on how tall you

20 minutes after the last egg, have 1-2 cheese cubes.

1. If you have no appetite or feel blah, drink juice then wait

at least 45 minutes after the last sip before eating meat.

Wait 15-20 after the last sip of juice and have more cheese.
20 minutes later have another cheese.
10 minutes after the cheese, eat your meat (50 mins total
after last sip juice. Any other time of the day you have to wait
at least an hour. Morning, 45 minutes is fine).

2. If you have appetite, cheese, wait 10, meat.

If you had Lube with meat and you are still very full you can wait
longer, but if you are okay then 20-25 minutes after the last bite of
meat (or sip of Lube), have another cheese cube.

10-15 mins after the cheese, have cheese and honey (⅓ honey) (1.5
Tablespoons-3 Tablespoons cheese mixed with ⅓ honey).

20 minutes later, cheese.

10 mins later, start alternating sipping with cheese.

Sip 1-2 ounces of milk, Milkshake, or Sport Formula.

Wait 10 minutes and have cheese, wait 10 minutes and then sip. 3
cheese cubes an hour.

Continue sipping and having cheese for 2.5-4 hours. If you haven’t
had juice yet, have juice after 2.5 hours of sipping.

Now about 12-2 depending when you woke up, have a fruit meal,
but have cheese 10 minutes before.

More Cheese and sipping.

5-6 PM More meat, or if full, have juice and then wait an hour
before you have the meat. If you fall behind you can have the meat
even right before you sleep.

If you had Lube with meat and you are still very full you can wait
longer, but if you are okay then 20-25 minutes after the last bite of
meat (or sip of Lube), have another cheese cube.

Wait 10-15 minutes, and then have more cheese with honey.

Optional, have another juice after your last meat meal.

Wakeup after 3-5 hours and have your midnight meal. Milkshake,
meat, or cheese and honey, and then go back to bed.
Weight Loss And Gaining

Weight Loss Advice

Weight loss should never reach a state of being lean. It is good

to not go below just being “thick”. Like your abs are almost
barely visible, you can see a faint outline of them, but you still
have a layer of fat. You never get lean, but you do vary about 25
pounds between the heavier and lighter side of the cycle,
unless you are someone who wants to get well very fast and
get very fat.

Eating foods individually by themselves will produce more

energy but will not store as much weight.

The weight loss routine is essentially an egg and celery juice

fast, with small bits of raw meat throughout the day.

Consuming only raw eggs can lead to massive weight loss.

Eating meat without fat also can. Drinking milk will prevent
you from losing weight, but the cup before bed is necessary to
sleep well.

Weight Loss Routine

Sip 1 cup of vegetable juice.

When you become very hungry but not angry-hungry, eat 2-3
ounces of any meat with 1 teaspoon of raw butter or avocado,
but preferably butter.

Next time you are very hungry, have 2 ounces of meat with 1
teaspoon of fat.

Next time you are very hungry, have another cup of vegetable

Next time you are very hungry, drink 1-2 raw eggs in a glass.

Next time you are very hungry, eat 2 ounces of meat without

Repeat cycle if the day has not ended as you continue to be

very hungry.

Drink 1 cup of milk before you go to bed to help you sleep.

Juice recipe during weight-loss cycle:

1.5 tablespoon honey per quart as preservative
1⁄2 small organic lemon or lime
with rind per 3 quarts green juice (80% celery, 18% parsley, 2%
lemon; percentages are by volume, not weight).
Break the weight-loss diet if experiencing lasting
detoxification symptoms, such as cold, flu or severe pain.
Consume diet during detoxification if experiencing symptoms.
See Diet During Detoxification in the Detox document.

Weight Gain Advice

When you eat foods in combination with other foods, you will
gain more weight than if you ate the same foods by
themselves. The recipes that cause the most weight gain are
Cheese Cake Filling, Milkshakes, Lubrication Formulas, and Ice
Cream. To gain weight, you will essentially eat until you are
uncomfortably full 2 to 4 times a day.

Weight Gain Routine


Every 4 days prepare vegetable juice. 4 quarts at a time.

You usually get 2-2.5 cups of juice per bundle of celery, so buy
about 7 celery stalks, and 1 medium bag of carrots, and about 2
bundles of parsley.
Add 1 Tablespoon of honey per quart of juice.

Put in 1 large carrot per bundle (not stalk) of celery. Carrots

help unclog the juicer.

The juice is necessary to have the appetite and digestive

capability of handling this large amount of food.


If you finely dice the meat and fill a jar up with minimal air
space, it will last longer.

When the meat arrives, finely dice it all.

Don’t let meat sit in plastic or paper longer than necessary.


Whatever you prefer. I like tomatoes and a tablespoon of finely

diced onion with every meat meal along with 2 teaspoons of
honey. You can add some hot pepper. You can grate some
Make the sauce every morning. Cut the tomatoes in half and
suck out the juice (makes it soggy). Finely dice.

Find what you like the most. Often your preferences will
change every so many weeks.

No lemon lime or vinegar with red meat unless mixed with

gently warmed raw fat (like Lube, to prevent it from reacting
with the protein).

Up to a tablespoon of honey per 8 oz of meat.


Make in morning alongside all other recipes.

Recipe is flexible. Use a quart jar. With the following

ingredients, add it up to 3 cups total:
● Any fruit
● Cucumber (peeled)
● Tomato
● Raw milk
● Raw whey
● .5 cup water (optional)

Necessary ingredients:
● 1 Tablespoon raw vinegar
● 2 Tablespoons lime juice
● 2 teaspoons lemon juice
● 2 Tablespoons coconut cream
● 2 Tablespoons dairy cream
● 2-3 eggs
● 1-2 Tablespoons honey (optional)


Quart jar

1 cup cream
6 eggs
4 Tablespoons honey
Rest of way milk

I like sour Milkshakes. I can drink it without feeling as full and

it is more tasty. If you do too, prepare the Milkshake the day
before, let it sit out in the dark until sour and then put it in the
fridge. Take it out to warm up 1-2 hours before drinking. If it's
hot out, put it back in the fridge until 1-2 hours before
finishing or it'll foam up and maybe explode.

16 oz jar

1.25-1.5 lemon (depends on lemon size)

2.5 Tablespoons honey
Fill little over halfway with eggs
Rest of the way with butter

Put into mildly warm water, about 104 degrees. Melt that while
you make your other recipes. Shake it every 30-45 seconds so
it doesn't get too hot in one area of the recipe. Don’t leave it
unattended too long or you might accidentally cook it. Slight
discoloration ok, significant discoloration = cooked. If it tastes
ok it's fine but if it tastes off, make a new one.


16 oz jar

Finely diced cheese, fill the jar up with 3:1 cheese to butter,
mainly cheese. Doesn’t have to be exact. Experiment. The
butter is so that it blends. 1:6 honey to cheese ratio. If you use
6 oz cheese, use 1 oz honey.

Warm like Lube.

Warm, blend, warm, blend. Let that sit in the warm water and
keep blending periodically while you make your other recipes.

It will last 4-7 days.




Make all of your food for the entire day right when you wake
up. If you are on a meditation routine, wakeup and suck eggs
while walking. Stretch while drinking juice, then meditate
while waiting for the 45 minute mark from the last sip of juice
before you eat meat. Then eat your meat meal while you
prepare all of your food. Put all of your food in a lunch box if
leaving the house. Or maybe keep it in the lunch box anyway
for organization and cleanliness. Maybe put an ice pack in it if
it is hot out.

½ teaspoons of cheese all day long every 15 mins, and also 10

min before every meal.

Wakeup, have 2-3 Tablespoons of cheese, wait 10 min and suck

3-7 eggs 5 min apart. If meditating, drink juice while stretching
and meditate while waiting for the meat meal.
You eat the meat meal while you make the food for the day.
You drink your Lube with the meat, or you can have it shortly
after. If you have it shortly after, have at least 1.5 Tablespoons
of butter with your meat to prevent the protein from turning
into fuel (as fuel doesn’t heal the body, it only provides
temporary energy).

Shortly after finishing the Lube (10-30 min) eat at least 2.5
Tablespoons of Cheese Cake Filling. More if you want.

30-45 mins after Cheese Cake Filling, have more juice.

30-60 mins after the juice, start drinking your Milkshake.

When finished with the Milkshake, start sipping your Sport

Formula. Drink at least half.

60-90 min after sport formula, eat your next meat meal.

Meat, Lube, Cheese Cake Filling again.

30-60 min after Cheese Cake Filling, last serving of juice. After
juice, finish the sport formula. After sport formula, drink ⅔ of
the Milkshake before sleeping. Wakeup in the middle of night,
finish the last ⅓ of the Milkshake. The quart of Milkshake is 2
servings, so ⅔ is actually ⅔ of half of the jar.
Wakeup and repeat.

Expect to gain 3-5 lb a week.

You will probably be uncomfortably full. It will be a challenge.

Stay disciplined and consistent. You get what you put in.

If the sport formula is just too much to have every day, make it
a pint serving instead of a quart. If the routine is unrealistic,
we can also reduce the Lube to 12 ounces also. A quart of
Milkshake with all of the Lube and Cheese Cake Filling may
also be too much. You may reduce the Milkshake to a pint
instead of a quart.


8-16 oz meat twice a day with Lube and Cheese Cake Filling.

Veg juice, Milkshake, sport drinks in between meals.

If exercising, exercise preferably 90-120 mins after the meat

meal. You could exercise during your veg juice drinking period
instead of the morning stretching and meditation but your
workout won't be as powerful because there is no meat in your
system. If that's the case, suck extra eggs prior to fuel the
workout, and it’d be smart to meditate after you make all your
food and finish your meat meal, before you move on with your

Sip Milkshakes during the cheese train period to gain weight.

Lube with meat meals. Keep doing sport formulas too.
Budget Diet

For if you can’t afford to do the diet perfectly.

Here is a bare bones routine:

Wakeup and suck 2-4 eggs, have 1 cup of juice, eat 4-8 ounces
of meat with at least 1.5 Tablespoons of butter, preferably 3+
Tablespoons or a Lubrication Formula, but that’ll be more

Sip milk for a bit.

Have another cup of juice.

Have more meat with butter.

More milk until bed.

Estimated cost: $15-20 a day.

You’ll be skinny, but you should feel pretty decent, stable and
balanced as a person. As time goes on you will probably feel
the same, not see a lot of improvements unless you are still
new to the diet. If you do the Hot Baths, yeah you’ll see some
more progress. It would be good to have some fruit with fat
mid-day, some olive oil with a few meals a week, but not too
much. Having at least 1 small Lubrication Formula and
Milkshake every day can help a ton. On this routine you might
be fat deficient and feel unwell, so if you can spare the extra
few dollars, have 1 Lubrication Formula or Milkshake every day.

Because vinegar and clay are cheap, continue to have 1

tablespoon of vinegar in 3-4 ounces of milk, and also 1
tablespoon of clay in 2-3 ounces of milk, once a day.
Daily Consumption

General Daily Intake Based On Height

+ Means no maximum.

Consuming more than the maximum can cause adverse

reactions, so only consume more when specifically stated by
Aajonus in your situation.

12-24+ ounces of raw meat of any type. (usually 8-12 ounces

twice a day)

1-4+ quarts of raw milk. (Consumed away from meat, sipped at

room temperature)

4-12 ounces of raw unripe fruit (Not in the morning and more
than 12 ounces only when stated in a remedy or if unable to
access raw milk)

2-6 cups of vegetable juice (Rarely would anyone need more,

and sometimes having more will impair digestion by overly
alkalizing the intestines)

8-24+ ounces of raw fat (Primarily butter and cream inside

Milkshakes, Lube, Cheese Cake Filling, and Ice Cream)
4-8+ ounces of raw cheese (Some trained, some cheese and

2-3 Tablespoons of coconut cream (Unless stated by Aajonus

for specific remedy) (Consumed with your fruit meal)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil (or olive)

1 tablespoon of vinegar (2 if an athlete) (never by itself, always

with milk to prevent demineralization)

(optional) Onion, herb, ginger, bland fruits with sauces or


0-8 ounces of water (Far away from other foods. Best

consumed inside of a sports formula)

6-18+ raw eggs (A lot more if you have digestive issues as it’ll
be your main sustenance)


It is incredibly important to not eat too much red meat. I

believe that most people would benefit from eating mainly
white meat, or at least go through a phase where you eat
mainly white meat, and experiment to find what works best for
you. If Aajonus were alive, he could tell you exactly what you
should have. Because he isn’t, I declare the default position to
be 100% white meat, and then slowly increase the red meat to
find your perfect balance. The reason we don’t start with 100%
red meat is because that’ll generally produce unstable,
anxious, and aggressive individuals. If you eat more white meat
than red, you will generally have more confidence and less
anxiety, which will help you with your meditations.


Cheese every morning, then suck a few eggs.

Generally everyone should have 8 ounces of meat twice a day,

with at least 1.5 Tablespoons of butter with each meal. You
should have a sauce recipe with every meat meal for flavor. I
always finely dice or pate my meat. It is so much more
enjoyable. Also if you are overly acidic it helps with appetite to
have some tomato with your meats.

Vegetable juice in between meals, 2-4 servings a day.

Milk in between meals. At least a portion of your milk as Kefir,

if not all of your milk as Kefir.
Cheese cube 10 minutes before every food.

Fruit meal midday with coconut cream, dairy cream, lemon,

and lime. See Fruit Meals in the Recipes section.

1-2 Milkshakes a day. Generally it is 1 pint per Milkshake.

1-2 Lubrication Formulas a day. Generally it is 8 ounces per

Lubrication Formula.

2.5-3.5 Tablespoons of Cheese Cake Filling 30-60 minutes

after every meat meal.

1 tablespoon of clay in a cup of milk once a day. (absorb

radiation from past x-rays, any that we are exposed to, and
acts as probiotic).

1 sport formula day, or 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a few ounces

of milk once a day. (neutralizes some toxins in chemtrail
pollution and cleanses blood vessels).

1 teaspoon - 2 ounces of olive oil with a meat meal 2-3 times a

Sourcing/Food Quality

Sourcing Information

If food is organic it is automatically non-gmo, but organic soy

can still be chemically treated.

You have to be willing to drive, it is not uncommon to

drive 90 minutes once every week or 2 for milk. You can get
eggs every several weeks as they last a long time. Finding
proper quality eggs within a 45 minute drive usually isn’t
difficult. Don’t expect to find fresh beef from a farm, they are
all built to freeze their product, rarely are there fresh
operations. You may be able to work out a deal to get fresh
meat when the farmer is butchering, before they freeze it, so if
you want that, ask.

Advice For Talking To Farmers:

Everytime you call someone, leave a message. Send them

a text. If they don’t answer, follow up and contact them again.
If they don’t have what you need, ask if they know anyone who
has what you need, and if they know where you can look. If
you want, try to educate them on why you are looking for what
you are looking for and try to sell them on improving their
operation to meet your standards, and tell them you’ll refer
them to everyone you know or meet on the diet.

You need to be prepared to make lots of phone calls. You

call non-stop until you find what you need. If you are in a
tough area it could take hours of research, calls, and driving to
markets and talking to farmers.

When you are asking a farmer about some of these

questions you have to do it in a way where you are assuming
they are doing the things you don’t want, as to not allow them
to know what you are looking for so they don’t have the
opportunity to lie. Example: “What temperature do you think
is best to heat the honey to?” They are assuming that you
expect the honey to be heated. If you ask “Has the honey
reached 93F?”, they can easily lie and say no, so you buy it. Or
if you are checking out eggs, “What brand of feed do you use
for the chickens?” Rather than saying “”Do you use soy?”, then
they can lie because they know you won’t buy it if they tell the
truth. Many farmers think their feed doesn’t have soy because
it's not on the front of the packaging, but then you ask for a
picture of the ingredient label and it says soybean meal.

Websites (USA):


Cream, milk, eggs (unsalted cheese still has salt, butter is frozen):

Coconut Oil:

Suppository Device:

Affordable Clay:

Optimal Clay (super overpriced, used to be reasonable):

Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen: (WARNING HE MIGHT NOT BE


Really Raw and Wee Bee Honey are the only good brands I
know. Honey Pacifica and Y.S. Honey are not good.

More information on the #sourcing-list channel on Discord.

Willow Run Foods:

Chicken, beef, pork, cheese, butter, cream, whey, milk.
All done through phone and mail. No website.

Meat must always be fresh. Frozen meat is not acceptable
unless you are in a survival starvation situation. If you already
have a freezer full of it, sorry, but your money is already
wasted. I recommend leaving it for emergencies or selling it to
someone else, that way you can actually make progress with
your health by eating fresh meat. It is fine to eat conventional
meat from the grocery store. If it is frozen, cooked, or salted,
the bond that keeps the toxins bound will be released and you
will absorb them.


The only concern is when you are eating organs, glands,

and marrow. That is where most of the toxins store. If the
animal has received medication and undesirable food, if it
is fresh meat, most of the toxins will pass through you
and the little bit of fat you eat with it will absorb the rest.


Of course it is preferable to have grass fed meat as there

are more nutrients, but it doesn’t have to be grass fed for
muscle meats. Just make sure the meat is fresh. You only
want meat from a grocery store when there is a butcher
at the store. The store will have a deal with a farm and
they will get sections of the animal every week that they
cut up fresh in the back. If you ask if it is fresh and they
say it is fresh, there's a 99% chance that it actually is
fresh. It is very rare where they lie or don’t know. I never
buy the pre-packaged meat that comes from other
locations, I only buy the stuff cut up and wrapped in the
back of the store, the stuff where it's on that paper tray
thing with the plastic wrap. Not the vacuum sealed
packaged branded meats. I suspect that the vacuum
sealed meats have chemicals in them because they are
produced where nobody can see, so they can do whatever
they want without anyone knowing. They can easily and
legally add chemicals, but the butchers at the store don’t
care to. The butcher after slaughtering, before it is even
sent to the grocery store might spray citric acid on the
outside of the carcass, but it doesn’t get onto the
individual cuts. The real concern is when they clean the
tables and don’t rinse them off all the way. Some places
with higher regulations like California might deliberately
put chemicals on meat, so if you are concerned, you ask
the butcher to cut you a fresh section but to rinse the
table and their knife with water before they cut it. You
watch them do it, or you ask for a piece of meat still in the
big packaging from the cooler and just buy the whole
thing, like a 5-10 pound cut.

If you have extra meat that starts fermenting before you

eat it, just put it to the side to make High Meat, don’t
throw it away, but don’t make High Meat if there is
anything else mixed on it, or if it went sour in plastic or


Preferably it is fed no soy and is non-gmo. You’ll most

likely only get that if you are ordering from the Amish.
Aajonus will not touch chicken that is fed more than 25%
soy. You want the chicken to at least be pastured raised.
Free-range can still be locked in a barn and have
hundreds of chickens that have access to a very tiny
space outside. Pasture raised means they are mainly
outdoors. Most whole foods have a pasture raised chicken


In the United States, fish should be only from the East

coast, and preferably higher up north for the cleanest
product. You should buy a geiger counter and test it for
radiation before eating it. Never eat salmon as there have
been massive amounts released into the ocean and you’ll
never know what you are getting. Oysters are the safest
seafood because they store their toxins in their shells.
Sometimes they are UV-treated, so it might be safe to ask,
but the thing is they will probably not even know. Places
like Whole Foods would be more likely to do that than
smaller shops. It's best to get seafood from a local family
owned market rather than a big chain grocery store, or
order straight from a small fisherman. Smaller fishermen
fish in cleaner waters, as the big boats can pollute the
water they are fishing in. You must ask if it is fresh or
frozen because a lot of seafood is frozen.

If the shrimp is gray it means it is contaminated. You want

it to be rich red. Aajonus said Vietnam was a good place
when he was alive. Nowhere near the pacific.


Hopefully you live in a country with easy accessibility. If you

don’t, you will need to work very hard to find a farm, start your
own farm, or move to another country. If you have enough
people in one area desiring raw foods, you could contract with
a farmer to produce specifically for you guys. All the members
together could even invest in a farm.

Start off by using the Directory websites at the top of the

section. You can ask Facebook groups local to your area. You
can go to the Weston A Price website (even in Europe) and find
the closest chapter leader near you, as they all have food
sources for every area they have a club. You can check out the
Amos Miller co-op list. You can go to every farmer market
within an hour of you and walk up to every single stand and
ask if they know anyone that sells raw milk. They don’t have to
be advertising it, but if they are at a farmers market they
probably know a lot of farmers. You go to every single person
one by one and ask.


Most butter is frozen. A lot of small farmers will refuse to

make you fresh butter unless you say you’ll buy an entire
batch off of them, like 20-40 pounds. Butter doesn’t really
go bad, it might start getting stinky and slightly molding
on the top, but you can just cut off the mold and it’ll be
fine. I don’t mind stinky butter, I can barely even tell a
difference aside from the smell, especially after putting it
in a Lube formula. If you can’t find a farmer that sells
fresh butter, it is very easy to make butter. See Making
Butter in the recipes section.


Should be easy to find. If they have raw milk they might

sell cream. Rarely frozen.

It is extremely unlikely that you will find someone who

makes proper cheese near you. If they sell cheese they
probably ship out their milk to a cheese maker, so it
would be very difficult to convince them to ship out a
batch of milk just to make cheese for you the way you
want it. You should order your cheese from the Amish or
make your own. See Making Cheese in the recipes section.
Preferably the cheese is made with a home-made rennet
or no rennet. Almost all cheese is made with processed
rennets. It will still work for what we need it for, but
home-made rennet is a little bit more effective.


Best off making it yourself. Whey is a byproduct of

making cheese. Make sure that it is made without the
presence of light or it will be bitter. Extract it right when
it separates from the milk, don’t let it ferment too far. See
Making Cheese in the recipes section.

Use the Directory websites at the top of the page. You want it
to be no-soy and non-gmo. It isn’t that hard to find, unlike
chicken meat. Preferably the eggs are unwashed and
unrefrigerated. You should request that they don’t wash or
refrigerate them, many will say yes. I never buy eggs from
grocery stores. A lot of them are washed with chemicals and
the taste actually gets into the egg. They are also almost
always terrible quality at the grocery store.


Should be able to get everything at the grocery store. Get

organic if you can.

Vegetable Juice:


You’ll just get celery from the grocery store.

Preferably organic. If it is not organic you should
probably wash it. See Washing Produce in the Recipes
section. You want to buy the biggest bundles you can
find. If you buy skinny flimsy celery, it will make half
as much juice and it will taste bitter. Celery should
be sweet. Not because of sugar, but because of the
concentration of minerals. Bitter celery is very
unpleasant. Go from grocery store to grocery store,
up to 30-45 minutes away if you have to, to find good
quality celery. Whole foods usually have good celery.
When you are making your juice, if the celery is slimy
at all, wash it. If you don’t have good water, get well
water from your dairy farmer when you get milk, or
just use the sparkling water with the carbonation
removed. When you make the juice, cut off the root
of the celery because it will make the juice bitter.
Also, if the celery is slimy, wash it as the slime makes
it bitter. I don’t know what the slime comes from.


Grocery store. Farmers market. Easy to find. Cut off

the root before juicing.


Grocery store. Farmers market. Easy to find.

Grocery store. Farmers market. Easy to find.


Grocery store. Farmers market. Easy to find.


Must always be unripe. Green hard pineapple, not green

and squishy, green and hard. Green papaya, green
mangoes, green bananas, etc. It has more enzymes and
less sugar. Grocery store. Easy to find. Always wash
berries before consuming, even if organic. See Washing
Produce in the Recipes section.


You want naturally carbonated mineral water. If it doesn’t say

natural then it is synthetic carbonation. The reason we want it
to be carbonated is because it passes the inspections without
adding any chemicals. Aajonus says they add chemicals to all
the other waters to lower the bacteria so it will pass the
bacterial inspections. The carbonation is anti-bacterial
naturally, but it won’t affect the bacteria in our body so it is no
concern for us to consume that. There are local springs that
may be good for you to access and there are websites that help
you find them. Gerelsteiner is the best brain in the US.
Mountain Valley treats their water with ozone. Be careful, do
your research. Gerelsteiner we know is good, as of now. You
can always ask your local farmer for well water, as long as they
don’t treat it. It can be good for washing produce, making ice
cubes for ice water to stay longer in Hot Baths, dripping the
water with a rag on your forehead to cool off, while allowing
the body to stay hot.

Bee Products:


Honey must never be heated above 93 F degrees, and the

bees cannot be fed anything but honey. Lots of
beekeepers feed them sugar or corn syrup in the off
season. It seems like most do. They’ll argue and say it is
fine, but it is not. Many will also argue with you about the
temperatures. Honey can be heated to high temperatures
and still legally be labeled as raw. Many brands claim
gentle heating like 120 degrees which would burn you.
You can ask them if the honey is ever heated and they’ll
say no it's not heated it is raw. But then they’ll say they
actually warm it to pour it. Then you can ask how hot and
a lot of them will say 100 F degrees, “not hot enough to
damage anything”. Bullshit, the honey is already ruined. So
you really have to ask a lot of questions with these
beekeepers. You can never buy it from the grocery store
without talking to the farmer on the phone or through
email. When you go to the store, take pictures of the
honey and go home and call them. You are a detective.


It is very rare to find proper pollen. A lot of farmers don’t

collect it. If you happen to find good quality honey, ask if
they ever have pollen. It is good to have for when you are
in pain so you can make Pain Formulas. Keep some for
emergencies if you find it. It would be smart to order
some from the Pollen Man on the Sourcing list for when
you need it. See Pain Formula in the recipes section. Link
at top for pollen

Royal Jelly:

Royal jelly is also very hard to find. Feel free to ask your
beekeeper about it. Link at top for good royal jelly.
Nuts and Seeds:

Almost always pasteurized, even if labeled raw. Not sure if

truly raw nuts and seeds exist at grocery stores. Find it from a
local farmer. Ask farmers at farmer markets.


Just make sure they are mature. The young coconuts meat is
like butter and you can scrape it. The mature coconut’s meat is
hard and thick. Doesn’t matter if they are organic.

Coconut Cream/Oil:

I don’t think legitimately raw coconut cream or oil exists in the

United States. See the Links at the top of this section.

Must make at home. See Coconut Cream.


Cutting Board:

Ideally use a cutting board that is 1 solid piece of wood, with

no glue involved, as the glues are toxic. You can use a grilling
board and treat it with olive oil. You can also use a glass
cutting board but it will dull the knife.


Used for breaking up coconuts.

Oyster Knife:

To pry coconut meat out of the shell for making coconut

cream and also for opening up oysters.

Oster Blender:

Oster blenders are necessary because you screw the blade

onto the jars and you fill the jars all the way so there is no air.
That way no air is mixing with your food while you blend it. A
traditional blender will oxidize the nutrients damaging ⅓ of all
the nutrients. Much slower healing and it doesn’t taste as
good, it makes a bunch of foam.

You will need a different Gasket, as the ones that come with
the blender get stuck and leak.


Greenstar, Champion, Norwalk, and Angel juicers are all good

for coconut cream. We don’t use centrifugal because they
oxidize the nutrients.

These are powerful juicers strong enough to extract cream out

of coconuts. Coconuts can damage some juicers. These juicers
also have very good yields.

A twin gear juicer is necessary to juice coconuts. A single gear

will not be strong enough. A stainless steel gear is ideal. A
plastic will leech some toxins with the pressure involved.
Greenstar offers optional replacement Stainless Steel gears. A
plastic gear is better than none.

(If you can’t afford a juicer, sell your damn Xbox or Playstation
or anything like that, then you can buy one. They are a
complete waste of time anyway.)
2+ Quart Food Processor:

Food processors are necessary for pateing your meat. Do not

get a small cheap one, it will be a hassle to use. They can also
make finely diced sauce recipes, whereas a blender liquidates
the sauces.


Mixers are necessary if you need to make your own butter

with cream. Just put cold cream into a mixer and let it run.
When the liquid is done coming out, pour that into a jar, and
let it run more until there is no more liquid being removed.
You can drink that liquid or feed it to a pet. Then you will have
butter. Others have used blenders to make butter but I have
not had success in doing so.

Hot Tub:

Very important for detoxification. What is good about hot tubs

is that they stay 105 degrees steadily and you don’t have to
constantly add more hot water. You can relax and have plenty
of room to stretch and you don’t have to think about filling it
back up. Crammed bath tubs are very uncomfortable and hard
to stay in for long periods. You can easily double your duration
simply by switching to a hot tub.

You need to have a custom one with a heater externally

installed so you don’t get exposed to the emfs. It needs to be
5-6 feet away at least. You should also have well water or the 3
tier Primal water filter system. I am not explaining the water
filter system here, it is complicated and expensive to install. If
you have the money to do it, contact me and I will help you.

Hot Water Bottle:

You can buy this at most grocery and drug stores.

Amazing for applying to areas where you are experiencing

pain, soreness, sometimes even on your stomach if it hurts, or
your back if you have a cold, or you can lay down with multiple
of them under a blanket with long sleeve clothes on to absorb
the sweat and simulate a Hot Bath.

Cutting Board:

You need an untreated wood or tempered glass cutting board.

Don’t use a cutting board with pieces glued together, the glue
is toxic. You can get a grilling board and then treat it with olive
or coconut oil and let it sit in the sun to cure.

Cheese Cloth:

Important for making cheese or removing all the fiber from

juices. A strainer is fine for juice most of the time though.

Cheese Press:

Used to turn cottage cheese into hard cheese.


Important for juicing lemons so you don’t get seeds in your jar,
and removing the fiber from juices and coconut cream.


You need 8 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz, 32 oz, and 64 oz. Multiple of each to
store your recipes. 128 oz jar is optional.

Good Knives:
A set of nice sharp knives for cutting meat, making recipes,

Hand Crank Ice Cream Maker:

Aajonus recommends a Donvier Ice Cream maker.

Electric Ice Cream Makers have way too much EMF and it is
for extended periods too.

Thin Glass Straw:

To encourage easier sipping, prevent chugging.

Lunch Box:

To carry your food around so you don’t miss meals.

Food Storage


Right when you get your meat, scrape it, then if you want to
pate it, pate it, if you want to dice it, dice it, and then put it
into jars and keep it in the fridge. Can’t really scrape chicken
so it's mainly a beef and fish thing. Do not store it in the paper
from the butcher in the fridge, it’ll get really gross and won’t
last long.

For survival situations and camping trips, you can preserve

meat with olive oil, but it may be too acidic and cause
indigestion. Coconut oil is better, but from my knowledge
there are ZERO good coconut oils in the store, and you have to
buy it online. See the Sourcing document for a link. Buttermilk
can also preserve, the liquid you get when you make butter.



Store in glass in the fridge. If you want to make Kefir,

store it in glass in a dark space until it is thick, then blend
honey into it and store it in the fridge to prevent it from
fermenting too far. If the milk separates to the point
where there is a clear liquid, it has fermented too far to
drink, and that should be used to make cheese, as
drinking that can decrease your bacteria levels. If the milk
is alcoholic then definitely don’t drink it, because that’ll
detox you too hard.


Store in the fridge if you want it to stay fresh, or store it

at room temperature. Some people don’t like fermented
butter. I don’t mind. There is no issue if the butter is sour.
If you are going to let it get sour, put it into glass, but
butter ferments very slowly anyway so it will last a long
time in plastic before it gets to be too far fermented.
Aajonus stocks up on butter before the winter, before the
cows switch to hay because it is more nutritious when
the grass is fresh.


Store the cream in glass in the fridge to keep fresh. I’ve

had cream on the counter for a month before and even
though it was very sour I still enjoyed it.

Preferably purchase 5 pound blocks. Remove the cheese

from the packaging and keep it exposed out in the open
in the fridge. Every morning, slice off as much as you will
need for the day, probably a half inch. Then, cut the
smallest possible sliver off each side where it touched the
plastic, or scrape it if it hasn’ dried yet. Over the course of
a few weeks it will become very dry on the outside and
form a crust. I have found it to only become more and
more delicious. It will basically last forever. A mold might
start forming on the outside but that doesn’t matter
because you remove a thin slice where it touched the
plastic anyway, and you only cut off as much as you need
every day. The outside layer of the cheese you leave alone
except the piece you cut off for that day only. If you eat
the mold it can cause fatigue due to the detox, so it
should be avoided.

When making cheese, press it into a flat shape, that way it

is easy to cut off the mold. If you have a bunch of
unformed bits of cheese and it grows mold, it’ll be
impossible to remove.

Keep in glass in the fridge. If it becomes alcoholic do not
drink it, it’ll lower your bacteria and also cause detox.


Keep room temperature. They can last for months. Eventually,

after 6-12 weeks they might start to become a little sour but
are still good. Maybe after a year they will become high eggs,
but maybe not even then unless there are micro-fractures on
the eggs.


Vegetable Juice:

Store in the fridge, in jars with no air space to increase

shelf life, so pour it into servings. Stays good for 4-5 days.
Any longer than that and it may cause detox due to being
fermented. Add a tablespoon of honey per quart to help
preserve. Without the honey, the nutrients will degrade
faster and it won’t taste as good over the days.

Keep bananas and melons outside of the fridge. Anything
else you can keep in the fridge.

Pineapple, you remove the green top leaf part when you
get it because it’ll continue to grow which takes nutrients
out of the fruit. Cut off a horizontal slice of the pineapple
and store it face down on a plate. Whenever you eat the
pineapple, slice of a section and cut off a ⅛ inch slice
where it touched the plate. If pineapple is not organic,
you should scrub it with warm water before putting it
into your fridge.

Bee Products:


Glass, room temperature.


Glass, refrigerated.

Royal Jelly:
Glass, refrigerated.

Coconut Cream:

Put a tiny bit of lime juice in it, 1 teaspoon per 7 ounces of

coconut cream, and keep it in the fridge.

Alternative Hard Non-Breakable Container For Liquids:

You can use Lexan, as long as it does not get hot, over 102 F, or
sit in the sun. I would be wary of putting pineapple or vinegar
in it though.
Specific Food Info

General Consumption:

Sip all of your liquids, no more than 1 ounce per minute. If

alternating between sipping and cheese then 2 sips is fine
because it's not subsequent minute after minute.

Have cheese 10 minutes before everything.

Never consume frozen food, except fruit is okay. It will destroy

80% of the fat, 25% of the protein, and all of the enzymes. See
the Cats And Dogs Frozen Food section in Aajonus Testimonial
Stories Document.

Do not go 5 hours without protein. This includes when you

sleep. After 5 hours the protein in the blood goes to 0 and you
start breaking down red blood cells for energy. When you
wake up, you’ll have lost 1-2 ounces of blood and you’ll have to
rebuild it throughout the day. You will have more energy in the
morning and heal more quickly if you prevent the anemia. In
nature with perfect health this isn’t a problem, but with
modern toxicity, it is a problem.

Never consume any supplement under any circumstance. The

only approved supplement by Aajonus is Blue Ice Fermented
Cod Liver Oil, Unflavored Liquid. I found it to be similar to
High Meat but it caused me detox symptoms like fatigue and
sore throat, just like eating high liver does (we're supposed to
eat High Meat from muscle to prevent detox reaction), as it is
basically High Meat made from liver in a bottle. He later said it
seems that it only benefits people on cooked diets anyway so it
is probably useless for us.

Maximum/Minimum Temperatures:

Honey: 45 F - 93 F

Fats: 38 F - 96 F

Dairy: 45 F - 98 F

Olive Oil: 50 F - 96 F

Meat: 38 F - 98 F

Eggs: 68 F - 98 F (Keep outside of the cold preferably 24

hours before consuming, but stored room temperature)

Nuts and Seeds. 45 F - 104F F


The best food for cellular regeneration. Allows fast muscle

growth and healing of the entire body along with very stable
energy levels for multiple hours.

Preferably let your meat sit out to get warm before you eat it.
For the morning meal, you can leave it out the night before for
extra bacteria or get it out right when you wake up.

Have at least 1.5 Tablespoons of butter with every meat meal. If

you have no butter, sour cream is the second best substitute,
followed by eggs, followed by meat fat, followed by avocado.

Do not consume meat within 60 minutes of vegetable juice,

unless the vegetable juice is consumed in the morning if you’ve
only had cheese and eggs, then you can wait 45 minutes.

Ground meat is not ideal. The high pressure homogenizes the

fat and tends to produce more fuel rather than acting as
protein for healing. Sometimes metal flakes get into the meat
from the machines. Buy cheap cuts and pate them instead.
Also if there's any chemicals sprayed in it, it’ll be mixed in it
and there's nothing you can do about it.

It is preferable to scrape all your meat before you eat it. See
Meat Recipes in the Recipes document.
Do not consume more than 2 Tablespoons of vegetables such
as celery or salad with meat, and no more than 1 tablespoon of
honey or you will overly alkalize the meal and won’t digest the
meat. If you have any of these alkaline ingredients, you will
have to be aware of the overall volume of alkaline substance in
your recipe.

Be careful about having milk with meat. Try not to have more
than 1-2 Tablespoons of milk with your meat meal. Preferably
don’t have more than only a sip after your meal to wash your
mouth. Sometimes Aajonus tells people it's okay to have more
but you have to be very careful. Space milk an hour away from
meat. A half cup of Kefir is okay with your meat, 1 cup might be
fine but is pushing it. Kefir is slightly alkaline and can inhibit
your meat digestion if you have too much.

Do not have water within an hour of meat. Try not to have

more than a half cup of water a day unless you are sweating a
lot. Water is best consumed inside of a Sports Drink recipe.

Do not have fresh cream with meat. You will completely impair
digestion. Sour cream is fine. You must space fresh cream out
at least an hour.

Do not ferment anything in plastic. If it's slightly fermented, it

might be okay, but if it's very fermented, throw it away. If you
for example had cream ferment in plastic and you really need
it, it might be fine to consume. But as a general rule, transfer
to glass when you get your product.


Organs can be very helpful but it is best if you don’t have

too many to where you replace your muscle
consumption. You may become unstable mentally and
emotionally. I wouldn’t consume more than 20% of my
total meat consumption as organs.

Whatever organ you eat will help heal that organ inside of
your body. If you ferment the organ, it will detox you.
Don’t focus on fermenting the organs at first. You first
need to focus on strengthening them so they can handle
the detox.

Organs must be top quality, no vaccines, dewormers,

antibiotics, non-gmo, no soy, pasture raised.

Nice to have, good to eat if you have access, but don’t

over-do it.

Liver can help fat digestion.


Must be top quality just like organs. Glands stimulate

hormone production. Eating thyroid supposedly can even
grow a woman’s breasts. If you have poor health you can
increase your energy levels sooner by eating glands, while
you are still waiting for your body to heal, as the
hormones act as a natural healthy stimulant. Very
valuable. If you can get them then enjoy them.


Must be top quality like organs and glands. Marrow

provides concentrated stem cells to heal the entire body
much more quickly. Great to eat for bone toxicity and low
red blood cells. Very valuable. If you can get it, eat it.
Helps the body heal faster in every way. If you have an
injury, applying it to the injury location can help it to heal.

Beef/Red Meat:

Increases energy. Builds glands, muscle, and hormones.

Do not mix fruit with red meat, except pineapple and
papaya. It will convert all the protein into fuel and you
won’t heal with that meal. Remember, you want the fat to
be the fuel, not the protein converted into protein-sugar.
Lubrication Formulas with meat are fine because the
lemon is reacted with the butter. You can mix lemon,
lime, or vinegar with warmed fat (like when making Lube),
or egg yolk and it will react with the fat instead of the red

Do not mix sauce with red meat meals for longer than 3
hours. It will convert all the protein to fuel which will not
heal the body. The fat should be fuel and the protein
should heal the body.

Red meat too close to bedtime may prevent you from

being able to sleep. It is stimulating.

If you only have access to red meat, it would be best to

have 2 or 3 raw eggs with every meat meal in order to
help balance yourself. If you only eat red meat, you are
more likely to be neurotic, less stable emotionally and
mentally. An easy way to apply this solution is to drink a
Lubrication Formula with every meat meal, as it has the
eggs in it you need to be balanced.

More soothing. Heals connective tissue, helps to soothe

detox, and calms the body down.

You can have fruit with Fowl.

Having a little white meat with all of your red meat will
help rebuild nerve tissue.


Contains more minerals. Feeds the nervous system better.

Not stimulating like red meat.

Should test it for radiation. Only buy from the east coast
and preferably up north in the United States.

Don’t eat salmon, a lot of the even wild salmon is GMO

and people report getting sick from it all of the time.


Pork acts like a combination of white and red meat.

Probably my favorite meat to eat.


Let all of your milk sit out to get room temperature before
drinking. If you drink it cold you will not properly digest
the proteins. You’ll shock the stomach and it won’t
secrete enough hydrochloric acid. You may experience
cramps drinking cold milk. If you are in a rush, you can
warm up the milk like a Lubrication Formula but that is
not ideal because then you aren’t giving bacteria time to
regrow. Some people will always get diarrhea from milk
unless it is left out for several hours, or sometimes they
need it to be Kefir. When you make Kefir, the in-between
stages taste weird, but if you make a proper Kefir, when it
is ready, it will be delicious. See Kefir in the Recipes

Don’t let milk ferment in the presence of light or it will

taste bitter.

Avoid sugar in the first 6 hours of the day. A little honey

with meat is fine. Milk an hour after meat is fine because
it’s not enough sugar to cause a problem for most people.
It may be too much for some. If you become mentally or
emotionally unstable it is too much. If you have a
Milkshake you don’t get that sugar reaction because the
sugar in the milk will be utilized to digest the protein and
fat in the eggs.

If you want to gain weight, have milk inside of Milkshakes

rather than by itself. The same foods consumed
separately will not result in as much weight gain.
Consumed separately foods digest faster and produce
more energy, so you would be more productive. If you
want more healing, mix them. They will digest slower and
produce more fat, but you will be more tired, but at the
same time more relaxed.

Do not consume milk with meat or you’ll have indigestion,

except maybe a little is fine. If it is Kefir, you can have
about a half cup without a concern.

Do not have milk within 30 minutes of vegetable juice.

Do not have more than a little milk when you are eating
cheese and honey.

● Cow:

Most people should have cow's milk. It is more

soothing, more healing for the average person.
● Goat:

Goat milk is for diabetic and fat lethargic people. If

you are skinny, Aajonus says to not even look at
goats milk. If it is all you can get, add extra cream to
all of it. Goat milk has adrenaline precursors. Most
people need to relax and heal, not become more
unstable and hyperactive.


The best fat to feed the skin, muscles, and connective


The most efficient fat to have with meat for overall


Very commonly sold frozen, which heals the body

significantly slower than fresh. You have to confirm if it is
fresh or not before purchasing.

The best fat to feed the nervous system. Hard to digest
but it will relax you as you drink it, because it takes
energy to digest and also because it soothes the nerves.
Can produce all forms of cholesterol to feed the brain and
nervous system unlike butter.

Do not mix cream with meat, or else you will basically not
digest any of the meat and waste it all. If the cream is
soured then you can eat it with meat.


Heavily concentrated in minerals. Very good for absorbing

toxins. Can cause constipation so if you are prone to it,
have a little butter with it.

To utilize the minerals in cheese, you have it mixed with

honey. It has to be mixed in the mouth at the same time
before you swallow it, or in a jar, but it has to be mixed
together prior, you can’t eat one then the other

Great for breaking down lactic acid, byproducts of
exercise that make you sore. Can also help with arthritis,
rheumatism, cramping, and stiffness. Gets rid of mineral
deposits. Don’t have too much too often unless you have
it with coconut cream or it can dry the body out. More
than 1-2 cups a day would fall into too much, without also
having coconut cream with it. You can put a little bit into
your vegetable juice, or in your Sports Formula.


Almost everyone should consume a tablespoon of raw apple

cider vinegar in 3-4 ounces of raw milk every day, or in the
sports formula. It is necessary to neutralize the toxicity we
ingest from chemtrails, and it will also help clean the blood

Used to neutralize toxicity in tap water inside of hot baths.

Neutralizes toxic oils from plants like poison ivy off of the skin.


The fastest digesting food. Fully absorbs in the first 3-4 inches
of the intestines in 27-47 minutes. Contains every nutrient in
existence. Great if you have poor digestion. Can slowly reverse
Crohns and Leaky Gut. Gives you instant nutrients for focus
and energy, just suck one whenever you are tired or having
trouble focusing. Won’t build muscle or regenerate cells like
meat will though.

Store at room temperature. If you bought it refrigerated let it

warm up before consuming, preferably for a day or 2, so it’d be
good to get more before you run out so it has time to get
warm and regrow bacteria.

If you are ever having trouble focusing, just suck an egg.

Trouble focusing usually results from a protein deficiency, and
you’ll digest protein very quickly with the egg. Very often I’ll be
out in public or with friends and be bored, and if I just suck an
egg then I can enjoy myself again and have things to talk

I never recommend drinking more than 1 egg at a time. Always

space them 3-5 minutes apart. When you see people guzzling
eggs they are mainly doing it because it “looks cool”, not
because it is optimal for digestion. Space them out.

Eggs can be very helpful for detoxing many different toxins.

When Aajonus had to get surgery to blast some stones that
formed in his penis, he let them knock him out and give him
medication. If I remember correctly, as he was passing out he
saw them put antibiotics in his IV. When he got out of the
surgery, he sucked tons of eggs to detox the antibiotics, 25-28
a day, and ate a pound of cheese a day. Anytime you are very
toxic or coming off medication, you have to always stir an egg
into every vegetable juice right before you drink it.

If you are very full, sucking an egg can expedite your digestion.


Vegetable Juice:

Do not consume whole vegetables on a regular basis, on a

raw diet. Most people should never consume them. If you
do have a salad, make it the last meal of the day. It can
impair protein digestion for up to 24 hours.

The carrot and honey sugar in vegetable juice is fine

because celery is a negative carbohydrate, you will still be
pulling carbohydrates out of the body when you drink the
vegetable juice, as celery juice is a negative carbohydrate.

Celery juice helps detox the waste product of

carbohydrates and salt, and provides lots of sodium and
enzymes. Really good quality celery will taste sweet. Not
because it has sugar, but the alkalizing minerals are
actually what makes it sweet. Like if you juice sugar cane,
the sweetness is because of the minerals. The actual
sugar is in the fiber. Sugarcane juice can be a celery juice
alternative. If your celery tastes bad, you have bad celery.
Go to a different store every time you make juice until
you find one that tastes good. Make sure you cut off the
bottom of the celery, and if it is slimy, wash it. The thicker
the celery the more sweet it will taste. It should be

Carrot helps detox the toxin-filled bile that accumulates

to process the cooked carbohydrates.

Parsley helps oxygen absorption, helps bad breath, is

extra alkalizing, cleanses the blood and liver, and detoxes

Cucumber is a fruit, but it doesn’t contain sugar. Peeled

cucumbers are generally blended into your juice in order
to get the collagen.

Save zucchini for when specifically specified in a recipe

that applies to you.

Most people should add either cream or 1 egg to every

serving of vegetable juice right before drinking it.
Vegetable juice can sometimes cause brain fog due to
causing a protein deficiency and the egg can fix that.
Sometimes vegetable juice can detox you a little bit and
the cream can absorb that. Usually eggs are more ideal. If
you are fat, you usually won’t need an egg or cream in
your juice. If juice causes a bad mood, you have to have an
egg stirred into every serving.


Consume all fruit unripe and with equal amounts of fat,

preferably butter or cream. If you don’t have fat to eat
with the fruit, eat it very slowly, but don’t make that a
habit. When fruit ripens, the enzymes convert into sugar.
We want the enzymes. The fat will absorb the waste
product of the sugar and slow the sugar’s reaction. Never
consume fruit juice except specifically stated as a remedy
for your condition in one of Aajonus’ books.

Do not consume lemon, lime, or apple cider vinegar by

itself except in a remedy for a specific issue such as
headaches. It will remineralize the body. Do not consume
lemon/limeade for enjoyment on a regular basis. Even
salsa chicken too often can be problematic, unless you
add fat to it, like a few egg yolks. The fat mixed with the
citric will make it okay.
After being on the diet for 1-2 years, try not to have more
than 1.5 cups of fruit a day unless specifically stated by
Aajonus for your condition. If you are new, it might be
fine to have a little more, or extra honey.

Be careful with fruit before bed. Some fruit will keep you
up, especially apples and berries. Apples stimulate
adrenaline and berries detox metals.

Twist off the top of pineapple. It’ll continue to grow and

take nutrients out of the fruit. Cut a horizontal slice off
the top and store it face down on a plate. Cut off 1/32 of
the pineapple where it touched the plate and throw it
away, and then a half or quarter inch slice everytime you
eat it.

Too much fruit will make you emotional. It can also cause
a protein deficiency and make it hard for you to focus.
Again, this is why we have only 1 Fruit Meal a day, unripe,
with fat. Pineapple makes people more emotional than
any other fruit, so be careful to never have more than a
cup a day for extended periods, even a half cup a day
every day can be too much for several days in a row for
some people. Some people become emotional wrecks
from eating too much, and then take a few days off of it
and then be completely fine.
Fruit juice is too concentrated in sugar and should only
be consumed rarely for specific remedies when stated by

Specific Fruits:

Will not be covering every fruit, just the main ones. Will
add to this list over time. Fruits are generally detoxifying
so you do not want to have too much. They also
strengthen your emotional reactions, so do not consume
fruit if you are depressed or Bipolar.


Lime juice acts as an antibiotic. Do not have too

much without also having a little lemon with it. Can
demineralize you so consume it blended or mixed
with foods that contain enzymes.


Promotes fermentation. But not in the case of High

Meat, so you cannot mix it with High Meat or it will
be ineffective. Can demineralize you so consume it
blended or mixed with foods that contain enzymes.
Mango and Kiwi Combo:

Detoxes industrial solvents. If you have a green tint

in your eye, you may have significant solvent
accumulation. I have lots of green from the
marijuana wax I consumed, as it is made with
solvents. You may also get it from taking, for
example, supplements. See Solvent Extractor in the
Recipes document.


Reduces pain. Bananas with butter and honey can

remove dead cells from bruising. Do not refrigerate.


Helps digestion primarily protein, but also fats. Able

to eat with red meat. Helps build bones. Breaks down
lymphatic congestion.

Helps digestion, primarily fats, but also protein. Able
to eat with red meat. Detoxes the spine, so don’t
have too much too often. Enhances taste buds.


Detoxes metals. Different berries detox different



Stimulates adrenaline. Can make people irritable and

hyperactive. Do not eat apples if you have diarrhea,
do not have them close to bed. Rarely recommended
by Aajonus.


Helps detox specific drugs. Good to have orange

juice blended with raw eggs during pneumonia. Can
help eye strain. Can help toxic blood stream and also
migraine headaches.

Very hydrating. Can help with cramps. Can help eye

strain. Helps promote perspiration and prevent
overheating. Do not refrigerate.


Good for increasing hormones and thyroid function,

sometimes anxiety, soreness, liver function when
mixed with butter, muscle pain, and more


All water disturbs the balance of digestive juices and intestinal

bacteria. Use it as a solvent, in small amounts to remove dead
cells from the body. Do not consume large amounts. Aajonus
recommends a half cup every day for most people. You can
have more if you are an athlete, but the same rules still apply.
Do not have it near food or you may have indigestion. Space it
at least an hour away from meat.
Best to have naturally carbonated mineral water because it
doesn’t have the same unhealthy processing that flat water

Distilled water makes all problems worse in the long run. It

leaches nutrients from the digestive tract and blood, and also
from the rest of the body.

Bee Products:


Contains an insulin-like substance converts 90% of the

carbohydrates in honey into enzymes that help digest,
assimilate, and utilize protein. It also helps to digest fats.
This substance in honey can also help to reduce the need
for insulin in diabetics.

This substance starts breaking down when honey reaches

93 F degrees. Bees work to keep their hives cool, and if
the hive ever goes above 92.8 F degrees the bees will
abandon that part of the hive and only consume that
honey in emergencies and they’ll be much less stable.

If you have wrinkles, swelling under the skin, cellulite,

honey mixed with saliva applied once daily can help.
Honey by itself is good on wounds but usually you want to
apply lime juice first.

Honey is alkaline and more than a tablespoon with your

meat meals may cause indigestion.


Must be refrigerated. If it is not, it will dry and not work.

It must be soft and be able to crumble. A half cup of local
pollen a day can help with allergies. Must be local for it to
help with allergies. Pollen that isn’t local will still help
inside of the Pain Formula recipe. Pollen is mainly for the
Pain Formula recipe, which significantly reduces pain.
Basically you blend it into a Lubrication Formula.

Royal Jelly:

Must be kept refrigerated. Eat it with raw meat and raw

fat. It increases regeneration of tissue and youth. Royal
Jelly should be stored in refrigeration. It is high in
hormones for reproducing cells. It will increase cell
division multiple times over. Best to have it with meat so
you have proteins for it to react with. Only need a pea
sized amount at a time. If you want to regenerate liver,
muscle or blood, have it with red meat including liver. If it
is muscle meat you are after, have it with red meat. Great
to have in the Primal Body Care Cream recipe. See Primal
Body Care Cream in the Recipe’s document.

Nuts and Seeds:

Don’t have nuts or seeds outside of Nut Formulas. The

anti-nutrients must be absorbed with the raw fats.

Coconut Cream/Oil:

Important for breaking down toxins. Good to have it with fruit,

but you need to also have animal fat at the same time to
absorb the detox. Preferably dairy cream with it.

Aajonus says that coconut cream can do everything that

butter can. But he also says that if you have too much, you will
detox too much. Some people have issues if they have it by
itself because it immediately starts dissolving toxins. It is great
for dissolving metals. Whenever you have it, you should almost
always also have dairy cream with it. Coconut oil is even more
concentrated, so you’d want even smaller amounts. See the
Daily Consumption document.
Put a half teaspoon of lime into every cup of coconut cream to
help preserve it. Store in smaller jars to keep it more fresh, so
there is less air.



French clay is good. Rosebud might be okay, but check

the source information. Don’t chew rosebud clay or it can
break your teeth due to it having hard bits in it. Terramin
clay and terrasilk are both good for the skin. Zeolite and
bentonite are not good and can be dangerous. Terramin is
the best widely available source (Often out of stock now,
or way overpriced)


To prepare clay, pour and stir 4 oz of clay into a glass jar

with 5 ounces of good mineral water that was bottled in
glass, not plastic. Put a lid on it but loosely. Let stand for
4-5 days in a dark cupboard and beneficial bacteria will
flourish. Stir the clay/water mixture every time before
eating it. If using naturally carbonated bottled water,
carbonation must be removed because it will destroy
microbes. You can remove carbonation by pouring the
water into a jar and shaking it until all the bubbles are
gone before you mix it with clay.

Don't refrigerate clay or it'll get moldy. Aajonus has had

clay soaking for 2 years. It might mold after a year. But
you can scrape it off the top.

If there's clumps of clay in any drink you add it to, you

didn’t use enough water when you prepared it. You want
it to be the same consistency as plaster in paris. If it is not
pre moistened, it’ll dry the intestines.

Topical Use:

Anytime there is mention of using clay on the skin, you

pack pre soaked moist clay on the skin, wrapped in a wet
cloth- to keep it moist, and a ace bandage bandage.

If you have an ulcer, you have toxins in the tissue that

won’t heal. You have to remove the toxins first. Packing
moist clay there, wet, all night long will help draw those
poisons out. Vinegar in the clay will help draw out and
neutralize poisons from the skin a little bit better. You can
put butter all around the area outside of where you apply
the clay pack. Anytime you have anything close to the
skin, you can feed it from the outside.
If you have tooth decay, pack the gums with clay to
prevent further tooth decay, removing poisons from the
gums causing tooth decay. Do not let any stay on the
teeth as it’ll demineralize them.

Clay in the Hot Baths is good for absorbing extra poisons,

especially neutralizing radioactive fallout. Use 2
Tablespoons per 30 gallon of tub. Not mandatory, but

Anytime you have an elimination through the skin, you

want to help the elimination. You could put clay on the
area. You could put lime juice around the area so the
poison being detoxed doesn’t damage the skin as much.
Butter is the best thing to nurture the skin to make it
stronger, more resistant, and less vulnerable to the toxins
moving through the skin. Put it right on the surface of the
skin. The Primal Body Care Cream is the best thing you
could use, but people are lazy. So those lazy ones just use
butter. The Primal Facial Body Care Cream should last
about 7 months in the refrigerator. If it goes bad, skim the
mold off the top and it’s fine to keep using.

If you have an injury that is not healing, you have some

toxicity where it won’t join. Just like an ulcer. Ulcers won’t
heal as long as they’re contaminated. Once the
contamination is gone, the cells can fuse together. Mix
clay with raw coconut oil (or olive oil which is second
best) and a tiny bit of water and into a firm paste, and
pack it on that area and cover it with a damp piece of
sock or cloth. Then wrap part of a plastic food bag over
that so it doesn’t dry. Finally, wrap it with an Ace bandage.
You don’t want the clay to dry because it will damage the
skin. You want to pull it out through the skin. Use at
night, all day long. Don’t make it too tight, because you
want circulation. You can use a piece of plastic food bag
over it but never cellophane which out-gasses forever. It
is one of the most toxic plastics there is; it has petroleum
powder on it so it won’t stick together but that powder
will get into your food.

If you keep mobile, you’ll clean it out faster. Blood and

nutrients will flow through faster. When people are sick,
it is always best to keep mobile. Take Hot Baths and use
Hot Water Bottles on injuries and detoxing areas, with a
towel to keep the heat in.

If you have a splinter, put lime or vinegar on it, then wet

clay, and wrap it with something wet so it doesn’t dry.

A conversation between Aajonus and a client:

Q: My nose became red and swollen about three years
ago, nobody can tell me what it is.
A: I had this too. And when I put the tissue under a
microscope, guess what I found? Dristan, the stuff you
take for runny noses and colds. Mine looked just like
yours and covered the whole nose area here. Now it’s just
a faint freckle. I kept packing it with clay. Depending on
how it reacted, if it would burn or pus, I would put honey
or saliva on it. One time it stunk pretty bad so I put some
feces on it, because feces eats the most degenerated of
tissue. That’s why e coli is in the bowel. It is the end of
digestion, it reduces fat and protein molecules to the
finite particles that feed the brain and nervous system.
That’s why people who do enemas and colonics are very
unstable people. They are never feeding their brains and
nervous systems, because they keep washing out their e
coli. So, it depends on what happens with it, if it’s sore
and swollen put mud packs and clay packs. You have to
keep it moist during the day. Mostly I would put butter
and honey on it. Mix them together, just a small amount
of honey. When it turns white and starts pussing, use the
clay packs. Terramin clay is the best.

To remove bruises, first, put the lime juice on the area so

the lime can go in and surround the dead blood cells.
With bruises, you have red blood cells out of the blood
stream and in the tissue. The red cells are decaying and
they turn black. Then when the body breaks it down it
turns yellow. And then it passes out through the skin. So
you put the lime juice on it first to help it contain any
toxins in those red blood cells and then you put clay, wet
clay, over it. Then a wet ace bandage with coconut cream
(or butter if no coconut cream) over it. And then after you
remove that, put a thin slice of meat then ace bandage,
moistened or dampened with coconut cream. Then over
that, put the plastic bag and then a bandage around that.

For severe chemical burns, you can put moist clay on it,
then a wet wash (with natural spring mineral water, not
toxic tap water) cloth over the clay, and wrap it with an
ace bandage. After 12 hours, remove it and wash it off
with good water and then apply honey and a thin slice of
beef, wrapped with a wet cloth, then a plastic bag to hold
it in place then an ace bandage, then after 12 hours
remove the honey and beef, but do not wash it. Wash only
after clay. Repeat the clay, then honey/beef again over
and over until healed.

For a chemical burn, you would also want to eat a half

teaspoon of cheese, then 10 minutes after the cheese
having 1 part of honey to 5 parts of butter taking,
consuming 1.5 teaspoons of the butter and honey after
the cheese every hour and immediately after the butter
and honey have 2 ounces of milk. One meat meal a day, no
honey, butter, milk 1 hour before or after the meat. If you
use sparkling water, you must shake it and remove all the
carbonation first because it is antibacterial and will
inhibit the probiotic effects of the clay. It is best to have
the clay made beforehand, with some water mixed in it so
it is clay, for at least several days, multiple months being
best. But if you don’t have it prepared, just use it right
away, but letting it soak in the water for some time prior
is best. The maximum to keep the honey/meat on or clay
is 17 hours and the minimum is 12. Do not let the wound
dry in between changing bandages. The clay pulls the
toxins out and the meat and honey heals.

1 teaspoon of clay and 1.5 Tablespoons of vinegar helps

remove redness from skin from acne.

Clay and sunshine can help scar removal by pulling toxins

out that have created scarring.

If you let moist clay dry on your skin, it'll pull out the fat
and dehydrate it. It must be kept wet to continue to pull
toxins out.

Oral Use:

Do not eat clay within an hour of solid foods. Clay is used

in a variety of remedies. See the Remedies document. One
of the main uses of clay is absorbing radiation from things
such as x-rays, general toxin absorption, and to act as a
probiotic. If you suspect non-organic substances in your
vegetable juice, add a pinch of clay to your juice.


One tablespoon of coconut cream, two teaspoons of

terramin clay and one half to one teaspoon of raw apple
cider vinegar. It whitens teeth, as well as just dissolves the
plaque off of the teeth without damaging the dentin,
unless you brush more than once a day. Brush it down
into the gums. Use baby toothbrushes, very soft. And just
brush - work that down in there. And it will dissolve the
plaque so you don’t have to have deep root cleanings. It
helps gums reverse the receding. Applying bone marrow
and rubbing it into the gums and even brushing it into the
gums will bring the gums back almost a half of a
millimeter overnight.

Oral Consumption:

1 teaspoon moist clay in 2-3 ounces of milk 3 times a day

helps with heavy radiation. X-rays, MRI’s, CT-scans cause
heavy radiation poisoning. They also destroy intestinal
bacteria. Consuming pre-soaked moist clay daily can help
restore the bacterial levels. For normal radiation, 1
tablespoon of clay in 4 oz of milk, once or twice a day.
Aajonus said in 2011, that with Fukushima, we have more
radiation than normal. Aajonus puts a pinch of clay in all
his drinks. Not sure if the radiation has resided or if there
has been another disaster since then.

Clay with milk protects the brain and hair follicles, helps
chemtrails too. Vinegar in milk also helps with chemtrails,
about a tablespoon in 4-8 ounces.

1 teaspoon of clay in 2-4 oz of milk 2.5-3 hours before bed

can help you sleep. Cheese helps you sleep also .

Some people should avoid having clay in juice if they are


If experiencing detoxification symptoms, eating no-salt

added raw cheese and/or clay will help draw poisons
from blood into the stomach and intestines rather than
into the liver, kidneys and brain. Eating plenty of raw fats
- such as coconut (especially coconut cream), eggs, dairy
cream, butter and honey mixture, and avocados - will
help neutralize the heavy wastes that occur during heavy
detoxifications. Drinking 2 ounces of beet juice can help
neutralize toxins by stimulating increased hydrochloric
acid production. Eating some or plenty of raw eggs will
help maintain protein levels without overloading the body
with intense digestive processes, allowing the body more
time, focus and energy to cleanse and heal. Raw eggs are
the easiest food to eat; they digest in about 27 minutes.

Don’t exceed 2 Tablespoons of clay a day or it’ll dry your


For poor digestion that does not stem from Crohn's

disease, consuming 1-2 Tablespoons of moist clay daily at
the same time that you consume vegetable juices or milk
or milk helps. For children with poor digestion that does
not stem from Crohn's, I suggest 1-2 teaspoons daily.
When digestion improves substantially, reduce the clay
consumption to once to thrice weekly.

Don’t consume clay within an hour after food. It is fine in

drinks. Bacteria in clay break it down like plants break
down rock minerals, so that's why we can digest it, and
not rock minerals by itself.

American Indians who were eating cooked foods,

pregnant mothers would always take a little bit of clay
every day, moist clay right from the river, so it was
already full of bacteria, not dry. And take a teaspoon to a
tablespoon, depending on the size of the woman. It’ll help
protect the baby from the cooked food toxicity, and it can
help with morning sickness also.

Put a little clay in your vegetable juice to absorb any

potential chemicals in “fake organic” produce.
Somewhere around a half teaspoon per quart.


Clay will ruin a water heater in a hot tub.

If you don't have salt and vinegar, you can use dry clay in
a Hot Bath. Let it soak for at least 7 minutes before

Client and Aajonus conversation:

Q: You said we get minerals from the clay?

A: Yes, but the clay has an actual amoebic body in it. It is

an animal. It is a cross between an animal and dirt. A
mushroom is a cross breed of an animal and a plant.

G: Explain the difference between clay and why that is

digestible and why the plant-based colloidal minerals
would be toxic?
A: Very different. There is a very high activity of bacteria
in the clay. It contains bodies like – which are not
identical in nature to, but similar to - bone marrow. These
cells in a clay can actually shape shift. They can turn into
amoebas. They can turn into parasites(good ones). They
can turn into any bacterial form that your body needs.
Just like a bone marrow cell can become any cell in the
body. It can completely change its identity to a liver cell.

With the clay in pools, they don't require it to be


If chicken need extra minerals, add terramin clay to the


Aajonus: ”Charcoal is a burned substance. If you were a

plant you could eat it. Milk works better. If you have been
poisoned, you could use clay. You heard about that guy
that ate an amount of arsenic that could kill about five
people? Before he did it he ate a large amount of clay. So
he consumed the arsenic and got into the Guinness book
and did not tell anybody how he did it until he died. Then
he left the information behind him. That is how he did it:
he ate clay.

When you are detoxing you want to eat differently than

you normally would. You typically will remove the vegetable
juice, and switch all your red meat to chicken. Sometimes it
may be fish. For a cold or flu, it’ll typically be chicken. You
would also have 2-3 Lubrication Formulas or 2-3 Milkshakes,
along with 1 Smoothie every day, and the cheese trains and
extra Hot Baths. For any specific symptoms you have, consume
the appropriate remedy. See the Remedies document.

Eating beef during your detox can increase your

symptoms and prolong your detoxification. It will also require
you to drink vegetable juice because of the acidity. When you
drink vegetable juice during a detox you are more prone for it
to cause a protein deficiency and in general exaggerate

While you are sick it is best if you keep your house extra
warm. Really, all year round you want your house to be 79/80
F degrees to promote perspiration, but it is especially
important while you are sick. You can also at the same time
dress in very warm clothes and have a Hot Water Bottle with
you under the covers so you become dripping wet, with some
towels to absorb the sweat.
If your detox is very severe, you can slow down that detox
with the Slowing Detoxification Recipe.

When your brain is detoxing, do not consume any

vinegar. A brain detox would look like producing lots of plaque,
tongue fungus, eye crust, and a foggy congested mind.

Do not consume more than 5% of an herb in your juice or

you can instigate too much detox.

Do not consume any oil during a detox, it’ll make it too


Do not consume moldy berries until you have been on the

diet for at least a year, and if you do, start very slowly, with one
every few days, waiting to see if you get symptoms. 1 every day
may be fine without significant symptoms, but for others it
can mess them up for up to a year.

Do not over do the coconut cream, the vinegar, oil, fruit,

or any other highly detoxifying food.

Fermented vegetable juice can be overly detoxifying.

If you have amalgam fillings, be on diet for at least 2.5

years before removing them.
See the Daily Consumption document for maximum
portions of foods.

Too much Smoothies can force detox. 3 Smoothies a day

would force a flu or cold.

Joints and bones detox in cold weather.

See Detoxing Heavy Metals.

Diet During Detoxification Routine

Focus on eating chicken and drinking Lubrication Formulas,

and also consume 1 Smoothie every day. If you can’t drink
Lubes, drink Milkshakes. If experiencing pain, you can eat
green banana slices with butter, and you can also eat Pain
Formulas. See Pain Formula in the Recipes Document.

Stopping Detox

Lime juice acts as a natural antibiotic. It will still impede

digestion if you have too much too often, but it won’t poison
you like pharmaceutical antibiotics. If you have the
ingredients, make this recipe and drink it before taking 60-90
minute Hot Bath every 3 days
See Slowing Detoxification in the Remedies document.

Strong Detox Stories:

There was one man who was on the diet for I think a year,
and got to a good body weight and went to the hot springs.
After maybe 50-100 hours of hot baths, he developed intense
detox symptoms and if he eats 100% raw, he suffers a lot. He’s
been suffering for over a year now. He eats cooked food to
mitigate symptoms because he can’t handle it. Sometimes
detoxes like this happens. Maybe he should have been on the
diet longer, been fatter, or been careful not to do too many hot
baths without taking a break and looking for symptoms.

I have another friend who got a several month long detox

where I think he was coughing blood, just from eating a few
ounces of raw kidney. Fresh, not even high. He had major
health issues when he started the diet and healed a lot. He
took a medication that causes kidney damage, so he thinks
when he ate the kidney, it detoxed the toxins he accumulated
from the medication. After maybe 5 months, he recovered, and
will be healthier than he was before. (Update: he can now fall
asleep on his side whereas he couldn’t before this 4-6 month
long detox. He says it was worth it, he feels like he cleaned a
lot of stuff.)
And another, someone had like 1,400 mg of test to compensate
for their bad health, and when they started the diet and finally
got good nutrients, his hormone production shut down and he
got ED. Over the next 1-2 years his eyes went from dark black
to light brown. He still isn’t 100% healed but he has
unwavering trust in Aajonus and is willing to persevere
through faith that it will be for the best for him in the end. He
is active on the Discord @vorman.

All are quotes from Aajonus:

High Fish Meningitis

This one is about when Aajonus overdosed high fish. Just

a reminder to be cautious, don’t do anything with your diet
unless you see what Aajonu says about it first. If he ate 1
tablespoon every few days that would have been fine, but he
ate 8 ounces in one sitting.

“Up until a year ago when I ate the eight ounces of high
fish, it removed 20% of my brain scarring in a matter of about
four months, going through the meningitis from eating that
eight ounces of high fish, that was a difficult, difficult detox for
a while. I was in severe pain.”
“I would say I had the effects for about six weeks, from
minor to major, to minor again until it was all over. Severe pain
lasting for that 10 days where it peaked at about three days
where Lori was lifting my legs onto the couch because I
couldn't move anything from the waist down without severe
pain and sleeping in the bathtub and that lasted probably 6
days. Three days where I couldn't do it myself. And I ate eight
ounces, which is way too much.”

Spine Detox and Spiritual Coincidence

“After the radiation therapy I couldn't even touch my

knees – I had been so burned in the spine. Then, after I went
through a spinal meningitis – which, I didn't know if I were
going to survive for about four months – four and half months,
after I healed from it – I was able to touch my shins. The next
time I had spinal meningitis I could touch the floor.”

“But, it takes about four – four and a half months to heal

from one of those. Well, I went through it again: three and a
half weeks ago I started with the pain in my lower back, mildly.
And I have a cross bow – an old one made out of wood – and it
had broken the prod. So, I had molded this whole thing to
remake it, because you can't get any parts for it. Then, I went
to re-string it myself. Now, it's a 150lb. bow – when you string
it, its 300lbs. So, I was stringing it and I ripped all the muscles
away from my spinal cord. So, I was basically crippled. I had a
black tie affair in exactly 24 hours to go to.”

“Now, this is something maybe metaphysical – I do not

know – but, any time I've had a problem I am always able to do
what I need to do. So, I had lots of Pain Formulas with cheese
and that's basically all I ate, besides chicken, constantly, during
the night – up until that time where I had to go to the black tie
affair. I put my tux on; I went to the black tie affair. I was
getting up very slowly, but I was maneuvering and did the
whole thing. For the next two days, I was crippled again.
Basically, I could not put socks on; I had to crawl to the
bathroom. Then, when it started going into spinal meningitis –
it was like a flu symptoms all over; tons of mucus coming out.”

“This went on – basically off and on – for a three and a

half week period. Today is my first day without pain. But, all
along the way I have been handling clients – still functioning –
all along and every time it would come to a client coming – I
was basically – my body would stop all the mucus flow, so I
didn't have to react that way. And anytime I had to go out and
do something, my body made sure that I did it pretty easily.
That's another thing: I don't know if it has something to do
with my own metaphysical nature, but I have seen other
people able to do this too: when they go through detox they
seem to be able to function normally. I have a few new clients
within the last three months who have had heavy projects
going. And they were getting tremendous flu’s as they were
detoxing, but they functioned every day doing their normal
job, and even more intensely.”

“So, they were saying: ‘Gosh, I have never been this sick,
but I've never been able to be functional at the same time.’ So, I
am just bringing this up to let you know what you have to go
through sometimes to get well. Just – don’t panic – do not run
to doctors – do not get x-rays, because one x-ray can prevent
healing for up to six months. You cannot regenerate cells if
they have been irradiated. That is the point of radiation
therapy; it is to make sure cells do not regenerate. “

“People vomit to the point where they bleed or they have

diarrhea to the point where they bleed and they dehydrate
from all of that – as well as losing the blood. This is the only
thing: it is blood loss and dehydration; it is the only thing that
can naturally occur and can kill you. And it happens one in
probably 10,000. All of those records that I have seen – every
one of them – died from anaphylactic shock, which means
from the treatment...”

“All – even the adults – they are dying from anaphylactic

shock. So, it is the treatment. The doctors are not going to say:
“Oh, I am sorry you died because of our drugs.” They are not
going to say that; they are going to continue to blame the
bacteria and parasites.”
Few Examples of Musician Poisoned With Fog Machines

“I've been experimenting with honey in getting rid of

wrinkles and lines and thickness of skin because of that
reaction for the last year. I have one fellow who had elephant
neck. He's only sixty years old and he's been mainly on this
diet for about...since 1979 and he looks good everywhere. His
hair is just as black as black can be. He is an Italian. His hair is
just black and not a gray hair on him but he's got this elephant
neck skin.”

“So I told him to start putting saliva with honey on his

neck and in five months it had reduced by two thirds already.
The thickness of my forehead - the wrinkles on my forehead -
I don't know if you remember how thick that was. And right
here when I smiled I had these huge islands that were part of
these lines. Almost all the islands are gone. That's from putting
saliva and honey on there only two days a week for a twenty
four hour period. It's dissolving and helps predigest things. It
helps digest and break down. That's why I like people using
lots of honey as long as it's unheated. That insulin-like
substance is destroyed at about - starts being destroyed at -
ninety three degrees. By the time you hit a hundred degrees,
it's pretty inactivated. So the honey has to be truly unheated.”
Q: Does that work for cellulite?

“Yes it works on everything. So far I've used it on warts

and tumors. I had a guy, a young boy, twenty seven years old -
he's a young boy to me; he's a musician and a very good
musician and you know I get to go to his concerts once in a
while when he comes into town. He's always in this
atmosphere smoke and that atmosphere smoke is an oil, an
evaporated oil. I was waiting for the day that he's going to have
a bad reaction from that. I kept telling him about them and he
broke out with a cancer tumor under the left eye that was
pretty big. I've dealt with tumors like that, that take the nose
away and remove all the area around an eye. I thought I'm
going to see what I can do.”

“I know that E Coli works so putting buffalo shit or you

know cow shit or some shit on it is going to help keep the
tumor down. However, there's no healing property that goes
along with that fecal matter so it can irritate and irritate the
area even though it keeps the tumor subdued. So I got him to
use the saliva. I used water and honey; it doesn't work. But
saliva and honey works so I had him use that on the tumor and
he's kept that tumor at just a fraction of the size and I just got
an email with the latest pictures because he's documenting it.
In the latest pictures, the tumor is completely gone. It took a
year but it's completely gone. That's from breathing all that
garbage that got clogged in his sinuses and was around the eye
and in here, producing tumors. That oil that they use for
evaporation mist is made of vegetable oils and vegetable oils in
the human body will crystallize. “

“So she came to me. This [photo] was the condition of her
nose when she came to me. I said “Barbara, you are only going
to lose your nose; I can’t prevent you from losing your nose
but you probably are going to lose your entire nose. I had her
putting vinegar on it and pineapple, just a little bit of juice on
it, and lime juice periodically. You can see it is not as inflamed.
It is calming down even though it has all these scabs on it –
like impetigo scabs on it. That is fluid. You can see how deep it
went. In the last one, see how it is starting to heal over here.
The skin was way back over here; now it Is starting to heal. I
thought she would lose her nose; I didn’t know she would start
healing again but she did. How she got it was, she was a
nightclub singer and smoke of course could have had some
responsibility in it but now they don’t use dry ice any more to
make smoke for entertainment. They use hydrogenated oils –
vaporized hydrogenated oils so that is liquid plastic they are
putting in the air. So any time you are at a show, I don’t care if
it is the Comedy Store, a night club, whatever it is, when you
see that stage smoke, that is vaporized liquid plastic. That’s
worse than having smoke.”
“So, she was a nightclub singer and they used a lot of
smoke at the club where she was at; the new kind of smoke
and that caused it. There were those kinds of particles. She
had all sorts of plastic discharging all throughout this; it got
into her sinus and up into her brain. She told me she was going
to get brain cancer but it never happened. She lived 7 years
more and had her children at her funeral. She didn’t die of
cancer. She was eighty-some years old when she died. Her
daughters came up to me at her funeral and said ‘thank you so
much; she was supposed to die 7 years ago and we got to
spend these last years closer than ever. Even though some
people can’t recover from this much damage… the cancer
didn’t kill her. She had to wear a bandage over that nose and
she was not hired as a singer any more.”

“Malcolm Gold [photo]. He is a bass player and did a lot of

gigs with smoke and he got his cancer in the eye here. I told
him when he came out to Los Angeles and did a gig in
Universal City, the amount of smoke that they had was
incredible. I had to sit way in the back and I wore a mask
during the whole performance. I said ‘Malcolm, you know it’s
going to catch up with you; you’ve got to stop it’. He finished
the tour for another three months and never did it again. This
happened about 10 months after he quit the gig; you can see
how bad it got. Now he didn’t go to a doctor at all. He just
trusted me… put lime juice on it, vinegar which took care of it.
This [photo] is it shrinking down.”
Aajonus Detoxing Finger Tetanus Vaccine From 50 Years Ago

“[photo] This was a finger detox 2008. Now this finger

had been cut off in a lawn mower when I was 3 years old and
the doctor at the hospital – this young intern - thought he had
all kinds of great ideas so he took a tetanus shot; he not only
injected my butt with it but he injected the finger all around
this finger. So here I am at almost 60 years old detoxing all of
that out of this finger. Now my body lost very few white blood
cells in it; you can see it is mounting up here and it leaks out
this area right here. That is where I lost some white blood
cells. You can see it has already leaked once already. You can
see what it did to the nail; this is a while later; see how it
deformed the nail. This nail used to go straight back. It pitted
the whole thing; it took all of the minerals out; minerals were
used to bind with heavy metals coming out here. Tetanus shots
have more mercury and aluminum than any other vaccine.”

UPDATE 4/24/2024

When you apply stress to the body, if it goes over a

certain threshold, that is often when it will turn into detox, if
you apply too much stress, whether from detoxifying foods,
exercise, or simply abuse of the body in general. I can feel it. If
I go too farr I might fall into a whole detox experience that
lasts 1-2 weeks, but I know when I start feeling this if I just
relax, don't push myself and treat myself like a baby, I can
prevent these intense detoxes sometimes.
Advice For Athletes


Aajonus had a very skinny client who asked about

bodybuilding on the diet and Aajonus told him to consume a
pound of meat with a Lubrication Formula twice a day. His
client gained 4 inches on his arms and 6 inches on his chest in
2.5 months.

Meat and Fat:

You must consume the meat and everything else, never frozen.
If the meat was frozen, the stem cells are destroyed, which is
what helps build muscle. If you ate a lot of raw, never frozen
meat and didn’t even exercise, you would put on muscle if you
are in an untrained state.

When meat is consumed by itself, a majority of the protein will

be utilized as a source of fuel. But, if you consume adequate
raw butter, the best fat to consume with meat, the butter will
be utilized as fuel, and the protein will be used for cellular
regeneration. This is what we want in every case, especially
The Lubrication Formula was designed to feed the skin,
connective tissue, joints, and muscle. Consuming the
Lubrication Formula with the meat will firstly make sure all the
protein is utilized for cellular regeneration, but the nutrients
will be flushed into the areas of the body necessary for
bodybuilding. It will help keep your joints lubricated, feed the
connective tissue, and help to really grow muscles.

How it works is the lemon juice in the recipe changes the

utilization of the butter to make it feed what was just
described, but if you consume butter without lemon, it’ll
normally be prioritized in feeding organs and glands.

It is most efficiently digested by drinking ⅓ of the Lube before

the meat, eating the meat mixed with 1-2 ounces of butter,
then 10-15 minutes after the last bite, start finishing the Lube.

It is best to pate all your meat in a food processor into a paste.

This will minimize the requirement for digestive juices and will
speed up digestion, and will result in you requiring 30-90
minutes less sleep every day due to increased energy. It is also
easier to eat large amounts and you do not have to chew it.

Ground meat should be avoided. It has a tendency to be

utilized as fuel and not regeneration. Also, metal flakes tend to
get into the meat, and the use of high pressure grinders
damages the fat and can dull the flavor.
It is also helpful to have a bb-sized piece of royal jelly with
every meat meal for muscle building. See Sourcing document.

Fat is used to produce hormones.

Sport Formula:

Next for bodybuilding is the Sport Formula.

Using watermelon as the fruit ingredient will help the body to

not overheat, and the whey will neutralize and help perspire
the compounds that produce soreness in the body. This is raw
whey, not that processed garbage. For heavy exercise, you
want more tomato and less cucumber.

Since whey helps the body to perspire the compounds that

cause soreness, take a Hot Bath every night for recovery. You
do not want to get in the cold, you want the heat in order to
promote healing. Swelling is the blood delivering nutrients to
heal the body. You do not want to reduce swelling.

Cheese and Honey:

Consuming cheese mixed with honey supplies the minerals
necessary for muscle-building. Aajonus once said if you want
to put on a lot of muscle, have a lot of cheese and honey. I
recommend making the Cheese Cake Filling recipe. The whole
Cheese Cake Filling recipe can also be helpful. It is basically
the Cheese Cake Filling but with cream and honey on top, and
you have the Nut Formula on the bottom.

CNS Recovery:

CNS fatigue can be remedied by feeding the nervous system

with 3 main methods. They are, consuming High Meat, doing
raw fat Suppositories, and eating raw cream. First, to
understand how High Meat works, you must understand how
digestion works. The stomach breaks down food so that the
bacteria in your intestines can digest it. Then, we absorb the
byproduct of the bacteria. Different parts of the intestines
digest nutrients into different forms to feed different parts of
the body. The bacteria in the end of our intestines feeds the
brain and nervous system, but with our toxic conditions and
lifetime of cooked food, the end of the intestines only get
leftover waste products.

Our intestines are so toxic that as food travels through them,

the food will pull toxicity out of the intestinal walls, cleaning
the intestines, but damaging the food. So by the time it's at the
end of the digestive tract, it's mostly waste product and
toxicity. To remedy this, you consume a half teaspoon of
unheated unsalted cheese 10 minutes before every meal.
Cheese is the most efficient way to absorb toxicity in the
stomach and intestines. Toxicity in the stomach can cause
nausea, and eating the cheese will absorb the toxins causing
nausea. Eating the cheese before every meal will protect the
nutrients in your food from toxicity in intestinal walls.

But still, our bodies are so starved of nutrients from a lifetime

of cooked food and poisoning of the systems that we take most
of the nutrients out before it gets to the end. But this is where
High Meat comes in. The bacteria that digests meat digests it
the same as the bacteria in the end of your intestines, so a
small amount of High Meat will provide tremendous nutrients
for the brain and nervous system.


So, with the understanding of how the brain and nervous

system is fed, this is where Suppositories come in. You can
squirt raw fat into your rectum before you sleep at night and
feed the starving bacteria and supply tremendous nutrients to
the brain and nervous system.

With cream, cream simply is the best fat to feed the nervous
system. The typical 2 Milkshakes a day will cover that.

Never consume cream within an hour of consuming meat or

else the meat will not digest well. If the cream is sour, you can
eat it whenever, as it is digested significantly more easily due
to the fermentation.

Additional Info:

Individuals who have followed the Primal Diet for about 7 years
can maintain a majority of their muscle mass even when they
stop exercising. This is because their connective tissue is very
healthy. The body will utilize minerals from muscles to absorb
toxicity in the connective tissue. With healthy connective
tissue, the body doesn’t need the minerals from muscles. But,
you can get 7 years of connective tissue detox in only 6-12
months if you follow the cheese train and Hot Bath routine.

The cheese train involves eating a half teaspoon of raw

unsalted cheese every 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. This will
redirect a lot of detox into the intestines via the cheese. It will
clean up the intestines very quickly, allowing for them to be
very clean in 1-3 years.
The Hot Bath routine involves being 25-35+ overweight and
taking a 90 minute Hot Baths 5-7 days a week, and a 40 minute
bath the other days. You need the extra fat because when
toxins are ingested or detoxed, they are absorbed by fat.
Without adequate fat, this will deteriorate the system by
causing too strong detoxification without proper resources for

You need to add 2.5 cups of raw milk, 2.5 Tablespoons of sun
dried sea salt, and 3.5 Tablespoons of vinegar to the bath to
neutralize toxicity in municipal water, or else you won’t
benefit, and will poison yourself with the chemicals in the tap
water. The water should be between 102-110 degrees, no more,
and no less, and add more hot water whenever it gets too cold.

What is best for bathing is a hot tub without emf’s, often

needing the heater far away, but some don’t have emf on one
half of the tub, and well water, or a paper, coconut charcoal,
and 300 lb of sand filter for tap water. Then you don’t have to
add the ingredients to the water, you don’t have to reheat it,
and it has plenty of space.

When injured, you want to put a thin slice of raw beef with
butter on both sides on the injury, wrapped with a wet cloth.
This will help significantly with healing. It is also great to put a
rubber Hot Water Bottle on the injury to promote blood flow
and to sweat out toxicity that would prevent healing. Wear
natural fiber clothes, put the Hot Water Bottle on the injury,
then wrap it with a towel while you sleep and it’ll stay hot all
night long. You need the clothes to absorb the sweat so the
toxic sweat doesn’t damage the skin.

Because of the importance of minerals for building muscle,

along with many other reasons, you want to consume about
2.5 Tablespoons of raw unsalted cheese, mixed with 1.5
teaspoons of honey, 35 minutes after your meat meal. Cheese
by itself cannot be utilized for minerals, and must be mixed
with honey, mixed at the same time before consuming, or in
the mouth. 35 minutes after meat is the most efficient time to
digest and utilize minerals.

Athletes can get away with more fruit. Pineapples, bananas,

and grapefruits are the best fruits for athletes, for soreness.


Don’t have cream anywhere near exercise. Preferably you

drink whey, vegetable/cucumber juice, or sports formula
during training. The cucumber helps muscle nutrient delivery
(and erections, but you have to peel it as the peel does the
opposite, and usually contains a petroleum wax. A little milk in
the sports formula is fine, but drinking straight milk is not
ideal. It could be okay if you only have a little bit and you
aren’t doing anything cardio or anything too intense. Best to
eat a meat meal 60-90 minutes before training. Do not train
while hungry, you will not perform as well.

Mike Mentzer Bodybuilding

I personally have been following Mike Mentzer’s training

philosophy with great success.

Mike Mentzer Principles:

No more than 1 exercise per muscle group, unless you are

doing a superset, with the isolation exercise immediately
before the compound. No crossover with exercises, for
example you don’t bench and overhead press in the same
workout, or do pullups and rows.

1 set per exercise to absolute failure. Never do a second set.

Keep the warmup to the minimum necessary. Do not turn it
into a workout. Do some light stretching after warm.

Superset means you have 2-3 seconds in between exercises.

Every exercise is a full range of motion. Go slow on the
negatives/eccentrics. If with a partner, after reaching failure,
have a partner assist an additional 1-3 reps. For going beyond
failure, it is safest to do so on a machine, preferably the
machines where you add plates to it, not the ones with the
pins, weight blocks.

Use of machines is for safety so you can go to total complete

failure, and to take some of the stress off of the core and CNS,
that way you can delegate all your resources to the muscles we
want to be bigger. It’s not necessarily about functional training
but just getting as muscular as possible. Apply the same
principles to more functional movements if you’d like, or
strictly free weights and no machines to include core and

Use no momentum, control the weight, up and down. Injuries

occur most often from momentum. If you paused every rep at
the bottom before the next you will reduce the chance of

If a scheduling problem arises, add an extra day of rest.

During any super set, start the warmup on the compound

When you fail, as slowly as you can lower the weight back
down. Don’t just stop at the failure, go beyond by controlling
the eccentric. When you know you can’t complete it, don’t
stop the rep, keep pushing, holding as long as you can until
literal total exhaustion. Even holding, pushing it halfway for a

The most important exercise is restraint. Resist your urge to

always do more.

Train every 4 days, to complete failure every set. Every few

weeks add an extra rest day, when no more progress and you
are only training every 7-9 days, or progress stops, take 2
weeks off and then switch to the consolidation program. See
his book for the routine. The consolidation program is
basically full body workouts without supersets, with the same
principles applied and, and you start off working out every 4
days again and increase the rest every few weeks.

Mike Mentzer Playlist

This is the routine that Mike Mentzer starts people on. I was
unable to workout for years without getting injured due to my
health issues. When I started Mike Mentzeres routine, even
though I was not fully healed, I was able to train and make
consistent progress for the first time in over 5 years.
Day 1

Peck deck 6-10 (or flyes)

Super set
Incline press 1-3 (close grip, slightly closer than shoulder width
with wide elbows - for pec stimulation. Preferably on smith
machine or a hammer machine or similar)


Close grip pulldown 6-10 (chin up grip)

Regular deadlifts 5-8 (bar to shin, slightly wider than shoulder

grip, lower hips slightly lower to shoulders, back perfectly flat
and head up. Reset between reps, don't bounce the weight) (do
shrugs 6-10 if lower back pain)

Day 2


Leg extensions 8-15 (Too be honest the leg extension is way

too much for me, the squats themselves already destroy my
Leg press 8-15 (or squats, preferably on the smith machine)
Standing calf raise 12-20

Day 3


Side raises 6-10

Bent over dumbbell raises 6-10


Barbell curl 6-10 (straight bar)

Tricep pushdown straight or v bar 6-10 (no rope, skull crushers

if machine unavailable)
Dips 3-5 (add weight if you can do more)

Day 4


Leg extension (now use 30 ish lb more than day 2, perform 1

positive rep into lock knee position and hold it at the top for
10-25 seconds until you are forced to start lowering it, don't let
it crash down, lower it slowly controlled, keep your butt on the
Squat 8-15

Calf raises 12-20



When you look at an iris, the more dense the fibers are,
the more life there is. When it starts fading out is when you
start seeing dead cells. Ideally we want the iris fibers to run
straight and tight from the pupil to the iris edge. The outer
half of the circle of the eye applies to one side of the body and
the inner half of the circle of either eye applies to the opposite
side. Some people are born with a mutation where the whole
eye applies to that same side of the body.

Aajonus will look at your iris and mark everything down in

a time chart. He looks at the iris like a clock, labeling each
individual eye. People’s locations differ slightly. One person's
liver might be at 7:45, and another persons at 8:00. He may
have to ask questions about where some of their pain is
located or what their symptoms are to pinpoint this.

Unfortunately, I am unaware if Aajonus has a list of all of

the locations. He has provided some, but I do not think all.

List of color indications:

Mercury: Black
Aluminum: Silver Lavenderish
Blue in Sclera: Aluminum in bone marrow
Gray: Metals throughout system.
Arsenic: Green radiant compound
Heavy White: Possible scarring from collection of dead cells
White Dots: Infection
Yellow: Penicillin, usually in nervous system and intestines, but
can be found anywhere. Causes 90% of crohns and ibs. If your
eyes are supposed to be blue and looking green, you have a lot
of penicillin
Brown Spots: Could be from penicillin shots, which may show
anemia. If it is black under the brown, then its mercury stored
with the vaccine
Orange/Red: Iodine
Black With Shiny Green or Silver-Lavenderish: Vaccine soup
of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde
Grayish White: Mass cellular death, organic debris, scarring
Yellow/Orange: Sulfur
Brown And Orange: Iodine and sulfur
Stomach Halo: Overly acidic

How Aajonus’ Iridology Is Different

Aajonus says:

“I found that present day iridology lacks many aspects

that I discovered when comparing iris photos of people with
like/similar conditions from 1971 to about 1995. My iridology is
not magical from my perspective because I see visual
manifestations. However, many people cannot see the
variances in patterns and coloration that I see.”

“If only I were to see them, then it would seem magical.

However, when I taught an iridology course in 1998, half of the
class was able to see what I saw. Half could not; probably
because they lacked color and visual perceptions that I and the
other half have. The half that could not see were very
frustrated and unhappy at my class. That is another reason
why I do not try to explain iridological science at my consults.
Regardless, who asks any doctor the science of laboratory
tests and chemical analysis when they have their

“Blood, urine and other chemical tests are polaroids of a

person's fluid systems and do not reflect anything other than
an abstract moment in time. That would be like taking a
Polaroid of someone and judging their entire life and behavior
from the photograph taken in merely a millisecond in time in
his or her life. That would be magical. Yet, 99.999% of the
population believe the myth and accept those tests as proof
positive with their medical and alternative doctors. That is
nonsense. Irises are stable and undergo gradual changes,
reflecting general and specific tissue conditions everywhere in
the body, not just the blood and urine that fluctuate every few
minutes. ... I enjoy seeing people's lives improve with my
assistance. That is a gift I cherish”:

Audience asked: “Do you practice the same type of

iridology that Jenson practices?”

A: No.
Q: Where did you learn yours?
A: I developed mine from observation.
Q: Well how can I learn it?
A: You can't until I have a clinic open.
Q: Are you going to be doing that?
A: I'm going to be doing that once I open a clinic. There are too
many nuances.
Q: Well you have to study off something as a base.

Aajonus also learned by paying homeless people to talk to

him and look at their eyes:

“Because what we did, is I'd take people out to Venice

Beach, I would pay these homeless to let us look in their eyes.
In kind of code-talk, point out to the different toxins and
different conditions in the iris. So in this case the liver's shot?
Exactly. Could you imagine what the poor guy would be like?
He had enough to worry about before you came... Right. What
would you typically see when...would you see all varies of
illness? Oh, various. Incredible, how varied it was with each
person. Did you see somebody where you say 'hey, you need to
go do this now, to keep from dying'? I wouldn't say that.

“To somebody that didn't come to me. If I were reading
somebody's eyes, and they didn't come to me, and I was using
them as a subject, I would never say anything like that. Unless
they asked. One guy did ask. What did he ask? What did you
have to tell him? He was in really good...he looked good
physically, but he did his drinking, and he was a homeless
person, pretty young, like in his late 20s, and thought he was
infallible. Obviously he had some good growth hormones that
continued with him. However he had severe caking in his eye,
which means that he's binding - the AGEs were binding - with
the adrenaline, and caking like plaque throughout his tissues.
So the easiest way out is a heart attack, the hardest way out is
multiple sclerosis. So he asked me, what his condition was, so I
explained that to him. He says 'you gave me some real bad bad
news, didn't you?' I said 'you asked, I never would tell you...I
would've never told you that without giving you answers.' He
says 'okay, what's the answer?' Get ready... Ha ha. I said 'stay
off alcohol, eat lots of raw meat, and lots of raw fats.' 'You're
out of your mind.' I said 'yup, I am.' Ha ha. And he stormed
away. So I debate sometimes whether I tell somebody. Now
what most of the time I'll say is 'you don't want to know. You
don't want to know. You don't want to hear it.' That usually
dissolves it. What's the argument when you tell us we're on the
diet, and you go 'hey, people used to eat this way 1000 years
ago', and they go 'yeah, they lived to be 30 years old too.' That's
a fallacy. Complete fallacy. That one is used over and over and
over. Yeah. Such a fallacy. I read it was because they died at
childbirth, that made the average lower, and if you got a
broken arm, you'd die of it, and that sort of thing... Not even
that. People didn't die of broken arms.”

Aajonus: “Well I studied Jenson, well I first got a book the

first time I found out about it when I was working at Antilles, I
had access, I was ordering all the books. And let me tell you I
spent a week going through every book that I could order. And
I found some spectacular books that there were few copies of.
And I got one that was written in German in 1684 by a woman
doctor named Anne something I can't remember what it was.
And I had a German friend translate it for me, and it was the
iridology book on iridology. And you know their methods in
1684 were pretty primitive. Their microscopes, their way of
viewing everything was not detailed. When I started doing
autopsies with animals and stuff and I would see the tissue
changes and dissolve it, I would look at the pictures of their
eyes. So I looked at the difference in the tissue structure what
was occurring in that particular gland, so I could say oh that's
what mercury in a gland looks like. That's what high levels of
sulphur in a gland looks like. That's what high amounts of
aluminum in the brain looks like. So I was able to develop that
over a thirty year period. I didn't even write my book on
nutrition, I didn't start writing my book until 1992/1993. I had
28 years of experience before I was arrogant enough to think
that I knew anything. And I had to have positive responses on
everything, 80% of the stuff that's in my books, I mean all of it
had to work at least 80% of the time. But mostly 85% of the
time. But it doesn't work with everybody all the time. It may
work with somebody, a particular remedy may work perfectly
for somebody for two years and then one time it doesn't work
and then after that it does again. But I only use things that
work for the majority of the time. That's why even though
there's no advertising with this diet, it works. People tell other
people, see other people who go through their changes and
they do it. I'm not an evangelist. I don't go out preaching
anywhere. I go only to where I'm called. I stopped doing health
food shows because I don't want to get out there and stand
out there in front of a vegetarian, a bunch of vegetarians about
to puke or kill me. You know? [Laughter]. It's not in my best
interest. And it's a waste of my time.”

“I do iridology and then I check the glandular activity and

the blood and everything else by hand. Similar to the Chinese
method but I did all of my own because the Chinese method
was built on the Ayurvedic system which is prejudiced toward
yin and yang, hot and cold. It’s too narrow of an arena to be
able to distinguish what I need to distinguish.”

“Okay, let’s just take a look at this test. This is going to

show you how ridiculous tests are. You have to understand
that the pharmaceutical industry has made sure that they have
created tests that convince you to take drugs, take medical
therapy, okay? Now, if you've got a high ketone level in your
blood they automatically say you've got a kidney problem.
Ninety percent of people who have high ketones don’t have a
kidney problem but they want you to think you have a kidney
problem so that you start taking medication and treatment for
kidney problems and guess what, the medication from the
kidney problem usually creates kidney problems so you say
'yeah they were right I've got kidney problems'.”

“So you have to be very careful. I don't accept their tests.

Not one of them because - look what they're doing! They're
taking a shot of your blood, a photograph of your blood for one
moment in your life and they're basing all of this stuff about
your health on a blood test. Oh, well it’s got to be this
chemistry and this balance well everybody is so different. So
all of these tests are ridiculous. I'm talking about blood tests,
chemical analysis. You go for a colonoscopy. You go up there
and see cancer, what do they want to do? Surgeries, chemo,
radiation. This doesn't nurture the body. This destroys the
body more. It'll make you sicker in the long run. According to
Hardin B. Jones - who has been the head of medical physics
and physiology at Berkeley for I don't know how many years -
headed the oncology department there.... he testified before
the California senate in congress that his research, his follow
up on people who had cancer and therapies: the people who
were diagnosed with cancer and refused therapy at Berkeley
lived an average of twelve and a half years. The people who
were treated lived an average of three years. That tells you
right there that they're telling you will help extend your life.”

He says that a picture of your blood is like trying to

analyze your entire life from one photograph of you.

Aajonus’ analysis process:

Aajonus: So just to start, what the practice is, when you

meet somebody first don’t just start analyzing the
physiological immediately. Take them in. See where they are.

A: Do you have them answer written questions of any


Aajonus: “No, because it will all be an analytical process. It

will take up a lot of time, and it won’t give me what I perceive. I
know right away when I look at somebody how much
intellectually based they are, how much physiologically based,
and how much emotionally based. I can usually tell that within
half a minute. And then what I do is I allow myself to get to
exactly the same level because the more they identify with me
the more I can pick up on everything that they are not telling
me — on a psychic level. I can see things. I can see blocks that
are having expression out of the mental and ideological and
where it’s based in the body. And I know that all of that is going
to clean out.”

“I used to panic. I would say, "Oh, I’ve got to fix this to fix
that." I was always taught that everything comes from the
mind. And experience has taught me that that is not true. It
happens together. Nothing manifests without emotion. It’s like
the female principle. And the female principle exists alongside
the mind. The mind didn’t come first. It’s like they happen
together. And the masters always gave me that, so I thought I
had to fix this before I could fix that. Those are also people
who say anger creates cancer and all this sort of thing. That’s
not true. I saw some of the sweetest people who died of
cancer. And I saw some of the ugliest people in the world who
do not have a lick of cancer. They don’t have any diseases at all,
except maybe headaches. Migraines. So those kinds of medical
conclusions, I say you have got to stay away from those.”

“What I do is say, "That’s probably a good part of it, but it’s

not the cause." I give the permission to be right but without
getting locked into something, and then beating themselves up
and hurting themselves and trying to change into something
that they are not. So I get them to relax more, so they are not
emotionally at odds with their body and with their own psyche
and their own emotional being. I try to remove the guilt. It’s all
part of the healing process. Because then the nutrients they
eat are not burned up in emotional tension and stress.”

“The guilt is released by giving them permission, that they

are right, other things are right too. And your perspective may
not be right for you, although it is a right perspective. So say,
"Hey, that idea was given to me, and I embraced it, but maybe
that is not my truth." And that’s what they start saying, then
they are all of a sudden relaxed and open to watch what
happens. And while they are opened, they are not stressing.”

Taking Iridology Photos

It is preferable that you have a high quality camera with a

macro lens to take your iris photos, but you can get a decent
picture with a smartphone. The better the camera the better
the quality of the photo. Different devices display colors
differently, so when a different camera is used, you may have
to correct the color accordingly.

To take a picture using a smartphone, go in front of a

mirror, use the rear camera and turn on the flash. To turn on
the flash in a light environment, cover the lens so that your
phone thinks it is dark, start the video and then the flash
should be on. Go in front of the mirror, and turn your phone
around so that you can see your phone screen in the
reflection. Zoom in on your iris, and tap your phone to focus.
Mess around with the distance and the zoom until you can get
it very clear, and then do the other eye. Go back in your video
and screenshot the clearest frame of the video.

You should notice slight changes in the iris every 6-12

months if you do the diet well. If you do the cheese trains and
Hot Baths, you will see a significantly bigger difference,
because it speeds detox so much.


If you are craving salt, then you need minerals. Ideally

consume oysters and cheese mixed with honey. What can also
help is tomatoes, watermelon, raw fish, and celery juice. If you
try all of those and after some time you are still craving salt,
consume 1 or 2 grains of salt a week MAX.

Cooked Food In General:

Usually results from a lack of overall calories. If you are craving

cooked food, you are probably going long periods without
eating, or you are neglecting the dairy fat recipes, such as
Lubes, Milkshakes, Cheese Cake, and Ice Cream. Consume
recipes with raw (ACTUALLY RAW, not fake raw, and no salt)
cheese, raw butter and raw cream every day in order to be
satisfied. If you aren’t drinking vegetable juice, you are likely to
undereat and therefore relapse on cooked food.

High Meat can also reset appetite and your tastebuds. I gave
one of my friends High Meat twice and he said cooked food
became unappetizing after eating the High Meat, and his
cravings for raw food increased. The people who cheat on the
diet are also the ones who have never eaten much High Meat.

Cooked Carbohydrates:

Could be the same as Cooked Food In General, or it can be

because you need starch. Consume Nut Formula 2 days a week
to help with this. If you are a very high adrenaline individual,
consuming small amounts of cooked starch occasionally can
be okay, but not for pleasure and enjoyment, only as a

Dates can also help. Have dates with cheese and butter to slow
the sugar reaction.


Fruit cravings are generally your body's way of trying to

acquire enzymes. Consuming more honey can be helpful, as it
is 90% enzyme and only 10% sugar if legitimately unheated.

Electromagnetic Fields, AKA “EMF'' exposure can damage

our bodies and produce symptoms like fatigue, depression,
increased sensitivity and pain, mind fog, and in extreme cases,
death. Being exposed to 3 milligauss for an hour is enough to
start to cause damage. Many homes will have anywhere from
0-3 all the way throughout. Some homes will have bad areas
and then some good areas. Many people will have to adjust
their bedrooms so that they sleep in spots with less EMF.
Others will simply have to move homes. It is not worth it to
stay in a home with high EMF. It will be very difficult or
impossible to develop your health. There was one woman on
the diet for many years and she was doing very well until she
moved into a home with extremely high EMF levels. I think it
was like 100 milligauss. She was dead within a year.

You need to buy a good EMF meter to test your home.

The TF2 Trifield Meter and the Cornet Meter are good.

Test your bed, test your kitchen, test your office. Test
anywhere that you spend time. You might have to move your
bed, you might have to keep a lamp a little bit farther away
from you. Some outlets charge all cables with massive
amounts of EMF and some outlets don’t charge the cables with
any EMF. So with the high EMF outlets you don’t want to hold
your phone while it is charging.

Some examples of what generate high EMF fields are

smart meters, wifi routers, cell phones, computers, cars, and
essentially anything you plug into a wall. You could have a
lamp with a very high EMF field for maybe 3 feet everywhere
around it and the cord. With a laptop, you need a separate
mouse and keyboard because the EMF on the laptop will also
reach 2 or 3 feet. If you use the keyboard on the laptop itself, it
is likely you will develop carpal tunnel. You also want a wired
mouse, preferably the one with the ball in it because it has the
lowest EMF.

Just because you are in a big city with electronics does

not mean you are going to have a lot of EMF in your home.
EMF doesn’t always travel that far. Powerline emf might travel
multiple hundreds of feet, a smart meter might go 20-30 feet,
but generally, many homes will have little to no emf, except
close to electrical outlets, and anything plugged into them.
Many objects only emit EMF for a few feet.

When it comes to a wifi router, the EMF may be a

problem especially if you are close to it for long periods. The
best thing you can do for that is to only use ethernet, and turn
off the wireless setting. You can get an adapter for your phone
that allows you to use ethernet. The ethernet has very little
EMF. Smart meters can shoot out up to 20 feet. It can ruin a
home. You should be able to legally re-install the smart meter
20 feet away from your home. They may give you a hard time
with it, but according to Aajonus, they have no right to tell you
that you can’t.

If you don’t want to or can’t get an ethernet cable adapter

for your phone, or you are out in public in a place with free
wifi, always keep your phone on airplane mode and connected
to the wifi. With cellular, your phone will go through periods of
low EMF and then extreme EMF. With wifi, it will be
significantly lower and steady. Always keep it on airplane mode
in your pocket when you are not using it.

All speakers produce EMF. Headphone speakers, a

speaker in the car near your legs, a phone speaker. Avoid being
close to speakers. For headphones, you need EMF-free
headphones/earbuds, which are made with a tube connected
to the speaker and the speaker dangles about 6-9 inches away
from your ear, that way the emf isn’t directly touching your

The faster you are driving a car, the more EMF it will
produce. The higher end the car, the higher the EMF. Electric
and hybrid cars have the highest. To combat the EMF in cars
and even homes, you can make an EMF pillow. So you get a
16x16 piece of wood from home depot, and then you order 1
inch by ⅛ inch ceramic magnets. So you are going to make 3
circles of Magnets inside each other, with each magnet being 1
inch apart from the next. The first circle is about 3.5 inches in
diameter, the second is 6, and the third is 9-10 inches. Every
magnet is flipped north and south north and south, so every
adjacent magnet is facing the opposite polarity. You take this
fabric glue and hold the magnet down until it dries, one at a
time. Aleene's Fabric Fusion Glue is good.

More information:

In regards to our food equipment like juicers, blenders,

food processors, and Ice Cream makers, we don’t want the
machines to run longer than they need to, because the EMF
will damage the nutrients in the food. We also want to limit
exposure to things like hair dryers and electric razors. Aajonus
says do not use an electric razor for longer than 2-3 minutes
or else you will start doing damage. I used to get wrist pain
when I was exposed to high EMF’s, and still do sometimes.

You may believe that worrying about EMF is overthinking

and unrealistic, but you can avoid a significant amount if you
are aware. And if you think you don’t need to because it
doesn’t affect you, you are still being damaged on a cellular
level. It may not be doing enough harm to manifest systems if
you have a strong integrity and baseline level of health, but it
is still doing damage and will require nutrients for healing,
which is a waste of nutrients if you could avoid the damage in
the first place.

Every blended recipe will have the blade on the jar with the
recipe filled to the top. Sauce recipes don’t have to be filled to
the top.

12 ounce jars can just be re-used Weebee or Really raw honey


It is best to make all of your foods for the entire day right
when you wake up so it is all ready.


Store milk in glass at room temperature, somewhere dark.

After 16-48 hours it will become thick. When it becomes thick,
blend 1-1.5 tablespoon of honey per quart into the thick milk,
and then put it in the fridge. This is Kefir. If it gets chunky,
then it is clabbered. When you blend the honey into it, it
becomes so delicious. Sometimes the consistency is weird
before you blend it up, but once you blend it, it is very
enjoyable. The stages in between fresh milk and Kefir may not
taste nice, but when the fermentation is fully complete then it
is delicious.
If there are visible layers separated, if there is visible whey, it
has probably gone too far. If it has just barely gone there, it is
fine, but if it goes further it’ll cause detox, may inhibit
digestion due to lowering of bacteria. Kefir digests much more
easily than fresh milk, and acts as a probiotic. Good to
consume when recovering from diarrhea, to add the bacteria
back to the gut. If milk is not digesting well, make all of it into

Sucking Eggs:

Take the fat side of the egg and create a little dent with your
pointy tooth on the bottom row. Then take the pointy side of
the egg and make a deeper hole, where you can suck out the
egg. If the egg is cold, suck small amounts and let it warm up
in your mouth before you swallow. When you get to the
bottom of the egg, turn it upside down to get the rest out.
Shake the egg to make sure you got everything. Every once in
a while if you are having trouble sucking the egg out, poke it
with something pointy. Try not to pick the shell with your
fingers to open it, that will make it more likely to get egg shell
in your mouth.

Sport Formula:
3 cups of at least 2 of the following foods:
Raw milk or fresh Whey
1 cup of water (optional: only add if athlete doing intense

Along with:
1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar (2 if athlete exercising)
2 Tablespoons of lime juice
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2-3 eggs
2 Tablespoons of dairy cream (maybe less if athlete exercising)
2 Tablespoons of coconut cream
1-2 Tablespoons of unheated honey (optional, experiment with
and without if you're an athlete exercising).

Lubricating/Moisturizing Formula (Lube):


If I am in public sometimes I call it the butter drink because

strangers assume I’m talking about sex when I say the word
Get a 12 ounce jar. If you want a large amount, use a 16 ounce
jar and slightly increase the ingredients.

Technically 12 ounces would be 1.5 servings which is good for

most people to have daily.

Squeeze the juice out of 1-1.5 lemons depending on the sizes

2 Tablespoons of honey
Fill it a little over halfway with raw eggs
Fill the rest of the way with butter, about 40% butter.

Screw the lid on the top, with the ingredients almost

overflowing. Put the jar with the blade on it in a bowl of about
104 F degree water. It is very warm water, but not hot, but
almost hot. If you make it too hot, the recipe will taste bitter
or even destroy all of the flavor. In Aajonus’ book, he describes
it as the temperature that makes your hand uncomfortable
after 5 seconds. Lots of people use a temperature that they
think doesn’t hurt after 5 seconds, but are in fact cooking their
Lubes. If it starts to discolor a little, you are cooking it. When I
say you are melting the butter you aren’t actually melting it
completely.. Every 1-2 minutes take it out of the water and
shake it for a few seconds and put it back. After about a few
minutes add more hot water. Give it another few minutes and
then blend it for about 10-15 seconds in the Oster blender. It
should be fully mixed, all liquid, no chunks. If you didn’t warm
it enough or blend it long enough, it’ll separate back into solids
after a few hours.

This recipe is good for many things. Weight gain, recovery

from exercise, flexibility, feeding the skin, feeding the joints,
and more. You should drink it with your meat meals,
preferably drinking ⅓ in the beginning and start sipping the
rest 10-15 minutes after the meal.



If you are trying to gain weight, drink 2 every day. Use a 32

ounce jar, which would be 2 servings. If you just want one, use
a 16 ounce jar. Double the ingredients for the 32 ounce
Milkshake. Sip half of the quart jar 1-3 hours after each meat
meal to gain weight, along with a Lubrication Formula with
every meat meal. Do not have a Milkshake within an hour of
meat. Do not have it close to exercise or you may get

In regards to milk containing sugar and that some people

should avoid it in the first 6 hours of the day because it may be
too much, Milkshakes will not be a problem because the sugar
and the honey is being utilized to digest the protein in the
eggs, as long as you wait 10 minutes. You can add cheese to
Milkshakes if you need to absorb toxins, for example if you
have gas, if you make the Milkshake, let it sit for 10 minutes,
and then blend the cheese in. That way you give the honey 10
minutes to react with the other ingredients, so it won’t digest
the cheese.

1 serving:

16 ounce jar

3 eggs
2 Tablespoons of honey
4 ounces of raw cream
Fill the rest of the way with milk

Optional: Make your Milkshake 1 day before you drink it and

ferment it like Kefir. Sour Milkshakes are delicious and digest
easier so they are much easier to consume larger amounts to
weight gain.

Fill to top and blend with an Oster blender blade. Keep room

Milkshakes are great for weight gain, asthma, low mucus

whether it's vaginal, in the throat, the nose, etc., and relaxing
the body. If you are exposed to pollution, if you are coughing
and sneezing, you need Milkshakes.


Banana Smoothie:


Make a Milkshake but before you add the milk add ⅓ of a

banana to a pint jar (16 ounces).

Orange Smoothie:


8 ounce jar

3 raw eggs
1 peeled and seeded orange
2 ounces of raw cream
Optional: 1 teaspoon of unheated honey

Berry Smoothie:

16 ounce jar

3 raw eggs
4 ounces raspberries
1 ounce raw milk
2 ounces raw cream
1 teaspoon unheated honey

Nut Formula:


12 ounce jar

Take 4 ounces of truly raw nuts or seeds. Pecans, walnuts,

pine, hazel, sunflower seeds, or peanuts are good (I know it's a
legume). Almost all raw nuts are pasteurized. See the Sourcing
Information document. Blend the nuts or seeds into powder.

Do not consume more than 2 servings a week or you can

trigger a debilitating detox. It is good to have nut formulas 2
days a week, as it will help you to be more balanced in general,
if you are hyperactive, irritable, aggressive, or anxious.
Do not use almonds, they can break your jar.

Cheese Cake Filling:


16 ounce jar

10 ounces of cheese cut into very small pieces

3.5 ounces of honey
2.5 ounces of butter

Put it into a bowl of about 104 F degree water. Blend it every

few minutes and keep adding hot water as it cools off. If it is
not blending because it's stuck to the bottom, stir it and put it
back in the water and melt it more. Be careful not to cook it.
The process may take up to 20 minutes, so do while
multitasking like making your other recipes at the same time.
This recipe will last several servings. You can store it at room
temperature, but you might not like it if it sours. If you don’t
like sour food, keep it in the fridge.

This is a very convenient way to consume the cheese and

honey combo after your meat meals, that way it is already
ready. If you want to gain weight, eating a bunch of this will do
the trick. If you are Mineral Deficient, pig out on this.

Vegetable Juice:

Vegetable juice is about 65% celery, 20% carrot, 5% parsley,

and 10% peeled and blended cucumber. 1 tablespoon of honey
per quart for storing. Preferably use a masticating Juicer like a
Greenstar. Centrifugal juicers oxidize the nutrients. Strain it
through a thin metal strainer to remove extra fiber. You could
also use a cheesecloth to remove 100% of the fiber. Juice will
stay fresh for 4-5 days. If it ferments then it will detox you too
strongly and cause issues, so don’t consume it fermented
unless you’ve been fat on the diet for a few years and want to
accelerate your cleansing and you are willing to go through
some symptoms.

The most important part of this is the celery. The parsley helps
alkalize and provides certain nutrients and detoxes certain
compounds. The carrot helps remove the build up of bile in
the system which results from excess carbohydrate
consumption. The peeled cucumber fiber contains collagen
precursors which is good for the skin and connective tissue.
With the peeled cucumber in there, you will be chewing your
vegetable juice because there will be pulp in it. If you are in a
pinch or being lazy, you can just do celery and carrot. Any
more than 20% carrot is a risk to having too much
carbohydrate. If you sense that it is too much, you can reduce
it. Celery is a negative carbohydrate meaning it pulls carbs out
of the body, so it cancels out the sugar in the carrot and you
won’t utilize that sugar. The carrot sugar will just be used in
the processing of the celery, but like I said, too much carrot
and you’ll start using the carrot for your own body which you
do not want. Then you wouldn’t be able to consume it in the
morning because we don’t have much sugar in the morning,
except a little bit of milk an hour after a meat meal or some

There are multiple vegetable juice recipes in The Recipe For

Living Without Disease under the **** BEVERAGES ****
section. Make the recipe that you think you need the most.

Meat Recipes:

It is very helpful if you make recipes for your meat meals. If

you don’t it will be very boring and you will most likely have
trouble eating large amounts. If I don’t prepare my meat meals
I will eat half as much and I will not enjoy it. I always at least
dice my meat into small pieces. For beef, I prefer to always
pate it. For chicken, I prefer to dice it, for now. Preferences
change over time. Pate’d meat digests easier because it is
already broken down. It is ideal for digestion and healing. You
should always let your meat sit out and get to room
temperature before you eat it. If my meat is pated and it is
cold, I will pack it with my hands to warm it up. It is helpful to
let it sit out at room temperature overnight to grow the
bacteria just like we do with milk. Having slightly stinky meat
can even be nice and digest more easily. If it is stinky pated
meat, just add a little honey to it and you will probably be
surprised that it tastes good even though it smells bad. Do not
pate fermented meat, you don’t want the bacteria touching the
plastic like that. Pate it before you ferment it.

One easy option is you can warm 8 ounces of butter like Lube
and put a diced clove of garlic in there and blend it.

Anything premade at the store is pasteurized. Must make it



Good for building muscle, increasing energy, and healing

organs and glands.

Remember, no fruit, including lemon, lime, or vinegar

with red meat. The exception is papaya and pineapple.
On a proper cutting board, scrape your meat with a sharp
knife, removing a thin layer from every side. This is just in
case there are chemicals on the meat.

I always have honey with at least 1 other ingredient with

my beef. Honey and onions, honey and diced and crushed
garlic, hot pepper and honey. I rotate between hot
peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Sometimes I have
all of them at the same time. I have done grated ginger in
the past. Do not have more than a tablespoon of honey
per 8 ounces of beef. 1 tablespoon of onions is a good
serving size. 3-5 tiny circle slices of serrano pepper is a
good amount of spice. ¼-½ of a small tomato. I cut off
sections of the tomato and suck out the juice and the
seeds and dice it with all the other ingredients. I mix the
onion, tomato, and hot peppers together and then mix my
honey into it. I smush my pated beef into a flat pile and
then put my toppings on top and then spread it around.
You can eat it like that or you can mix all of it evenly. I
liked to make a little island in the middle of my plate to
make it look nice. As I eat the meat I continue to flatten
the holes where I take bites from just for fun.

Good for strengthening connective tissue, soothing the
body, is better to consume while detoxing or in pain
instead of red meat.

With chicken I usually just dice it. Again, pateing is still

preferable. I prefer a blended sauce when it comes to
chicken, whereas I prefer a diced sauce with my beef.

This recipe smells so absolutely delicious, I will just

devour it. It's a modified Salsa Chicken recipe from
Aajonus’ book. I modified it because the other recipe he
had I believe is demineralizing, so I needed to include the
2 egg yolks to bind with the citrus juice and the vinegar. I
also excluded the bell pepper because it causes tooth
detox which gives me pain, and I switched the lime juice
with lemon because lime will reduce your bacteria too
much. You could do lime juice as long as you include a
little lemon juice to balance it out, as the lemon will
prevent the antibiotic effect of the lime. If you asked
Aajonus about that he would definitely recommend to add
some lemon to it if he knew you were going to eat it every
day. He just made the recipe like that in the book to
encourage people to eat more raw foods. I just blend the
onion into the recipe, whereas Aajonus would dice it. You
can dice it if you’d like some crunch. I like the crunch
with beef but I don’t need it with chicken.
1 tomato (Cut in half and suck out juice)
½ of serrano pepper (or any hot pepper) (Might be too spicy,
experiment to figure out the right size)
1.5-2 lemons of juice
1 tablespoon of honey
1 capful of vinegar
2 Tablespoons of onion (preferably red)
2 egg yolks (drink the egg white)

Pour onto chicken. If you want, you can marinate the

chicken with this for an hour.


Helps build the nervous system and provides more


I haven’t eaten a lot of fish due to concern with quality.

You need to test your fish for radiation with a geiger
counter, I just haven’t bought one yet. You can marinate
your fish in lemon juice or grapefruit juice. Aajonus liked
the grapefruit juice a lot. It is a very low carbohydrate
fruit so the juice is okay in some circumstances, like a
little to marinate your white meat/fish meal.
Ice Cream:

You need a manual Ice Cream maker. Electric will have

insanely high emf levels and it'll also be for extended periods
which is too much.

Consume within 24 hours of making.

Berry Good Ice Cream:

3 Tablespoons fresh berries, such as blueberries,

raspberries, boysenberries and blackberries
1 egg
4 Tablespoons cream
3 Tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon honey

Blend in a 12-ounce jar. Pour into an Ice Cream maker and

churn until firm.

French Vanilla Ice Cream:

1 egg
4 Tablespoons cream
4 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons papaya
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon honey
2 drops organic vanilla extract

Blend in a 12-ounce jar. Pour into an Ice Cream maker and

churn until firm.

Gingerbread Ice Cream:

1 egg
1 tablespoon raw (confirmed) carob powder
1 tablespoon unheated honey
4 Tablespoons raw cream
4 Tablespoons raw milk
1 to 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger root

Blend in a 12-ounce jar. Pour into an Ice Cream maker and

churn until firm.

Lime Ice Cream:

1 egg
4 Tablespoons cream
4 Tablespoons milk
2 Tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon honey

Blend in a 12-ounce jar. Pour into an Ice Cream maker and

churn until firm.

Pineapple Ice Cream:

1 egg
1.5 ounces pineapple
1 tablespoon honey
4 Tablespoons cream
3 Tablespoons milk

Blend in a 12-ounce jar. Pour into an Ice Cream maker and

churn until firm.



8 ounce jar

1/3 papaya, remove seeds and peel

1 raw egg
2 Tablespoons raw unsalted butter
1 tablespoon unheated honey

Coconut Cream:

Get mature coconuts. Make your house 80 F and let the

coconuts warm up for some hours. If the coconuts are cold
you will get very little yield. A warm house is very important.
Maybe you can point a heater at it as long as you don’t cook it
if you are unable to warm up your home. Organic does not
matter with coconuts. Tap the outside of the coconut all the
way around almost hard enough to crack it in order to loosen
the meat. Smash the coconut into small pieces. Use an oyster
knife while wearing gloves to pry out all of the meat. Make
sure there are no pieces of the shell on the meat or it can
damage your Juicer. Put all the coconut meat into a food
processor and blend it into powder. Then, run it through your
juicer. Take the pulp and run it through 1-3 more times. Put a
half teaspoon of lime into every cup of coconut cream to help
preserve it. Store in smaller jars to keep it more fresh, so there
is less air. Every coconut makes about 6-8 ounces of coconut
cream. You should juice 3-5 coconuts at a time. It’ll last for
several weeks. Keep in glass in the fridge. Add a half teaspoon
of lime juice to every cup of coconut cream. If you get a
fermented coconut, juice that last and keep it separate from
the rest. That will be your soap, shaving cream, etc. Let the
sour stuff ferment on the counter until it is pink, and that is
good for your hair, armpits, and even for cleaning.

Must have a dual gear Juicer, preferably stainless steel like the
ones listed in the Equipment document.

Coffee Substitute:


Vegetable juice is usually a better coffee substitute but this

can also help. This can help with withdrawals and also simply
to give you more energy, just as vegetable juice will.

8 ounce jar

4 ounces of good water

2 Tablespoons of honey
2 Tablespoons of lemon or lime juice (Don’t have lime by itself
too often because antibiotic)
1 tablespoon of vinegar
2 Tablespoons of raw cream

Pour the cream in and stir after you blend it. If you would like
it warm you can warm it up like Lube.
Primal Body Care Cream:


8 ounce jar

Helps prevent sunburns, heal from all sorts of skin issues, cuts,
wrinkles, sagging, dryness, etc.

1/4 teaspoon of honey

1/4 teaspoon of royal jelly
1 teaspoon of lime
1 teaspoon of ginger juice
2 ounces of raw cream
2 ounces of unsalted raw butter
2 ounces of coconut cream

It will still work if you don’t have royal jelly, but you should
order some. See the Sourcing document.

Stir the lime into the coconut cream and let it sit for 10
minutes, then add all of the ingredients to a jar and warm it up
like a Lubrication Formula. Then, blend it on medium for 5
Rub it into the skin and then wipe it off after 20-30 minutes.

Store it in the fridge.

Apply to skin for 30 minutes and then gently wipe it off with a

Pain Formula:


8 ounce jar

3 to 4 Tablespoons of fresh refrigerated soft bee pollen

1 Lube drink

1-2 ounces of cheese (eaten on the side)

Mix the pollen into the Lube before you blend it. Eat 1-2
ounces of cheese while you drink the formula.

This can reduce pain by 80-100% within 10 minutes.

Lemon Throat Lozenge:

For sore throats.


8 ounce jar

3 Tablespoons honey
4 ounces ounces of butter
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
2 teaspoons of fresh ginger juice or 2 Tablespoons grated
fresh ginger root

Warm it like Lube and then blend.

Sip 1-2 teaspoons at a time and let it sit in the mouth as long as
possible, swallowing very small amounts at a time. This will
coat the throat for 1-4 minutes at a time. Helps with sore

High Meat:

The basics of how High Meat works is that the bacteria breaks
down the meat in a way where it is easily absorbed by the
brain and nervous system. The explanation that I came up with
is that I believe it increases the body's capability of producing
neurotransmitters which makes it easier to be happy, to
experience positive emotion. I even believe it helps to produce
spiritual neurotransmitters like DMT. When you eat it, in
20-30 minutes you will often feel high, euphoric, excited from
only eating one spoonful of meat.

It is very important that you use fresh meat. Do not use frozen
meat. Do not use ground. Both of which will make it
potentially cause too strong of a detox. Preferably use grass
fed but you can use conventional. It is best to get meat from
the butcher that is still in the vacuum seal packaging, the same
meat they cut and put on display. I am not talking about the
vacuum sealed meat that is shipped in, but what they cut in
the back. The reason for this is because it has more moisture.
If you use meat that was sitting on the counter for a while, a
lot of the moisture will evaporate and it’ll produce a more dry,
less potent High Meat.

On a proper cutting board, scrape your meat with a sharp

knife, removing a thin layer from every side. This is just in case
there are chemicals on the meat. Then cut the meat into very
small pieces, like the same size as your cheese cubes or
smaller. Remove the fat as it will ferment much slower than
the muscle. Then, fill a glass jar halfway. Make sure the jar is
clean, as it may come with chemicals already inside of it. Use a
good tight lid. A plastic lid will leak moisture, stink up your
house, and the meat will dry. Store the jar somewhere dark. If
it is exposed to light it will become dry. If it is dry it will not

It can be ready as soon as 11 days in warm weather. The effects

of that meat may be very mild. The older it gets, the stronger it
will be. When it has completely dissolved into liquid is when it
is completely done fermenting and it’ll be 100% nutrients for
the brain and nervous system. Small sips of that are very
potent. That can take 6-12 months.

Sometimes High Meat will grow mold. Because of that, you

should make at least 3 jars at a time, just in case if one or 2
grow mold. If there is mold, do not eat it. It will mess you up. If
there is mold, what you can try to do is let it ferment so long
that it completely liquidates. The mold will have been
dissolved and the High Meat juice might be fine to drink. Drink
a very very small amount and watch out for symptoms. Be
careful with that. And just to give you an extra warning, really,
be careful. Do this at your own risk. It could cause a strong
detox if the mold is still active. A doctor would say this could
kill you, but I don’t believe that it would, it would just dissolve
a large amount of toxins and that can cause issues for you.

I’ve given High Meat to about 23 people. Only 7 of them having

been on the diet. Nobody had an issue who ate it only once. A
few of them ate it twice in the same week, and some of those
people got mild colds. One of them got a migraine, but they
already experienced regular migraines. About a third
experienced significant positive effects, a third felt it a little
bit, and about a third didn’t notice any differences. To be safe,
it’d be best to only consume high meat once a week initially,
increasing as you’ve been on the diet longer.

If someone has a lot of degenerative tissue, High Meat can

cause fatigue for possibly years. If someone is depressed in
this condition, fresh fecal matter, or a Suppository would be

Do not eat High Meat within 15 minutes of any other food. It

must be consumed by itself. A tiny sip of milk or water to wash
it down may be okay, but can reduce the effectiveness or make
it not work at all. Cut it into small pieces and swallow it whole
for maximum effectiveness. It might be better to wait even
longer than an hour after vegetable juice before having High
Meat, or also over an hour after High Meat before juice.

You should typically avoid High Meat during detoxes because

it can increase the symptoms.


A few different recipes you can use.

The device needs to be long enough to absorb. If it's too short,
or you do the technique wrong, it won’t absorb.

Sometimes Suppositories are difficult to absorb and you’ll

poop them out in the morning when you go to the toilet. With
your first Suppository, just use eggs. Whip them up a little bit
so that they can fit in your device. This is to make sure that
you are doing the technique properly. If you don’t do it right,
you’ll poop them out. Eggs are easy to digest, so you'll know if
you do it right if they don’t come out, if you poop solid in the
morning without oil floating to the top.

My preferred Suppository recipe is a Lube drink but without

lemon and only a tiny dab of honey. That’ll digest the second
most easy. Melt this the same way you do Lube.

Next is the recipe Aajonus advocates. 3 Tablespoons each of

raw butter, cream, and coconut cream. For me, the cream
causes it to be hard to digest and I’ve had trouble getting it to
digest, but it’s worked fine for others. This recipe you melt like
Lube too.

Get on your hands and knees in your bed. Put some fat on the
syringe and your anus to lubricate. Squeeze out all the air out
of the device. You cannot inject air in your butt or you’ll have
issues. Squeeze the air out to where the ingredients are
leaking to ensure no air is in the device, then reach behind you
and insert the device and squirt it all in you. Then, lift your
butt straightening your legs and have your forehead on your
hands, so you are in an upside down “V” shape. Then, perform
belly rolls. Exhale, suck in and out over and over, but slowly.
When you need to breathe, take a deep breath or 2, then
exhale again and continue doing the belly rolls. Do this for 3-4
minutes. Then, lay on your right side and lift your left leg and
continue to do the belly rolls. If you want to be sure it is
moving deep enough in you, do a shoulder stand and do more
belly rolls in that position. You can put your legs up on a wall
to make the shoulder stand easy. Then, go to sleep. Do not sit
up after injecting or it may slowly come out and you won’t
absorb it. I’ve heard someone say that they’ve walked after and
have been fine but I personally don’t want to risk messing it

Enemas are very harmful. They flush out all of your bacteria.
Aajonus says a coffee enema is just as good and damaging as
snorting cocaine.

Making Butter:

Making butter is very simple. Just take cold cream and put it
into a mixer like a KitchenAid and let it run until it turns into
butter. Whenever the liquid builds up, dump it into a jar, and
then let the machine run longer until no more liquid comes
out. Many people will massage the butter in a bowl of cold
water to get all of the buttermilk out, because they say it’ll
sour quickly if you don’t. I don’t mind sour butter though. But
if you want to do that, get well water. It would be quite
expensive to buy all sparkling water for that, but that is up to

Making Cheese:

There are a few different ways you can go about this. One is
without rennet, one is with commercial rennet, and the other
is homemade rennet (look on google). When making cheese,
press it into a flat shape, that way it is easy to cut off the mold.
If you have a bunch of bits of cheese and it gets mold on it, it’ll
be impossible to remove.

Without Rennet:

Let milk in glass jars sit out somewhere dark at room

temperature until the layers separate and there is a visible
clear liquid. Pour into a non-bleached, well rinsed cheese
cloth and hang it for 24-48 hours. To rinse the cheese
cloth, use warm water with vinegar in it, and keep rinsing
it until all of the vinegar is out. After the curds have hung
for 1-2 days, you can eat it like that as cottage cheese, or
you can put it into a press for a hard cheese. If you do the
cottage cheese, just spread it out flat on a cutting board
or plate so that it can dry. If the cheese is moist it won’t
have the toxin absorbing effect.

Commercial Rennet:

Add the recommended amount on the bottle to your milk.

After it is solid, put it straight into the cheese press, no
hanging required. This will still make a good cheese, but
Homemade rennet, or no rennet will absorb toxins a little
bit more efficiently.

Cheese Press:

You can buy a cheese press online, make your own, or

look up “wood worker near me” on Google and ask them
to make you one. I paid $60 to have one made. I
recommend something along the lines of a 8 inch by 6
inch box, that is 6 inches tall. Have it constructed without
any glue. Do not have it made where any screws or nails
are going to be touching the cheese. Have it made so that
the walls of the box are collapsible, meaning you can fold
them out to the sides, and you can put them back up to
lock back into place. That way you can easily remove the
cheese when it is done drying, or else you're going to
have trouble removing it without messing up the shape of
the block of cheese you just made. You’ll need a piece of
wood for the top of the press that you will put a weight
on top of to squeeze the juice out of the cheese. The box
will have tiny little holes drilled all over the bottom and
the sides of the box. You’ll let it dry for 1-3 days. Before
you use the press, you want to treat it with olive oil. Don’t
use too much olive oil or you’ll have too thick of a layer on
the box and it may affect the flavor. Gently rub olive oil
into the box on all sides and let it sit in the sun for a few
days. Put the press over a buck so that it can drain.
Experiment with pressing the cheese somewhere dark vs
light to see how it affects the drying process and the

Example pictures from a friend. The black Mortar Pestle is

acting as a weight.
Washing Produce:

Take 1-2 quarts of whey, add 1-2 Tablespoons of vinegar, and

1-2 Tablespoons of raw milk. Use this mixture to wash suspect
produce such as berries for 1-2 weeks at a time before needing
to make a new batch. You can use water instead of whey, but
whey is better.

Fruit Meal:

Most people should be having pineapple and berries everyday

for their fruit meal, for congestion and heavy metal detoxing.
Your fruit meal is your detoxifying meal of the day. It will
produce solvent to dissolve toxicity. If you have berries, you
will dissolve metals, if you have pineapple, you will break down
congestions. This is usually the best fruit meal to have for
most people. It would be wise to stay on top of coconut cream
production to stay consistent with this recipe. You could have
this recipe with any fruit.

Half cup pineapple

Half cup berries
2-4 Tablespoons of coconut cream depending how big you are
1-2 Tablespoons of cream or butter
2 Tablespoons of lime juice
2 teaspoons of lemon juice

Bitter Chocolate:


8 ounce jar

⅓ cup of whole raw peeled cocoa beans (not dried or

1 egg
3 Tablespoons of honey
3 Tablespoons of room temperature butter
2 Tablespoons of cream (or 1 tablespoon coconut cream and
1 tablespoon of cream)
½ inch of vanilla bean

Blend cocoa beans in an 8 ounce jar until powder, then

blend everything else. If you want it to taste like rum,
ferment it in a dark cupboard for 5-7 days.


One option is to consume lots of oysters. If you have oysters

with beef and eggs, Aajonus says you’ll really be flying.

Sauce Recipe:

Quart Jar

2 large tomatoes
1-2 packages of dill, only the fronds
1.5 Tablespoons of onion
2 cloves of garlic
1.5 Tablespoons of vinegar
2 Tablespoons of honey
Add cheese for extra sex drive. Experiment with how

Put 3-4 Tablespoons of butter on top of meat.

Custard Aphrodisiac:


8 ounces jar

4 ounces green papaya or mango

1 teaspoon of lime (optional)
4 Tablespoons of butter
1 egg
1 tablespoon of honey

Stir in ⅓ diced avocado and ½ diced orange before the

mixture solidifies.

Let it sit for 3 minutes before you eat it.

Bitter Chocolate Aphrodisiac:

1 serving of Bitter Chocolate. See the Bitter Chocolate
recipe in this document.

Eat it with dates, and cheese and it’ll turn into an


Oranges and Avocados:

Simply eating oranges with avocados can be an


Eating liver and heart in combination can increase blood

flow for every muscle in the body.

Bone Growth Formula:


1 cup of pineapple
¾ cup of coconut cream
½ cup of honey
cup of milk
Eat 2 Tablespoons of cheese before everytime you drink the
recipe. That will help cleanse and restructure bones and mend
tendons. Continue to eat meat and drink milk as normal.

Slowing Detoxification Recipe:


Make sure the ingredients are equal according to the portions

depending on how tall you are. This is from Aajonus’ book.

1⁄4-1 cup unripe lime juice

3-7 Tablespoons coconut cream
1-6 teaspoons raw dairy cream or 2-6 Tablespoons avocado.

Drink this a few hours before taking a Hot Bath every day.

An alternative recipe to stop detox found earlier in the QnA’s:

½ teaspoon of vinegar
1 tablespoon of lime juice
4 Tablespoons of honey

Mixed into a warm glass of water (warmed like Lube)

Consume every day for 21 days.

And another recipe from 2012:

3 ounces of lime juice

2 ounces of honey
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
3 Tablespoons of coconut cream
3 Tablespoons of dairy cream
1 teaspoon of vinegar

Aajonus says old people who start the diet might end up
detoxing for the rest of their lives and never feel well with the
time and strength they have left. For these people, they should
consume baked chicken once a week. If you are new to the
diet and not sensitive to cooked foods or you are super
desperate to stop or prevent detoxes, eat baked chicken once
a week with a lot of butter. That is definitely not ideal if you
are able to withstand the detox.

Be aware, beet juice is also an antibiotic, so if you aren’t trying

to stop detox or address a specific issue, don’t have it regularly
for long periods.


Whenever I mention clay, it is clay that is pre-soaked for a few

days. If you don’t have any available, it should be fine to just
use it right after you mix it, but preferably you let it soak for a
few days to grow the bacteria. Clay can be a great probiotic,
and help with things such as absorbing radiation after x-rays.

Take well water or naturally carbonated mineral water with

the carbonation shaken out of it, and mix it with the clay to get
it almost to a runny consistency, but it is still solid. Aajonus
says to make it the consistency of plaster in paris. If you don’t
know what that is just look up a picture online. The ratio is
about 4 ounces of clay with 5 ounces of water.

Store somewhere dark, room temperature. If it is stored

somewhere cold, mold can grow. Aajonus has had it up to a
year somewhere warm before mold has grown.

Solvent Extractor:

If your eyes have a strong green tint, you may have lots of
industrial solvents in the body and will need to consume this
recipe. Don’t consume more than 2 days a week or you’ll detox
too much.

½ lemon of juice
1 lime of juice
1 Tablespoon of vinegar
2 ounces of honey
3 Tablespoons of coconut cream
2 Tablespoons of dairy cream

Pour into 3-4 ounces of milk or naturally carbonated water.

Sip over 15 minutes.


I won’t be covering everything, but I will be covering some of

the more common issues that people have and providing the
new solutions that Aajonus came up with after the books were


Hyperactive and anxious individuals should consume less red

meat and more white meat. Red meat is stimulating. White
meat is more calming. If it is really bad, you would only want to
eat red meat possibly a maximum of twice a week. Eating too
much fruit can also make you emotional. Try eating no fruit for
a week or two and see how you feel.

If you are hyperactive and/or anxious, you will also need to

exercise everyday. Exercise however you would like. Sing,
dance, lift weights, run, jiu jitsu, play the drums. You can
determine your required activity by the activity rings in your
irises. See the Taking Iridology Photos in the Iridology

Consuming the Nut Formula 2 days a week can help you to be

more calm. Drinking 4-8 ounces of raw cream daily can also
help. It might not be enough though. If that does not calm you
down, you can have a little bit of cooked starch every day, but
only if all of the other remedies don’t work. By a little, I mean
4-8 ounces of potato, rice, bread, etc. Made with no soy, no
vegetable oil, no fortification, no tap water, etc. And you want
to eat it with equal amounts of raw butter to absorb the waste
product of the carbohydrate and the cooked food.

Fatigue/Laziness, Depression:

Make sure to eat your first bite of meat within 90 minutes of

waking up. A lot of the time you will be lazy until you have your
meat meal. Your day very often won’t feel like it starts until
after you eat it. Anytime you have trouble focusing or don’t
want to get up and do something, suck a raw egg and you
should be more inclined to be productive within 10 minutes.
Focusing on red meat over white meat can help increase
energy levels. Consuming milk or cream in the first 6 hours of
the day may make you tired. Some people will have to save it
for the evening.

Having smaller meals more frequently can allow you to have

more energy versus having really big meals. If you are eating to
gain weight, you may have less energy because you are
spending all of it digesting. In the long run you will have more
energy, but if you want to temporarily get a boost, have
smaller meals more frequently rather than 2 large meat meals
a day, and also don’t have milk or cream until later in the day if
you notice that they relax you too much.

Do not go long periods without eating. You may be tired due to

a protein deficiency. If you don’t eat enough fat, you can also
be fatigued. Make sure you have enough fat everyday,
primarily from butter and cream. I believe that it is important
to have at least one serving of Milkshake or Lubrication
Formula every day. Don’t go more than a few hours without
food. Eat all day long.

For depression, High Meat can take you out of it almost

immediately. It is incredibly powerful. It makes people more
extroverted, it decreases negative emotions, it makes people
less judgemental, it makes them inspired and excited, it
improves their digestion, it improves just about every aspect
of life. Some people would greatly benefit from one spoonful a
week. Some people will need it every day, or even twice a day. I
tried to quit smoking weed for several years and the only time
I successfully quit was when I started eating High Meat every
day. Suppositories also help in a way that is similar to High

Make sure you are sleeping well. See Sleep in this document.
Aajonus says if you have chronic fatigue and you just get fat
and sleep a lot for a year you will turn into a different person.

If you are doing everything right and you are still tired, it could
be that your living space is depressing. Study Feng Shui and
reorganize your home to have better energy. Get plants to
produce life force energy for your environment. A water
fountain may even help. It might be a circumstantial issue.
Your life might not be what you want it to be. You must have
clearly defined goals and something meaningful to work on
that gives you the drive to wake up everyday. If you don’t know
what you want to do, spend significant time in nature,
exercise, meditate, and focus on breathing exercises every day.
Put yourself out in the world and find your answer, or do some
spiritual practice and let the answer come to you. Be honest
with yourself. If you are lying to yourself, if you are in an
unhealthy relationship, if you are not being honest with those
around you, stress can deplete your energy.

For help on finding your purpose or the solution to your

problem, see Psychedelics in the Spiritual Advice document.

If your fatigue and laziness is not a mental or spiritual issue,

and you are doing the diet well, you may just have bad health
and it will take time. Your body does not have the nutrients to
possibly produce physical energy and you need to rest to get
better. All of your nutrients are going towards handling toxins,
or you are not digesting the nutrients in your food. If it were a
mental or spiritual issue, the nutrients would be being spent
on handling the stress. Get fat to absorb a lot of the toxins and
strengthen your body, focus on the cheese trains to clean the
intestines, and take lymphatic baths to melt lymphatic
congestion. Give it time and you will regain your energy, if you
do everything right.

In We Want to Live under Depression, Aajonus says, “Doing

something creative inspires creative thinking for problem
solving instead of worrying. Concentrating on creating
positive things and experiences helps create a better future.
Then making choices based on yourself experiencing a more
suitable future makes your future a better reality. Believing in
sayings like "too good to be true" closes the door to wonderful
experience. Inventions are rarely made by proving something
can't be done. Inventions are made by focusing on the
possibilities that something can be done. If I had believed what
the doctors said about my probabilities, I would be dead. If I
had listened to what most of my teachers and counselors told
me my aptitudes were, I would not have been able to read a
book, much less write this one. What will you invent or create
of your future?”

Under Fatigue, he says, “However, if fatigue happens during

the day, it frequently results from self-criticism. Focusing on
one’s talents and accomplishments develops and continues
them. (If you don’t know you have a talent, you could develop
one to which you are attracted.)“

Under Mental Illness, he says, “A fun deficiency is also the

cause. If you are not having enough fun you are probably
criticizing yourself and others. Be a cheerleader for yourself.
Trust and encourage yourself and others in whatever is right
for each of you as individuals. Although education and science
try to formulate everything and everybody, no two people will
ever think or act alike, or have the same tastes. Just as two
flowers on the same stem are different, both are beautiful and
right. Only machines that have no choice follow formulas. If
you try to validate yourself by comparing yourself to other
people’s thinking and talents, you will always be confused and
insecure. When you have a taste (a need) for strawberries and
someone else has a taste (a need) for oranges, each of you is
right for yourself.“

“Listening to one’s self, discovering one’s likes and dislikes, and

trusting one’s choices based on those likes and dislikes are
important to liking yourself. Finding an appealing creative
outlet, not comparing one’s creativity to anyone else’s, and
pursuing that creative outlet help build self-esteem. “

Under Awareness he says, “Asking yourself questions about

your individual needs and what you enjoy, leads to answers
that promote happiness and self- esteem. Listening to your
body’s needs and enjoyments are part of that questioning.
Instead of dwelling on all the possible things that could go
wrong, or that already have gone "wrong", living in the moment
and choosing which dreams you wish to follow give you power
to create a more desirable future. Imagining the worst things
that can happen, so that you will be ready and prepared just in
case they happen, creates tension, criticism and cynicism. It is
useless to waste time considering infinite negative
possibilities. It is helpful to consider negative probabilities but
it is futile and debilitating to dwell on negative probabilities
and possibilities. If negative probabilities exist, make the best
plans of action to change those directions. Tension and
criticism/cynicism attract tense, cynical, critical people and
experiences; a stressful and exhausting cycle. Are you as
prepared for the best possibilities? Preparing for the best
experiences creates hope and joy. Hope and joy attract
happier, creative people and experiences to you, and
synchronicity; a delightful cycle. Therefore, imagining and
fantasizing positive experiences with the belief that they are
probable creates a happier and more fulfilling life. If you quit,
whose life do you surrender? Ecological considerations and
compassion create healthier environments, and consequently
healthier and happier people.”

Under Expression he says, “Expressing ourselves with the goal

of creating a happier future attracts a happier future. Health
automatically inspires creativity, a more positive outlook and

See Chewing Marijuana in this document.

Crohns/Leaky Gut:

People with leaky guts, crohns will have to only eat very small
amounts of food at a time. Some of these people will only be
able to eat eggs without having terrible symptoms. Those
people will basically live off of eggs, have a little bit of butter
and honey for hydration, Sips of Kefir. Could take 1 or 2 years.
It may be best if you just push through the thirst and continue
to eat eggs. Having any other food can open up the gut and
cause more leaking. When they start healing they can
introduce more milk. When they get even better, then they can
add raw meat and start eating more normally. It can be a very
long healing process. Eggs are the easiest to digest food and
fully absorb in the first 3-4 inches of the intestine, so they
shouldn’t irritate you. They will help rebuild mucus in the
intestines. Never have more than a half cup of milk at a time if
you have a leaky gut.

Fasting on raw eggs can be tough. You may be very thirsty. It's
best if you ask for advice on the Discord server, so you can get
help from the people who have already recovered from it.
Leaky gut goes to the knees 80% of the time. A lot of arthritis
is caused by leaky gut.


● Milk:

Some people will only be able to tolerate fermented dairy.

If they drink fresh milk they will get diarrhea. They’ll have
to make all of their milk into Kefir. Everyone should have
some portion of their milk as Kefir, but some will need it
to be all. Some people will get diarrhea if they drink milk
that has not been sitting out at room temperature for 5
hours and will have to let it sit out for 10 hours, or 16
hours, but others will need it to be thick.

● Butter:

If butter makes you nauseous, it may be detoxing your

liver. If that is the case, you should probably consume a
little bit every day and deal with the nausea in order to
finish the necessary detox. If your poop is oily then you
are not digesting your fats fully. In this case, you need to
have pineapple or papaya with it.

● Cream:

If you have trouble digesting cream, then you can let it sit
out at room temperature in glass until it is sour. By sour I
mean it is sour like a lemon. That will make it digest more

● Milkshake:

If you have trouble digesting Milkshakes, you can make a

quart of Milkshake, store it somewhere dark in glass until
it is thick like Kefir. Then you will have a sour Milkshake. I
think they are absolutely delicious and I can drink it much
more easily without feeling so full.

● General:

If you have general indigestion, there are a lot of reasons

that may be the case. You can try having 4-8 ounces of
pineapple and/or papaya every day for your Fruit Meals
mid-day. If your problem is low bile/hydrochloric acid,
having those fruits can help quickly. You may need to
have all of your milk be Kefir to add more bacteria to your
gut. You may need to get clay and consume 1 tablespoon a
day with raw milk, as that can act as a good probiotic. For
adding bacteria to the gut, that can take months before
there is significant progress. You may just have a lot of
toxicity in the intestines that is mixing with all of the
foods you eat and creating gas, bloating, and indigestion.
If that is the case you will have to be very patient and be
strict with the cheese trains. You will have to have cheese
with everything to absorb the poisons in the intestinal
lining mixing with your foods. If you are having serious
issues, you may have to only consume easy to digest
foods along with cheese for a while. If that is the case, you
will have only small meals. No large meals. Instead of 2 big
meat meals a day, you will have several small meals. Your
main source of sustenance may need to be sucking raw
eggs. Suck tons of eggs, 1-3 every hour. Remember, you
may need to be patient and diligent with the eggs and
cheese to heal. It could take several months. It could take
a year. It could take 2 years depending how severe your
condition is. The more strict you are, the faster you will

If you have a severe indigestion problem, you may need to

do an egg fast. Simply live off of sucking raw eggs. If you
are thirsty, have butter mixed with honey or coconut
cream and honey, and let it melt in your mouth. If that
isn’t satisfying, baby sips of Kefir can help.


People with diabetes should focus on goats milk rather than

cows milk. Goats milk is really only for diabetics or if you are
very fat and lethargic and need the extra energy boost. Cows
milk helps you gain more weight and it is more soothing to the
body. It is also best to have 3 meat meals a day instead of 2 if
you are diabetic.

Consuming lots of honey, specifically crystallized, can also

help reduce insulin needs.

Aajonus says 80% of people taking insulin don’t actually need

it and can quit immediately after starting the diet. He says
don’t take insulin unless you are having trouble breathing or
standing, do not take it as a preventative measure, but let the
side effects of diabetes come on slightly before injecting. If you
over-inject you are taking more toxins from the medication
into the body and possibly prolonging the healing of your
condition. Be careful though.

Low Blood Pressure:

If you have low blood pressure, having onion, garlic, and/or
hot peppers in a sauce with your meat meals can help. Too
much onion can actually lower it more, but a little will help
raise it. Making sure to stay on top of your midnight meals and
not going more than 5 hours without having food can also

Low blood pressure can lead to paranoia.

High Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure should generally not be a concern. If you

have high blood pressure you need it. If you lower it with
medication that is when you are at risk of a heart attack. Garlic
can raise or lower blood pressure depending on what you

Dental Issues:

If you have tooth or gum pain, avoid all fruit. It will

demineralize the body and increase pain. The lemon inside of a
Lubrication Formula is still fine, because it’s fully mixed with
the fat. Avoid bell peppers, they will increase the nerve
detoxification on the tooth and exaggerate pain. Consuming a
Pain Formula can alleviate most pain within 10-60 minutes.
The pollen in the formula must be from a refrigerated source
or immediately fresh. It has to be soft and crumble. If it is on
the shelf at the store it will not work, as it will be hard.
Consuming lots of cheese with honey can help remineralize
the body. You can have up to a half pound of cheese mixed
with ⅓ the portion of honey a day to quickly add minerals back
to the body. While experiencing tooth or gum pain, blending
tomatoes with cheese and drinking it can help alleviate the

Oil pulling with a legitimately raw oil can help remove toxins
from the gums and reduce swelling and pain. Olive oil is the
easiest to find. Oil pull for 15-30 minutes and then spit it out. I
have heard someone say that it may be more effective to oil
pull for 4 minutes and spit it out and repeat that 3 times
instead, as you may reabsorb the toxins. Focusing on white
meat instead of red meat may help reduce pain. Pate all of your
meat so you don’t have to chew. Consuming a sauce with your
meat may make it easier to swallow.

If your tooth decays to the point where the nerve dies, you will
experience excruciating pain for 1-6+ weeks. Both of the
wisdom teeth on my top row have died. I experienced
unbearable pain for one week on the top left side, and then
another week for the top right. Now I have had an abscess ever
since. I will need to get them removed to avoid further
problems in the future, as they are completely dead and
beyond repair.

Drinking tomato blended with cheese can help abscess pain.

Plaque forms from heavy metals released from the brain and
binding with minerals. If you do not remove the plaque your
teeth will decay. See Body Care in this document for more

If you need dental work done, it is better to be knocked out

than get injections. Novocaine causes abscesses, further tooth
decay, dissolve bone, and brain cancer. Aajonus is okay with
root canals.

Applying a thin layer of bone marrow on your gums while you

sleep can help reverse recessed gums.

Aajonus says when dentists use ceramic they remove twice as

much tooth and they snap it in and it has cracked way too
many teeth. He used to recommend porcelain and ceramic but
too many people’s teeth cracked and had extended pain
because of the pressure on the tooth. You need a soft
substance that will harden. Use composite, the hard plastic. Be
careful with epoxy. It destroys teeth. You need to find a mild
epoxy. Mild epoxies pop out quicker but it gives the teeth
room to regrow. Aajonus has to replace a filling every year and
half because it grows out.

Fillings don't hurt with the water drill, you don’t need anything
for pain. If you are nervous about the pain, consume a Pain
Formula before you go, or Aajonus will chew marijuana. He has
gotten root canals without any pain medicine, just raw
marijuana. He says the pain is over very quickly, and it is less
pain than the prolonged pain of detoxifying anesthesia.

He says you don’t need fillings unless you can’t stand cold or
honey on your tooth. If you have obvious decay, then yeah you
probably should get it filled if it is getting worse.

Do not remove amalgam fillings until you have been on the

diet at least 80% for 2.5 years or else you can risk being
severely poisoned. When you remove them, get it done by
someone who will do it safely, with the thing to block your
throat and the vacuums.


If you have asthma, Aajonus says that Milkshakes work 100% of

the time. You need to build the mucus in the lungs to protect
the lungs from airborne toxins and any irritants. Consume
16-32 ounces of Milkshake every day. Remember, it is not a
Milkshake without cream and eggs. Sip your Milkshake and
don’t have it within an hour of meat, so you digest everything
properly. Make it with room temperature milk and cream, or
let it sit out to get warm after blending, or better yet, let the
Milkshake sour like Kefir. If you want consistent sour
Milkshakes, make your Milkshake the day before you want to
drink it so it is always ready sour. Sucking lots of eggs may also
help asthma but Milkshakes build more mucus more quickly. If
you are having an asthmatic fit, suck eggs.

In We Want to Live, Aajonus says “Finding a way to express

yourself creatively and to communicate helps to heal asthma.”


Nausea is the result of toxins in the stomach. Legitimately raw,

no salt, dry cheese is the best solution. It is very effective in
absorbing toxicity. Eating a half teaspoon every 10-20 minutes
while you experience nausea can mitigate it significantly.
Sometimes you may get nauseous if you don’t eat for long
periods. Sometimes in the morning if I don’t have my midnight
meal I will be slightly nauseous and will have to suck a raw egg
immediately or else it will get worse, but preferably have the
cheese first, but the cheese by itself isn’t enough calories to
fully satisfy the hunger nausea. Sometimes I will get nauseous
if I eat a big meal and then lay down after. I will burp and
almost throw up. In this case I will put a pillow and a blanket
under my shoulders while I lay down so my body is on a slant.
This will significantly help digestion. Very often I will lay on my
right side, then roll over to my left and immediately burp. Or I
will sit up, and burp, then lay back down. Then after another
10-20 minutes, sit up and burp another time. There are some
circumstances where cheese will not help nausea. If the
cheese isn’t helping, or you are actively throwing up, take
about 1.5 lemons worth of juice, and 2-3 Tablespoons of honey,
stir that together, and then pour that into about a cup of
naturally carbonated spring water, or well water, and sip on
that. That will prevent you from getting dehydrated from the
vomit, and may reduce the nausea. If you vomit repeatedly and
have no liquid in your stomach, you may start dry heaving and
you won’t be able to remove any toxins, so sipping on this
mixture can help you to throw everything up completely.
Sometimes you can be nauseous because you are overly acidic.
See Alkalizing Foods in this document.

Alkalizing Foods:

When your body detoxes, your blood gets more acidic. When
it becomes overly acidic you can lose your appetite, ability to
focus, and become irritable. Almost everyone needs to
consume some alkalizing foods every day, some more than
others. Vegetable juice is the best for alkalization, especially
with parsley. You should have juice in between just about
every meal. Vegetable juice will help balance the pH of the
blood. Vegetable juice will overly-alkalize the stomach for
about an hour, so do not consume meat within an hour of
vegetable juice, unless the juice is the first consumption of the
day, then having meat 45 minutes later is fine. The other
alkalizing foods shouldn’t be problematic with meat digestion
unless you eat large amounts with your meat meals.
Occasionally some individuals will initially not be able to
tolerate the juice.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can chew celery, swallow the
juice, and spit out the pulp. If you don’t have access to celery,
lemons, limes, figs, bland fruit such as tomatoes and
cucumbers are alkalizing. They can be made into a sauce
recipe to have with your meat to make it more palatable if you
are overly acidic and lacking appetite for raw meat. Remember,
don’t have lemon, lime, or fruit with red meat, so that’ll have to
be for a fish or chicken recipe. All fruit is alkalizing, with
pineapple being the most alkalizing, but be careful with too
much pineapple because it will make you more emotionally
volatile. If you do not have juice, have a variety of other
alkalizing foods throughout the day.

If you don’t have a juicer, a blended mixture of tomato, lemon,

and honey may be used as a temporary substitute to help
alkalize the body and prevent over-acidity symptoms. Too
much lemon may make you nauseous so be aware.

Over Alkalinity - How to Tell if Overly Alkalized:

The way to tell if you are overly alkalized from drinking

too much vegetable juice is if it is making you sleepy. Not
tired, but sleepy. You will also retain water and be
excessively hungry. You may also have impaired raw
protein digestion, because there is not enough acidity to
break it down.


Follow the recommendations for hyperactivity and anxiety.

Don’t eat any red meat by itself if you have any mental
problems, always have it with fish or chicken, like 60% white
and 40% red, and not every day. You should also probably not
eat any fruit. It will make you more reactive and emotional.
High Meat can work miracles. I once knew a woman who was a
meth user and was freaking out. I convinced her to eat High
Meat. An hour later I fed her cooked starch with raw cream.
She calmed down significantly, and a few days later she told
me it cured her psychosis. 2 years later I heard from her again
and she said that she thinks about that High Meat all the time
and has always wanted more because it helped her so much.
She only had one spoonful.

Anytime there is trauma, consuming raw fish will be the best

meat to recover.

Detoxing Heavy Metals:

The most important thing for detoxing is having fat. If you

detox without fat you can cause more damage and you will
experience intense symptoms. See Being Fat in this document.
Eating 3 oysters with every meat meal can increase your metal
detox by 300-500%, usually without increased symptoms.
Following the cheese train schedule can increase your overall
metal detox by an additional 300-700% without increased
symptoms, except maybe Constipation. Eating a daily fruit
meal of berries with coconut cream, dairy cream, lemon, and
lime will help you break down lots of heavy metals. See Fruit
Meals in the recipe document.

Adding cilantro juice to your vegetable juice will help detox

metals. You can add 2.5-5% to your juice. Stir an egg into every
serving of juice right before you drink it if you add cilantro. If
you have too much cilantro it can make you crazy because it
releases metal in your body in a way that doesn’t further break
it down, so it is still in a dangerous form.
Hot Baths are essential for detoxing anything. If your
lymphatic system is very congested, you will have a hard time
detoxing anything. You will become very congested and it’ll
just continue to build up. Get fat and get into lymphatic
congestion and everything in your system will flow better.

It is also very important to have lots of minerals to detox

metals. Minerals will bind with the metals, and without
adequate minerals you won’t be able to detox the metals
without harm. That means lots of cheese mixed with honey,
and oysters.

These methods to expedite detox are why you should be strict

with the diet. With all of these %’s added up, you will be
blowing everyone out of the water.

Balding/Grey Hair:

Results from detoxifying too many heavy metals to the point

that the hair follicles become damaged. Following the Primal
Diet as strictly as possible is the best solution. Focus on
detoxifying heavy metals. See Detoxing Heavy Metals in this
document. The best thing to regrow hair follicles is 50-50
bone marrow with butter, both proper primal standard quality.
It might help you apply the remedies if you should shave your
head, then regrow your hair after your balding is reversed. You
may just have to patiently improve your health and it can take

Using a plastic syringe can make it easier to apply butter to

the scalp. Fill it with gently warmed butter like you would in a
Lube drink.


High Blood Pressure Headache:

2 ounces of naturally carbonated water
2 Tablespoons of honey
1 lemon worth of juice

Now add 6 more ounces of sparkling water so you don’t

remove the carbonation from the previous stirring.

Headache + Nausea:

1 cup of raw orange juice

3 Tablespoons of honey

6 ounces of naturally carbonated mineral water

2 Tablespoons of vinegar
Half lemon of juice
3 Tablespoons of honey

Headache That Grows In Intensity:

Sleep to relieve. When you are awake, have a little bit of

honey every 5 minutes and avoid all other foods,
including meat and dairy. Sip proper water if thirsty or
have raw orange juice with equal amounts of honey.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, processed sugar, cheddar or jack

cheese even if raw, salt, and baking soda. If you are over
the age of 25, abstain from the foods stated above and eat
cooked starch with equal fat and tomatoes, and also raw
fish 3 days a week.


Consume a Pain Formula and eat cheese, preferably

Monterey on the side. Sleep to relieve. Applying a hot
rubber bottle to the forehead may also help.

Good to eat a cheese cube, 10 minutes later have 1.5 teaspoons

of butter mixed with honey, ⅕ the honey to the butter and 2
ounces of milk every hour.

Chemical burn: Apply lime juice, and then clay. Pack a damp
cloth with good water, not tap on it and then an ace bandage.
After 12 hours take it off and then do beef with honey and
wrap it again with damp cloth and ace bandage. Switch every
12 hours. Do not apply meat until after the toxins are out. Do
not let the bandage dry.

If it is poison ivy, oak, etc., thoroughly wash the area to remove

the poisonous oils, then apply vinegar to neutralize any
remaining oils. Then apply clay and when it dries rinse it off.
Then rub urine into it twice a day. 1.5 hours after the urine
each time, apply the Primal Body Care Cream. If you don’t have
that just use butter or coconut cream.

Drink Lubrication Formulas to feed the skin from the inside


If itchy, take 1⁄4 cup of good water, 1 small tomato, or 1⁄4 cup
of melon with 1 tablespoon unsalted raw butter, 1 tablespoon
coconut oil or 1 tablespoon olive oil. Blend it for a long time
until it's warm and all the ingredients mix, or warm it up like a
Lubrication Formula. Pour this into your Hot Bath. This can
bring immediate relief. Soak for 15-30 minutes.

If hives, use the above recipe and add a half cup of clay to the

Sometimes just a normal Hot Bath but with a little extra

vinegar, ⅓ of a cup will alleviate itching. Helpful to add 3-4
Tablespoons of coconut cream to the water to moisturize your

Wearing silk clothes will not irritate your rash as much.


If having trouble removing, apply preferably lime, or vinegar if

no lime, then clay, then wrap it with something wet so it
doesn’t dry.

Being Fat:

Being Fat is a wonderful thing that all of us should strive

towards. Aajonus says that if you have an extra 25 pounds of
fat on your body, you will reduce your suffering when
experiencing any symptom by about 80%. You will heal faster
in every way. You will be able to pursue more intense detox
techniques without having horrible symptoms. You will feel
more balanced emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. To gain
fat you need to consume foods in combination. Foods by
themselves digest faster and produce instant energy, which
will make you more productive, but it won’t build fat and heal
the body as well. If you mix foods like in Lubrication Formulas,
Milkshakes, Cheese Cake Filling, and Ice Cream, you will gain
significantly more weight than if you ate the same ingredients
individually. While gaining weight you will most likely require
an extra hour of sleep per day, but it is more than worth it.
Over time your quality of life will improve greatly as you
progress towards better health. After a few years, you will
begin to sleep less and after you have been on the diet for a
long time, the goal is to have the energy Aajonus had, to be
able to wake up after 3 or 4 hours full of energy and charged
ready to tackle the day, every day without every accumulating
fatigue. The only way that will be possible is if you do
everything perfectly. Get fat, do the cheese trains, Hot Baths,
the oysters, the fruit meals, the oils, everything.

When you are eating to gain weight, if you are uncomfortably

full, simply sucking an egg can expedite your digestion and
help the food pass through you more quickly and smoothly.
Drinking vegetable juice can also help digest all of the food.
In regards to the social aspect of being fat, do it because you
know it is the right thing to do, despite the opinions of others.
Use it as an exercise of confidence, an exercise of mental
strength. Doing what you know is right even if people don’t
agree. Over the years the fat will become more dense as you
detox. At first, it may mostly store in your gut, but after 1-2
years it should distribute to the rest of your body more. This is
a process you simply have to go through. Get it over with,
you’ll only be healthier sooner, and feel amazing. You will
probably find that you enjoy being fat. It is kind of funny to go
from being skinny and become a fat person. I felt great the
first time I got fat, I was laughing all of the time.


See We Want to Live.

Bladder infection:

See We Want to Live.

Constipation is most often from not eating enough fat.
Increase your raw butter and raw cream intake. Eating too
much cheese can make you constipated. Drinking milk without
cream in it can make you constipated. Eating meat without
enough fat can make you constipated. If after increasing your
fat consumption you are still constipated, take 3-4
Tablespoons of chia seeds and soak it in 5 ounces of good
water for 1-10 days. Sometimes it’ll take 10 days for it to be able
to help bad cases. Then what you do is take the mixture and
stir it into a Lubrication Formula at night. The more long term
solution is to repopulate the bacteria in your intestines. See
High Meat in the Recipes section. Eating fresh manure from a
healthy animal may also help repopulate bacteria. If you are
still having issues or you don’t have access to chia seeds, do a

Emergency recipe:

This recipe intentionally prevents proper digestion. Do

not consume this regularly but for emergencies only.
Usually you only need this recipe once. Sometimes people
need it 2 or 3 times.

2 ounces raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

2 ounces unheated honey
2 ounces fresh lemon juice
3 ounces stone-pressed olive oil
2 ounces raw milk

Drink it as fast as possible. You may get stomach cramps.

You should put a Hot Rubber Water Bottle on the
stomach and breathe deeply and slowly.


You will need to feed the skin and alkalize the system to heal
dandruff. Drink 1-2 Lubrication Formulas a day and also eat
Alkalizing Foods. Applying raw fat to the scalp may also help. It
could take months of drinking Lubrication Formulas before it
may go away. Showering in tap water may create dandruff.
Don’t shower, take Hot Baths with the ingredients in the water.

Burns, Cuts, Scrapes, Bruising, Injuries:

Apply raw meat bandages to the injury and it will heal

significantly faster and reduce your pain. Simply putting raw
beef on your injury can take away the pain in 20-30 minutes. It
will heal the skin more quickly with less scarring. Apply lime
juice if it's an open wound, then put raw butter or coconut
cream on the injury with legitimately unheated honey, put a
thin layer of beef, whole, ground, or pate on top, then put
more raw fat on top of that, then wrap it with ace bandage. If
you have bone marrow, apply that mixed with the butter. It is
okay to let the meat ferment on you, if the smell isn’t a
problem the bacteria can heal you more quickly. Applying fresh
urine on a wound can stop the bleeding very quickly.

If you have an injury that is not healing, mix clay with coconut
oil preferably, or olive oil, and a little bit of water to make a
paste. Pack the area and put a damp cloth with good water,
not tap on it. If the clay dries it won’t work. Then wrap it with
an ace bandage. Don’t make it too tight or it won’t heal. You
can also wrap a plastic bag around it to keep it in place. Never
cellophane, very toxic.

If you are mobile, you will heal faster with the circulation.
Applying Hot Water Bottles promotes circulation and so does
Hot Baths.

Wearing silk clothes is more comfortable for wounds.

Erectile Dysfunction:

Raw fat and raw meat can often reverse this condition
immediately. Eating liver and heart in combination can
increase blood flow for every muscle in the body.
Peel a watermelon and eat a bunch of the rind, the white part
of the melon. That can be very effective. Eating sauces
containing raw garlic with your meat meals can increase libido.
See Aphrodisiacs in the Recipes section. Eating peeled
cucumbers may also help, you can blend them into your juice.
Simply doing the diet can automatically resolve ED.

Internal Bleeding/Bloody Stool:

Drink a half cup of green cabbage juice every 3-4 days. That
can immediately stop bleeding that has been going on for

Warning: the wrong cabbage can increase your bleeding!


Arthritis is usually either a fat deficiency, or leaky gut. If it is

leaky gut, see Crohn's/Leaky Gut in this document. If it is a
utilizable fat deficiency, drink a Lubrication Formula 2 times a
day. Look up Artist Recovers From Crippling Arthritis on
YouTube. You can be fat and still have a utilizable fat
Dry Skin:

Dry skin is a fat deficiency. Drink 1-2 Lubrication Formulas a

day. Apply raw butter or raw coconut cream to the skin daily.
See Body Care in this document.


Acne is toxins being released from the skin. It may be you

detoxing the waste product of cooked foods. Simply going on
the general routine for the Primal Diet usually resolves most
acne. Taking daily Hot Baths helps remove lymphatic waste
buildup that results in acne. Consuming Alkalizing Foods can
help reduce acne. Drink 1-2 Lubrication Formulas a day to help
feed the skin.

Mix 1 teaspoon of clay and 1.5 Tablespoons of vinegar mixed

together and apply it to the skin. Wash it off when it dries. Do
not let it stay on your skin while dry or it will dry your skin.
This helps remove redness from skin from acne. If you find out
that one specific food makes you break out, eat butter and
honey with it every time you have it, and maybe some
pineapple with it also.

Eczema, Psoriasis:
Similar to acne. It can take 8 months or longer to heal.
Consume 2-4 Lubrication Formulas a day. Apply raw butter or
coconut cream to the skin daily. See the Body Care in this
document. Every time you have an egg, have a tiny sip of
cream with it, or mix it together before drinking.

Saggy Skin:

Results from dead cells. You must break down the dead cells
and provide nutrients to create new healthy cells. Ideally apply
the Primal Body Care Cream from The Recipe For Living
Without Disease. You can also mix 2 oz of cream with 1
teaspoon of ginger juice and apply that to your skin every day.
It would be helpful to rub unripe pineapple onto the skin once
a week. Occasionally take a day off and apply raw butter or raw
coconut cream to give the skin a break from cleansing from
the pineapple and ginger recipe and give it some time to
instead rebuild. If you use the Primal Body Care Cream you
shouldn’t need to take days off. If you can’t find royal jelly it’ll
still work.

Rub unripe pineapple onto the skin once a week, and on the
non-pineapple days apply raw butter or raw coconut cream
onto the skin at least 2 or 3 days a week.

You can blend 3 ounces of coconut cream, 3 ounces of butter,

with 3-4 Tablespoons of pineapple juice and apply that to the
entire body once a week. Store in the fridge. That will work
very well. Nice for massages. Aajonus used that and the old
lady's hands were around 10 years younger after a few weeks
of massages.

Applying honey may help.


The strongest form of detox. See Nausea in this document.


The second strongest form of detox. When you are having

diarrhea, eat lots of raw no-salt cheese. Eating unripe, green
bananas can also help. To replenish the lost bacteria from
diarrhea, consume all your milk as Kefir for at least a few days
after. See Kefir in the Recipes section. Avoid cream during

Tinnitus is most likely the result of heavy metals causing fluid

to build up in or near the ear drums, and the metal is
attracting the ringing noise. Take a red rubber Hot Water
Bottle and put it on your ear while you sleep, and switch ears
every night. If you do the same ear 2 nights in a row you can
mess up your equilibrium and become dizzy. Wrap a towel
around your head to keep it hot and the bottle in place.

Mineral Deficiency:

A mineral deficiency looks like brittle bones, brittle finger

nails, gums that bleed easily, and teeth sensitivity. The foods to
get the most minerals are cheese mixed with honey and also
eating oysters. Raw no-salt cheese by itself will not supply
minerals, you need the honey with it to digest it. ⅓ of honey to
cheese ratio. You can mix that and eat up to a half pound of
cheese with 2.5 ounces of honey a day until symptoms resolve.
It must be mixed before swallowing whether in your mouth or
with a spoon or blended into Cheese Cake Filling.

Follow the general Primal Diet. Drink vegetable juice, eat
alkalizing foods, as they all have electrolytes. Eating high carb
food like cooked starch or fruit without fat can cause cramps.
See Alkalizing Foods in this document. See Muscle Soreness in
this document.

Muscle Soreness:

Drinking raw whey can help soreness. Eating grapefruit can

also help soreness. Taking a Hot Bath will help soreness. I do
not recommend cold exposure to alleviate soreness. Light
activity like walking can promote healing by increasing
circulation. Stay warm to allow the body to heal.

Smoking Addiction:

Following the General Primal Diet will alleviate withdrawals

and create a distaste for smoking. See Smoking Addiction in We
Want to Live. Osho said in response to someone trying to quit
smoking is to smoke as much as you want but whenever you
smoke do it mindfully. Taste the cigarette. Feel the smoke
going in your lungs. Observe how it makes you feel. Be
completely aware of it. Do not distract yourself while smoking.
Put your full attention on it. Many people will find that it is
actually disgusting and they do not want to do it. When you
crave a smoke be aware of the feeling and try to find the
emotional and spiritual causation of why you crave it.
Frequently eating High Meat can make it significantly easier to
quit smoking. See Bipolar/Schizophrenia in this document.

Coffee Addiction:

Following the General Primal Diet will alleviate withdrawals

and cravings. Consume vegetable juice daily and/or the coffee
substitute. If you consume at least a pint of celery juice a day,
you should not have any coffee cravings. See Coffee Substitute
in the recipes document. Aajonus says that the stimulation of
coffee is largely due to the heavy metals in it. He claims that it
is naturally full of lead and arsenic. In the past I thought I
could get raw coffee beans and mix it in a Nut Formula to
absorb the toxins, but it caused me to get teeth pain, unstable
energy levels, and withdrawals. Coffee is not a healthy thing to

Alcohol Craving:

Follow the standard diet.

If a craving for alcohol hits, blend a raw drink consisting of the
juice of 5 limes, an avocado, 4 kiwis and 4 Tablespoons of
unheated honey to satisfy the craving.

Body Care:

● Teeth:

You need to brush your teeth at least a few days a week.

One of the main ways the brain detoxes is by releasing its
metals into plaque on the teeth. If you don’t remove it,
you will damage your teeth. You need to make coconut
cream for the toothpaste recipe, it is very important. You
need a Juicer like a Green Star or an Angel juicer for this.
See Coconut Cream in the Recipe section. Take 1
Tablespoon coconut cream, 2 teaspoons clay, and ½-1
teaspoons of vinegar, mix that together and that is your
toothpaste. Keep in the fridge, it will be good for a week.
It works very well. Fermented coconut cream is more

You need to consume minerals to feed the teeth. The

main sources of minerals are cheese mixed with honey,
and oysters. Avoid demineralizing foods, like lemon, lime,
and vinegar by itself or in water. They need to be mixed in
recipes with minerals in them. Fruit can also be
demineralizing, especially ripe fruit. If you have a mineral
deficiency, always have cheese with your fruit. See
Mineral Deficiency and Dental Issues in this document.

If you have white stuff on your tongue, that is similar to

plaque. Scrape it off with a knife (carefully), or even a
credit card.

● Hair and Body:

When you bathe, suck a little bit of egg white, spit it into
your hands and rub it into your wet armpits. Suck more
out and spit it into your hands and put it in your hair.
Keep sucking and spitting until you get to the yolk. Suck
and spit a little yolk into your hands and put it into each
armpit, then continue sucking and spitting the rest of it
into your hair a little bit at a time so you don’t spill any. If
you have long hair you will need 2-3 eggs. Let it soak for 5
minutes before washing it out. This is your shampoo. It
will also remove odor. For conditioner, coconut cream is
good for your hair. Only apply it to the ends of your hair,
if you apply it to the scalp it will look greasy.

When you get out, apply a little lemon juice to each

armpit, this will be your deodorant. It lasts half to a whole
If you have a very strong scent, put a tiny bit of ginger
juice in your vegetable juices.

I never use soap on my body. Raw eggs are my soap.

Coconut cream is my conditioner/moisturizer.

Raw milk, Kefir, cream, butter, coconut cream, or egg

white can be used as shaving cream.

People have reported that egg whites can work well as a


● Skin:

Butter is the best fat to feed the skin but coconut cream
is also very good. Butter is very smelly so if you are going
to be around people not on the diet, it will bother them.
That is why you should prioritize coconut cream for the
skin. If you don’t have coconut cream, apply butter to
your skin 30-60 minutes before you bathe, that way your
skin has time to absorb it, then bathe and wash it off. If
the smell is still lingering on your skin, suck an egg and
spit it anywhere you applied the egg and use it like soap.
The egg will help remove the odor.
Do not bathe before going into the sun. You will burn
because you won’t have the oils on your skin. What works
as an amazing sunscreen is also butter or coconut cream.
Apply it to the skin 30 minutes before you go out, and
wipe it off before you go into the sun. Also, do not bathe
for at least 2-3+ hours after going into the sun because
then you will strip off the vitamin D filled oils on your
skin. It takes time for it to absorb.

● Laundry:

I personally use fragrance-free, clear detergent and white

vinegar for my laundry. Aajonus Aajonus uses Biokleen all
purpose cleanser, and the same amount as you would for

I use hot water for all of my dishes. If I have a really nasty

High Meat jar that I need to clean I might use a little
detergent, because I don’t own soap, and that works fine.

Poor Vision:

Every night crack an egg into a glass but separate the yolk
first. Drink the yolk. Dab your finger into the egg white, pull
your eyelid back and apply it to your eyes, and look around so
it absorbs. Drink the yolk. Go to sleep with it in your eye. Over
the course of several months your vision will improve. What
works faster is applying fermented butter. Let butter ferment
in a glass jar. Dab butter onto your eyes before you sleep. Then
you can do the egg white in the morning, that way it will
improve even faster. Using an eye glass can be easier for
applying the egg white.

Sometimes simply eating red meat will improve your vision.

Carrot juice with coconut cream and dairy cream may also

Sore Throat:

Drinking 4 ounces of good water mixed with 1-2 Tablespoons

of vinegar, 2-4 Tablespoons of honey, and 2-3 Tablespoons of
lemon juice multiple times a day helps relieve a sore throat. If
still experiencing pain, have a Pain Formula.

Lemon Throat Lozenge recipe may help.

General Detox:
Whenever you are going through a detox, follow the Diet
During Symptoms Of Cold, Flu Or Severe Pain. See the Detoxing
document. Basically you focus on white meat instead of red,
cut out the vegetable juice, have extra Lubrication Formulas,
Smoothies, and Milkshakes. If you experience pain, you drink a
Pain Formula. For any other specific symptoms, consume the
appropriate remedy. If the remedy is not in the course, look it
up on the transcripts or ask someone in the Discord.


Rubber in shoes cuts off the flow of grounding to the earth. I

recommend the sandals Aajonus wore, Nomadic State of Mind
Rope Sandals. They are very nice and you can ground while
wearing them. I recommend keeping them from getting wet or
they won’t last as long.

If exposed to EMF on a regular basis, you should ground every

day. 20-40 minutes laying on the earth.

Taking a Hot Bath with the salts in the water is also grounding
like touching the earth.

Grounding will help you to feel overall more balanced and


The minimum sun requirement for Vitamin D is 45 minutes a

week with no clothes.

Applying butter or coconut cream, preferably butter but you’ll

smell, 30 minutes before you go into the sun can really help
you from burning and to tan more.

If you are sensitive to the sun, consuming 2 Lubrication

Formulas a day will usually make you more resilient to the sun
within a month.

If you are detoxing too much from mold, whether from

injections or antibiotics, sunlight exposure can reduce mold

Maximizing sun exposure without sunblock or sunglasses can

help with muscle dystrophy.

Sunlight and fresh air helps recovery from surgery and helps
to prevent the need for lengthy detoxifications in general.

Getting lots of tons can cause you to have a bone detox with
all of the Vitamin D and have no energy, because all of your
nutrients will be being used, but it's generally a good thing. If
you want to prevent that, applying milk to the skin before
tanning will reduce your vitamin d production.

If you shower before going in the sun, you will be more likely
to burn. If you shower after being in the sun, you will wipe off
your Vitamin D filled oil on the skin and won’t absorb all of it.

Sun gazing when the sun is rising and setting can help to
stimulate the pineal gland. When I used to fast for days and
was very tired, sun gazing would give me lots of energy and
allow me to feel very good. Do not do it if your eyes hurt. Only
do it when the sun is very low.

Aajonus promoted sun a lot more individually with

consultations than he emphasized in his books and lectures.

Hot Baths:

Hot Baths are incredibly important for detoxification and

healing. With all of the congestion in our lymph from the
lifetime of vegetable oils we have consumed, we need to take
Hot Baths to melt those crystalized oils. They will stay in the
body for life unless you melt them. It takes being in 105 F
degree water for about an hour before they start to melt, so
we need to take 90 minute long Hot Baths regularly, but you
need to be prepared. Taking long Hot Baths prematurely can
cause very strong detox that can debilitate people. See the
Detox document. Generally it is fine for most people to take 40
minute Hot Baths everyday even if they are skinny. It can be
very tough to endure but it is very worth it. The lymphatic
system dumps toxins every day into the connective tissue in
order to be ready to be prespired out of the body. When you
sweat, they are released, so we should be sweating every day.
If you are an athlete and you are sweating a ton every day, the
40 minute baths won’t be as necessary, but they can still be
helpful for recovery. You still won’t be melting the lymphatic
congestion no matter how much you exercise though, you
need to take the Hot Baths. Saunas do not cut it. They will not
heat our core body temperature high enough. Water transfers
heat more quickly. Saunas are also damaging to the lungs and
they thin our mucus in our sinuses which makes them
susceptible to airborne toxins.

To prepare a Hot Bath, fill a tub with water and get it to 114 F
degrees. Add in 2.5-4 cups of milk depending on how toxic
your water is, 2.5 ounces of vinegar, and 2.5 Tablespoons of sea
salt or a half cup of epsom salt. Stir the ingredients into the
bath, and then wait at least 7 minutes before getting in. This
will neutralize and absorb the tap water toxins and make it
safe for bathing. After 7 minutes the water should be 111 or 110
F degrees. 111 will damage the skin after a few minutes, but if
you get in at 111 you won’t be in there long enough to do the
damage because it’ll begin to cool off. If you want to be safe,
get in at 110. 110 can be way too hot for most people, so if that
is the case for you, get in at 108. Once the water gets to 102,
add more hot water to get it back to 108-110. The lymph will
start melting after long exposure to 105. If you want a more
intense bath, add more hot water whenever it gets to 105. It’ll
take about 15-20 minutes for the water to go from 110 to 102.

It is good to have a bowl of ice cube filled water, and to put

your hands in there when you get too hot so you can stay in
longer. Take a natural fibered rag, dip it in the water and ring it
out on your forehead to cool off further. Preferably get well
water from one of your farmers and use that to make the ice
cubes. Make it in glass. Take it out of the glass bowl and smash
it in a plastic bag. If you make it in plastic, freezing things in
plastic causes the toxins to leech. If you are just using normal
tap water in plastic, that might not be a good idea. Maybe its
worth it to stay in the bath longer though. You can put some
milk and a tiny bit of vinegar in the ice cube water to attempt
to neutralize and absorb some of the toxins.

Saunas are not something that Aajonus recommends. It thins

your mucus and makes you more susceptible to airborne
toxins. You’ll constantly have to wipe off the sweat so the
toxins don’t damage the skin. It is harsh on the lungs. It won’t
melt lymphatic congestion. Water transfers heat much more
efficiently and absorbs your sweat.
It is very important that if you are doing a lymphatic bath, a
bath longer than an hour, you consume pineapple with
coconut cream and dairy cream several hours before in order
to help melt the lymphatic congestion. If you are taking daily
lymphatic baths, only consume it every other day.

To increase the benefits of the bath, when you get out, dress
very warm so you can continue sweating. Do not cool off
intentionally. You want to stay hot. If you cool off, the benefits

It is smart to increase the temperature on your water heater in

the basement.

Hot Water Bottles:

Applying the rubber Hot Water Bottles to any area you are
experiencing symptoms can help in many cases. Use 130-140 F
degree water. Be careful, I have had one report of the water
spilling and burning someone before. Always wrap it in
something so that it doesn’t directly touch you and burn you
with the water if it breaks, or with the rubber simply being
hot, and also so it stays hot for longer.

If you don’t have the ability to take Hot Baths, you should
consider getting a few Hot Water Bottles, they are rubber and
usually red from CVS, Walmart, Target, or Walgreens. Fill it up
with about 130-140 F degrees water, and put it under the
blankets with you, with you wearing silk clothes to allow the
skin to breathe and to absorb the sweat. Take a nap like that
and when you can’t handle the sweating anymore, take your
clothes off and the Hot Water Bottles off, and then continue
laying down and have a nice peaceful nap while you cool off. I
call this Hot Water Bottle naps. Sweat your ass off for an hour,
then relax and actually fall asleep for an hour after you are
done sweating. You could also just have Hot Water Bottles at
night when you sleep as long as you can handle them before
you need to take them out of the bed.

Never put a Hot Water Bottle on your eye, it can hurt the
blood vessels.

You can buy this at most grocery and drug stores.


● How to Improve Sleep:

Do not consume red meat close to sleep, have it at least

2-3 hours away from your bedtime. It may be too
stimulating. Some people cannot tolerate fruit close to
sleep. Some fruit like mangos and bananas may be fine for
many people but apples and berries will affect most
people’s sleep.

Inability to sleep may be due to a protein deficiency. In

the past, if I ever went a whole day without eating meat, I
would not sleep as well that night and would sometimes
have trouble falling asleep.

Taking a tablespoon of moist clay and mixing it with 2-4

ounces of milk and drinking that about 2 hours before
bedtime can help you sleep.

Do not stay up too late, wake up at a reasonable time and

get something done. Very often it is better to get up and
do something like go for a walk, breathe fresh air, ground
yourself, make your recipes for the whole day, and then
take a nap later instead of sleeping in. Before you sleep,
dim the lights, preferably have color changing light bulbs
and make them red. This will help you start to produce
melatonin, and be tired before you sleep. Have a blue light
filter on your phone and computer. Do not turn on the
bathroom lights or any white lights, walk around with
your phone as a flashlight so you do not stimulate
yourself to wake back up, you will undo all of the
relaxation of the red light. It is not that the red light
relaxes you, but it is not as stimulating as the white light,
which allows your body to relax naturally.
Drinking raw cream before you sleep, whether by itself or
in a Milkshake can help you sleep. Make sure you are
getting enough activity during the day, because if you do
nothing all day, you also might not be able to fall asleep.
Consuming a Nut Formula twice a week may also help. If
you are really having trouble sleeping and nothing else is
working, a little bit of cooked starch about 90 minutes
before bed can help.

If having frequent surges of adrenaline, consume the Nut

Formula, and if that doesn’t work, small abouts of cooked
starch with equal fat may help. Also, stick to the cheese
train schedule.

If you still can’t sleep, get up and do something creative or

productive. The nerves detox between 12 AM and 5 AM
and can keep you up. Trying to sleep when you can’t will
only make you frustrated. Read, play music, do some
work, sing, do yoga and meditate, do breathing exercises.

Lots of eggs can help, consuming High Meat can help.

Insomnia can result from things like antibiotics, and it can
also result from novacaine.

● Importance of Sleep:
90% of your healing happens when you sleep. If you
neglect your sleep you are neglecting your health and you
will age more quickly. Proper sleep with proper diet will
result in more total productive time in your life, even if in
the beginning you feel like it is taking more time. If you
develop your health and sleep when you need to,
eventually you will require less. After Aajonus was on raw
foods for about 25 years he only slept 3 or 4 hours every
night and was always full of energy and rarely
experienced pain except for occasional detoxes, but his
detoxes got shorter and shorter as he got healthier.

Naps can be incredibly helpful for a greater quality of life

and mental clarity.


See Fatigue/Laziness, Depression in this document.

Aajonus can tell how creative someone is simply by reading

their palms. He tells the very creative people that they will go
crazy if they don’t have a creative outlet.
In a QnA, Aajonus said to a woman, “You have indications of
very low self-esteem. So you need to be very creative. I don't
know if you've healed from that or not.”

Woman: “I am trying to get my creativity back, that's one of my

big issues, and I've been low-energy, and I haven't been

Aajonus: “Well, it could be writing, it could be anything. While

you're in this fatigue, you still need to be creative because your
self-esteem is based in there. So writing, whether it's poetry,
music, or prose, whatever it is. Will help you there.“

And another quote, “So it's your particular way of balancing it

yourself. Because of this configuration, there's a tendency to
be ultra-critical. You're right for you. Just know that, you're
right for you and everybody else is right for them. And then
there'll be less conflict. Very philosophical. Enjoy that, but
again it's all theoretical stuff. All that criticism makes your low
esteem hit bottom too. So be creative and then that'll pull you
out of it. Because that's where your only enjoyment will be
found, is in your creativity. I usually stay just into the
nutritional and physiological properties, except when I see
that mental properties will interfere with the healing process.
You need to write out some of your philosophies. Because
some of those that you've created are very debilitating to you.
So I would just open up a little bit more about some of those
philosophies. “

And another, “Before we even get into diet, you're creative, and
boy you better do something creative. Relax your hand. Do you
do anything creative?”

Man: “I finished writing a book right now, I do a lot of martial

arts things, I'm always dabbling in creative things but…”

Aajonus: “This needs to be something creative, not a technical

teaching type thing, you need to do some novel, some dirty
stuff, some wild stuff, some crazy stuff. You're locked up in a
cage of rationality that's just a block for you. Break it open.
Okay, you have a lot of sexual energy. So if you don't have a
friend, take care of yourself.”

And another: “You have an incredibly creative bone here. What

do you do for creativity?”

Woman: “Nothing.”

Aajonus: “Well, shame on you. No wonder you're a control

freak. See, that's what I couldn't say. Ha ha ha.”

Woman: “I knew it!”

Aajonus: “If you do something creative, you've got a great
writing talent, so that's probably how you should do it, just, I
don't care if it's poetry, as long as it's not anything rational. As
long as it's about beauty and humor. Ha ha ha. Colors, shapes,
forms, sensuality, tangibility, anything other than all that mind
stuff. And that'll help you a lot, come out of that. You need
milk. I'd say at least a quart a day. You have the martyrdom
triangle on both hands, in relationships, that usually is
somebody who has tremendous difficulty choosing somebody
that's as together as they are because then they don't feel
needed or necessary. Choose somebody that enjoys you. And
is your equal. For a change. And if you seek that out, and you
don't feel needy, and you don't have the control issues, that'll
open the door for that person. How old are you now?”

Woman: “45.”

Aajonus: “You have somebody coming up in about 3 years.

That's gonna be very nice, so get in shape for it. Ha ha ha.
Otherwise you'll scare him away. Okay?”

Another example but this person had a disease result from

stress: “You just need to stop the bleeding. Use the green
cabbage not the red cabbage. And you need to be creative – do
something more creative, something as an artist or something
like that for your own relaxation. It looks like your ulcer in
your stomach came about because of tension. You’re burning
up your b-vitamins and your proteins and you are not eating
enough to supplement it. Lots of meat and you will feel more
relaxed and then you can do something creative. Drink lots of
milk too.”

See Chewing Marijuana in this document.


Pollution will cause your body to use a lot of nutrients to break

down and absorb the toxins you are ingesting on a daily basis.
To combat pollution, Being Fat helps a lot. Aajonus says even if
you had perfect health, you should still maintain 15 extra
pounds of fat to protect from the daily toxins if you live in
society. Pollution due to it wasting your nutrients and
damaging the cells in your body especially if you don’t have
enough fat will lower your quality of life and overall energy

To help address pollution, suck lots of eggs, at least every

hour. Consuming a Milkshake 45 minutes before being
exposed can help a lot, they help produce mucus to protect
the lungs and sinuses. Eating cheese trains will absorb a lot of
the toxins we are ingesting. Hot Baths help cleanse everything.
Having air filters and plants in our homes will clean up the air.
Ask your dates, your friends to not wear cologne, perfume,
scented fragrances around you because you don’t want the
toxins. They personally give me headaches so that's a good
excuse to give them if it is honest. I for example can’t kiss girls
that have lipstick on because I am allergic to food coloring and
get Tourettes if I ingest it. Whether I was allergic or not, I still
wouldn’t because it is toxic and wouldn’t want the makeup on
my skin.

For chemtrails, drink a Sports Formula every day. Or, have 1

tablespoon of vinegar in 2-3 ounces of raw milk once a day.
Consume other pollution recipes also.

Having house plants can produce fresh air and clean the
pollution out of the air, they are very helpful. Also having HEPA
air filters can clean the air. The paper filters may contain
toxicity in them and we need to experiment with this idea, try
taking diluted lime juice and soaking the filter in it, and then
curing it in the sun for a week or 2. Buy enough filters to last a
year so you don’t have to do it often, and because you need to
do it in the summer. This may help outgas and absorb any
toxins. I haven’t actually tested this yet though.

If you have a gas stove, turn it off. It leaks way too easily. If you
have a gas water heater, as long as it is well ventilated it won’t
get into the house.
If you have mold growing on toxic material in your home, that
can release the toxic material into the air. You need to dry the
room, wear an Israeli gas mask, vacuum the walls, ceiling, and
floors. Then you wash it with vinegar and some non-aluminum
baking soda, and wash it thoroughly. Wear a mask the entire
time. Then you dry out the walls with coil based space heaters,
the ones that get orange hot. 2 or 3 of them per room. If doing
one room at a time, seal off all the other rooms with some kind
of canvas because it needs to get to 130 degrees, enough to
bake through the walls. It will take 2 days. Make it so you
destroy the mold deep into the wall and then vacuum again.
Then vacuum until you are okay until you have another rain or
moisture spell. If you don’t keep your house dry or live at a
beach where it is always moist, you are in trouble. You may
have to do that every 1-2 months. If your house is made of
wood, it is no problem, but if you paint on it and the mold
grows then, then that is a problem.

After you clean it, if you have been inhaling it, consume the
follower recipe: 4-5 Tablespoons of lime, 1.5-3 Tablespoons of
lemon, then an equal amount as to the lemon and lime of
honey. Then 5-6 Tablespoons of coconut cream, 1-2
Tablespoons of dairy cream, and you blend that together. If
you have a lot of allergies, add a .5-1 teaspoon of vinegar. Add
this to 2-4 ounces of sparkling water. It will be delicious, but
don’t gulp it. Sip. DO that 3- days in a row, then after that, one
day a week, or it will destroy too much of your bacteria.
Fog machines at for example music venues are very toxic as
they use vegetable oil in the machines. Do not breathe it.
Leave if you are in a space that has one. You can get lots of
problems from them. A musician client of Aajonus’ developed a
huge tumor from one.

Eating raw lungs from a healthy animal can help strengthen

your lungs.

Drink milkshakes at least 30 minutes away from going into a

polluted environment (including perfume, deodorant, air
fresheners, car exhaust, chemtrails).


If you are concerned about what people will think about you
eating raw meat in public, just make nice recipes. If you add
things with colors like tomato, bell peppers, red onion, and
avocados, it will look more appetizing, and people will be more
receptive to it. Use this diet as an exercise of confidence. Do
what you need to do because you know it is what you need to
do, without being concerned about what others think. Don’t
have an egotistical, better than others attitude, but be secure
with yourself.

Fasting is robbing Peter to pay Paul. It is strongly advised

against. We specifically make sure to not go 5 hours without
eating to avoid fasting. Fasting deteriorates the body. In some
rare cases, it may help certain people, but you are really
gambling by experimenting with it. There are many more safe
solutions within the diet that you should attempt to do first,
before even considering fasting.

Corona Jab:

All the same remedies for removing heavy metals. To prevent

heart attacks, it would be wise to consume a Sports Formula
everyday. Many people with this injection grow a weird white
thing inside their veins, I believe the sports formula with the
vinegar in it in particular will help dissolve it.

If you can’t make Sport Formulas, drink 1 tablespoon of clay in

3-4 ounces of milk once a day to help clean the blood vessels.

Racing Heart:
Can be the result of lots of metals in the blood, as the heart
doesn’t want it to store so it keeps it moving fast. Cheese
trains can help absorb them.

Pineapple can cause racing heart if it has pesticides. If that is

the case, scrub it with warm water before slicing it.

Chewing Marijuana:

Taking a small amount of dried and cured marijuana, about

.2-.3 grams, and chewing it thoroughly for 5-10 minutes will
activate it and allow you to get high without cooking or
smoking. It will kick in over 1-3 hours. A lot of the side effects
that people generally have from smoking weed or eating
cooked edibles do not occur when marijuana is consumed raw.
Aajonus says as long as you do not get paranoid or anxious
then you can consume it if you’d like to. The main issue is the
quality of the weed. The average source of street and
dispensary weed is not good enough quality to consume. If I
consume improper quality weed, I will get headaches, and I
might even get tooth pain. It is best if you know someone who
grows it. A dispensary I went to in Boulder Colorado had
amazing quality weed for a great price. It was called Verde
Natural but they might have been bought out, or changed
names to The Hash House. Not sure if it is still the same, but I
had no issues at all chewing that weed.
Chewing weed can be great if you are experiencing pain
whether you are hurt, or if you are going through a detox. It
can be helpful if you are in bad health and it's going to take a
long time to feel well, as weed can help you to feel good and
enjoy life any day. It is great for facilitating creativity. Chewing
weed does not make me lazy like smoking does. When I get
high I get excited to be productive, play music, and spend time
in nature.

I recommend not consuming it every day. Take at least 1 day or

2 days off a week if you have a strong desire for it. If not, once
a week, twice a week can be a nice addition to your lifestyle.
Completely up to you, but I consider it to be a guilt-free,
toxin-free nootropic to increase your quality of life.

Chewing weed does not work for all marijuana and it doesn’t
work for every individual. In regards to the marijuana itself, I
believe it has to do with how it is cured. If it is not cured
properly, it will not work. About 10-20% of the people I have
recommended to try it have said it has not worked, even when
consuming the same weed that has worked for me. Chewing it
with honey may help to activate it. If chewing weed does not
make you high, chew it with equal amounts of honey and for
longer duration. It may be wise to chew it with a little bit of
butter, or maybe a little cheese may be better, to prevent the
honey from demineralizing your teeth.
Marijuana Tar Detox Recipe:

Take a 6-8 oz jar filled halfway up with fresh raw marijuana.

With an Oster blender, blend on low for 2 minutes, medium for
2, and high for 2. Jiggle off blades and do it again. Then fill it
with distilled water until there is 2 ounces of room left. Then
put a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in there, then
blend 2 minutes on low, medium, and high until it gets very
warm but not hot where it makes your hand uncomfortable.
Then put it on the counter for 4-8 hours at a time and blend it
another 6 times until it's very warm within the next 48 hours.
You can have it whenever you want and should have it daily for
6-9 months if you used to smoke. Aajonus recommends a
teaspoon a day, or as often as you want. He says it provides a
nice high that lasts several days with no come down.

Chewing Tobacco:

You can acquire fresh, green tobacco from Amos Miller. It is

fine to chew a 1 inch by half inch leaf of tobacco 5 days a week.
If you chew too much or too often, you can get pneumonia. I
have had it happen to me.

Tobacco can be used for grounding and meditation. I

recommend chewing it while barefoot on the earth. Chewing it
while sun-gazing is very nice. Put it in your lip. After 30-60
seconds, take one bite out of it and put it back in your lip and
let the juice absorb in your mouth. Every minute or 2, take
another chomp out of it and put it back in your lip. When most
of the juice is gone, just simply chew it for a minute and suck
the rest of the juice out of it. Spit it out when you are done.

I have chewed it every day for weeks and have quit with zero
withdrawal symptoms. I suspect withdrawals to only be from
cooked, or smoked tobacco. When my tobacco got really
fermented over several months, then I got pneumonia from it
when I chewed it too often.

It can also help dissolve the tars that you have ingested from
smoking tobacco.


Crying transforms old toxic hormones into endorphins which

relax and heal the body. The transformed toxins then come out
the tear ducts. Crying is very healing. Hormones develop
during trauma and store as a waste product and are
remembered by the body and will eventually detox later at
some point. To make sure the detox is successful, the old
compound must be replaced by something positive. Aajonus is
a big advocate for singing.
Flatulence (Farting):

Usually the result of toxins mixing with your foods and

creating gas. Eat cheese before and with all of your foods. 10
minutes after making a recipe like Lube or Milkshake, grate
cheese into it and blend it again. You wait 10 minutes to let the
honey react with the fats so it doesn’t digest the cheese, that
way the cheese absorbs the toxins causing farts.

Kidney/Bladder Stones:

If you had just a quarter teaspoon of vinegar every day, you

would never have to pass stones, unless you already have a big
one developed that's about to come out. If you are passing
stones, drink Pain Formulas.

Lower back pain can be from kidney stones. If you suspect that
to be the case, ultrasounds are safe to find out.

Eat pineapple, coconut cream and butter together every day
for your Fruit Meal. Drinking Lubrication Formulas can also
help. Apply Hot Water Bottles where you are tight/stiff.


Usually just collections of dead cells. If it's a mole that will

bleed, its tumor cells that were liver, pancreas, gallbladder, or
spleen cells that are no longer functional, so the body puts it in
the skin.

Apply pineapple every 4-7 days, and vinegar every other day. If
it burns or itches, you are applying too much pineapple or too
frequently. Just simply rub a little of the vinegar onto it, and
rub the pineapple on it for 20-30 seconds, and let the juice
stay on there without washing it off. If the pineapple makes it
burn, after 2 minutes apply some milk to wash it off. If
removing wrinkles, applying butter and or bonemarrow to the
affected area will be important to protect the live cells after
dissolving the dead cells.

Applying the Primal Body Care Cream can help tremendously

with wrinkles, freckles. Applying raw fat to a wart may actually
preserve the dead cells and prevent it from dissolving.
You could even rub the vinegar into a wart 3 times a day. Take
a break if it’s too aggressive. If it isn’t dissolving, apply vinegar
3 times one day, and the next day apply onion to it for 20
minutes, and alternate.

Surface cancer you can put lime vinegar coconut cream. Put
lime on and wait 3 minutes, then vinegar for 3 mins, then
coconut cream for 30 mins and then wipe off, do not rinse it
off. Aajonus says it can get rid of skin tumors in 3 months.

Applying Kefir can immediately remove wrinkles.

Applying honey on skin imperfections may also help.


Results from a lack of mucus to protect your tissues, so the

tissues become irritated. To increase mucus production, drink
Milkshakes. Sucking lots of eggs will also help. If you have
allergies, avoid ginger because it’ll think your mucus more.

If allergies from chemtrails, drink a sports formula every day

with clay in it.

If you have an allergy to milk, you would know in 20 minutes. If

that is the case, have 2-4 ounces a day for 3 months and it’ll
correct 9/10 times. Make sure to let it sit out a minimum of 8
hours to grow the bacteria for digestion. If you don’t have a
reaction within 20 minutes, then you are most likely just
detoxing old pasteurized milk, or you have indigestion and
need to have your milk in the form of Kefir.

If you have an allergy to honey, it usually takes 3 months to

correct. Just have a little dab everyday and gradually increase
it over time.

For pet allergies, feed your pet a little bit of clay every day, and
you yourself drink the Milkshakes.

Consuming fresh, refrigerated, crumbly bee pollen local to

your area may also help with allergies. Have a few Tablespoons
mixed with raw milk every day.

Aajonus says that there is no such thing as allergies for raw

eggs. If it causes a reaction, he says it is detox.


Heavy smokers will have to go through pneumonia multiple

times in their lives to fully detox their lungs.

You can have 1 Milkshake and also 2 Orange Smoothies every

day during pneumonia.
Consume a little raw fish every couple hours, and when it is
over, just consume a cup of meat a day for a week before going
back to your normal diet.

Sleep sitting up.


The native americans would cut it open and then pack it with

Drink milk and eat cheese.

If someone is bitten by for example a black widow, Aajonus

tells them to chew raw corn and put it on the wound, and also
swallow some, and drink beet juice.

You can also use 1 teaspoon of normally cooked moist coffee

grounds, 1 teaspoon of lime, and ¼ a teaspoon of powdered
clay. (Never drink coffee, this is for emergencies).


See We Want to Live.

Rest. Don’t be active. Being active can scar the brain. Focus on
milk and honey and eggs, but have them separately so they
digest easier.

Consume the Slowing Detoxification Recipe.


Have cheese, wait 10 minutes, and then eat an egg, and

continue to have cheese and eggs 10 minutes apart to feed
yourself while experiencing heartburn.

Back Pain:

Lower back pain can be a result of lack of utilizable fats and

proteins, or it can be from kidney stones. If kidney stones, see
Kidney/Bladder Stones in this document. Eating the Custard
recipe every day can help, but do not consume it every day or
it can cause too much detox.

Taking a Hot Bath can alleviate back pain. After you get out of
the bath, doing the spinal twist and plow yoga positions can
help further.
Following the general Primal Diet will help heal you from back

Applying Hot Water Bottles to the back while sleeping can help
you to relax the spine.

General Pain:

Focus on eating fowl. Eat lots of butter and honey, and

occasionally 2 inches of green banana with 2 Tablespoons of
butter. Drink Pain Formulas.


Are open sores on the mucous membranes or skin.

● Skin:

Drinking good water with honey and being active will

help. Eat lots of cheese.

● Intestinal

Drink plenty of Smoothies for a week, eat plenty of butter,

unripe papaya, and other fruits but no tomato or citrus
fruits. After a week, drink green cabbage juice with 1-2
raw eggs stirred into every serving, pureed tomatoes,
Milkshakes, Kefir, and eat pineapple with plenty of butter
and honey. Don’t eat more than a little meat. AFter about
2 weeks, then you should be able to eat plenty of meat,
and continue to have a half cup of green cabbage with 1-2
raw eggs in every serving every day for 4 more weeks.

Nose Bleed:

Low mucus, drink Milkshakes and suck eggs. If excessive, have

a half cup of green cabbage juice every 2 days to stop the


X-rays will give you lots of radiation. MRI’s will give you 100 x
rays of radiation. Consume oranges with avocados. Consume 1
tablespoon of clay in a few ounces of raw milk every day.
Radiation is like antibiotics, so consume High Meat to
replenish your bacteria. If you consumed barium or iodine, eat
a combination of raw meat with plenty of beef fat, and in the
afternoon eat 3 ounces of coconut cream with ¾-1 cup of dark
berries or ⅓ cup of raspberries and ⅓ cup of dark berries. If
you took radioactive medication, drink raw milk with honey.

Severe Mineral Deficiency. Essentially double your normal

cheese and honey portions. 2 ounces of cheese with 1
tablespoon of honey, and 1 ounce of butter after each of your 2
meat meals.


Aajonus loves sex and thinks it is very healthy for the body. It
promotes healing and relaxation as long as it does not involve
anxiety. Ejaculation releases toxins via the sperm. My personal
opinion is moderation with masturbation. If I know that I have
something I need to be high alert for in a few days, I will
abstain for some days. Some people swear by complete
abstinence from ejaculation, but it is not realistic for everyone.
I do not think pornography is okay in any situation. Listen to
the audio book The Easy Peasy Way To Quit Pornography if you
need help quitting.

Aajonus says people with high sex drives will go crazy if they
don’t release and that they need to “take care of themselves” if
they don’t have a partner.
Aajonus also advises against swallowing sperm,especially if it
tastes like metal, as it contains metals. He also advises against
cunnilingus as women detox through their vaginas, they
literally burn holes in their underwear with discharge.

See Dating in the Social Life document.


A hernia is an area that will not heal well and seal, due to some
kind of industrial toxin. It is difficult and takes a very long time
to heal, if it even has a chance to in an individual's case. It
could be genital, hiatal, or worst of all, intestinal. Sometimes
the only option is surgery or living with it

Aajonus may have said that herniations can sometimes be

caused by too tight of a muscle creating pressure and causing
bruising, and that stretching can help by taking the pressure
off and improving circulation.

If a hernia is close to the skin, putting never frozen un

medicated bone marrow on the area may help.

For a hemorrhoid, consuming alkalizing food can soothe and

gradually help. Inserting a finger sized piece of raw beef into
the rectum with ⅛ an inch protruding every 24 hours can also

Cold Body, Hands And Feet:

Consuming cheese and honey is the best way to warm the

Easy Ways To Help Loved Ones

Cook in Glass or Only Bake:

Cooking in any metal will release metal into your food.

Cooking in glass and baking are the least harmful methods of

Butter with Bread:

You can simply put butter on bread and that is delicious. You
can crush garlic and blend it into warmed like Lube butter

Butter with Pasta:

You can make pasta and when it stops steaming put a bunch of
raw butter in it and grate raw cheese into it. Don’t put it in at
hotter than like 105 degrees. Let it cool off a bit. It can be
warm, just not hot. That can be very nice. Preferably make the
pasta with spring water or well water. Spring water isn’t
perfect if it's not directly from the spring that you harvested
yourself but it's better than tap.
Cream and Fruit:

Self explanatory. Cream with strawberries. You can blend fruit

with cream.

Milkshakes and Smoothies:

Some people will be queasy about the raw eggs. For some
reason if you just add fruit to it they might just ignore the raw
eggs. A lot of people aren’t that against raw eggs if they are in
Smoothies because it's more normalized for athletes with their
protein shakes.

Fruit Juice:

Fruit juice is advised against if you are being strict on the diet,
but it would be an amazing addition to any normal cooked
fodder. Preferably you put raw cream in it though. You can try
blended raw orange juice with raw eggs for them. If they are
paranoid of bacteria you can try to convince them that
according to their belief system the citric acid in the orange
juice would technically kill the bacteria. The reason you want
raw eggs with it is it will prevent the fruit juice from creating a
protein deficiency and a fat deficiency in the blood. It would
also be good to replace some of their water with juices.

Raw Milk:

Raw milk isn’t super hard to convince someone to drink. If you

show them that you really care about them and it’d mean a lot
if they would have a little bit because you want them to also be
healthy with you, they might do it out of compassion and
they’ll be happy to. Hopefully they end up loving it and you can
convince them to drink 1-2 quarts a day. You can give it to
them with honey. Kefir can also be delicious but it’s harder to
convince people to drink.

Avoid Sugar Until Afternoon:

If you get them to simply avoid sugar until the afternoon you
will be helping them to be more stable.

Meditation, Exercise, Nature, Grounding:

If you yourself get into meditation, exercising, and spending

time in nature breathing fresh air, and preferably grounding
too, you can share the benefits with them. They will see how
much it is helping you and they will hopefully be happy to
spend time with you doing these activities. Preferably they
enjoy it so much that they start doing it on their own. Living a
generally healthier lifestyle will help people to become more
intuitive and open minded and therefore more willing to do
the diet.

Slight Better Ingredients:

If you can get them to stop eating anything with vegetable oil,
with soy, or anything GMO, that would make a difference in
their health. Simply getting them to eat more cooked meat in
general can be very helpful. Help them avoid the obviously bad
stuff. Preparing all foods at home even if all cooked is always
healthier than eating out.

Salad And Pineapple With Cooked Meat:

If you have a salad with cooked meat, you will balance out the
over acidity, and the raw pineapple will help digest it. Things
will just be more smooth and balanced if you do that.

This diet only matters if you use it to make the world a better
place. The goal with becoming healthy is to be more capable of
living your life for the benefit of others. If you do not make the
world a better place, if you do not improve the lives of others,
everything is meaningless. Live your life with the intention to
become the best person you can be in order to be capable of
providing the most value possible to the lives of others.

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