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1. Which of the following statements are true?

For one Product, there is one Product Owner

and one Product Backlog

Each team working on the same Product

must have their own Product Backlog

Each team working on the same Product

must have their own Sprint Backlog

The Definition of DONE and Acceptance

Criteria are same

2. Following are the timebox events in Scrum (Select 3)

Release Planning

Product Backlog Refinement

Daily Scrum

Sprint Planning

Sprint Review

3. The Sprint review is: (Choose 1)

Opportune time for Scrum team to inspect

the increment with Stakeholders for the
potential feedback

Time to appreciate Developer work

2 Hours timeboxed event for the 2-week


Demo of the Developers work to Product


4. The purpose of each sprint is: (Choose 2)

Create at least one piece of business

functionality that can attract feedback

Refine the Product Backlog Items for the

upcoming sprint

Creating a potentially releasable increment of

the Product
Ensuring everyone in the Scrum Team is
working their tasks

5. What NOT to discuss in the Sprint Retrospective? (Choose


Definition of DONE

Sprint backlog for the upcoming Sprints

Process improvements

Estimating current PBIs in the Product


Team Collaboration and relation

6. Which of the following is required by Scrum? (Choose all

that apply.)

Sprint Retrospective.

Members must be stand up at the Daily


Sprint Burndown Chart.

Release planning.

7. The Product backlog may include (Choose 1)

User stories





All of the above

8. The time-box for the Sprint Planning event is? (Choose 1)

8 Hours for a monthly Sprint

6 Hours for Monthly

4 Hours for a 2-week Sprint

Whatever time a Scrum Team decides

9. Who in Scrum Team is responsible for expressing the
Product Backlog Items? (Choose 1)

Business Analyst

The Scrum Master

The Product Owner

Anyone from the developers

10. The Definition of Done is inspected and adapted during?

(Choose 1)

Sprint planning

Release Planning

Project Kick-off

Sprint Retrospective

11. Who in Scrum team can Cancel a Sprint abnormally?

(Choose 1)

Product Owner
Business Analyst


Scrum Master

12. The Sprint ends when: (Choose 1)

All the stories of the Sprint are completed

When timebox expires

When Scrum Master says it’s DONE

When it’s marked as done in the tool (JIRA,


13. The acceptance criteria and Definition of DONE are both

the same?


14. Who in Scrum Team is responsible for writing the
Product Backlog Items (User Stories)? (Choose 1)

Scrum Master

Project Manager

Product Owner or Whosoever Product Owner

delegate to

Sr. Technical Members

15. The Scrum is: (Choose 3)

A Framework to solve complex problems

Each element of scrum has specific purpose

and is essential to scrum success

A traditional process with Scrum Master to

replace Project Managers

Scrum is a methodology

Scrum is based on empiricism

16. What are the Scrum values? (Choose 3)



Earned Value




17. The Sprint may include (Choose 1)

Functional Tests

User Stories

Story tasks

Any of the above mentioned as a

decomposition of PBIs

18. The Project Manager is a role in Scrum


19. The Developers in Scrum Team are accountable for

(Choose 2)

Holding each other accountable

Creating conflict

Providing status update during the daily

stand-up call

Committing to Sprint Backlog and delivering

that by end of Sprint

Delivery of a "Done" increment that meets

their Definition of Done

20. The recommended size of the Scrum Team is: (Choose 1)

8 or fewer than 8

10 or fewer than 10

6 to 7 only

Minimum 5
With feature teams; it is easier to calculate
the productivity per team

21. During Sprint retrospective, the Scrum team discuss

(Choose 1)

Any changes to be made in the Definition of


Technology or skill improvements

People and communication channels

All of the Above

22. The increment of the Sprint must be released to the

Production by end of each sprint?



23. Multiple teams who are working on the same Product

must have the same cadences?


24. Who is responsible for tracking the progress of product

level goals? (Choose 1)

Product Manager

Product Owner


Project Manager

25. Daily Scrum is started by (Choose 1)

Anyone from the developers

Scrum Master

Product Owner

Person who missed the last Daily Scrum

26. What does it mean to say that an event has a timebox?
(Choose 1)

The event can take no more than a maximum

amount of time

The event must take at least a minimum

amount of time

The Event must happen by a given time

The event must happen at a set time

27. Product Backlog management include? (Select 3)

Assigning the Product Backlog items into the

Sprint Backlog

Presenting Product Backlog items to the Key


Product Backlog is transparent, and clear to

all, and shows what the Scrum Team will
work on next

Ordering Product Backlog Items to best

achieve Product goal
Optimizing the value of the work the
Developers performs

Presenting Product Backlog items to the Key


28. Developers in support with Scrum Master can take a call

to cancel the Sprint?



29. The Daily Scrum is timeboxed to: (Choose 1)

30 mins for first few sprints and 15 mins after


15 Mins

45 Mins

As much time as Scrum team decides

30. The Scrum Master ______ (Choose 2)

Assigns the tasks to the Developers and then
track them for the reporting

Teach and ensures the timeboxing of the

various events in Sprint

Presenting to the stakeholders during review

on what has been completed and what is

Updates the tools for drive the progress

reports (like burndown and release
burndown charts)

The Scrum Master helps those outside the

team interact with the Scrum Team

31. In what scenarios a Product Owner can abnormally

terminate the Sprint? (Choose 1)

When there is too much work in the Sprint

When Scrum master is on holiday

When Stakeholders find new opportunity in

the market
When a Sprint goal is no more valid for the

32. The time-boxed events in scrum are: (Choose 4)

Sprint Review

User Acceptance testing

Daily Scrum

Product Backlog Refinement/grooming

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Planning

33. Who owns the Sprint backlog and takes the call to
update it? (Choose 1)

The Developers

Scrum team

Scrum Master

Project Manager
34. Who are the participants of Sprint planning event?
(Choose 1)


Scrum teams

Project Manager

Product Owner and Developers only

35. During the Sprint Review Scrum Team must

demonstrate the work completed in the previous sprint?



36. The increment can be described as: (Choose 1)

A new functionality in the Product that is not

tested yet

New usable and DONE features in the

product built on the features delivered in
previous sprints
A detailed design of everything forecasted
for the current Sprint

A User Interface for the features those were

delivered in the previous sprint

37. Which statement is true about Product Backlog?

(Choose 2)

It’s a single source of requirements for the

developers to pull the work from

It’s a complete list of requirements and tasks

to complete

It is list of only functional requirements

Product Backlog doesn’t contain experiments

and POC related requirements

It evolves as more is learned about the


38. When does the Product Owner or the Scrum Master

participate in Daily Scrum? (Choose 1)

When Scrum team raises impediments

When Product Owner and Scrum Master

Product Owner and Scrum Master must

participate in Daily Scrum

When Product Owner or Scrum Master are

also playing the role of a developer in the
Scrum team

39. Scrum Master is accountable for (Choose 1)

Managing the performance of the scrum


The meetings and the objectives that a scrum

team sets for itself

The scrum Framework being adopted and

used properly

Keeping track of resource allocation

40. How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for

the next Sprint? (Choose 1)
Enough time for the requirements to be
determined and documented.

The break between Sprints is time-boxed to 1

week for 30-day Sprints, and usually less for
shorter sprints.

None. A new Sprint starts immediately

following the end of the previous Sprint.

Enough time for the developers to finish the

testing from the last Sprint

41. Market changes and its impact on the Product Backlog

can be discussed during the Sprint Review?



42. What all can be included in the Sprint backlog? (Choose

what applies)

User Stories


Non-Functional requirements

43. Sprint length can be extended temporarily to

accommodate ad-Hoc requests or any undone work?



44. The adaptation for the Sprint planning is (Choose 1)

Uncommitted Sprint Backlog and

Uncommitted Sprint Goal

Committed Product Backlog Items and

Uncommitted Sprint Goal

Sprint Goal, forecasted Product Backlog

Items and a Plan to deliver them (Sprint

Definition of Done
45. What is the immediate impact on the productivity of a
Scrum team by adding more members to it? (Choose1)

Productivity will likely be same

The Productivity of the Scrum team will


The Productivity is likely to decrease initially

and may increase later

Scrum forbids the concept of Productivity of

the team

46. Who creates the Definition of Done? (Choose 1)


Product Owner

Scrum Master

Scrum team

47. What should NOT be discussed in the Sprint

Retrospective? (Choose 2)
Definition of DONE

Sprint backlog for the upcoming Sprints

Process improvements

Team Collaboration and relation

Estimating current PBIs in the Product


48. Product Owner is (Choose 2)

Accountable for Value maximization of the

work done by the developers

Is one person

A committee

A traditional Project manager

49. Tracking the work in sprint is the responsibility of?

(Choose 1)

Scrum Master

Business Analyst

Project Manager

50. The Sprint backlog may include (Choose 1)

User stories



All of the above

51. Due to non-availability of a few of Scrum team

members, the Sprint Retrospective can be conducted in
the next sprint?



52. What gets covered during the Sprint Planning? (Choose

How the Product is getting impacted with the
change in the market conditions

Why to do the Sprint, What should be done,

and How to do it.

Who will do what part of the Sprint

What went wrong with the previous

deliverables of the Sprint

E. All of the above.

53. Developers best structure themselves in order to create

an integrated DONE increment by (Choose 1)

Working only on one technical layer (like UI,

DB, middle tier, API)

They develop functionality end to end

through all the technical, no-technical layers

54. What is the best suited structure for Developerss in

order to produce integrated Increments? (Choose 1)

Each Developers develops functionality from

beginning to end throughout all technical

Each Developers works only on one technical

layer of the system (e.g. GUI, database,
middle tier, interfaces).

55. Only Product Owner can take the decision to cancel a




56. When many Scrum Teams are working on the same

product, should all of their Increments be integrated
every Sprint?

Yes, but only for Scrum Teams whose work

has dependencies.

Yes, otherwise the Product Owners (and

stakeholders) may not be able to accurately
inspect what is done.

No, each Scrum Team stands alone.

No, that is far too hard and must be done in a
hardening Sprint.

57. When do Developers members take ownership of a

Sprint Backlog item? (Choose the best answer.)

At the Sprint planning meeting.

During the Daily Scrum.

Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are “owned”

by the entire Scrum Team.

Whenever a team member can

accommodate more work.

58. What is the key concern when multiple Developerss are

working from the same Product Backlog?

Minimizing dependencies between teams.

Clear definition of requirements.

Meeting original scope projections.

Making sure there’s enough work for
everyone on every team.

59. Scrum has a role called “Project Manager”.



60. The purpose of a Sprint is to produce a done Increment

of product.



61. The Product Owner must release each Increment to


When it makes sense.

To make sure the Development Team is done

every Sprint.

Whenever the product is free of defects.

Without exception.

62. Which answer best describes the topics covered in

Sprint Planning?

What to do and who will do it

How conditions have changed and how the

Product Backlog should evolve

Why is the Sprint Valuable, What can be

done and How will it be done

What went wrong in the last Sprint and what

to do differently this Sprint

63. Five new Scrum Teams have been created to build one
product. A few of the developers on one of the
Developerss ask the Scrum Master how to coordinate
their work with the other teams. What should the Scrum
Master do?

Teach the Product Owner to work with the

lead developers on ordering Product Backlog
in a way to avoid too much technical and
development overlap during a Sprint
Teach them that it is their responsibility to
work with the other teams to create an
integrated Increment

Collect the Sprint tasks from the teams at the

end of their Sprint Planning and merge that
into a consolidated plan for the entire Sprint

Visit the five teams each day to inspect that

their Sprint Backlogs are aligned

64. A properly functioning Scrum Team will have at least

one Release Sprint and may well have several



65. Who determines when it is appropriate to update the

Sprint Backlog during a Sprint?

The Project Manager.

The Developers

The Scrum Team

The Product Owner

66. Which two things should the Developers do during the

first Sprint? (Choose two)

Make up a plan for the rest of the project

Analyze, describe, and document the

requirements for the subsequent Sprints

Develop at least one piece of functionality

Create an increment of potentially releasable


67. Scrum is a methodology that tells in detail how to build

software incrementally.



68. What are the ways Scrum promotes self-organization?

(Choose two)
By not allowing documentation.

By the Developers deciding what work to do

in a Sprint.

By preventing stakeholders from entering the

development room.

By removing titles for Developers.

69. As the Sprint Planning meeting progresses, the

Developers see that the workload is greater than they
can handle. What are two valid actions? (Choose two)

Recruit additional Developers before the

work can begin

The Developers ensures that the Product

Owner is aware, starts the Sprint, and
monitors progress

Cancel the Sprint

Remove or change selected Product Backlog


The Developers work overtime during this

70. How should Product Backlog items be chosen when
multiple Scrum Teams work from the same Product

The Scrum Team with the highest velocity

pulls Product Backlog items first.

The Developers pull in work in agreement

with the Product Owner.

The Product Owner should provide each

team with its own Product Backlog.

Each Scrum Team takes an equal number of


The Product Owner decides.

71. Which statement best describes Scrum?

A defined and predictive process that

conforms to the principles of Scientific

A complete methodology that defines how to

develop software

A cookbook that defines best practices for

software development.
A framework within which complex products
in complex environments are developed

72. Which of these may Developers deliver at the end of a


Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance tests

for the next Sprint

An increment of software with minor known

bugs in it

An increment of working software that is


A single document, if that is what the Scrum

Master asked for

73. Developers select a set of Product Backlog items for a

Sprint Backlog with the intent to get the selected items
“Done” by the end of the Sprint. Which three phrases
best describe the purpose of a definition of “Done”?
(Choose three.)

It creates transparency over the work

inspected at the Sprint Review.
It tracks the percent completeness of a
Product Backlog item.

It guides the Developers creating a forecast

at the Sprint Planning.

It defines what it takes for an Increment to be

ready for release.

It controls whether the developers have

performed their tasks.

It provides a template for elements that need

to be included in the technical

74. Select two ways in which technical debt impacts

transparency. (Choose two)

When calculated and estimated, the total

amount of technical debt shows exactly how
long until the Product Owner can release the

It leads to false assumptions about the

current state of the system, specifically of an
Increment being releasable at the end of a
As development progresses and code is
added, the system becomes more difficult to
stabilize, which results in future work being
slowed down in unpredictable ways

It enhances transparency for the Product

Owner as a Developers is not allowed to do
additional feature development in a Sprint as
long as there is technical debt

75. Which technique is the best way the Scrum Master can
ensure that the Developers communicate effectively with
the Product Owner?

Monitor communications between them and

facilitate direct collaboration.

Teach the Development Team to talk in terms

of business needs and objectives.

Teach the Product Owner about the

technologies employed during the Sprints.

Act as a go-between for them.

76. What topics are covered in Sprint Retrospective?

(Choose best)
Who are participating in the event?

What changes can be made to Product

Backlog as per stakeholders involvement

How does market impacts Product Backlog

Why the Sprint important, What can be done

and How to do it

Ways to increase quality and effectiveness

with regards to individuals, interactions,
processes, tools, and their Definition of Done

77. Who participates in the Sprint Review? (Choose best)

Scrum Master and Developers

Product Owner and Stakeholders

Scrum Team and Stakeholders

Developers and Stakeholders

Developers and Product Owner

Scrum team and CEO

78. Daily Scrum is only for: (Choose one)

Scrum Master and Developers

Scrum Team

Scrum Team and stakeholders

None of the above

79. What would you consider as a Scrum Master when

starting a new Scrum Team. (Choose two)

Teach the team to create a Definition of Done

to establish quality

Ensure that the team members have high

Emotional IQ

Ensure that each team member is having all

skills like coding, testing, ui and others

Enable the Product Owner to set the context

through vision, strategy and goals of the
80. A cross-functional team is the team that works on a
specific component of the product. (Choose one)



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