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The Dice Bag of

Minimal Magic
Get creative while knitting The Dice Bag of
Minimal Magic to come up with minimal magical
bonuses for you and your Dungeons and
Dragons party.
Examples of Minimal Magic
The Dice Bag of Second Breakfast (Halfling) – Once a session, at any point during combat, stop to eat
second breakfast and restore 1d4 of health.
The Dice Bag of Miracle Max (Dungeon Master) – Once a session, at any point during combat, Miracle Max
runs into the room and revives a dead enemy. The enemy rolls 1d4 damage before dying again.

This bag is knit from the top down and in the round. The instructions in the pattern can be easily modified to
create what you want, and that’s on purpose! Have fun, play around, even pull it and start over if you don’t like
it. But always remember to work some minimal magic into your bag as you go!
This is the first pattern that I’ve published, so the pattern has a bit of a “go with the flow” vibe to it and isn’t
meant to be super precise. Perhaps…. that’s where the magic comes from!?

Any worsted, aran, or medium weight yarn.
In this example, I used a main color (MC) and a contrast color (CC) to create the two tones in the honeycomb
brioche stitch.

Size seven circular needles
Size two DPNs

One stitch marker

Stitch List
Honeycomb Brioche – Tutorial:
K1b (Knit one below) – Knit into the stitch of the previous row. Or in other words, knit into the stitch below the
top stitch on the needle. During your next row, you’ll pick that top stitch back up onto the LHN to purl together.
P1 w/slip – Pick up and put back on the left needle the stitch that was slipped off the needle in the previous
row’s K1b.You’ll then purl the picked up stitch together with the next stitch.
The first two rows of this brioche stitch can be a bit difficult, as the slipped stitch isn’t always that apparent
during your first purl row. I’ve found that the slipped stitch tends to rest on the outside, so I will pick up the
outer most stitch to bring up to the left needle.
Other Stitches
YO – Yarn over. Used to create the holes for the drawstring.
K2tog – Knit two stitched together. Decreases by 1 stitch.
Top of the Bag

• Using size 7 circular needles, cast on 40 stitches. Join to work in the round and place a stitch marker at
the start of the row.
• Rows 1-8: Using MC, knit.
• Row 9: *K2tog, yo. Repeat from * until the end of the row. These are your loopholes for the drawstring.
• Rows 10-15: Knit.
Honeycomb Brioche Stitch

• Row 16: Using CC, *K1b, K1. Repeat from

* until the end of the row.
• Row 17: Using MC, *P1 w/slip, P1. Repeat
from * until the end of the row.
• Row 18: Using CC, *K1, K1b. Repeat from
*, until the end of the row.
• Row 19: Using MC, P1, P1 w/slip. Repeat
from *, until the end of the row.
• Repeat rows 16-19 another 5 times, for a
total of 6 repeats. End repeats on a knit
row (which should be the CC). Do not end
on a purl row.
• Rows 39-42: Using MC, knit.
Base of the Bag and Decreases

• Row 43: Switch CC, knit 1 row. You’ll be using the CC for the rest the bag.
• Row 44: Purl 1.
• Rows 45-46: Knit.
• Row 47: *K2, K2tog. Repeat from * to the end of the row. 30 stitches remain.
• Row 48: Knit.
• Row 49: *K1, K2tog. Repeat from * to the end of the row. 20 stitches remain.
• Row 50: Knit
• Row 51: *K2tog. Repeat from * to the end of the row. 10 stitches remain.
• Row 52: Knit.
• Row 53: *K2tog. Repeat from * to the end of the row. 5 stitches remain.

• Cut yarn and thread it through remaining 5 stitches. Pull to cinch close the opening.
• Weave in the ends.
• Blocking the bags over a similar width cup or container helps lock in a sharp corner for the base of the
bag. This makes the bags stand up a bit better.
I-cord – Use size 2 DPNs or circular needles.

• Using CC, cast on 3 stitches.

• With the working yarn on the left side of your row, slide all of the stitches to the right side of the DPN.
• Bring the working yarn across the back, and, starting with the right most stitch, knit the three stitches.
• Repeat the last two steps until the cord reaches your desired length.
• Cut the yarn and thread through the 3 stitches. Pull to close.
• Weave the two ends into the I-cord.

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