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Chapter 6


At the end of this chapter, you will learn about:

1) Fundamentals of artificial lift
2) Different artificial lift methods
a. Gas Lift
b. Electrical submersible pump (ESP)
c. Progressive cavity pump (PCP)
d. Sucker rod pump (beam pumping)
e. Plunger lift
f. Hydraulic pump

6.1 Fundamentals of artificial lift

A producing well will never be able to attain its absolute open flow potential because the bottom-
hole flowing pressure (Pwf) must exceed the backpressure exerted on the formation by the
producing fluid as it moves through the production system. This backpressure usually consists of
the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column, the friction pressure resulting from fluid movement
through the production tubing, wellhead and surface facilities as well as kinetic or potential losses
due to flow path restrictions, elevation changes or pipe bends.

Artificial lift involves the implementation of techniques necessary to overcome the back pressure
imposed on the bottom-hole flowing pressure so that a producing well can achieve some desired
rate. This is usually achieved by injecting gas into the wellbore column to reduce hydrostatic
pressure, or, by lifting the fluid using downhole pump.

6.2 Gas lift

Gas lift involves the injection of gas at high-pressure from the surface into one of the valves set at
predetermined depths in the casing-tubing annulus. There are two major types of artificial gas lift:
Fig. 1. Gas lift design system (courtesy: Wijaya, 2009)

6.2.1 Continuous gas lift

In continuous gas lift, gas is injected into the casing-tubing annulus as an uninterrupted
stream at a constant rate. This will lower the overall density of the fluid column and reduce
the hydrostatic component of the flowing bottom hole pressure. This method is generally
applied to wells with productivity index greater than or equal to 0.5 b/d/psi (J ≥ 0.5).

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Continuous gas lift (b) Intermittent gas lift (Courtesy: Wijaya, 2009)

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6.2.2 Intermittent gas lift

In intermittent gas lift, a volume of formation fluid is allowed to accumulate inside the
production tubing and then a high-pressure “slug” of gas is injected below the liquid, o
displace the it to the surface. As soon as the fluid is produced, gas injection is interrupted to
allow further accumulation of formation fluid inside the tubing and the cycle is repeated.
Intermittent gas lift is usually designed for wells with lower-productivity (J ≤ 0.4).

6.2.3 Gaslift design

During the design of gaslift systems, the number of gaslift mandrels and valves installed downhole
is directly dependent on the injection gas pressure at the surface. This means that you will need
less downhole equipment if higher injection gas pressure is used (e.g. Figure 3). A greater
pressure differential between the injected gas at the surface and the flowing tubing pressure is
generated by higher gas injection pressure. This will ultimately allow a much wider spacing in-
between valves and mandrels. For instance, in Fig. 3, the 800-psig injection pressure design ended
up at the depth of 4,817 ft with seven gas lift valves. In contrast, the 1,400-psig injection pressure
design uses only four gas lift valves to get the to the 8,000 ft depth of the well. Furthermore, the
maximum pressure drawdown at the formation with the 800-psig injection pressure is 210 psi (i.e.
between 2,200 to 1,990 psi) in comparison to 1,010 psi (i.e. between 2,200 to 1,190 psi) when
1,400-psig injection pressure is used.

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Fig. 3. Graphical design for a continuous-flow gas lift installation based on 800-psig injection-gas
pressure (light lines) overlaying a design for 1,400-psig injection-gas pressure (Ref.: Smith, 2013).

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6.3 Pump assisted lift (ESP)

An electric submersible pumping (ESP) assembly consists of a downhole centrifugal pump

driven by a submersible electric motor, which is connected to a power source at the surface



Motor seal

Fig. 3 Pump-assisted lift

6.3.1 Merits of using ESP

• ESP is the most efficient lift methods on a cost-per-barrel basis.
• Fluid production rate from ESP systems is usually very high, typically, 100 to 60,000
B/D, including high water-cut fluids.
• It is applicable in high-temperature wells (above 350°F) with special high-temperature
motors and cables.
• ESP can be used in horizontal wells and wells with high dog-leg if positioned in the
straight or vertical sections of the well.
• ESP can be easily adapted to lift corrosive fluids and sand

6.3.2 ESP design: initial conditions


Outflow at reservoir depth

Pwf (psig)

Inflow at reservoir depth

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000

Lateef Akanji MStb/d 5
ESP design:
Step 1 IPR /TPR equilibrium point at pump intake

IPR with
6000 ESP

corrected to ESP operating
pump point

Pintake (psig)
dP = Pd - Pi
Pintake (psig)

IPR without
Reducing intake
pressure with
higher rates

Inflow corrected to pump


0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Liquid rate (Stb/D) Liquid rate (Stb/D)

Step 2 Correct IPR and TPR to pump intake depth
Step 3 Identify candidate design rates typically (8000, 10000, 12000 bpd)
Step 4 Determine the required differential pressure across the pump to allow intersection of
the inflow/outflow curves.
Step 5 Select pumps with different head curves that will deliver the specified rate. The
pump intake is expected to be above the bubble point; otherwise gas separators will be
required, or reduced pump efficiency will be acceptable.

q(stb/d) dp (psi)

Step 6 Select one flow rate option (e.g. 10,000 stb/d)

Step 7 Check that the operating point is within the operating range of the pump
Step 8 Calculate the number of stages for the pump and horsepower required for the motor
using the pump performance curve using a software package (e.g. PROSPER).
Step 9 Determine the motor horse power (HP) / motor efficiency, this is the power required
by the motor.

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e.g. 72% of e.g. 72% of
nameplate power nameplate power
means the motor is means 63% of
86% efficient nameplate current

Motor efficiency curve % of nameplate Current plot

Step 10 Plot the HP required by the motor as a % of nameplate motor HP to get the motor
Step 11 The efficiency corrected HP requirement of the motor is converted to electrical energy
requirement using a conversion of 1 HP = 0.7457 kW. The electrical current requirement is
calculated from the Current % plot. For instance, 63% nameplate current is equivalent to 0.63 x
39.7A = 25 Amps.

Nameplate: 440V, 50 Hz, 39.7A, 24.5 kW (18.3 HP)

6.3.3 ESP design illustration

Pb = 1500 psia
Bf = 1.1 bpd/psi
60 Hz power supply
γf = 0.95 (dP/dh=0.411 psi/ft)

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Pump discharge pressure versus VLP pressure plot at 0% water cut 60 Hz power supply

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Pump discharge pressure versus VLP pressure plot at 50% water cut 60 Hz power supply

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IPR with ESP

VLP @ 80%
water cut


IPR without ESP

Pump discharge pressure versus VLP pressure plot at 80% water cut 60 Hz power supply

6.4 Sucker rod pump (beam pumping)

Beam pumping is the most commonly used artificial lift method. It can be applied in a wide
range of operating conditions but very limited for deep, inclined and horizontal wells. The
design of the rod pump systems is relatively simple and easy to operate and maintain. The
only limitation is the volumetric capacity of the rod pump which is usually low and the initial
installation cost which may be involve relatively high.

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6.5 Pump assisted lift – hydraulic pump
Hydraulic pump systems use a power fluid that is injected from the surface to operate a
downhole pump. The power fluid is usually light oil or water and a single surface installation
can power multiple wells.

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6.5 Progressive cavity pump
A progressive cavity pump (PCP) is a type of positive displacement pump which transfers
reservoir fluid by means of the progress, through the pump in a sequence of small but fixed shape,
discrete cavities, as its rotor is turned. In this way the volumetric flow rate is proportional to the
rotation rate (bidirectionally) and to low levels of shearing being applied to the pumped fluid.

PCP are usually applied in fluid metering and pumping of viscous or shear-sensitive reservoir fluids.
The cavities taper down toward their ends and overlap. As one cavity diminishes the other
increases; with the net flow amount having minimal variation due to equal total displacement. The
design of a PCP results in a flow with little to no pulse.

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6.6 Criteria for the selection of an artificial lift method

Selection of an artificial lift method will involve consideration for a number of factors associated with
the reservoir and the well bore. These criteria for selection includes drive mechanisms, reservoir
fluids properties, well depths, completion type, casing and tubing sizes and wellbore deviation.

6.6.1 Reservoir characteristics

The specific drive mechanism associated with a reservoir may influence the lift performance.
For instance, depletion drive systems may require pumping to produce low fluid volumes or
injected water particularly during the late-stage production of the reservoir. Water drive
reservoirs producing at high water cuts in late life may have problems with lifting. Whilst, gas
cap drive reservoirs producing at high gas-liquid ratios may have lift efficiency affected.
Generally, a high GLR lowers the efficiency of pump-assisted lift whilst high fluid viscosity (µ >
10 cp) can be problematic particularly in sucker rod pumping. The formation volume factor
(Bo) will help determine the total fluid that must be lifted in order to attain the desired surface
production rate.

6.6.2 Well characteristics

The well configuration is critical to the design and selection of an artificial lift method. The well
depth dictates how much surface energy is required to transport fluids from the subsurface to the
surface and as such may impose some limits on sucker rods and other equipment. The
completion type and perforation skin factors will affect the effective draw down based on
damaged or undamaged region permeabilities and hence the inflow performance relationship. Also,
the selection of casing and tubing sizes and other associated internal accessories may
influence the vertical lift performance and possibly put some constraints on the selection of
artificial lift technique. Tubing with small diameter will limit production rates whereas larger tubing
may lead to excessive fluid fallback. Further, highly deviated wells may impose some limits on the
applications of beam pumping or progressive cavity pump due to possible excessive drag,
compressive forces and rod and tubing wear.

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Example: ESP design

Operating range

horsepower (60 Hz)

Head at 6000
rbpd = 513.7 ft.

A – Pump selection and efficiency

1. Select the performance curve of a pump with best efficiency point and determine the
design rate and head per stage in feet and psi.

2. Take the inflow-outflow curve corrected to pump intake depth. Note that inflow-outflow
curves are in stb/d and not rb/d.

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3. Determine the inlet, outlet and differential pressure dP required.

a. Check whether the intake pressure is above the bubble point
b. If below the bubble point, the pump will have to handle gas and design
must give consideration for gas separation process.
B – Number of stages
4. Identify the head per stage at the design rate, h/st
5. Calculate the head required, h ( dP / dP/dh)
6. Calculate the number of stages, N = h/st / h

C – Motor selection
7. Identify HP / stage (e.g. for water)
8. Correct HP/stage to gravity of the fluid to be pumped (e.g. HP/stage for water x Ɣf/ Ɣw)

9. Calculate total motor HP required (N x HP/stage)

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10. Select a suitable motor from the motor database (extra HP usually required to allow running
at a higher frequency)
11. Calculate the percentage of nameplate power

D – Efficiency and current requirement

12. Determine the motor efficiency from the motor efficiency plot
13. Calculate electric power required by the motor and covert to kW
14. Calculate the current

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Tutorial exercise 6: ESP Prosper Design

Question 1

Briefly describe the purpose of each of the following ESP components

S/N Parameter Answer Mark

i. Transformer

ii. VFD

iii. Flat motor cable

iv. Check valve

v. Y-tool

vi. Gas separator

vii. Protector (any two purposes)

viii. Ammeter chart

ix. Packer (any one purpose)


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Question 2

Using the ESP_design_model.out given and your own design model

ESP_design_model_ YourName.out, complete the table below. You are required to
submit the two models such that when your model is opened and run Calculation
System IPR/VLP, the answers you provided below will be seen in it.

Input variable ESP_design_model.out ESP_design_model_

Original properties My depth
Pump setting
Design rate
Model output
Design surface
Free gas in pump

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Further reading

1) Clegg, J. D.: “Production Operations Engineering,” Petroleum Engineering Handbook,

Vol. IV, SPE, 2007.
2) Economides, M. J., Hill, A. D., and Ehlig-Economides, C.: “Petroleum Production
Systems,” Prentice Hall, PTR, 1994.
3) Bellarby, J.: “Well Completion Design,” 1st Ed., Elsevier B.V., 2009.
4) Guo B., Lyons W. C. and Ghalambor A.: “Petroleum Production Engineering, A
Computer-Assisted Approach” Elsevier 2007.
5) Brown, Kermit E. (1980). The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, Volumes 1, 2a and
2b. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Publishing Co.
6) Brown, Kermit E. (1982). “Overview of Artificial Lift Systems.” Journal of Petroleum
Technology, Vol. 34, No. 10. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
7) Clegg, J.D., Bucaram, S.M. and Hein, N.W. Jr. (1993). “Recommendations and
Comparisons for Selecting Artificial Lift Methods.” Journal of Petroleum Technology
(December), p. 1128. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
8) Takács, Gabor (2005). Gas Lift Manual. Tulsa , OK : PennWell Publishing.
9) Schmidt, Z. and Doty, D.R (1989): "System Analysis for Sucker-Rod Pumping." SPE
Production Engineering (May), p. 125. Richardson , TX : Society of Petroleum Engineers.
10) Smith G. (2013). Gaslift system design. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
11) Brown, K. E. (1967). GAS LIFT THEORY AND PRACTICE. Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa,
12) Hernandez, A. (2016). FUNDAMENTALS OF GAS LIFT ENGINEERING. ISBN 978-0-12-
804133-8 Gulf Professional Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 966p
13) Takács G. (2005). GAS LIFT MANUAL. ISBN 0-87814-805-1 PennWell Books, Tulsa
Oklahoma, 478p.

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