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Prof. Hiral b. pateL


Module Topics Weigh
1 Plane Table Survey: Introduction, principle, instruments, setting 8
up the plane table, methods of plane tabling, advantages,
sources of Errors.
2 Theodolite Traversing: Introduction, definitions, the Vernier 15
transit theodolite, temporary and permanent adjustment of
theodolite, measuring horizontal and vertical angles, methods of
traversing, closing error, computation of latitudes and departure,
check in closed and open traverse, balancing of traverse, Gale’s
3 Trigonometric levelling: Indirect levelling, heights and distances, 8
methods, direct levelling on steep ground.
4 Curves: Introduction, classification of curves, Elements of a simple circular, designation of 15
curve, methods of setting out a simple circular curve, elements of a compound and reverse
curves, transition curve, types of transition curves, combined curve, types of vertical curves
5 Areas and Volumes: Introduction, computation of area, computation of area from field notes 10
and plotted plans, boundary area, area of traverse, Use of Plannimeter, computations of
volumes, Volume from cross sections, Trapezoidal and Prismoidal formulae, Prismoidal
correction, Curvature correction, capacity of reservoir, volume from borrow pits
6 Tachometric Surveying: Introduction, purpose, principle, instruments, methods of tacheometry, 15
stadia constants, anallatic lens, Subtense bar, field work in tacheometry, reduction of readings,
errors and precisions
7 Geodetic Surveying: Introduction, triangulation, principle and uses of triangulation, 10
triangulation systems and its classification, wellconditioned triangles, strength of figure,
selection of triangulation stations and their inter-visibility, stations marks, signals, towers and
scaffolds, base line, site selection and base line measurement, tape corrections, the base net,
extension of base line, satellite station and reduction to centre.
8 Theory of Errors : Introduction, types of errors, definitions, laws of accidental errors, laws of 10
weights, theory of least squares, rules for giving weights and distribution of errors to the field
observations, determination of the most probable values of quantities
9 Modern Surveying Instruments: Introduction, electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic 9
distance measurement, types of EDM instruments, electronic digital theodolites, total station,
digital levels, scanners for topographical survey, global positioning system.
Reference Book
• Title Author/s Publication
• Surveying and levelling N. N. Basak Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi
• Surveying -Volume I,II &III Dr. K.R.Arora Standard Book House, New Delhi
• Surveying, Volume-I, II & II B.C.Punmia Laxmi Publications, New Delhi
• Surveying and Levelling, Volume –I & II T.P. Kanetkar and S.V Kulkarni Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakhashan, Pune
• Surveying and Levelling R.Subramanian Oxford University Press, New Delhi
• Surveying Vol. I and II S. K. Duggal Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi
• Advanced Surveying R. Agor Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
• Surveying and Levelling R. Agor Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
Plane Table Surveying is a graphical method of survey in
which the field observations and plotting are done
 It is simple and cheaper than theodolite survey.
 It is most suitable for small scale maps.
The plan is drawn by the surveyor in the field, while the area
to be surveyed is before his eyes. Therefore, there is no
possibility of omitting the necessary measurements.
• The principle of plane tabling is parallelism
means “All the rays drawn through various
details should pass through the survey station”.
Equipments and Accessories for Plane Tabling
 The following instruments are used in plane table surveying.
 Plane Table
 Tripod
 Alidade
Equipments and Accessories for Plane Tabling
 Trough Compass
 Spirit level
 U-Fork with Plumb bob
 Water proof cover
 Drawing paper
 Pins
 Drawing accessories
Plane table
• The drawing board for plane tabling is made from well-seasoned wood
with its upper surface exactly plane.
• It is normally rectangular in shape with size 75 cm x 60 cm
• It is mounted on a tripod and clamps are provided to fix it in any
• The table can revolved about its vertical axis and can be clamped in any
position, when necessary.
• The alidade is useful for establishing a line of sight.
• Two Types of alidade are used.
• Simple alidade
• Telescopic alidade
Simple Alidade
• It is used for ordinary work
• It is generally consists of a gun metal or wooden rule with two vertical
vanes at the ends.
• The eye-vane is provided with a narrow slit while the object vane is
open and carries a horse hair. Both the slits, thus provide a definite line
of sight which can be made to pass through the object to be sighted.
To draw the rays, one of the edge of alidade is bevelled and this
perfectly smooth working edge is known as the fiducially edge.
• The fiducially edge is graduated to facilitate the plotting of distances
to a scale.
Telescopic Alidade
• • The telescopic alidade is used when it is required to take inclined
sights. • It essentially consists of a small telescope with a level tube
and graduated arc mounted on horizontal axis. • It gives higher
accuracy and more range of sights.
Trough Compass
• • The trough compass is required for drawing the line showing
magnetic meridian on the paper. It is used to orient the table to the
magnetic meridian. • When the freely suspended needle shows 00 at
each end, a line is drawn on the drawing paper which represents the
magnetic north.
Spirit Level
• • A Spirit Level is used for ascertaining If the table is properly level. •
The Table is leveled by placing the level on the board in two positions
at right angles and getting the bubble central in both positions.
U-Fork With Plumb bob
• • U-fork with plumb bob is used for centering the table over the point
or station occupied by the plane table when the plotted position of
that point is already on the sheet. • Also, in t
• Water Proof Cover • An umbrella is used to protect the drawing paper
from rain.
• Drawing Paper • Drawing paper is used for plotting the ground
Method Of Setting Up The Plane Table
• Three processes are involved in setting up the plane table over the
• Levelling
• Centering
• Orientation
Levelling and Cantering
• The Table should be set up at convenient height for working on the
board, say about 1 m. The legs of Tripod should be spread well apart
and firmly into the ground.
• Levelling and Cantering • The table should be so placed over the
station on the ground that the point plotted on the sheet corresponding
to the station occupied should be exactly over the station on the
ground. The operation is known as centering the plane table. It is done
by U-fork and plumb bob.
• • For levelling the table ordinary spirit level may be used. The table is
levelled by placing the level on the board in two positions at right
angles and getting the bubble central in both directions.
• The Process by which the positions occupied by the board at various
survey stations are kept parallel is known as the orientation. Thus,
when a plane table is properly oriented, the lines on the board are
parallel to the lines on ground which they represent.
• There are two methods of orientation:
• By magnetic needle
• By back sighting
By Magnetic Needle
• • In this method, the magnetic north is drawn on paper at a particular
station. At the next station, the trough compass is placed along the
line of magnetic north and the table is turned in such a way that the
ends of magnetic needle are opposite to zeros of the scale. The board
is then fixed in position by clamps. This method is inaccurate in the
since that the results are likely to be affected by the local attraction.
• By Back Sighting • A= First survey station • B= Second survey station •
Suppose a line is drawn from station A on paper as ab, representing
line AB on ground • The table is turned till the line of sight bisects the
ranging rod at A. The board is then clamped in this position. • This
method is better than the previous one and it gives perfect
Methods Of Plane Tabling
• Radiation
• Method of Intersection
• Method of Traversing
• Method of Resection
Radiation Method
• Suppose P is a station on the ground from where the object A, B, C and D
are visible.
• The plane table is set up over the station P. A drawing is fixed on the table,
which is then levelled and cantered. A point p is selected on the sheet to
represent the station P.
• The north line is marked on the right-hand top corner of the sheet with
trough compass or circular box compass.
• With the alidade touching p, the ranging rod at A,B, C and D are bisected
and the rays are drawn.
• The distances PA, PB, PC and PD are measured and plotted to any suitable
scale to obtain the points a, b, c and d representing A,B,C,D on paper.
Method Of Intersection
• • In intersection method of plane table surveying, the objects or
points to be located are obtained at the point of intersection of radial
lines drawn from two different stations.
• • In this method, the plotting of plane table stations are to be carried
out accurately. Checking is important and thus done by taking third
sight from another station.
• • The intersection method is suitable when distances of objects are
large or cannot be measured properly. Thus, this method is preferred
in small scale survey and for mountainous regions.
• Method Of Intersection
• Suppose A and B are two station and P is the object on the far bank
of a river. Now it is required to fix the position of P on the sheet by the
intersection of rays, drawn from A and B.
• The table is set up at A. It is levelled and centered so that a point a on
the sheet is just over the station A. The north line is marked on the
righthand top corner, the Table is then clamped.
• With the alidade touching a, the object P and the ranging rod at B are
bisected, and rays are drawn through the fiducial edge on alidade,
• Method Of Intersection
• The distance AB is measured and plotted to any suitable scale to obtain
point b.
• The table is shifted and centered over B and levelled properly. Now
the alidade is placed along the line ba and orientation is done by back
• With the alidade touching b, the object P is bisected and a ray is
drawn, suppose this ray intersects the previous rays at point p. the point
p is the required plotted position of P
• Method Of Traversing
• This method of plane table surveying is used to plot a traverse in
cases stations have not been previously plotted by some other
methods. In this method, traverse stations are first selected. The
stations are plotted by method of radiation by taking back sight on the
preceding station and a fore sight to the following station. Here
distances are generally measured by tachometric method and
surveying work has to be performed with great care.
• Method Of Traversing
• Suppose A,B,C,D are the traverse stations, • The table is set up at the
station A, a suitable point a is selected on the sheet in such a way that
the whole area may be plotted in the sheet. The table is centered,
levelled and clamped. The north line is marked on the right-hand top
corner of the sheet.
• With the alidade touching point a the ranging rod at B is bisected and a
ray is drawn. The distance AB is measured and plotted to any suitable
• Method Of Traversing • The table is shifted touching point a the
ranging rod at B is bisected and a ray is drawn. The distance is
measured and plotted to any suitable scale. • The table is shifted and
centered over B. It is then leveled, oriented by back sighting and
clamped. • With the alidade touching point b, the ranging rod at C is
bisected and ray is drawn. The distance BC is measured and plotted to
the same scale. • The table is shifted and set up at C and the same
procedure is repeated. • In this manner, all stations of the traverse
are connected.
• Method Of Traversing • Check lines. To check the accuracy of the
plane table traverse, a few check lines are taken by sighting back to
some preceding station. • Error of closure . If the traverse to be
plotted is a closed traverse, the foresight from the terminating station
should pass through the first station. Otherwise the amount by which
plotted position of the first station on the foresight fails to close is
designated as the error of closure. It is adjusted graphically, if the
error is within permissible limits, before any further plotting works
are done.
• Method of Resection
• • Resection is the process of determining the plotted position of the
station occupied by the plane table, by means of sights taken towards
known points, locations of which have been plotted.
• • There are four methods of resection.
• • By Compass
• • By back sighting
• • By two point problem
• • By three point problem
• Method of Resection
• Suppose It is required to establish a station at position P. Let us select
two points A and B on the ground. The distance AB is measured and
plotted to any suitable scale. The line AB is known as the “base line”
• The table is set up at A. It is leveled, centered and oriented by
bisecting the ranging rod at B. The table is then clamped.
• With the alidade touching point a, the ranging rod at P is bisected and
a ray is drawn. Then a point P1 is marked on this way by estimating
with the eye.
• Method of Resection
• The table is shifted and centered in such a way that P1 is just over P. It
is then oriented by backsighting the ranging rod at A.
• With the alidade touching point b, the ranging rod at B is bisected
and a ray is drawn. Suppose this ray intersects the previous ray at a
point P.
• This point represents the position of the station P on the sheet. Then
the actual position of the station is marked on the ground by U-fork
and plumb-bob
Error in plane table survey
• Instrumental errors
• Personal errors
• Errors in plotting
Tachometric Surveying
• Contents
• Introduction
• Principle of stadia tacheometry
• Instruments
• Methods
• Field work in tacheometry survey
• Reduction of readings
• Errors
Tacheometry or tachemetry or telemetry is a branch of angular
surveying in which the horizontal and Vertical distances of points are
obtained by optical means as opposed to the ordinary slower process
of measurements by tape or chain.
• The method is very rapid and convenient.
•It is best adapted in obstacles such as steep and broken ground,
deep revines, stretches of water or swamp and so on, which make
chaining difficult or impossible,
•The primary object of tacheometry is the preparation of contoured
maps or plans requiring both the horizontal as well as Vertical
control. Also, on surveys of higher accuracy, it provides a check on
distances measured with the tape.

Tacheometry (from Greek, quick measure), is a system of

rapid surveying, by which the positions, both horizontal
and vertical, of points on the earth surface relatively to
one another are determined without using a chain or tape
or a separate leveling instrument.
Uses of Tacheometry

The tacheometric methods of surveying are used with

advantage over the direct methods of measurement of horizontal
distances and differences in elevations. Some of the uses are:
Preparation of topographic maps which require both elevations and
horizontal distances.
Survey work in difficult terrain where direct methods are
Detail filling
Reconnaissance surveys for highways, railways, etc.
Checking of already measured distances
Hydrographic surveys and
Establishing secondary control.
-An ordinary transit theodolite fitted with a stadia diaphragm is generally used
for tacheometric survey.
- The stadia diaphragm essentially consists of one stadia hair above and the
other an equal distance below the horizontal cross-hair, the stadia hairs being
mounted in the ring and on the same vertical plane as the horizontal and
vertical cross-hairs.
Stadia is a tacheometric form of distance measurement that relies on fixed
angle intercept.

Different forms of stadia diaphragm commonly used

10' 7"
The stadia method is based on the principle that the ratio of the
perpendicular to the base is constant in similar isosceles triangles.

O )
β C2 C1 C

In figure, let two rays OA and OB be equally inclined to central ray OC.
Let A2B2, A1B1 and AB be the staff intercepts. Evidently,

OC2 = OC1 = OC
A2B2 A1B1 AB

= constant k = ½ cot 2

This constant k entirely depends upon the magnitude of the angle β.

Method of Tacheometry
Stadia method
• The distance between upper stadia hair and lower stadia hair is fixed.
• This is called stadia interval (i)
• When the staff is sighted through the telescope a certain portion of the
staff is intercepted by the upper and lower stadia.
• The value of the staff intercept (S) varies, depending upon the
horizontal distance between the instrument station and staff.
Movable hair method

• In this method, the staff interval is kept constant by changing

the distance between the stadia hairs.
• Targets on the staff are fixed at a known interval and the
stadia hairs are adjusted to bisect the upper target at the
upper hair and the lower target at the lower hair.
• Instruments used in this method are required to have provision
for the measurement of the variable interval between the
stadia hairs. As it is inconvenient to measure the stadia
interval accurately, the movable hair method is rarely used.
Fixed hair method
• Case I When the line of sight of horizontal and staff is held vertically.
• Case II When the line of sight inclined and staff is held vertically.
( a) Considering angle of elevation
(b) Considering angle of depression
• Case III When the line of sight inclined and staff is held normal to the
line of sight
( a) Considering angle of elevation
(b) Considering angle of depression
Case I When the line of sight of horizontal and
staff is held vertically.
Horizontal Sights:
Horizontal Distance formula

f2 f1

i c
. O C s

O is the optical centre of the objective external focusing telescope.

Let A, C, and B = the points cut by the three lines of sight corresponding to three
b, c, and a = top, axial and bottom hairs of the diaphragm. ab =
i = interval b/w the stadia hairs (stadia interval)
AB = s = staff intercept;
f = focal length of the objective
f1 = horizontal distance of the staff from the optical centre of the objective f2 =
horizontal distance of the cross-wires from O.
d = distance of the vertical axis of the instrument from O.
D = horizontal distance of the staff from the vertical axis of the instruments.
M = centre of the instrument, corresponding to the vertical axis.
Since the rays BOb and AOa pass through the optical centre, they are straight so that AOB and
aOb are similar. Hence,
f1 s
f2 i
Again, since f1 and f2 are conjugate focal distances, we have from lens formula,

1 =
1 1
f f2 f1
Multiplying throughout by ff1, we get f1 = f+f
f1 s f2
Substituting the values of = in the above, we get
f2 i
f1 = i f + f
Horizontal distance between the axis and the staff is D = f1 + d
D = i s + (f + d) = k . s + C
Formulas to Solve Examples
• Fixed Hair Method
• Case : 1 (When the line of sight is horizontal
and staff is held Vertical)

• Horizontal distance D = KS + C

Here D = Horizontal Distance

S = Staff intercept
K = Multiplying Constant
C = Additive constant
Example : 1
• The Following Reading were taken with a
tacheometer on to a vertical staff, Calculate
tacheometric constant
Horizontal Distance Stadia Reading (m)
45 0.885 1.110 1.335
60 1.860 2.160 2.460

• D1 = KS1 + C ................................(1)
• D2 = KS2 + C ................................(2)
D1 = KS1 + C
45 = K (1.335 – 0.885) + C
45 = K (0.45) + C ....................(3)
D2 = KS2 + C
60 = K (2.460 – 1.860) + C
60 = K (0.6) + C
C = 60 - K (0.6) ....................(4)

Now put the value of eq 4 in eq 3
45 = K (0.45) + C ....................(3)
45 = K (0.45) + 60 - K (0.60)
45 – 60 = - 0.15 K
- 15 = - 0.15 K
K = 100
Put the value of K in Eq no 3
45 = K (0.45) + C
45 = 100 (0.45) + C
From the following observations calculate the constant of

Inst .station Staff station distance Staff intercept (s)

A B 50 0.495
B C 150 1.485
The following readings were taken with a tacheometer
on a vertical staff. Calculate constants

Inst.station Staff station Horizontal distance Stadia readings(m)

A P 50 m 1.31 ,1.56, 1.81
Q 100 m 1.49, 1.99, 2.49
Example 2

•The stadia reading with horizontal sight at a vertical staff

held 50 m away from the tacheometer were 1.385 and
2.380. the focal length of the object glass was 25cm. The
distance between the object glass and trunion axis of a
tacheometer was 15 cm. Calculate the stadia interval.

D = KS + C
D = (f/i) S + (f + d) ........... (1)

Here D = 50m
S = 2.380 – 1.385 = 0.995
f = 25cm = 0.25m
d = 15cm = 0.15m
Put the all value in equation no 1

50 = ((0.25 x 0.995) / i) + (0.25 + 0.15)

i = 0.005 m
i = 5 mm

Example 3
• A staff held vertically at a distance of 50 m and
100m from the centre of the theodolite with a
stadia hair, the staff intercept with the telescope is
0.500 and 1.000 respectively. The instrument was
then setup over a station P of RL 1850.95 m and
the total height of instrument was 1.475m. The
hair reading on a staff held vertically at station Q
were 1.050, 1.900 and 2.750 with the line of sigth
horizontal. Calculate the horizontal distance of
PQ and RL of Q.

• Calculation of tacheometric constant

D = KS + C
50 = K(0.005) + C ................(1)
100 = K(1.000) + C ...............(2)

50 = K(0.005) + C ................(1)
C = 50 – 0.005 K ..................(3)
Put the value of C in Eq 2

100 = K(1.000) + C ...............(2)
100 = 1.000 K + 50 – 0.005 K
K = 100
Now put the value of K in eq 3
C = 50 – 0.005 K ..................(3
C = 50 – 0.005 (100)
Note: if K = 100 and C = 0 means your instrument is perfect

• Calculation of horizontal distance between PQ

D = KS + C ...........................(1)
S = 2.750 – 1.050 = 1.700m
K = 100

Put all the value in equation no 1

D = 100 (1.700) + 0
D = 170m

• Calculation of RL of Q point

• RL of Q = 1850.95 + 1.475 – 1.900

= 1850.525m

Case : 2 When the line of sight is
inclined and staff is held Vertical.
• Considering angle of elevation +θ

• Let A is the instrument station
• A’ is the position of the instrument axis
• P is the staff station
• DBC are the points on the staff cut by the hair
of the diaphragm.
• CA’K = is an inclined of the line of sight
A’C to the horizontal
• BD = S is the staff intercept (difference
between the top and bottom hair reading) 27
• CP = h is the central hair or axial hair reading.
• A’C = L is the distance along the line of collimation fromA’to C
• A’K = D is the horizontal distance from the instrumental to the staff
station P
• CK = V is the vertical distance from the instrument axis to point C
(Central hair reading)
• Draw a perpendicular line through C to the line of sight A’C so that it
cuts A’D in D’ and A’B in B’ is the projection of DB perpendicular to
A’C as shown in figure
• Line BD is perpendicular to the line A’K and B’D’ is perpendicular to
• DCD’= BCB’ = and
DA’C = BA’C = β
• A’D’C = 900 – β
• Angle DD’C = 1800 – (900 – β)
• = 900 + β
• Angle BB’C = 900– β

• From ∆S DD’C and BB’C
• D’C = DC Cosθ
• B’C = BC Cosθ
• D’C + B’C = DC Cosθ + BC Cosθ
• D’B’ = (DC + BC) Cosθ
• D’B’ = DB Cosθ
• D’B’ = S Cosθ

Example 4
• A tachometer was setup at a station A and the
following readings were obtain on a staff held
vertically, calculate the horizontal distance AB
and RL of B, when the constant of instrument
are 100 and 0.15
Inst. Staff Vertical
Hair Reading (m) Remark
Statio Statio angle
n n
BM - 6040’ 1.200 1.900 2.600 RL of BM =
B + 8020’ 0.800 1.600 2.400 850.50m

• In the first observation
S1 = 2.600 – 1.200 = 1.400m
Θ1 = - 6040’ (Depression)
K = 100 and C = 0.15

Vertical Desistance V1 = KS Sin2θ/2 + C Sinθ

= 100(1.400) sin(2 x 6040’)/2 + 0.15 Sin 6040’
= 16.143 + 0.0174
= 16.160m

•In the second observation
S2 = 2.400 – 0.800 = 1.600
Θ2 = + 8020’ (Elevation)

Vertical Desistance V2 = KS Sin2θ/2 + C Sinθ

= 100(1.600) sin(2 x 8020’)/2 + 0.15 Sin 8020’
= 22.944 + 0.022
= 22.966m

• Horizontal distance D2 = KS Cos2θ + CCOSθ
= 100 (1.600) Cos2 8020’ + 0.15 COS8020’
= 156.639 + 0.148
= 156.787m

RL of InstrumentAxis = RL of BM + h1 + V1
= 850.500 + 1.900 + 16.160
= 868.560m

RL of B = RL of Inst. axis + V2 – h2
= 868.560 + 22.966 – 1.600
RL of B = 889.926m

Example 5

• To determine the gradient between two point P and

Q a tacheometer was set up at a R station and the
following observation where taken keeping the
staff held vertical, if the horizontal angle PRQ is
36020’ determine the avg. Gradient between P and
Q Point take K = 100 and C = 0 and RL of HI =
Staff station Vertical angle Staff Reading
P + 4040’ 1.210, 1.510, 1.810
Q - 0040’ 1.000, 1.310, 1.620
•In the first observation (From R to P) S1 =
1.810 – 1.210 = 0.6m
Θ1 = + 4040’
Horizontal distance D = KS Cos2θ + C COSθ
= 100 x 0.6 x Cos2 4040’ + 0
= 59.60m
Vertical Desistance V = KS Sin2θ/2 + C Sinθ
= 100 x 0.6 x Sin(2 x 4040’) / 2 + 0
= 4.865m

•In the Second observation (From R to Q) S2 =
1.620 – 1.000 = 0.62m
Θ2 = - 0040’
Horizontal distance D = KS Cos2θ + C COSθ
= 100 x 0.62 x Cos2 0040’ + 0
= 61.99m
Vertical Desistance V = KS Sin2θ/2 + C Sinθ
= 100 x 0.62 x Sin(2 x 0040’) / 2 + 0
= 0.721m

• Avg. Gradient Between P and Q point

• Distance D1 = PR = 59.60m,
Distance D2 = QR = 61.99m
‫ے‬PRQ = 36020’
PQ2 = PR2 + QR2 – 2 x PR x QR x Cos 36020’

PQ2 = (59.60)2 + (61.99)2 – 2 x 59.60 x 61.99 x Cos

PQ = 37.978m

• Difference of Elevation between P and Q
• RL of P = RL of HI + V1 – h1
= 100 + 4.865 – 1.510
= 103.355m

• RL of Q = RL of HI – V2 – h2
= 100 – 0.721 – 1.310
= 97.969m
• Difference of RL of P & Q = 103.355 – 97.969
= 5.386

• Average gradient between P and Q
= Difference in RL between P & Q / Distance
of P & Q

= 5.386 / 37.978

= 1 / 7.051

Formulas to Solve Examples
• Fixed Hair Method
• Case : 3 (When the line of sight is inclined and staff is held
Normal to the line of signt)

• If angle is + ve
• Horizontal distance
• D = KS Cosθ + C Cosθ + h Sinθ
• Vertical Desistance
• V = KS Sinθ + C Sinθ
• If angle is - ve
• Horizontal distance
D = KS Cosθ + C Cosθ - h Sinθ
• Vertical Desistance
V = KS Sinθ + C Sinθ

• Find out the distance between P and Q by
using the bellow data given in table, the staff
held normal to the line of sight in both the
cases value of the tacheometer constant is 100
and 0.3
Staf Vertical
Instrument Line Bearing Hair Reading
f angle
A P AP 84036’ 3030’ 1.35, 2.10, 2.85
A Q AQ 142024’ 2045’ 1.955, 2.875, 3.765

S1 = 2.85 – 1.35 = 1.5m
S2 = 3.765 – 1.955 = 1.809m

Horizontal Distance
AP = D = KS1 Cosθ1 + C Cosθ1 + h1 Sinθ1
= 100 x 1.5 x Cos 3030’ + 0.3 x Cos 3030’
+ 2.10 x Sin 3030’
= 149.72 + 0.299 + 0.128
= 150.147m

AQ = D = KS2 Cosθ2 + C Cosθ2 + h2 Sinθ2
= 100 x 1.809 x Cos 2045’ + 0.3 x Cos
2045’ + 2.875 x Sin 2045’
= 180.742 + 0.299 + 0.138
= 181.179m

• Angle PAQ = Bearing of AP – Bearing ofAQ
= 142024’ – 84036’
= 57048’

• Using Cosine rule
PQ2 = AP2 + AQ2 – 2 x AP x AQ x Cos 57048’

PQ2 = (150.147)2 + (181.179)2 – 2 x 150.147 x

181.179 x Cos 57048’
PQ = 162.41m

Formulas to Solve
• Tnagential Hair Method
• Case : 1 (Both the angle are angles of
elevation in this case, staff is held
• Horizontal distance

• Ve rtical Desistanc e
Example 7
• The vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1m and
3m above the foot of the staff held vertically at
station Q were + 3020’ and 6040’ respectively
from instrument station P. if the elevation of
the instrument axis at station P is 101.520m
(1) the Horizontal distance between P & Q and
(2) the elevation of the staff station Q)

θ1 = 6040’
θ2 = 3020’

= 2
tan 6040’ - tan 3020’
= 34.13m

= 2 x tan 3020’
tan 6040’ - tan 3020’
= 1.99m

Elevation of Staff station Q = RL of HI + V – h

= 101.520 + 1.99 – 1.0
= 102.510m

Formulas to Solve Examples
• Tnagential Hair Method
• Case : 2 (Both the angle are angles of
Depression in this case, staff is held
• Horizontal distance

• Vertical Desistance

Example 8
• The vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1m and
3m above the foot of the staff held vertically at
station Q were - 3020’ and - 6040’ respectively
from instrument station P. if the elevation of
the instrument axis at station P is 101.520m
(1) the Horizontal distance between P & Q and
(2) the elevation of the staff station Q)

θ1 = - 3020’
θ2 = - 6040’

= 2
tan 6040’ - tan 3020’
= 34.13m

= 2 x tan 6040’
tan 6040’ - tan 3020’
= 3.99m

Elevation of Staff station Q = RL of HI + V – h

= 101.520 – 3.99 – 1.0
= 96.530m


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