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Study Material for GI & Reasoning

The statement & assumption topic is most commonly featured in many competitive exams and is a
crucial part of the Government exam syllabus. The main idea of such questions is to test the candidate’s
decision-making ability.

Statement & Assumption – Concept

● In a statement and assumption question, a statement is given in the question followed by a few
assumptions made on the basis of them. Candidates need to pick the assumption which most
appropriately and logically is correct.
● One of the most important things to know about assumptions is that when a statement is given,
the author of the statement believes the assumption to be true and this same approach must
be used by candidates while answering the questions based on this topic.
● Questions based on statement and assumption can either help you score more if answered
logically or else result in losing marks if candidates choose to guess in such questions. Thus,
more and more questions must be solved so as to ensure that you are able to understand what
is the correct approach to such questions.

Tips to Solve Statement & Assumption Questions

● Read the statement with an approach that the assumptions would be true with regard to the
● Do not go too logical with the statements. Analyse the information given and the assumption
must only be made based on the information in the statement. Do not overcomplicate it.
● Common assumptions can always be followed but other than that do not align the statement
with General Knowledge or other facts.
● Use the elimination method if you are unable to apprehend the answer. Read the statement
and then the assumptions given in the options, you shall notice that a few of them will most
definitely not follow. Eliminate them and then choosing from lesser options may prove to be
more convenient.
● One thing to make a note of is that the assumption is something which the Author believes to
be true so while choosing the correct option, keep this thought in mind as well. If any option
contradicts the statement, then that assumption will not follow.

Types of Assumptions

Generally, we can face two types of assumptions mostly. They can be categorized as:
● Direct assumptions
● Indirect assumptions

Direct Assumptions
In this case, from the statement itself, we can assume the assumptions very easily. Just a careful
reading of the statement is enough to solve your problem. Let’s take an example to understand it

Statement − An apple a day, keeps a doctor away.

Assumption I - Apple is good for health.

Assumption II - Apple is not good for health.

1. Only assumption I is practical.

2. Only assumption II is practical.
3. Either assumption I or II is practical.
4. Neither assumption I nor II is practical.
5. Both the assumptions are practical.

Answer: 1

Explanation: If consuming an apple everyday will eradicate the need of doctor, then off course we can
assume that it is good for health. Hence; assumption I is practical but II is not.

Indirect Assumptions
Indirect assumptions can only be traced out by properly understanding the meaning of the given
statement. This is because wrong interpretation can lead to choice of possibly wrong option.

Statement − The only possible way of getting success is to treat everything that comes on your way

Assumptions I - If you score low marks in any exam, instead of cursing yourself, you should find the
faults and just work upon them hard.
Assumption II - Whatever will happen to you, all depends upon your luck. You have no role to play in it.

1. Only assumption I is practical.

2. Only assumption II is practical.
3. Either assumption I or II is practical.
4. Neither assumption I nor II is practical.
5. Both the assumptions are practical.

Answer: 1

Explanation: If you will redirect all your results towards you luck, then your action will not be hard,
which is not an example of leading optimistic life. Instead working upon your weak points, so that, not
to repeat them in the next exam is a perfect way of dealing your life positively.

Practice Questions:
Q 1.
Statement: The advisable age for a child to join a school is 5 years.
Assumption I: At this age, the child is familiar to adaptability
Assumption II: After this age, kids do not like to go to school
Assumption III: Schools do not take admission of children who are more than 5 years old

1. Only Assumption I follows

2. Both Assumptions I & III follow
3. Assumption I, II & III follow
4. Only Assumption II follows
5. None of the Above

Answer: (1) Only Assumption I follows

Explanation: In the given statement it is mentioned that 5 years is an advisable age for kids to join the
school. The only sensible assumption which proves the statement to be true is that chances of kids
getting more adaptable to the school at this young age are very high.

Q 2.
Statement: Food poisoning due to the consumption of liquor is very common in rural areas
Assumption I: There are more illegal and unauthorised shops selling liquor in villages and rural areas
Assumption II: The ratio of people drinking liquor in villages is much more than that in towns

1. Both Assumption I and II follow

2. Neither Assumption I nor Assumption II follows
3. Only Assumption I follows
4. Assumption II follows but Assumption I does not follow
5. Either Assumption I or Assumption II follows

Answer: (3) Only Assumption I follows

Explanation: The statement is talking about food poisoning due to liquor so the number of people
consuming liquor in towns or villages is not the main concern here. Which is why only assumption I

Q 3.
Statement: Divya was advised by the Doctor that she should not take part in the dance competition
Assumption I: The Doctor did not want Divya to take part in the competition because he was afraid
that she might lose
Assumption II: Divya had major surgery because of her injury
Assumption III: Divya did not have the money to go for the auditions

1. All Assumption I, II & III follow

2. Only Assumption I follows
3. Assumption II follows but Assumption I and III do not follow
4. None of the three assumptions follow
5. Only Assumption III follows

Answer: (3) Assumption II follows but Assumption I and III do not follow

Explanation: Based on the statement given, the Doctor would only advice a patient to not do a certain
thing if they are unwell, in this case surgery, which is the only suitable assumption why the doctor
would advise Divya to not take part in the dance competition.

Q 4.
Statement: In an election conducted in Village X, only 20% of the total number of women in the village
came to vote.
Assumption I: The number of men in the village is more than the number of women in the village X
Assumption II: Women had to cook food and could not come to vote

1. Only Assumption I follows

2. Only Assumption II follows
3. Neither Assumption I nor Assumption II follows
4. Either Assumption I or Assumption II follows
5. Both Assumption I and Assumption II follow

Answer: (3) Neither Assumption I nor Assumption II follows

Explanation: The statement clearly indicates that out of the total number of women in the village only
20% came around to vote so the ratio between the number of men and women is not applicable here
and the second assumption is not applicable as well.

Q 5.
Statement: The school has decided to cancel the summer camp this year
Assumption I: No entries have been received by the Institution for students willing to join the summer
Assumption II: It is being cancelled because the weather is too hot

1. Only Assumption I follows

2. Only Assumption II follows
3. Neither Assumption I nor Assumption II follows
4. Either Assumption I or Assumption II follows
5. Both Assumption I and Assumption II follow

Answer: (1) Only Assumption I follows

Explanation: Because the school was not receiving any student entries for participation in the summer
camp, that is why it was cancelled. The second option is not implicit because the camp is being
conducted in summers, so the weather is expected to be hot.

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