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Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences

Analysis and Application of Practical Ability of Multimedia Technology in Art


Jingjing Zhao1,†, Zijia Wang2

1. College of Xia Qing Communication, Handan University, Handan, Hebei, 056005, China.
2. College of Literature and History, Handan University, Handan, Hebei, 056005, China.

Submission Info

Communicated by Z. Sabir
Received December 27, 2022
Accepted June 23, 2023
Available online December 13, 2023

With the development of multimedia technology, more and more colleges and universities apply network multimedia
technology in art teaching to achieve the improvement of the art teaching effect. After analyzing the application scenarios
of D2D, D2D technology is combined with social networks to create a teaching classroom where teachers and students
can collaborate. A communication link is established in the network classroom to facilitate the sharing of art education
content. Combine the network terminal caching system to improve the cache hit rate by caching multiple identical contents.
Integrate network multimedia technology into art education and examine its contribution to education. The results show
that the caching effect of multimedia technology is mainly reflected in four aspects: completeness, clarity, smoothness,
and speed. When the number of caches reaches 12, the caching speed of the teaching content fluctuates in the range of
0.75-0.8. When the number of caches is less than 12, the caching fluency of the content is in the range of 0.85-0.9. This
study provides a new direction to promote the reform of art education, which is conducive to improving the teaching
effectiveness of art education and cultivating art talents.

Keywords: D2D technology; Social network; Communication link; Network terminal cache; Art education.
AMS 2010 codes: 97U10

†Corresponding author.
Email address: ISSN 2444-8656
© 2023 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang, published by Sciendo.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution alone 4.0 License.
2 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

1 Introduction

Since the 1980s, with the development of network technology and the application of multimedia
technology, multimedia art design has gradually become a hotspot of art education and changed the
traditional concept of art teaching [1-2]. The flourishing development of multimedia art and design
education and the popularization of network technology are inseparable, and graphic design,
architectural design, packaging, three-dimensional, animation, film and television in art and design
education are closely related to computer technology [3]. Into the nineties, computer technology,
communication technology rapid development, especially the application of electronic digital in the
field of art and design, greatly promoted the development of multimedia art design and greatly
enhanced the expressive power of art and design so that multimedia technology in art and design
education has entered a brand new stage [4].

The organic combination of multimedia network technology and art education in colleges and
universities is conducive to the extension of art education from the classroom to the extracurricular
and better plays the important role of art education in building a positive campus culture and passing
on aesthetic culture [5-6]. The establishment of an art education website provides a space for teachers
and students to accept elegant art from multiple angles, provides teachers with convenient and fast
ways to prepare lessons and advanced teaching means, and provides convenient conditions for
students to learn the past and learn the new, provides a new platform for teachers and students in
school to exchange their artistic feelings, and provides a new carrier for opening up the construction
of campus culture and inheritance of aesthetic culture [7].

This paper first analyzes the application scope of network multimedia technology in the education
sector. By analyzing the application scenarios of D2D networks, it combines D2D technology with
the Internet of Things (IoT), so as to build a wireless communication network that interoperates with
everything in the real sense. Combine social networks to explain the behavior of people or things and
reveal the intrinsic connection between people and things. In art education, the actual role of
multimedia technology is explored through the use of social networks and D2D technology. Secondly,
we use multimedia technology to cache and share the content of art education, and we calculate the
density of students’ association with art education by forming a collection of students who use D2D.
The terminal caching system and different content placement strategies are combined to achieve the
caching effect of art education content. Focusing on analyzing the application of network multimedia
technology in art education, the technology is mainly divided into user management, course content
management, content sharing, and caching. Finally, the practicality and effectiveness of multimedia
technology are demonstrated by analyzing the teaching effect and scenario setting of multimedia
technology in art education. Combined with the experimental data, we analyze the effect of
multimedia technology in caching multiple art education content segments and explore the
performance of caching in terms of the completeness, clarity and smoothness of the content caching.

2 Related work

Camurri, A et al. argue that art influences science and technology while it can also inspire art. An
overview of multimedia and multimodal technologies in areas such as education shows that art
collaborates to help analyze nonverbal expressions and social behaviors [8]. Tian, H designed a
convolutional neural network with 9 layers for recognizing emotions in digitally learned images in
the era of big data and argued that the network could be used in art education [9]. Hui, J et al.
integrated teaching and learning activities with intelligent technologies to design virtual environment
teaching and traditional teaching and proved the superiority of virtual teaching through controlled
experiments [10]. Piro, G et al. argued that the emerging information census network is gaining
Analysis and Application of Practical Ability of Multimedia Technology in Art Education 3

attention from global academia and industrial research and argued that multimedia has a role in art
education by exploring the development of multimedia systems [11]. Niu, Y. argued that multimedia
web-based teaching, as a modern teaching mode, provides an opportunity to establish new teaching
methods, focusing on the impact of multimedia technology on piano teaching [12].

Wang, Y et al. The combination of virtual reality technology and traditional art can greatly line of
sight the cohesion of education and, to a certain extent, promote the development of education [13].
Yang, W et al. believe that the impact of multimedia technology permeates all aspects of society,
especially in the field of education, and teaching has great advantages, to a certain extent, will
promote the reform of teaching [14]. Ying, L et al. believe that the development of teaching
technology and the application of modern teaching methods is one of the important signs of teaching
modernization. The use of multimedia in music teaching is of great significance to the application
and decision-making of music teaching in colleges and universities [15]. Zhang, Y. et al. elaborated
on the definition of public art from the perspective of multi-sensor fusion technology, which combines
the theory of multi-sensor fusion technology and image fusion and, to a certain extent, improves the
effect of public art education [16]. Su, Y et al. multimedia technology is an important way to
strengthen the quality of teaching, and the informationization construction of multimedia information
is the key to realizing the informationization of education [17]. Li, W analyzed the status quo of music
education by using the literature method and rebound hair and put forward the teaching strategy of
using multimedia technology in music education and thought that multimedia technology has certain
feasibility in music teaching [18]. Liu, J et al. Liu, J et al. proposed to improve the information system
of higher education management in view of the problems arising from the integration of multimedia
technology and traditional systems [19]. Chen, Z et al. believed that artificial intelligence has a big
transformation in multimedia education, and it can improve the effect of art education by applying
intelligent behaviors, such as vision and voice recognition, to art teaching [20].

3 Research on multimedia technology in networks

3.1 D2D and Social Networks

3.1.1 D2D content sharing

D2D technology is a mobile communication technique that establishes a direct communication link
between two peer-to-peer mobile terminals, and it is considered a key technology for 5G. The idea of
establishing a point-to-point connection between terminals has been around for a long time, but it is
only recently that D2D technology has been formally proposed by the 3GPP in order to achieve the
purpose of reducing terminal transmit power, increasing band utilization, and alleviating the shortage
of band resources [21-22]. The application scenarios of D2D, as shown in Fig. 1, are mainly applied
to local services, emergency communications, and IoT enhancement. Another application of local
services is peak-nest network traffic offloading. With the increasing popularity of multimedia services,
its high traffic characteristics bring great challenges to the core network and spectrum resources. Thus,
the local characteristics of D2D can be applied to local multimedia services to save network resources.
Combining D2D technology with the Internet of Things (IoT) can build a wireless communication
network that is truly interoperable with everything.
4 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

communications Relaying


Figure 1. Application scenario of D2D

There are two main ways of D2D content sharing, which are unicast, broadcast and multicast.

1) Unicast

Two-way point-to-point transmission between users. The network provides a dedicated link for each
terminal, and the same content is repeated multiple times to the requesting user of that content.

2) Broadcast

A point-to-multipoint connection from the network to multiple terminals. The source user transmits
the content to all terminals in an area, and the users can choose to accept or reject the content.

3) Multicast

A connection that is point-to-multipoint between the network and a group of terminals. Content is
transmitted to the entire group of terminals at a time, and only users within the group of terminals can
accept it.

D2D multicast-based content sharing is a more efficient and reasonable method than sending data to
multiple users through unicast. D2D multicast-based content sharing is divided into two categories:
one is for the data generated by the users themselves, and the other is for the data to be obtained from
the base station. The former only requires the source user to distribute the data content by D2D
multicast, while the latter is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the base station as the source
sends the content to the relay forwarding user, and in the second phase, the collaborative phase, the
collaborative user multicasts the obtained data content to the rest of the requesting users in D2D mode.

3.1.2 Social networks

Social networks and their applications have been the focus of attention in many fields in recent years.
The main reason is that people or things in the world are connected in a certain way, and social
networks not only elucidate the behaviors of these people or things, but also expose the connection
Analysis and Application of Practical Ability of Multimedia Technology in Art Education 5

laws between them. In particular, applying social networks to art education can greatly enhance the
efficiency of teaching art [23-24].

1) Node Centrality

Centrality portrays the importance of nodes in the network, and each user has different roles and
popularity in the network, while the central node has a stronger ability to connect with other nodes.
Scholars have interpreted centrality in different ways depending on practical needs and specific
scenarios. Degree centrality, intermediate centrality, and proximity centrality are the three types of
centrality that are quantified as follows:

(1) Degree Centrality

Degree centrality DegCi characterizes the number of connections that node i has to other nodes
as a proportion of the maximum possible number of connections in the network. A node with a higher
degree of centrality is more connected to other nodes in the network, and hence its importance is
likely to be higher. Degree centrality is a localized metric with a quantitative formula:

deg(i )
DegCi = (1)
n −1

Where, deg(i ) - the number of neighbors directly connected to node i .

n - Total number of users in the network.

(2) Median centrality.

The formula describes median centrality:

sp j ,k (i )
BetCi =  (2)
j i sp j ,k

Where, sp j ,k (i ) - the number of shortest paths through node i in the network.

sp j , k - Total number of shortest paths in the network.

This metric primarily characterizes the degree to which a node is in the shortest path between any
two remaining nodes in the network. Therefore, nodes with high meso-centrality play a key role as
bridges in connecting non-adjacent nodes as well as communities and facilitating data transfer
between nodes.

(3) Proximity Centrality

Proximity centrality is the reciprocal of the sum of the shortest paths from a node to any other node,
which measures the efficiency of a node in the point-to-multipoint information transmission process.
This index can be used for relay selection and other scenarios, expressed by the formula as follows:

CloCi = N

 dis(i, j )
j =1
6 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

Where, N - Total number of nodes in the network.

dis (i, j ) - Shortest path between node i and node j .

Equation (3) shows that the shorter the sum of shortest paths from a node to other nodes, the higher
its proximity centrality. If a node needs to send data information to all other nodes in the network, the
time taken also decreases with the increase of proximity centrality.

2) Clustering

Sociologists have earlier realized the strong transmissibility exhibited by social networks. In other
words, if two people have one or more mutual friends, they have a high probability of being friends
who know each other well, which is also known as clustering and transmissibility. Similarity
characterizes the common connections and interests of a group of people, and the magnitude of
similarity also represents the probability of interaction between users. Thus, similarity can be applied
to community discovery and recommendation systems, mainly because users are more inclined to
interact with those who have more friends in common, and it is easier to recommend user-focused
content to those who have similar interests. The simplest way to measure similarity is to count the
number of users who are common neighbors of a node, as in:

Sim(i, j ) = N i  N j (4)

where N i and N j denote the set of neighbors of user i and user j , respectively. In addition,
another metric to quantify the similarity is the Jaccard coefficient, which examines the similarity by
combining the differences of the nodes.

3.2 Caching of content in multimedia technologies

3.2.1 Caching content

In a D2D network, there are a number of user terminal devices with D2D communication capability
in the cell, which together form a D2D caching network. In this caching network, all users can cache
content and send content requests at the same time. Remember that all the D2D users in the cell
constitute set U , and remember that the density of users in the cell is  [25-26]. Considering the
randomness of the location of user devices and their mobility, this chapter describes their location
distribution in terms of a two-dimensional chi-square Poisson point process with parameter  , i.e.,
the distribution of the number of DUEs contained in a circular plane with a radius of R is satisfied:

e −  R

PR , ( X = n) = ( R ) 2 n

In this model, the effective D2D transmission distance between users is Rtrans . When the distance
between users is less than Rtrans , D2D communication links can be established between DUEs to
enable content sharing. In this model, these D2D links are orthogonal to each other, so there is no
interference between them and the performance is stable.

To simplify the analysis, this chapter assumes that all popular contents have the same size and are
normalized to 1. These popular contents form the set F . F = { f1 , f 2 ,  f|F | } , where the subscripts
Analysis and Application of Practical Ability of Multimedia Technology in Art Education 7

of the elements indicate the ordinal numbers of the contents in the content set in descending order of
popularity. The overall popularity distribution of these multimedia contents obeys a Zipf distribution
with parameter  . Specifically, the probability distribution of a file f i being requested in a single
access is shown in Equation (6):

i −
p fi = |F |

j  − (6)
j =1

Unlike some work, in the system model in this chapter, it is assumed that the system does not have
any a priori knowledge of the content popularity distribution of users in the region. This assumption
is more in line with the reality of D2D caching networks, given the strong time-varying nature of the
content popularity distribution. Under this assumption, the parameter γ of the Zipf distribution and
the popularity ordinal of the multimedia content are unknown.

3.2.2 Network Terminal Cache Content

This subsection analyzes the cache hit performance of specific cache placement policies in terminal
caching systems. First, this section starts by giving a description of the deterministic content
placement policy. Let under cache placement policy  = {n1 , n2 , n|F | } , n1 , n2 ,  n|F | be the number
of DUEs that have cached file f1 , f 2 , f|F | . Considering that caching multiple identical contents in
a single DUE does not result in any cache hit gain, this chapter only considers policies that place
|F |
different contents in the same DUE. Therefore, there is constraint n
i =1
i  UM [27].

Next, the self-hit scenario is analyzed. The probability of a self-hit for a request from DUE i for
content f c is equal to the ratio of all users who have cached content f c to the total number of
users, i.e:

n fc
f c | rf c ) =
P(ri ,self (7)

Second, the collaborative hits are analyzed. According to the system model, the location distribution
of DUEs obeys the two-dimensional HPPP with parameter  , then for a single DUE, the number of
other DUEs within its D2D effective transmission range satisfies the Poisson distribution with
parameter  . A collaborative hit occurs when a DUE makes a request for file f c and there is at
least one user within its D2D effective transmission range who has cached file f c [28]. Considering
the chi-square nature of the DUE location distribution, the distribution of DUEs that have cached file
n fc
f c obeys the two-dimensional HPPP with parameter  , and then the distribution of the number
of users that have cached f c within the D2D effective transmission range of a single DUE is
n fc
n −  R 2
 nf  e U
Pd 2 d (hit = n) =  c  R 2  (8)
U  n!
8 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

Then the probability that a collaborative hit occurs when no self-hit occurs, i.e., there is at least one
DUE within the effective range of the DUE that carries the desired content, is:
n fc
−  R2
Pd 2 d (hit  1) = 1 − e U (9)

The probability that a collaborative hit occurs for Content f c can be obtained:

 nf  − c  R 2 

P hit , fc
= (1 − Phit , fc
)(1 − Pd 2 d (hit  1)) = 1 − c  1 − e
 (10)
d 2d self
 U  

When a request for content f c occurs, the probability that the DUE will be able to obtain f c from
the caching network is Phit , fc = Pdhit2d, fc + Pself
hit , fc
, i.e:

 nf  − c  R 2 
P hit , f c
= 1 − c  1 − e
+ c (11)
 U   U

According to the Zipf distribution of popularity, the probability of content being requested can be
expressed by equation (12). Therefore, the overall cache hit rate of the system can be expressed as:
|F |
P hit =  Prf P hit , fc (12)
c =1

In summary, this subsection hits the cache performance of the terminal caching system under a
specific cache placement policy. From the analysis, it can be seen that the selection of the optimal
cache placement policy relies on the a priori known content popularity information. Therefore, the
following section develops a content placement policy with content popularity learning capability for
the terminal caching system in the blind popularity scenario.

3.3 Application of network multimedia technology in art education

Aiming at the advantages of network multimedia with sharing function and caching function in
teaching content, network multimedia technology is used in art education, which can greatly improve
the teaching effect of art education. The main application of multimedia technology in art education
is shown in Figure 2, which mainly includes three major contents, namely, user management, course
content management, content sharing and caching [29-30]. The user module is mainly used to manage
user information, perform user registration and login, as well as allow system administrators to
modify and delete users and perform other functions. The courseware module mainly carries out the
functions of adding, deleting, modifying, browsing, and querying courseware. Content sharing and
caching are mainly intended to cache and share art-teaching content on the network.
Analysis and Application of Practical Ability of Multimedia Technology in Art Education 9

The application of network multimedia technology in art education

Content Sharing
User administration Classroom content management
& Caching

Add Management Delete Browse Network sharing,

registration log in modification remove
courseware courseware courseware courseware network caching

Figure 2. Application of multimedia technology in art education

4 Analysis of the application of network multimedia technology in arts education

4.1 Analysis of ways to use multimedia technology in art education

4.1.1 Application of Multimedia Technology in Teaching Scenario Setting

Studying art is a source of interest for students majoring in art. However, in many cases, parents enroll
the students instead of them, so that some students may have a negative learning attitude. This
phenomenon occurs mainly because students do not feel the connotations of art works. In order to
realize the rational use of multimedia technology and stimulate students’ enthusiasm, teachers need
to create teaching scenarios with the content of the course to maximize students’ understanding of the
artworks so that they can actively participate in the course learning. The ways of multimedia
technology in teaching scenarios, as shown in Figure 3, mainly include the use of pictures, videos,
music and graphics in art education, and different multimedia methods have different degrees of
scenarios for art teaching. The way of combining video and teaching has a better scenario-setting
degree in all art classes, with the scenario-setting degree at (0.8, 0.95). Art content presented in the
form of pictures was useful for teaching scenario setting in all experimental art classes between (0.6-
0.75). The music and graphic approach also affect the setting of the teaching scenario. The use of
multimedia technology in art teaching not only improves the teaching scenario but also guides
students to understand the emotion and connotation of piano works in the process of learning and
realizes the effective enhancement of students’ appreciation ability.

Figure 3. The way of multimedia technology in the teaching scenario setting

10 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

4.1.2 Use of Multimedia Technology in Art Course Instruction

According to the way of multimedia technology in teaching above, multimedia technology is a

technology that integrates video, picture, and sound. In the process of teaching art courses, teachers
can make reasonable use of multimedia technology, which can provide students with visual and
auditory stimulation, and facilitate them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of art skills in
all aspects. The use of multimedia technology in art education, art courses can have a certain role in
the guidance of multimedia technology in art course guidance. As shown in Table 1, the guidance of
the art course mainly includes content guidance, homework guidance, and teaching method guidance.
Before the integration of multimedia technology, the content, teaching and homework assignments in
the art course were less effective on students’ artistic ability. The effective degree of content guidance
is 0.6461, the effective degree of homework assignment is 0.5814, and the effective degree of teaching
method is 0.5573. After the integration of multimedia technology, the course’s guidance has
significantly improved. Compared with traditional course instruction, multimedia course instruction
has improved the content instruction by 0.1455 and the effective degree of homework arrangement
by 0.2286. When the effective degree of the content instruction is greater than 0.75, it means that the
content instruction is useful to the students’ art learning, and when the effective degree of the
homework arrangement is greater than 0.8, it proves that the homework arrangement is in line with
the actual situation of the student’s learning.

Table 1. The guiding role of multimedia technology in art courses

Guidance Content guidance Task instruction Way to guide
Before technology integration 0.6461 0.5814 0.5573
After technology integration 0.7916 0.8103 0.8629
Promote 0.1455 0.2286 0.3056
Validity judgment >0.75 >0.8 >0.85

4.2 Analysis of the practical ability of multimedia technology in art education

4.2.1 Research on caching and sharing of content in multimedia technologies

The previous section mentioned the use of network multimedia technology to cache and share
teaching content. In order to explore the caching ability and sharing ability of multimedia technology
on art teaching content under a D2D network, multimedia technology was used to cache art teaching
content, and the caching effect of multimedia technology is shown in Fig. 4, which is mainly reflected
in the four aspects of completeness, clarity, fluency and speed. The integrity of the cache will not be
missing with the increase in the number of caches. As long as the content can be cached, the integrity
is higher in the 0.9-1 range floating. The speed of caching slows down as the number of caches
increases, and when the number of caches reaches 12, the speed of caching instructional content floats
in the 0.75-0.8 range. The same is true for the smoothness of content caching, which floats in the
0.85-0.9 range when the number of caches is less than 12.
Analysis and Application of Practical Ability of Multimedia Technology in Art Education 11

Figure 4. Multimedia technology cache effects

4.2.2 Analysis of Students’ Practical Ability under Multimedia Art Teaching

The only way to test the truth is through practice. Practice makes true knowledge, for art is more so,
art learning is a specific skill learning, learning related skills and techniques should be used and
applied in order to find out the problem, and for the problem to carry out the refinement, but also in
the art of higher attainment. Multimedia technology is being used in teaching, in addition to art
courses, to guide but also to develop students’ practical abilities. The practical skills of art education
are shown in Table 2. These skills include stage control, stage performance, and creativity. After the
integration of multimedia into art education, students’ practical abilities have been improved and
enhanced. In one of the classes, the student’s ability to control the stage has reached 85.69%, the
students’ stage performance has increased from 49.38% to 90.14%, and the creative ability is 32.68%
higher than that of traditional art education. When the stage control reaches the interval of [0.8,1), it
proves that the students have better stage control and can cope with the unexpected situation of the
stage and integrate with the stage effect. The students’ strong artistic practice and ability to express
what they have learned can be observed when the stage control is in the interval of (0.9,1)

Table 2. Practical ability in art education

Ability of practice Stage control Stage expressive force Creativity
Practical ability after technology integration(%) 85.69 90.14 89.35
Practical ability before technology integration(%) 52.34 49.38 56.67
Increase the proportion(%) 33.35 40.76 32.68
Excellent range of practical competence [0.8,1) (0.9,1) (0.85,1)

5 Conclusion

This paper applies network multimedia technology to art education, combining content caching and
sharing of multimedia technology to strengthen the teaching effect of art education. For the
presentation of multimedia technology in art education, the four ways of pictures, videos, music and
graphics are integrated into art education, which can better show the teaching scenarios and stimulate
students’ interest in learning. The combination of video and teaching has a better scenario-setting
degree in each class of art, with a scenario-setting degree of (0.8, 0.95). Utilizing the content caching
and sharing capabilities of multimedia can improve students’ art practice ability to a certain extent.
After the integration of multimedia into art education, the student’s practical ability has been
12 Jingjing Zhao and Zijia Wang. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 9(1) (2024) 1-13

improved and enhanced. The stage control ability of one of the classes has reached 85.69%. The
students’ stage performance also increased from 49.38% to 90.14%, which shows that the application
of multimedia technology can stimulate the student’s interest in learning the art to a certain extent,
improve the students’ control over the stage as well as their performance, and is conducive to the
development of students’ practical ability.

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