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Important Points
1. The word Science is derived from the Latin word ‘Scientia’ which means knowledge.
2. Key features of science:
a. Empirical evidence
b. Objectivity
c. Scientific causality
d. Systematic exploration
e. Replication
f. Predictability
3. Wilhelm Wundt established first psychology laboratory in 1879 in Germany at
University of Leipzig.
4. Functionalism was advocated by William James.
5. Dr. Sigmund freud proposed a theory of Psychoanalysis.
6. Watson advocated behaviorism.
7. Carl Rogers advocated humanistic psychology.
8. Ulric Neisser advocated Cognitivism.
9. There are three types of correlation
a. A positive correlation
b. A negative correlation
c. A zero correlation
10. Rationality involves adaptive reasoning, good judgement and good decision making.
11. Dr. Albert Ellis who proposed a Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy.
12. Characteristics of rational people
1. Understanding self interest and social interest
2. Self direction
3. Tolerance
4. Flexibility
5. Self acceptance and self responsibility.
13. Intelligence is a aggregate or global capacity of an individual to act purposefully,
to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.
14. Thorndike suggested three types of Intelligence.
15. Louis Thurstone suggested 7 primary abilities of Intelligence.
16. Charles Spearman identify two different types of Intelligence.
17. Raymond Cattell and John Horn proposed theory of Intelligence in two types.
18. Gardner suggested nine types of Intelligence.
19. Paul Broca and Sir Francis Galton to think about measuring intelligence.
20. Alfred Binet published the first scale of Intelligence in 1905.
21. Alfred Binet is the father of Intelligence Test.
22. Army Alpha and Army Beta intelligence tests used for recruiting soldiers in the
23. The concept of Mental age was introduced by Alfred Binet
24. The concept of Intelligence Quotient was introduced by William Stern.
25. Explain the types of Intelligence tests.(Q.No. 7)
1. Individual tests of Intelligence.
2. Group test of Intelligence
3. Verbal tests of Intelligence
4. Non-verbal test of Intelligence
26. Explain the applications of intelligence testing in various areas .(Q.No. 7)
1. Effective schooling
2. Aid to Mental health
3. Effective parenting
4. Career counselling
5. Vocational counselling
27. E.L. Thorndike proposed Social intelligence.
28. Definition of Social Intelligence -- Social Intelligence is the ability to get along well
with others, and to get them to cooperate with oneself.
29. John Mayer and Peter Salovey firstly suggested Emotional Intelligence.
30. Definition of emotional intelligence - Ability to perceive and monitor one's own and
others emotions, to discriminate among them and to use information to guide one's
thinking and action.
31. Cognitive abilities of emotional intelligence
1. Perceiving emotions
2. Using emotions
3. Understanding emotions
4. Managing emotions
32. Definition of Artificial intelligence -- Artificial intelligence is a field of study that
combines the sciences of computer science, algorithms, languages, philosophy and
33. Personality word derived from Latin word ‘Persona’.
34. Definition of personality -- Personality is the dynamic organization within the
individual of those psychophysical systems that determines has unique adjustment
to the environment.
35. Explain the factors affecting personality.(Q.No.7)
1. Heredity
2. Endocrine glands
3. Family
4. Peer group
5. School
6. Mass media
7. Culture
36. Carl Jung's suggested theory of personality.
He also classified personality in two categories
1. Introverts
2. Extroverts
37. Allport suggested three categories of personality.
1. Cardinals Traits
2. Central Traits
3. Secondary Traits
38. Explain the Big Five factor model of personality..(Q.No.7)
1. Openess to experience
2. Conscientiousness
3. Extroversion
4. Agreeableness
5. Neurotism
39. Robert McCrae and Paul Costa developed a theory of personality that Big Five
factor model of personality.
40. Explain the measurement of personality.(Q.No.7)
1. Behavioural analysis
a. Interview
b Observation
2. Self report inventories.
a. Minnesota multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI)
b. 16 personality factors by Cattell
c. Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI)
d. High School personality questionnaire (HSPQ)
3. Projective Methods
a. Rorschach's Ink Blot Test
b. Thematic Appercipation Test
c. Sentence Completion Test
41. Harman Rorschach developed Ink Blot Test in 1921
42. The TAT was developed by Morgan and Murray in 1935.
43. Definition of attention -- Attention is the mental process of bringing few stimuli into
the centre of awareness out of many stimuli present.
44. Explain the aspects of attention. (Q.No.6)
1. Span of attention
2. Distraction of attention
3. Division of attention
4. Fluctuation of attention
45. Definition of perception -- the process of assigning meaning to the information
received about the environment based on the past experiences.
46. Explain the laws of perceptional organisation.(Q.No.6)
1. Law of proximity
2. Law of similarity
3. Law of continuity
4. Law of closer
47. Definition of thinking -- Thinking is the mental activity that uses various cognitive
elements and processes that involves manipulation, problem solving, reasoning as
well as decision making.
48. Explain the Core elements of thinking.(Q.No.6)
1. Mental representation
2. Concept
3. Schema
4. Language
49. Explain the types of thinking.(Q.No.6)
1. Problem solving
2. Creative thinking
50. Explain the steps of problem solving.(Q.No.6)
1. Defining the problem
2. Generating alternative solutions
3. Selecting a solution
4. Implementing and follow up on the solution.
51. Explain the four sequential stages of creative thinking.
1. Preparation
2. Incubation
3. Illumination
4. Verification
52. Ivan Pavlov introduced Classical Conditioning Theory on learning.
53.B.F. Skinner introduced Operant Conditioning Theory on learning.
54.Edward Tolman introduced Cognitive Processes by learning.
55.Jean Piaget explained assimilation and accomodation learning theory.
56. Albert Bandura explained observation theory on learning.
57. Max Wertheimer suggested laws of perception grouping.
58. Explain the historical theories of emotions.(Q.No.6)
1. James - Lange theory
2. Canon - Bard theory
3. Schachter and singer's Two factors theory
59. Definition of emotions - a combination of bodily arousal expressive behaviour,
thoughts and feelings.
60. Paul Ekman suggested six basic emotions.
1. Happiness 2. Sadness 3. Anger 4. Fear 5. Surprise 6. Disgust
61. Plutchik suggested model of emotions.
62. Emotion word is derived from the Latin word ‘Emovere’ which means to stir up or
63. Physiological changes during emotions.
1. Cognitive level
2. Emotional level
3. Connation level
64. Explain the benefits of emotional well-being.(Q.No.6)
1. Coping with stress
2. Better self regulation
3. Increases productivity
4. Increased creativity
5. Life satisfaction
65. Explain the Types of emotional abuse.(Q.No.6)
1. Verbal violence 2. Non verbal
66. Definition of managing emotions - The ability to be open to fillings and moderate
them in oneself and others so as the promote personal understanding and growth.
67. The Limbic system is the oldest part of the brain which is the thinking part.
68. Explain the common triggers of anger.(Q.No.6)
1. Verbal 2. Non verbal 3. Physical
69. The different approaches to anger management.
1. Relaxation and connection with the inner self
2. Reassess
a. Take complete responsibility for your emotion
b. Developing empathy
c. Using compassion
d. Conduct a reality check
3. Respond
a. Consult
b. Engage stocks with the other party
c. Active listening
d. Speak assertively
e. Cage your Rage
70. Explain the nature of psychological disorders.(Q.No.6)
1. Stage 1 - extremely healthy
2. Stage 2 - moderately healthy
3. Stage 3 - moderately Unhealthy
4. Stage 4 - extremely Unhealthy
71. Explain the criteria for psychological disorders.(Q.No.6)
1. Clinically significant syndrome
2. Distress and Impairment
3. Dysfunction
4. If any response given to stressors are accepted as a response to that situation
5. Any behaviour which is just deviant or conflicting with society but not
producing dysfunction function or distress or disability.
72. Definition of mental wellness - a state of wellbeing in which the individual realizes
his or her own abilities, can cook up with the normal stressors of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make contribution to his or her
73. Important aspects of mental wellness.
1. Emotional aspect
2. Psychological aspect
3. Life philosophy
74. John Travis suggested illness wellness continuum.
75. Explain the classification of mental disorders.(Q.No.6)
1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM)
2. International classification of diseases and related health problems (ICD)
76. DSM - 5 was introduced in 2013.
77. ICD - 11 introduced in 2019.
78. Explain the major psychological disorders.(Q.No.6)
1. Anxiety disorder
a. Generalized anxiety disorder
b. Phobic disorder
2. Depressive disorder
3. Bipolar disorder
4. Trauma and stress related disorders
a. Acute stress disorders
b. Post traumatic stress disorder
5. Substance related and addictive disorder
6. Schizophrenia
a. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia
1. Hallucination
2. Delusions
3. Disorganized speech and loosening of association
4. Disorganized behaviour
5. Incongruent affect
79. The word Phobia is derived from Greek word’ Phobos’ - which means God of fear
80. The word Anxiety is derived from Latin word 'Anxietas' which means uneasy or
troubled mind.
81. Bipolar disorder also called Manic Depressive Disorder
82. Paul Bleuler used the term Schizophrenia for the first time.
83. Schizophrenia word derived from the two Greek words Schizein ( split) and Phren
84. Meaning of schizophrenia is split mind.
85. World health organisation has developed ICD for classification of all types of
86. DSM 5 is the present system for classification of mental disorder.
87. Some of the reasons why first aid in mental health is required.
1. Stigma associate with the mental illness
2. Shame
3. People do not always know how to respond 4. People with mental illness
do not always seek up
a. culture
b. advice from elders
c. superstitions
88. The ALGEE action plan
1. Approach, assess and assist in any crisis.
2. Listen non judgemently
3. Give support information
4. Encourage appropriate professional health
5. Encourage self help and other support strategies
89. The symptoms of anxiety are as follows.
1. Physical symptoms
2. Psychological symptoms
3. Behavioural symptoms
90. Certain behavioural issues ---
Internet and Social Media usage
91. Martin Seligman officially introduced Positive Psychology.
92. Definition of Positive psychology -- The scientific study of positive human
functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal,
relational, institutional, cultural and global dimensions of life.
93. Broaden and Build theory on Positive emotions.
94. Definition of happiness -- happiness is a positive emotional state that is subjective
for each person.
95. Theories of happiness.
1. Need / goal satisfaction theories
2. Process / activity theories
3. Genetic / personality theories
96. Some factors of long lasting happiness.
1. Strong and intimate social relationships
2. Optimism
3. Self Esteem
4. Achieving challenging goals
5. Perceving meaning in life
6. Perspective of looking at the world as an opportunity rather than a threat.
97. Three components of Empathy
1. Cognitive empathy
2. Emotional reactivity
3. Social skills
98. Some methods which can help us to promote the empathy.
1. Increase social interactions
2. Connecting through similarities
3. Ask yourself what you are feeling
4. Challenge yourself
5. Cultivate your sense of curiosity
6. Widen your circle
99. Mindfulness refers to a state of awareness.
100. Definition of Resilience -- Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face
of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.
101. Resilience is the act of bouncing back.
102. Seven essential building blocks for Resilience.( The 7 C's of Resilience )
1. Competence
2. Confidence
3. Connection
4. Character
5. Contribution
6. Coping
7. Control
103. Types of Resilience.
1. Psychological Resilience
2. Emotional Resilience
3. Physical Resilience
4. Community Resilience

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