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Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

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Building information modeling services reuse for facility management for T

semiconductor fabrication plants
Chuen-Chyi Hsieha,b, Chang-Yuan Liua, Pai-Yu Wua, An-Ping Jenga, Ru-Guan Wanga,
Chien-Cheng Choua,

Information Technology for Disaster Prevention Program, Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan
Powerchip Corporation, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan


Keywords: As building information modeling (BIM) technology becomes mature, there is an increasing demand for the
Building information modeling interaction or interoperability between BIM tools and various facility management (FM) systems, especially in
Model-driven architecture semiconductor fabrication plants (FABs). Customized BIM services, i.e., plugin programs, have been developed
Facility management for FM systems to reuse BIM data or functionality. However, such development may make an FM system more
vulnerable to external changes such as BIM tool upgrades. The quality of BIM models reused may deteriorate
sharply even if a slight change occurs in any of the upstream BIM services. Based on the model-driven archi-
tecture defined by Object Management Group, this research proposes a semi-automated FM system factory called
EncapsulatingBIM4FM to formalize the reuse process of BIM services so that changes on BIM tools will not
propagate to an FM system. A pilot system for selected FM tasks for an FAB in Taiwan was crafted using
EncapsulatingBIM4FM. The tests demonstrated that BIM and FM systems can achieve software interoperability,
and they can evolve independently based on individual requirements. BIM's central role in the management of a
facility's lifecycle information could be established if EncapsulatingBIM4FM is utilized to develop associated FM
systems for the facility.

1. Introduction models.
Currently, some of the FAB engineers use a file-based transforma-
As building information modeling (BIM) technology becomes ma- tion approach to the acquisition of BIM data [7]. However, such data
ture, more and more facilities have corresponding BIM models created quality is not reliable, and the transformation performance is often
in the design and/or construction phases [1,2]. Indeed, BIM technology slow, ranged from several minutes to hours [5]. Others develop custo-
has been successfully applied to many information-intensive activities mized BIM services or plugin programs residing in corresponding BIM
performed in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) tools, so that specific BIM data acquisition or designated BIM work can
domain, such as clash detection and constructability analysis [1–4]. be completed for the FM systems initiating the requests. This research
Although BIM models have been recognized as a great asset to facility concentrates on such use, because more and more BIM tool providers
management (FM), methods or processes for FM systems to reuse BIM supply experienced users with extension mechanisms or application
models still require investigations, especially for specific domains with programming interfaces (APIs) to help and expedite the development of
unique characteristics [5]. such BIM services, e.g., Maximo Revit Plugin [9,10].
In semiconductor fabrication plants (FABs), some FM work may Nevertheless, literature has shown several drawbacks associated
need to be performed before the end of the construction phase, e.g., with such BIM API approaches [11–19]. First, from the viewpoint of FM
equipment inspection and hook-up tasks [6,7]. Recent statistics also systems, many of the BIM APIs are over-designed due to the fact that
show that every 6 to 12 months, FAB machines need to be upgraded or the APIs are originally designed to provide assistance in the AEC do-
replaces to meet new production requirements [8], which will result in main [13,14]. Second, an FM system may need to deal with two or more
numerous adjustments of pipes, ducts, floor heights, etc. All the BIM tools designed for different AEC disciplines [15,16]. For instance,
aforementioned circumstances lead to modification of FAB BIM models detailed structural analysis results are recorded in one BIM tool,
and have posted challenges on the FM systems that want to reuse BIM whereas architecture and construction project-related data are recorded

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.-C. Chou).
Received 28 December 2017; Received in revised form 7 October 2018; Accepted 26 December 2018
Available online 09 March 2019
0926-5805/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

in another BIM tool. Therefore, if an FM system would like to know the costs, can consequently be improved [27]. Previous researchers also
best locations to place micro vibration sensors to detect movements or advocated developing tailored BIM templates (e.g. naming structure,
vibrations in an FAB, two customized BIM services, each with its own level of detail, object styles, line styles, units, export settings, etc.) that
programming environment and BIM platform, need to be developed. In suit particular reuse requirements for FM [17]. The following para-
this way, the FM system can be regarded as having coupling relation- graphs describe the two types of BIM reuse in detail.
ships to the two BIM tools, which not only complicates its development Traditionally, standardized file formats such as industry foundation
work but makes it more vulnerable to any changes resulting from the classes (IFC) and construction operations building information ex-
BIM tools [17,18]. change (COBie) have been proposed to define information fields that
Lastly, when one BIM tool involved has a newer version, which are useful to FM systems and that can be provided by BIM tools in the
often happens recently, its FM system will become obsolete as long as AEC domain [28–32]. Indeed, to ensure the quality of a BIM model
the corresponding BIM model is updated using the new tool version received in FM systems, a comprehensive data transformation plan is
[14,19]. For a BIM service developed based on the old version, mod- needed, which requires considerable time and effort [13,28]. If such a
ification of the source codes will be needed so as to be compatible with plan is not designed or conducted properly, it may lead to an incon-
the new BIM tool version. Currently, commercial BIM tools often pro- sistent BIM model [28]. Such poor information sharing circumstances
vide a list of API change logs to instruct developers how to rectify their may be exacerbated if a facility is being retrofitted, because the data
source codes [20], or a migration wizard to help such API transfor- transformation plan may need to be performed multiple times [14].
mations [21]. Nevertheless, such BIM-induced requirements complicate The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) published a series
the development of an FM system, which may ultimately lead to an of reports defining guidelines for BIM usage in different lifecycle phases
inconsistent BIM model. Therefore, an efficient and effective way for of a facility [33]. The GSA report specific to the FM domain suggests
better reusing BIM models for FM systems in FABs is imperative and has that a centralized database be created to store BIM data [33]. Such
been suggested for years [16]. database-centric strategies imply that FM systems can use database
In the software engineering domain, varied approaches have been technology to integrate BIM and other external information. After re-
proposed to address such software interoperability problems, which can levant BIM data attributes are transferred into a database, the typical,
be interpreted as one system reusing data or functions of other systems three-tiered software architecture (i.e., the presentation, business pro-
[22]. The basic solution is to create a middle layer, among others, in cessing, and database tiers) can be utilized to guide the operations of
order to remove the coupling between different systems. However, FM systems [34]. In addition, one may transfer only the key attribute of
since FM systems as well as their facility maintenance data may need to a BIM element into an FM database, and each element ID transferred
be long-lived in order to support an FAB whose lifespan is in decades, can serve as the query condition for FM systems to retrieve all relevant
such FM systems and data often outlive the BIM tools originally utilized information from different data sources, including BIM and equipment
[23,24]. Thus, it is perhaps worth considering the inclusions of stable suppliers' databases [33]. Another research has further suggested that
software interfaces and mediating components as the middle layer that the design of such database schema for storing BIM data for FM usage
can not only be utilized to accommodate FM requirements but also be performed as early as possible, preferably at the beginning of the
sustain external changes made by the BIM tools. This is because FM facility lifecycle [35]. Thus, FM systems can regard a BIM model as an
systems should not be modified if only BIM-specific requirements are external database, and all database operations such as geometric/non-
changed. geometric data retrieval and modifications to as-built data can be rea-
Therefore, this research proposes a semi-automated FM system lized via this architecture [36,37]. Previous researchers also suggested
factory called EncapsulatingBIM4FM that applies model-driven archi- that the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process, derived from data
tecture (MDA) to formalize the reuse of a BIM service for the devel- warehousing technology, be utilized to resolve the problems associated
opment of an FM system in FABs. Defined by the Object Management with reusing BIM data for FM systems [38].
Group (OMG), MDA can assist in the model transformation process to Nevertheless, transferring BIM data attributes into standardized file
expedite software development [25,26]. Once a software model is formats or databases will eventually discard valuable BIM services
precisely described using Unified Modeling Language (UML), the code- [3,39]. The benefits brought by the integration of BIM data into FM
generation tools of EncapsulatingBIM4FM can produce platform-spe- systems might be more than offset by not reusing such customized BIM
cific source codes. The source codes generated may need a few custo- services that focus on data-processing and/or transformation work.
mization efforts so as to become a full-fledged application, however. Hence, several researchers have investigated how to reuse dedicated
Such middleware-based techniques have been investigated extensively services or plugin programs implemented in BIM tools. Lee et al. sug-
in the literature; nevertheless, no research has concentrated on such use gested that building object behaviors (BOBs), created in BIM tools for
about adapting BIM tools for FM in FABs. parametric modeling purposes, be reused in the facility's lifecycle in
The manuscript is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews back- order to maintain design constraints, especially for retrofitting a
ground information and related literature, including BIM integration building [40]. Nevertheless, the translation of such BOBs into actual
and MDA. Section 3 describes the proposed EncapsulatingBIM4FM used parametric definitions and constraints for FM systems is not automatic.
in the FM domain, and Section 4 presents case studies of En- Additionally, BIM functions such as the retrieval of construction-related
capsulatingBIM4FM and the assessment results. Section 5 contains re- data are not supported in BOBs. Shen et al. reviewed varied system
search implications and future work discussions, followed by research integration approaches, including web-based systems, distributed ob-
conclusions. jects, software agents, and web services, for the AEC/FM domains [41].
They indicated that the use of a single central repository to store the
2. Background design information is not a viable option due to the fragmented nature
and adversarial behavior that characterizes the industry, and suggested
2.1. Traditional methods of reusing BIM models for FM systems that distributed loosely coupled integration solutions be utilized [41].
Becerik-Gerber et al. presented an integrated graphical user interface
Reusing BIM models for FM systems can be simply classified into (GUI) that can show BIM elements, live sensor data from energy man-
two types: reusing BIM data or reusing BIM functionality. Currently, agement applications, and work orders from traditional FM systems [4].
BIM reuse has been documented as one of the main concerns in the FM They argued that integrating certain functions of BIM tools and other
domain, such as the report for the Sydney Opera House renovation systems into an FM system can enhance the FM process [4]. They also
project [27]. The report suggested that if the level of BIM reuse can be indicated that there exist a number of technological and organizational
increased, the quality of the retrofitting project, including time and challenges in extending BIM functionality for FM usage, such as the

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

necessary but difficult procedure of involving BIM and/or CAD tool could be detrimental to worker health and safety, Semiconductor
providers [4]. Niu et al. presented a technique called smart construction Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) has developed a series of
objects, which were designed to bridge the information gap between standards and guides for all FM stakeholders for adequately handling
the FM-related, as-built situation and the BIM model [42]. such circumstances, in order maintain the quality of semiconductor
In summary, the reuse of BIM services has been successfully im- processing [44,45]. To help such gas leak detection and mitigation
plemented to facilitate the information exchange and interoperability work, customized BIM services have been developed to calculate and
between different systems in the AEC domain, which can be regarded as obtain the spatial information [6], which can be regarded as reusing
construction project-based interoperability [12]. There are some FM BIM functionality for FM systems.
domains that require high interaction between FM systems and BIM Lastly, BIM's 3D visualization functionality has long been appre-
models or tools [5,7], such as the FAB cases noted before. Present lit- ciated in many of the FM systems [7]. If such functionality can be in-
erature does not include a durable approach that, while reusing BIM tegrated into FM systems, FM stakeholders can conduct daily work
models, FM systems will not be affected by changes resulting from BIM while seeing the 3D version of relevant building elements, which has
tools or version upgrades [43]. Lifecycle interoperability between BIM been reported as an effective way to improve FM stakeholders' situa-
models and all information systems in the AEC/FM domains can be tional awareness [7]. In summary, the benefits brought by reusing BIM
therefore achieved if such an approach exists. models pertain to the information retrieval and interpretation for geo-
metry and/or base data of an FAB. Although such work accounts for a
2.2. Current practices of reusing BIM models in FABs small portion of the entire FM system functionality, it cannot be ne-
glected or set aside because of the geometry-based data sets tightly
Both types of BIM reuse can be seen in various information systems linked to the semiconductor manufacturing and process control.
in FABs. Here, high precision, BIM-based geometry data sets are often
needed [7]. For instance, almost every FAB in Taiwan implements the 2.3. Problems associated with BIM APIs from FM view
Facility Monitoring and Control System (FMCS), which needs the layout
and baseline data of each pipe and duct in order to function properly As noted in the introduction and previous sections, simply trans-
[7]. Since some of the pipes and ducts are often adjusted and the ad- ferring CAD or BIM data for FM systems may lower the reusability level
justment work may be performed by different contractors or equipment of BIM models, on both data quality and transformation performance
installers, it is crucial for FM stakeholders to keep track of every change matters. Nevertheless, current BIM APIs are not designed for FM sys-
made to the original BIM models. The file-based transformation ap- tems to reuse BIM models. Directly using BIM APIs may make an FM
proach can be utilized to acquire needed FAB BIM model data, although system and its development work unstable, which means any slight
challenges remain, e.g., the poor data transformation performance. change from the BIM requirements side may lead to the re-development
Hence, the use of computer-aided design (CAD) tools to redraw the of the FM system, consequently diminishing the asset value [14].
geometry data sets for FM systems can be sometimes seen, which will The reason behind this is that the modeling contexts of BIM and FM
lose all BIM functionality as well as semantic information among BIM are quite different. For example, in the AEC domain each BIM element
elements. Currently, because more and more FAB owners are realizing is constantly modified to represent the corresponding real-world
the importance of having their property managed by BIM tools, the use building component, such as IfcBuildingStorey. Such BIM elements can
of the BIM file-based transformation approach is becoming the norm in be regarded as being processed in a dynamic environment because
such FABs producing microprocessors and memory chips in Taiwan [7]. designers or builders can frequently change the elements' geometric
Moreover, if the BIM data sets transferred do not meet FAB site- properties and/or other data attributes. After the design and construc-
specific requirements, customized BIM services need to be developed tion phases, the structure and major building components of a given
and applied. For instance, an air handling unit can be associated with facility should not be altered for at least 50 years once finished, and
zero to many nearby fans, depending on system configuration. Since the their corresponding BIM elements become anchored during this long
traditional file-based transformation approach is developed for the AEC period of time. Thus, for example, in the AEC domain the number of
domain, inconsistency or omission of equipment relationships could be stories in a building is a design question, which can be answered by
generated unless such relationships are rectified by a BIM service spe- invoking the corresponding BIM API. But because this number will not
cializing in the configuration of air handling units. There are other BIM be changed after the design and construction phases, FM systems prefer
services developed for expediting the exchange of information between using a constant number in lieu of the function call.
AEC and FM stakeholders because before the end of the construction In addition to such redundant BIM APIs, there is a more funda-
phase some tasks are planned and performed within hours in order to mental modeling issue associated with current BIM API design. In the
commence FAB manufacturing work earlier [6]. The use of BIM APIs AEC domain, a real-world building component or entity can be re-
seems to be able to ameliorate site-specific problems; nevertheless, the presented in BIM tools as a software object. Similar objects can be
aforementioned challenges such as multiple BIM tools and version up- grouped into a class. Take as an example adding a story to a facility. In
grades may hinder FM stakeholders from using BIM API approaches. the design phase, if a facility owner changes his or her mind, architects
In addition, in the Emergency Response Center (ERC) of an FAB may need to add a story accordingly, which can be interpreted as
much of its data-processing work can be characterized by space-centric creating an additional “Level” object in Revit. In IFC, the
management [6]. In other words, ERC-related data sets are managed in “IfcBuildingStorey” class will instantiate an object for representing this
accordance with the spatial layout of an FAB, which is originally de- new, real-world story component. However, because it is rare to add a
fined in the AEC domain and maintained using BIM tools. For instance, story to a facility in the FM domain, modeling a real-world story
the Life safety Monitoring and controlling System (LMS), one of the component as an object in this case might be inappropriate. A better
major applications in the ERC, will collect signals of each gas detector modeling strategy might be to model each physical story as a distinct
to be analyzed with a data set containing the exact dimensions of each class because the concepts of these stories will not be changed over time
space/room [6]. Since each type of spaces/rooms requires distinct for this facility. Thus, for example, in the FM domain, one object or
calculation of the dimensions, a customized BIM service may need to be instance of the “SecondStorey” class can represent the current main-
developed to return such information. Then, the LMS can identify po- tenance condition of the real-world second story component at a spe-
tential threats, to be broadcast to external applications such as the cific time point. In the “SecondStorey” class, its static data attributes
Access Control (AC) system [6]. The AC system may ask BIM tools again can contain the BIM data, while the other attributes can store FM-re-
to locate evacuation routes in order to send commands to release door lated data. Therefore, it might be more reasonable to model a real-
locks associated with all impacted spaces/rooms [6]. As gas leakage world building component from the object level (in the AEC domain) to

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 1. Overview of the MDA.

the class level (in the FM domain). By applying this modeling strategy, utilized MDA technology to resolve the associated problem by auto-
one can use a class to represent a real-world building component con- matically transforming a model from a generalized repository to a
sidering the requirements from both the AEC and FM domains, and FM- customized software application [48,49]. In summary, some of the BIM
related data and functions unique to this building component can be APIs provide little assistance in the FM domain, while others are useful.
added into the expanded class. For example, each story class in the FM Tailoring BIM APIs to better accommodate FM requirements may be
domain can contain its own budgeting functions for allocating re- needed.
The proposed modeling strategy follows the basic principle of ob-
ject-oriented design, which suggests that each class take the minimum 2.4. Review of MDA
number of responsibilities possible and form a cohesive design unit for a
given domain [46]. Theoretically, if a real-world building component Developing modern software applications is facing increasingly
will not be changed in the FM domain, a software interface or a class complicated situations. Not only are software requirements becoming
should be defined to correspond to it. Furthermore, literature shows more versatile but also more platforms are involved [22]. In the note-
that in the FM domain the spatial layout of a facility, such as the fa- worthy book titled “The Mythical Man-Month”, Brooks states that as-
cility's geometry and the relationships among rooms, stories, stairs, etc., signing more programmers to a software development project running
principally determines how the facility is managed [5]. Since the spatial behind schedule would be fruitless [50]. Recent software development
layout will not be changed either, it is suggested that all the building work often involves employing software reuse techniques in the hopes
components relating to the spatial layout be modeled as classes. of gaining better software quality while reducing costs [22,51].
Previous literature shows another example regarding the steadiness MDA technology, in fact, is the OMG's solution to software reuse. In
of such BIM elements, and it indicates that when a user wants to set up essence, MDA uses a series of model transformation techniques so that
some FM system for the first time, he or she often need to re-create the application developers can concentrate more on domain modeling work
entire facility geometry data [28]. This redrawing work is considered to [25]. If a domain model, described in UML, is complete and accurate, it
be a waste of resources and efficiency but has been in practice for years, can be converted by MDA tools into corresponding source codes. Then,
because the geometry data are very stable and such redrawing work developers simply need to add a few customization codes to finalize the
needs to be performed only once in the FM domain [28]. Indeed, a BIM application, which ensures better quality and takes less time compared
data set is similar to the base data concept in database theory. It is the with the traditional software development approach. MDA utilizes the
FM-related, transaction-based data set that now becomes dynamic and principle of separation of concerns to define the following three view-
requires FM systems to provide sophisticated data-processing functions, points: (1) a computation-independent viewpoint (CIV), which focuses
such as managing facility maintenance records [5,47]. on business requirements and contains none of the computer-related
Hence, in the FM domain if a spatial layout-related building com- processing details; (2) a platform-independent viewpoint (PIV), which
ponent is modeled as an interface or class, it should contain both the deals with the operations of a system but does not contain the details for
static and dynamic types of data attributes, with the former derived a specific platform; and (3) a platform-specific viewpoint (PSV), which
from the corresponding BIM element and the latter from FM require- integrates the PIV with the details of using a particular platform as the
ments. Similar strategies can be found in other domains such as the application environment.
healthcare and management industries, and researchers there have Hence, four types of models and their transformation mechanisms
can be designed based on the three viewpoints, as shown in Fig. 1. A

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 2. Four layers of the MOF.

computation-independent model (CIM) is constructed to describe real- fundamental concepts, such as Class, which are defined in the M3 layer.
world business operations and requirements, which are represented in Again, the elements of the M3 layer can be used to create or instantiate
the CIV. By applying the model transformation rules for the CIM and by the elements of the M2 layer. In essence, objects with similar properties
considering the new requirements defined in the PIV, a platform-in- and behaviors in the lower layer can be represented by their abstract
dependent model (PIM) can be created to describe the same business entity, i.e., a class, which is defined in the higher layer. To summarize
requirements but with computation-related needs. If the PIM is defined the MOF mechanism, abstraction of a class is called a meta class, which
comprehensively, a platform-specific model (PSM) can be generated is defined in the M2 layer and can create an instance located in the M1
using the model-to-model transformation mechanism to incorporate the layer. Abstraction of a meta class is called a meta-meta class, which is
corresponding PSV. The final model is the source codes that can be defined in the M3 layer and can create an instance located in the M2
obtained by using the model-to-code transformation mechanism for the layer.
PSM, and the codes generated should be comparable to a full-fledged MDA technology has been utilized in industries such as the health
application, which implies that application developers might need to care and management industries [52]. Komatsoulis et al. proposed the
add a few codes to complete the development work. cancer Common Ontologic Representation Environment (caCORE),
The OMG also defines the meta-object facility (MOF) mechanism to based on MDA [48]. Blobel and Pharow investigated the German health
provide management of metadata and definitions of the modeling ele- telematics architectural framework and security infrastructure and ar-
ments. The MOF mechanism consists of four layers, as shown in Fig. 2. gued that health information systems have to provide intelligent in-
In the M0 layer, a run-time application/system can be described by teroperability, because the organizations of the system users, structure,
using a UML model, which is located in the M1 layer. In the M1 layer, behavior, data, and semantics are very different [53]. In fact, past lit-
there may be many UML models for modeling different application erature shows that MDA technology has been sporadically applied to
domains. Hence, a UML class defined in the M1 layer for one applica- the construction industry [54]. For example, the four layers of MDA
tion domain can instantiate many run-time objects that are located in were utilized by Kubicki et al. to define multi-visualization of a co-
the M0 layer. Furthermore, in the M2 layer, the MOF mechanism de- operative context for building construction activities [55].
fines the notations and grammatical rules of the UML. The concepts of To conclude, current computer-aided software engineering (CASE)
Class, Association, and Attribute, which are often utilized to construct a tools that support MDA often utilize the MOF mechanism and pre-
class diagram, are defined in the M2 layer. Hence, the modeling ele- defined rules to facilitate model transformation work. CASE tools can
ments defined in the M2 layer can be used to create or instantiate a operate in the higher layer to read metadata information about the
specific UML model in the M1 layer. Finally, because not only software lower layer in order to generate appropriate source codes. Hence, ap-
systems but other types of systems also need modeling work, several plication developers can concentrate more on domain modeling work
modeling languages are available for the M2 layer to provide modeling and use such CASE tools to expedite the software development process.
assistance, such as Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) and Sys- Nevertheless, such tools have not been seen in the field for integrating
tems Modeling Language (SysML). Thus, the modeling elements of BIM into FM systems.
UML, CWM, and SysML can be further abstracted into a set of more

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 3. New meta-model hierarchy for a building.

3. Proposed approach building and can accommodate more FM requirements by adding re-
levant attributes and/or functions as well as new classes. Note that the
3.1. Wrapping BIM elements for FM relationships between “Residential Bld. A”, “A-Storey 1”, “A-Storey 2”,
and the rooms are fixed in the M1 layer, while they are changeable and
Research has shown that an as-maintained model of a building is can be modified in the M2 layer during the design and construction
needed to support FM systems in the management of the current status phases. For simplicity, any building components inside a room will not
or condition assessment results for critical building components and be modeled as individual classes, such as windows and doors, because
equipment [56,57]. In such models, data fields are associated with the they play a less important role from the perspective of tradesmen.
space and time dimensions and, consequently, BIM tools can be used to In Fig. 3, the M2 layer needs to deal with major, generic building
supply the location and geometry-related data to FM systems. Hence, a components, such as room/space and story. The abstraction level of
BIM element as well as its counterpart FM object might need to be these building components is similar to that of the classes defined in the
combined together to represent the corresponding real-world building IFC specification, e.g., IfcSpace and IfcBuildingStorey. In fact, the de-
component. The former should possess location and geometric data, finition of each class in the M2 layer has to be very general because it
while the latter should contain time-dependent data as well as a link to will instantiate various objects, each representing a unique, real-world
the BIM element. building component. In other words, in BIM tools, the “Room/Space”
Fig. 3 shows the modified MDA that can accommodate both BIM class represents the general concept of a room or a space, and its object
and FM needs. For instance, assume that in a residential building a is the actual entity BIM users draw on the screen.
machinery room contains a permanently installed air-conditioning Furthermore, one can define the most generic concept for the
system and other critical devices. The room needs to be inspected once building industry as the BuildingSuperObject class, which can be re-
a month to ensure everything works properly. Therefore, an FM system garded as the meta class to instantiate various classes used in BIM tools.
is created to manage these inspection records, and one inspection re- Since the BuildingSuperObject class is located in the M3 layer, from an
cord of the machinery room at a specific time point could be modeled as FM system user's viewpoint, it can be regarded as a meta-meta class.
an object, whose class is “A-MachineryRoom”, i.e., the machinery room Therefore, the BuildingSuperObject meta-meta class instantiates meta
in “Residential Bld. A”, as shown in the bottom of Fig. 3. In the M0 classes such as IfcBuilding and IfcSpace. The meta classes instantiate
layer, each of the three objects records the inspection results for all classes such as “Residential Bld. A” and “A-MachineryRoom.” Finally,
devices in the machinery room on a given day, and other FM-related the classes instantiate objects as shown in the M0 layer of Fig. 3.
data can be recorded here as well. In the M1 layer, the building, i.e., Fig. 4 shows the same example with the considerations of FM-re-
“Residential Bld. A”, contains two stories, i.e., “A-Storey 1” and “A- lated attributes. In the AEC domain, one can use a class diagram (see
Storey 2”. Each story includes several rooms, and each room contains Fig. 4(a)) to define common attributes and relationships between the
several components such as windows, doors, and devices. All of the classes used in BIM tools, such as building, story, and room. The UML
classes defined in the M1 layer are specific to “Residential Bld. A” and object diagram shown in Fig. 4(b) can be used to describe the actual
can be regarded as the backbone of an as-maintained model for the BIM elements drawn on BIM tools. For example, each room drawn on
building. The model is designed based on the spatial layout of the BIM tools will contain an attribute called ElmID to represent its element

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 4. Building elements modeled in the AEC and FM domains.

ID. However, in the FM domain, an object defined in the design and the BIM data set up-to-date and to let FM systems reuse the customized
construction phases to represent a major building component will now BIM service to retrieve the new query result. In addition, the parent
become a class under EncapsulatingBIM4FM, such as “A-Machinery- class should contain BIM-tool-specific codes in order to delegate all
Room”, as shown in Fig. 4(c). Within these classes, there are BIM- and incoming requests to the BIM tool. Thus, FM system developers can
FM-related attributes. Reusable BIM data should be modeled as static focus on writing codes in the child classes, which include defining FM-
attributes with corresponding initial values. FM-related data such as related attributes and customizing FM-specific functions. Each child
MaintenanceBudgets can be added into a class as normal attributes so class can inherit the static BIM data attributes as well as the customized
that a real-world building component can be fully represented by the BIM services from its parent class.
two types of data attributes. Overall, the BIM-related, static data at-
tributes with initial values will be accessible to all of the objects per- 3.2. Software architecture of EncapsulatingBIM4FM
taining to the same class. Each object of such a class can be used to
represent the current inspection record for a specific building element, This section presents the proposed EncapsulatingBIM4FM software
and the object's member-wise, normal attributes serve as the actual data factory, which follows the modified MDA/MOF mechanism in order to
bank to store the FM-related, time-dependent data. create a middle layer that can integrate the BIM elements possessing
Regarding the reuse of a customized BIM service, a parent class is valuable data attributes and reusable services into an FM system. Unlike
created for the family of classes whose meta class is the same, except traditional MDA, EncapsulatingBIM4FM requires FM system developers
the class representing the building itself. Fig. 5 shows the revised class to provide not only a UML model designed for their FM requirements
diagram for the aforementioned strategy. For example, in the FM do- but also a BIM file containing their building model data. The underlying
main, the two classes “A-Storey 1” and “A-Storey 2” have the same meta BIM tool will serve as a service provider to the FM system for executing
class, “Storey”, which is an ordinary class defined in the AEC domain. selected BIM services.
Because of this, a parent class (A-Storey) is created to include all cus- Fig. 6 shows the overall software architecture of En-
tomized BIM services in order to be reused later by the child classes capsulatingBIM4FM, which consists of the four tool components (Re-
(e.g., “A-Storey 1” and “A-Storey 2”). The same modeling strategy can vit2UML/Tekla2UML, Parser, Code Maker, and Project Builder) for
be applied to “A-Room” as the parent class and “A-Room 101”, “A- assisting in different types of FM system development work. Inside the
MachineryRoom”, and “A-Room 201” as the child classes. In this way, a architecture, there are three tool environments (Revit/Tekla, Umbrello,
customized BIM service originally defined in the AEC domain can be and Visual Studio) dedicated to providing varied system development
reused by FM systems because it is defined again in the corresponding platforms. In this research, the BIM authoring tool can be either Revit
parent class. 2015 or Tekla Structural Designer 2015i (using Open API 21.1). Um-
Reusing customized BIM services can not only lessen the complexity brello 2.15, which is a UML model editing tool based on KDE (K desktop
of developing an FM system but also increase the information quality of environment), is used for the creation and modification of UML models,
a building's digital assets. Under EncapsulatingBIM4FM, all updates on because it fully supports XMI (XML metadata interchange), the standard
the BIM data are carried out using the original BIM tool so as to keep defined by the OMG for exchanging metadata information via XML.

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 5. Class diagram for sample building elements and their parent classes.

Finally, because both Revit and Tekla allow application developers to 3.2.1. Revit2UML (or Tekla2UML)
craft a customized BIM service using Visual Studio, and because a When an FM system is being developed, there are three types of
general-purpose integrated development environment is needed for models, i.e., BIM, UML, and the application source codes model, that
crafting a green-field FM system, Visual Studio 2013 C# Version is need to be reviewed and/or customized, as shown in left side of Fig. 6.
selected as the development platform. Each of the proposed tool com- Developers can use Revit or Tekla to review the BIM model and use
ponents is described in more detail as follows. Revit2UML or the likes to transform it into the UML model. For

Fig. 6. EncapsulatingBIM4FM architecture.

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

illustrative purposes, since theoretically any BIM model can be de- Else
scribed using the ifcXML standard [31], the following pseudo codes Let z = x.XPath(//generalization[@xmi:type="uml:Generalization
show the transformation rules of such 2UML tools based on an ifcXML "])
BIM file: If z = null Then
Input: an ifcXML BIM file. Create the parent class code based on x
Output: the UML XMI file End if
Goal: Transform the IfcBuilding, IfcBuildingStorey, and IfcSpace Create the inheritance code to link the parent class z inside x
objects in ifcXML into individual classes in UML. For each y in xCol
Algorithm: Create or update the loading code for the static attribute y inside z
Create the UML building class with needed static attributes. Remove the static attribute y inside x
For each storey in XPath(//IfcBuilding/IfcBuildingStorey) End for
Create the given storey class with a link to the building class. End if
Create needed static attributes. End for
For each room in XPath(//IfcBuilding/IfcBuildingStorey[@ Detailed descriptions regarding the UML XMI format can be found
Name='a storey name']/IfcSpace) at the book authored by Iqbal [26]. The Parser tool will add a C# parent
Create the given room class with a link to the storey class. class for each existing BIM-oriented class, except for the building class.
Create needed static attributes. Since the UML model contains all reusable BIM data as static attributes,
End for Parser needs to remove the original static attribute definition in each
End for child class and to add it in the corresponding parent class with the
Assume that each BIM file contains only one building, and each initial value loading code. Note that Parser is independent of any BIM
level or story element has a distinct name. The first for-loop is utilized platforms but contains source codes specific to Visual Studio and
to retrieve each story of the building via an XPath query and to create PostgreSQL environments. This is typical for FM systems due to the use
the corresponding UML story class. The inner for-loop is utilized to of database programming.
generate a similar room class structure inside a story class. Although the
UML class diagram generated represents just the skeleton of a given 3.2.3. Code maker
building, it can contain needed BIM attributes, which will be created as Because the current IFC/ifcXML specification does not contain in-
static attributes in the corresponding UML classes. FM-specific in- formation fields to describe any customized BIM services. Hence, for a
formation will be added later, however. story or room class in the FM domain, developers need to use Umbrello
To accelerate the system performance, PostgreSQL with PostGIS (an to add each reusable BIM service function by prefixing “ncubim_” to its
open-source database capable of processing spatial data) is utilized to function name. Then, the Code Maker tool can be utilized to create the
help the initial value loading work. A table is created to store the origin delegation mechanism so that each child class can delegate such func-
point and the oriented bounding box (OBB) of each building element tion calls to its parent class, and the base function of the parent class
extracted, along with relevant BIM element attributes. Detailed ex- will actually process a request/response message sent between the
planations of the table design, the use of the OBB technique, and the parent class and the message queue. The following pseudo codes show
performance acceleration mechanism for such FM systems can be found the transformation rules of Code Maker:
in the report prepared by the research team [58]. Input: the UML XMI file
Output: the C# source codes with parent classes as well as reusable
3.2.2. Parser BIM service function calls stored in the message queue
After running the Revit2UML tool, developers need to revise the Goal: Transform each designated UML operation into the corre-
UML model to accommodate FM requirements, such as adding FM-re- sponding C# source code with the delegation mechanism, i.e., call the
lated attributes. Then, they can use Umbrello again to generate the draft base function defined in the parent class, which will handle the function
version of the application source codes, which contain both static and call message.
member-wise attributes. However, the application source codes gener- Algorithm
ated still lack important features, such as the inheritance structure For each UML operation in XPath(//ownedOperation[@
shown in Fig. 5 and the mechanism regarding retrieving the static at- xmi:type = “uml:Operation”]).
tributes from the spatial database. Hence, the Parser tool is designed to Let x = the XMI element of this operation.
resolve this issue. It can apply patches to the draft version of the source If Contains “ncubim_” Then
codes in order to create source codes that can correctly describe the Let y = x.XPath(..)
overall structure of an FM system, including each parent class needed in //y is the class containing the operation x
the inheritance mechanism for each story and room class. The following Let zid = x.XPath(../generalization[@general])
pseudo codes show the transformation rules of Parser: //zid is the ID of y's parent class
Input: the UML XMI file. Let z = XPath(//packagedElement[@xmi:id=zid])
Output: the C# source codes with parent classes but without any //z is y's parent class
reusable BIM services Create the delegation code for x inside y
Goal: Transform each UML class into the corresponding C# source If the handling code does not exist in z's operation Then
code and the parent class if applicable, some with static attributes for Create the handling code for the function call message sent between
BIM data. z and the message queue
Algorithm: End if
For each UML class in XPath(//packagedElement[@ End if
xmi:type = “uml:Class”]). End for
Let x = the XMI element of this class. More specifically, this research assumes that each input/output
Let xCol = x.XPath(//ownedAttribute[@isStatic = “true”]). parameter of such functions should pertain to the alphanumeric data
If = “the building name” Then type. This is because all such services later will be adapted for the web
For each y in xCol service version, so that FM systems can invoke them without having
Create the loading code for the static attribute y strong coupling relationships with the BIM tools. Note that the source
End for codes generated by Parser and Code Maker are derived from FM

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

requirements, and they are dependent on the interfaces (function names database. The server program is BIM-oriented and includes BIM objects,
and input/output parameters) defined in the parent classes, not the BIM the message queue with the database, the message controller, and
tools. If the interfaces are well designed, BIM tool changes will not customized BIM services. FM system developers are responsible for
affect the FM systems (see the pre-processing part of the application crafting the client program; however, the majority of the server pro-
model shown in Fig. 6). gram will be generated by using EncapsulatingBIM4FM. The following
paragraphs describe each component of the FM system in detail.
3.2.4. Project builder (for Revit or Tekla) The GUI application contains user interfaces with control logic and
As noted previously, an FM system still needs Revit or Tekla to utilizes the application model to manipulate the FM objects, which can
actually supply BIM data and to run selected BIM services. Thus, the be interpreted as child classes (e.g., “A-Room 101” in Fig. 5) to re-
Project Builder tool is designed to add BIM tool-specific source codes to present the as-maintained model of a given building. As noted pre-
finalize the message handling work, so as to actually invoke customized viously, part of the source codes of the FM objects are generated by
BIM services. It does not require the UML XMI file, which means it is EncapsulatingBIM4FM, and both the GUI application and FM objects
independent of FM requirements, but needs a list of customized BIM contain none of the BIM-specific codes; thus, such an FM system will be
services. First, Project Builder will generate the web service version for more stable compared with the one using embedded BIM APIs. In ad-
all selected BIM services, using the Visual Studio built-in mechanism. dition, the FM objects may use the FM database to manage relevant
Then, a message controller, located inside Revit or Tekla, will be gen- data, such as maintenance records and sensor data.
erated to handle the message queue and to dispatch each message to the While the FM objects can be classified as child classes, the BIM
corresponding BIM service. objects can be interpreted as parent classes (e.g., “A-Room” in Fig. 5).
Finally, once the work of the Project Builder tool is done, FM system All the source codes of the BIM objects are generated by En-
developers can use Visual Studio to open the project to perform further capsulatingBIM4FM, so that the corresponding BIM services can be
FM-related development work in order to deliver the final, full-fledged seamlessly reused by the FM objects. It should be noted that currently
FM system (also called the post-processing part of the application both Revit and Tekla require that their customized BIM services (add-in
model, see Fig. 6). in Revit and Open API program in Tekla) dwell only in their underlying
BIM platform; hence, an external system needs to include specific li-
3.3. MDA mapping of EncapsulatingBIM4FM braries and environments to invoke a BIM service. This is also the main
reason why a strong coupling relationship exists between an FM system
In EncapsulatingBIM4FM, FM system developers need to consider and the BIM tool in the traditional system configuration.
two types of software application requirements. The first type is related To resolve this problem, the web services mechanism with message
to BIM, while the second type is related to the FM domain. Normally, queuing is utilized to transport the messages sent between the FM and
software developers can design a CIM based on the second type FM BIM objects. The FM objects are the web service consumer, and the BIM
requirements. For the first type, however, because at this stage an as- objects play as the web service provider. If each function parameter
built BIM model of the given building is available, the CIM developed defined in the BIM objects pertains to the alphanumeric data type,
should also accommodate the requirements derived from the BIM EncapsulatingBIM4FM will add “[WebMethod]” to the beginning of
model. Currently, both Revit and Tekla can be employed as the BIM each such function in order to ask Visual Studio to automatically adapt
platforms in EncapsulatingBIM4FM, and the research team is devel- such functions into the web service version. In this way, the BIM object
oping the IFC2UML version, which relies on the OpenBIM/xBIM toolkit, will store each incoming request from any FM objects into the message
an open-source implementation for BIM and IFC. In the future, other queue. Then, the BIM object will periodically check the queue for any
BIM platforms will be employed, and model transformation tools such response message from the BIM service and will return it to the desig-
as RhinoPython2UML, ArchiCADGDL2UML, and AECOsimMVBA2UML nated FM object once found. In other words, the client and server
will be developed so that an FM system can reuse the data attributes programs can be deployed in different machines and be developed
and customized services from different BIM platforms. using different programming languages and environments due to the
Once the modeling work associated with the CIM is complete, a PIM use of web services.
should be developed, which is described entirely using UML. On the If Revit is utilized, both the message controller and every custo-
BIM requirement side, for instance, developers can use the Revit2UML mized BIM service are implemented as Revit add-in programs, with the
tool to transform a Revit file into a UML class diagram that contains the former generated by EncapsulatingBIM4FM and the latter developed by
spatial layout of a building, among others. On the FM requirement side, Revit developers. In Tekla, they are implemented as Open API pro-
developers can add new attributes, relationships, sequence diagrams, or grams. Following the previous discussion regarding the message queue,
other UML constructs into the UML model. It should be noted that most the message controller can periodically check the queue for any request
of the classes and relationships in the UML class diagram are generated message from the BIM objects and will execute the corresponding BIM
based on the BIM requirement side, which implies that for the FM service. Once the service result can be obtained, the message controller
system under analysis, its key information-processing tasks should will prepare a response message and place it into the queue, which will
pertain to space-centric management and that the smallest management then be retrieved by one of the BIM objects.
unit should be a room or space. Finally, once the PIM (i.e., the UML The use of EncapsulatingBIM4FM can facilitate the development of
model) is complete, the Parser, Code Maker, and Project Builder tools an FM system, because developers can add new attributes and functions
will be utilized to transform the PIM into the PSM, i.e., the complete into FM objects entirely based on FM requirements; meanwhile, they
source codes of the application. have the ability to reuse BIM data attributes and customized services
via the aforementioned mechanism. Further, the use of
3.4. New FM system based on EncapsulatingBIM4FM EncapsulatingBIM4FM can reduce the coupling effect between the FM
system and the BIM tool, because any change on the BIM tool side will
The collaborations between the BIM tool and a new FM system are not propagate changes on the client program, which is essential to FM.
elaborated in this section.
3.4.2. Changes on the BIM data, services, or tool
3.4.1. Internal components of an FM system As noted previously, an FM stakeholder may want to use another
Using EncapsulatingBIM4FM, an FM system consists of the client BIM tool or a newer version of the original BIM tool to manage the
and server programs, as shown in Fig. 7. The client program is FM- building's digital assets. Detailed scenarios regarding the changes or
oriented and includes the GUI application, FM objects, and the FM upgrades of BIM tools are elaborated below:

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 7. Structure of a new FM system based on EncapsulatingBIM4FM.

(1) If the BIM model or service needs modifications and if both the web 4. Example and evaluations
service interfaces and the BIM tool are unaltered: In this common
scenario, BIM model data or customized BIM services need to be 4.1. Pilot system requirements
modified to reflect the changes. Since the building's spatial layout
remains the same, no additional actions will be needed in the FM In Taiwan, an earthquake fault passes through the Hsinchu Science
system. Park (HSP), which is a highly concentrated manufacturing area for
(2) If the BIM platform is changed or upgraded but the spatial layout of semiconductor chips and liquid crystal displays, respectively estimated
the building is not altered: In this scenario, there is no need to run at about 49% and 33% of worldwide production [8]. Here local gov-
Revit2UML or Tekla2UML. The UML model generated by the ori- ernments constantly require that each FAB in the HSP prepare damage
ginal 2UML tool is correct even though the BIM platform is assessment reports to describe the conditions of selected equipment and
changed. Hence, only the Project Builder tool needs to be modified building components after the occurrence of an earthquake, in order to
to generate correct project settings and corresponding source codes define appropriate disaster mitigation plans for the future. Recently, the
based on the new BIM platform, so that EncapsulatingBIM4FM and research team was invited to utilize EncapsulatingBIM4FM to develop a
the FM system can cooperate well again. This is because changing pilot system for one of the FABs, and the staff from the FM and in-
the BIM platform will not affect the pre-processing part of the ap- formation technology (IT) departments joined the development. Firstly,
plication model (see Fig. 6). In other words, only the message the research team introduced the research background and objectives to
controller as well as all the customized BIM services need to be the staff. The staff expressed that, because they presently complete the
modified based on the new BIM platform. No change will occur in reports without using any information systems, and because tailoring
the other components of the FM system. It should be also noted that their current FM systems, e.g., Maximo, to such assessment needs would
the message controller is not dependent on FM requirements; be a costly operation, they would like to see how efficient and effective
hence, once the Project Builder tool is updated, it can be reused EncapsulatingBIM4FM is in integrating BIM into the pilot system. It
again for all FM systems where their BIM tools use the new version. should be noted that the pilot system discussed here was for demon-
(3) If both the BIM platform and small portions of the building's spatial strating EncapsulatingBIM4FM and thus might lack features pertaining
layout are changed: For example, some rooms may need to be to earthquake damage assessments at other FABs.
merged or retrofitted to improve the accessibility. Since the UML A central utility building (CUB) of the FAB with two BIM models
model should always correspond to a building's spatial layout, one was selected, one in Tekla to represent structural components and the
can either manually modify the UML model to accommodate such other in Revit to represent architectural and HVAC components.
changes or revise the corresponding 2UML tool to automatically Important requirements of the pilot system were gathered and com-
generate a UML model with the correct spatial layout. Then, since piled. First, since each room of the CUB contains different types of
the Parser/Code Maker tools operate purely on UML models, they equipment, an assessment form needs to be room-specific, meaning that
can be utilized again to generate the new source codes of the BIM some rooms may associate with lots of assessment fields while others
and FM objects. Note that because the parent class of all the room or may not. Second, users of the pilot system need to review an assessment
story classes is the same, only the source codes pertaining to se- report along with the 3D view of that scene. Traditionally this re-
lected child classes (e.g., the retrofitted rooms) need to be updated. quirement is complicated considering that every several months certain
The rest of the modification work is the same as described in the floors in the CUB may need to be raised or lowered for adjusting the
previous scenario, which implies that the Project Builder tool, the hidden voids for the passage of new mechanical and electrical devices.
message controller and all the customized BIM services need to be Typically, FM stakeholders will preserve every BIM model whenever
revised to accommodate the new BIM platform. changes occur, so that a specific date version of the BIM models can be
rendered with its assessment report. The final requirement is about the
In summary, the use of EncapsulatingBIM4FM can generate a set of BIM tool upgrade. The pilot system was initially implemented using
software interfaces specifically designed for the building, whose Tekla 2015i and Revit 2015 in order to be compatible with the existing
maintenance-related data are managed by the FM system. Such a FAB BIM models. The IT staff would like to take this opportunity to
wrapping mechanism can ensure that the BIM data attributes and ser- upgrade Revit from 2015 to 2017.
vices can be reused by the FM system in accordance with the building's Detailed requirements regarding the new FM classes of the pilot
spatial layout. Furthermore, the coupling effect between an FM system system are described here. Principally, if a room of the CUB contains
and its BIM tools can be lessened because the FM system is no longer critical equipment and devices, the room object will have an association
dependent on any of the BIM APIs. Such arrangement of the FM sys- relationship with a Template object and include an array of
tem's internal components allows FM and BIM requirements to evolve Assessment objects. The Template class defines the data fields needed
independently without affecting each other's development work. in an empty damage assessment plan, which involves the name of a
given template, the template planner, the template creation date, and

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 8. Class diagram for the pilot system.

an array of CheckItem objects. Each CheckItem object represents an In “Step 1: Open BIM Model”, a developer can use Revit or Tekla to
empty assessment form for a given device and contains its associated open a designated BIM file representing the CUB. After verifying the
inspection questions as well as the corresponding ViewAngle object, level of detail constraint of the BIM model [58], in “Step 2: Execute
which implies that an FM system user can ask BIM tools to show the Revit2UML or Tekla2UML”, the developer can run the tool to transform
critical device at the specific angle. In fact, a room object describes the the BIM model into the UML model. It should be noted that because
overall assessment results of the room on a specific day, which involves only some of the rooms in the CUB contain critical equipment and
a set of links to the corresponding Assessment objects. The actual as- devices, the developer can select these valuable rooms and their cor-
sessment result for a device is recorded in the Assessment object, while responding levels to generate the classes that require further pro-
a Template object and its accompanying CheckItem objects can be gramming work. Then, the developer can use Umbrello to open the
used jointly to describe an empty damage assessment plan with blank preliminary UML model and revise the class diagram generated (Step
forms for a room and all of the devices inside. Fig. 8 shows the UML 3). He or she can also design new sequence diagrams (Step 4). A class
class diagram for the pilot system. that is generated based on the spatial layout of the CUB already pos-
Since two BIM tools will be involved in the pilot system, their sesses BIM-related attributes, which are static and may be shared
reusable BIM services are summarized here. A Tekla service function among its instances with respective initial values. Developers can add
called ncubim_GetElmDimen() is reused by the pilot system. It re- new FM-related attributes to such classes. Alternatively, they can create
quires a room element ID and will return an XML string describing the a new class for representing an FM-specific concept such as ViewAngle.
dimensions of all the structural elements of the room. For Revit, the Once the design of the sequence diagrams is finished, the developer
three reused service functions are: (1) ncubim_ShowElement(), which can perform “Step 5: Umbrello's Code Generation Wizard”, which
requires an element ID and a viewing angle (i.e., nine floating numbers means Umbrello can generate the draft version of the application source
for the eye position, the up and forward unit directions) and will show codes. The developer can even perform Steps 3–5 back and forth in
the 3D view of the element based on the given viewing angle; (2) order to obtain a better UML model with the correct class and sequence
ncubim_GetEquipSupplierInfo(), which requires a room element ID diagrams. Detailed descriptions regarding the BIM and UML design
and will return all its equipment and devices with suppliers information guidelines for the class and sequence diagrams can be found in the
as an XML string; and (3) ncubim_CalAffectedDimen(), which requires report prepared by the research team [58].
a room element ID and will return the adjusted dimensions of the room In “Step 6: Adjust source codes for C# classes”, the developer can
as an XML string. It should be noted that no change will occur in the launch the Parser tool. It will adjust the source codes to create correct
Tekla model because structural components cannot be adjusted. class inheritance hierarchy. The developer can then perform “Step 7:
Generate source codes for sequence diagrams” in order for the Code
Maker tool to generate the dynamic aspect of the source codes, in-
4.2. Steps of using EncapsulatingBIM4FM cluding the delegation mechanisms for reusing selected BIM plugin
programs. Then, the developer can perform “Step 8: Generate source
Fig. 9 shows the overall steps of using EncapsulatingBIM4FM. The codes for Revit add-in or Tekla Open API” and specify the parameters in
research team introduced the proposed approach, and the IT staff fol- order for the Project Builder tool to generate a real Visual Studio project
lowed the steps to craft the pilot system with the research team's as- with appropriate Revit add-in settings as well as to apply a Revit-spe-
sistance. Each swimlane in Fig. 9 indicates the tool used by developers cific code patch to the parent classes (BIM objects). In “Step 9: Add
to complete one or more development tasks.

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

Fig. 9. Steps for using EncapsulatingBIM4FM.

Fig. 10. Changing the viewing angle in the pilot system.

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

application-specific codes”, the developer can design a user interface second is needed when using EncapsulatingBIM4FM to invoke a BIM
for each room so that users can complete the assigned inspection work, service.
write additional codes to handle the user interfaces and to process BIM/ In the second evaluation the basic validation strategy was to invite
FM data, review the source codes previously generated. Finally, the experts to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of
developer can perform “Step 10: Build FM application” to actually EncapsulatingBIM4FM. Here, the efficiency was measured with respect
implement the FM system. Fig. 10 shows one of the forms of the pilot to the efforts required to develop and to maintain an FM application
system and implies that an FM system user can ask Revit to show the using the traditional or new approach (which will be introduced
critical equipment and device at the specific angle. In the pilot system below). Since the quality of BIM models is always the key to successful
case, the client/GUI program, Revit, Tekla, and Controller are in fact in management of a facility's lifecycle information, the effectiveness of
the same computer, and Controller periodically checks the message EncapsulatingBIM4FM was measured in terms of quality improvement
queue. The client program will ask users to provide input parameters in for BIM models using the traditional or new approach. The research
order to ask Controller to actually finish the task inside Revit. team, together with the previous FM and IT staff, analyzed possible
The CUB consists of four stories and 125 rooms or spaces. Detailed contexts of reusing BIM for FM, and four usage contexts were gen-
descriptions regarding the BIM and UML design guidelines can be found eralized from the pilot system, described as follows:
in the report prepared by the research team [58]. Since Revit 2015
should be upgraded to the 2017 version, the developers modified the (1) FM application helping the transformation of part of the BIM/CAD
three Revit service functions in accordance with the manual of Revit data for FAB operations: As indicated by the FM staff, they often
2017 Software Development Kit. Then, the developers utilized Revit require a small portion of the BIM/CAD data for varied daily op-
2017 to open the BIM model and to run the Project Builder for Revit erations, and the data set obtained must contain the latest version
2017 version. Once the aforementioned tasks were finished, the pilot of selected elements geometry. In the traditional approach, they
system worked well again with Revit 2017 and Tekla 2015i under En- employed customized applications to load the needed BIM/CAD
capsulatingBIM4FM. data. Certainly, such an application requires the assistance of the IT
staff who knows how to use BIM APIs. In the new approach, the
research team re-developed one application using
4.3. Evaluations of EncapsulatingBIM4FM EncapsulatingBIM4FM to generate the same information as listed
using the traditional approach. For instance, during equipment
This section presents two evaluations conducted for proving the move-in or move-out processes, contractors frequently send the
concept of EncapsulatingBIM4FM. The first evaluation aimed at mea- BIM/CAD models to the ERC for checking any new spatial mod-
suring the performance of the pilot system, because ifications against existing SEMI standards, and they hope that the
EncapsulatingBIM4FM cannot be regarded as a workable approach if ERC can respond to this request as soon as possible. Currently
the system performance is slow. The second evaluation aimed at as- several customized applications have been developed for such data
sessing the efficiency and effectiveness of EncapsulatingBIM4FM under extraction purposes by directly using BIM APIs. One of the appli-
different usage contexts. The following paragraphs describe the details. cations was selected for this usage context.
In the first evaluation, since EncapsulatingBIM4FM adds another (2) FM application asking the BIM tool to perform specific BIM ser-
layer for FM systems to invoke a BIM service, the added time resulting vices: There are varied applications throughout the FAB that fit the
from the layer should be measured. At first, the research team injected a aforementioned usage description. The research team selected one
logging code fragment into each of the BIM services to verify whether existing application as the traditional approach, which utilized BIM
all BIM requests originating from the client program were correctly APIs to show tabular information regarding equipment suppliers.
carried out in the corresponding BIM tool. The results showed that all of Then, the research team re-developed the application using
the BIM requests were received and successfully performed by the BIM EncapsulatingBIM4FM as the new approach.
tool. Then, the research began to measure the performance of (3) FM applications asking both Revit and Tekla to perform specific
EncapsulatingBIM4FM, by modifying the logging code fragments to BIM services: Although it would be better to use one integrated
measure the added time. Every BIM service was executed eleven times application to obtain all needed data sets from the two BIM tools,
in order to calculate an average value. This is because in modern in- the research team selected two existing applications as the tradi-
formation systems, the initial execution of a function call may take tional approach and re-developed them separately based on
longer time, compared with the following executions [22]. EncapsulatingBIM4FM as the new approach, in order to maintain
Table 1 lists the performance results of invoking a BIM service, in- consistency for this validation. Both approaches calculated and re-
dicating the average time needed for a BIM object and the message trieved the dimensions of selected BIM elements. The reason behind
controller to process each request and response message. It should be the use of Tekla BIM services was that the design team of the FAB
noted that the actual time needed for executing a BIM service is de- has extensive experience in FAB engineering and possesses several
pendent on how the service is implemented inside the BIM tool and is Tekla BIM services for advanced parametric calculation. Thus, the
not included in the Table 1. In summary, less than one additional traditional approach simply copied the output of one Tekla BIM
service, while in the new approach the research team developed a
Table 1 wrapper function inside the Tekla programming environment to
Average times needed for a BIM object and the message controller to process a directly reuse the original service.
request and response message for invoking a customized BIM service. (4) FM applications asking two Revit versions to perform specific BIM
Customized BIM service Added time Average added services: The 3D visualization function such as the one shown in
for the first time for each Fig. 10 has been implemented in several FM applications in the
call following call FAB, by using different libraries and techniques. The research team
ncubim_GetElmDimen() in Tekla 0.531 s. 0.037 s. selected two such applications (one relied on Revit 2015 APIs and
ncubim_ShowElement() in Revit 0.503 s. 0.045 s. the other relied on Revit 2017 APIs) as the traditional approach.
ncubim_GetEquipSupplierInfo() in Revit 0.512 s. 0.018 s. Then, the research team re-developed the same 3D visualization
ncubim_CalAffectedDimen() in Revit 0.557 s. 0.032 s. function, based on Revit 2015 and 2017 APIs, under the En-
Average added time for invoking any one of 0.526 s. 0.033 s.
capsulatingBIM4FM architecture as the new approach. It should be
the BIM services utilized in the pilot
system noted that the original FAB BIM model is stored in the Revit 2015
version, to be transformed into the 2017 version. Any further

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

modifications should still be made to the 2015 version to maintain Table 2

model consistency. Assessment results of the efficiency and effectiveness of EncapsulatingBIM4FM.
Subject question Expert Usage Mean
Senior engineers who work in different departments of the FAB group context
were invited as the experts to attend a workshop for the second eva-
(A) With EncapsulatingBIM4FM, to what extent FM 1 3.3
luation. As noted above, inside each usage context the research team
was the quality of BIM models improved? 2 3.0
defined the tradition approach as application(s) previously utilized in 3 4.3
the FAB to realize given requirements, while the new approach implied 4 4.5
the use of EncapsulatingBIM4FM. A total of six FM stakeholders with an (B) With EncapsulatingBIM4FM, what was the IT 1 4.3
average of 12.1 years of related work experience and six experts from ease of development of FM application(s)? 2 3.8
3 3.7
the IT department with an average of 7.3 years of BIM experience
4 4.5
joined the workshop. The FM experts were all familiar with the input, (C) With EncapsulatingBIM4FM, what was the 1 4.2
output, and purposes of the traditional approach for each usage context. ease of maintenance of FM application(s)? 2 4.2
The IT experts were all familiar with the traditional application de- 3 4.7
4 4.8
velopment of each usage context. During the workshop, the research
team introduced the research background and objectives to the experts.
Note: The four usage contexts are: (1) FM application helping the transforma-
Since the new applications, based on EncapsulatingBIM4FM and the tion of part of the BIM/CAD data for FAB operations; (2) FM application asking
four usage contexts, were ready for demonstrations, the research team the BIM tool to perform specific BIM services; (3) FM applications asking both
showed the FM experts how to use them and let the experts assess the Revit and Tekla to perform specific BIM services; and (4) FM applications
degree of quality improvement for BIM models after they utilized both asking two Revit versions to perform specific BIM services.
the traditional and new applications under each usage context. As for
the IT experts, the research team further explained the proposed de- experts' perspective, that is, the experts might assign different pre-
velopment process of EncapsulatingBIM4FM (see Fig. 9) and the de- ference levels to such a question but no expert thought that it is Anti-
tailed source codes of each new application. The IT experts were asked EncapsulatingBIM4FM (i.e., the worse or much worse option). Four IT
to assess the degree of development and maintenance efforts after they experts explicitly stated that the new approach removed BIM tool-
studied or recompiled both the traditional and new applications under specific programming techniques, which might allow programmers to
each usage context. write more FM-oriented functionality in order to extend or expand such
All the experts were encouraged to discuss with each other and to FM applications, making the codes maintenance work easier.
make any open comments. Because the objective of the second eva- In addition, several experts suggested that if a room/space is very
luation was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of critical, accessing its BIM elements should be authorized and mon-
EncapsulatingBIM4FM, each subject question was measured relative to itored, which is difficult to be realized using the traditional approach.
the expert's experience with the traditional approach. To preserve The research team responded that such security mechanisms could be
consistency throughout the assessment, each question was designed to easily implemented under EncapsulatingBIM4FM (e.g., in each BIM
be case-specific, with questions that presented experts with the fol- object). The IT experts expressed that EncapsulatingBIM4FM serves as a
lowing evaluative options: software application factory that can purposely build an application for
one specific facility. The programming interfaces generated and utilized
• EncapsulatingBIM4FM was much better than traditional; by FM systems are stable because the software interfaces correspond to
• EncapsulatingBIM4FM was better than traditional; the facility's spatial layout.
• EncapsulatingBIM4FM and traditional were equal;
• EncapsulatingBIM4FM was worse than traditional; and.
• EncapsulatingBIM4FM was much worse than traditional. 5. Implications from EncapsulatingBIM4FM and future work

For example, an expert could select any one of the five options to Implications from this research can be elaborated in accordance
answer a question such as, “With EncapsulatingBIM4FM, to what extent with how people or organizations relate to the use of
was the quality of BIM models improved?” Once the assessment had EncapsulatingBIM4FM. FM stakeholders, by definition, are primary
been conducted, the response values were recorded and calculated. The users of FM systems and can be regarded as indirect users of
qualitative measures were each assigned a numeric value from 1 to 5, EncapsulatingBIM4FM. Because FM stakeholders are not supposed to
with 1 being the much worse option. The research team averaged the know the details regarding how to use BIM tools, and because BIM
assessment results, which are listed in Table 2. models have long been regarded as a great asset to the FM domain, a
Question A of Table 2 shows the assessment results of the FM ex- new FM system can be created using EncapsulatingBIM4FM to serve the
perts. Three FM experts stated that because the traditional applications purpose of bridging BIM models and FM requirements. The quality of
of Usage Contexts 3 and 4 were not stable, they occasionally experi- BIM models will be improved due to the fact that FM stakeholders can
enced unexpected shutdowns of BIM tools that might harm the BIM not only see the 3D scene of selected BIM elements but manipulate
model quality. Such situations were resolved in the corresponding new specific BIM models in a disciplined way. This cannot be achieved by
applications of Usage Contexts 3 and 4. This may be due to the fact that using the traditional file-based transformation approach. Therefore,
most of the new source codes were generated by En- more customized FM systems relying on EncapsulatingBIM4FM can be
capsulatingBIM4FM, to avoid wrong use of BIM APIs involving either expected to be able to supply FM stakeholders with abundant BIM-
two different tools or versions. For Usage Contexts 1 and 2, the quality based, AEC-related information.
of BIM models was almost unaltered among the applications. FM system developers, by definition, are primary users of
Regarding Question B of Table 2 from the IT experts' perspective, EncapsulatingBIM4FM. Traditionally, they are often faced with the mix
the use of EncapsulatingBIM4FM could reduce the development efforts of BIM-induced to FM-specific requirements. Using
for all the usage contexts. Two IT experts expressed that in the new EncapsulatingBIM4FM, they can now concentrate more on FM-related
approach they wrote fewer codes and dealt directly with the spatial development work and write source codes inside BIM tools only if
layout of a facility, which expedited the overall development process corresponding BIM services are not available. Further, if multiple BIM
for the new applications. As for the maintenance efforts (see Question C tools or different BIM versions are involved in an FM system, since the
of Table 2), the assessment results behave consistently from all IT client and server programs are decoupled under EncapsulatingBIM4FM,

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

FM developers can create or modify any one of the programs without of the current approaches for integration between BIM and FM systems
affecting the other. For instance, suppose that FM developers revise a tend to focus on exporting building model data to universally accep-
client program only, which may help the new FM system meet strict table formats. The ration behind this is to bypass the interoperability
production schedules because developers can reuse the old or original barrier between BIM and FM systems. While this has been well re-
BIM models and services through the stable software interfaces med- searched in current literature, a deficiency in such approaches is that
iating both the client and service programs. When FM developers have FM systems are not able to take advantage of other services or functions
more time, they can revise the server program and utilize the actual supported by BIM tools.
BIM tool or the correct version of the BIM tool, without modifying any This research proposed a methodology called
of the client programs. In the semiconductor industry this feature is EncapsulatingBIM4FM, which utilizes model-driven architecture
valuable because a running FM system cannot be stopped for days to (MDA) and web services mechanisms, to help FM systems reuse BIM
wait for such BIM tools changes or upgrades. tools functionality. EncapsulatingBIM4FM aims at such an FM system
As for BIM service developers, whether at the AEC domain or FABs, that is self-developed to accommodate specific requirements and that
they are encouraged to design and/or develop BIM services in ac- involves extensive reuse of BIM models. Other types of FM systems that
cordance with the spatial layout of a facility. In other words, if a BIM need the geometry or designated attribute data of a facility only in the
service may be reused in the FM domain, it should be associated with initial phase for system configuration are not included in this research.
either a floor or a room/space, which may require few modifications of This is because existing approaches such as the use of industry foun-
the existing source codes. For instance, in the AEC domain an FAB dation classes (IFC) and construction operations building information
design team may have several BIM services designed for fire safety exchange (COBie) specifications have often been utilized for such one-
analysis. Some of the BIM services need to be performed again in the time data transformation work [61].
FM domain because of equipment move-in or move-out processes. FM systems dealing with spatiotemporal data are characterized by
Hence, these BIM services should be modified to become room-specific, the fact that better data analytics results can be obtained if their tem-
which can be accomplished by the research team within an hour poral data sets can be fused with the corresponding spatial attributes.
usually. BIM tools have long been recognized as the best data source for FM
For BIM tool providers, they may need to consider to incorporate systems to acquire their facility-related geometry data. With the use of
COBie into a standardized message format for their BIM tools to ex- EncapsulatingBIM4FM, FM system developers can reuse a BIM service
change information with external applications in the FM domain. by invoking the corresponding version defined in the FM object. Since
Usually the performance of the file-based transformation approach is the class diagram generated by EncapsulatingBIM4FM resembles the
slow. Because of the widespread use of web service technology nowa- spatial layout of a building, such BIM-oriented, tailored interfaces are
days, BIM tools can act as the web service provider to respond to any more stable and straightforward for FM system developers to finalize
FM-oriented requests and to return a series of COBie-compatible mes- the implementation work of their FM system.
sages in a more efficient way. For sharing business information among The FAB staff were invited to review EncapsulatingBIM4FM and the
computers, consumer electronics, electronic components, semi- pilot system. From their perspective, using EncapsulatingBIM4FM can
conductor manufacturing, telecommunications, and logistics compa- lead to a more efficient way to develop a green-field FM system that
nies, a non-profit consortium called RosettaNet has been established for requires BIM. In addition, the pilot system demonstrated that better
such purposes for years [59]. If AEC/FM information systems would software reusability can be achieved compared with their previous
like to achieve lifecycle interoperability, further enhancements of experience of using the traditional approach. The average time added to
COBie and/or EncapsulatingBIM4FM may be needed toward the goal invoke a BIM service for an FM system was found to be less than 1 s.
similar to RosettaNet. In addition, the proposed EncapsulatingBIM4FM defines the archi-
Currently, EncapsulatingBIM4FM relies on Revit and Tekla as the tecture of an FM system reusing BIM services. Since most FM systems
underlying BIM platforms and Visual Studio as the development plat- concentrate on temporal data and associated transactions (e.g., a
form. Future work includes addressing portability issues such as de- maintenance record), with the use of EncapsulatingBIM4FM the spatial
veloping other 2UML tools as well as Project Builder–like tools. The full data resulting from BIM models can be easily integrated into the time-
development for OpenBIM/xBIM is a top priority because it is open- oriented FM data, so that a spatiotemporal and comprehensive data set
source and supports IFC and COBie. Some common BIM attributes re- for FM can be prepared. Previous literature shows that BIM services can
trieval and GUIs may need to become templates to be reused in various be implemented in the FM domain using portal-related mechanisms
contexts. For instance, EncapsulatingBIM4FM should be able to gen- [62]. This research has furthered such mechanisms and suggested that
erate codes for realizing advanced visualization services as well as for all request and response messages sent between BIM tools and FM
managing security-related function calls. Finally, the validation con- systems be monitored and inspected by EncapsulatingBIM4FM. This is
ducted thus far and documented in this paper represents an initial va- because in the FM domain BIM models may become too sensitive to be
lidation of real BIM data, with real domain experts. However, further retrieved by unauthorized persons. In the semiconductor industry FAB
validations need to be conducted in order to ensure that design teams usually have to perform in-house design, i.e., all BIM tools
EncapsulatingBIM4FM is fully mature, including how much of the time and models always at FAB owners' computers. Therefore, during the
EncapsulatingBIM4FM can expedite the development of an FM system operations and maintenance phase of FABs, accessing BIM models must
reusing BIM services. be audited, too.
The academic contributions of this research center on applying the
6. Conclusions MDA and meta-object facility mechanism to the integration of BIM
services into an FM system, considering the differences in usage at the
Building information modeling (BIM) technology has traditionally levels of abstraction of the building elements between the AEC and FM
been used more for the design and construction phases of a facility, domains. The four tools of EncapsulatingBIM4FM, along with the pro-
with limited applications to the operations and maintenance phase. BIM posed usage steps, can help automate BIM integration work for an FM
technology has also been expected to play a central role in the man- system. Even if the underlying BIM platform is upgraded or changed, at
agement of various information used during the entire lifecycle of a most two of the EncapsulatingBIM4FM tools need modifications. If,
facility [4,60]. While different systems in the architecture, engineering during the operations and maintenance phase, any changes in BIM data
and construction (AEC) domain and BIM tools can exchange informa- can be carried out by using the original BIM tool under
tion mostly without difficulty, true software interoperability between EncapsulatingBIM4FM, a living BIM data set can be maintained, which
BIM and facility management (FM) systems is still daunting. A plethora facilitates the sharing of BIM data throughout the facility's lifecycle.

C.-C. Hsieh, et al. Automation in Construction 102 (2019) 270–287

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