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UNIT - 3
DATE : 02/01/2020
Q1) a) What is function? Explain code reuse. Explain with
example Docstring. [6]
b) Explain Lambda function with example.
c) Write python program using function to find greatest of
three numbers by passing numbers as argument. [6]
Q2) a) Differentiate between Local & Global variable.
Write a python program to demonstrate difference between
local and global variable. [6]
b) Explain keyword arguments in python. Write a python
program to demonstrate keyword arguments. [6]
c) Write python program using function to find whether
number is odd or even.
DATE : 08/08/2022
Q2) a) Define a function. Explain function definition and
function call with suitable example.
b) What is a lambda function? Explain with a suitable
c) What are the good Python programming practices?

Q3) a) Explain the following types of function arguments

with examples:[6]
i) ii) Required arguments Keyword arguments
b) What do you mean by local and global variables? Explain it
with example. [5]
c) Write a program to swap two numbers using a function.
DATE : 02/08/2023
Q1) a) Explain in-built and user defined functions with
syntax and suitable example.
b) Explain the following terms with suitable examples.
local variable global variable
c) Write a program to check whether a number is prime or
not using function. [5]
Q2) a) Explain the following types of function arguments
with examples:
positional arguments variable length arguments
b) Explain different ways of importing an in-built module in
python with suitable example. [6]
c) Write a program to find cube of a number using lambda
Q1) a) Define a function with suitable example? Explain need
for a function.[6]
b) Differentiate between local and global variables.

c) Write a program using function to find square of a

Q2) a) Explain the following types of function arguments
with examples:
i) default arguments ii) keyword arguments
b) Explain user defined module and package in Python.
c) Write a program to perform addition of two numbers
using lambda function.
UNIT - 4
DATE : 02/01/2020
Q3) a) Explain following string methods with example.
i) Rindex. ii) Z fill iii) Split
b) Write a python program to display tables from 1 to 10
using formatting character.
c) What will be the output of following statement
S = “Welcome to Python”. [5]
i) Print (s[1:9])
ii) Print (s[ :6])
iii)Print (s[4: ])
iv) Print (s[1: –1])
v) Print (“Come” not in str)
Q4) a) Explain following string methods with example :
i) Join ii) Enumerate iii) 1 strip

b) Write python, program to find whether a given character

is present in a string or not. In case it is present print the
index at which it is present. Do not use built in string
method. [6]
c) Write a python program to check whether a given string
starts with specified character.
DATE : 08/08/2022
Q4) a) Explain the following string operations with suitable
example. [6]
Concatenation / Appending / String repetition
b) Explain indexing and slicing operation on string with
suitable example. [5]
c) Write a program to count the number of characters and
words in the given string.
s = “Welcome to the world of python programming”
Q5) a) Explain following string methods with example.
strip() / index() / isdigit()
b) What is a string? Explain with example iterating strings.
c) Explain ord() and chr() functions with suitable examples
DATE: 02/08/2023
Q3) a) Justify strings are immutable with example.
b) Explain the following with suitable example.
ord() and chr() function
in and not in operators on string

c) What is the output of the following statement for the

given string? S = “Programming and Problem Solving”
i) print(S[:11]) ii) print(S[::-1])
iii) print("And" not in S) iv) print(S[4])
v) print (S[0:10])
Q4) a) Explain string format operator with suitable
b) Explain following string methods with example.
i) title() ii) startswith() iii) zfill()
c) Write a program to display a string and count characters
in the string using a loop.
DATE: 10/01/2024
Q3) a) Explain string indexing and slicing with suitable
b) Explain the following with suitable example.
i) ord() and chr() function
ii) in and not in operators on string
c) What is the output of the following statement for the
given string?
st = “Python is an interpreted programming language”
i) print (st [12:20]) ii) print (st [:: – 1])
iii) print ("an" not in st) iv) print (st [17])
v) print (st [0:23])

Q4) a) Explain string format method with suitable example.

b) Explain following string methods with example.
i) title()
ii) capitalize()
iii) lower()
c) Write a program to display a string and count characters
in the string using a loop
DATE : 02/01/2020
Q5) a) Define programming paradigm. List programming
paradigms. Explain any one. [6]
b) Justify the statement
“Inheritance helps to make reusable code”.
c) Write a python program that uses class to store exam
number and marks of four subjects. Use list to store the
marks of four subjects. [6]
Q6) a) Explain following Terms :
i) Data Abstraction ii) Data Encapsulation.
iii) Polymorphism
b) With the help of an example explain the significance of
the init ( ) method

c) Write a python program to create class car with two

attributes name & cost. Create two objects and display
DATE : 08/08/2022
Q6) a) Explain any three programming paradigms.
b) Define a class in Python. Explain_init_() method with
suitable example.
c) Explain the concept of a class and an object in OOP.
Q7) a) Explain the following features of Object Oriented
Programming. [6]. i) Data encapsulation
ii) Data abstration iii) Polymorphism
b) Explain class variables and object variable with suitable
example. [5]
c) Write a program to create a class ‘Employee’ with two
attributes. Display the details of two employees.
DATE: 02/08/2023
Q5) a) Explain the following Programming Paradigms in
detail. i) Monolithic Programming
ii) Structured Programming
iii) Object Oriented Programming
b) Explain the following concepts with example.
public members private members

c) Write a python program to create a class Student with the

attributes Name, roll no and age and display data of 4
Q6) a) Explain any three object oriented features in brief.
b) Explain class method and class variable with suitable
c) Write a program to calculate area of triangle using a class.
DATE: 10/01/2024
Q5) a) What is programming paradigm? Explain the
following Programming Paradigms in detail
i)Monolithic Programming
ii) Procedural Programming
b) Explain the following concepts with example.
i)Object variable. ii) class variable [6]
c) Write a python program to create a class Employee with
the attributes Name, emp_id, and salary and display data of
2 employees. [6]
Q6) a) Explain the following feature
i) Class Inheritance
ii) Polymorphism
b) Explain class method and self-object with suitable
c) Write a program to create class Car with two attributes
name and cost. Create 3 objects and display information. [6]

DATE : 02/01/2020
Q7) a) Write a python program that reads data from one file
and write into another file and line by line. [6]
b) What is directory? List any four directory methods and
explain any two of them. [6]
c) What is file ? Why do we need files? Explain relative and
absolute path in files.
Q8) a) Write a python program that counts the number of
tabs and new line characters in a file. [6]
b) Write a python program to display current directory,
create directory and remove created directory.
c) Differentiate between text and binary files. Explain any 4
access modes used in python.
DATE : 08/08/2022
Q8) a) What is a file? Explain different access modes for
opening files. [6]
b) What is a dictionary? How to create, access and modify
dictionary elements. [5]
c) Explain relative and absolute path of a file.
Q9) a) Explain any three methods for reading and writing

b) Explain different directory methods with suitable

c) Write a program to read first 10 characters from the file
and display it. [4]
DATE: 02/08/2023
Q7) a) What is a file? Explain relative and absolute path of a
b) Explain the following file handling methods.
i) write()
ii) writelines()
iii) close()
c) Explain file access modes in brief.
Q8) a) Explain different directory methods with example.
b) Differentiate between text and binary files.
c) Explain the following dictionary methods.
i) update()
ii) keys()
iii) pop()
DATE: 10/01/2024
Q7) a) What is a file? Explain relative and absolute path of a
file. [6]
b) Explain the following file handling methods.
i) write()
ii) tell()

iii) seek()
c) Explain the following file access modes
i) r ii) w iii) a
iv) rb v) wb vi) r+
Q8) a) Explain any 3 directory methods with example
b) Explain text and binary files with example.
c) Explain any 3 dictionary methods with example.

Instruction :
Red:- Question Repeated for 4 times
Blue:- Question Repeated for 3 times
Pink:- Question Repeated for 2 times
Black:- Question Repeated for 1 times





Q.1. a) Define Function with Suitable Example. Explain the

need of function.
b) Difference between local and global variable.
c) Write python program using function to find whether
number is odd or even.

Q.2. a) What is Lambda Function with example.

b) What are the good Python programming practices?
c) Write a program to check whether a number is prime or
not using function. [5]

Q3) a) Explain following string methods with example.

i) Z fill ii) Enumerate
b) Explain the following with suitable example.
i) ord() and chr() function
ii) in and not in operators on string
c) What will be the output of following statement
S = “Welcome to Python”. [5]
i) Print (s[1:9])

ii) Print (s[ :6])

iii)Print (s[4: ])
iv) Print (s[1: –1])
v) Print (“Come” not in str)

Q4) a) Explain string format operator with suitable example.

b) Explain indexing and slicing operation on string with
suitable example. [5]
c) Write a program to display a string and count characters
in the string using a loop

Q5) a) Define programming paradigm. List programming

paradigms. Explain any one.
b) Explain the following feature
i) Class Inheritance ii) Polymorphism
c) Write a python program to create a class Student with the
attributes Name, roll no and age and display data of 4

Q6 a) Explain the following features of Object Oriented

Programming. [6]. i) Data encapsulation
ii) Data abstration iii) Polymorphism
b) Explain class variables and object variable with suitable
example. [5]

c) Write a python program that uses class to store exam

number and marks of four subjects. Use list to store the
marks of four subjects.

Q.7) a) What is a file? Explain different access modes for

opening files. [6]
b) What is a dictionary? How to create, access and modify
dictionary elements. [5]
c) Explain the following file access modes
i) r ii) w iii) a
iv) rb v) wb vi) r+

Q8) a) Explain any 3 directory methods with example

b) Explain text and binary files with example.
c) Write a python program that counts the number of tabs
and new line characters in a file

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