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On occasions asthe Panchayat Samiti may sek requirement of authentication additionally ther bya ‘Strucural Engince o Geo-echnieal Engineer or both may be requted for planning, design and ‘construction of building. > Further that such a techically qualified person shall either be empancled or egstered with any ‘Municipality or Munieipal Corporation within West Bengal, > Any such technicel officer authenticating the plans shall eri to the effect that he site hasbeen personally inspected while planning the building and planning the structural members, > The building plan andthe site plan donot violate any provision of the Development plan published forthe area ifany. > The stability analysis sil tests performed and authenticated by his signature quoting his licence or ‘ernpanelment number or registration number How to apply for a building permit under Panchayat area: ‘The ntendng persons shall submit the application tothe office concerned in the following manner 2. Application in Form-4-in sipleate (the proposed building or struture is under the jurisdtion of GP) “Appliction in Form 4A-intsplicate ithe proposed building o structure is under the planing area ofa Development Authority within the jurisdition of 5) 2 Plan ofthe proposed building or structure in trpiat, signed by the applicant or he agency asthe case may be and authenticated by a competent technical peeon as mentioned ert. 5. Sol stability eport issued or authenticated by LBS, Structural Engineer, Geo-echnicalEnginer ithe permission providing athorty seem the requirement 4. ite plan of the propose bung or structure in tiplcate signed by the applicant or the agency asthe ase maybe and autheatiated by a competent technical person, 5. Copy of Records of Right of the concerned land for construction, addition of the proposed bulding Copy ofthe document showing title and interes ofthe applicant. 1.0m receipt of the application the Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti or designated office shal check the ‘completeness of the application and issu an acknowledgement tothe applicant (in West bengal Form ofthe WB Right to Public Serves Rules, 2015) by noting down the date within which the service ball be provided and defect ‘nthe application, if any that neds tobe rectified. The Gram Panchayat or the Panchayat Samiti thereafter shall start processing ofthe aplication by chesking he ‘suidlines meationed carlin the artes lowed or nt (But in reality the Authorities rarely cuit the sites) i althe documents te ound genuine and are in conformity with dhe reuirement ofthe sid Roles, the Gram Panchayat or the Panchayat Sari shall either approve the bling pan and the site plan and ee permission letter directly o to sen the ulling and site lan tothe epproprate authority for vetting which leo have ‘mentioned inthe table befor, 9.1 the Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Sumit asthe ease maybe found any violation ofthe guidelines they wil ‘withhold or refuse fo grant sich permission and communicate the deision ofthe Gram Panchayat or Panchayat ‘Smit tothe applicant stating easons for doing 10.0n receipt ofthe vetted plan fom the appropriate authority, Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti asthe ase may ‘be, shall retin a copy the vetted plan in its fe and hand over the permission eter alongwith copies ofthe ‘eed bulding and sie plan othe aplieaat Stipulated time period for providing service ‘The Pradhan of GP othe Exetve Ofer of PS conceraed athe cse mayb, sl acon permission for eeton of, se strtueo uldingo making ation toaneiting structure or ding within Go daytime period frm the date of esp of the apleation the ofeof Gra Panchayat or Panchayat Sat Right to Appeal against the decision of the Gram Panchayat "the permission t not accorded within the stipulated tine period mentioned above, the aplient may prefer a appeal before Appellate Authority (Hor W.B Appel tobe made in Form I ofthe WD Right o Publi Services Rules, 2013). "the Appellate Authority fils to dispose he appl within the time period the applicant may also appel before the seven ofr (or W.B peal to Be made in Form IT of the WB Right to Publi Services Rls, 2013). Permission fees for erection of new structure or building or to make any addition ete: “Ruihoniy | Typeot | Thatched, Tine, | Thatched Te, | Paes Baling (Rats on the bass of por construction | Tie, or Asbestos | Tie orasbestes | "sq tof total oor area ofthe proposed (ew/Additio | shed withovt | shed with brie structure / building) ny Alertion) | brickwall al (Semi-Pocea snore than 2829 ‘meters (eutcha House) Conta iontor | Construct | Constructo | Contraction Residential | onfor | for for purpose | Commercial | Residential | Commercial purposes | pu purpose Gam Tew Teo Tae R300] Rago Re Panchayats | Construction outside the Jiisiction | _Aediional wT Tee Tene | Rowe | Re Sreatbas, | Construction! Sher | Remodeling Developme | /Aleration Gram Wav Tate co Teo | Rerso | Baas Panchayats | Constretion tuder the Jnsdietion | _AeaivonaT wi iso Beas | Reta aso Seas. | Constrvstion/ ther | Remodeling Developme | /Aleraion Conclusion: > For the permission of eonstrcton apa from paying the amount asording tothe rat hart you have to pay adoration mount which varies froma 4k its nt mandatory to py he amu for al panchayat bt as pe ny experience have een it most of them). > Im most ofthe ates the dediated authority nol vist the site of construction & this rahi: > Ba from the guidlines piven by Panchayat you should srl follow the aft set-back rule Glthough thi ko Uni unless you do something sly or behaving arrogantly with authorities everything goes seamlesy ‘Any point missed o erosion required, please etm know in omen section, References Panchayat Administration Rule [reference‘The West Bengal Panchayat (Gram Panchayat Adminstration) Rules, 2004). sharethis § writer @Pine ‘oUMAYALSOLKE how to daw plan fora buicing permit under Panchayat area in #2024 HoT alate Eective Span Of Beam & Slab As Pr S456 2000 n2021 NO COMMENTS: @ scone About blog isto sharing lento - Popular Posts ‘raed with @ by Templaesare|itbuted by Blogger Templates

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