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Colegio Cardenal Antonio Samoré

Profesora Meylin Araya

Ocean Life
Quintos Básicos
Departamento de Inglés

Objetivo: OA1;OA5;OA14;OA15 , reconcoer vocabulario animales del mar, identificar presente

simple, expresar habilidad con el uso del verbo can-can’t , identificar información en textos
escritos y orales.

I. Vocabulary: Sea animals

Crab Dolphin Jellyfish

Octopus Orca Pinguin

Seahorse Seal Shark

Starfish Turtle Whale

Read the description of the animals and then match them to the pictures.
a) It is very agressive. It can attack really fast and it has many long, Sharp

b) It has eight “arms” called tentacles. It lays eggs and eats


c) It is the largest animal on Earth. It communicates through calls that can be heard
for thousands of miles.________________________________

d) It is a crustacean . It is normally reddish and goes to the


e) It can spend a lot of time in the sea. It is very common to see it hunt fish on the

f) It can be dangerous. It can eat plants and it is gelatinous and fragile_______

II. Parts of a fish


Gills Scales

Read the descrption and write the corrrect part of the body

a) It helps he fish to see________________________________________

b) It helps the fish to take oxygen from the water______________________________

c) It helps the fish to eat_____________________________________________

d) It helps the fish keep balance______________________________________

e) It swings from side to side to move fowards, left and right in the water

f) They protect fish from injury, much like skin on the human

III. Present simple: Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets

1- Jellyfish _____________________ in groups (live)

2- Sharks ____________________________ air ( not/ breath)

3- ____________ dolphins ______________ birds? (hunt)

4- Turtles ________________ eggs

5- Penguins ______________________ in many hábitats (live)

6- Starfish ______________________ a Brain ( not/ have)

7- _____________seaturtles, _____________ eggs? (lay)

Yes, ________________________________

8- _______________orcas________________ vegetables? (eat)

No, __________________________________

9- ________________jellyfish________________bones? (have)
IV: Expressing ability : Can’t – Can
Penguins Can swim Sharks Can’t lay eggs

What can they do?

Can / can’t

Monkey shark crocodile tiger

Dolphin octopus panda bird

Rabbit sheep snake

The bird can fly the bird can’t swim

Write the correct verb can or can’t
Walk swim
The shark can’t walk the octopus can ________________
Tiger _________________________ sheep ________________________
Snake________________________ doplhin_______________________

Climb jump
The monkey____________________ The panda ___________________
Skarks__________________________ snake________________________
Octopus ________________________ crocodile______________________

IV. Write your favorite sea animal and why you like it
My favorite sea animal is:

I like it because:
V. Read and answer
Goldie is a goldfish. A fish bowl is her home. People call her fish bowl “aquarium”
sometimes. She eats fish food and worms. Goldie has fins and tails . She loves to swim in
the water. When Goldie plays, she pushes small stones at the bottom of her bowl and
blows bubles. Her master wants to buy another fish . Goldie is happy to have a friend.

1- Where is Goldie? Circle the picture of Goldie

2- True or false ? write a T if is true or F if is false

1) Goldie swims in the sea___________________

2) Goldie has a friend________________________

, 3) Glodie lives in a aquarium__________________
3) There has a small stones in the fishbowl___________________

4) Goldie has fingers and tail________________________

5) Goldie master feeds her woms_____________________

3- What does Goldie like to eat? Circle the correct picture

Present simple: el presente simple se utiliza para hablar de hechos y cosas


Affirmative sentences: Negative sentences:

Subject + verb + complement subject + don’t + verb +complement
Example: sharks eat fish example: Dolphins don’t eat plants
Interrogative sentences:
Do + subject + verb + Complement?
Example: Do sharks eat turtles?

“No te rindas, cada fracaso es una oportunidad para empezar de nuevo con más

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