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What is Gaza?

Gaza is often referred to as the world's largest open-air prison due to its restricted borders
and limited access to the outside world. To the south, Gaza shares a border with Egypt,
which is sealed except for the Rafah crossing. The remaining land borders are with Israel,
which are also sealed, with only three crossings - Erez, Kerem Shalom, and Karni - partially
open for limited purposes. On the other side, Mediterranean Sea borders Gaza to the west,
where access is controlled by the Israeli Navy. As a result, all routine influx and outflux of
people and goods occurs through Israeli checkpoints, effectively isolating Gaza from the
outside world.

Gaza is home to more than 2.3 million people, the majority of whom are Muslims.
Palestinian Muslims are primarily residing in three main areas:
1. West bank (In the west of Jordan river)
2. Gaza
3. Israeli state (approximately 35% of the overall Muslim Palestinians reside.)

PLO and Hamas:

Palestinian Liberation Organization was founded by Ahmad Shukeiri in 1964. Yasir Arafat
remained president of PLO from 1969 to 2004. PLO was controlled by Fateh. It was jihadist
organization. Later on, it became political organization and renamed as Palestinian
Liberation Authority (PLA). PLA was headed by Mehmud Abbas. PLO and PNA both located in
west bank.
Hamas was founded by Ahmed Yassin in 1987. Ismail Haniyeh currently serves as political
chief, having replaced longtime leader Khaled Meshaal in 2017. It has concentration in
Gaza. It is an armed organization believes in armed struggle/ resistance. At the same
time it is a political union too. It participates in election and established government in
Hamas does not believe in political settlement of the Palestinian issue and support only
one state i.e., Palestine. On the other hand, PLA supports political struggle and two state
The policy options with Israel to deal with Palestine are:
1. Two State Solution:
This concept was introduced in 1949 by UN Security council resolution. This concept
states that West bank, Gaza and territories captured by Israel after 1967 and onward
comprise upon Palestine. Israel state will compromise upon pre 1967 boundaries.
Jerusalem would be divided between Palestine and Israel.
Old city/East Jerusalem would belong to Palestine and West Jerusalem i.e., the extension
of the city would belong to Israel.
Practical Amendments in Two State Solution
De facto two state solution (current practical)
USA has given the option that the current Palestinian territories i.e., West bank
(excluding the territories being captured by Israel) and Gaza would be Palestinian state
and the rest would be Israel.
Practically, two state solution is an arcade idea now. Israel does not accept it. The Zionist
Jews who rule Israel believe in the idea of one state i.e., Israel, “greater Israel”. All the
territories between Jordan river and Mediterranean Sea should belong to Israel.
Two state solution is not only acceptable to Israeli government but also to Hamas. But rest
of the world including PLA supports this solution.
2. One State Solution but with a Liberal Democracy:
Israel would not accept two state solution because Israel is increasing occupation of
Palestine land. Israel has occupied Palestinian land since the 1967 Six-Day War, and
expanded its control through the 1973 War and ongoing settlement expansion since the
1990s.., [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‘;;l;l;?”?
More than 5 lac jews have been already settled in Gaza. Israel has already declared
Jerusalem as de facto capital. Administrative control has been taken from Jordan in
Two probabilities of one state solution
i. An Israeli state with liberal democracy in which there is social, economic and
political rights equality. There should be no discrimination on basis of religion,
caste and color. Law in Israel should not only provide justice to Israelian but also to
Palestinian Muslims. But it’s a Utopian idea.
ii. Apartheid state is the one which discriminates on the basis of religion, caste,
color and language. World’s first and the major apartheid state was South Africa.
In contemporary world Israel is practical/classical example of Apartheid state.
1. Palestinian Muslims which are part of the Israeli state, they do have
the power/ right to vote, but they do not have right to own land or
property. They are declared as tenants. They do not have equal
citizenship rights.
2. Color of passport and CNIC are different.
3. Lanes are specified for Palestinian Muslims on road.
4. They cannot acquire elite and middle-class jobs.
5. Water resources of the river is mostly controlled by Israel.
Israel to become an overwhelming apartheid state would not be that easy because
UN charter is against it. USA and Europe had opposed mostly the idea of apartheid
state in case of South Africa. Now as per moral grounds, USA and Europe had to go
against Apartheid state and if they don’t go then there were no stronger moral
grounds left.
Last option is inhalation of Palestine (Top Story)
Israel would not stop until the last Hamas terrorist (fighter) is not being killed.
People have to be forced out of Gaza. More than 1.7 million people have already
been displaced from Northern and Central Gaza to South of Gaza. There are
increase attacks on Palestinian in South of Gaza. Tel Aviv has clearly repetitively
shown its intentions. (Attacks on South may be pushed to Egypt Rafah).
Hamas cannot be defeated until unless Gaza is vacated. Israel is trying to vacate.
Tunnel War In Gaza:
There are approximately 250 km to 500 km long tunnel in Gaza. Majority of
tunnels are concrete. 2019 onwards, ban on import of cement, iron and aluminum
in Gaza. Only special cases allowed because biggest ___ is used to pave tunnels.
Destruction of tunnels is highly difficult for Israel. Tunnel destroyers have failed till
Strengths of tunnels are known to Hamas not to Israel.
1. Structure, network of tunnel. how connected which is going where
2. Special areas of tunnel where they have training not know to Israel
3. Hamas fighters are trained to live and fight in tunnels but Israeli troops are
not trained primarily.
Therefore, it would be highly difficult for Israel to win.

Why Israel is unable to win:

Israel failed to capture 200 captains. Troops cannot go deep in tunnel. Classical
example of tunnel war witkongi in Vietnam vs US group. Vietnam won because
used to tunnels. That’s the reason Israel has not gone to tunnels.
Resultantly, Israel waged water river.
1. blocked water in Gaza
2. Local water resources destroyed
3. river waiting in tunnel
4. food supply blocked in north Gaza
5. Fuel supply block to stop production of electricity
These things have pressurized Hamas to vacate tunnels.
War in Gaza is turning into increasing Genocide:
Attack of Hamas on Israel. More than 200 hams fighters crossed the border mostly
through paragliding carried out scrier of attack ___ inside. Israel against security
forces and settlers. More than 1400 Israeli people being killed. More than 240
people became Captain and taken to Hamas.
Israel launched rain of terror across Gaza. 1st attack on north of Gaza, the central
Gaza and now South. More than 90% of building in North & South are raised to
ground and destructed. (not suitable to live)
1. Air bombaral through missiles and jet bommer
2. Artilary fight
Now north and central Gaza is full of tanks. 500 tanks in north and central Gaza.
Local population is displaced to go to north to south. More than 38000 were killed
and they are civilian. 1000 + injured. More than 40% female and children. Not only
residential areas being target. (This is collateral damage) but also mosques,
hospitals including churches and educational institutions hitted.
Refugee camps in south of Gaza are repeatedly bombared (killings and injuries). Its
not only inhumanely use of military weapons but Israel has launched war against
i. Water supply blocked.
ii. Food supply stop in north and central Gaza. South gaza highly restricted.
iii. Fuel supply stop, no electricity
iv. Medical supplies stop
These are numerous examples of war crime launched by Israel against Palestine
and Gaza. Therefore, South Africa took lead filed a case in International court of
justice. It was supposed to be done by US and Europe being so called supporters of
fundamental rights. China and Russia condemned this demand to cease the war
1. Israel is involved in discriminate killing.
2. War crime case may be fought in International criminal court.
3. Israel and hi government case should be against court decision. There are
indiscriminate killings and stop the war.
Big set back for Israel. Attorney General said there are numerous incidents which
indicate war crime, Judges said to establish the case of war crime would take time.
It is comprehensive and time taking process. Presently cease fire.
1. America do not accept war crime.
2. France UK and majority do not accept war crime.
3. Military assistance UK US
SO UK and Us government under tremendous pressure mostly internal pressure in
US by students. Australian public protest in front of parliament. Berlin Mostly
Christian protesting on humanity grounds.

War in Gaza and Implications on global power politics:

US has announced its unconditional and unprecedented support for Israel.
1. US deployed its air craft carriers in Mediterranean Sea.
2.War ships in red sea. Air craft carrier deployed in Persian Gulf to intercept the
possible attacks on Israel and majority intercepted by USA.
Hautti rivals repeatedly attack Israel and majority intercepted by USA.
Hezbollah fixed numerous rockets on Israel. Some intercepted by Israel, Iran
defense system and some by USA crafts in Mediterranean Sea,
Iran missiles and drones strike intercept Persian Guld and Red Sea.
US has provided military aid to Israel. 13 billion dollars in cash. 90 billion dollars
aid is approved out of which some will be given to Ukraine, Taiwan and majority to
Almost all the Artelri fire by Israel on Gaza. Bullets provided by USA.

Reasons for Outride support:

1. Jewish lobby is strongest lobby in Washington and capital hills. It is largest
contributor to the USA economy. War industry, hydrocarbon and banking
industry virtual hold by Jews. So both political parties of US democrats and
republican, major fund raising source is Jews.
2. Israel has been US protectorate. It comes under US security umbrella.
Defense of Israel is responsibility of USA. When Jews state was established,
two big forces US and UK. In 1948 war, 1967, 1974 war and even today, big
provide of funds and weapon is US. US protecting more than 50 countries.
US nuclear guarantor of Europe.
3. Israel has been playing role of policing state for USA (Syria, Lebnan, Iran)
4. US has been supporting Israel on almost every front but currently it is
bilateral support where Israel is involved in war crime. US cannot back trap
from supporting Israel.
5. US stuck in complex situation.
i. unable to defend war crime by Israel.
ii. Massive internal protest by academia in favor of Palestine against
Israel pressurizing US government.
6. Upcoming elections of USA is major turning point in war in Middle East. Mostly,
those voter bank which are in swing states goes towards Donald Trump because
in those states, Muslim and Africa voters reside who are sustainable for
fundamental rights. Israel Gaza crisis is a major factor in election.
7. War in Gaza will speed up penetration of China and Russia in Middle East. China
is a big investor in Middle East, biggest importer of hydrocarbon and exporter of
goods. China has acted as a mediator in US-Iran deal. Russia’s entry in Syria and
UAE-Russia defense missile S-400 system deal. Both countries have been
opposing human rights violation and war crime in Palestine. Russia and China
are those countries whom US and UK blames for violation of fundamental rights
while those who are proponent are standing with Israel. Soft corner for Russia
and China in Muslim world in general, in Arabian world in particular. China
conducted conference of Arab world on issue of Palestine. China is emerging as
a mediator.
8. US is stuck in two war fronts. Ukraine and Israel-Hamas. US concentration
diverted from Middle East. US no compromise on Israel and Eastern Europe.
Red Sea Suez Canal and Israel is trade route for hydrocarbon import from
Middle east. State of Adam Yemen and State of hommos Persian Gulf.US stuck
in two war states. China is beneficiary from war. It cannot afford to war against
China. China has massive financial capability to fund war. China graphing
proximity Taiwan. US China decided to re-negotiate. In 2023, Biden and Xi met
for a peaceful solution.
Kissinger wrote in The Economist Article:
Biden and Xi should call and sit together and accept that US and China are two
biggest threats to world security. They should ensure peace in the world.
9. Increasing tension in Red Sea and Hauttis attack on Israel, return attack of USA.
Set back for international trade in Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Suez Canal and
Mediterranean Sea. Red Sea and Suez Canal are crucial points for trade. Big
trade of hydrocarbons and east and west trade is done through Red Sea.
War in Gaza; US and Israel, Biggest Losers and Iran, the beneficiary:
1. Attack of Hamas
2. Attack of Israel on Gaza and war crimes committed by Israel
3. Israel is stuck in unavoidable situation.
a. How it could win tunnel war?
b. Has to kill or vacate Palestinians or will international community allows this?
c. Myth of Israel defense system. No air craft and missile can enter Israel
boundary. Israel air defense system is unmiserable. Iran attack also proved myth
4. US loser
a. Fighting in 2 front wars
b. Massive financial cost
c. Allegation criticism on US for supporting Israel
5. Iran: The beneficiary:
a. the breaking of the myth, the Israel defense system is undefeatable.
b. Ruse of non-state actors. Hamas, Hezbollah, Hottis, Proxies of Iran, supported
by Iran. Indirectly fighting with Israel.

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