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The US-China Rivalry in the Middle East: A Critical Analysis

Preprint in South African Journal of International Affairs · April 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20747.26404

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Abu Zafar
Jamia Millia Islamia


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A Premier Indo-Centric Foreign Affairs Monthly Journal Since 1980
April 2023

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China desires to be the new superpower, China is
challenging established norms of the world order,
WORLD FOCUS RESEARCH UNIT China is challenging United States, are often
RNI No. - 34710/80
(P) ISSN 2230-8458, (O) EISSN 2581-5083 repeated and cliche headlines in the TV debates and
U.S. Library of Congress No. 80910345
43 year of Publication
newspaper editorials. But the new move which China
Volume 44 Number 520 April 2023 unleashed in the ongoing geopolitical turmoil in the
G . Kishore Babu Editor
Bhabani Dikshit Managing Editor
world, is trying to be a international mediator
Stuti S. Mandala Associate Editor between conflict ridden countries. As Chief of Army
World Focus: Members of the Editorial Board Staff General Manoj Pande has said China wants to
Prof. D. Gopal, Professor (Retd.) Department of Political Science,
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi New Delhi: 110068, replace the United States as a global net security
Email: provider and cited Beijing’s involvement in brokering
Prof. Tridib Chakraborti, Professor (Retd.), Department of
International Relations Jadavpur University Kolkata, recent peace talks between arch-rivals Saudi Arabia
Email: and Iran and putting forth a peace plan to end the
Prof. Sushma Yadava, Member, UGC and former Vice Chancellor,
B P S Women's University, Email: , 13-month-long Russia-Ukraine war. General Pande said Chinese attempts to carry out transgressions
Prof. Sanjay Bhardwaj, Professor, South Asian Studies Division,
S.I.S., J.N.U. New Delhi-110067, Email: across the LAC in violations of past agreements/
Prof. Mohammed Badrul Alam, Professor, Department of Political protocols remain a matter of concern for India, but
Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia University
Okhla, New Delhi-110025, Email: the Army’s preparedness remains of a high order,
Prof. Shri Parkash Singh, Professor, Department of Political comments coming in the backdrop of the border
Science Delhi University, Delhi: 110007,
Email: standoff in eastern Ladakh since May 2020. General
Prof. Satish Kumar, Department of Political Science, IGNOU, New Pande further said that after becoming an economic
Delhi-110092, Email:
Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta, Head of the Department, Department of
powerhouse, China is looking to enhance its global
Politics and International Relations, Dean, School of Humanities and role.”Brokering peace talks between Saudi Arabia
Social Sciences Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand,
and Iran, and putting forth the Chinese 12-point
Professor Anil Kumar Mohapatra, Professor of Political Science, peace plan for ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict,
Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha
are reflective of a Chinese urgency to replace the
US as a global net security provider,” he said. Talking
WORLD FOCUS takes up every month one international issue and
gives an analysis of its various aspects by persons well known for their
about China’s rapid economic rise, General Pande
specialisation in the subject. The issues covered are topical or near noted that the Communist giant’s growth in the
topical, but of an abiding interest. The analysis is simple enough to
interest even an initiate to world affairs, but without sacrificing depth. economic domain has been unprecedented. “Within
The aim is to present an Indocentric view on a particular issue currently a few decades of initiating widespread reforms, it
facing the world.
Opinions expressed in the articles are personal views of the author and transitioned from a largely agrarian economy into a
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region of Delhi only. Unsolicited articles will not be returned or success, many developing countries and their leaders
acknowledged. World Focus reserves the right to edit articles for brevity
and clarity before publication. have looked to emulate China,” he said.
Edited, Owned, Published and Printed by Nonetheless, it is the new role of the Chinese which
G. Kishore Babu from B-49 (Ground Floor), Joshi Colony, I.P. Extension, Delhi-
110092 at SRB Printo Pack, A-8/1, Jhilmil Industrial Area, Delhi-110095
is most highlighted in the recent months and this
Total number of Pages 100 including Covers issue of our journal specifically puts the light on
Copy Right : World Focus Chinese expanding their foray in Middle East and
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April 2023 Editor

April 2023 3
U.S.-Sino Relations
U.S.-China-Taiwan – A Triangle of Tension
Dr. Manas Chakrabarty 5
US-China Strategic Rivalry: The Key Drivers and Perceptions
Prof. Arunoday Bajpai 12
US-Sino Tech War: The Dynamics of the On-Going Conflict
Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta and Honey Raj 19
The Missile Walls in the Pacific: Who Can Break Through?
Dr. Sitakanta Mishra 27
US and China Conflict Over Taiwan
Dr. Biswa Ranjan Mohanty and Prof. Suraj Kumar Mishra 34
US-China Equations:
Contest for Supremacy in the Indo-Pacific Region
Dr. Shaveta Sharma 40
USA-Sino Relations in the Indo-Pacific:
Emergent Issues from a Regional Perspective
Dr. Aditya Kant Ghising 47
China’s expanding outreach in Middle East and USA’s Stakes
Abhishek Yadav 52
New Cold War Diplomacy between China and the US
Avneet Kumar Nim 57
Dynamics of Chip War Rivalry between the USA and China
Dr. Saurabh Sharma and Akash Kumar 62
Red Dragon Flies to Space: A New Challenge for Uncle Sam
Thorough Analysis of Dragon Emerging Private Space Sector
Om Ranjan 67
Huawei -US Technology Theft War
Ragul P 73
China’s Growing Influence in Africa:
Implications for United States
Sharmistha Hazra 80
The US-China Rivalry in the Middle East: A Critical Analysis
Abu Zafar 86
Book Review
G.D. Bakshi, The Sarasvati Civilization: A Paradigm Shift in Ancient Indian History
(Gurugram: Garuda Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2019). Rs.399/- Pages: ix+268.
Review by Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta 94

4 World Focus
The US-China Rivalry in the Middle
East: A Critical Analysis
Abu Zafar

The rivalry between the US and China in the countries have invested in infrastructure
Middle East has significant implications for projects, such as ports and pipelines, to secure
regional and global politics. This region is vital their access to trade routes and increase their
due to its natural resources and strategic economic influence in the region. However,
location, making it a major source of energy for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is viewed
both countries. They have economic, strategic, as a threat to US interests in the Middle East,
and geopolitical interests particularly in terms of
in the Middle East, The Middle East holds immense economic competition
including access to oil and importance due to its natural and the promotion of
gas resources, trade, and resources and strategic location, Chinese influence in the
making it a significant source of region.The US-China
alliances with key
energy for both the United States and
actors.While the US is rivalry in the Middle East
China. As such, the US-China rivalry
more focused on security in this region has major implications could exacerbate existing
and defense cooperation, for regional stability, security, and conflicts, lead to a
China’s engagement is global politics. The two countries regional arms race, and
primarily driven by its have economic, strategic, and affect global governance
desire to secure its geopolitical interests in the region, and international
economic interests. including access to oil and gas institutions. As the
However, China’s resources, trade, and alliances with competition intensifies,
key actors. Middle Eastern countries
increasing military
presence in the region has are feeling growing
raised concerns among some US policymakers. pressure to join the efforts to contain China.To
Beijing is cautious about its security limitations manage this rivalry, dialogue, cooperation, and
and avoids picking sides in disputes. compromise from all sides are necessary.
The US has close alliances with countries such This paper analyses the factors driving
as Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab the US-China rivalry in the Middle East and its
Emirates, while China has been building closer implications on the region. It examines the
ties with all these countries including Iran. Both economic, political, and strategic interests of

Abu Zafar
Research Scholar
Centre for West Asian Studies,
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
86 World Focus
both countries, including their relationships Importance of the region for the US and
with key actors. The paper also assesses the China
impact of the rivalry on the Middle East’s The Middle East is a crucial region for both the
stability, security, and economic development. United States and China due to its economic,
Ultimately, policymakers must find ways to strategic, and geopolitical significance. For the
minimize destabilizing effects on the region and United States, the region is essential for its
the world. global strategy, as it is a major energy producer
and transit point for global trade. The US has
Introduction several strategic interests in the region,
Due to its natural resources and strategic including maintaining regional stability,
location,the Middle East orWest Asia is a protecting its allies, and ensuring access to
region of great importance. It has been a focus energy supplies. To achieve these goals, the US
of major powers for centuries, and today it is a has been involved in several regional conflicts
point of a new rivalry between the United and has significant political and security
States and China. Both countries have interests. The US also has several key military
significant interests in the region, including bases in the region, which are critical for
access to oil and gas resources, trade, and projecting its military power and protecting its
strategic alliances with key actors.The US- interests.
China rivalry in the Middle East has significant Similarly, China has been increasing its
implications for the region’s stability and engagement with Middle East, particularly in
security. It also has global implications, as the terms of trade and investment. The region is a
United States and China are two of the world’s key component of China’s Belt and Road
largest economies and military powers. Initiative (BRI), which seeks to enhance
Therefore, understanding the dynamics of the connectivity and economic cooperation across
US-China rivalry in the Middle East is crucial. Asia and beyond. For China, the Middle East is
China’s growing involvement in the crucial for energy security, as it is a major
region has the potential to challenge the US’s supplier of oil and gas. To ensure its energy
long-standing strategic presence in the Middle needs are met, China has been investing heavily
East. The BRI has increased its economic in the region’s energy sector. Additionally,
presence in the Middle East and has also China has been investing in several
enabled China to develop close ties with several infrastructure projects there, as part of its BRI.
countries in the region.China’s rising influence Moreover, the Middle East is also of
in the region may have implications for the US’s significant geopolitical importance for China, as
strategic interests in the Middle East, including it is home to several key strategic partners
its traditional role as a security guarantor and its critical for its regional and global ambitions,
partnerships with key allies such as Israel and including Iran and Syria. China has been
Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, China’s growing increasingly involved in regional conflicts,
involvement in regional conflicts, such as the including the Syrian civil war and the ongoing
Syrian civil war, also has implications for US conflict in Yemen, driven in part by its desire to
interests in the region.2 protect its investments and maintain regional

April 2023 87
China’s Increasing Influence Is a Cause of viewed by many in the US as a way for China to
Concern for the US. expand its global influence and challenge US
China’s growing engagement in the Middle dominance in the region and beyond.
East, particularly in terms of trade, investment,
and energy, is viewed by many in the US as a Key Components of US-China Rivalry in the
threat to its economic and strategic interests. Middle East
China has been increasing its engagement with The rivalry between the United States and
the Middle East in recent years, particularly in China in the Middle East is driven by several
terms of trade, investment, and energy.4 China’s factors, including economic, political, and
engagement in the Middle East has also been security considerations.
driven by its desire to secure its economic
interests and diversify its energy supplies. The Economic Interests
region is a major supplier of oil and gas to One of the main drivers of the US-China
China, and the country has been investing in rivalry in the Middle East is economic interests.
several infrastructure projects, including ports, The region is home to some of the world’s
pipelines, and railways, as part of its BRI. largest oil and gas reserves, making it a
China’s increasing influence in the significant source of energy for both countries.
Middle East is a cause of concern for the US China is heavily dependent on Middle East’s oil
for several reasons. One of the key concerns is and gas resources to fuel its rapidly growing
economic. China’s engagement in the Middle economy. The United States, on the other hand,
East is viewed by many in the US as a threat to has traditionally been the dominant player in
its economic interests. The US has traditionally the global oil market, but with the rise of shale
been a dominant player in the region, oil, it has reduced its dependence on Middle
particularly in terms of energy and trade. East’s oil. However, the region still plays a
China’s increasing engagement there is viewed significant role in the global oil market, and the
by many in the US as a challenge to its United States has a strong interest in
economic dominance.The US is also concerned maintaining access to its oil and gas resources.
about the strategic implications of China’s In recent years, China has been increasing its
increasing influence in the region. Middle East investments in the region, particularly in
is a critical component of the US global infrastructure projects. China’s BRI aims to
strategy, particularly in terms of energy security connect Asia, Europe, and Africa through a
and regional stability. The US has several key network of infrastructure projects, including
allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia and ports, railways, and pipelines. Middle East is a
the United Arab Emirates, which are major oil key part of the BRI, and China has invested
producers and key partners in ensuring stable heavily in countries such as Iran, Iraq, and
global energy supplies. The US is also heavily Saudi Arabia. China’s investments in the Middle
invested in regional security and has several key East have raised concerns in the United States,
military bases in the region. which sees China’s growing economic influence
Another concern for the US is the in the region as a threat to its own economic
potential for China to use its increasing interests.For the US, Middle Eastern oil is
influence in the region to challenge US interests important to maintain its global influence and
in other parts of the world. The BRI, which support its allies in the region.China’s trade and
includes several projects in the Middle East, is investment in the Middle East have grown
88 World Focus
significantly in recent years. In 2021, China’s openly supporting the Bashar al Assad regime
total trade with Middle Eastern countries and providing all possible help to him to
amounted to $371.64 billion, with exports consolidate his power.
totaling $177.78billion and imports reaching
$193.86billion.5 Strategic Interests
The US-China rivalry in the Middle East also
Political Interests has significant strategic implications. The region
The US-China rivalry in the Middle East is not is home to some of the world’s most volatile
just about economic interests. Both countries conflicts. The rivalry between the two is
also have significant political interests in the increasingly becoming an important aspect of
region. The United States has been a key player international relations, particularly in the
in the region for decades and has close alliances Middle East, a region of strategic importance.
with countries such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, and As the United States continues to view the
the United Arab Emirates. The United States Middle East as a key geopolitical interest,
sees these alliances as crucial for maintaining China has significantly increased its engagement
its influence in the region and countering Iran’s with the region. As a result, the competition
influence. between the two powers in the Middle East has
China, on the other hand, has become a significant concern for both
traditionally stayed out of Middle East’s policymakers and scholars. The region is known
political affairs. However, in recent years, China for its ongoing conflicts and political instability,
has become more involved in the region’s which can affect global security and economic
politics, particularly in its relationship with Iran. stability. Both countries have attempted to
China has been building closer ties with Iran, influence regional actors and mediate conflicts
despite international sanctions, and has been a to promote stability. The Middle East is a key
vocal supporter of Iran’s nuclear program.6 region for international trade, connecting Asia,
China sees Iran as an important partner in its Europe, and Africa. The US and China have
efforts to counter US influence in the region. both invested in infrastructure projects, such as
The US and China have fundamentally ports and pipelines, to secure their access to
different political systems, with the US these trade routes and increase their economic
promoting democracy and human rights, while influence in the region.
China prioritizes stability and economic The security factor is also critical. The
development. In the Middle East, the US has Middle East is a region of significant security
been a key player in promoting democracy and importance due to its proximity to major global
human rights, while China has largely energy supplies and the presence of several
maintained a non-interventionist approach. volatile conflicts. Both the US and China have
However, China’s increasing engagement in the security interests in the Middle East, with the
region, particularly BRI, has raised concerns US seeking to maintain its regional dominance
among some US policymakers that China is and protect its allies, while China seeks to
seeking to export its authoritarian model to the protect its investments and maintain stability.
region and undermine US influence. The US has been involved in several regional
Though Beijing propagates a non-nterventionist conflicts, while China has largely maintained a
policy in the region but its action in the Syrian non-interventionist approach. However,
crisis contradicts its preaching. It has been China’s increasing military presence in the

April 2023 89
region, particularly through its Djibouti military people without relinquishing their
base, has raised concerns among some US sovereignty.”10
policymakers that China is seeking to challenge Therefore, the US sees the BRI as a
US military dominance and expand its threat to its interests in the Middle East,
influence.7 particularly in terms of economic competition
The US has been especially alarmed and and the promotion of Chinese influence in the
tried to pressurise Israel for not giving the region. The US also has concerns about the lack
contract to a Chinese company for building a of transparency, poor governance, and
terminal in Haifa port. The concern is that the unsustainable debt burdens associated with BRI
Chinese company Shanghai International Port projects.11
Group (SIPG)’s involvement could pose a
security risk to both Israel and the United Can China be a security provider to the
States, as the port is a strategic location for the Middle East?
US Navy’s Sixth Fleet. That forced former US China’s increasing engagement with the Middle
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to travel to East, particularly in terms of economic and
Israel in November 2020, during the COVID- energy cooperation, has raised questions about
19 pandemic, to discuss this issue and other whether it can play a larger role in providing
matters related to US-Israel relations. Pompeo security to the region. Traditionally,Beijing has
reportedly urged Israel to reconsider its decision taken a non-interventionist approach to foreign
to involve SIPG in the Haifa port project and policy, focusing on economic cooperation, and
expressed concerns about China’s growing avoiding direct involvement in regional security
influence in the region.8 issues. China’s engagement in the region has
The threat of terrorism is a global been driven by its desire to secure its economic
concern, and the Middle East has been a major interests and diversify its energy supplies.
focus of counterterrorism efforts for both the China’s approach to regional security issues has
US and China. The US has been involved in been characterized by a focus on non-
military interventions in the region to combat interference and cooperation. It has supported
terrorism, while China has been working with the Iran nuclear deal and has been involved in
regional countries to improve intelligence the Syrian peace process. However, China has
sharing and border security.9 not been directly involved in regional conflicts
or taken on a significant role as a security
How the US sees BRI in the Middle East provider in the region.
The US has expressed concerns about the China’s increasing engagement with the
initiative and its implications for its interests in Middle East has raised questions about whether
the Middle East. In a speech delivered in July it could play a larger role as a security provider
2019, the then-US Secretary of State Mike in the region. China has the potential to make a
Pompeo said: significant contribution to regional security in
“Countries in this part of the world which have the Middle East through various means, such as
signed on to the Belt and Road projects have diplomatic engagement, military cooperation,
found Beijing’s deals come not with strings and counterterrorism operations. Firstly, China
attached, but with shackles. Countries are can leverage its strong relationships with
looking to provide infrastructure, digital regional actors to promote peace and stability
connectivity, and energy supplies to their through active involvement in regional
90 World Focus
diplomacy and conflict resolution. This could Implications of US-China Rivalry in the
involve utilizing its economic leverage to Middle East
encourage peaceful negotiations and mediation The US-China rivalry in the Middle East has
between conflicting parties. several implications for regional and global
Secondly, China can increase military politics. Firstly, the competition between the
cooperation with Middle Eastern countries, two powers could exacerbate regional conflicts,
providing equipment, technology, and training particularly if they take opposing sides. For
programs. This would help to strengthen the example, the US has been a key supporter of
capacity of regional security forces, enhance Israel, while China has maintained a neutral
regional military cooperation, and improve their stance. If China were to take a more active role
ability to address emerging security threats. in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this could
Joint military exercises and training programs further complicate the situation.
would allow for the sharing of knowledge and Secondly, the rivalry could also lead to a
experience, which could help to build trust and regional arms race, as countries seek to align
confidence among regional actors. themselves with one of the two powers. For
Thirdly, China has significant experience example, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
in dealing with terrorism and could offer Emirates have traditionally been close allies of
expertise and support to Middle Eastern the US, while Iran has been a key target of US
countries in their counterterrorism efforts. This sanctions. However, China’s increasing
could involve sharing intelligence, providing engagement with Iran, particularly through the
training for law enforcement and security BRI, could lead to a shift in alliances and
personnel, and supporting regional potentially lead to increased arms sales to Iran.
counterterrorism initiatives. China’s expertise in Therefore, the competition between China and
cybersecurity could also be beneficial in the US will affect the security dynamics in the
developing robust security measures against region, which could be destabilizing for the
cyberattacks, which are increasingly becoming a region. This rivalry could exacerbate existing
significant security threat in the region. tensions and risks, including those involving
But, at the same time, Beijing faces nuclear and missile programs, terrorism, and
several challenges in assuming the role of a regional conflicts.
security provider. One of the main obstacles is Thirdly, the rivalry could also have
the lack of regional trust due to China’s non- implications for global governance and
interventionist foreign policy, which does not international institutions. The US has
involve direct intervention in regional conflicts, traditionally been the dominant power in
thereby limiting its ability to build trust and shaping global governance, particularly through
influence in the region. Compared to the US, its leadership in international institutions such
which has several key military bases there, as the United Nations and the World Trade
China’s military capabilities are limited, Organization. Since the US has traditionally
representing another obstacle to its role as a believed that economic statecraft is the first
security provider. Moreover, the US, which has step toward political influence, it is
traditionally been the dominant security understandable that China’s economic
provider in the region, may view China’s participation in the Middle East is viewed with
increasing engagement in the Middle East as a suspicion.
challenge to its interests.

April 2023 91
Despite the fact that the US has been Conclusion
unable to provide better alternatives, it has The Middle East holds immense importance
criticised countries in the region, particularly due to its natural resources and strategic
the GCC, for their engagement with China, location, making it a significant source of
particularly in the purchase of 5G technology energy for both the United States and China. As
and equipment.As a result, the majority of such, the US-China rivalry in this region has
them are moving forward with Chinese-made major implications for regional stability,
5G technology.12The following factors, security, and global politics. The two countries
according to Andersen and Lons, will determine have economic, strategic, and geopolitical
the impact of China’s participation in WANA: interests in the region, including access to oil
the US’s role in the region’s security system; the and gas resources, trade, and alliances with key
nature and scope of China’s military presence in actors.
the region; and the reactions of other regional The economic, political, and
powers like India, Japan, and Russia as well as geopolitical interests involved in the US-China
the participating nations themselves.13 rivalry in the Middle East. While China has
But any change in the behavior of the been establishing stronger connections with all
two countries in the region and towards each of these nations, including Iran, the United
other is unlikely to change in the foreseeable States has strong partnerships with nations like
future. Washington will continue to focus on Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab
security issues and defense cooperation, while Emirates. To ensure their access to trade routes
Beijing will stick to its trade and investment- and boost their economic dominance in the
centered agenda. Middle Eastern countries are region, both countries have invested in
feeling growing pressure to join the efforts to infrastructure projects including ports and
contain China. Meanwhile, China avoids pipelines.
picking sides in disputes in the region, While China’s engagement in the region
preferring to focus on trade and economic has been primarily driven by its desire to secure
relations with all countries in the its economic interests, its increasing military
region.14Beijing is cautious about its security presence in the region has raised concerns
limitations in the region and therefore avoids among some US policymakers. China’s Belt and
overreacting. However, it still aims to present Road Initiative (BRI) is viewed as a threat to
itself as a responsible and balanced power by US interests in the Middle East, particularly in
utilizing various communication channels. Its terms of economic competition and the
approach is referred to as the ‘maxi/mini promotion of Chinese influence in the region.
principle’, which means gaining the maximum The US is more focused on security and defense
benefit with minimal effort.15 Although Beijing cooperation, while Beijing is cautious about its
claims to be committed to resolving conflicts in security limitations in the region and avoids
the region, such as the Palestine-Israel conflict, picking sides in disputes. As the competition
its efforts are mostly just empty words. These between the two powers intensifies, Middle
actions are intended to give the impression that Eastern countries are feeling growing pressure
China is a concerned foreign power, but in to join the efforts to contain China.
reality, its involvement is seen as nothing more The US-China rivalry in the Middle East
than diplomatic rhetoric.16 has significant implications for regional and
global politics. The competition could
92 World Focus
exacerbate existing conflicts, lead to a regional s-in-israelshaifa-port-rattle-the-us-washington-
arms race, and affect global governance and raises-espionage-concerns/.
international institutions. Managing this rivalry
Degang Sun, “China’s Military Relations with the
will require dialogue, cooperation, and Middle East,” In The Red Star and the Crescent:
compromise from all sides. China and The Middle East, ed. James Reardon-
Ultimately, the fate of the Middle East Anderson, (New York: Oxford Press, 2018), 83.
and the global community will depend on the
U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India. “Secretary
of State Pompeo and Indian Foreign Minister
ability of policymakers to navigate the
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar at a Press Availability.”
complexities of this evolving rivalry, finding
U.S. Embassy & Consulates in India, 26 June 2019,
ways to minimize destabilizing effects on the
region and the world. michael-r-pompeo-and-indian-foreign-minister-
Endnotes .
Zafar, Abu. “Growing Chinese Involvement 11
Jacob J. Lew et al. “China’s Belt and Road:
inWest Asia: Factors and Implications.” Indian Implications for the United States”, Council on
Journal of International Studies 2, no. 3&4 Foreign Relations, Independent Task Force Report No.
(2022): 45. 79, March 2021,
publication/368391996_Growing_Chinese_ chinas-belt-and-road-implications-for-the-united-
Involvement_in_West_Asia_Factors_and_Implications. states/recommendations.
Marks, Jesse. “China’s Evolving Conflict 12
Alexander Cornwell, “U.S. flags Huawei 5g
Mediation in the Middle East.” Middle East Network Security Concerns to Gulf allies,”
Institute, March 25, 2022. https://www.mei. Reuters, September 12, 2019, Retrieved from
mediation-middle-east. security-usa-gulf-idUSKCN1VX241.
Xiaodong Zhang, “China’s Interests in the Middle 13
Andersen, Christian B., and Charlotte Lons. The
East: Present and Future.” Middle East Policy 6, Geopolitical Implications of China‘s Belt and
no. 3 (1999): 152. Road Initiative: Connecting Asia, Europe, and
Author’s own calculations based on data from Africa.” Journal of Contemporary China 28, no. 114
Trade Map, ITC, 2023. (2019): 93.
“China Supports Iran to Safeguard Rights Over 14
AmalMikdad, “China and United States Middle
Nuclear Issue – Xi,” Reuters, February 14, 2023, East Policy: Continuity Amid Changing Competition.” Middle East Institute, 14 Dec.
china-supports-iran-safeguard-rights-over- 2020,
nuclear-issue-xi-2023-02-14/. and-united-states-middle-east-policy-continuity-
“Why is the US concerned about China’s naval amid-changing-competition.
base in Djibouti?” TRT World, April 21, 2021, 15
For detail please see; Samuel S. Kim “International Organizations in Chinese Foreign
the-us-concerned-about-china-s-naval-base- Policy.” The Annals of the American Academy of
indjibouti-46099. Political and Social Science 519, no. 1 (1992): 140-
“Chinese Investments in Israel’s Haifa Port 157.
‘Rattle’ The US; Washington Raises Espionage 16
Mordechai Chaziza, “China’s Policy on the
Concerns,” Eurasia Times, October 7, 2021, Middle East Peace Process after the Cold War,” China Report 49, no. 1 (2013): 161.

April 2023 93

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