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YITP-98-35, gr-qc/9806012 L INTRODUCTION

Black holes, brick walls and the Boulware state The prescription

I '
SBH = 4A/lp1 (1.1)
Shinji Mukohyama and \Verner Israel '"

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University for assigning a ''Bekenstein-Hawking entropy" SBH to a black hole of surface area .4 was
Kyoto 606-8502, Japan first inferred in the mid-19i0s from the formal similarities between black hole dynamics
(June 5, 1998) and thermodynamics [1], combined with Hawking's discovery [2] that black hole radiate
thermally with a characteristic (Hawking) temperature

Abstract TH = liKo/2;r, ( 1.2)

where Ko is the surface gravity. That SsH is a genuine thermodynamical entropy is given
The brick-wall model seeks to explain the Bckcnstein-Hawking entropy as credence by the "generalized second law" [.3,4], which that. t.he sum of SsH and the
a wall-contribution to the thermal energy of ambient quantum fields raised to entropy of surrounding matter is non-decreasing in any (quasi-static) interaction.
the Hawking temperature. Reservations have been express~ concerning the Much work and discussion have been devot-ed to the problem of deriving and understand-
self-consistency of this model. For example, it predicts large thermal energy ing the enigmatic formula (1.1) in a more direct and fundamental way.
densities near the wall, producing a substantial mass-correction and, pre- A statistical derivation of (1.1) for stationary black holes, using analytic continuation to
sumably, a large gravitational back-reaction. We re-examine this model and the Euclidean sector and imposing a Matsubara period Tji 1 on Euclidean time, was developed
conclude that these reservations are unfounded once the ground state-----the by Gibbons and Hawking [5] in 1977. According to their derivation, SsH emerges already
Boulware stat.e-----is correctly identified. \Ve argue that the brick-wall model at zero-loop order, as a contribution to the partition function from the extrinsic-curvature
and the Gibbons-Hawking instanton (which ascribes a topological origin to boundary terms which accompany the Einstein-Hilbert gravitat-ional action. (Only the outer
the Bekenstcin-Hawking entropy) are mutually exclusive, alternative descrip- boundary at infinity actually contributes. There is no inner boundary, because the horizon
tions (complementary in the sense of Bohr) of the same physics. is represented by a regular point in the Euclidean sector of a non-extremal black hole with
PACS numbers: 04.70.Dy
the above periodic identification, corresponding to the Hartle- Hawking state for ambient
quantum fields.)
Typeset using REVTE;.X
Unfortunately, the Euclidean approach provides no insight into the dynamical origin of
SsH- On the contrary, it appears to suggest that one has to think of S8 H as having a
•permanent address: Canadian lnstitu.te for Advanced Research Cosmology Program, Department
topological origin in some sense.
of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada V8W 3P6.

Interesting and suggestive, but still short of ideal from a physical point of view, are the coefficient of the right order of magnitude.
interpretations which require an appeal to the past or future history of the black hole, or The entanglement interpretation seems to be implicit in, and is certainly closely related
to ensembles of such histories; for instance, "exp(Ssn) represents the number of quantum- to a pioneering calculation done by Gerard 'tHooft [13] in 1985. He considered the statistical
mechanically distinct ways in which the black hole could have been made" [3], or those which thermodynamics of quantum fields in the Hartle-Hawking state (i.e. having the Hawking
relate S8 H to the entropy of the evaporation products [6,7]. temperature TH at large radii) propagating on a fixed Schwarzschild background of mass M.
In thermodynamics, entropy is a state function with a: definite value at each moment of To control divergences, 'tHooft introduced a "brick wall"-actuall y a static spherical mirror
time (at least for quasi-stationary, near-equilibrium processes). Correspondingly, one would at which the fields are required to satisfy Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions-w ith
ideally like to have a direct physical understanding of SsH for a specific black hole at a given radius a little larger than the gravitational radius 2Al. He found, in addition to the expected
moment in terms of the dynamical degrees of freedom existing at that moment, together volume-dependent thermodynamical quantities describing hot fields in a nearly Hat space,
with an explanation of how it comes to have the simple universal form (1.1), independent additional wall contributions proportional to the area. These contributions are, however,
of the nature and number of the fundamental fields and all details of the microphysics (8]. also proportional to a- 2 , where a is the proper altitude of the wall above the gravi.tational
An interpretation which holds promise of meeting these requirements is that SsH is en- radius, and thus diverge in the limit a -+ 0. For a specific choice of a (which depends
tanglement entropy, associated with modes and correlations hidden from external observers on the number of fields, etc., but is generally of order lp~), 'tHooft was able to recover the
by the presence of the horizon. If the black hole originates from a pure state, there is per- Bekenstein-Hawking formula (1.1) with the correct coefficient.
fect correlation between the internal and external modes, and the entanglement entropy can However, this calculation raises a number of questions which have caused many, including
therefore equally \Veil be found by counting external modes. A program of this type was first 'tHooft himself, to have reservations about its validity and consistency.
clearly formulated by Bombelli, Koul, Lee and Sorkin [9] in a !986 paper which attracted
{a} Ssn is here obtained as a one-loop effect, originating from thermal excitations of the
little notice at the time. It was independently re-initiated by Srednicki [!OJ and by Frolov
and i\'ovikov [8] in 1993. quantum fields. Does this material contribution to S BH have to be added to the zero-

It turns out, remarkably, that the entanglement entropy is proportional to the area of
loop Gibbons-Hawking contribution which arises from the gravitational part of the

the dividing wall. This is a robust result which holds not only for black hole horizons [8,11], action and already by itself accounts for the full value of S8 H? [14]

but also for cavities artificially cut out of Minkowski space [9, 10, 12]. However, the coefficient (b) The ambient quantum fields were assumed to be in the Hartle-Hawking state. Their
of proportionality is formally infinite, corresponding to the fact that modes of arbitrarily stress-energy should therefore be bounded (of order M- 4 in Planck units) near the
small wavelength <;an exist close to the horizon or partition. (This, incidentally, yields the gravitational radius, and negligibly small for large masses. However, 'tHooft's calcu-
correct ansv..·er-infinity- for the entropy of a classical black hole.) But an infinitely sharp lation assigns to them enormous (Planck-level) energy densities near the wall.
boundary violates quantum mechanics. Quantum fluctuations will prevent events closer to
(c) The integrated field energy gives a wall contribution to the mass
the horizon than about a Planck length lp~ from being seen on the outside. Introducing
an efft:'cti\'e cutoff of this order reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking formula (1.1) with a 3
6.M ~ -M (1.3)
3 4
when a is adjusted to give the correct value of SsH· This suggests a substantial gravi- the proper identification of the ground state, problems (b) and (c) abO\'€ resoh·e themselves.
tational back-reaction (13] and that the assumption of a fixed geometrical background The same basic observation resolves problem (a). In the Euclidean sector of the brick-
may be inconsistent (14-16]. wall spacetime (with Matsubara period Tji 1 ), it is not true that there is no inner boundary.
The inner boundary is the brick wall itself, and its boundary contribution to the Euclidean
Our main purpose in this paper is to point out that these difficulties are only apparent
action cancels that of the outer boundary at infinity. So the GibbonsMHawking zero-loop
and easy to resolve. The basic remark is that the brick-wall model strictly interpreted does
contribution is now zero. The "geometrical entropy" of the Gibbons-Hawking "instant-on"
not represent a black hole. It represents the exterior of a starlike object with a reflecting
thus provides an alternative 1 complementary description of SBH, not a supplementary con~
surface, compressed to nearly (but not quite) its gravitational radius. The ground state
tribution to the entropy of thermal excitations as calculated from the brick wall model.
for quantum fields propagating around this star is not the Hartle-Hawking state but the
In Sec. II we summarize essential properties of the Boulware and Hartle-Hawking states
Boulware state [17], corresponding to zero temperature, which has a quite different behavior
that play a role in this paper. In Sec. Ill we sketch the physical essence of the brick-wall
near the gravitational radius.
model by using a particle description of quantum fields. A systematic treatment of t-he
The Boulware st-ate in a static spherical geOlhetry is defined as being free of modes
model is deferred to Sec. IV, in which the results in Sec. III are rigorously derived from
haYing positive frequency with respect to the conventional Schwarzschild timet. At infinity
the quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. Sec. V is devoted to summarize this paper.
it approaches the Minkowski vacuum with zero stress-energy. At smaller radii, vacuum
In Appendix A, for completeness, we apply the so-called on-shell method to the brick wall
polarization induces a non-vanishing stress-energy, which diverges near a brick wall skirting
model and show that in the on-shell method we might miss some physical degrees of freedom.
the gravitational radius. The asymptotic behavior is that of a thermal stress-energy-
Hence, we do not adopt the on-shell method in the main body of this paper.
the characteristic temperature is the local acceleration temperature for stat.ic observers,
diverging near the gravitational radius-but wit.h the opposite sign. The Boulware state
is energetically depressPd below the vacuum. (We shall reserve the word '(vacuum" for a
condition of zero stress-energy; in general, it is not a quantum stat-e.) It is useful to begin by summarizing briefly the essential properties of the quantum states
The quantum fields with temperature TH at infinity which 't-Hooft introduced into his that will play a role in our discussion.
brick wall model have a local temperat-ure and a thermal stress-energy which also djverge In a curved spacetlme there is no unique choice of time coordinate. Different. choices lead
near the gravitational radius. To obtain the total_ (gravitating) stress-enei"gy, one must to different definitions of positive-frequency modes and different ground states.
add the contributions of the (Boulware) ground state and the thermal excitations. The In any static spacetime with static {Killing) time parameter t, the Boulware state IB) is
diverging parts of these contributions cancel. The sum is bounded, of order M- near the
the one annuled by the annihilation· operators a Kill associated with "Killing modes" (positive-
gravitational radius (hence small for large masses), and in the limit a-t 0 indistinguishable frequency in t.). In an asymptotically flat space, IB) approaches the Minkowski vacuum at
from the Hartle-Hawking stress-energy. infinity.
Thus, it is perfectly legitimate to neglect back-reaction in the brick wall model. With In the spacetime of a stationary eternal black hole, the Hartle-Hawking state IH H)

5 6
is the one annuled by aKns.~, the annihilation operators associat~d with "Kruskal modes" When r -> oo this reduces to (setting f(r) -> 1)
(positive-frequency in the Kruskallight!ike coordinates U, V). This state appears empty of
"particles" to free falling observers at the horizon, and its PHH"' PHH = 61\ Tj,,
stress~energy is bounded there
(not quite zero, because of irremovable vacuum polarization effects). TH =liK0/2;r, (2.5)

If, just for illustrative purpose, we consider a (1 +I)-dimensional spacetime, it is easy to

which is appropriate for one-dimensional scalar radiation at the Ha\vking temperature TH.
give concrete form to these remarks. VVe consider a spacetime with metric
For the Boulware state, the boundary condition is P = p = 0 when r ::::: x. The
dr integration constant in (2.3) must vanish, a:nd we find
ds' = -J(r)dt' + J(r), (2.1)
_ li K 2 (r)
and denote by ~<>(r) the redshifted gravitational force, i.e., the upward acceleration a(r) of Ps - - 24;r f(r) '

= tf'(r).
2 ~7/'(r).
a stationary test-particle reduced by the redshift factor J'''(r), so that K(r) A PB = Ps + (2.6)
horizon is characterized by r = ro, /(ro) = 0, and its surface gravity defined by K:o = ~f'(ro).
If a horizon were present, Ps and Ps would diverge there to -oo.
Quantum effects induce an effective quantum stress~energy Tab (a, b, · · · = r, t) in the
For the difference of these two stress tensors,
background geometry (2.1). If we assume no net energy flux ('IT= 0)-thus excluding the

l'nruh state~Tab is completely specified by a quantum energy density p = -T/ and pressure f.'..r: = (r:)HH- (T:)s, (2.7)
P = T;. These are completely determined (up to a boundary condition) by the conservation
(2.4) and (2.6) give the exactly thermal form
law T!;b = 0 and the trace anomaly, which is
!.'..? = !.'..p = /i T 2 (r), (2.8)
T" = .!:_R (2.2) 6
a 24rr
where T(r) = TH!.[f(!i is the local temperature in the Hartle-Hawking state. We recall
for a massless scalar field, with R = -f"(r) for the metric {2.1). Integration gi•:es
that thermal equilibrium in any static gravitational field requires the local temperature T
J(r)P(r) =- rr (o 2 (r) +canst.). (2.3) to rise with depth in accordance with Tolman's law [18]

Different choices of the constant of integration correspond to different boundary conditions, Tv-goo= c<>nst. (2.9)
i.e., to different quantum states.
We have found, for this (1 + 1)-dimensional example, that the Hartle-Hawking state
For the Hartle-Hawking state, we require P and p to be bounded at the horizon r = ro,
is thermally excited above the zero-temperature (Boulware) ground state to a local tem·
perature T(r) which grows without bound near the horizon. Nevertheless, it is the Hartle~
_ h
K6- o'(r) Hawking state which best approximates what a gravitational theorist would call a ':vacuum"
24;r f(r)
at the horizon.
PHH = PHH + 24/j"! " (r). (2.4).

7 8
These remarks remain at. least qualitatively valid in {3 + 1)-dimensions, with obvious and becomes very large when r --t rt = ro + b..r. \Ve shall presently identify T-:x:: with

changes arising from the dimensionality. In particular, the (3 +I)-dimensional analogue of ~he Hawking temperature TH of the horizon r =roof the exterior metric (3.1), continued

(2.8) for a massless scalar field, {illegitimately) into the internal domain r < r 1 .

Characteristic wavelengths ..\ of this radiation are small compared to other relevant
.3!1P- D.p- -'-T
- 301i
3 "'
length-scales {curvature, size of container) in the regions of interest to us. :\ear the star's

holds to a \'ery good approximation, both far from the black hole and near the horizon. In surface,

the intermediate zone there are deviations, but they always remain bounded (19], and \Viii
A~ lifT= f'l'nfT, « ro. (.3.3)
not affect our considerations.
Elsewhere in the large container, at large distances from the star,


f :e 1, A :en/Too- r 0 « L. (3.4)

We shall briefly sketch the physical essence of the brick-wall model. (A systematic
Therefore, a particle description should be a good approximation to the statistical thermo-
trC'atment js deferred t-o Sec. 1V)
dynamics of the fields (Equivalently, one can arrive at this conclusion by considering the
VVe wish to study the thermodynamics of- hot quantum fields confined to the outside
\VKB solution to the wave equation, cf. 'tHooft. [13] and Sec. IV)
of a spherical star with a perfectly reflecting surface whose radius r1 is a little larger than
For particles of rest-mass m, energy E, 3-momentum p and 3-velocity v as viewed by a
its gravitational radius r0 . To keep the total field energy bounded, we suppose the system
local stationary observer, the energy density p, pressure P and entropy density s are giv('n
C'nclosC'd in a spherical container of radius L >> r 1 .
by the standard expressions
It will be sufficiently general to assume for the geometry outside the star a spherical
roo E 4rrp 2dp
background metric of the form p=N Jo ,as_,~·
P _ N roo __yp__ 4rrp2dp
dr' lo e!1E -
ds' = - f(r)dt
+ J(r) + r 2 dll 2 . (3.1) - 3 t h3 '

s = (J(p + P). (.3.5)

This includes as special cases the Schwarzschild, Reissner-NordstrOm and de Sitter geome-
tries, or any combination of these. Here, as usual,

Into this space we introduce a! collection of quantum fields, raised to some t-emperature E 2 -p2 =m 2 , v=pfE, (J=T- 1; (3.6)
T 00 at large distances, and in thermal equilibrium. The local temperature T(r) is then given
by Tolman's law (2.9), t is +1 for bosons ~d -1 for fermions and the factor .AI takes care of helicities and the
number of part-icle species. The total entrop)r is given by the integral
T(r) = T,J- 1' (3.2)
S = f s(r)47rr2dr / ,fi, (.3.7)

9 10
where we have taken account of the proper volume element as given by the metric (3.1). in terms of the local temperature T given by (3.2).
The factor J- 1 2
1 does not, however, appear in the integral for the gravitational mass of the Substituting (3.10) into (3. 7) gives for the wall contribution to the total entropy
thermal excitations [20] (It is canceled, roughly speaking, by tl€gative gravitational potential
4N r•+< dr
energy): Sw4ll = 74nr~T! lrl J2(r)' (3.11)

t;Mthffm = {L p(r)4,-r2dr.
where 0 is an arbitrary small length subject to l:::.r « 0« r 1 . It is useful to express this
},, (3.8)
result in terms of the proper altitude a of the inner will above the horizon r = r of the
The integrals (3.7) and (3.8) are dominated by two contributions for large container exterior geometry (3.1). (Since (3.1) only applies for r > r" the physical space does not, of
radius L and for small D.r = r 1 - r0 . course, contain any horizon.) ·we assume that f(r) has a (simple) zero for r == ro, so we can

(a) A volume term, proportional to ~rr£ 3 , representing the entropy and·energy of write

a homogeneous quantum gas in a flat. space (since f ': : : 1 almost everywhere in the f(r) ""'2Ko(r- ro), Ko = ~J'(ro) oJ 0 (r-> ro), (3.12)
container if Lfr0 -+ oo) at a uniform temperature T00 . This is the result that would
have been expected, and we do not need to consider it in detail. where Ko is the surface gravity. Then

(b) Of more interest is the contribution of gas near the inner wall r;;:::::. r 1 , which we r.ow
"= 1,, J-'l'dr :} !:l.r =
-K 0
2 ' (3.13)
proceed to study further. 'We shall find that it is proportional to the wall area, and
and (3.11) can be written
diverging like (C;r)- 1 when C;r-> 0.
N ( T~ )' 1 (3.14)
Because of the high local temperatures T near the wall for small .6.r, we may insert the Swall == 90iTa2 Ko/27r ;rA

ultrarelat ivistic approximations in Planck units, where A = 4rrr~ is the wall area.
S'tmilarly, we find from (3.8) and (3.10) that thermal excitations near the wall contribute
E » m, p :::! E, v ~ 1

into the integrals (3.5). This gives

!:l.Mthm-~,wall = 480JTa2 (~)AT~

3 to the gravitational mass of the system.

p""' !P""' !!__T, [ 00
x dx (3.9)
3 2
6rr lo & - e The wall contribution to the free energy
in Planck units (h = 2rr1i = 2rr). The purely numerical integral has the value 3! multiplied
F=!:;M-To oS (3.16)
by 1, 1r
/90 and ~11' 4 /90 for e = 0, 1 and 1 respectively, and we shall adopt 3!, absorbing any
small discrepancy into N. Then, from (3.5), is

p=3NT' - 4NT'
s- 71'2 (3.10) Fw4ll= _
N _ ( --~-
T )' AToo. (3.17)
,-2 ' 1440rra 2 Ko/2rr

II 12
The entropy is recoverable from the free energy by the standard prescription "thermodynamical" and "statistical" entropies disappears in this formulation, because the
geometrical and thermal variables are kept independent.
Swa/(:::; -8Fwall/f:JT'XJ. (3.18)
The wall's thermal mass-energy is given "on-shelr' (T:o = TH) by
(Observe that this is an "off-shell" prescription [21): the geometrical quantities .4, a and, in
!:lMtheNn,wall = ATH (3.22)
particular, the surface gravity 1\:o are kept fixed when the t-emperature is varied in (3.17).) 16

Following 'tHooft (13], we now introduce a crude cutoff to allow for quantum-gravity according to (3.15) and (3.20). For a wall skirting a Schwarzschild horizon, so that TH =

fluctuations by fixing the wall altitude a so that (8rrM)- 1, this reduces to 'tHooft's result (1.3).

As already noted, thermal energy is not the only source of the wall's mass. Quantum
S~.~.,:a/1 = SsH, when T'XJ = TH: (3.19) fields outside the wall have as their ground state the Boulware state, which has a negative

where the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy SsH and Hawking temperature TH are defined to energy density growing to Planck levels near the wall. On shell, this very nearly cancels the

be the purely geometrical quantities defined by (1.1) and (1.2) in terms of the wall's area thermal energy density (3.10); their sum is, in fact, the Hartle- Hawking value (cf. (2.7) and

A and redshifted acceleration (=surface gravity) Ko. From (3.19) and (3.14), restoring (2.10)):

conventional units for a moment, we find (T;)th<=,T~=T• + (T,;)B = (T;)HH, (3.23)

a= 1,, ,j.N(90rr, (3.20) which remains bounded near horizons, and integrates virtually to zero for a very thin layer

near the wall. The total gravitational mass of the wall is thus, from (3.15) and (3.20),
so that. a· is very near the Planck length if the effective number N of basic quantum fields

in nature is on the order of 300. (!lM)woll = (D.M)thffm,woll + (D.M)B,woll

It is significant and crucial that the normalization (3.20) is universal, depending only on = 136 ATH ((Too(TH) 4 -1), (3.24)
fundamental physics, and independent of the mechanical and geometrical characteristics of which vanishes on shell. For a central mass which is large in Plantk units, there is no
the system. appreciable back-reaction of material near the wall on the background geometry (3.1).
With a fixed by (3.20), the wall's free energy (3.16) becomes We may conclude that many earlier concerns (13-15] were unnecessary: 'tHooft's brick
3 wall model does provide a perfectly self~consistent
FwaJI :::; -16 (T~)
· (3.21)
description of a configuration which is in-
distinguishable from a black hole to outside observers, and which accounts for the Bekenstein-
This "off-shell" formula expresses Fwall in terms of three independent variables: the tern- Hawking entropy purely as thermal entropy of quantum fields at the Hawking temperature
perature T'XJ and the geometrical characteristics A and TH. From (3.21) we can obtain the (i.e. in the Hartle~Hawking state), providing one accepts the ad hoc but plausible ansatz
wall entropy either from the thermodynamical Gibbs relation (3.18) (with Too set equal to (3.20) for a Planck-length cutoff near the horizon.
TH after differentiation), or from the Gibbs-Duhem formula (3.16) which is equivalent to The model does, however, present us with a feature which is theoretically possible but
the statistical-mechanical definition S = -Tr(plnp). Thus the distinction [21) between appears strange and counterintuitive from a gravitational theorist's point of view. Although

13 14
the wall is insubstantial (just like a horizon)-i.e., space there is practically a vacuum and gravitational energy appearing in the Einstein equation is a sum of the renormalized energy
the local curvature low-it is nevertheless the repository of all of the Bekenstein-Hawking of the Boulware state and the thermal energy of the fields.
entropy in the modeL In this section we shall show that these implicit assumptions do hold. In the follmving
It has been argued (8] that this is just what might be expected of black hole entropy arguments it will also become clear how the local description used in the previous section is
in the entanglement picture. Entanglemen~ will arise from virtual paii-creation in which derived from the quantum field theory in curved spacetime, which is globally defined.
one partner is "invisible" and the other "visible" (although only temporarily-nearly all get For simplicity, we consider a real scalar field described by the action
reflected back off the potential barrier). Such virtual pairs are all created very near the

horizon. Thus, on this picture, the entanglement entropy {and its divergence) arises almOst
I= - J
~ d:'xFg [g"" {)"¢{).6 + m~6'] . ( 4.1)

entirely from the strong correlation between nearby field variables on the two sides of the On the background given by (3.1). the action is reduced to
partition, an effect already present in fiat space [22].

An alternative (but not necessarily incompatible) possibility is that the concentration of

I= j dtL. ( 4.2)

entropy at the wall is an artifact of the model or of the choice of Fock representation (based with the Lagrangian L given by
on a static observer's definition of positive frequency). The boundary condition of perfect

reflectivity at the wall has no black hole counterpart. Moreover, one may well suspect that
L = - ~ Jd xr vD [-7({) ¢) + J({)c¢) 2 + ~(lii{),¢{};6 + m•¢']·
3 2

localization of entanglement entropy is not an entirely well-defined concept [23) or invariant Here xi (i = 1, 2) are coordinates on the 2-sphere. ln order ta: make our system finite
under changes of the Fock representation. let us suppose that two mirror-like boundaries arc placed at. r = r1 and r =L (r 1 < L),
respectively, and investigate the scalar field in the region betv. .·een the tv.,ro boundaries. In the
IV. THE BRICK WALL MODEL REVISITED following arguments we quantize the scalar field with respect to the Kllling time t. Hence,

the ground state obtained below is the Boulware state. After the quantization, we investigate
In the previous section, we have investigated the statistical mechanics of quantum fields
the statistical mechanics of the scalar field in the Boulware state. It will be shown that the
in the region r 1 < r < L of the spherical background (3.1) with the Dirichlet boundary
resulting statistical mechanics is equivalent- to the brick wall model.
condition at the boundaries. By using the particle description with the local temperature
Now let us proceed to the quantization procedure. First, the momentum conjugate to
given by the Tolman's Ia\\', v. .·e have obtained the inner-wall contributions of the fields to
¢(r, x') is
entropy and thermal energy. VVhen the former is set to be equal to the black hole entropy by
fixing the cutoff a as (3.20), the later becomes comparable with the mass of the background rr(r,x') = r -,vD-a,¢, ( 4.4)
geometry. After that, it has been shown that at the Ha\',.·king temperature the \vall contribu-
and the Hamiltonian is given by
tion to the thermal energy is exactly canceled by the negative energy of the Boulware state,

assuming implicitly that the ground state of the model is the Boulware state and that the H = ~ Jd x [,.,~"' + r2 vDJ ({)c6) 2 + vDO'i{),¢{);6 + r 2 vDm~¢']·

15 16
Xext, promote the field ¢ to an operator and expand it as Thus, the Boulware state JB), which is defined by

¢(r, xi)= :L ~ [anlm'Pfll(r)}~m(xi)e- 1""'" 1 t + a!11 m'Pnl(r)1-lm(xi)ew" 1t], (4.6) a,,,JB) = 0 (4.12)
nlm Y"'Wnl
where 1-lm(xi) are real spherical harmonics defined by for 'V(n, l, m), is an eigenstat-e of the normal~ordered Hamiltonian with the eigenvalue zero.

The Hilbert space of all quant-um states of the scalar field is constructed as a symmetric
)no, (.,/()(l'i&;Yim) + 1(1 + I)Yim = 0, Fock space on the Boulware state, and the complete basis {I{N,,})} (N,,, = 0, I, 2, ···)is
JYi,(x')Yi•m•(x')VIl(x')d'x = JwJmm'• defined by

and { <p,,(r)) (n = I, 2, · · ·) is a set of real functions defined below, which is complete with J{Nnlm}) =II ../NI I (a~lmt'm JB), (4.13)
respect to the space of L2~functions on the int-erval 1'1 ::; r ::; L for each l. The positive
nlm nlm·
and each member of the basis is an eigenstate of the normal-ordered Hamiltonian:
constant wrn is defined as the corresponding eigenvalue.

I (r'! Br'Pnl ) -
?iar [1(1+1)
- r -- 2 + mtt>'] 'Pnl + w;,
y'Pnl = 0, ( 4.7) :H: J{N,,m}) = (L:wn/N,,,)
J{Nnlm}). (4.14)

'i'nl(rt) = 'i'ni(L) = 0, Now we shall investigate the statistical mechanics of the quant-ized scalar field. The free
L r'
1 " <p,1(r)<;>n•l(r) l(r)dr = J,, .. energy F is given by

The corresponding expansion of the operator ;r(r, x 1) is then: • F=Tr [e -P~·H·] -- II

1 - e-/3;;.;,1,Jnl ' (4.15)
rr(r, x'). = -z
l(r) ,,,
2 [a n mrn ,(r)1/m(x')e-iw"t- a~lm'i'nl(r)Yi,(x')e'w"''].
L-, I '' (4.8) where iJ':X) = T;;.} is inverse temperature. For explicit calculation of the free energy we adopt

the WKB approximation. First, we rewrite the mode function fPnl(r) as

Hence, the usual equal~ time commutation relation
<p,,(r) = ,P,(r)e-'"', (4.16)
[a\(r, x1), n(r', x' ) J = iJ(r- r')J 2 (x 1 - x'
) (4.9)
and suppose that the prefactor 1/'nl(r) varies very slowly:

(an!m. a~'l'm'] = tSnn•OwtSmm'•

&,,p,,l « JkJ,
l 1/•rn I&~~nil « JkJ'. (4.17)

Thence, assuming that

[dnlm: an'l'm'] = 0,
[a~l~• a~'l'm'] = 0. (4.10) ·j&,(r'fll
« JkJ, (4.18)

The normal~ordered Hamiltonian is given by the field equation (4.7) of the mode function is reduced to

H := L U'nla!umanlm·
( 4.11) - .!_I
k' = k'(z',w"' ) = [w:;,
I -- +-
1(1 r2 1) - m' ¢
l . (4.19)

17 18
Here we mention that the slowly varying condition ( 4.17) can be derived from the condition _ 8 - r~ e 4-;rp 2dp
(4.18) and viceversa. The number of modes with (requency less than w is given approximately
p(r) = 8(3(r) ((J(r)F(r)) = lo e'ldE- I (2;r)'
8 -
s(r) =(3 (r) (3(r) F(r) = (J(r) (p(r) + P(r)),
by 8
§(w) = j v(l,w)(2l + l)dl, (4.20)
where the 'pressure' P(r) is defined by 1

where v(l,w) is the number of nodes in the mode with (l;w):

P(r) =-F(r) = .!_3 {~ Jo
eB(•)E _
1 (2"-;r)' · (4.28)
v(l,w) = .!_1~ .,jk2(l,w)dr. (4.21)
" ., These expressions are exactly same as expressions (3.5) for the local quantities in the sta-
HerC' it is understood that the integration with respect tor and l is taken over those values tistical mechanics of gas of particles.
which satisfy r 1 <:; r <:;Land k 2(l,w) 2:0. Thus, when Thus, we have shown that the local description of the statistical mechanics used in
2 Sec. III is equivalent to that of the quantized field in the curved background, v..·hich is
8,(r f) I I
71 «
f(J~ defined globally, and whose ground state is the Boulware state.
is satisfied, the free energy is given approximately by The stress energy tensor of the minimally coupled scalar field is given by

F"' -(3
1 1~
:XJ 0
In (1- .-~~") -d-dw
W r1
= 1~ F(r)47rr 2 dr, (4.22) T"" = __2_ _!.!_ _ 8 ¢ ¢
F§bgJJII - JJ 8 II' -
z9sw (gfXT8p¢8u¢ + m~¢2) • (4.29)

\vhere the 'free energy density' F(r) is defined by In particular, the (tt)-component is

= (3-(- In (1 -
e-81•1£) "P P
( 4.23) 2
I [I
T!, = - y(8,¢) 2+ !(8,¢) 2+ ;:>0''8,¢8;¢ + m¢¢ I·
2 2] (4.30)
r) o (27r)' ·
Here the 'local inverse temperature' t3(r) is defined by the Tolman's law Hence, the contribution tiM of the scala~ field to the mass of the background geometry is
equal to the Hamiltonian of the field:
(J(r) = j 1 (r)(3~,
1 2
!'J.M ;; -1~ 2
., Tf47rr dr = H, (4.31)
and E is defined by E = Jp 2 + m~. Hence the total energy U (equal to I'!.Mth~m given by
where His given by (4.5). When \.,.·e consider the statistical mechanics of the hot quantized
(3.8)) and entropy S are calculated as
system, contributions of both vacuum polarization and thermal excitations must be taken
[e .. . 8
U;; Tr 8x(F-.H.J : H :] = (3~ ((J~F) =
8 1,~
p(r)47rr 2 dr, (4.25) into account. Thus, the contribution to the mass is given by

[e"~IF-•H•J In e"x(F-•H•J] (3';, :~ F = 1.~ s(r)4-;rr 2drj IJ0,

S;; -Tr =
8 (4.26) (!'J.M) = Tr [e"-IF-•H•ltJ.MI•miJ, ( 4.32)

where the 'density' p(r) and the 'entropy density' s(r) are defined by
To obtain the last expression of P(r) we performed an integration by parts.

19 20
where flM(m) is an operator defined by the expression (4.31) with Tf replaced by the is represented by a regular point in the Euclidean sector, so the presence of a horizon
renormalizecl stress energy tensor T(rer~)tt· From (4.31), it is easy to show that corresponds to the absence of an inner boundary in this sector.)

'tHooft (13] sought the origin of SeH in the thermal entropy of ambient quantum fields
flM("nJ =: H: +flMs, (4.33)
raised to the Hawking temperature. He derived an expression which is indeed proportional
where: H: is the normal-ordered Hamiltonian given by (4.11) and flMs is the zero-point to the area, but with a diverging coefficient which has to be regulated by interposing a "brick
energy of the Boulware state defined by wall" just above the gravitational radius and adjusting its altitude by hand t.o reproduce

!;.Me = -1L (BIT(rrnJt IB)411'r dr.

(4.34) S BH with the correct coefficient.
In addition, the brick wall model appears to have severaJ problematical feat-ures-large
Hence, {!:::,.AI) can be decomposed into the contribution of the thermal excitations and the
thermal energy densities near the wall, producing a substantial mass correction from thermal
contribution from the zero-point energy:
excitations-which have raised questions about its self·consistency as a model in which

(!;.M) = U +!;.Me, (4.35) gravitational back· reaction is neglected.

\Ve have shown that such caveats are seen to be unfounded once the ground state of
where U is given by (4.25) and equal to !lM1h.,m defined in (3.8).
the model is identified correctly. Since there are no horizons above the brick wall, the
Finally, we have shown that the gravitational mass appearing in the Einstein equation
ground st.ate is the Boulware state, whose negative energy almost exactly neutralizes the
is the sum of the energy of the thermal excitation and the mass-energy of the Boulware
posit-ive energy of the t-hermal excitations. 'tHooft's model is thus a perfect-ly seJf.consistent
st-ate. Therefore, as shown in Sec. III, the wall contribution to the total gravitational mass
description of a configuration which to outside observers appears as a black hole but does
is zero on shell (Too= TH) and the backreaction can be neglected. Here, we mention that
not act-ually contain horizons.
the corresponding thermal state on shell is called a topped· up Boulware state f24J, and can
It is a fairly widely held opinion (e.g. (22,27]) that the entropy contributed by thermal
be considered as a generalization to spacetimes not necessarily containing a black hole of
excitations or entanglement is a one· loop correction to the zero-loop {or "classical'') Gibbons·
the Hartle- Hawking state (25].
Hawking contribution. The viewpoint advocated in this paper appears (at least superficially)
quite different. We view these two entropy sources-{ a) brick wall, no horizon, strong ther·
mal excitations near the wall, Boulware ground state; and (b) black hole: horizon, weak
Attempts to provide a microscopic explanation of the Bekenstein·Hawking entropy SsH (Hartle·Hawking) stress ·energy near the horizon, Hartle·Hawking ground state-as ulti·
initially stemmed from two quite different directions. (See (26] for an up·to·date review with mat-ely equivalent but mutually exclusive (complementary in the sense of Bohr) descriptions
full references. J of what is externally virtually the same physical situation. The near·vacuum experienced by
Gibbons and Hawking (5] took the view that SeH is of topological origin, depending free·falling observers near the horizon is eccentrically but defensibly explainable, in terms of
crucially on the presence of a horizon. They showed that SsH emerges as a boundary the description (a), as a delicate cance}Jat.jon between a large thermal energy and an equa1ly
contribution to the geometrical part of the Euclidean action. {A non·extremal horizon large and negative ground·stat-e energy-just as the Minkowski vacuum is explainable to a

21 22
uniformly accelerated observer as a thermal excitation above his negative-energy (Rindler) One of us (S. M.) thanks Professor H. Kodama for his continuing encouragement. The
ground state. (This corresponds to setting f(r) =r in the (I+ I)-dimensional example other (W. 1.) would like to thank Professors H. Kodama, T. Nakamura and K. Tomita
treated in Sec. II.) and their associates for the friendly and stimulating atmosphere they have provided at the
That the entropy of thermal excitations can single-handedly account for S8 H without Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is very grateful to Professors H. Sato and

cutoffs or other ad hoc adjustments can be shown by a thermodynamical argument {24]. One M. Fukugita for their hospitality and many kindnesses. He would also like to acknowledge
considers the reversible quasi-static contraction of a massive thin spherical shell toward its stimulating discussion with Professor M. Sasaki and his group at Osaka University, and with
gravitational radius. The exterior ground state is the Boulware state, whose stress-energy Professors A. Hosoya and H. Ishihara and their group at tfie Tokyo Institute of Technology.
diverges to large negative values in the limit. To neutralize the resulting backreaction, ihe S. M. was supported by JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, and this work was
exterior is filled with thermal radiation to produce a "topped-up" Boulware state {TUB) supported partially by the Grant-in-Aid for Scienflfic Research Fund (:\o. 9809228). W. I.
whose temperature equals the acceleration temperature at the shell's radius. To maintain was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, and partly by the
thermal equilibrium (and hence applicability oft he first law) the shell itself must be raised to Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and NSERC of Canada.
the same temperature. The first law of thermodynamics then shows that the shell's entropy

approaches S BH (in the non-extremal case) for essentially arbitrary equations of state. Thus, APPENDIX A' ON-SHELL BRICK WALL MODEL

the (shell+ TUB) configuration passes smoothly to a black hole+ Hartle- Hawking state in
\Vhen we performed the differentiation with respect to f3x to obtain the total energy
the limit.
and the entropy, the surface gravity Ko of the black hole and the inverse temperature f3x
It thus appears that one has two complementary descriptions, (a) and (b), of physics near
of gas on the black hole background were considered as independent quantities. Since in
an event horizon, corresponding to different Fock representations, i.e., different definitions
equilibrium these quantities are related by !3;} = "'o/2rr, \-..·e have imposed this relation,
of positive frequency and ground state. The Bogoliubov transformation that links these
which we call the on-shell condition, after the differentiation. In fact, we have shown that
representations is known [28]. However, because of the infinite number of field modes, the
the wall contribution to gravitational energy is zero and the backreaction can be neglected,
two ground states are unitarily inequivalent [29]. This signals some kind of phase transition
if and only if the on-shell condition is satisfied.
(formation of a condensate) in the passage between description (a), which explains SsH
On the other hand, in the so-called on-shell method [21,15], the on-shell condition is
as a thermal effect, and description (b), which explains it as geometry. VVe know that
implemented before the differentiation. ?\'ow let us investigate what we might call an on-
a condensation actually does occur at this point; it is more usually called gravitational
shell brick wall model. VVith the on-shell condition, the wall contribution to the free energy
of the scalar field considered in Sec. IV is calculated as
It will be interesting to explore the deeper implications of these connections.
F(on-shdl) _ A {J~} 1
WG/l ------ (A 1)
4 360rr a'·
If we define total energy and entropy in the on-shell method by

2:3 24
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