Episode 6

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Episode 6: A Breaking Point


Anthony is seated on the living room chair, focused on editing videos. Mayenie
enters the room, rubbing her eyes.

MAYENIE: (yawning) Morning, Anthony.

ANTHONY: (looking up) Morning. Couldn't sleep?

Mayenie sits down beside Anthony, stretching her arms.

MAYENIE: (smiling) Nah, just an early riser. You know how it is.

Anthony smirks, then glances at Mayenie's phone.

ANTHONY: (curious) What's got you so happy on your phone?

Mayenie grins, showing him her social media pages.

MAYENIE: (excited) Just checking out the numbers. The growth is insane!

ANTHONY: (impressed) That's awesome! Congrats.

Mayenie nods, then there's a moment of silence. Anthony senses something.

ANTHONY: (concerned) You and Namina had quite a showdown last night. Mind
filling me in?

Mayenie hesitates, not wanting to divulge too much.

MAYENIE: (careful) It's just the usual stuff, you know? I care about her, and
sometimes we clash on how to handle things. Nothing major.

Anthony gives a knowing look, understanding there might be more to the story.

ANTHONY: (supportive) Well, if you need to talk or if there's anything I can do...

MAYENIE: (smiling) Thanks, Anthony. But really, I just want things to be smooth for
all of us.

They continue with their morning routine, both immersed in their individual tasks,
leaving the tension from the previous night lingering in the air.


Anthony is hanging clothes on a line outside. Mayenie rushes out of the apartment
with her toothbrush in her mouth, holding her phone.

MAYENIE: (frustrated, muffled) Anthony, you won't believe this!

Anthony looks at her, curious.

ANTHONY: What's up?

Mayenie plays the audio recording on her phone, and they both listen attentively.

GIRL'S VOICE (AUDIO): ...and I swear I saw another person in the car with them. It
was late, and I was a bit drunk, but I'm sure there was someone else.

Mayenie pauses the recording, her expression serious.

MAYENIE: (worried) This is not good, Anthony.

ANTHONY: (concerned) What are they trying to imply?

Mayenie scrolls through the comments on the gossip blog site.

MAYENIE: (reading comments) Some are defending us, but others are getting more
suspicious. They think we were hiding something that night.

ANTHONY: (frustrated) We need to address this. We can't let rumors spiral out of

Mayenie nods in agreement, spitting out her toothpaste.

MAYENIE: I agree. We can't let this tarnish our reputation.

They exchange determined glances, knowing they need to address the growing

Anthony wraps up hanging clothes and heads to Namina's room. He switches on the
light and opens the curtains, bringing in some natural light. Namina is lying down,
and Anthony notices her subdued state.

ANTHONY: (gentle) What's up with you? You've been in your room all day. Are you

Namina sits up, looking weary.

NAMINA: (softly) I don't feel very well. Just want to rest.

Anthony sits beside her, giving her a comforting and tight hug.
ANTHONY: I'm here if you need anything. You know that, right?

They share a moment, locking eyes. Anthony breaks the silence.

ANTHONY: You know Mayenie cares about you, right? I don't know what exactly
happened, but you guys are past that. I think you two should talk.

Namina, with a sarcastic tone, responds.

NAMINA: (sarcastically) The two of you should talk instead, since y'all are so tight.

Anthony playfully nudges the back of her head, prompting a genuine laugh from
Namina. He leans in for another hug.

ANTHONY: There, that smile is everything I came here for. I'm gonna go make you
something to eat.

He exits the room, leaving Namina watching him with a mix of emotions.


Anthony is in the kitchen, cooking for Namina, when loud banging echoes through
the apartment. Startled, he reacts.

ANTHONY: (shouting) Who the hell is that?!

Mayenie's father's voice is heard outside. Anthony hurries to open the door, revealing
Mayenie and Namina also coming outside. Mayenie's father enters, his expression a
mix of anger and disappointment. Namina joins Anthony in the kitchen, sensing the

FATHER: (directly to Mayenie) We need to talk about this party issue on that gossip
blog. You're dragging our family name through the mud, especially with my
campaign coming up.

Mayenie tries to explain, but her father interrupts sternly.

MAYENIE: Dad, we are trying to fix it.

FATHER: Don't try, fix it! All of this is terrible for me. What will the newspapers say?
First, his wife left, then his daughter left home, and now the daughter is going around
hosting parties that get people hurt.

Mayenie, upset and on the verge of tears, retaliates.

MAYENIE: Maybe this is why mom left.

Her father sternly dismisses it.

FATHER: This isn't about your mom; it's about your poor decisions. Choosing to
move out and be little miss independent, now you can't even settle your affairs.

Mayenie, reaching her limit, retorts.

MAYENIE: Dad, that's enough! This is precisely why I left, and I'm definitely not about
to pay 5,000 for helping out someone.

The room falls into a tense silence. Mayenie, taking a deep breath, begins to explain
what actually happened at the party.

This intense scene establishes the strained relationship between Mayenie and her
father, shedding light on the reasons behind her decision to leave home. It also sets
the stage for potential resolution and understanding in future episodes.

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