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Molecular Psychiatry (2020) 25:3178–3185


Autism spectrum heterogeneity: fact or artifact?

Laurent Mottron ●
Danilo Bzdok2,3

Received: 6 February 2020 / Revised: 11 April 2020 / Accepted: 20 April 2020 / Published online: 30 April 2020
© The Author(s) 2020. This article is published with open access

The current diagnostic practices are linked to a 20-fold increase in the reported prevalence of ASD over the last 30 years.
Fragmenting the autism phenotype into dimensional “autistic traits” results in the alleged recognition of autism-like
symptoms in any psychiatric or neurodevelopemental condition and in individuals decreasingly distant from the typical
population, and prematurely dismisses the relevance of a diagnostic threshold. Non-specific socio-communicative and
repetitive DSM 5 criteria, combined with four quantitative specifiers as well as all their possible combinations, render
limitless variety of presentations consistent with the categorical diagnosis of ASD. We propose several remedies to this
problem: maintain a line of research on prototypical autism; limit the heterogeneity compatible with a categorical diagnosis

to situations with a phenotypic overlap and a validated etiological link with prototypical autism; reintroduce the qualitative
properties of autism presentations and of current dimensional specifiers, language, intelligence, comorbidity, and severity in
the criteria used to diagnose autism in replacement of quantitative “social” and “repetitive” criteria; use these qualitative
features combined with the clinical intuition of experts and machine-learning algorithms to differentiate coherent subgroups
in today’s autism spectrum; study these subgroups separately, and then compare them; and question the autistic nature of
“autistic traits”

Introduction over time [3]. Doing away with PDD not otherwise specified
as a category, which was responsible for the considerable
The heterogeneity of autism is now universally accepted, at increase of reported prevalence at the time, but for which the
the phenotypic level under the DSM-5 term “spectrum”, as criteria were insufficiently reliable, [4] was expected to
well as at the imaged brain [1] and etiology [2] levels. The increase the specificity of the categorical diagnosis [5].
overarching pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) cate- The evolution of the DSM has been accompanied by a
gory of the DSM-IV initiated a deviation towards less pro- 20-fold increase in the reported prevalence of ASD over the
totypical presentations of autism. Asperger’s syndrome was last 30 years, reaching a current prevalence of more than 2%
considered to be autism without the requirement of language in the United States [6] (Fig. 1a). The implementation of
signs and PDD not otherwise specified as subthreshold autism standardized retrospective [7] and observational diagnostic
of various types. The current DSM-5 definition of autism tools [8] in the diagnostic process has not limited this trend
spectrum disorder (ASD) merged the PDD subgroups inter and may have even contributed to it in the clinical setting,
alia, due to their poor inter-judge reliability and instability possibly due to their lack of specificity towards other
childhood psychiatric conditions [9] and the false sense of
security they provide when someone “meets diagnostic
* Laurent Mottron criteria [10]”, despite clinical inconsistency with proto- typical presentations.
A single categorical diagnosis, which encompasses such
Department of Psychiatry, University of Montreal and Researcher
heterogeneity of developmental history, intelligence,
for the CIUSSS-NIM, Rivière-des-Prairies Hospital, 7070, Perras
Boul, Montreal, QC H1E 1A4, Canada comorbidity, and severity, poorly contributes to the plan-
2 ning of intervention and educational services. What is
Department of Biomedical Engineering, McConnell Brain
Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, Faculty of common between intervention strategies supporting an adult
Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2B4, Canada with academic-level written and oral language and an
Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, Montreal, QC H2S intellectually disabled, syndromic autistic child with major
3H1, Canada self-injurious behaviors [11]?
Autism spectrum heterogeneity: fact or artifact? 3179

Fig. 1 Temporal trends in autism research. a The change in autism autism. c The number of published studies investigating autistic traits
prevalence over time, based on data from [65–67]. Methodologies may in the normal population and for other clinical conditions, showing an
differ between studies. b The changes in group-level standardized eightfold increase during the last decade. d The number of published
mean differences between autism and control samples over time, as empirical studies performing research on autism, showing a fourfold
described by Rødgaard et al. (2019) [14]. A significant downwards increase during the last decade. (“c”,“d” source: Pubmed).
temporal trend was observed in five of seven investigated constructs in

In addition to the clinical consequences, these considera- The wide-ranging disappearance of studies on differ-
tions also have important ramifications for conducting and ential diagnosis contrasts with the explosion of meta-
interpreting research studies. Currently, the modest state of analyses and systematic reviews (respectively less than 1/
genetic [12] knowledge of non-syndromic autism and the 1000 vs. 3% of the autism literature in 2019). Most scien-
polygenic heterogeneity across ASD subtypes [13] suggests tific knowledge of autism is obtained through condensing
that we may need to update our research targets and strategies. findings on an increasingly heterogeneous and decreasingly
The effect sizes obtained from cognitive, EEG, and neuro- atypical population, without questioning the case ascer-
anatomical studies of autism decreased by up to 80% between tainment on which this knowledge is grounded. All research
2000 and 2015 [14] (Fig. 1b), even when accounting for is carried out downstream of diagnostic criteria, little of it
sample size and quality. The cause of this trend is yet to be upstream. Sociologically, we are living in a time of reba-
determined but likely includes a reduction in the deviation lancing the traditional emphasis on stringent inclusion and
from the norm required to reach the threshold for a categorical exclusion criteria for clinical neuroscience studies. There
diagnosis [15], and the poor specificity of current diagnostic is also growing interest in deriving insight from population
criteria for extreme values of age, intelligence, and severity and prospective cohorts with thousands of subjects [18]. As
[16]. Other important factors that may contribute to this trend a necessary side effect of these developments in research
include the disappearance of differential exclusion diagnoses, trends, many autism-vs.-non-autism classification studies
as well as the absence of an “economy principle”, privileging have become difficult to reproduce in these heterogeneous
the diagnosis which best explains the presented symptoms cohorts of unprecedented breadth [19]. We thus highlight
[17]. The presence of such “self-inflicted” heterogeneity the dilemma between the high predictive accuracies of
plausibly distorts the autistic signal and negatively influences preselected samples and much lower predictive accuracies
the ability to make replicable discoveries. of more naturally acquired subject samples [20]. In this
3180 L. Mottron, D. Bzdok

context, the co-existence of qualitative and quantitative threshold for “lack of socialization?”) and open character
autism traits may have critical consequences for the future (from… to….), leading to the bundling of a variety of
of single-patient predictions in precision psychiatry. phenotypes that are not specific to autism. For example,
autistic gaze atypicality and an embarrassed look are qua-
litatively distinct, but both make it possible to positively
Confronting essentialist and nominalist score the A2 criterion, “Deficits in nonverbal commu-
views of autism nicative behaviors used for social interaction”. Conversely,
a rapid initial gaze at faces, followed by the apparent
We are still uncertain about the entity of autism. It can absence of behavioral hallmarks for social reciprocity,
either appear to have a natural basis (“essentialist” position) would become more specific by the addition of qualitative
or as multi-determinant, for which unity is in the eye of the dimensions [24]. Certain signs (B2, “rigidity”, and B4,
viewer or the vocabulary they use (“nominalist” position). “sensory”), which when associated allow one to reach the
Although we are able to recognize this clinical condition diagnostic threshold in the area of repetitive behaviors, are
with good reliability, we are not yet very skilled at defining also observed in a large proportion of children with other
it in a specific way. We also know that the signs that neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders [25, 26].
characterize it are not always simultaneously present, and/or
that they can appear to be attenuated, making delineation of Indeterminate nature of the clinical specifiers
the autism category difficult.
However, the two positions should still compete for the The four clinical specifiers of ASD were originally designed
truth. The absence of a categorical limit and the multiplicity of to account for the unavoidable heterogeneity of autistic pre-
aetiologies and risk factors reported previously [21–23] sentation, for example, between nonverbal and hyper-verbal
anticipate the current state of knowledge. To be able to individuals, while preserving the category. These specifiers
determine whether autism has a natural basis or not, the two now exacerbate the heterogeneity of the individuals included
positions should be given equal weight, as the validity of in this spectrum, transforming the autism diagnosis into a
either is still undecidable in the current state of autism diag- category as vague as “intellectual disability” and “neurode-
nosis. This requires studying individuals who are very similar velopmental disorders”. A common characteristic of the four
to each other to obtain biomarkers, then to search for these clinical specifiers is their dimensional, quantitative, and
markers in attenuated phenotypes. This does not guarantee clinically nonspecific nature. Moreover, there are no con-
that we will find a single basis in primary biology. However, straints on how the qualitative properties of the seven criteria
if we start from the spectrum as currently defined, it is clear are modified according to the expression of each of the spe-
that we will not find this single cause, if it exists. cifiers, which misses a major opportunity to increase speci-
ficity. For example, a dissociation between advanced
knowledge of letters and numbers and poor pragmatic use of
DSM-5 criteria for autism may produce verbs would contribute qualitative information to a quantita-
spurious heterogeneity tive ‘’language” specifier [27].

Combining nonspecific social and repetitive categorical

criteria with four “open” specifiers (levels of intelligence, Conceptual ambiguity favors heterogeneity
language, severity, and comorbidity), as well as all their
possible combinations, can result in a vast array of ASD Two conceptual sources of imprecision may further con-
presentations. However, does such variability truthfully tribute to the current heterogeneity of the autism spectrum:
reflect diversity in cognition, the brain, and genes? the belief that the clinical threshold for autism is necessarily
arbitrary, and the acceptance of any identified neurogenetic
The quantitative nature and poor specificity of signs or psychiatric condition as a comorbidity, combined with
which, when combined, result in a categorical the absence of exclusion criteria or recommended differ-
diagnosis ential diagnoses.

The categorical diagnosis of ASD is currently obtained by Is the clinical threshold arbitrary?
pass/fail scoring of seven signs (i.e., three social and four
repetitive), mostly quantitative (e.g., less socially-oriented A major additional source of heterogeneity in the ASD
behaviors), rather than qualitative (those that can be spectrum is the lowering of the threshold for clinical sig-
recognized). These signs are inherently imprecise due to nificance required for the inclusion of individuals who are
their quantitative/dimensional nature (how do we define a less different from typical individuals [15]. This escalation in
Autism spectrum heterogeneity: fact or artifact? 3181

flexibility is frequently justified by the consensus in autism Are “autistic traits” autistic?
research that clinical thresholds are necessarily arbitrary and/
or do not reach reliability among clinicians. The corre- The concept of an autistic trait and the demonstration that
sponding justification is typically grounded on the philoso- “autistic traits are continuously distributed throughout the
phical tradition of questioning the status of “natural” general population [34]” through instruments such as the
boundaries [28]. The description of natural categories Autism Screening Questionnaire [35] and Social Respon-
separated by objective boundaries has been, since Plato’s siveness Scale [36] has led to the flowering of multiple studies
illuminating metaphor, compared with “carving nature at its associating autistic traits with nonmedical conditions (e.g.,
joints”: a butcher does not question the natural boundaries of masculinity) [37], separate diagnoses (e.g., anorexia) [38], or
joints when preparing meat. In defense of the hypothetically in people exposed to a myriad of supposed etiological factors
arbitrary nature of autism boundaries, this analogy has been (e.g., cesarean birth) [39]. The increase in the number of such
ironically transformed by likening the search for a catego- studies during the last decade has been twice as large as for
rical boundary for autism into “carving meatloaf at its joint the total number of empirical studies of autism (Fig. 1c,d).
[29]”. These “joints” were however visible when autism was Studies reporting autistic traits in a large number of psy-
initially discovered decades ago. However, they disappeared chiatric or neurological conditions consider them by default as
as an effect of the “grinding” of autistic phenotypes into autistic traits rather than socialization features associated with
symptoms or traits. The replacement of pattern-like recog- a particular, non-autistic condition. Are these “autistic traits”
nition with the use of polythetic criteria in an effort to make themselves autistic? The answer is “no” if they are extracted
such clinical recognition a reliable and objective process has from the pattern they compose in combination with other
failed. Heterogeneity has introduced itself into the spaces traits. All striped animals are not tigers, and all stripes are not
between clinical sub-prototypes and has been authorized by tiger stripes.
their common inclusion in an overarching, criteria-based
category. Hence, the meatloaf “spectrum”.
Disentangling potentially artifactual from
Syndromic vs. non-syndromic autism genuine heterogeneity

Although the reported increase in prevalence of autism- There is, however, heterogeneity that plausibly belongs to
like syndrome in a limited number of identifiable neuro- the autism signal when the kinship between a prototypical
genetic syndrome (e.g., Fragile X, Williams syndrome) or clinical presentation and an altered version is biologically
identified copy-number variations (e.g., 16p11.2) is validated. Examples of this include developmental trans-
recognized, it has also been demonstrated that any neu- formations, some (but not all) variations in presentation
rodevelopmental condition accompanied by a certain according to intelligence and language level, and the
degree of intellectual disability and behavioral issues familial aggregation of autism subtypes.
increases the probability of satisfying certain autism cri-
teria [30]. The syndromic/non-syndromic distinction has Developmental transformation
been questioned by some on the basis that today’s non-
syndromic autistic presentations will be tomorrow’s syn- Removing variation due to age by a de-confounding
dromic ones, following new discoveries. Waiting for this procedure that integrates the time course in the sign
promised land, the bundling of non-syndromic and syn- characteristic is likely to remove at least part of the het-
dromic autism assumes external validity for the erogeneity introduced by one of the dominant sources of
entire spectrum of discoveries made in patients and population variation [40]. However, the developmental
animal models with an identified condition sometimes transformation of autistic signs [41], while generally
comorbid with autism-like presentations. However, this trending towards a smaller difference from typicality with
contention is not supported by the phenotypic dissim- age [42], is not a continuous process. Numerous signs in
ilarity between autism with and without penetrant the area of repetitive behaviors and restricted interests
de novo genetic variants [31], nor by the mechanistic present their own developmental course [43], such as, for
differences between the strong effects of reliably identi- example, “hand leading”, which is used by a child to
fied de novo mutations, on the one hand, and the additive nonverbally indicate what he wants. It therefore combines
weak effects associated with common variants [13, 32], an atypical manner of requesting (positive for the
on the other. In addition, the multiple mutations and “abnormal social approach” sign) with a specific
pathogenic pathways associated with syndromic autism language-specifier value (speechless plateau), nonverbal
are only rarely/exceptionnaly [33] traced in non- intelligence (in the normal range), and a certain age range
syndromic autism. (2–5 years). Similarly, hand flapping, lateral glances, the
3182 L. Mottron, D. Bzdok

absence of overt joint attention, and even most self- Re-building autism subgroups from the recognition
injurious behaviors have a “golden age”. These con- of its most prototypical forms
siderations would justify the coupling of age of occur-
rence with specifier values, and qualitatively defined There is more information in the brains of autism experts
categorical signs, which could increase the capacity of the than that provided by diagnostic instruments. Thus, new
clinician to recognize an autistic feature. criteria should be built from such expertize by decomposing
the phenotype of a prototypical population into the quali-
Does familial aggregation of autism subtypes and tative signs that contribute to recognizing autism, which do
other psychiatric diagnoses validate autism not coincide with the DSM signs. Experts recognize more
heterogeneity? reliably “frank” autism than any of the diagnostic instru-
ments developed to operationalize this diagnosis using
Studies of first-degree relatives of autistic people demon- check-list criteria [49]. Importantly, this reliability was
strate an increased prevalence of cognitive, motor, and independent of age, IQ, and level of functioning. The top-
psychiatric differences relative to the general population down search for behaviors corresponding to criteria during a
[44]. Familial aggregation of multiple presentations diagnostic process is intrinsically more inclusive that the
encompassed under the autism spectrum category range bottom-up recognition of the behavioral patterns that such
from discrepant autism subtypes (e.g., with and with- criteria are based on. Any forthcoming revision of the
out Speech Onset Delay (SOD) [45]) in siblings to sub- diagnostic criteria for autism should also restrict the current
threshold atypicalities or a “broader autism phenotype”. At number of combinatorial possibilities of the clinical speci-
its most extreme, there is a familial co-occurrence of con- fiers. Instead, it may be beneficial to associate specific
ditions which minimally overlap with the autism phenotype combinations of values of these specifiers with specific
and are clinically considered as differential diagnoses at the clinical subtypes.
phenotypic level, such as specific language impairment
[46], or as an unambiguously different type, such as mood Study autism subgroups separately, then compare
disorders [47]. them
Such familial aggregation validates a certain mechanistic
relationship between a prototypical and less prototypical Instead of an a priori assumption that all presentations of
presentation of autism. However, it should not result in ASD represent the same condition, it would be beneficial to
encompassing any presentation with a trivial resemblance to study potential autism subgroups separately and merge
autism under a “subthreshold” or “trait” dimension. The them only if they are similar for targeted variables. Beyond
independence between genetic alterations and the resulting non-syndromic autism with and without SOD, candidate
phenotype associated with them is a well-accepted trivial subgroups include syndromic autism, and validated and
finding in behavioral genetics. For example, the 22q11.2 non-validated subthreshold individuals. Excluding the
deletion syndrome shows variable penetrance and is asso- aspect of speech from the diagnostic criteria accounts for
ciated with multiple, phenotypically unrelated psychiatric much heterogeneity and increases the risk of losing the
presentations [48]. In contrast, a minimal variation of the information conveyed by speech to the diagnosis. Having or
dominant social phenotype in any condition or in the typical not a history of SOD has a lifelong impact, not only on
population can still be labeled “autistic” [34], even language and speech [50] but also on the nature of peaks of
in situations in which the relationship with the full-blown abilities [51], intelligence subtest profiles [52], motor dif-
phenotype is unproven—another example of an unfounded ficulties [53], domains of interest [54], lateralization of brain
“autism exception”. structures [55] and functions [56], gyrification [57], white
matter [58], and neural activity during speech-like proces-
sing [59], which are unavoidably blurred when the two
Acknowledging the effect of artifactual subgroups are analyzed together.
heterogeneity in clinical settings and Other possible combinations of IQs, co-occurring con-
research programs ditions, and speech levels or histories may also define
relevant subgroups, each with its own neurological and
The decrease in effect-sizes in neurocognitive autism genetic correlates and co-existing symptoms. The absence
research over time is likely due to increased artifactual of such precaution results in the dilution of biological or
heterogeneity, which affects our ability to construct neuro- neurocognitive markers, which are only evident in proto-
biological models of autism. We propose that these pro- typical individuals, representing the center of a category or
blems may be mitigated by modifying the diagnostic criteria subcategory. This dilution biases meta-analyses in favor of
and prevalent research strategies. type 2 errors [60], closing avenues opened in the first years
Autism spectrum heterogeneity: fact or artifact? 3183

of autism research [61]. The assumption that co-variation of research question, the unfounded but consensual assimila-
specifier values in the target analyses will separate their role tion of autism and autistic traits, and meta-analyses that
in the variables under study is only tenable “everything else condense results contaminated by premature assumptions
being equal”, which is wrong if studies inadvertently col- into apparent truth all promote a lasting mechanism to
lapse differently heterogeneous subgroups, known as produce null findings. The time has come to usher research
Simpson’s paradox [62]. on autism towards prototypical individuals and to limit the
heterogeneity of autism to a situation in which the variants
Research autism before the autism spectrum of the autism phenotype have a traceable link with proto-
typical autistic individuals.
Conserving a distinct line of research dedicated to proto-
typical autism is still justified, whereas it is at risk of dis- Acknowledgements We thank Julie Bareil, Stéphanie Caillé, Alexis
Beauchamp-Chatel, Daniel Chicouene, Michelle Dawson, Nada
appearing under the current spectrum approach to diagnosis.
Esseily, Melissa Faivre, Baudoin Forgeot d’Arc, David Gagnon, Catie-
For example, studying the gradual improvement of socio- anne Gagnon, Pascale Grégoire, Guillaume Huguet, Drigissa Ilies,
communicative signs between preschool and school age in François Lesperance, Sebastien Jacquemont, Edith Ménard, Azalée
children with an initial prototypical presentation provides Mongrain-McNally, Soizic Peignot, Juliette Rabot, and Eya-Mist
Rødgaard for the exchanges of ideas that took place during the
information on the temporal characteristics of these signs
development of this article.
[63]. Such knowledge would help improve the specificity of
these signs and their contribution to retrospective diagnoses.
Compliance with ethical standards
It is also necessary to preserve a threshold of qualitative
similarity with the prototypical autism phenotype, in addi- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
tion to the non-specific severity threshold. interest.

Re-conceptualize autistic signs/traits Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

The relationship, either mechanistic or phenotypic, between Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
“autistic traits” and autism, implied by the use of the term Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
“autistic” trait rather than “social” or “repetitive” trait, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
should be scientifically validated, despite some potentially long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if
superficial resemblance. Their “autistic” quality should be changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
ascertained by a) their qualitative aspects, b) their co- article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless
occurrence in the prototypical condition, and c) their con- indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
textual validation, as the demonstration of a previous, included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended
use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted
developmentally anterior, above-threshold presentation. use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright
Trait studies in the general population or certain non-autistic holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.
conditions are not informative about above-threshold autism org/licenses/by/4.0/.
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