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MBA Fourth Semester

Distribution of
Max. Credits Credits
Course Code Title Marks u P

© TF

BUM- AECC- Project Management 100 1 0
421 1 0

BUM- DSM-422 Corporate Strategy 100
Soft Skill Development & Field 100 1 0

Marketing Management
Retail Management and product 100
BUM- SE -424A Management
B2B Marketing, Sales and 100
BUM- SE -424B Distribution Management

Financial Management
International Financial
BUM- SE -425A Management and Foreign 100
Exchange Management
International Accounting and
BUM- SE -425B Projects Planning Analysis 100
Human Resource Management
BUM- SE -426A International HRM and Cross =f =
Cultural Management
BUM- SE -426B Industrial Legislation & Labour |

gg se

Fourth Semester
Course Code: BU
M- AECC-421
Title: Project Mana

Course Code Distribution of

Title Max. Credits
Marks | Credits F =

puM- AECC-421 Project Management 0
100 4 3 1

course Objective: Dealin 9 with the rules & process of Project based working; Risk
involved & its Management

= Project Management: Introduction, Need for Project Management, | 12

Project Management Knowledge Areas and Processes, The Project Life | Hours
Cycle, The Project Manager (PM), Phases of Project Management Life
Cycle, Project Management Processes, Impact of Delays in Project
Completions, Essentials of Project Management
Philosophy, Project Management Principles
UNIT -II_ | Project Identification and Selection: Introduction, Project Identification | 12

Process, Project Initiation, Pre-Feasibility Study, Feasibility Studies, | Hours
Project Break-even point, Project Planning: Introduction, Project
Planning, Need of Project Planning, Project Life Cycle, Roles,
Responsibility and Team Work, Project Planning Process, Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS), PERT and CPM
UNIT -IIl | Organisational Structure and Organisational Issues: Introduction, | 12
Concept of Organisational Structure, Roles and Responsibilities of | Hours l
Project Leader, Relationship between Project Manager and Line
Manager, Leadership Styles for Project Managers, Conflict Resolution,
Team Management and Diversity Management, Change management
UNIT -IV | Understanding different fundamental contract types and some of the | 12
variants, Introduction, Risk, Risk Management, Role of Risk | Hours
Management in Overall Project Management, Steps in Risk
Management, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Reducing Risks
UNIT-—V | Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation: Introduction, | 12
Performance Measurement, Productivity, Project Performance | Hours
Evaluation, Benefits and Challenges of Performance Measurement and
Evaluation, Controlling the Projects

Books Recommended:
> Project Management: Principles of Project Management- Paul Newton and Helen
Fundamentals of Project Management- James P. Lewis

Project Management: Process, Technology and Practice- Ganesh Vaidyanathan

Project Management- Harold me W ee

_ 4

Fourth Semester
Course Code: BUM- DSM-422
Title: Corporate Strategy
S. i — Distribution of
+H ourse Code Title Marks | Credits Credits
L LE P| Cc
1. | BUM-DSM-422 | Corporate Strategy 100 4 3 1 0| 4

Course Objective: learning the various strategies for corporate performance; dealing in
Models for success of Corporates.

UNIT -1 Introduction to Strategic Management: Objectives and policies; | 12 Hours

General Management point of view: Strategic Decision making
and Role of Strategist in Strategic Management
UNIT —lI The External Environment-Industry Analysis-Stakeholder 12 Hours , ;
Analysis & Non-Market Strategy-Competitive Advantage and . meee
Value Chain
UNIT - III | Competing through Business Models -Competit
and Firm Resources, Competitive Analysis: Fra
analyzing competition, Strategic Choice and Impke
Tools and techniques for Strategic Analysis; Impac
experience Curve, BCG Matrix, GEC Model

UNIT —IV_ | Generic Strategies and Competitive Advantage -T

of Competitive Advantage, Internal Analysis; SWC
Industry Analysis, Strategic profile of a firm: case §
UNIT-—V_ | Competitive Advantage to Corporate Advantage »
Analysis, Strategic Planning: Formulation of Strat

Books Recommended:
Business Policy & Strategic Management, Azhar Kaz

Business Policy, Strategic Planning & Management, P.K

Ansoff, H. Igor. Implanting Strategic Management, Eng
AV ee NN

Hall., 1984.
Budhiraja, S.b. and Athreya, M.B. Cases in Strategic
Hill, 1996.
Christensen, C.R. etc. Business Polley: Text and.
D. Irwin, valle

MBA Fourth Semester
Title: Soft Skill development & Field Project - BUM-SEC-423
Course Code Title
Credits 7 T of Credit
Distribution TPTt
Soft Skill development &
8. BUM
hee Field Project 100 ae Sibel a: Os
Soft Skill development & Field Project shall be based on various practical
Exercises which, shall comprise of Improving Communication Skills, Practices,
debates, paper writing, case competition, group discussion, conferences surveys,
management games, role-plays, workshops extempore, |
speeches, library assignments, company studies project assignme
age of these items will be announced by the teachers concemed |
the Professor & Head/Dean. The plan for the semester will be
The selected topics shall be from the all subjects that are bein,
general topic of academic importance. Marks may be awarde
performance of the examinees, for which the scheme of exam
shall be (40+60) marks. The evaluation is to be made intern
externally out of 60 marks which will be for project work and \V
In Additional to above, students are supposed to use library's
Departmental and Central Library along with the latest journ
periodicals and cases discussed during the classrooms
supposed to update this knowledge with the new ari
distributed in the classroom session. Workshops, Group
are the additional sources of knowledge. *

MBA Fourth Semester ait
Course Code: BUM- SE-424B a

Distribution of 2
Course Code _ Title Max. Credits Credits
: Marks
| BUM- 2B Mark
B2B Marketing, Sales and T1P\c ff;
! UM SERGE Distribution Management we : 5 Cal acalae i

Course Objective: Learn about the different concepts of Marketing; Understanding and
designing of Market Channels.

UNIT -1 B2B Marketing: Market Opportunity Identification—Analysis &

Evaluation-Introduction to B2B Marketing-Customer Analysis-
Customer Relationship Management Strategies f
UNIT -II Assessing Market Opportunities-Environmen'
Impacting Supply Chain Power-Strategic Mal
Managing Products for Business Markets-Mane gi
Marketing Channels
UNIT —III_ | Pricing-Key Account Management-Business
Communication-Business Marketing Ct
Branding ee >
UNIT -IV | Introduction to SDM & Marketing
DesignChannel Migration & Emergent Ch
Conflict. in Channel Management-Wholesa
Distribution —
Retailing and Modern Retail-Introducti
| Selling-Strategic Sales Managem
bee: Analytic pal
oe EvaluationSocial &

Fourth Semester
‘ Course Code: BUM- SE-425A
Title: International Financial Management and Foreign Exchange Management
Distribution of
at, Course ode
Cod Title Max.
Marks Credits 7 ree =

International Financial
1, | BUM-SE-425A | Management and Foreign 100 3 3 On Onn
Exchange Management

Course Objective: to learn the global Financial Market: Foreign Exchange processes;
International Financial Operations.

UNIT | International Financial Environment, International Financial Transaction, Foreign | 9

= Exchange Market: An Introduction, Foreign Exchange Market: Market Participants,
Introduction to Indian Foreign Exchange Market, International Monetary Standard:
Gold Standard, International Monetary System: Paper Currency Standard,
Purchasing Power Parity & Bretton Woods Agreement, Floating Rate, Currency
Boards & Currency Basket Systems, Foreign Exchange Contracts: Spot
Forward Contracts, Foreign Excnange eontacts. Swap: s and |

=i Rates, epee Rate Arithmetic: Cross Rates & Tr

Rate Theories: Purchasing Power Parity, Purchasing
Theories: een ge Rate Pass usps: i

_ Fourth Semester
Course Code: BUM- SE-425B
Title: : International Accounting and Project Planning Analysis Management
s moe Distribution of
No.x Course Code Title Credits Credits
ede Le eT ehPAKe
International Accounting and
1. BUM- SE-425B Project Planning AtaayoN 100 3 3 0 3 0

Course Objective: To learn about Audit, its dimensions, evaluation of Firms Per

UNIT -1 International Dimensions of Accounting- international

International dimensions of Financial Reporting, Chara
reporting in emerging capital market, Transfer pricing.

UNIT -ll Performance Evaluation, Analysis of foreign financia

Issues in International financial statement analysis, |
Accounting Curriculum, Global Risk Management.

UNIT — III | Generation and Screening of Project Idea; Capital E

and Difficulties; Market Demand and Situational Ana
Financial Analysis; Analysis of Project Risk; Firm

IT—IV_ | Multipleop Project a

and Conan 5 NetworkKk
ae _| Management; Project Review and Administrative
in India; Problem of areas tagtyCost Overrun in Pu
~ ie ty

Fourth Semester
Course Code: BUM- SE-426A
Title: International HRM & Cross Cultural Management

Distribution of
Course Code Title Max. | credits Credits

Marks L T P|C
BUM- SE-426A International HRM & Cross 400 3 3 o lol 3
Cultural Management

Course Objective:
. . To learn the Int ernation
i al HR Environ
i ment; understand the HR workin
with Cross-culture Challenges; leadership : & performance Management system. :

UNIT gtk bei) Approaches, Challenges in global labour market-Linking HR | 9

-! eninioiel onal expansion strategies, Socio-cultural context, Culture and | Hours
: y' _management Issues, challenges in managing employee diversity,
s ages of international involvement, developing HRM policies in global context,
Managing expatriate assignments with HRM policies. Case study1
UNIT Institutional & Structural Context-Managing alliances and joint ventures ,HR | 9
ll challenges in cross border integrations-Legal issues in global workforce | Hours
management, Meeting the challenges of effective Staffing in International | —
context, appraisal of expatriate, third and host country employees, case study 2 _ ee

UNIT Issues in international performance management, international training,

Ill international compensation-approaches, composition, social security systems
across countries, emerging issues, International Labour Relations, HRM z
practices in different countries. Case study 3 i
UNIT Cross Cultural Management: Dimensions of culture, the impact of culture on ‘hogar
role of Glok
-IV business practices, leadership across cultures, challenging
study 4 ae
Manager/Leader, need for cross-cultural management. Case

communications and neg¢ Hos eB

cultural ee

aak.bates +4 >

Fourth Semester
Course Code: BUM- SE-426B
Title: Industrial Legislation & Labour Laws

S. Course Code Distribution of

No. ee mex. | Credits Credits
4. | BUM-SE-426B | Labour
Legislation& 100 3 3 0/0
Course Objective:
" To Learn Various Business Laws through respec ACTS;ti Under
ve stand
the ov
legal Complian
i cesof Corporate; . Learn about the right
; s of workmen and rulesk to protect

UNIT Factories Act, 1948:- Objectives; Def:- Factory, Manufacturing Process, | 9

Worker, Occupier; Inspecting Staff; Measures for--Health, Safety, Welfare,
working hours of Adults, Employment of Young Persons; General duties of Panel
Manufacturer for article& Substances.
s Pe ak ee
UNIT | Industrial Dispute Act, 1947:- Objectives of Act; Def of Industrial Dispu
Il Public Utility Services; Unfair Labour Practices; Strike-
strike in general & for Public Utility Services; Lock
Lay-Off—Def, Forms & Methods, Compensation in Lay.
Def, Essentials, Conditions precedent to retrenchment of

UNIT | Trade Unions Act 1926:- Def, Registration of TU,

—It | General Fund & Political Fund.
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923: Def:- an
Occupation; Dependents; Disablement, Employers Liat
Amount Of Compensation. =e
UNIT | Minimum Wages Act, 1948:- Theory of
—IV_ | Theory, Wage Fund Doctrine, theory of Marginal
Def- Wages, living wage, Fair Wage; Need Base NV
Payment of Wages Act:- Objectives, Provisio
Unlawful Deductions, Authorised edt
of payment. a =
UNIT | Maternity Benefit Act,
—~V_ | Women; Right to Pay


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